Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Assimilated freshmen

The biggest difference between high school life and universities and adults is that the world of adults, as well as the passionate youth on college campuses, comes more from independence.

   Independent life, more relaxed management by teachers and parents, makes college students have to think like adults, and slowly compromise to the world.

  Although the college students are still passionate, but every life that has just walked into the university campus seems so immature, and every young man and woman who walks out of the university seems to be scarred.

  Graduation means breaking up, graduation means unemployment, graduation means waking up...

   Even, after graduation, I will rush to the big dye vat of society...

   Every sentence is negative and poignant.

   It seems that all the good things are away from us the moment they pack up and step out of the dormitory.

   However, high school is completely different. This is a completely passive purgatory with no freedom. It seems that every young soul is daunted and disgusted.

   But, it seems that every rhetoric that describes high school life is full of hope.

   Everyone here is a raw jade, full of edges and corners.

   Everyone is so domineering that there is only black and white, no gray.

   This is the age that needs teachers and parents to guide and encourage.

  So that, here, you don't need to think too much, just follow the route designed by the adults and sprint all the way.

In everything    does, there is no need to consider the cause and effect. There is only the reckless second-year blood that does not need the hard work of reason.

   Then, it seems that all good things are in the future...

   is getting closer!

   When Qi Lei jumped and shouted like a madman in the corridor where he was standing, he also suddenly realized:

  My high school, it should be such a high school!

   should be a high school that doesn't care about gains and losses, and does some seemingly meaningless stupid things.

   It should be that there are not so many considerations, just follow the original intention of a presumptuous trip, do what you want, do not care whether it is worth or not.

   Isn’t this what he most wants to grasp when he has nothing?

   And now, he seems to have everything, but he doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

  What kind of reason! ?

   At this moment, the owner of the fool circle returned, and he finally realized the logic that Viagra had realized more than a year ago.'s a pity that there are nine newcomers.

   With the rational thinking of returning to a good school and achieving better results, he joined the second middle school family with high expectations.

   came in and found out that I was fooled!

   This 14th class... No, this school is not normal!

   From teacher to class leader, from class leader to student, where do you see a normal person?

   Are you sick? And the next day, it made them want to die again!

   Go special, don’t play anymore, okay?

   I'm here to learn, not to kill my life!

   The days after school started, nine people completely doubted their lives, and even thought a little confused that the school they had attended before was not a high school, that is, kindergarten.

   I won’t say anything else, the last one is working harder than you, who can stand it?

   You have been so desperately to be the last one, is it worth it! ?

   But, that's the truth, it's slapped on your face firmly.

   The children Li Yunxia, ​​Lin Jiajia, and Du Chaoshuang are all confused and can't handle the current situation completely.

   But you should know that the fourteenth group of livestock have tasted the sweetness, from the scumbag to the ordinary one, they have been killed all the way. It was also tortured for a long time by the venomous and vicious combination of old Liu and the leader of the team.

   Which one is mentally normal?

   How can there be a fear of facing such a situation?

   and the top class got caught up in the fire, and they became stronger, but the eyes of the fourteenth class were all green.

   Zhou Zhizhou was excited, "I'm back! I'm back! I'm back! I want to be the second child! I don't want to be the third child!"

   At noon on the same day, Zhou Zhizhou went to the bookstore to purchase and rewarded himself. He bought back all the sophomore workbooks that he could buy, and packed them in half sacks.

   did not scare Li Yunxia and the others to death, half a sack! ?

   really came back with a sack!

   After so long?

   Even if it is done, there will be no people, right?

   But the reality is so cruel, and more terrifying is yet to come.

  Lao Liu, Luo Meili, and Wang Guochen came here after hearing the news.

   With 20% and Sanbingzi from the bottom of the class, as well as monitor Qi Lei, leaned in and picked among those books.

   A few teachers picked out more than ten books from it. They thought they were good and useful, and threw them directly to Qi Lei, "List these and let them buy them by themselves."

   "You and Xu Qian, let's follow Zhou Zhizhou!"




What does    mean? In line? ? Yeah, also half a sack?

   As a result, Wang Guochen said again, "Wang Xueliang also bought a lot of money there, so I will get a list when I look back."



  Half a sack...isn’t that enough?

   This is not enough, here Qi Lei speaks again.

   "I asked my relatives in Harbin and Beijing to help find the question, and I can send it over in a few days."

   When the old Liu heard it, his eyes immediately brightened, "That's better, you must do the questions in the province! But the capital... you can take it back and give it to us first! Some are useful, some are useless."

Suddenly I thought of something, and said to Wang Guochen and Luo Meili: "In fact, we can discuss with the school, we can collect more questions from other places, and each teaching and research group will sort out the valuable ones, and make a set of our own questions. Anyway, the school year group has sufficient funds now!"

   Wang Guochen heard, "This is a good idea, let me take the lead when I turn around!"

  Wang Guochen is relatively authoritative in the second middle school. After all, Lao Liu is young and doesn't speak much.

   "That's it."

After    said, the three teachers left.




   The nine newcomers were dumbfounded again, and suddenly discovered that they had come to the wrong place. They were all lunatics in the second middle school.

   Then, when the teachers left, Qi Lei suddenly took out a wad of hundred yuan bills from his pocket, and the dozen or so exercise books picked out by Lao Liu and the others, and threw them to the bottom and the bottom.

   "Buy mimeographed paper, copy it again, and then mimeograph it for the class."

   Not everyone is like Zhou Zhizhou, the family conditions are good, and a few hundred yuan are thrown in the exercise book.

   is like Dong Weicheng. Both parents are laid-off workers. Where did the money come from?

   So, you have to print it yourself.

   It’s just that I heard these words in the ears of the nine newcomers:




   Copy... Copy it again?

   What's even more exaggerated is that Erchengzi and Sanbingzi didn't even fight, so they agreed directly.

   Don't you have the first and second-to-last enlightenment at all! ?

   Lin Jiajia stared at her eyes, and finally stopped watching. She was afraid that she would see something subverting the Three Views again.

   got up from the seat without a trace, stiffened, and cautiously left the classroom, rushed to the IC phone booth in the school, and dialed the phone at home.

   "Mom, can I go back to 163 Middle School?"

   "It's so scary, I won't stay!"

   is really scary.

   is only a sophomore in high school, you guys do the same as in high school, what are you doing? Do you want to be so serious?

   However, vomiting is returning to vomiting. If vomiting is useful, you are not a high school student.

   For Lin Jiajia's withdrawal, it was natural to provoke Lin's mother to scold her.

   "Others can insist, why can't you!?"

   "It seems that it is right to transfer you to Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, and it makes sense for other schools to get results!"

   Lin Jiajia: "......"

   It's impossible to turn back, I can only bite the bullet and insist.

   Lin Jiajia is very windy and sluggish and easy to be cold.

   The big deal... The big deal can't hold on. The old lady didn't listen to her mother, so she ran back to Harbin City. If I can't keep going, I can't help it, right?

   But, she didn't know, once it started, she couldn't stop.

   Lin Jiajia found that the learning atmosphere in Class 14 is so good that you can’t be lazy.

   Every morning, Fang Bing opens the door on time at six o'clock.

   At six ten ten, the class leader must go to the classroom and write down the day's study plan and time plan on the small blackboard according to the timetable.

   Twenty minutes before the start of the self-study early, the basic people are all there, and anyone who enters the classroom later is a bit embarrassed.

   Then, according to the timetable of the small blackboard, I started to take care of my own business.

   When the self-study started in the morning, the class teacher came, and the teachers of each subject also appeared in turns, occasionally speaking about a question or something.

   Moreover, if there is any subject or problem that cannot be solved by itself, there must be an answer within ten steps.

   Either the teacher is in the classroom, or you can find someone in the corridor when you leave the classroom.

   Moreover, the self-study in Class 14 never restricts students from moving around. No matter the teacher is or not, you can sit wherever you like to sit, and you can always find your classmates or go to the teacher to solve problems.

   At first, Lin Jiajia didn't get used to it at all, but it didn't take two days, and the few of them who sat motionless became out of the ordinary.

   On the third day of self-study, just a few people gathered together, or even a table, the teacher didn’t care.

   Then, Lin Jiajia discovered that since she was in the second high school, she couldn't stop. She walked according to the schedule every day, so she didn't have to worry about which subjects had more homework and which subjects were in a hurry.

  Moreover, the head teacher and the head of the class can always alter your nerves, and the cooperation is called a tacit understanding.

  What kind of person is Lao Liu! ? He is a devil, a wicked person!

   It’s just that, after he was overwhelmed by the pressure in the afternoon, the head of the class would definitely give everyone a self-study to relieve the pressure.

   Suppers, snacks, telling a story, or ordering a song on the radio, he has a lot of tricks.

   Class 14 study is intense, but the atmosphere is definitely not tense.

   As for the leader of the team... he is definitely a sick child!

   Relying on a few stinky money in the family, he behaves nonchalantly, dare to do anything.

   Okay, she heard that within a few days after she came here, the leader of the team runs a factory, the evil capitalist, the thieves have money!

  His father and his mother are still used to him, he is never short of money in his pocket, and he spends money without blinking.

   He can wrap round the barbecue from a skewers restaurant and take it to the class. The whole building is full of lamb smell.

   can also take the boys to bring back more than fifty bowls of small wontons.

   What's even more exaggerated is that Lao Liu must have accepted his family's gift.

  Sometimes, Lao Liu talked about reading comprehension on the top, but below it was all the sloppy movement of soup and dried wontons. You say it's annoying and not annoying?

   But, it is also strange. Lin Jiajia felt that when she was in 163 middle school, in addition to the workbooks issued by the school, she was already very diligent in doing one or two papers a day.

   But when she arrived in class 14, she didn't know how she was busy all day, the school's workbook, the workbook recommended by the teacher, besides that, she could write four or five more papers easily.

   After the evening self-study, there is even some time to spend freely.

   Lin Jiajia hates it!

  Hate old Liu, hate the head of the class, hate the papers and workbooks that class 14 can never finish.

   But, having said that, the whole class played the strings together, and the days when they listened to Jianlibao... it was really cool.

   When Yang Xiao and the head of the team held a guitar to show everyone... they were really handsome.

   Make a difficult problem by myself, give a topic to a friend who doesn’t know, or be praised by Liu Liu for not being limited... It’s really a sense of accomplishment.

   Unknowingly, Lin Jiajia has been assimilated, coming earlier and earlier in the morning, and getting more and more serious in class. Evening self-study will also booze with everyone and shout hungry for the class leader.

   will also gritted his teeth at the "strongest" in front of the several classes on the same floor, "Waiting, Quante will be destroyed for you!"

   Class 14 is actually quite good, and Lao Liu is not that hateful...

   class leader...

Um! The evil capitalists still have merit.



   Dong Weicheng feels very good, very, very good!

   He felt that he finally found a back cushion, and not one, but two!

   One of them was Dong Xiuxiu, whom he had been eyeing before.

   No way, too much difference!

   Ercheng has been staring at her for a long time, and found that this little girl is not working hard at all.

   Except for normal homework and normal exercises, I never do more questions. Even the extracurricular questions that Lao Liu, Lao Wang, and Luo Meili took care of, she just picked up and did, and never completed the task in full.

   What's even more exaggerated is that this little girl always skips class, there are always one or two times a week, either in the afternoon or in the morning, and people are gone.

   special, you dare to skip class at such an important moment? I haven't skipped class for more than a year!

   Twenty percent thought, just fishing for three days and drying nets for two days? I can't do her anymore?

  The other one is Dong Xiuxiu's second brother, the one named Li Xin.

   Okay, Erchengzi only knows Dong Xiuxiu's name, he doesn't know why he is called the second brother if it is not a surname, maybe it is a cousin or something.

   But, from Lin Jiajia, he got another gratifying news that Li Xin is actually a cook, so he didn't study in the first year of high school, dropped the course for most of the year, and ran back to continue his studies.

   In this regard, Erchengzi almost didn't say anything.

   Isn’t this just God helping me? The high school learning tasks are so tight, and you have been throwing away for half a year, so why are you still in the sophomore year? Should I read it again from the first year of high school?

   The spring of the second generation is here!

   These two goods, don’t you hold them?

   Therefore, Er Chengzi really had a hard time during this period. Not only did he have to keep up with the normal rhythm of the class, he also contracted the mimeograph workbook task with Sanbingzi.

  Actually, the contracting of this task is not entirely due to bad family conditions.

   Dong Weicheng's dad said, don’t ask you to improve, just keep your current grades, get an undergraduate degree, and sell iron at home for him.

   What kind of workbook money does not need to be considered. It is not difficult for Dad Dong to be difficult for his children.

   Moreover, his dad gave him a small stove in order to keep him up with nutrition, one chicken for three days, and there was meat all the time.

   The main reason for copying the workbook is that he knows that his talent is not enough, and it is incomparable with the group of cattle like the leader of the team and Zhou Zhizhou.

   Therefore, he can only work harder than others! Don't look at Dong Weicheng being a fool, but he is actually very sensible.

   He didn't stop his father from starting a small stove for him, let alone ask his family for money for a workbook.

   He also knows that this will add a lot of burden to the family.

   But, as long as you can take a good college entrance examination, it is better than anything else, and all the hardships that your father has suffered will be restored.

   Copying the workbook is also the same principle. It is a learning process. I have done more questions than others!


   Sanbingzi is also spelled.

   Last semester, I lied 500 yuan by saying "I can get my mother back with a bachelor degree".

   He didn't open his mouth this semester. His parents increased his monthly living expenses to 800 yuan a month.

   You need to know that although his parents have high wages in Harbin, they only earn more than one thousand yuan a month, and most of the family's income is on him.

   Sanbingzi didn't say anything, but in fact he was very guilty, and I really didn't dare to mess around.

  Besides, the head of the team is so good-headed, and the family is so rich. Is he better than others? Are you embarrassed not to spell it?

   Fight to death... and Lu Xiaoshuai!

   Since school started, he has never touched "Legend" again.

  The reason...In fact, it wasn't because of Qi Lei's shout in the corridor.

   said a long time ago that these few of them pretend to be mature, but they actually have more ideas than other people of the same age.

   So, he could see that Qi Lei's grandson deliberately rubbed the fire on purpose, so that everyone was stupid and rushed up the back of his ass.

   He will follow Qi Lei's footsteps, but he will not kill him.

   And the reason why he fights is because he has already seen the scenery from high places, so he doesn't want to come down.

   At the end of last semester, thanks to a bunch of great people from Class 14, and thanks to Qi Lei’s pull, Lu Xiaoshuai became the third in the class for an unprecedented time, and the big list also entered the top 100 like never before.

   The first hundred! It is still the top one hundred after the joint school!

   There is also a third, this is something Lu Xiaoshuai never even dared to think about.

   Holding the report card, Lu Xiaoshuai was very excited, and rushed home to say goodbye to his parents.

   But when he got home, he wanted to knock on his old Lu, but he didn't rush to report, and talked about the conditions with him.

   probably means: "Dad, you said that if I succeed in the exam, what reward will you give?"

   Old Lu didn't take it seriously. When his son came back, he was hovering around ten in the class. He couldn't get up anyway. He didn't have much hope. After all, he was pretty good now.

   came casually, "If you are in the top five, I will give you five hundred!"

   When Xiao Lu heard this, his eyes rolled, "What about the top three?"

   Old Lu raised his eyebrows: "Just you? Are you still in the top three?"

   glared his eyes: "You want to take the top three, I'll sell you a computer!"

   Xiaolu listened, it was done! He snapped the report card in front of Lao Lu, "Buy it! I'm in the top three!"


   So, Old Comrade Lu almost didn't have a stroke, and his mouth was twitched and crooked.

   Lu's mother felt wrong, so she rushed to the hospital, she really almost had a stroke.

   Because of this, Lu Xiaoshuai got his mother beaten to death.

   But this also made him understand a truth, Lao Lu's cerebral blood vessel is a bit fragile... No!

  The principle is: for Xiao Lu, the thing about grades is just fun, it is the face of the match, but for Lao Lu, it is the existence of blood vessels.

   Throughout the Spring Festival, Lao Lu was taking "explosion-proof medicine", and he said when seeing people, "His handsome guy got the third place!"

  The feeling before the test is so good, Lu Xiaoshuai wants to keep it.

   The first three are unlikely, Yang Xiao is back, Qi Lei is also serious, plus Zhou Zhizhou and Xu Xiaoqian...

   Then I have the fifth line!


   Class 14 is desperate!

   This group of stubborn species has become accustomed to desperately.

   In this regard, the sixteenth class, that is, the class where Wang Xueliang is, has long been accustomed to following the rhythm of the fourteenth class.

   After all, after being a neighbor for such a long time, it would be unreasonable to know that group of animals, and it would be no human being to be crazy.

   But, I don’t know about the first, second and seventeenth classes. They are far away. The fourteenth class is really just "heard". I have never seen how many lunatics are not human.

   So, after I got on the bar, I found out that this group of people was sick, and they were not too sick! Why do you really want to overtake us?

   As for? Playing with button eyeballs?


   No matter what time I pass by Class 14, I can see the tops of my heads, and I don’t know what to do! ?

   What’s even more speechless is that the teachers of Class 14 don’t pay attention to them. They look like they are in the corridor every day. As long as they are studying by themselves, they can see the teachers of Class 14 in the corridor.

  Nong's teacher was too embarrassed to sit in the office and drink tea, and began to study by himself.

   There is a feeling of being stared to death all day, and it is very stressful.

  Besides, there are many moths in class 14. They study dry rice, wontons, barbecue, and box lunch. I have never seen this kind of tricks even in class 16.

  So that, when the sixteenth class were all right, they would take Wang Xueliang to talk about it.

   "Squad leader? You look at the squad leader, and you look at you again. Are you a sign of it?"

   "There is no mutton skewers, you can get some melon seeds, too!"

   said Wang Xueliang, want to die!

   "I'll **** your uncle! My father is not a capitalist, where did I get the money!?"

  Don't tell me, this thing will keep up with the rhythm.

   Few people!

   The four-eyed girl in class I was completely irritated by Qi Lei. This person is too bad, how can he be so cheap! ?

   Only one team knew about the fight that day, all thanks to Qi Lei.

   So, Siyan Ermei and Qi Lei are on the bar, would you please grill the skewers? I also please.

Isn't    just money? How much does a meal cost for eight people? Moreover, let's say it or not, the team is still very close.

   After all, there are only eight people. Everyone takes turns to treat the guests, swearing to the death that Class 14 will not take the lead.

   Qian Hongjun is still a little worried about this.

   "Li Mo, can you do that Xu Qian? I have heard that, people are letting go. If she doesn't take the first place, she will be named Qi Lei!"

   Four-eyed Li Mo heard, "Shut up, you! She won't take the first exam, but also has Qi Lei's surname!"

  No one knows in the second middle school, those two are a pair! ?

   anxiously, "I won't be able to get the first place in the exam, my last name is yours!"

   "Huh?" Qian Hongjun smiled shyly, " are not my type!"

   Li Mo: "......"


   In short, anyway, the cowhide of each class has been blown out, and the head teacher of each class fanned the flames, rising to the height of the original experiment and the original second middle school.

   So all five classes on the third floor went crazy.

   From the perspective of the first floor, second floor, and other classes, the third floor is not a place for people to stay, except for animals and animals.

   Every morning, when the sky is still dark, the third floor must be the first to light up, and it’s all five classes.

   Every night, the last person who turns off the lights is not in the third year of high school, but on the third floor of the dormitory building.


   Moreover, the classes on the first and second floors have a consensus, that is:

   After 6.20 in the morning, the door can be locked on the third floor. Before lunch, you can hardly see people coming down on the third floor.

   In every classroom, the first and second floors are noisy, but the corridors on the third floor are like haunted people, and there is no one to see.

   Those childish ghosts, don't retreat at all, they have entered the life-and-death mode.

   But, here comes the problem. It's fine for the four top-tier classes. It's normal, but what kind of booby did your fourteenth class follow? Why do you really want to surpass it?

   To be honest, it's almost impossible.

   The gap between the top class and the ordinary class is not a little bit, there is a gap that cannot be crossed.

   Qi Lei's roar in the corridor at that time, everyone heard it.

   It’s just that no one takes it seriously, just as he is a happy mouth.

   This is not the same as if you Qi Lei's bold words, how many places you want to get.

   Qi Lei is a character, everyone knows this, but the entire fourteenth class has become a top class? This is not realistic.

   The reason why this situation has become today is that the smart knows that this is another catfish effect, which is the result that President Zhang University and several head teachers are most willing to see.

   Class fourteen again served as a catfish, and the world was disturbed and restless.

   If you don’t believe me, look at it. Last semester, there was nothing happening in Class 14. Although the four top classes were also competing, they were just competing for fun.

   I'm all right now, and I was assigned to the same floor with Class 14, and the bayonet immediately became popular. The pressure of competition is not comparable to that of last semester.

   I can only say, those class teachers, and Zhang Nan, are playing high!

   A catfish, then a brood of sardines was brought to life.

   However, catfish is catfish. People only care about the life and death of sardines, but no one has ever cared about the fate of catfish.

   Class 14... It's just a victim after all!

   But Qi Lei doesn't think so, he is not willing to be a catfish.

   Besides, if everyone does things according to their natural conclusions, then there will be no miracles in this world.

  Who said that Class 14 must be catfish? Who said that Class 14 can't create miracles?

   He is not convinced.

   He was not convinced, but the fourteenth class was not convinced.

   Class 14 is not convinced, and no one is qualified to predict the ending until the last minute.

   That's it, a month's time, in a blink of an eye, it's the monthly exam at the end of March.

   Before the exam, there are some things that Old Liu cannot say, but Lei Qi will come.

   "Don't have any burdens, keep it a little, don't reveal your strength. We have set the end of the term with them, it's too early!"

   Everyone smiled when they heard it.

   Does not reveal strength? That is impossible.

   Still the same sentence, where high school students have so many strategies, how hard they are, and how hard they are.

   And Qi Lei's intention of saying this is not to let everyone really put it away. He knew that no one listened to him, and the main thing was to find a step down for the defeat.

   Want to rush up in a month? That is impossible.

   If you surpass the top class in a month, it will be a ghost.

   In fact, one year is barely enough, and the possibility of doing it is very slim.

   But, as the leader of the team, he has to keep everyone motivated!

   If there is no such thing, after the exam, the difference is far, then the morale will be gone?

   But, after saying this, even if I lost this time, everyone thought that someone really listened to Qi Lei, and they didn't exert all their strength, they would still hold their breath and continue to fight for their lives.


   In early April, the weather picked up, and the snow in the playground had already melted halfway, and no one could get in.

   The old willow tree in front of the main building has already exposed spores. To be honest, this is the most uncomfortable season of the year.

   Everything is bare, without the embellishment of snow, and there is water and mud everywhere.

   The results of the first monthly exam for the next semester of the second semester of high school have come down, but Lao Liu has not yet announced the transcript.

Lu Xiaoshuai was uneasy this day. He did well in the exam this time. Even if Qi Lei rushes up again, he should be able to take fifth place... Maybe... it is possible to surpass Yang Xiao and take the first place. Four too!

  Dong Weicheng did not copy the workbook during class, he was not nervous, he was happy!

   Looking at Li Xin across the aisle, and the empty seat in front of him, Dong Xiuxiu skipped class again.

   Er Cheng Zi Le, my heart said, look at these two people, they are all sitting together!

   also kindly comforted Li Xin, "Xin, don't get angry! You have been delayed for more than half a year. It takes time to pick it up. It is normal to fail the test once or twice. I believe you will catch up!"

   said Li Xin inexplicably, I was educated from the bottom?

   And the second generation hasn't finished screaming, so he leaned forward, "Then what, your family Xiuxiu...what's the matter? Why do you skip class?"

   Li Xin didn’t want her classmates to know Xiuxiu’s condition, so she just said: "She...she has something."

   "Oh." Er Chengzi grinned and nodded, "Aren't you his brother? You have to take care of her, get a snack! Even though..."

   Two Chengzi straightened up, "Although I don't mind you two being left behind, I've been the last person. I have experience, but I don't feel much."

   "But, for the collective honor of Class 14, you can't leave too much, right? I'm sorry for the wontons of the class leader!"

   Li Xin: "......"

   is summarized as follows: This person is sick!

   Which one of your eyes can tell, I have to count down?

   suddenly came, "Dong Koba, why didn’t you do it today?"

   "Me!" Er Chengzi was stunned for a moment, "Ball on roll! No no, no, I don't know good people!?"



   Zhou Zhizhou doesn't care about what is destroyed and who is immortal. He also doesn't care about who is the strongest.

   This product is actually more selfish. It has been changed a lot in Class 14, but it still has a little taste. He just stares at a Qi Lei.

   Xu Xiaoqian still doesn't think about it, Zhou Zhizhou's heart is not that big yet.

   If Xu Xiaoqian gets serious, she doesn't belong to human beings on the earth at all, and she is not enough to describe it as a beast.

   Give me an example...

   A new selection of geometry problems, Zhou Zhizhou has to finish all of them, so you have to put aside other homework and concentrate on doing a week, maybe you can finish it.

   But it was in Xu Xiaoqian's hands for at most one day.

   No kidding, Zhou Zhizhou has seen it with his own eyes. The exercise book sent in the morning will be finished in the evening.

   First of all, she never makes small questions. Filling in the blanks and choosing these things is a waste of time for her.

   All the big questions also only write one formula, add a word "略", and at most draw two auxiliary lines. All the calculation processes are in your head.

   So, if you open her workbook, there is no reference value. There are a row of "slightly", and there are no related formulas at all.

   It's a thick book, and there are no ten questions written about the process of solving all the problems.

   Moreover, the questions she wrote about the problem-solving process must be a super difficult problem that Zhou Zhizhou might not have done even half a night. Moreover, looking at the problem-solving process, she had to tell her to understand it.

   So, after that time, Zhou Zhizhou gave up. It's not on the same level at all, what is the ratio of bits?

   Zhou Zhizhou only stared at Qi Lei, and only stared at Qi Lei is enough.

   Qi Lei is also a demon, but at least he is like a person, not as perverted as Xu Xiaoqian.

   This made Zhou Zhizhou find the feeling of not being a "little third" again when he was in the first year of high school.

   Liu Zhuofu gave the second class in the morning. Everyone knows that it must be this time for the grades to be issued.

   Old Liu did not disappoint everyone, and read the transcript from the beginning to the end.

   "No. 1 Xu Qian, total score: 731, No. 1 in the academic year, No. 1 in the liberal arts class."

   "2nd Reviver, total score: 683, 9th in the school year, 4th in the liberal arts class."

   The difficulty of learning in the second year of high school has greatly increased, and it is also a question in the third middle school of Harbin, and the teacher's grading scale is becoming more and more inclined to the regular college entrance examination, and it is not so easy to get full marks.

   "I puff!"

   Zhou Zhizhou heard Qi Lei the second and sprayed.

  True grandson! Haven't **** him? I'm a junior again?

   What a pity, a bigger blow is yet to come!

   "3rd Dong Xiuxiu, total score: 681, 11th in the academic year, 5th in liberal arts."

   I poof!

   I puff puff puff! !

   This time Zhou Zhizhou and Er Chengzi sprayed together.

   "Isn't the third party mixed up?"

   And the second son...

   "Fake! It must be fake! The third one who is sick and crooked!? Fake! Impossible!"

   "No. 4 Xu Chen, total score: 678, school year 15."

   Zhou Zhizhou: "I puff puff puff puff!"

   There is no fourth?

   Finally: "The fifth week of the continent, total score: 677.5..."

   At this time, Lao Liu raised his eyelids, "Zhou Xiaowu'er, you have to work hard! Are you getting worse and worse?"

   "School year 16."

   Zhou Zhizhou: "..."

   The total score between him and Xu Chen is 0.5!

   Little Five?

   Little Five!

   Little Wuer...

Oh shit! Who is it so exciting! ?

   Further on...

   Lin Jiajia...

   Yang Xiao...

   Li Yunxia...

   Du Chao Shuang...

   Chen Yushu...

   Li Xin!

   Li Xin ranked thirteenth in the class.

   Fourteen is Qi Xuefeng who suddenly appeared.

   The fifteenth is Lu Xiaoshuai.

   Then the nine new students were all in front.

   Two percent, Li Xin is already in the thirteenth line?

   I can't stand it for a while, shit, I haven't worked as a cook!

   Well, the fourteenth class has one head counted as one head, and the people after the thirteenth place are all the same idea. They have never worked as a cook.

   And Er Chengzi felt bad right away. The two countdowns he had scheduled ran forward, which is shameful!

   And Lu Xiaoshuai...

   Lu Xiaoshuai is already crying.

   Do not bring such a game, the gap is too big, right?

   is fourth and fifth. He ranked 15th. Qi Xuefeng's grandson accidentally played a long time and ran ahead of him.

   cry in my heart, fifteen!

   Xin said, this result can also make Old Lu burst blood?

   kept reading to the end, and did not disappoint everyone, "Fang Bing ranked 51st, with a total score of 521, and the school year was 927."

   "Dong Weicheng ranked 52, with a total score of 507, 983 in the academic year."

   Erchengzi and Sanbingzi, neat, unshakable, and stable!

   Brothers, look at me, I look at you.

   Sanbingzi, "You can't do anything special!"

   Twenty percent, "Don't say anything special about me, you have the ability to come third from the bottom?"

   Over there, Liu Lin said, "With me, don't think about you two."

  Lao Liu finally made a summary, "In general, there is progress, which is a big increase from the average grade of the last semester."

   "However, don't be too happy, it's mainly because the new classmates have raised the average score."

   "It turns out that these people in our class have risen somewhat, but I am not satisfied."

   Well, in fact, the number of old people has risen quite a lot, but Lao Liu didn't say anything.

"At present, our class is ranked fifth according to the average grades, and then the liberal arts and sciences are converted into proportion....There is still a considerable gap with the first class! There is a difference of 100 points... "

   "Is it a bit too big!?"

   Well, Old Liu is ignorant of his conscience again.

   There are eight people in a class, and all of them are in the top 20, with an average score of nearly 690. How do you compare with others?

   Moreover, what Lao Liu didn't say is that the average score of Class 14 is actually less than 10 points behind Class 17.

   Last semester, the gap was more than 50 points!

   Come on! Chase me little by little!


   Until school is over at noon, many people haven't slowed down.

   Erchengzi: "Fuck, how come in a bunch of animals!?"

   Sanbingzi, "Fortunately, fortunately, there are still 20% of the back cushions."

   Yang Xiao: "It's dangerous, these nine are a bit fierce!"

   Zhou Zhizhou: "Little Wuer... Little Wuer... Little Wuer!"

   And Du Chaoshuang and Li Yunxia...

   "What are you kidding about!? My old lady didn't even get in the top five!?"

  You are waiting!

   I'm used to it, wait for my old lady to exert her strength!

   Okay, I did just get used to it.

   It is not that the learning rhythm of Class 14 has just adapted, but the teaching content of the second middle school has just adapted.

   The second middle school has fully integrated the teaching content of the third middle school and the key points of teaching. These newcomers must have a process of adapting.

   In other words, a few of them haven't fully demonstrated their strength yet.

   As for Li Xin...also secretly competing.

   "Well, it's almost there!"

   "He has used this month to make up for most of the previous half of the year, and it is time for him to rush up."

   Only thirteen candidates?

   Li Xin wants to tear up the report card, this is not his level.

   You need to know that Li Xin's results are actually better than Dong Xiuxiu and Xu Chen, and it's not even a little bit good.

   glanced at Xu Xiaoqian.

   That's right, Li Xin's goal is Xu Xiaoqian, Qi Lei can't see enough.

   is in another class at this time.

   Li Mo looked at his second grade in the school year, and couldn't speak for a long time.

  Xu Xiaoqian, is it really that amazing?

   At this time, Qian Hongjun leaned forward, "I said Qian Momo! Don't be discouraged, go on!"

   Li Mo: "......"

   She wants to kill someone.

   pretends to be calm.

   "What's the matter? Does it explain the problem twice?"

   "Besides, what's the use of her in the first exam? Isn't the fourteenth class still fifth? The second Qi Lei is almost out of the top ten!"

   "Next month, wait for next month, next month my old lady will kill them!"

   Qian Hongjun raised his eyebrows, "Then...what if it can't be destroyed next month?"

   Li Mo was anxious, "It can't be destroyed, my old lady will really have your last name!"

  As soon as these words came out, the other six raised their heads, "You two have adultery."


   "Our country's constitution does not stipulate that you need to change your surname when married.


   "Let's be together... It's to kill the people..."


   "And... it's two evils!"

   Li Mo and Qian Hongjun have green faces, "They are all dead!"

   Well, every class has the fun of every class.

   Both good students and bad students are all in this ambiguous joke...and never get tired of it.



   Thanks to the book friends group for their silver-raising leader.

   take a day off, add more tomorrow.

   Thank you [reader 1421064661919272960] for the 500,000 award.

   No. 5 will add more to you.

  Thank you, [125], [White Dog], [Half Free_], [Orange Carrot] for several great rewards.

   Here is a special thanks to someone...


   This is the earliest in Cangshan, and it can't be said to be a group, but it is one of the earliest book friends.

   Although you are low-key now, you just read a book and don't chat anymore.

   But I remember you, thank you brother for your continued support.

   I would like to thank all the friends who supported the quadruple monthly pass, and I love you all.

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