Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 180: You forced me

Lu Xiaoshuai ran away, his down jacket trembling up and down, revealing a white back waist.

   Actually, he doesn't have to run. If he is thinking of an adult, he can still bully a few little girls?

   Besides, Yang Xiao said that he was making trouble.

   But, let's play! You have to shout, you have to cooperate exaggeratedly.

   These are all instincts, sixteen or seventeen-year-old instincts, Lu Ge enjoys it!


   Qi Lei giggled, watching Lu Xiaoshuai rush out and run away.

   leisurely returned to his own seat, and Xu Xiaoqian greeted everyone and talked about Dashan while sitting down and waiting for Lao Liu to come over and arrange the task of moving.

   Yang Xiao went back to the front row of Qi Lei, and stared at Liu Lin who was sitting there, "Go and play!"

   Boss Liu Lin was unwilling, but he was wronged, "Go back to your specialty class? Why do you push me?"

   As a result, Yang Xiao put both hands in front of him, like a quail, "Liu Lin, you are the most loyal!"

   Liu Lin stared, "Don't let me fool me, who is doing this?"

   However, even though he said so, his body moved to the back row honestly and went to find Sanbingzi as a companion.

   Yang Xiao sat down beautifully, turned around and high-five Xu Xiaoqian, "Oh!"

   After a while, Lao Liu entered the class with his hands behind his back, and after a round of inspections, he suddenly said: "Have you finished your homework during the winter vacation?"

   "Do~~~~End~~~~!" There was a long voice underneath, and there were few confident answers.

   Old Liu Dengshi knew something in his heart, he smiled, "Look back, I'll check it slowly!"



   When I came in, I gave everyone a disarm, and everyone was shocked.

   But Lao Liu seemed very satisfied. After all, if everyone is not happy, he is happy.

   beckoned to Qi Lei, motioning Qi Lei to follow him out.

   When the two of them left the classroom, they went straight to the dormitory building. It should be for Qi Lei to arrange tasks.

   It wasn't until Lao Liu left that Sister Xiaoer, who had just returned to beauty, suddenly realized a problem, a very serious, life-and-death problem.

   turned around and said to Xu Xiaoqian: "I'm stupid! I should be back in a few days!"

  The inspection work of the special class is very loose, and it is easy to get confused. Didn't he hit Lao Liu's muzzle when he came back so early?

   At this time, 20% came from the back of the cat waist, "Xiao Xiaoxiao, sister Xiaoer...Take me with a belt, I, I, I, I haven't moved a pen!"

   Yang Xiao rolled his eyes, "What are you going to do? Is your tongue special?"


   The whole class laughed, isn't Dong Weicheng uncomfortable? Is Yang Xiao a parent who is used to children?


   Er Cheng Zi immediately became angry, "No, no, pull down!"

   Talking about the troubled time, time passed quickly, and after half an hour, Qi Lei came back by himself.

  As soon as they enter the class, they are assigned tasks. Girls boil water and take rags to clean in the new classroom, and boys move tables, chairs and benches.

   Everyone started moving right away, while Dong Weicheng and Fang Bing went to the head of the team gossiping, "Lao, where's Lao Liu!?"

   Qi Lei replied, "I went to the main building, it seems to be picking up students."

   "Pick up, pick up students!?" Dong Weicheng stared, "Our class is finally about to join newcomers!?"

   It’s time to enter newcomers. At present, the number of students in Class 14 is the second smallest in the entire second year of high school.

   The one with the least people is still the eight beasts!

   That's right, it's a beast, not even an animal.

   The second is the fourteenth class. After more than twenty people have been divided into classes, there are more than forty students left.

   You know, other classes have more than 70 students on average.

   Dong Weicheng can look forward to the newcomer, so he doesn't have to be the last one.

   Okay, Da Dongzi is gone. I don’t know what happened to Sanbingzi. Anyway, Dong Weicheng can’t catch it anyway, it’s just a little bit short of returning.

   You need to know that 20% is not disappointed, he has made great progress, from more than 800 in the first year of high school, to 1200 at the end of last year...

   It's not that he regressed, he still has the experimental middle school!

   In his first year of high school, he was in his early a thousand in the second middle school, and the ranking was more than 800.

   By the second year of high school, the students from the experimental middle school joined together, and the students who borrowed them, there were more than 2,200 students in the whole school year. He can reach 1200, which is infinitely close to the middle level.

   But Sanbingzi is still missing, Dong Weicheng wonders if this guy has learned it secretly.

   For this reason, everyone has always wanted to change his nickname, don't call him Erchengzi, change his name to "Dachengzi"!

   But Dong Weicheng quit.

   As long as he does not change his name, he will be the second to last, and Dadongzi will always be the first to last in Class 14!


  What kind of logic?

   In short, anyway, Er Cheng Zi is looking forward to the newcomers, it is better to have more.

   With this grade, except for the top class, which class is not a middle-level "good boy"? Why should I be the last one?

   A few more cushions are Dong Weicheng's ultimate dream.

  Everyone is looking forward to it.

   Lu Xiaoshuai didn't know where he got out, "It's better to have more girls!"

   won the consensus of everyone.

   Qi Lei has nothing to do with the newcomers. It’s very light, and it’s not bad to have fewer people.

   Class 14 is not satisfied with sitting, it is inappropriate to say something, lying down in class, is it not good?

   urged everyone to move quickly, "Anyway, there is no class today. It is it when it gets dark. After finishing it in the morning, it is also it for cutting "Legend" in the afternoon. You can figure it out!"

   Everyone: "..."

   makes sense!

   So, the boys all started to work.

   Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao knew Qi Lei too much, "Let him fool you again, right?"

   "Done in the morning? After the morning, Lao Liu has to let you sit there for self-study? Still want to run? Let's dream!"

   In the blink of an eye, Class 14 was vacated.

   Only the earthen stove in the middle is left, and there are broken blackboards at the front and back.

   To be honest, everyone is a little bit reluctant at this time.

When    was assigned to the West Campus, everyone was aggrieved. But I really wanted to leave here, and countless memories came up again.

The big footprints on the roof, the study plan left by the boss on the broken blackboard every day to everyone, and the second form of the phrase "Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor" on the back wall blackboard. declaration.

   I used to think about changing classrooms when I was okay, changing to the building to enjoy the blessings, but only when I really changed, I found out that those memories that make people remember, in fact, have nothing to do with good classrooms or broken classrooms.

   People never miss something, but the time left on that thing.


   Fang Bing locked the door and threw the key to Qi Lei, smashing his mouth during the period.

   After a while, the class key he had kept for more than a year had to be handed over to the logistics office, and had nothing to do with him.

   Qi Lei took it, smiled lightly, and threw another key of the new class to him, without saying anything.

   Fang Bing didn't respond at once, almost missed it, and was overjoyed. He smiled and put it in his pocket.

  He is quite willing to take care of the class keys.



  The new classroom is on the third floor of the old dormitory building. It was originally a female dormitory.

   is not the kind of small dormitory with four or six people in the university.

   This building was built in more than seven years. How could you have a dormitory with four and six people at that time?

   Twelve high and low beds in a dormitory can accommodate 24 people. Moreover, this is considered good condition. The male dormitory on the first floor and the second floor is a large dormitory with 16 beds and 32 people.

   So it’s very large, and it’s a little smaller than a normal classroom.

   There is heating, so there is no need to burn the stove.

   Moreover, the location is also good. The dormitory building is on the left side of Guangmingding, on the right side is the artillery building, diagonally opposite to the main building, which is close to everywhere.

   Looking out from the window, you can also see the second and third grades in the east corner of the main building.

  The most comfortable thing is that the dormitory has an indoor toilet, so you don’t have to go to the gun house to freeze your **** in the winter.

   is not a Northeastern child, and will never understand how sour and sour it is to go to the toilet outside in winter.

   Where am I?

   Where is my fart?

   Anyway, everything is fine.

   is the class next door is a bit unwilling...

  Because it is a dormitory building, and the dormitory on the third floor is a bit smaller than the first floor and the second floor, how can it be no more than a normal-sized classroom.

   Therefore, the third floor is full of "small classes", and it can only accommodate a relatively small number of classes, and more than 50 people will be the sky.

   If it's a big class with seventy or eighty people, it will have a lot of people.

   Therefore, the five classes on the third floor are: Experimental Class One, Class Two, Class Fourteen, Class Sixteen and Class Seventeen in the Second Middle School.

  Four top class, one former scum class.

   It's so dying, Class Fourteen was caught in the middle.

   On the right is Class 16, which is Wang Guochen's class. In other words, they became neighbors with Wang Xueliang's group again.

   can only say, fate!

   Class 16 and then to the right is Class 17, the original Class 2 of the second middle school.

   On the left is the second experimental class, which is the gathering place for top students except the eight people from the northern experimental Qingbei class.

   On the left of the second class is the first class composed of the eight beasts.

   Anyway, all classes are relatively small.

   "What a special thing!" There is no need for Qi Lei, even Erchengzi and Sanbingzi can see that something is wrong.

   "This is a fight between gods and mortals?"

   "In the middle!"

   Regarding this, Qi Xuefeng and Liu Lin don't care about that, "What are you afraid of? Hit him! I'll do it all for him, I think, who dares to stab!?"

   These two grandsons are so special, no one is angry.

   As a result, everyone rolled their eyes, "Have the head hit?"

   After finishing speaking, he subconsciously glanced at Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian.

   Don’t look at the fourteenth class sweeping the ordinary class, from the bottom to the bottom, which one hasn’t been beaten by the fourteenth class? It seems pretty good.

   But, in front of the top class, it doesn't work.

   That is about talent. They can't get involved in the battle at the top level. They can only look at the team leader and Xu Xiaoqian, as well as Zhou Zhizhou's.

   Even if Yang Xiao came back, he barely increased his combat power, but the four of them were useless.

   Besides, the team leader has been stretched, and I can't count on it!

   In this regard, Qi Lei is also very honest, "Don't think...Don't dream...Don't say it, let's abuse the ordinary class, it's good!"

   Qi Lei is a sober, tortured ordinary class, which can be done with one effort.

   But compared with the top class, it is not necessarily comparable to the exhaustion, why bother?

   Everyone also took it seriously, only as a joke passed away.

   But, they want to pass, others do not want to pass!

   The fourteenth class moves faster, and all of them have been moved. The other two classes have just started to move.

   With Class Fourteen in the middle, facing the stairs, Wang Xueliang and Class Sixteen saw the number of Class Fourteen as soon as they went upstairs.

   An angry Wang Xueliang rolled his eyes, "Hey, will the ghost stay!?"

   But fortunately, I have been neighbors with Class 14 since the beginning of high school. Apart from grades, I basically didn't take advantage of anything else. I have long been used to it.

   But when Class Seventeen came over, it was different.

   Class 17 and Class 14 have not been in contact with each other since the first year of high school. There is a main building and a west school building.

   This time I finally became a neighbor in a cave, and I felt that...Don't mention it, I can't wait to eat class 14.

   You should know that Class 17 was the second class before the school was combined. It hasn't stopped since the winter vacation of the first year of high school.

   I haven't had a leisurely vacation. The head teacher is learning to compete with Class I, and I am learning to compete with Class 14.

   talked about things with class fourteen every day, depriving them of countless vacations, and left them with too many homework.

   The children from Class 17 are not tortured by humans anymore.

   You can imagine how much they hate Class 14!

   Good this time, I am a neighbor!

   The squad leader of Class 17, and a few celebrities even went to the door of Class 14 to make a circle, "Oh, your class has something less!"

   Liu Lin was posing at the door, he was stunned when he heard this, "What's missing?"

   Guo Zhiyong, the squad leader of Class 17, pointed to the white wall beside the door.

   Liu Lindeng's face turned black at the time. It's so special, right?

  I can write in the West Campus, can I write here? Isn't that just looking for abuse? On the third floor, one on the left and one on the right, which one is not better than the fourteenth class?

  Besides, do you know how hard it is for the fourteenth class to hold back the words for the strongest class fourteen?

  The head of the class was so hot that they almost didn't die in more than a year.

   "Hey." Guo Zhiyong looked at Liu Lin's face that had fallen down and said Coke, haha, "Just kidding, don't care!"

   really didn't have much malice, just jostling around and avenging him by the way.

   Liu Lin also knew that Guo Zhiyong had a low-mouthed, not deliberately provoking.

after all....

   After all, the two experiments on the left are foreign.

   also got close to Guo Zhiyong, "Against each other, don't fight inside."

   Guo Zhiyong nodded, "It's a must!"

   After speaking, he took someone away.

   After a while, the second class also came up.

  The squad leader led the team, and the whole class brought it in. It was not disappointing at all. When I got to the top of the stairs, I took a good look at squad 14.

   was still lying at the door and looking in, monitor Song Xiaole was still chatting with Liu Lin, "Huh? Classmate, which is Qi Lei?"

Well, last semester, that is, the semester when the school was just joined, Qi Lei, who was blown to the sky, was reported to Chen Peng, Jia Mingming, and Zhou Lei, except when the school started. After the goods were in class, they completely lost their sense of existence.

   You think, it’s not just the decline in performance. Starting in September, before the monthly exam at the end of the month, Qi Lei and the others went to Beijing to participate in some summer camp.

   It took more than half a month to go there, and when I came back, I took the monthly exam in October, and my results fell further.

After   , those heads were ready to surprise their parents, plus the mess before "Legend" went live, Qi Lei was out of school anyway.

   In the eyes of the experimental students who have just merged, it is: It seems that it is not as godly as the rumors!

  The only impression of Qi Lei is that the opening ceremony on the day of the merger was hosted by Qi Lei and Jiang Yao, the third-year goddess of high school. They just took a long look, so that many people don't know what Qi Lei looks like.

   It's no wonder Song Xiaole has such a question.

   At this time, Song Xiaole was very polite, while Liu Lin pointed to the classroom.

   By the window, Qi Lei was sitting on the table with Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao, and Fang Bing, bragging about X!

   "That's it."

   "Oh!" Song Xiaole raised her eyebrows, only to see a profiled face, "It seems nothing special!"

   Liu Lin sounds a little uncomfortable, what's the name is nothing special? Our team is very awkward, okay.

   Just about to say something, it was Song Xiaole who shook his head and left with his lips, disappointed.

   angered Liu Lin, "Damn! Is it bullying to the door?"

   However, there is still more to come!

   The legendary squad finally appeared on the finale.

   Eight people, five men and three women, there was nothing moving upstairs.

   I saw Class 14 facing the stairs...Well, there was no response, it was all air, and it passed away with my head held high.

  At first, Liu Lin still thought that these eight beasts were good, at least they didn't have to show up with the fourteenth squad like those few turtle squads.

   Learning well is different, and the quality is higher than others.

   But what happened next, almost didn't make Liu Lin vomit blood.

   The eight beasts didn't pay attention to it. They went to a class of classroom, opened the door to enter, and soon turned around and came out a boy.

   This person Liu Lin knows, the third in the school year at the end of last semester, his name is Qian Hongjun.

   At this time, holding ink in his hand and a writing brush, he is writing a dragon and snake on the white wall next to the door, the thief is chic!

   [The strongest... Class one! ! 】

   "I'm poof!" Liu Lin vomited blood directly, **** your uncle, right? ?

   We are the strongest if we don’t hang up, have you hanged up? Slap on the face?

   Ha ha, it's really a matter of choice! It's a face slap!

  Experimental Qingbei Class, what is that? The top eight perverted academics in the experimental middle school, coupled with the special treatment of eight people in a class, it is difficult for you to let these eight people not arrogant and indulge.

  Don't talk about a scumbag in the second middle school, the second class in the experiment, and two top classes in the second middle school, they are not in the eyes of others!

   The result is "One enters Jinan, Man Er Zi's home..." No, one enters Second Middle School, Man Er Qi Lei, and there are fourteen classes.

   What is even more exaggerated is that you still dare to build the "strongest" BUFF? Who gave you the courage?

   The point is that the teacher in a class is also a bad teacher, so he can pick things when he is okay.

   "You are not the strongest yet, the strongest is the 14th class of the second middle school!"

   So, the idiots of the first class have long wanted to grab the strongest name.

   Now, the timing is right.

   One is, moving.

   The second is, the strongest fart in class 14, Xu Xiaoqian, the strongest in your class, is almost out of the top ten!

   This Liu Lin was angry and rushed back to the classroom, "Class leader! Go out and have a look, ride your face!"

   Qi Lei wrinkled his head, "What's wrong?"

   Talking and heading out, the fourteenth class naturally followed.

   Look, fuck, class one is very arrogant! ? Doesn't this bother them?

   Qi Qi looked at Qi Lei, meaning: What should I do? Team leader, give me a precise word.

   At this time, Qian Hongjun also saw a crowd of people rushing out of Class 14. He was not surprised, on the contrary, he was even more proud.

   raised his chin provocatively, meaning, what? Not convinced?

   Qi Lei is staring at his eyes, fuck, what do you see me doing?

   Did you fight with them last?

   should be such a script.

   But, I'll fight your uncle, Qi Lei won't fight!

   stepped forward, looked at the line of words, and smiled: "Classmate, isn't it suitable?"

   Qian Hongjun did not show any weakness, looked up at Qi Lei, "You are Qi Lei, right?"

   Qi Lei nodded, "I am Qi Lei."

   Qian Hongjun: "I think it's quite appropriate. The first class is the strongest, don't you think?"

   Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "You are indeed the strongest, but the whole school knows what's going on. If you do this, our class won't come to the stage anymore."

   Qi Lei is easy to talk about, but Qian Hongjun doesn't appreciate it at all.

   "Then I don't care, you hang the strongest, and we can't get off the stage!"

   Qi Lei frowned, "There is nothing to discuss? Can we just hang up?"

   I saw Qian Hongjun thinking for a while, and suddenly yelled to the class, "They have come to ask for peace, and they don’t want to talk about it. What do you say?"

   No one came out in the classroom. From Qi Lei's perspective, they couldn't see anyone. They heard a female voice, "What nonsense with them? See you in the exam if you refuse to accept it!"

   Qian Hong was delighted immediately, and turned to Qi Lei, "Look, it's useless to tell me, everyone doesn't agree."

"All right!"

   Qi Lei pursed his lips and nodded, and suddenly reached out and swiped, Qian Hongjun stepped aside.

   and Qi Lei stepped forward in two steps, came to the door of the first class, pushed the door open, and faced the seven people inside.

   "Who said that just now?"

   I saw a girl who was tidying up the desk raised her head. She looked sharp and wore glasses. In short, she was like someone owed her money.

   looked straight at Qi Lei without showing any weakness, "What I said, do you have an opinion?"

   Qi Lei smiled lightly, "It's all classmates, there is no need to be so stiff, right?"

   The girl shook her head, "But my head teacher told me that there are no classmates, only opponents!"

   Qi Lei, "Your head teacher lied to you."


   Qi Lei saw her silent, and looked at the door Qian Hongjun was still writing and painting descriptions.

   "Then you have to die?"

   The girl said this time, "Isn't it okay? I hope there is a bit of competitive pressure. You are all too weak and need a little motivation."

"All right!"

   Qi Lei couldn't talk anymore, pointed at the girl, "You forced me!"

   went back, silently greeted everyone to go back to the classroom first.

   Everyone doesn’t understand what’s going on, what do you mean? Do it or not? What are you doing back? Don't just forget it, right? Fuck, I can't afford to lose this person!

   Class 14 has always been known for its stubborn species. If this is persuaded, that person will collapse!

   "Go back and go back!" Qi Lei drove away, "Observe, good."

   Although everyone is not angry, even the girls want to rush in and scratch the four-eyed girl into noodles.

   But the head of the class has spoken, everyone still wants to listen.

   talked back to class, and glared back as soon as he entered the classroom, "Class leader, what do you want to do, the literary or the martial arts!?"

   But not wanting, Qi Lei smoked his nose, "Go and play, how do you compare those eight beasts?"

   Everyone really admits it?

   is over, the class leader is abolished! If it's not the one they admire, rolling up the sleeves is the leader of the team.

   "Head of the class..." Fang Bing couldn't bear it anymore, "Fuck them! What are you afraid of!?"

   Qi Lei glared at him, "Can't do it! But you can use your brain!"

   Just under the gaze of everyone's puzzled, unwilling, and unconvinced, Qi Lei suddenly grabbed the crack of the door and exposed his head into the corridor.

   Look around, there is no one else except the second idiot who writes in the first class.

   Suddenly got lucky with Dantian, screamed.

   "Fuck! What do you mean by class one? Look down on our second class, right?"

   "The second class, the sixteenth class, the seventeenth class, please come out for me, the first class has a stick!"

After    嚎, with a bang, shut the door tightly, and said, "She forced me."




   The classroom is silent, and everyone is dumbfounded.

   The dog is still your dog, real dog!

   Sanbingzi was the first to react, "Fuck, leader, are you a human?"

   scolded, laughed, and rushed towards the door.

   Other people also reacted and rushed to the door to watch the excitement.

   Qi Lei glared at him and made a silent gesture, and then, with everyone, posted on the door to listen to the excitement.


   Qian Hongjun outside was so stupid, he froze there holding a writing brush, looking at Qi Lei and retracting his head.

  He, what is he doing?

   The few in the classroom in the first class also heard it, and they were dumbfounded.

   What is the relationship between class four and class two, sixteen and seventeen? Does anyone have a bag in their head? What are you screaming for?

   suddenly realized that it was not good, but unfortunately, it was too late!

   As far as Qi Lei’s voice is, the whole building can almost be heard. How can I hear no movement in Class 2, Class 16, and Class 17,?

   Song Xiaole, the second class, was still talking about the mountains in the house. When I heard it, what was it? Our classmates have a conflict with the first class?

   didn't care whether the voice was from their class, and rushed out with someone.

   Wang Xueliang from Class 16 and Guo Zhiyong from Class 17, are naturally not far behind.

   "Who sets up a stick? Who dares to set up a stick!?"

   Then, rush out to take a look, fuck, the strongest class...

   Your first class is a bit shameful?

   The strongest class, who do you look down on! ?

   Song Xiaole rushed to the door of the first group, staring at Qian Hongjun, staring at the line of words, as if he was angry and angry.

   "Qian Hongjun, I **** you uncle! We are from a school, you **** us?"

   Qian Hongjun wanted to cry and was about to explain.

   However, Wang Xueliang and Guo Zhiyong also exploded, "Fun Te is the strongest, who will give you your face!?"

   There are conflicts between the two schools. From the teacher to the students, they have been struggling. This is an all-out explosion.

   Qian Hongjun, UU reading "No! Really! It's Class Fourteen Qi Lei!"

   Song Xiaole, "Guan Te, what's the matter with Qi Lei? Did he write it for you?"

   Qian Hongjun: "No!"

   Song Xiaole: "Aren't you talking about Qi Lei?"

   Qian Hongjun: "......"

   Why can’t you tell?

   Just about to explain, when the door of Class Fourteen opened, Qi Lei suddenly poked his head out.

   "Eh! Eh eh!? You gods fight, don't take us Banha, when we are so bullied, right?"

   "There is more!" Pointing to Qian Hongjun, "Dare to write or admit it? I look down on you!"

   Qian Hongjun: "......"

   The four-eyed girl in the classroom: "..."

   This grandson is really unscrupulous! ?

   Yes, the four classes started fighting.

   Qi Lei leaned on the door to watch the play.



   Is there a comma this time?

   The next chapter should be around nine o'clock!

   wrote more than ten thousand, and found that I couldn’t bear it myself. Then work hard today and finish this paragraph.

   Everyone who has the votes cast a vote, after 8 o'clock, you can also throw some rewards or something, thank you!

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