Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 189: The path connecting the present and the future (4)

The task team finally got the trick and started to fight back.


   And once a person is immersed in it, the passion that can burst out is quite terrifying.


   At this time, in the office specially opened for the task class in the West Campus, the core members of the four task classes gathered together and were groping for the next step according to the ideas given by Qi Lei.


   And the same as them, the experts and scholars who provide support for the task class also gathered together, discussing something.


  Yes, they are also immersed in it, they can't extricate themselves, and they start to truly exert their professional abilities.


  Before I want to say, everyone is still a little taken seriously, what kind of capital to teach a group of children? What public opinion do you play?


  The idea is the same as when Liao Fanyi's old scholars first saw the experimental copy, "Isn't this just a kid's house?"


   But as the experiment progressed, everyone began to get serious.


   They found that this play different, it is suitable for adults to play.


   However, what they didn't expect was that it was not their professionals who came up with the first step, but Li Mo.


   This four-eyed girl has been involved since the first day, so she entered the role earlier than those experts.


   In fact, she was the first person who proposed to unite the four task teams to overthrow the fourteenth team!


   During this period, she was the one who studied and thought the most seriously!


   Qi Lei's thoughts just now, she is the most thorough one!


   Agenda setting, Internet communication, and erecting the front blackboard, Li Mo actually understood.


   So, following this line of thought, she thought, if you want to use the Internet to spread, then you have to use the "view celebrities" in 72 classes.


   How to use it? I naturally thought of employment.


   But where does the money come from?


   Class 1 is indeed doing business, and saved a lot of money during this period, but the money is actually not much.


   At present, the shopping tendency of the 72 experimental classes is still mainly based on ordinary meals and ordinary daily necessities, which are their least profitable categories.


   So, if you remove the expenses for one class, on average, it’s not bad that you can save more than 100 vouchers a day.


   Now, the funds for the first class are only more than 500 yuan, which is not enough.


   suddenly looked at Song Xiaole, "Song Xiaole, how much money do you have now?"


   Song Xiaole was taken aback, "Less than 1500! What are you doing?"


   Now, the richest person is Song Xiaole. This product occupies half of the shares of Class 2, and coupled with the company's profit, his daily income is more than 300.


   When Li Mo heard it, his eyes flashed green, "Lend it to me, I'll give you interest!"


   Song Xiaole listened, "Yes! How much interest do you give?"


   Li Mo gave him a white look, "You can't do without you! Moreover, not only does it pay interest, but the team fully supports you to keep your shares!"


   looked at the 16th and 17th classes again, Wang Xueliang and Guo Zhiyong shook their heads immediately, "We have no money now."


Li Mo smiled, "You don’t have money, but we are all grasshoppers on a rope. We temporarily lent me the positions of your blackboards. How about your help?"


  Wang Xueliang and Guo Zhiyong were immediately overjoyed, "Really!?"


   Li Mo, "Of course it is true! Just say whether to borrow or not?"


   "Borrow!" The two of course want to borrow.


   Now they have nothing to do, and the resources on the front and back blackboards are also wasted, just for the first class.


   "And..." Li Mo continued, "Your security team must also lend us temporarily."


"no problem!"








   Aside, several experts and scholars looked at the four-eyed sisters speechlessly, especially the economist named Zhao from a group of economists, with their mouths open and their pupils dilated.


   suddenly realized that he seemed to know this little girl the first day. Okay, a bit talented! The fundraising and resource exchange are pretty good!


   gave a thumbs up to Li Mo who was looking at him, and he did not hesitate to praise him.


  Xin said, "It's a pity, this girl's ambition is to learn physics, otherwise this apprentice would accept it on the spot."


   Talent is not based on how much you write down in the books, how much you understand the teacher, and how many points you can take in the exam, but it depends on whether you have learned "one" and whether you can think of "two".


   Living learning and application is the true meaning.


   This is talent, and in the eyes of Professor Zhao, Li Mo is talented.


   However, what Professor Zhao didn't expect was how much impact Li Mo would have on Li Mo's life.


   Li Mo suddenly thought, should I study economics?


   Well, look back and think about it!


   At this time, Li Mo didn't think about that much for the time being, and ran over, "Mr. Zhao, we have two thousand yuan, and three-fifths of the front and back blackboards!"


   Professor Zhao nodded with relief, two thousand yuan! Two thousand dollars can do a lot of things.


   "This way..." Professor Zhao started to come up with ideas...


   "Li Mo, do you want to study economics? Come to the National People's Congress, and I will take you personally."


   Okay, what I was thinking about was an idea, it was an experiment.


   But, he was honest in his mouth and spoke out his thoughts.


   Li Mo's eyes lit up and he was about to speak. As a result, Professor Zhao regretted after he said, "Ahem!" Cleared his throat, "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."


   The child is going to learn physics, he is doing well, and his grades are among the best. Isn't he ruining his family?


   "I..." Li Mo almost didn't cry, so why did he make a joke? Don't bring such a cute one! ?


   I want to go! How interesting is it to be economic?


  The key is to be able to play with people and manage the money!


   thief cool!


  Professor Zhao didn’t notice Li Mo’s abnormality, so he turned to the topic, “We can try to write a few model essays on opinions, and then first try to give feedback from a few ‘view celebrities’, and then gradually increase the intensity.”


   Several other scholars all smiled, "It's easy!"


   Some of them study mass communication, some sociology, psychology, literature and history, and even lawyers.


   Studying a few articles can't find any faults, but still spurring on the opinion-oriented soft articles, isn't it simple?


   Li Mo hesitated to speak on the side...Finally, he turned his lips and left.


   Don’t let me down, I won’t learn from you yet!


   Everyone immediately discussed it. In less than two hours, a few highly concealed online communication essays took shape.


   Qi Lei has been watching by the side, without intervening.


   didn't need him to intervene, because the front blackboard had too many flaws and too big, these few people were enough.


   It's just that looking at Li Mo's expression is quite interesting.


   silently left the house, went to the fourth floor of the main building, and found Zhang Nan, "Aunt Zhang!"


   "The NPC's surnamed Li Mo is in the photo, and Li Mo seems to have that meaning too. You can think of a way, maybe you can get another **** or something!"


   Zhang Nan is busy, as if not surprised at all, on the contrary, he took a breath, "Is there finally a right eye?"


   "Just leave it alone."


   Qi Lei is an exciting spirit, what do you mean? Don't understand?


  The old mother-in-law....The old mother-in-law wouldn't have been eyeing it long ago! ?


   "Oh!" Suddenly realized, he yelled, "I said that the delay in teaching for such a long time, why are you not in a hurry? Are you waiting here?"


   Zhang Nan raised his head, intervened, supported his chin and looked at Qi Lei calmly, "You know too much."


   Qi Lei shrank his neck and turned around and ran away.




   is too scary, the old mother-in-law is always on the fifth floor.






   Chen Peng is stunned again (stands up)!


   Since Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian were given a wave of dog food and slapped their faces in public last semester, he has become more honest.


   This is also a second-generation official, not stupid at all. Finance and Fu Jiang are willing to be Qi Shitou as a horse, his head is not that big! To provoke such a thing!


   Moreover, he could also see that the water in the second middle school was too deep, and he couldn't make any big storms.


   Therefore, it’s good to have fun in the small circle of your class.


   But, Chen Peng, after all, can't bear to be lonely, if there is no Qi Lei...


   No Wu Ning...


   No Tang Yi...


   No finances...


   Did not pay Jiang...


   No Xiaoshuai Lu...


   There are no Dadongzi, Erchengzi, Sanbingzi...




  Well, without these people, he is definitely the most beautiful boy in the second year of high school!


   It's a pity, there are no ifs in life, I can only hold back.


   But, in the past few days, has Chen Peng suddenly found feelings?


   Chen Peng has started to become an Internet celebrity!


  Yes, originally he didn't catch a cold with this experimental model. A token coupon of ten yuan a day was not allowed to spend his own money, which greatly reduced Chen Peng's quality of life!


   But, I don’t know where a [Neurotic Child] came out, and he quickly became a celebrity.


   This can't help but make Chen Peng's eyes shine, so why can he still play like this? And my appetite!


   So, Chen Peng was a little bit up.


   He guessed that this [Neurotic Child] should be Zhan Xiaotian. That's right, nine out of ten!


   Only he can confront Qi Lei, and there are so many black materials.


   Moreover, this "screen name" is also in line with Zhan Xiaotian's temperament, that grandson is not a normal person.


   It's just that Zhan Xiaotian didn't admit it, and Chen Peng couldn't help it with him, but he believed it was him in his heart.


  Xin said, what can I hide? Isn't it just a bit of a joke, screaming?


   But here comes the problem, Chen Peng is jealous, and it's so cool to scold Qi Lei!


   The key is that this grandson can earn more than 100 yuan a day just like this. Isn’t it right?


   And, it’s not a question of money.


   Old Chen Peng envied the state of [the neurotic child] after he became famous, how can I hear about the topic of the neuropathic child today and who he is talking about?


   Isn't this the state Chen Peng wants?


   So, Chen Peng also wants to be an Internet celebrity, it has nothing to do with money, just want to be famous!


   Then, the problem comes again. Chen Peng doesn't have the same two-handedness as others, what should I do if the writing is not so attractive?


   So far, his hottest opinion post has received more than 20 likes.


   So, Chen Peng moved a crooked mind. You Zhan Xiaotian is smart, and I'm not stupid!


   He found several classes from the experiment, relying on the popularity of the experimental high school before, attracted a large number of people.


   "Give 15 likes a day to [Pengcheng Wanli], each likes a dime!"


   That's right, he gave a thumbs up to the top 20 experimental classes, and he was all allowed to go out.


   Chen Peng doesn’t care about money, I just want to be famous, so what if all this money is spent? Even if you post a bit backwards, he is fine, but unfortunately, he doesn't have so many tokens.


   take a look...


   Chen Peng is also a personal thing, and he discovered the value of traffic so quickly.


   A thumbs up and a dime, for ordinary experimenters, 15 thumbs a day is a five yuan, not a small amount of money, of course I am willing to help Chen Peng realize this Internet celebrity dream.


   Just like that, [Pengcheng Wanli] has quickly become popular!


   He just contacted four classes, more than 200 people, and gave him more than 3,000 likes every day.


   This like rate is already very high, a lot higher than the second-ranked [Neuropathyer], which makes Chen Peng very fulfilled.


   Moreover, not only did he have a sense of accomplishment, but Chen Peng also discovered a secret, a great secret!


   This is a deal! It's a big deal!


  Always making money!


   These more than 3,000 likes, although he can't make money, but the high ranking brings high exposure. It doesn't matter if the content is a little bit worse, and it can attract a lot of attention and likes.


   His daily likes amounted to more than 4,000, even approaching 5,000, 200 yuan is so easy to get.


   Well, Chen Peng is definitely the number one brush in the history of China's Internet!


   He found the traffic password.




   Zhou Lei also discovered the code of wealth and the code that satisfies her infinite vanity.


   In fact, on the back blackboard, the first opinion post with the name of the genus was not posted by [Neurotic Children], but by Zhou Lei!


   On the first day of the experiment, when Zhou Lei saw that Qi Lei's monthly test scores were copied, she was inexplicably refreshed.


   When writing a point of view, I thought that it was anonymous anyway, coupled with Qi Lei’s hatred, naturally I would not write any good things.


   However, what Zhou Lei didn't expect was that her views were actually posted on the back blackboard.


   At that time, she was really scared. She was afraid of being recognized, afraid that everyone would criticize her for spreading rumors, being careful, and seriously hurting her maliciously.


   But, the result seemed to be different from what she thought.


   First of all, many people were scolding Qi Lei, which made Zhou Lei find the same kind.


   And because she knew Qi Lei in junior high school, she knew a lot of his junior high school embarrassment, and her point of view was naturally persuasive, and she was talking about her point of view with her classmates.


   So, Zhou Lei became resuscitated, and she became bolder.


   From the third day, her opinion envelope began to belong to the name. Not her real name, but a screen name—[Xue Piaoling].


   Only at that time, the id of Xue Piaoling did not become popular.


   After the [Neurotic Kid] became popular, Zhou Lei began to imitate his road to fame, and began to serialize some words and paragraphs.


   Moreover, Zhou Lei has made a new way to attract eyeballs. In other words, she not only imitated, she also broke through.


   One day, she accidentally put a beauty soldier sticker on the opinion envelope. As a result, on the back blackboard, her opinion post, there really was a picture of Sailor Moon.


   When everyone else is writing, and there is only one picture of her here, it naturally attracts a lot of attention.


   Plus, Zhou Lei is still a little bit level. At least green tea has been around for a long time, and I know best what boys like and what girls like.


   Since then, Zhou Le began to include pictures on the opinion envelope, specifically selecting some faceless backs or partial photos of female surnames. The youthful breath takes into account the literary style, and the content also takes into account the minds of girls and the ambiguous preferences of young boys.


   A lot of fans are absorbed!


   Everyone thinks that the girl in the picture is "Xue Piaoling" himself. It may be Xiaoya and Li Lin from the second year of high school, or Zhang Yanling from the first year of high school.


   There are different opinions, which has increased the popularity.


   In this way, Zhou Leihong is now, and her vanity is greatly satisfied.


   With an income of hundreds of yuan a day, Zhou Lei really has a rich addiction.


   There are also more and more ordinary people like Zhou Lei and Chen Peng who have become popular in various ways.


The ecosystem of   Hou Chalkboard has also been completely established.


this day.


   Li Mo and Qian Hongjun found Chen Peng and Zhou Lei, and started straight to the point: "Don't worry, your information is kept secret from ordinary laboratories, but it is not a secret to us."


   Qian Hongjun, "In fact, if you can become popular, we are manipulating it. Without us, you can't get on the back blackboard."


   Chen Peng: "......"


   Zhou Lei: "......"


   Li Mo smiled, speaking to his heart, a bit hard to hide contempt.


   This is the difference in height. In her eyes, the Internet celebrity big v in the eyes of these two others is just a tool man they made.


   put on the style: "This is called information focus, and you don't understand it. It's all knowledge of communication."


   "As long as you know, we created the focus of information, and we are a group."


   "I am looking for you to do a business, are you interested?"


   Chen Peng let go of his guard, this kind of experimental environment, after all, is not a reality, and there is a guard to hide himself.


"what business?"


   Qian Hongjun, "Do things for us, and give you money for every point of view."


   Chen Peng and Zhou Lei looked at each other, "It's that simple?"


   Qian Hongjun was very happy, "It's easier than this, you don't need to write your own opinions, just copy it with the manuscript we have written."


   Chen Peng: "......"


   They still don’t understand much now, they still have traditional ideas, and think there is such a good thing?


   "Okay! How much is it?" Chen Peng agreed.


   Li Mo, "For you, 40 yuan a piece! Zhou Lei 20."


   Zhou Lei quit, "Why am I less than him?"


   Li Mo: "Girl, you have to figure out that this is a world in which value is evaluated according to traffic. Your traffic is lower than Chen Peng, so naturally you take less!"


   Zhou Lei was uncomfortable, but there was no way to refute it, she could only argue: "Then you still look for someone else? How much do they give?"


   Ordinarily, I can't tell her, but in the early stage, there were only a small number of Internet celebrities with rhythm, and there was nothing to know, because the rest were my own.




   "[Neurotic child], [Lele is wronged]."


   Zhou Lei: "Then how much are they?"


   Li Mo curled his lips, "They? They are much taller than you."


   "That's not fair!"


   Li Mo: "What is unfair? Most of your manuscripts are written by others, which is very fair!"


   "Will you do it? Let's find someone else."


   "Go!" Zhou Lei finally agreed.


   She is actually not so hard-spirited. Now she is not the only one who has become popular on the back blackboard, the competition is not small!


   It’s just still not convinced, what's the matter with the [Neurotic child] and [Dong Le is very wronged]?


  'S popularity is similar to her, maybe not as good as her!






   At the same time, compared to the ease of the four task classes.


   Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang are not so relaxed, they are talking in class 14!


   "Be vigilant!" Liao Fanjiu emphasized again and again, "At this point, I can tell you the truth. The experiment has entered the third stage!"


   "Your enemy, the four mission squads, will begin to attack soon!"


   "Your class represents the face of us traditional media people!"


   "Under the premise of ensuring the experimental principles, fairness and justice, we must be vigilant and not let the four task classes take advantage of it! Understand?"




   The fourteenth class held a long voice, Zhou Zhizhou didn't even lift his head, and he was still doing the problem review there!


   said in his heart, how can this uncle be worse than those old ones? Fight back? Fight back! ?


   Suddenly he said to his deskmate Liu Lin, "Is the class leader running out of time to study these days?"


   Liu Lin nodded and looked forward, "Xu Xiaoqian hasn't caught his shadow for several days."


   But it was Fang Bing who suddenly did not know where he came from, holding one in one hand, "Be vigilant! Work as a shift leader!"


   The three of them came to the top of Secondary Two, "Be vigilant! Work as the head of the shift!"


before noon...


   The press releases sent to the front blackboard by the four task teams were delivered to the fourteenth team and Liao Fanyi.


   Yes, coming in and out next door, the atmosphere is solemn, Liao Fanyi guessed that Qi Lei and the others should start doing it today.


   Therefore, not only the students in Class 14 have to be reviewed, but also their old scholarship.


   That's why he gave a lecture to Class 14.


   Zhou Zhizhou happened to be on duty today, reviewing the manuscripts of the task team, and made up his mind. Even if there is a little suspiciousness, I have to call them back.


   Didn't Qi Lei say it, it's very concealed... That's fine, I see how tall you are!


   But, after taking the press release, Zhou Zhizhou's face went black.


   "嚓! Qi Lao Er surrendered?"


  特, what kind of counterattack is this?


   sent to Liao Fanyi to have a look, "this..."


   Liao Fanyi was speechless, "You are too concealed, right?"


  【1】. Price list....(Today there is no advertising slogan!)


  【2】. The second class committee of high school, apply for mandatory execution (experimental script, it has nothing to do with those four classes)


  【3】. The second middle school students talked a lot, Qi Lei's father intends to transfer Qi Lei (also an experimental script)


  【4】. Japanese Prime Minister visited the United States...


  【5】. Yue Fei is a national hero...


   This is so...cleaner than the first stage!


   It’s really nothing.


  What's the situation? I was puzzled, I could only bite the bullet and send it out.


   However, for the sake of insurance, the slogan of hard work, simplicity, diligence and frugality is still indispensable.


   But when this thing is released, there is really no new idea at all, everyone is tired of watching it.


   The [view envelope] of each class is also a lot of complaints, and some of the "big v"s have gradually begun to have voices.


   [Neurotic children]: I really can't help it. It's been 2000 years. Can't our [Front Blackboard] keep up with the times? Isn't it okay to report something that young people are interested in? is it hard?




   [Lele is very wronged]: The front blackboard, as always, is nothing new. I heard that some "masses" have already given suggestions to Class 14, but they have not been adopted. We don't know what's going on.


   However, I personally express my understanding. As an authoritative media of the Second Middle School, we must maintain a neutral and positive image. This is the posture that an authoritative media should have. I would like to praise the front blackboard!


   Qi Lei is yin and yang strange, Song Xiaole is half and half. Half the old yin and yang, and the other half speak for the fourteenth class and the front blackboard, you can't tell whether he is true or not.


   [Pengcheng Wanli]: I don’t understand why so many people complain?


  The public use of the front blackboard is to provide an authoritative argument to grasp the general direction of the campus, and to say a professional term, this is called serious media!


   It shouldn't be a place for ridicule and laughter, but it must also be serious.


   If you want to see funny things, just look at my jokes!


   [Snow Piaoling]: The front blackboard needs a big picture and style...


   The slogans of decades are also needed for propaganda, which is understandable. Although we young people don't like it, please don't question it, let alone slander it.


   It's the turn of these two, it's simply the team that sings hymns and stands in front of the blackboard.


   However, looking at these four posts carefully, the message conveyed is very interesting.


   neutral front...




   Young people are not interested...


   Serious media...




Um! It is still very positive energy.


   Even the class 14 people are very satisfied, "Fuck! There are still people who understand, right?"


   Xu Xiaoqian pouted her mouth, "There is no good thing that is called crazy!"


   The one under the banyan tree who catches who sprays, the second middle school scolds Qi Lei every day, and Xu Xiaoqian wants to tear him up.


  Don't let her know who this person is!


   Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang were also relieved.


   Generally speaking, there is no big problem. Just one [neurotic child] used a questioning tone and expressed dissatisfaction. Other public opinions are still very objective.


   Well, positive, authoritative, stylish, serious media!


   These words are recognized by even these traditional media people. This is called positioning! The positioning of the front blackboard is like this.


   Although it is indeed a bit ungrounded, Xue Piaoling is right that the front blackboard needs to maintain its style.


   The news model of traditional media is to maintain an image and be synonymous with virtue and beauty.


   That's the way it is originally, how else to ensure seriousness and authority?


  In this age, a person is not stable, that is, a frivolous person, and a frivolous person is not credible.


   And if a media is frivolous...only gossip is frivolous!


   But, here comes the problem again, what about the counterattack?


   Whether it is the front blackboard news of the four task classes, or the back blackboard they control...


   Counterattack! ?


   Can you see any traces of human manipulation?


   Even the remarks of neurotic children are just that young people are pursuing fresh and stimulating senses, and their stereotyped dissatisfaction with traditional media is human nature.


   However, to be on the safe side, Liao Fanyi decided to include the neurological child as a key observation object.


   "Staring at this celebrity, I always feel that this person's tone is a bit like Lei Qi?"


   Pang Qingfang heard, "Impossible! He scolded himself?"


   "Hehe..." Liao Fanyi sneered, "That **** thing, what can't you do?"


   Pang Qingfang grinned, this kid is indeed a bit evil.


   However, if Pang Qingfang likes it, young people will be out of style.


   At the beginning, he hadn't thought about fighting for this young man, but at least now, Pang Qingfang has changed his mind.


   Once this is over, he has to talk to Qi Lei to see if he is interested in coming to the National People's Congress.


   Beiguang, what can I do? What's the best for the state? Most people are good? That is the top university!


At night.


   Four classes of evening news came again to submit articles, and Liao Fanyi was almost not crazy.


Same! Same as a dime at noon!


   "What are you doing!?"


   As a result, Qi Lei grinned, "Hey, there are too many questions? Anyway, be careful, we have already taken action!"


   said Liao Fanyi's face is green, are you a liar? !


   Ecstasy! It must be the Ecstasy!


   In this way, the news is sent out according to the Bank of China, and the front blackboard will inevitably attract more dissatisfaction.


   Is this uncreative? Why is this thing from morning till night?


   The opinion envelope is also starting to be a bit wrong.


   [Neurotic child]: Don't ask the front blackboard, no comment! Can we talk about something else? For example, the server of "Legend" is full again, and the cost of Internet cafes has dropped again, 2 yuan per hour, my mother said that I can play "Legend" again.


   [Lele is so wronged]: Extraordinary nickname! A classmate of the 28th grade was caught by the old crane while smoking from the gun tower. The eldest brother was heartbroken, didn't run, and handed a piece to the old crane, but the **** almost didn't come out.


   [Pengcheng Wanli]: Major news, Song Xiaole from Class 2 tried to surpass Class 14 by 20% in grades. This is the last two wars! I want to say that the penultimate hit is so hot, how do you make the penultimate live?


  【Snowfall】: Snowflake rushes to the earth from the moment it is born, and the moment it falls, it is its whole life... However, the snowflake never repents...because...that is its destiny. (With picture)


  Three little news about gossip, one in acid text is not good.


   The rest, there are still no waves.


   Even those "tap water" scolding [front blackboard] were blocked by the four task teams.


   In order not to disperse the firepower, all the focus is on these four people.


   But, in Liao Fanyi's eyes, his head hurts a bit!


   What kind of plane! ? There is a kind of uncomfortable punch in cotton.


   are all ready, you guys can't do anything! ?


  Xin said, let Qi Lei scream?


   Didn't they do it today? Why are they all irrelevant?




   Okay, it's not a day, but a few days.


   The second day, the third day! The fourth day!


   For four consecutive days, there were no waves on the front and back blackboards, even more honest than the first stage.


   The Internet celebrity [Neurotic Child] that I took care of was also babbling, and occasionally teased the front blackboard with a few other Internet celebrities, or it was just a little gossip that made people speechless.


   It's just that this stuff seems to be very mind-blowing, and it's all topics of interest to everyone.


   The general direction is still the same. The most serious sentence is, "Take the front blackboard." Won a lot of likes.


   Some other internet celebrities, such as [Lele is wronged], [Pengcheng Wanli], and [Snow Piaoling], they post some gossip news to attract a little traffic. At most, sometimes like a neurotic child, teasing about the front blackboard.


   Moreover, they are mostly positive comments. The accent is also that the positive, authority, and style of the front blackboard... is serious media!


   is to speak for the front blackboard.


   About this, Liao Fanyi and others were also completely relieved. It seems that the four task teams are bravado.


   The ridicule and controversy of the Internet celebrity...


   This is great! It was originally a serious media, and it is not on the same level as your gossip.


   Say what you like to say, not to mention the majority of people who exaggerate the blackboard.


   To put it bluntly, these Internet celebrities are just not influential and unsightly.


   But, having said that, it's been four days since the third stage, and it's not always the case that it's not salty or salty!


   Besides, those classes didn't update the content. It has been four days, three times a day, and the front blackboard has not changed. In other words, the front blackboard has the same content for four days.


   It doesn’t work anymore.


   So, Liao Fanyi decided that they don't want to upload the content, let's do it ourselves.


   Regardless of whether you're a conspiracy or a conspiracy, I'm still at home.




   April 18, the content of the front blackboard is:


   [1] As of April 16, the consumption index of the second high school campus was stable, the students consumed rationally, the income and expenditure were balanced, and the results were gratifying. (Hard work, simplicity, diligence and thrift)


   [2] Song Xiaole refused to enforce the court's judgment and tried to resist the law. (Believe in law and justice)


   [3] Qi Lei has completed the transfer procedures and may leave the second high school at any time.


   [4] The Sino-Japanese relationship is inseparable from history. Only by recognizing history can we recognize the future. (Keep in mind the history and not forget the national shame)


   [5] The story of mother-in-law's tattoo... (Respect history and heroes)


Um! Not only are there new content, but they are still guarded against it!


   As a result, after the new content was posted, the back blackboard of the day had no response. It was all gossip gossip, and there was no comment on the front blackboard at all.


   Liao Fanyi thought at first that the four task teams had controlled and commented. They manipulated the back blackboard and deliberately reduced the exposure of five main-line news.


  The spiral of silence!


   Qi Lei is quite familiar with it.


   Liao Fanyi is also speechless about this. It's a trivial trick, it's not worth it, there is nothing new?


   But the facts don’t seem to be the case!


   In the afternoon, Liao Fan was free and wanted to retrieve the model data of the past few days to see a change.


   But after taking a look, Liao Fanyi was not scared to death after the previous opinion envelope data of the new content was posted on the front blackboard today.


   is not the task class control and evaluation, but no one participates in the topic discussion on the [front blackboard] at all.


  The proportion of the opinion envelope is very small, so small that it blows up his hair.




   Liao Fanyi immediately realized what, but he was not sure yet because it was impossible in his cognition.


   ran back to the West Campus like crazy, slammed open the door and shouted at Pang Qingfang, Zhang Luchen and others inside, "Something happened! Something happened!"


   A few old scholars shivered, what are you doing? He is also in his thirties, and he is not stable at all.


   Pang Qingfang, the old god, calmly, "What happened? Speak slowly."


   That expression made Liao Fan loyal, and directly threw the data on the old man's face, "See it for yourself!"


   Pang Qingfang frowned, right? Although you are the initiator of the new discipline, this is a bad sight. What kind of a cow are you? Besides, do you know how to respect the elderly?


   grabbed the data, didn't care about Liao Fanyi, looked down.


   "My God!" Pang Qingfang almost didn't sit on the ground.


   "This, this, this, this! What's going on!?"


   Liao Fanyi stared, "I still want to ask! What is going on?"


   "Why is the attention so low!?"


   Pang Qingfang came back to his senses, his pupils dilated, and he yelled at Lao Kai and the person in charge of the statistics group: "Immediately! Make a temporary questionnaire right away. We need to know the attention and satisfaction of the front blackboard!"


   Old Qin is very happy, I remind you every day not to take it lightly, is it over? It's cold, I haven't prepared the coffin yet!


   winked at the statistics team and asked them to follow suit.


"and many more!"


   The statistics team was just about to implement it, but was called back by Liao Fanyi.


   pondered for a while, "Take a count of the attention and satisfaction of the back blackboard and those few celebrities."


   Old Qin raised his eyebrows over there. Look, Liao Fanyi is still sober, he can see something.


   In this way, the experimental group only got the questionnaire data in the evening self-study. The statistics group made statistics overnight. Liao Fanyi and the others stayed up all night and waited for the results.


   Finally at midnight, the statistics came out.


   Old Qin handed over the data to them, and said in a earnest way, "Everyone, now it seems that this subject is really necessary!"


   "You have been emptied!"


   A group of old scholastics were upset and their faces turned pale.


   Pang Qingfang grabbed it, "Bring it to you! We have the final say if it is necessary, we are professional!"


  Old Qin: "......"


   shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Then you guys can see for yourself!"


   As a result, a few old scholars looked at the data, and they were just silly, and their brains were buzzing.


   Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang, almost smashed on the chair in unison, then said in unison:


   "Hibernation effect!"


   "Go to sleep!"


  Who went to sleep? The front blackboard enters the dormant effect!


   Although the satisfaction of the blackboard has declined on the data, the data is still acceptable, and the decline is not much.


   The problem lies in attention, and the most terrible thing is attention!


   The degree of attention dropped to a number that they could not receive, less than 30%!


  In other words, two-thirds of people no longer care about what is written on the front blackboard, or even dispensable.


  Satisfaction has not declined, but attention has fallen precipitously. This is the dormant effect.


   The public is tired and don’t care anymore. Although you are still authoritative, no one questioned your authority, but it’s useless!


   What is the use of an authority that is not followed? If the information cannot be output, it is useless.


   "How could this be?" Zhang Luchen was puzzled, "Why do I suddenly fall asleep?"


   Liao Fanyi gritted his teeth and came to a conclusion, "It's the ghosts of those celebrities!"


   Putting down the data on the blackboard and the Internet celebrity, a little weak, "They are the ghost!"


   Pang Qingfang snatched it over, "Let me see!"


   At first glance, the old man Pang was stunned, and the attention of the back blackboard...95.7%!


   This is a data that is impossible to achieve without any problems on the front blackboard!


   Looking at the satisfaction and attention of those Internet celebrities, it is even more frightening.


   The data tells everything, that is-the back blackboard has replaced the front blackboard and has become the main port for obtaining information for the 72 experimental classes.


   Yes, as Old Qin said, they were emptied!


   It can even be said that the dynasty has changed, and the front blackboard is useless.


   Liao Fanyi suddenly smiled, "This bastard!"


   looked up speechlessly and looked at a few colleagues, "He did remind us..."


   "Agenda setting!"


   "He actually set an agenda for the front blackboard, and it was locked without us noticing it!"


   Pang Qingfang also gritted his teeth: "This is a foul! He has violated the rules! Otherwise, how could this happen!"


   is indeed too unacceptable.


   And Liao Fanyi pondered for a while, and became even weaker, "Is it a violation? It!"


   really not! Not only was there no violation of regulations or laws, but it was done without your knowledge.


   There was silence in the room, and it was scary.


   At this moment, not only the three of them, but all the people in the experimental group are sweating. They know better than anyone what the front blackboard represents.


   is locked on the agenda! ? And it was locked unconsciously, even with their approval.


   What agenda is used? ? They use what they fully approve, "positive, authoritative, high..."




   "Serious media..."


   Serious media!


   Isn't it ridiculous? It's not terrible! ?


   Liao Fanyi finally reacted, he knew where they were wrong.


   It is true that serious media is not a derogatory term, but for a mature person, seriousness means authority, which is a good thing.


   However, they overlooked the fact that:


   This is at school! The experimental site is a school, and the subjects are a group of 16 to 18-year-old students. Seriousness is not a good word for them, it has natural rejection.


   Attention, this does not make Liao Fanyi feel fortunate, thinking that the campus experiment is one-sided, and it is not accurate if it does not include mature adults?


mistaken! Campus experiments are the most accurate!


  Because...because it already means that they have lost the attention of young people.


   If the information of an authoritative media cannot be passed on to young people, it is tantamount to losing the future, and losing the young people who dominate the future. This is the most terrifying!


   "Don't panic!" Zhang Luchen was the first to react, "It can be remedied!"


   Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang looked up, their eyes gradually brightened, "Yes, fortunately, I found it early, and I can remedy it!"


   Professor Chen Xingfu asked urgently: "How to fix it?"


   Liao Fanyi thought for a while, "Time doesn't allow, you can only respond positively!"


   If it is in reality, it may be possible to plan for a long time, and it will be the least harmful.


   In other words, instead of responding positively, you will slowly find the problem from yourself and wake up the information port on the front blackboard.


   But, in this model, it's too late.


   A few days is a change, there is no time for you to take your time, you can only face it head-on.


  , taking advantage of the credibility of the front blackboard, immediately began to fight back.


   In the eyes of everyone, they still have a chance.


   First of all, the concept of “agenda setting” does not mean that after falling into the agenda, there will be negative resistance. It cannot influence the judgment of the people.


   In an agenda, if there is a negative side, there must be a positive side.


   In other words, if the front blackboard falls into the agenda of serious media, then there will be support and opposition, and the front blackboard still has fans.


  Secondly, the dormant effect is just dormant instead of losing credibility.


   Attention has declined, but satisfaction and credibility are still there.


  In other words, everyone is just a little tired of the content of the front blackboard, which does not mean that the front blackboard has no credibility.


   Now they can turn the loss as long as they raise their attention! !


   The second day is the fifth day of the third stage.


   On April 18, the front blackboard suddenly changed the style of painting.


   Yes, a big change.


   Liao Fanyi They are professional and they are not stupid. They don’t fight back with hard and hard opposition. That way, the effect may not be significant, and they are prone to rebellious psychology.


   The content is much more relaxed and bright, and it is just a suggestion that everyone should treat Internet celebrities rationally and do not put too much experience in meaningless online celebrity comments.


   is to advocate rational judgment and don't fall into the trap of internet celebrities.


After the content of    was finalized, Liao Fanyi even had some intent to fight.


  Xin said, boy, it’s a good game! Now I'm shaking your basics, can you take the move?


   If you don’t pick it up, just pretend to be dead.


   If you take the move, you will have to show up.


   The credibility of the front blackboard is still there, and the authority of Class 14 is still there. Let's fight head-on, which is equivalent to a duel between the front blackboard and the back blackboard.


   You can't beat me!


   Fortunately, they found out early and didn't give the four task teams and Qi Lei a chance.


   Liao Fanyi really hopes that Qi Lei will take the move and be tough! That way, the winner will be happy.


   So, Qi Lei, as he wished, really took the move head-on.




   On the same day, all the Internet celebrities from the 72 experimental classes went online collectively and all participated in the war.


   Moreover, it is no longer a concealed concept output, and a positive response to the Internet celebrity agenda.


  Moreover, a few big heads headed by [Neurotic Children] directly named and accused the front blackboard of being out of date! Lack of innovation! Too high above!


   [Lele is very wronged]: Brother, we haven’t gotten to the point where we don’t let people talk, right? Can't we just play our own?


   [Pengcheng Wanli]: Ha ha, nothing to say, really nothing to say!


   [Snow Piaoling]: I'm just a little girl... I don't understand anything, what's wrong? Can I change it?


   are all similar remarks, and they don’t even make sense with the front blackboard.


   broke Liao Fan's righteousness, and finally came to his field of expertise.


   As long as you dare to jump out, you can dismiss them one by one and kill them!


  Furthermore, for the two of you, you have to start a public opinion war? Too amateur, right?


   Immediately began to organize the 14th squad to fight back, and it is bound to wipe out these people in one fell swoop!


   It's a pity that he hasn't waited for him to fight back. Pang Qingfang, who holds the latest data, pays a tooth for a tooth...


   shook the data on his face, "Stop! Stop now!"


   Liao Fanyi almost missed his waist, "Stop...stop what?"


"look by youself!"


   Liao Fanyi was speechless, picked up the data and took a closer look, but he was almost gone.


  Because of the start of the war between the two parties, the latest questionnaire shows that the credibility and satisfaction of the front blackboard has dropped...15%!


   Yes, I dived!


   I was sleeping before, and I can still see the data. Now diving! ! Damn it!


   "This...this is impossible!"


"This is impossible!"


   glared, hysterically, "How is this possible!?"


   The credibility of the front blackboard is still there. How can I say it will be gone?


   Pang Qingfang stared, "Ask me!? Who am I going to ask? Ask Qi Lei to go?"


   turned around and shouted at a room of people, "Let me check it all! No one can find out, no one is allowed to sleep!"


   "If you can't find it, you have to ask that kid, I don't think you can afford to lose this person!"


All right...


   Chen Xingfu is also a bachelor, "Don't check, just ask now. Sooner or later, it will be a shame."


   This is beyond their cognition, check it out? It's useless to check, just ask!


   Forgive me, there was going to be a fight here, but Qi Lei over there almost didn't laugh to death.


   "If Professor Liao doesn't act to hide his powers and bide his time, we estimate that it will take ten days."


   "As a result, he made a faint move, and the third stage of the battle can be ended early."


   This is really just because the opponent is not strong enough to help end the battle early, so I can't be happy.


   "What's the matter?"


   Qian Hongjun, Wang Xueliang, and Song Xiaole were all curious.


   The backbones of Class I, Class 16, and Class 17 also leaned over, standing ears up and waiting for Qi Lei to explain.


   Yes, they are really curious.


   This is no longer a simple experimental question. They have been involved in it for so long.


   suddenly won, can you not be curious?


   Qi Lei himself said that the third stage is the longest, estimated to take half a day.


   And when they had the idea of ​​subverting Class Fourteen, they also subconsciously thought that this task was very, very difficult.


   But, it's not too easy!


  According to the original plan, the four task teams will continue the cyber offensive, and then fully control the evaluation.


  As Professor Liao Fanyi thought, the use of prosecution to create a spiral of silence made most people refuse to speak any more or even change their positions.


   At that time, the front blackboard will gradually lose the initiative.


   But, these are useless, it's over?


   "What's the matter?" everyone asked after Qi Lei.


   As soon as Qi Lei was about to explain, he heard the bang of the door and was kicked open by Liao Fanyi.


   The man in his early thirties had a sullen face, like an old man, staring at Qi Lei and shouting, "Come out!"


   Qi Lei smiled and didn't take it seriously: "What are you going out for?"


   Liao Fanyi wants to strangle him! "Come out and explain to me! Let you show off!"


   Now the people in the room over there want to know how the 15% fell.


   "Okay!" Qi Lei spread his hands and simply called the people in the task class to Liao Fanyi's classroom.


   The backbone of the four task teams, together with the people from the experimental group, stood in a circle in the room, waiting for Qi Lei to speak.


   "I explained it together, so I won't say it twice!"


   Pang Qingfang's face was also not good-looking, "Hurry up!"


   Qi Lei yelled perversely, "Good Le!"


   Just about to speak, there was another knock on the door outside.


   Everyone looked at the door, Pang Qingfang couldn't suppress the fire, "Who is so special?"


   was about to rush over and open the door in person. As a result, Zhang Xiaozi hunched his waist and came in by himself with a grin.




   "It's all here!"


   A room of people want to kick him to death, forget it, are you not talking nonsense?


   Liao Fanyi frowned, what is he doing? Don't pick the time?


   is about to rush people, but it is Zhang Xiaozi who really has no vision at all!


   I didn’t like Teacher Liao. I just didn’t see it. I looked after myself and waved behind me, "Come on, hurry up! Come in!"


have to!


   He brought a few people from the senior senior class who were going to major in journalism, and Jiang Yao was among them.


   The child Zhang didn’t see anything outside, "Teacher, I will bring them to have a long experience. Don’t worry, just listen and listen!~"


   Liao Fanyi: "..."


   Okay, I'm all speechless, and I don't know how to get angry.


   Zhang Jiazhi has been doing this during this period of time, and he has gotten used to it.


   Whenever I have a chance, I bring a few students from the third year of high school.


   Liao Fanyi also knows that long-term knowledge is only one aspect. He wants the students to be familiar with the professors in Beijing and Guangzhou. When you wait for school exams and recommended exams, you can take advantage of it.


   You said, just your little pattern, I'm thinking about these useless things!


   was too lazy to talk to him, and said sternly, "I'm talking about business! Either don't say anything, or just go back, and come back when you are not busy."


   is his own student after all, and Liao Fanyi can't say anything too hard.


   Then, Zhang Xiaozi grinned, "No sound! It must be silent!"


   stood by the door like a few special quail, and told the students, "Listen and learn more, it's good for you!"


   His eyes flicked, the thief proudly, "You can have a snack!"


   Everyone is speechless, but if Zhang's child has a bit of emotional intelligence, he won't be the way he is today.


   But, if you listen to it, it's really good to have a familiar face.


   Pang Qingfang finally stopped disturbing, and looked at Qi Lei anxiously, "Let’s talk about it!"


   "This is unscientific, the dormancy effect will not have such a large data decline, the response is too intense."


   "Why!? Why is this happening?"


   "There is no such thing as media studies!"


   A series of questions were thrown out, which shows how anxious this old man is.


   Qi Lei groaned, but ignored Pang Qingfang, and looked at Zhang Luchen, "Teacher Zhang, you should be familiar with this phenomenon."


   Zhang Luchen raised his eyebrows, "Me?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


   Zhang Luchen, "But I really didn't see the reason for this."


   Qi Lei directly announced the answer, "This is a compound reaction of [Me in the Mirror] and another psychological concept."








   This time, not only Zhang Luchen, but Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu both greeted hello, and the three asked: "What does this have to do with [Me in the mirror]?"


  I in the mirror is not only a concept of social psychology, but also a concept of mass media, so Liao Fanyi and Chen Guangfu also know it.


   At this time, Qian Hongjun couldn't hold back, "What...what is called [me in the mirror]?"


Does the word    sound a bit mysterious?


   Qi Lei smiled, not in a hurry to explain to Liao Fanyi and the others,? He explained to the students in the four task classes:


   "[Me in the mirror] is a social psychology concept."


   "It believes that people's behavior is largely determined by their cognition of oneself, and this cognition is mainly formed through social interaction with people."


   "It comes from the evaluation and attitude of others towards oneself. It is a mirror that reflects oneself. People know oneself through the mirror, so it is called [Mirror Me]."


   Seeing everyone was still at a loss, Qi Lei simply said, "To put it bluntly, your behavior depends on what kind of person you think you are."


   "If you think you are a good person, then you do what people do. If you are a bad person, then do evil in the way that bad people think."


   "The decision that you are a good person or a bad person is not your own perception, but the evaluation of others! Others say that you are a good person is a good person, and a bad person is a bad person."


   "This..." Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, "Really?"


   Is this a fallacy?


   Qi Lei laughed, "Does it seem incredible? It seems unreasonable. I am to decide what kind of person I am, but how can it be decided by others?"


   "But social science is like this. It has no theorems and hard-wired theories. There are only concepts, and many concepts are opposite. Compared with [I in the mirror], there is [individualism]."


   "[I in the mirror] believes that self-awareness comes from the interaction between people. [Individualism] believes that self-awareness comes from self-conscious awakening."


   "But, both of these make sense."


   "Especially [Me in the Mirror], it is a 100-year-old psychological concept."


   "..." Students look at me and I look at you. It really feels subverted. Moreover, it looks amazing.


   As for the child Zhang behind...


   screamed at Jiang Yao, "Listen! Listen! This is all advanced knowledge, useful!"


   Liao Fanyi can't stand it anymore, "Zhang Jiazhi, shut up~!"


  Children, "This is closed!"


not talking anymore. Then, keep winking at the students in my class, don't listen, just write it down for me!


   Over there, Qi Lei continued to explain to the students in the task class.


   "This is the charm of psychology."


   "Take [Mirror Me] as an example, it believes that'people's self-awareness is formed through interaction with others.'"


  "This kind of connection includes three aspects: how others "know" oneself; how others "evaluate" oneself; these "knowledge" or "evaluation" emotions of oneself to others."


   "For example, if your teachers and parents say that you are smart, then your self-awareness also thinks you are smart, not that I am stupid."


"Another example." refers to the young man in the room. "You have participated in this simulation experiment. If you perform well in the experiment and are praised by the great professors behind you, then this kind of feedback from others is very good. It may affect your self-perception."


   "For example, if you have a strong interest in social sciences, or even think that you are doing this, it is possible to change the direction of your life."


   "[Me in the mirror] explains this kind of self-recognition process."


   After explaining, Qi Lei looked at Liao Fanyi and others.


   I saw a few old scholars all thinking, and Zhang Luchen said to himself, "I am in the mirror? Does it matter?"


   Qi Lei, "It's related, and it's very important!"


   Zhang Luchen looked up, "Go on!"


   Qi Lei analyzed, "Our usual self-cognition, if we apply the concept of [Me in the mirror], it comes from traditional media, people around us, social interaction, etc.!"


   "Under this kind of traditional interaction, self-concept is sound and easy to be grouped."


   "For example, what kind of person is Qi Lei?"


   "The classmates, teachers, and you, look at it every day, it is clear that you live together every day. Then, what you feedback to me must be an objective and comprehensive evaluation."


   "These evaluations, in the process of self-shaping, must also be objectively in line with reality, and my personality perception will not be outrageous. Right?"


   stretched out his hands, "To put it bluntly, I am in the mirror. I don’t need a nose and my eyes are deformed, right!?"


   Liao Fanyi and Zhang Luchen nodded, "That's right! Then what?"


   Qi Lei, "Then?"


   "Online feedback is totally different!? The me in the mirror is strange."


   Liao Fanyi was startled, as if he had caught something, but it was not obvious.


   Qi Lei, "Internet interaction and feedback must be one-sided, and it must be an evaluation that cannot be fully recognized."


   "Everyone likes one of my posts, and I like to comment privately. Their comments are only for the content of the post and the emotions conveyed under the content of the post."


   "They cannot see my complete person, nor can they make an objective and comprehensive evaluation."


   "For example, if a female internet celebrity sends a beautiful photo, everyone only evaluates her beauty. As to what character she is, whether she has other personality defects, we don't know at all, just look at her beauty."


   "The feedback received by this female internet celebrity is: I am beautiful, don't care about the others. Only beauty is left for self-recognition!"


"For another example, if you are really talented in a good piece of text, the internet appraises you, then I might really think I am talented. But in fact, I copied it. But I don’t care, social feedback is talented, then I’m really talented. Think I am talented."


   "The consequence is that social networking will cause some people to have defects in their self-perception!"




   Liao Fanyi understands.


   "You mean, the personality created by [Me in the mirror] under the network environment is not sound!?"


   "Yes!" Qi Lei nodded, and Liao Fanyi grasped the point.


   This is a very big problem, not a joke.


   Later generations, I often encounter those who are obsessed with self-confidence or extreme paranoia on the Internet, and even those that I often encounter in the game, come up and scold "garbage", "You can't beat me, you are nothing" and so on!


   simply makes you doubt life! How can there be such a person? ill!


   However, among these people, it may be that not all of them are character problems or bad.


   He is really self-confident, really just a muscle, really flawed.


   Because the feedback is projected onto self-perception, that's what he told him.


   The most notable thing is the game!


  People who play games almost meet two kinds of people:


   One kind is scolded when he comes up, as long as he is better than others, he scolds.


   The other kind is the impulsive consumption that is clearly not allowed.


   This is caused by social interaction, self-cognition bias.


   You may not be blamed for bad character, bad temper and watery brains, but that's what he really thinks.


  Imagine that in a virtual environment, a person’s ears are full of "you are amazing" or "you are a real dish", and what you see is that the strong are respected. If the social connection is broken again in reality, this kind of cognitive bias will occur.


   The same is true of spending money to death.


   has found the most comfortable feedback in the game, and has been out of reality, he doesn't even care if he has money in his pocket.


   For another example, "cx" those who are brainwashed, hysterical enough to make people incomprehensible. It is precisely because of the environment they are in and the interactive feedback they have taken that has affected his self-perception.


   No one can really persuade me anymore.




   At this time, Liao Fanyi became solemn, and to be honest, this was a problem he hadn't thought about.


   Cognitive bias... I suddenly felt that this is a very important subject. How to avoid cognitive bias on the Internet? worthy of study!


   frowned and thought for a while, "But, this is not directly related to the decline in data, right?"


   At least for now, he still can't see the direct connection between "Me in the Mirror" and the decline of the front blackboard data.


   Zhang Luchen said: "You just said that this is the linkage between me and another psychological concept in the mirror? What is the other?"


   I saw Qi Lei jokingly at Zhang Luchen, "The other is ‘individualism’!"


   "What!?" As expected by Qi Lei, Zhang Luchen jumped up directly.


   Yes, I jumped up!


   Everyone doesn’t understand, why are you so excited.


   As everyone knows, Zhang Luchen and Qi Lei know the reason.


   Because the two concepts of [I in the Mirror] and [Individualism] cannot be put together, they are opposite.


  Individualism emphasizes personal freedom, personal interests, and self-control to realize self-awareness.


  The self in the mirror emphasizes the interaction with others, and improves self-awareness by interacting with others.


   These two theories are the palm of the hand and the back of the hand, heaven and hell, they cannot be mixed together!


   "This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


   saw Qi Lei smile indifferently, "It is really least it is possible in the network environment."


   with a loud voice, "Narrow social feedback creates a narrow sense of self. This is [Me in the mirror]"


   "However, the natural hidden nature of the Internet, coupled with the extremely low cost of information output, creates another extreme."


   "Everyone can speak and express their own opinions!"


   "And this kind of information output does not have to consider moral factors, values, or even any view of good and evil."


   "I can use the most vicious words and narrowest thoughts to guess anyone, and then speak out without paying any cost."


   "This is the breeding ground for extreme individualism! People will be highly self-confident, this is [individualism]!"






   Zhang Luchen's eyes widened, "How could... how could this be?"


   "According to you, according to you..." Zhang Luchen gasped, "Our existing social psychology theories are not going to be overthrown!?"


  What is social psychology? It is an interdisciplinary subject of sociology and psychology, which studies the psychology and behavior of individuals and groups in social interaction and the law of change.


   This is one of the cornerstones of the structure of human society. Together with sociology, communication, law, and cultural ethics, this world is constructed.


   Why... it doesn’t work anymore?


   I saw Qi Lei shaking his head, "It's not an overthrow! It's not as serious as you said, but the application scenario has changed."


   "Furthermore, it is very complicated. How to apply the original traditional theory in the new scenario needs to be studied from scratch."


   Zhang Luchen nodded, his face solemn, "Go on."


   Qi Lei, "Nothing to say? I created an unsound self in the mirror, and extreme individualism played a role again."


   "Therefore, if the front blackboard uses dogmatic preaching to convey information, whether it is right or wrong, it will produce rejection."


   "No one wants to hear about teaching anymore, and even some people no longer think rationally, but perceptually."


   "I don't like it, then you are wrong!"


   "To put it bluntly, people are more willing to trust their own judgment than authority."


   After thinking about it, he said, "You can use the information explosion, everyone knows more to explain, or you can say that the front blackboard is out of date."


   "But the underlying logic, that's it."


   Liao Fanyi: "!!!"


   Zhang Luchen: "!!!"


   Qi Lei, "I think this should be the most meaningful conclusion of this experiment so far!"


   The biggest change in the Internet is not the way of life, but the way of thinking.


   This is also the deadliest and the most harmful.


   It's not that there is something wrong with the information explosion, but it feels like a small horse-drawn cart.


   The big car is okay, but the little horse doesn’t move.


   The front blackboard is out of touch with the times, unable to restrain social problems and allow them to grow freely.


   This remark can be said to be the most efficient piece of information since Lei Qi was born again.


   It's so cool!


   Liao Fanyi...


   Zhang Luchen and Pang Qingfang...


   Until this moment, UU reading did not really realize why Qi Lei said this is a university discipline, and why is it necessary to establish this discipline?


   At this moment, they are enlightened!


   As for the students in the four task classes...


how to say? If you are sixteen or seventeen, immersed in an experimental model that is very mysterious to you.


   looked in front of him again, the country's top subject experts, here to discuss...


   And, what's more, it's too still understand.


   That kind of shock...


   suddenly came up with an idea, it’s not that Qi Lei is so handsome! Rather, communication...and the experiment they are doing...


   really awesome!


  Someone...want to learn.






   Thank you [alimama rabbit **** bless me] and [half free_] the two bosses for their support!


   Boss atmosphere! The boss gets rich! The boss is so awesome!


   Today’s addition is for you, for the leaders and book friends who have supported Cangshan these days!


  【Monthly pass coin slot】


  【Recommended ticket coin slot】


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