Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 188: The path connecting the present and the future (3)

When the old scholars were still struggling and uncomfortable, Qi Lei walked over with a grin, and said slyly, "Still studying?"

   Liao Fanyi and they looked up and saw Qi Lei.

   The brows were furrowed tightly, and Pang Qingfang suddenly said: "Boy, quite proud, right?"

   Qi Lei shook his head.

   Everyone rolled his eyes, who are you to blame? Still didn't ask for it?

   Actually, everyone didn't understand this news about Qi Lei at first. I haven't seen it much before I started to rinse myself.

   "What is your purpose?" Liao Fanyi asked in confusion, pointing to the data and speechless: "Just to show this ‘silent spiral’?"

   Qi Lei turned upright, "I think so."

   explained: "This experimental project does not actually have its actual news purpose. It only uses a social event to show the difference between the Internet era and the traditional media era in terms of media."

   "But..." Qi Lei turned around, "It shows more than just a spiral of silence."


   Everyone was suspicious, "What else do you want to show!?"

   Qi Lei smiled, "It's not something to show, but it has already been shown."

   Everyone listened and looked at each other. Just as Qi Lei was about to explain, Professor Chen Xingfu and Liao Fanyi suddenly raised their hands to stop them.

   "Don't tell me, let me think about it!!"

  Yes, a group of media and news experts are a little bit psychologically unacceptable to teach a child here.

   Besides, Liao Fanyi and the others are already immersed in it. He felt that finding a problem by himself would arouse his interest more than Qi Lei said.

   Qi Lei is a smashed hand, don't let it talk, don't talk, and it's not difficult to find it out.

   In this way, in more than an hour, Liao Fanyi and his colleagues reviewed a large amount of experimental data, and then reviewed the three-day experimental process.

   Finally, Liao Fanyi's inspiration flashed, "Agenda setting?"

   Qi Lei smiled immediately when he heard it, "Yes, the agenda is set!"

   agenda setting function is also a definition of mass communication.

   The popular explanation is that if the media repeatedly reports and emphasizes an important issue, the public will have a high degree of "correspondence" to the relevant issue, that is, a feedback effect.

  According to this principle, academically, it is believed that mass communication has the function of setting a "schedule" for the public.

   For example, it is [front blackboard] continuously reporting on Reviver-related matters. Then, regardless of whether the audience is willing or unwilling, they will be limited to this agenda and react differently.

   Of course, this "agenda setting" is a natural attribute and basic function of mass communication, and it is not enough to make Liao Fanyi and the others ignore or surprise it.

   Any news as long as it is logged on [Front Blackboard] continuously and for a long period of time, it will have such a result. You just reported that there was a pile of **** in front of the building, and someone had to walk around after reporting for a few days.

   Liao Fanyi is concerned that the news on the front blackboard is further restricted on top of the basic agenda of Qi Lei.

  Imagine that Qi Lei is very topical in the second middle school, and belongs to a legendary character.

   He wrote the school song and led Class 14 to create one miracle after another. He is the chairman of the student union and the most popular host of the school radio station.

   Even this kid is very handsome, Xu Xiaoqian, who is like a campus goddess, seems to be a couple of gods, etc., wait!

   There are countless topics and talks about him.

   But, looking back at the whole experiment process.

   The first day: Qi Lei's results are copied.

   The next day, Qi Lei's family background began.

   On the third day, Qi Lei's relationship with the principal and teacher.

Although there is no clear statement that Qi Lei’s grades were copied, his family background was the reason why he could copy it and why he should copy it. On the third day, the relationship between the principal and him seemed to testify to the issues of the previous two days again. .

   Therefore, the topic of Qi Lei has been gradually locked! !

   is limited to a very small range, just the range of plagiarism and interpersonal relationships.

   Liao Fanyi found that in the first day's opinion feedback, everyone could talk about Qi Lei's likes and dislikes from other aspects.

   Negative views are discussed from other aspects, and positive views also defend Qi Lei from all angles.

   For example, he is excellent, he has leadership, he is versatile and so on.

   By the second day, there were other arguments about the negative and the positive, but it had begun to decrease.

   By the third day, it was even less.

   Even if it is a positive view, it is still arguing from the perspective of whether his copying and family background affect the results of the copying.

   In other words, the agenda has been locked in: whether he copied or not, plus whether his family background is good or bad.

   No one cares if he is handsome, versatile, and has leadership skills! !

   A question is infinitely magnified! !

   This is worth thinking about...maybe a serious problem.

   "Agenda setting...Agenda setting!?"

   A few old scholars are mumbling and pondering.

   This is a very simple thing.... You show this thing, and you have to mention it separately...

What is the purpose?

   Qi Lei looked at Liao Fanyi, Professor Chen, and Pang Qingfang, frowning and thinking, but did not bother or explain whether the problem was serious.

   In fact, this is indeed a very, very serious problem.

   Locking the agenda is a double-edged sword. It is used well and has many benefits.

   Take an example that can be seen everywhere, "An actor is good at acting." As long as this agenda is locked, no one cares about his other taints.

  A star, as long as he is locked in whether he is your favorite idol, no longer discuss his defects in other directions. And the group that considers Agenda to be their idol becomes the culture of the rice circle.

   To say something that may be uncomfortable, most people, except for their areas of expertise, or topics of interest. In other respects, it lacks logical ability, and even doesn't even bother to think about it!

   Therefore, it is easy to fall into the agenda set by others.

   Then I fell in without knowing it! And this kind of agenda setting can be seen everywhere in the funeral!

   Harmless, it may be the marketing of a product, the setting of a star.

   However, if it is not used well or is used by the opponent...

   That is another matter.

for example....

   "Buying Huawei is patriotic!"

   This is the most vicious agenda setting! Buying is patriotic, but not patriotic...

   But this is a false proposition, and a considerable number of people will certainly not approve it, forming a evenly matched public opinion confrontation.

   Once this agenda is locked...

   Then no one cares about whether Huawei’s experience is right or wrong. Huawei’s significance and responsibility as a Chinese enterprise, and my values ​​and responsibilities as a Chinese person.

   There will even be resistance. Even with this kind of thinking, it has become a "brilliant word" that proves that "buying Huawei is patriotic", leading to confrontation between the two parties. Arguing

  Actually...there is no contradiction in this matter! In a country, bullying a company, the methods are nasty and vicious, even if you look across the Pacific Ocean, you know who to support.

   But... in an agenda setting, there must be two opposing parties, just like a game of chess, there must be a win or lose.

   Some people passively become opponents.

   Moreover, the government cannot make positive rumors and intervention. It cannot be said that love for the country or not has nothing to do with buying Huawei. In this critical period, many people will have the illusion that the state does not support national enterprises.

   Not to mention that buying is love, that is irrational.

   can't say that if you don't buy, you don't love, and that's even more irrational.

   So, you can see that in the whole thing, only Mr. Ren is saying, don’t tie the purchase of Huawei products with patriotism.

   This is the application of agenda setting in the Internet age.

   Then the question is coming...

   What if the agenda is set to be larger and more influential?


   To tell the truth, Qi Lei now especially wants to remind Liao Fanyi that you will suffer a big loss in "Agenda Setting"!

   However, this is not a win-or-loss game after all, but an experiment set up for in-depth research. Let's focus on the real situation!

   So, I can only shut up.

   But in Zhang Luchen's eyes, it was different.

   This kid must have hidden his words!

   But, what did he hide?

   I saw Qi Lei made a haha, so I won't mention it any more.

   "Then what, Huo Hou is almost done, we will enter the second stage tomorrow!"

   left after speaking.

  As soon as he left, Zhang Luchen immediately reminded everyone, "This kid is not right!"

   Everyone was startled, "What's the matter?"

   Zhang Luchen frowned and thought for a long time, "I always feel that he is either digging a hole or concealing a key piece of information. Does he always feel confident?"


   If Liao Fanyi said this, everyone might not take it too seriously.

  What are you kidding? We are professional!

   What silent spiral, what agenda set, they are definitely more familiar than Qi Lei, and they use more than him, see more.

   To be honest, the Silent Spiral may be a bit strange. This is caused by the domestic media environment.

   is used for propaganda purposes, of course. But how do you say it? You don’t necessarily know what rice is when you eat rice every day, right?

   This is the case in domestic research on the Silent Spiral.

   The media is relatively closed and has no external influence. Popular issues only exist in personal social circles and are not part of mass communication, so research is of no value.

   But, you want to talk about agenda setting, they understand this, they understand it!

  Use a lot, make it slippery, not afraid of what agenda Reviver sets up.

   But if Zhang Luchen said this, it would be different.

   Everyone knows what this old man does. He said that, it shows that Qi Lei does have this mentality.


   Liao Fanyi nodded, "Be careful!"

   "Let's personally check and increase the review of the fourteenth class!"

   These people are beginning to be serious.

   But is it really useful?

   I don’t know about Qi Lei, but it makes it very uncomfortable for at least four task groups.

  The experiment entered the second stage: the development period.

   The most obvious boundary with the first stage is that the second stage adds an experimental rule.

   Self-study that night, each class received a notice:

   Starting tomorrow, every student has the right to like [Post-Chalkboard] views.

   Each person has the right to like five news items once every day, morning, afternoon and evening, for a total of 15 like opportunities.

  The experimental group will count the views that have been liked, and the top 20 views will be rewarded with a dime for each like.

   This rule is set by Qi Lei.

   The explanation Liao Fanyi can think of is, "Capital intervenes in the field of communication."

   As for what impact they can have, it is not what they can think of. After all, this is the limitation of the times.

   And Qi Lei's real purpose is actually to catalyze.

  The catalytic model is closer to the network environment of later generations.

   You must know that it is not enough to have Qi Lei as an internet celebrity. The purpose of his own cursing of himself is actually to make a difference and let others know how to become popular.

   He wants to make stars and create a batch of Internet celebrities, which will become the focus of traffic.

   In the following days, Qi Lei did what he said. He only gave two concepts to the four task teams, and then stopped participating and concentrated on running his internet celebrity [Neurotic].

  Furthermore, Qi Lei also deliberately reduced comments on the facts, completely separated from the mainstream system, wrote short stories every day, and posted some old-fashioned paragraphs.

   For example: “When watching TV, it’s not disgusting that an ad appears suddenly. What’s really disgusting is that after a long commercial, it’s just the ending song.”


   "Especially able to endure hardship" these 5 words, I thought about it, I only did the first four...


   I was hungry in the morning and saw a bottle of yogurt on the same table. I drank it without thinking.

   After a while, the same table came and shouted: "Why is my facial cleanser missing? 18 yuan!!"

   Brother didn't speak, but walked to the toilet silently, picking up his throat, always feeling uncomfortable. Throw things up desperately until you spit out sour water.

   After all, I was almost vomiting. When the tears were dripping back to the seat, the same table held a bottle and said, "I was scared to death. The facial cleanser rolled under the table. Why is my yogurt gone again?

   Brother cursed in his heart: Your grandma is a bear drop, drink your yogurt to make people to death! !


   Like this funny joke with connotation, it **** fans.

   And when the second stage rules were announced, [Shen Jing Bing Er] became a celebrity and began to attract a lot of money...

   Driven by interests, some capable ordinary people began to imitate the popular model of mental illness.

   Gradually, a large number of grassroots celebrities, the focus of traffic began to appear.

   completely followed the laws of the market.

   These traffic focuses are gradually forming a brand new ecology. Parallel to [Front Blackboard], an ecology with communication attributes!

   It's a pity that the focus of the few scholars in Liao Fanyi is still on the fight for the front blackboard, and they haven't paid too much attention to the grassroots celebrities on the back blackboard.

   The four mission classes over there, the fourteenth class led by Liao Fanyi has been tortured and desperate.

   First of all, after a period of adaptation, Class One finally got the hang of it.

   The kind of advertising they used before was nothing new and basically no effect.

then what should we do? Of course, he listened to professional opinions and started to change his strategy.

   The slogan was replaced by, [A wonderful life, starting with Australian steak. 】

   On the surface, it is no different from [Taste the wonderful life...what are you waiting for].

   But in fact, the knowledge has gone a lot! !

  From the perspective of advertising and marketing, the original one was only an advocacy. The new advertising term is a kind of "concept binding."


   binds Australian steak to a wonderful life. If you want a wonderful life, you have to eat steak.

   There are many examples of this in reality, such as "Meteor Platinum".

   No gifts for this year's holidays, only melatonin will be accepted; this year we will honor our parents, and we will give gifts as well; this year my parents will not accept gifts, but only melatonin will be accepted.

   It binds the traditional concepts of gift giving, festivals, and filial piety to commodities. It's like, if you don't give me platinum, it doesn't count as a holiday, as a gift, or as filial piety.

  How effective is it depends on the sales volume.

   Another example is Wangzi Milk.

   In that era, I should have seen an advertisement: Mom picks up the child from school, handed the child a bottle of Wangzi milk, and then the classmates exaggerated, "Wow! Your mother loves you so much!"

   So, Wangzai milk is bound to mother's love. If you don't buy it, you don't love it. If you buy it, it is called love.

   These can be regarded as implicit psychological hints, or even coercion.

   You don’t know what’s going on, but you’ve already learned the truth. It can only be said that ordinary consumers are always at a disadvantage in front of professionals.

   The steak advertisement of Class One is the reason, the concept is bound, if you don’t eat it, your life will not be exciting.

   They even gave the advertisement a picture, a beautifully composed picture.

   Also from this day, the sales of the first class's premium and deluxe packages have started to increase steadily.

   Someone started to consume.


   The situation of the second class is completely different from that of the first class, and their reports are still normal.

   It's just that the second class of senior high school Co., Ltd. is not profitable anymore.

   And Song Xiaole donated money to the welfare fund set up by the second class, and there was also a problem.

   The second class committee suddenly violated the contract and withdrew the 200 yuan of co-management funds without the consent of the general manager Song Xiaole.

   In response, Song Xiaole filed a lawsuit with the court, demanding that the second class committee return the money.

   To put it bluntly, it is a wrangling lawsuit.

   72 classes also commented on this, and most of them were unfair to Song Xiaole.

  The people in the second class are too bad. You still embezzle the money they donate? Is there a conscience?


   Two classes of sixteen and seventeen are still stunned.

   The task is still too difficult, and even the experts who help them in the two classes can't even start. Even if they started, they were sent back to Class 14.

   Yes, don’t let it go!

  Wang Xueliang wrote an article on "Why Advocate Friendship with the Japanese Country". There was no fierce remarks in it. He just hit a side ball and got back.

  The reason is that it does not conform to historical facts and is far-fetched.

   However, Qi Lei is still not in a hurry.

  The development period is actually a period when all parties test the rules and try various methods to achieve their goals.

   This requires a process, and it is also a constant trial and error.

  The reason why Qi Lei does not intervene is that the Internet is not a gang of demons in a day. The bad guys also need a process and need to explore.

   Of course he can leave the game by himself and help them evolve directly to the ultimate form. However, Class 14, which is the [Front Blackboard], also needs a process of adaptation and defense!

   Come directly to the big move, then it loses the significance of the experiment.

   However, Liao Fanyi and the others don't think so.

Before   , Zhang Luchen's reminder worked, so a few old scholars were extremely vigilant and started to attack.

   First of all, positive slogans suddenly appeared under the advertisement of Class One.

   "A wonderful life starts with Australian steak."


   (Hardness, simplicity, diligence and thrift are the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. The current living conditions are not enough to support us to enjoy the extravagant material life.)

   Well, the old slogan.

   Regarding the second class, closely monitor public opinion.

   pointed out that the law will give both parties a fair judgment, so please treat it rationally.


   As for Qi Lei...

   Let him go with that one!

   Because Qi Lei said, this news is an experimental item to verify the theory of communication, and they also want to see what new tricks they can have.


   Just like that, the four task teams almost didn’t cry, so they didn’t make sense?

   It seems to have reverted to the previous question: the power of Class 14 is too great to play!

   In addition, Liao Fanyi and the others just don’t teach martial arts. ?

   In this regard, the fourteenth class beauty can be broken.

   Ercheng threw back the manuscript sent by Guo Zhiyong at this time, "Rewrite! If you want to... or don't write it!"

   "The so-so Yue Yue dare to slander, you, you, you, your class are all livestock!"

   Guo Zhi courageously said, "Big Orange, you wait for the experiment to be finished!!"

   "You, you, you, you, do you curse any more? Any more words you curse will not be sent to you!"

   "Your uncle!"

   Guo Zhiyong is gone, and all the attention of the fourteenth class is amused.

   Sanbingzi yelled, "What do you think the head of the team thinks? Look for abuse with this gang of second-hands!"

   Everyone roared with laughter, thinking that Sanbingzi was right.

   Big Orange, and even went to Xu Xiaoqian's place, "You, you, you, you talk about the team leader! What do you want to do with them?"

   "Hurry and come back!"

   Xu Xiaoqian smiled and said, "That's boring? You have to work harder and let him lose once!"

   When everyone heard it, it was right...

   I have never seen a leader lose! Let him lose this time!

   Why is it so cool to be this "authority"?


   Liao Fanyi and they are in the West Campus, and they are also very proud at this time.

  Professor Chen laughed, "I think they can do anything tricky? It's all blocked for you!"

   Pang Qingfang echoed the focus on Qi Lei: "He is still young! The details were captured by Lao Zhang, this time there is no trick, right?"

   was a little uncertain as he said, "I shouldn't recruit, right? If he can figure out a way, I will convince him!"

   Zhang Luchen nodded, "It's impossible!"

   The so-called one force drop ten will! The road is closed, what else can you do?

   "By the way, I haven't looked at him for two days, what is this kid doing?"

   Chen Xingfu, "Do whatever you want to do, take care of it, and don't leave him a chance!"

   And Liao Fanyi was a little bit worried about gains and losses, "Doing this...isn’t it a bit too much?"

   "To be honest!" Liao Fanyi was still calm, "We all know what Class 14 represents. But ask ourselves, outside of the model, in reality, can our media be as vigilant as it is now?"

   After listening, a few people were lost in thought.

   What Liao Fanyi said makes sense, can you? Obviously not.

   It is a larger system and a more complex environment. It is impossible for every piece of information to be disseminated as it is now, word by word.

   And, on the premise of knowing the purpose of the four task classes.

   Then... Without knowing, would you engage in ideological propaganda against an advertisement? Will individual remarks be strictly guarded against while being friendly with neighboring countries?

  No, no one can do this perfect.

   But, after thinking about it, Pang Qingfang said again: "It's nothing, right? This experiment is not to verify whether we make mistakes, whether we make mistakes or omissions, it verifies the special handling capabilities of special circumstances!"

   "If we can cope with these challenges in this model, it means that we can also cope in reality."

   "The subject that Qi Lei proposed is not necessary. Our existing academic system can cope with the future, can it?"

   After listening, everyone nodded.

   "So, don't keep your hands!!"

   At this time, Liao Fanyi suddenly said: "What about the second class? According to the experimental script, tomorrow's second class will break out."

   Several people thought about it again, "You can leave it alone!"

   Liao Fanyi, "Why?"

   Pang Qingfang, "There are two reasons. First, I think the experimental script of the second class is the most valuable. It can verify the consequences of this kind of information asymmetry in the network environment."

   "Second, things in the second class are best controlled, because only one rumor is needed."

   "Just follow the experimental script normally, no need to interfere."

The experimental script of    Class 2 is quite special and has a certain research value. They are not against Class 14 but against Song Xiaole and all the students in Class 2.

   Pang Qingfang wanted to see what kind of experimental results could be produced.

   April 12th.

   The news value of the second class finally began to explode after a few days of laying the groundwork.

   wrote on the blackboard:

   Song Xiaole, general manager of the Second Class Second Class Co., Ltd. sued the second class committee for embezzlement of public welfare funds. The judgment was pronounced in the first instance, and Song Xiaole lost the case.

   rejected, fund recovery request,

   Song Xiaole refused to accept the judgment and appealed to the higher court.

   Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, Intermediate People's Court, uphold the original verdict! Song Xiaole appealed to the Supreme Law and insisted on safeguarding his own rights and interests.

   This news immediately caused a lot of repercussions, and various voices appeared endlessly.

   The vast majority support Song Xiaole, criticize Class 2 and criticize the court.

  The hot discussion on the back blackboard lasted all day.

   April 13th.

   The second class incident has the latest developments, but it is a pity that everyone is disappointed.

   The Supreme Court ruled that Song Xiaole lost the lawsuit in the final judgment, and made up to 300 yuan in tokens.

   The students in the 72nd class saw this news and thought they were blind.

   Is there any reason? Is there fairness?

   The news is equivalent to saying that Song Xiaole's 200 yuan will not only come back, but also 300 yuan? Too bully, right?

   However, reality is so magical.

   On the 14th, Song Xiaole personally wrote a grievance post on the back blackboard, telling the whole process of his being rejected by all the students in Class 2 and forced to donate.

   The content is sincere and pitiful.

   This caused a lot of discussion in the class, and the voice of support for Song Xiaole was getting louder and louder.

   In the past few days when the Song Xiaole incident continued to ferment, Class I, Class 16, and Class 17 tried various methods to complete the task.

   It's a pity, either the result was little effect, or the call back from Class 14.

   After several days of dragging, Class I, Class 16, and Class 17 finally realized a fact.

   That is: Class 14 is a huge obstacle. If you want to complete the task, you must clear this obstacle!

   That is to say... they are finally going to start the 14th class!

   In fact, this is still an inevitable process.

   In foreign countries, the media is in the hands of capital and politicians, so they can do whatever they want.

   But here, the media is in the hands of the experimental group, in the hands of the fourteenth class! !

   This will greatly hinder the manipulation of capital and politicians.

How to do?

  With Western thinking, any obstacle that hinders capital growth and power manipulation is the enemy!

must! Clear!

   So, the first class, the sixteenth class, and the seventeenth class will inevitably give birth to the idea to shake the fourteenth class.

   In fact, even if they don’t want to, the expert team that assists them will help them move in this direction.


   From a global perspective, as long as the idea of ​​subverting Class Fourteen breeds.

  The experiment also announced the end of the second stage of development, and officially entered the third stage——

   Subversion period!

   To put it bluntly, the experimental model is a simulation of the Internet era, in order to pursue real and impressive.

  The adaptation period, the development period, and the subversion period...all correspond to the corresponding reality stages...and must be accompanied by the development logic.

   Liao Fanyi They heard Qi Lei say that there are third and fourth stages, but they just raised a mouth and didn't elaborate.

   Moreover, according to Liao Fanyi's long-term knowledge, the third stage is nothing more than the two methods-democratic overthrow and internal corruption.

When    really develops to this level, the experiment is meaningless.

   At this time, a group of scholars were sitting opposite Qi Lei, looking at him playfully.

   "Boy, it's the third stage of your mind, what's the matter, do you have any tricks?"

   Liao Fanyi was a little guilty, "I have to say, in the second stage, we tried harder."

   "But this is also what it should be. What the four task teams do, even in reality, should be controlled, right?"

   Qi Lei smashed his mouth a little boringly. My heart said I'm proud of you...

   At this time, Pang Qingfang also said, "This is a little bit different from your initial experimental assumptions. You should be able to understand how we made the decision?"

   Qi Lei felt a bit more toothache when he heard it, "You can go in and out as you like!"


   Pang Qingfang was taken aback, how did he feel that he didn't care at all?

   I saw Qi Lei's face speechless, "a bit disappointed..."

   "I thought you could really take it seriously and come up with something amazing. Let me have a long experience too!"

   This is the truth, Qi Lei really hopes that he can see a little surprise through this preview.

  Don’t just show off here by yourself, you guys can also take out professional ones, it makes me amazing...

   He prefers to see Liao Fanyi's quick response and precise response! It's not like it is now, not grasping the point at all, or even not knowing it is crisis-ridden.

   "You are defending, but you are not in the right place!"

   "Huh!?" A few people were startled, "Don't know the right place?"

   "Oh!" Qi Lei sighed.

   stood up, "Let's go and see... the answer is in the next experiment."

   grinned: "Go away, the third stage will begin tomorrow!"

"you come back!!"

   Liao Fanyi stopped him, still wondering where Qi Da's confidence was.

   Instead, he reminded him: "I will remind you again, if the two routines I mentioned, then save the time, it's boring!"

   Qi Lei who said this really turned back and stood in front of a few people.

   became completely solemn: "Mr. Liao, in fact, I have already reminded you..."

   "How to unfold the third stage, in fact, I also told you!"

   shook his head a little helplessly, Zhang Luchen even saw a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

   "Did you tell us?"

   Qi Lei, "I think with your professionalism, even if you are not prepared, you should have guessed something."

"Now it seems....."

   Only Wen Qi Lei continued: "Do you think it is a trick to violate the prohibition by force? It is a gray trick to wander the edge of the law?"

   "Apart from violent overthrow and bribery, can our opponents think of anything else?"




   Everyone was speechless, "Our...Right, opponent?"


   "Who?" Qi Lei laughed at himself, he couldn't say who it was.

a lot of!

   with a loud voice, "Anyway, if it's really such a low-level trick, we won't do any experiments. I will write a fantasy novel for you, and I will write out all the future I can think of, and it will be over after a look!?"

   Everyone looked at him startledly, "You...what are you going to say? Could it be..." Liao Fanyi thought of some enterprises, "Don't you plan to use those two methods? Are there other methods?"

   Qi Lei was said to be happy.

   calmed down and said: "The improper means you imagined will not be absent in the future, but there will certainly be!"

   "But it's not what we want to deduct!"

   "Those things have laws and national rules. We don't need to worry about them, let alone set up a special subject to study them. That is the category of law. What does it have to do with us?"

   "As long as the laws and regulations are not sound, it's okay,"

   "It's not difficult to tell the truth!"

   This is like "500,000 walking"...

   500,000 walking, is it hard to guard against?

   is not hard to prevent! Because the level of "500,000" is deterring here! This is the meaning of the law.

  What's the difficulty? The difficulty is that those are highly concealed, and they are not even illegal at all!

   Reasonably and legally give you a trip.

   This is the most troublesome thing.

   It's hard to guard against!

   "Tomorrow!!" Qi Lei finally put out a cruel sentence, "Start tomorrow, the experiment will enter my rhythm!"

   "At that time...Don't be surprised."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and left...

   Coming out of the West Campus, Qi Lei gathered the first class, the second class Song Xiaole, the sixteenth class, and the seventeenth class together, including all the experts who guaranteed the four task classes.

  Go straight to the subject, "Because of the rules, I cannot directly participate in your specific actions. However, starting from the third stage, I can speak."

   Over there, Li Mo, Wang Xueliang, and the others are all anxious to death, "You can say it quickly, what should I do!? How can you get off Class 14!!"

   is now not just a question of experimental rules! It's a personal grievance!

   The fourteenth class grandchildren are so irritating! There is no problem!

   Must get them!

   But Qi Lei smiled contemptuously, "Why do you want to drop the fourteenth class? Can't you look farther?"

   Everyone: "???"

   Qi Lei prompted: "You can just abolish the [front blackboard]."




   Everyone was shocked, "Scrap...abandon the front blackboard? Why do you smash it? It’s smashed?"

Qi Lei, "Abolish it, you don’t have to destroy it. To get rid of the obstacles of Class 14, you don’t have to let Class 14 be driven by you, and you can also bypass them. Don’t forget, there is no [after] Blackboard]?"

   "This..." It was a communication teacher who frowned and shook his head, "This is unlikely!"

   This idea is not difficult to think about, and they have not thought about it.

After   , the blackboard began to become another medium, coupled with the emergence of Internet celebrity traffic focus, can they not see these experts?

   Including Liao Fanyi and the others next door, don’t you know the threat of the back blackboard?

  Of course, they are not that stupid.

   However, it is still impossible.

  The reason is simple, the focus of public cognition is on the front blackboard.

   It’s like, if it’s a major news, people will definitely rely on CCTV’s presentation.

   When CCTV commented on an incident, it is tantamount to a certainty.

   is public perception, it is authority, natural authority.

   This is the current situation. [Front blackboard] As the source of information and the source of discussion items, it naturally possesses the authority of public perception and cannot be shaken.

   After all, no one is stupid enough to challenge the authority of CCTV.

   Therefore, bypassing Class 14 and bypassing the front blackboard is more impossible than corruption and democratic overthrow.

   For the doubts of several communication tutors, Qi Lei can only provide them with a little inspiration.

   But just such a little inspiration is enough.

   "Agenda setting...Internet communication....Establishing a new media port...using the silent spiral to make the front blackboard useless!"

   A few instructors didn’t understand for a while, "What do you mean?"

   Qi Lei was speechless: "Set an agenda for [Front Blackboard]!! Understand?"




  A few tutors are all stupid, so...make an agenda setting for the front blackboard?

   This is something no one thought of, and no one dared to think about it.

   Someone blurted out, " to set it up?"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   is really teaching one step at a time? Wouldn't infer other things by analogy?

  Well, I really don’t blame these people. In this era, set the agenda for the former blackboard...that is, the authoritative media on behalf of?

   Don't say you can't think of it, you haven't thought about it, okay?

   Qi Lei: "If [front blackboard]......"

   "Slumped into the high above... not close to life, only high-profile, even in the agenda where the propaganda effect is greater than the facts..."

   "Then there will be a ‘dormancy effect’, and even a crisis of trust!"



   Several tutors seem to have caught something, "You let us think about it, it seems we have an idea!"

   Qi Lei smiled immediately.

  Even if the four task classes are not good enough, the experts in these auxiliary task classes are not great, just one point!

  What kind of subversion of democracy and corruption?


   agenda setting! Qi Lei had already told Liao Fanyi about them.

   But obviously they didn't realize it either.


   In fact, the focus of the third stage is agenda setting! !

   I said before that the information interaction of traditional media is single-item and centralized.

  In other words, traditional media are information disseminators, and they hold the right to speak.

  Even though they know the concept of agenda setting and are so familiar with it, this kind of familiarity is not comprehensive and one-sided.

   For example, traditional media should set an agenda-"hard work and plainness",

   This is sure to succeed. Because traditional media has advantages.

  Information recipients are the people. They are just a port for receiving information. They cannot receive "extravagant and wasteful" information concepts from other channels to fight against "hardship and simplicity."

   Therefore, for traditional media people like Liao Fanyi, they only consider the benefits of agenda setting, not the drawbacks. Only consider output without considering defense.

   But the Internet age is different. Information sources are two-way and divergent. It is not so easy to spread "hard work and plainness".

   Because there will be "extravagance and waste", "consumerism", "timely pleasure", etc., various opposing views to reduce the efficiency of information dissemination. The difficulty will increase greatly

   What's more terrible is that in the Internet age, authoritative media can set an agenda for the people, so others can also set an agenda for the people against authoritative media. This is what Liao Fanyi and others can't respond to.

   For the public, there is more than one port for receiving information.

   lost the front blackboard and the back blackboard.

   Then if the [front blackboard] is locked on the agenda, it doesn’t need to be vicious, let alone violate any taboos, you just need to set it up, ungrounded, rigid, and floating in the sky!

   Together with the usual "Wei Guangzheng", singing hymns, 5,000 students in 72 classes will inevitably suffer from aesthetic fatigue.

   This is called the "sleep effect" in communication.....

   Don’t think this is alarmist, an impossible task. From 2005 to 15 years, the Internet era has been booming for ten years. Recall the public’s impression of official media? Is it just rigid and ungrounded?

   was locked in this impression. At that time, everyone labeled the official media, no matter what they said, it was propaganda, that is... (not much to say, experience by yourself)

   Anyway, everyone is more willing to read online blogs and read ordinary people’s opinion posts. Look at the spider.....

   In a sense, this is the "sleep effect" after being locked in the impression

   dormancy effect refers to the attenuation of the propagation effect of high-confidence sources over time.

   To be straightforward, the front blackboard will be Qi Lei today, and Qi Lei will be Qi Lei the day after tomorrow. Although you are authoritative, although everyone will believe you, no one will look at you anymore.

   He is more willing to go to the back blackboard to find some private news, which can arouse more interest.

   But once no one sees it, then the basis of information dissemination is lost and it is useless.

   Liao Fanyi They never dreamed that Qi Lei would use such a method to abolish the front blackboard when it is completely compliant and legal, and you can't even spot a problem.

   Class 14...

   What about this and that in Class Fourteen? Coax coaxing?

  Still waiting for the four task teams to make a move? Wait to go!



  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】


   I said that this chapter had a climax, but after much deliberation, I still need to pave the way.

   There are a lot of professional ranking explanations here.

   There is also, needless to say, 404, I can’t write sensitive things, and I’m not sensitive at all.

   is not what you imagine, those "500,000" means.

  This paragraph, what I want to convey is the importance of communication, and those things that I don’t think about in life...

   can be regarded as a window to see the world rationally.

   is mainly to pave the way for the university plot.

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