Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 190: The path connecting the present and the future (5)



   sounds very esoteric and difficult to understand, but in fact it is essentially "information input and output".


   Therefore, any science that studies the relationship between people, such as politics, economics, journalism, anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, semantics...


even! ! Neurology, etc., are inseparable from communication studies.


   It's just that, in the era of traditional media, communication is a marginal discipline of each university and is attached to it.


   Even in the time and space when Qi Lei was born again, communication is still a marginal subject.


   However, in the era of network communication. With the deepening of informatization, the importance of network communication is getting higher and higher, and the connection with other disciplines is getting closer and closer.


   has also been paid more and more attention to by academia, and the proportion of applications has also increased.


how to say? A thorough understanding of the role of communication is actually very elusive.


   Metaphysical, it is called "Tao".


   is called "device".


  In the era of traditional media, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. are all "Tao".


   Chinese people value this "Tao" and think it dominates all the "shapes", "articles" and "images" on the "earth".


   The "Tao" of this period is in the sky, and ordinary people can't reach it. The unidirectional and centralized nature of traditional media does not require ordinary people to know these things.


  The most intuitive experience is that in an era when there were only television, radio, and newspapers, although we were always affected and surrounded by social sciences such as politics and economics.


   However, the nature of political science, economic theory, and other professional things, except for scholars who specialize in research, do not even know about petty officials and business.


   In this era, the "Tao" in the sky is invisible, invisible and intangible. Communication is the link that connects "Tao" and "Secular".


   In the Internet age, the explosion of information caused the theory to sink. The intuitive reaction is that there are science bloggers everywhere preaching "Tao", that is, to popularize the theoretical knowledge of political science and economics.


   In addition, the application is becoming more and more specific and more extensive. Let alone those who are petty officials and doing business, they must understand the "Tao". Ordinary people are also in contact through various information channels.


   The "Tao" has fallen, and it's grounded!


  The communication science as a link is also visible and tangible.


   It turns the "Tao" into a tangible and a physical "device", which is increasingly applied to the lives of ordinary people. In the end, the quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, and they converge into "images".


   The network environment of later generations is the "Xiang". Moreover, communication studies should change with the changes of university subjects and keep pace with the times.


   It is precisely this that keeping pace with the times is the most difficult, because many concepts that have been verified in the era of traditional media have either been subverted or have differences in application in the Internet era, which is a bit of a "breaking and standing" taste.


   It is the most difficult thing to let a person break and stand again.


   Therefore, in the next 20 years, almost all traditional media official media, whether local channels, none of them can realize the transformation from traditional media to new online media, almost completely wiped out.


   is not just the influence of various objective factors, what can't let go of your body, what interests are involved, these are just appearances.


  The internal cause is the lack of theoretical support.


   Then why do online media do so many, but traditional media has so many years of background but can’t do it?


   It’s very simple. Internet media is done by a group of economic people. Businessmen are chasing profits. Wherever there are profits, it will change as long as there is money to make changes.


   However, traditional media is done by a group of journalists. You let them abandon what they have learned all their lives and start over again?


   Unrealistic, different ways of thinking.


  Moreover, businessmen do not consider social influence, political influence, or cultural influence.


  He only pursues profit!


   Therefore, the information port of the network is dominated by them, and various problems will inevitably arise.


   In fact, it's really not a traitor or a traitor. There are not so many conspiracy theories, just making money.


  The problem is here. Considering social influence, political influence, and cultural influence, academia and traditional media with a sense of responsibility cannot make up their minds to transform and cannot keep up with the pace.


   In addition, the network information port lacks a very important communication link-[gatekeeper], also called [gatekeeper].


   Then, chaos came.


   This kind of chaos is not only limited to the Internet, it will radiate to all aspects of the real world.


   is not only limited to the self-consciousness defects created by [Me in the Mirror], which results in extreme individualism.


   This is not only as simple as a few more sprays, but also not as easy as being used by some countries to add a little chaos to you, and it affects all aspects of real life.


   And our media people have been chasing, trying to change this status quo, but they are slow to step by step.


   It can be said that it was half a beat slow.


   However, this half-shot caused a lot of trouble.


   This is also the reason why Qi Lei, as a practitioner of journalism for later generations, strongly advocates to start studying network communication now.


   At least, I have to take this half step back!


   If you can get half a step ahead, you can fight out and give back to the other side.


   At this time, all the old scholars were lost in thought. They really realized how outrageous they were.


   Insight Model...


   Where is the subject of verification? This is insight into the future! !


   Moreover, for professionals like them, it is an extremely terrifying future.


  Because, in that future, these so-called frontier scholars, like a child, lost their authority and were played around.


   This is unforgivable!


   Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, and Zhang Luchen looked up at Qi Lei almost at the same time, suddenly very disappointed.


  Because the frustration at this moment is really beyond words.


   For a long time, Pang Qingfang suddenly waved to the children in the houses, "All go back first! Let's...Let's discuss the experiment in the afternoon, let's be quiet."


   Qi Lei didn't say anything, and went out with the four classmates.


  He knew that it was cruel to make these old-school scholars recognize reality through experiments. Because this process was too violent, it was much more turbulent than the gradual awakening of the original time and space.


   However, this is necessary in the long run.


  Only when frontiers like them realize the seriousness of the problem, can this discipline be stable.


   And, where is this? More fierce is yet to come!


   A few steps away from the door, I looked up and saw Jiang Yao standing by the wall.


  Ms. Jiang also raised her chin to Qi Lei in protest, and snarled, "Don't laugh! The old lady was forced by Zhang's child."


   She doesn't want to be the door **** here!


   Qi Lei heard this and smiled silently.


  Xin said, are you still reluctant? If you know what Zhang's child is thinking, just take pleasure in it!


   I should say, even though Zhang Xiaozi and Qi Lei are dead, but objectively speaking, he is good for those specialties in their class.


   I want to remind her, kid Zhang, this is for you guys!


   But think about it, forget it. I didn't dare to say hello to Jiang Yao, for fear that this girl would offend the tiger again.


   Just about to push the door out, Song Xiaole jumped up and grabbed Qi Lei's neck, "Stone, tell me more!"


   Okay, the students in the four task classes didn't see so many Taoisms, let alone Qi Lei's many psychological scenes, they were still immersed in joy and intense interest.


   Yes, they don't know how cruel the argumentation process just now is, and what kind of thrilling it means.


   A bunch of real kids, how can they think about so much? All I know is that among them, they have contributed, and they are the winners.


   I am very happy now.


   "Stones! Stones! Tell me more about the things you just mentioned, besides making news, what use is there?"


   Qi Lei stopped, glanced at him, saw several people leaning up, and said: "What are you asking about?"


   Song Xiaole stared, "It's fun!"


   Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to him.


   But, suddenly looking at Jiang Yao and the others, his eyes rolled, his voice was raised slightly, so that those in the senior high school special class could hear him, and said, "You are the application now."


   Song Xiaole was taken aback, "Me? What's wrong with me?"


   Qi Lei had a joy, "I want to learn communication, right?"


   Song Xiaole, "Yes! I just want to take this major, it's so exciting!"


   During this time, Song Xiaole was having fun. Can it be uncomfortable to be a big money and an online celebrity?


   Okay, it's nice for anyone to change.


  Because, the social sciences are basically a human knowledge. The difference is from which angle to play.


   Qi Lei was even happier when he said that, "So, you are applying now!"


   "Your self-perception has been changed by this experiment and the interaction of people around you. You are [me in the mirror] understand?"


   Song Xiaole: "......"


   was taken aback for a moment, and then came the sentence, "But I am already very talented, okay? I didn't participate in the experiment, I also have talent!"


   looked serious, "This self-recognition, brother has already had it, it has nothing to do with the experiment!"


   Everyone rolled their eyes, their faces are so big!


   is the last one, why did you say this with embarrassment?


   Qi Lei glanced at Jiang Yao, the expression in his eyes meant: Remember, I have to know how to talk to Liao Fanyi's group in a moment!


  , it was Qian Hongjun who squeezed Song Xiaole aside, with a look of expectation, "Is there any other use?"


   He also fell in.


   Qi Lei squinted, he didn't hold his fart at first, "Yes!!!"


   Qian Hongjun looked forward to, "What!?"


   Qi Lei, "Pick up girls."


   Not only Qian Hongjun, all the boys went crazy directly, "Really?"


   Qi Lei smirked, "Really!"


   Qian Hongjun, "I don’t believe it, what does this have to do with picking up girls?"


   Qi Lei, "Do you not believe me? I ask you, have you asked Li Mo for lunch before?"


   Qian Hongjun pouted his lips and said, "She ignores me."


   Qi Lei, "You go now and ask her if she has steak or pizza for lunch!"


   Qian Hongjun's face turned black, "Just... just ask this straightforwardly?"


   Qi Lei, "Hurry up!"


   Qian Hongjun gritted his teeth and believed you once! Pidianbidianer passed by.


   "Qian Momo!"


   Li Mo frowned, "What are you doing!?"


   Qian Hongjun scratched his neck, "You, you, you, do you eat steak or pizza for lunch?"


   Li Mo instinctively answered, "Steak right?"


   Qian Hongjun, "That's all right!"


   U-turn and leave.


   Li Mo is quite inexplicable, "Eh eh eh!! What do you mean? I want two pepper sauce!!!"


   Qian Hongjun, "I know! There is so much nonsense!"


   a few steps rushed back to Qi Lei, the whole person floated!


   "What's the matter!?"


   Without Qi Lei this time, everyone spread their hands, "Agenda setting."


   Qian Hongjun suddenly realized, he slapped his forehead, "Oh fuck, I can really pick up girls!"


   After I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong again, and I realized that I was crying.


   "But, why should I soak her? I don't care about her, I like Xiaoya!"


   Everyone rolled their eyes, just think carefully about you, so naive!


   Dogs know that you are interesting to others, let alone everyone.


   Song Xiaole patted Qian Hongjun on the shoulder, "Four-eyed sister is not bad, you are content!"


   Qian Hongjun wanted to scold his mother, but he was still stiff, "I really don't like four-eyed girls, okay?"


   "Hey! This is a mess, and I lost a big meal at noon!"


   Qi Lei curled his lips and popped out a classic sentence: "Bitch... is just tenderness!"


   After finishing speaking, he winked at Jiang Yao and remembered that these are all knowledge points.


   annoyed Jiang Yao's glance, "I tell Xu Xiaoqian to go, you wink at me!!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   immediately lost, seized the door and fled.




the other side.


   All the people in the task class are gone, and the few old scholars are still a little dull.


   Liao Fanyi looked up and found that Zhang Jiazhi was still standing there like a quail!


  Xin said, you are really helpless, you can't see the height of your eyebrows? Haven't you seen this being lost? What are you still doing here?


   stood up angrily, and walked out of the office with his hands behind his back.


When    passed by Zhang Jiazhi, he shouted, "Come out with me!"


   Zhang Jiazhi kept up, and came out of the office one by one.


   Zhang Jiazhi accompanied him with a smile, "Teacher! What's the matter!?"


   Liao Fanyi looked at the left and right, and there were no outsiders. He pointed to Zhang Jiazhi, unable to speak for a long time.


   "You, you, why don't you grow at all!?"


   Zhang Jiazhi’s smile was a little stiff, but he still didn’t dare to take it back. He still bared his teeth and laughed, which made Liao Fanyi even more annoyed.


   He didn't just smile, he was so mean, "Teacher, why don't I grow up? Look at that little Qi Lei there, hey hey, he is still preaching to you? I didn't pay attention to him."


   "Before the release, I sprayed him back!"


   Liao Fanyi gritted his teeth a bit, "You still spray him back!?"


   "It's hard to say in terms of broadcasting and hosting, but in terms of communication and journalism, everyone can be your ancestor!"


   Not right!


   After finishing speaking, Liao Fanyi found out that there was something wrong with this statement, so he was really confused.


   angrily: "Look at them! They are less than eighteen, so I won't talk about professional ability, at least I have this vision to see!!"


   "Jiazhi, don't take it seriously! If you can't get in a high school, how much do you have to worry about with you?"


   Liao Fanyi hates iron for failing to make steel. Just like Zhang Jiazhi's character, it's really possible that he won't be able to mix in the second middle school.


   Which teacher or classmate can see him? Let alone the leader, they are all anxious for him.


  'S tone was a bit heavy, Zhang Jiazhi said that his cheeks were hot, his smile froze, and he didn't know where to put his hands.


   You have to say that he is inferior to his peers, he can still accept it. But....


   opened his mouth slightly, and the focus of his eyes drooped.


   He didn't know how to answer, he was like that, and he didn't think he was wrong.


how to say?


   Zhang Jiazhi is a typical mistake.


   Maybe he has such a paranoid, innocent personality, and goes to learn theory and engage in scientific research. Maybe he is a so-and-so university, so-and-so research institute, hidden deep, and a weird sweeping monk.


   Paranoia is his advantage.


   However, he has chosen to study personal liberal arts and social sciences, and he has chosen to focus on communication, so there is no way.


   Liao Fanyi’s most pity is actually this, he would rather never teach Zhang Jiazhi this student.


   Embarrassed for a long while, Liao Fanyi thought he was looking down to reflect, and he was also relieved in his heart. I hope he will suddenly get acquainted with it!


   As a result, Child Zhang suddenly raised his head, still crying or laughing, his face flushed, and he said, "Teacher is right, I am not up to you, you are embarrassed!"


   Liao Fanyi was startled, is this what he can say?


   Have you resuscitated?


   Then... Then Teacher Liao thinks too much.


   The child Zhang changed his words, "But it doesn't matter if I don't live up to it!" His eyes widened, "My student just needs to live up to it!"


  'S eyes gradually brightened, "I am definitely not as good as that little bunny, can I admit that it's not alright?"


   "But my student is not worse than him! Don't believe me, teacher, take a look!?"


   After speaking, he turned around and rushed back into the room without giving Liao Fanyi a chance to speak.


   "Come out, come out! Teacher Liao wants to see you."


   Liao Fanyi: "!!!"


   Sigh up to the sky, God, let him take him, he is hopeless!


   Are you still holding his little Jiujiu? All for nothing!


   In the blink of an eye, Liao Fanyi stood in a row in front of him.


   Zhang Jiazhi danced with his hands and dragged his hands to introduce Liao Fanyi, "This is Jiang Yao, what a seedling! At the radio station, Qi Lei has to listen to her!"


   "This Marshal is talented, really! Teacher, if you believe it or not, you can test him!"




   At this time, Zhang Jiazhi didn't have the consciousness of being a teacher. On the contrary, he was like a market merchant, trying his best to promote his "commodities."


   It’s still the same, I don’t care if you want it or not, anyway, I’m doing my stubbornness.


   "This is Wu Lianbao, which is a little bit worse in Mandarin. But the family is in the countryside, and I have a few in the county when he grows up. It's normal if it's not good. Give me another two months, and I'll definitely give him a plan."


   "Look at this image, doesn't it look like that? The response is quick! Really, much better than me."


   "Teacher, do you take the exam? I won't let you down!"


   Liao Fanyi: "..."


   suddenly felt a little bit of emotion, the five flavors are mixed, and I don't know what to say, and I regret that what I said just now is a bit heavy.


   pressed his hand and asked Zhang Jiazhi not to introduce it. Now I can't remember introducing him, and I'm very confused.


   Zhang Jiazhi immediately stopped wittily, "Teacher, take a look! Really, take a good look, you will never be disappointed."


   is just a few words over and over again, don't let you down.


   Liao Fanyi no matter what, now he can only follow him.


   nodded lightly, stepped forward, facing such an eighteen or nine-year-old child.


   "Hello everyone, your teacher is my most proud student!"


   This is half true, but it comes from the heart.


  Perhaps, this is why Zhang Jiazhi is so annoying, but Liao Fanyi has always been obsessed with him!


   And Zhang's child heard Liao Fanyi's words, and the smile on his face suddenly bloomed, extremely brilliant.


   straightened his waist and raised his chin to demonstrate with Jiang Yao and the others.


   Did you hear that? Did you hear me? Am I not bragging?


   Liao Fanyi shook his head speechlessly, and changed his mind... Why give him this face?


   I want to strangle him again!


   After clearing up his mood, his eyes were silent, facing a crowd of students, let alone Zhang Jiazhi, otherwise he would face up again.


   gently said, "Have you heard what Qi Lei said to us?"


   After all, a few students hadn't had direct contact with such a big professor, and they still couldn't let go. Jiang Yao took the lead and nodded, and everyone responded.


   Liao Fanyi smiled, "Then...understand?"


   A few students haven’t answered yet, and Zhang’s child is enthusiastic again, "What about you? Teacher Liao is testing you. You have answered it, and there is no problem with transporting! All answer well, don’t be nervous."


   Liao Fan loyally pointed ten steps away, "Stay and go!"


  Children Zhang, "Hao Le!" Pidianbidian passed by.


   squinted his neck and yelled, "Those just mentioned, what agenda setting, me in the mirror, silent spiral, etc., answer!"


   Liao Fanyi gave up.


   "Yes! Just follow your teacher's thinking and say what you think of."


   Well, this is indeed a private exam school.


  Don’t forget, Liao Fanyi is not only an insight into the model experimenter, he also supervises the school exam and the pass assessment. It is indeed beneficial to leave a good impression on him.


   Don’t look at Zhang’s child... conceited... be careful... narrow-minded... don’t know good or bad! Dog bites Lu Dongbin! ! It's so kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs! So mentally handicapped! ! stupid! ! I'm sick! ! No brains!


   But, not having a brain is fake, he still has a brain.


   This transaction is only profitable but not lost.


   Liao Fanyi smiled and said, "You can say whichever you understand. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, after all, you haven't learned it systematically."


   Jiang Yao and a few classmates looked at each other, "You can say anything?"


   Liao Fanyi nodded, "Yes, anything will do! But I have to use Mandarin, and get me out of the Northeast flavor!"




   Jiang Yao flattened her mouth, her eyes rolled: "Then... Teacher Liao, before answering, can we ask you some questions?"


   Liao Fanyi nodded, "Yes!"


   Jiang Yao, "Which department of Beiguang is the most famous?"


   Liao Fanyi, "Of course it's a broadcast host, but new academic departments are also good."


   Jiang Yao, "Then which department are you in? I heard Teacher Zhang said that you are going to form a new department. Can we report this?"


   Liao Fanyi secretly said: This little girl, kind of flattering!


   shook his head, "You may not have this chance."


   Ma Shuai asked urgently: "Why?"


   Liao Fanyi, "It is still in the demonstration stage. Even if it is established immediately, the preparatory work will continue for a while. When you meet the enrollment requirements, you should all be in the sophomore year."


   A few students were a little disappointed when they heard it.


   Wu Lianbao frowned, "Teacher Liao, if we especially want to go to your department, can we change major after going to Beijing and Guangzhou?"


   Jiang Yao heard it, his eyes lit up, and she said, "Yes, it means learning broadcast and hosting, or mass communication. When you are ready, we will turn over, okay?"


   Liao Fanyi smiled with joy. Someone is willing to learn. This is the greatest relief of being a founder of a discipline.


   "Of course, I welcome it! But..." The conversation turned around and joked, "However, you have to have good grades. I don't accept bad students."


   When a few students heard, "Really!? That's a deal! Teacher Liao, you can't regret it?"


   Liao Fanyi nodded, "No regrets! As long as the grades are good, I will accept it!"


   "Oh ah!!!" Jiang Yao yelled obediently, and high-five with Ma Shuai and Wu Lianbao, "It's done!"


   Liao Fanyi clicked in his heart, what's the matter?


   As a result, the kid over there slapped, "Pretty!"


   Liao Fanyi jumped, staring at him, but Zhang Xiaozi spread his hands, "The agenda is set, locked!"


   "Not only will I understand it, but I will use it again!"


   "I..." I didn't have a knife in my hand, otherwise Zhang Xiaozi would be killed.


   Roaring in my heart, are you using it like this! ? What is this agenda setting! ?


   However, after these few teachers and students were so turbulent and calmed down, Liao Fanyi suddenly figured it out. He was not as sad as he was just now, but was a little relieved.


   He wants to understand, don’t be so pessimistic and sad! ?


   First, in themselves, they are ahead of time. Although there is a long way to go, but after all, it is ahead.


   Although media professionals and social science practitioners all over the world have realized that there are differences in communication societies in the Internet age, there are also related forums and academic seminars at home and abroad.


   However, it is only a superficial matter, and it has not even reached the point of establishing a discipline. It is researched within the framework of other disciplines.


   No one is walking as fast or as far as they are now. What are you worried about then?


  Second, we will not necessarily lose the future, on the contrary, it is very likely that we will win the future! !


   Look at Qi Lei, look at the children in the task class, and then look at the young children in front of me.


   Their brains are alive! The idea is clear, even amazing!


  With these younger generations, what are we pessimistic about?


  Future, coming, possible, expectation! !


   suddenly held up his hands, smiled and said to Jiang Yao and the others: "Go back! I remember you, remember what you said today, I hope you don’t regret it then!"


   This sentence represents a lot, and even the emotional intelligence of Zhang’s child... can understand it!


   bowed heavily to Liao Fanyi, "Thank you, teacher!"


   "Thanks for the fart!" Liao Fanyi stared, "If you don't pass the cultural class, you can't get in! I won't open this hole for you."


   Kid Zhang, "Then don't worry, our class is all well-studied!"


   Liao Fanyi watched him growl and scolded, "Get out of here!"


   What's special, none of them worry about it.


   Suddenly, Zhang...a kid?


   Hehe, Zhang Zizi is also a good teacher, at least his strength can be used in the right place.




   The third stage, the subversion period...


   only took four days, which no one expected.


   In the afternoon, Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, Zhang Luchen and others came to the security office of the task team for the first time.


   solemnly announced to the task team that the third stage was over and they had surrendered!


   Scholars have the knowledge of scholars, and they are more unambiguous in academic terms. If you lose, you lose, and those who lose are convinced, and those who lose are satisfied.


  Because, the gain is also huge, and it is worth losing this time.


   Liao Fanyi made a lot of trouble through Zhang’s child: “Next, we will try to wake up to the front blackboard and reshape the image. These can be carried out simultaneously with the fourth stage.”


   This is a rare opportunity.


   Pang Qingfang said: "In the fourth stage, we will not intervene. Concentrate on the research of the front blackboard. It is an experimental branch! You also strive to be truthful, and it is good to provide some valuable data."


   Zhang Luchen also said: "We estimate that it will take ten days to wake up the front blackboard. You can cooperate and strive to achieve ten days for the fourth phase of the experiment, and we will end the experiment at the same time."


   Qi Lei didn't understand what I heard, how did it feel that I didn't pay much attention to the fourth stage?


   came the sentence, "What do you mean? Don't you want to see the results of the fourth phase?"


   Pang Qingfang smiled, "You don’t have to look at the results of the fourth stage and know it?"


Suddenly, Qi Lei said with enthusiasm: "Young people, don't be so serious about winning! You have won, so what do you want? The winning or losing of the experiment itself is not important. The first class is profitable, and the 16th and 17th class misleads public opinion. This result comes out. What can be done?"


   "The important thing is that you did it. Kill class 14 and the front blackboard!"

   Yes, in fact, whether you can kill Class 14 and the front blackboard is what the old scholars are most concerned about.


   Now that it has been done and the harvest has been great, that is enough.


   As for how the first, second, sixteenth, and seventeenth classes mislead public opinion, I can figure it out.


   The world is theirs. It is difficult to do this, but it is not without the means.


   Qi Lei, "..."


   Qi Lei was a little dazed, and he worked with me to pave the way for three stages, just because of this trembling, you don’t take it seriously! ?


   Besides, this is not taken seriously?


   He thought that these few people are really open-hearted, and they understand the seriousness of the problem.


   As a result, you tell me this?


   Qi Lei laughed angrily, "How many teachers!"


   "Why don't you care? To tell you the truth, the third stage is just an appetizer, and the fourth stage is dry goods. Are you not curious?"




   A few people were taken aback, frowning, "What do you have for dry goods?"


   Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "You don't think it is enough to discover the key issues of the third stage, right?"


  A few people, "What else is there then?"




   Qi Lei suddenly fell into thought, he seemed to make things simple.


   He thought that the third stage would be able to wake up Liao Fanyi and the others, but now it seems that they are awake, but unfortunately they are not completely awake.


   He suddenly changed his mind. Originally, he had said that he would not end in the third and fourth stages in person.


   It seems that if they are not driven to a dead end, they will not realize how excessive it is.


   I'll do it myself, I want to dig my grave!


"All right!"


   Qi Lei took a deep breath and solemnly said: "The fourth stage...harvest period!"


   "As the name implies, the front blackboard has been dormant, and the binding force on the four task classes is greatly weakened. It takes a long process to restore the credibility and attention of the front blackboard."


   "At least during the empty window period before the front blackboard is rejuvenated, the four task teams will launch the greatest offensive on their respective tasks."


   Everyone nodded, guessing, that's why they didn't pay much attention to it.


   Sleeping in front of the blackboard, then it loses its meaning.


   And Qi Lei said again: "But, have you ever thought about it, in order to maximize the benefits, the task team will not allow the front blackboard to be repaired freely, and will do everything possible to extend the repair period."


   "To put it bluntly, the later the front blackboard is repaired, the more thoroughly they will harvest!"


   Everyone, "..."


   This is still reasonable, but they didn't expect it.


   Liao Fanyi asked, "How to stretch it?"


   Qi Lei, "Improve the efficiency of information dissemination and the dependence of the people."


   "It can not only continuously reduce the attention of the front blackboard, but also strengthen the information output of the harvest."


   Liao Fanyi pondered, "This... not easy, right?"


  Hou Chalkboard’s information dissemination efficiency is not high. This is the only flaw in the online media they currently see.


   Although the content of the back blackboard is very attractive, but the content is very messy, there is everything to talk about, and everything to do.


   It is not easy for the people to find out what they are interested in.


   Even if the celebrities of opinions, that is, the information focus effect of Internet celebrities, are used, this kind of efficiency is still not high.


   Anyway, a piece of news was posted on the front blackboard, and more than 5,000 people could see it.


   And then the blackboard is not, the point of view of an internet celebrity, not everyone can see.


   This is the efficiency of information dissemination.


   And Qi Lei said to increase efficiency, but also to increase dependence?


   Well, it's a knowledge blind zone again, anyway, they can't think of a way.


   Chen Xingfu suddenly guessed: "Could it want to focus the attention of several major influencers?"


   The higher the attention of an internet celebrity, the higher the efficiency of his information dissemination.


  If Qi Lei continues to cultivate leading influencers, then they can replace the front blackboard and make the back blackboard a highly concentrated information port.


   That is, in terms of status and function, it completely replaces the front blackboard!




   Unexpectedly, Qi Lei directly said no.


   "Ms. Chen, you still don't think far enough."


   Chen Xingfu: "......"


   Qi Lei, "The method I thought of is a whole dimension higher than yours."




   Chen Xingfu's tune has changed, "One higher...return dimension!?"


  Professor Chen stared: "You, you, you, how tall are you? It blows up!"


   Qi Lei said seriously, "You are talking about replacing the front blackboard, that is not enough. And what I want to do is to surpass the front blackboard!"








   Okay, it's mysterious again.


   Liao Fanyi laughed! "How do you surpass?"


   Qi Lei, "Even in the heyday of the front blackboard, the information dissemination efficiency is still not high enough, I want more efficient dissemination efficiency!"


   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, " just blow! Blow hard!"


   I really don't believe it this time.


   You have to say, we really don’t have as much imagination as you have for the future.


   Okay, your young man is so good-headed, you can't accept it.


   But, more efficient information dissemination efficiency? ?




   This makes no distinction between the past and the future. Traditional media have been working for one or two hundred years, and they have not developed efficient communication methods.


What does    mean? In other words, the media people in the world, one or two hundred years ago, haven't got you one?


   So many people at home and abroad haven't worked out a highly efficient way of communication. How can you just open your mouth?


"Go! Go! Go!"


   Liao Fanyi joked and scolded, "Bag and blow!"


   However, what he didn't expect was that Qi Lei was serious.


   "You don't believe me? Then let's... wait and see!"


   Everyone, "..."


   Hold it back! ! Do not ask!


   even less believe it!


   This is like a fuel engine. After a hundred years of tossing around the world, the thermal efficiency is dead by 40% and nodded.


   Someone suddenly appeared to tell you that he could invent a fuel engine with a thermal efficiency of 80%.


   Do you ask those mechanical engineers believe it or not?


   is definitely unbelief, because it has already broken through cognition.




   April 19th.


  The insight model has officially entered the fourth stage-the harvest period.


   The four task classes spent a lot of money and energy, and finally ushered in the harvest season.


   On the morning of the 19th, there is no change in the front blackboard.


   Several old scholars began to discuss the method of reshaping credibility since yesterday, but they still haven't come up with a feasible plan.


   It is estimated that the front blackboard will not change until tomorrow.


   The 72 experimental classes did not receive the notification of the fourth phase of the rules.


   is not like the third stage, which is a good thing like giving money, it seems that this stage is gone.


  The fourth stage is not unchanged.


   The biggest change is:


   Early in the morning, everyone received a news summary similar to a newspaper, called "Pioneer".


   When Liao Fanyi got this [Pioneer Newspaper] on the way to Class 14, the whole person was not good.


   Class 14 didn't go, and ran to the office hurriedly.


   throws the newspaper on the table as soon as he enters the door, "They actually made an information portal by themselves!!"


   Yes, this newspaper is completely endorsing the four task classes, and the content is almost all related reports of the four task classes.


   It’s just that the concealment has become stronger, and the interest has also increased a lot.


   The original blackboard had only five sections, but this newspaper... dozens of sections, the information output is so scary.


   All aspects, all angles, all kinds of variety, dazzling.


   At first glance, it is a newspaper that young people like and can read.


   Liao Fanyi suddenly realized, no wonder Qi Lei was so confident. It turned out that this was the purpose of subverting Class 14. He was not promoting the back blackboard and increasing the attention of Internet celebrities, but they were going to be [front blackboard]! !


   Now the newspaper and the back blackboard cooperate with each other, plus the Internet celebrity as the third auxiliary point, let it go! !


   Liao Fan is angry, is it suitable for you to play this way! ? Isn't it too cruel?


   was furious, "I miscalculated again this time!"


   Pang Qingfang in the office was also holding a newspaper at this time. Well, he knew it as soon as he arrived in the morning, a little earlier than Liao Fanyi.


   also calmed down at this time, "He really said nothing wrong, he did not expect it."




   Pang Qingfang shook the newspaper, "Is there nothing new about this? I thought he was playing so well!"


   pressed his hand at Liao Fanyi, "Sit down, don’t worry! At least this can be handled, it’s not too weird!"


   Liao Fanyi calmed down, but still frowned, "However, this idea is indeed correct, we are still careless."


   Zhang Luchen also laughed, "Calm down and see what other tricks he can play."


   picked up the newspaper and looked at it, "I really didn't expect this trick! However, nothing new, not as good as he said."


   After all, didn’t you just make another [front blackboard]? Bypass the supervision of Class 14.


   is not as far as Qi Lei said, one dimension short of it?


   is exaggerated!


   At this time, Lao Qin also entered the office with a newspaper in his hand.


   Seeing how many people were there, he smiled, "You all know, right?"


   Liao Fanyi muffled, "I see."


   Old Qin laughed again, put the newspaper on the table, "Any ideas?"


   Liao Fanyi, "I don't have any ideas, I think he is a bit new!! But, it's just that, isn't it as exaggerated as he said? Is it a dimension?"


   The old Qin who was talking about this was taken aback, looked at the three newspapers on the table, and realized that the whole person was not good!


   "Co-author, you don't know yet?"


   The three of them looked up and were stunned, "What do you know? Didn't they just run a newspaper by themselves?"


   Old Qin listened and looked around the office speechlessly.


   came the sentence, "I just treat it as your personal negligence, and will not formally write it in the report to worry about the slow response of our official media."








   a few more dazed, "Comrade Qin? What is going on? Is it so serious?"


   Old Qin became serious, and slowly pulled the two newspapers out of Pang Qingfang and Zhang Luchen's hands, put down the one with himself, and pushed them in front of them.


   "This is more than just a newspaper, you should read it yourself!"


   The three of them frowned, puzzled, and finally looked down at the three newspapers.


   looked carefully again, and finally found out what was wrong.


   Three newspapers are put together to see that three...The content is different! !


   has overlap, but a large part is different.


   Liao Fanyi was puzzled: "Why, how could it be different!? They sent three copies at once?"


   Zhang Luchen was puzzled, "But, isn't it right? If you send three copies, the content is completely different. Why is there so much duplicate content?"


   Qi Qi looked at Lao Qin, meaning: You should know, talk about it!


   Old Qin looked at them, "Qi Lei calls this... information customization!"


   The public is still puzzled, "What do you mean? What is custom made?"


   Old Qin: "In his words, everyone's needs are different, and their views on news events are different. Self-awareness is also different."


   "Then the need for information is also different."


   "Through the data feedback from the statistics group, he customized different versions of the newspapers and delivered them to people with different needs and opinions."


   "This is information customization!"


   "I puff!!!" Several people spewed out old blood, their eyes rounded, and they couldn't say anything.


   The eyes were right for a long time, and Zhang Luchen screamed, "This is impossible!!"


   "Even if the 500 people are reduced and divided into 5 categories, he will have to customize five times the content?"


   Old Qin smiled bitterly, "The hard part is not five times the content. The hard part is to analyze and classify the data of 5000 people."


   "The statistics team and the security team have been busy with this matter since the third stage. They work overtime every day and they are almost dead."


   Liao Fanyi stopped, "That's right? It's unrealistic!" He couldn't accept any information customization.


   "This is still a 5000-person model, if it is put on the Internet..."


   Old Qin, "Stop talking, it's easier on the Internet."


   Liao Fanyi stared, "How do you know, those tens of millions of netizens, how much data."


   Old Qin was cold-eyed, "Because we are already doing this!"


   A few people were stunned.


  Old Qin Ze said: "The country has been advancing big data analysis on the Internet for almost a year. It has passed the verification stage and the project is officially established!"


   "Furthermore, I might as well tell you that the concept of big data analysis was brought up by Qi Lei. When we talked to him for the first time, he focused on this big data!"








   Old Qin looked at a few speechless old scholars, "I have reminded you a long time ago, don't underestimate him, he is a strategic genius."


   "Let's tell you so!"


   In order to attract the attention of these people and prevent this experiment from deviating from reality, Lao Qin could only reveal some dry goods.


   "Let me tell you the truth, the incident last year was his contribution. Moreover, he deduced the result without contacting us at all, and worked out a complete, almost perfect plan."


   "If he didn't take the initiative to expose it, we would probably in the end, we wouldn't know who did it after the matter was over!"




   Everyone stared, "Really?"


   Old Qin, "Really! So, don't judge him by common sense. If you don't pay attention to it, you are likely to lose this experiment or even lose its convincing power."


  Experimental data and results, it's not just that the people involved realize the seriousness of the situation.


   has to be taken back by more authoritative think tanks, repeatedly verified and discussed, and its research value is not limited to academics.


  If the negligence of these people causes others to question the credibility and rigor of the experiment after seeing the data, the loss is immeasurable.


   Old Qin had to put it more seriously.


   Several old scholars were speechless immediately, sweating on the forehead.


   After a while, Zhang Luchen also jumped up with a cry, "That's not right! I just realized that he fouled, why should he use the statistics group data!"


   "I'm looking for him!"


   While talking, Old Man Zhang rushed out.


   rushed to the next door, "Qi Lei, you can't afford to play, right? You don't use experimental data like this!"


  In the room, including Qi Lei, the task force, the security expert group, and the statistics group all looked up at Zhang Luchen.


   The old man yelled, "Lei Qi! You are fooling around! We seek truth from facts, not the ultimate result!"


   Okay, Zhang Luchen still can't accept this result.


   Information customization! Directional delivery! !


   As a social psychologist, Zhang Luchen knows what this means too much.


   An ordinary person, or even a practitioner of psychology, can’t stay sane in this kind of targeted information bombardment and long-term psychological cues.


   If you really do this...


   The world is crazy!


   Zhang Luchen was almost crazy, "Do you have no limit!? How can you use the database!?"


   all said Qi Lei was happy, and asked, "Uncle Zhang, why can't I use this data?"


   Zhang Luchen, "That is the data of the experimental group! You are an individual in the experiment, why do you use it?"


   "Besides, this is personal privacy. Why do you profit from other people's privacy for yourself!? You are breaking the law!"


   Qi Lei spread his hands and said something that made Zhang Luchen fall down, "Experimental group? Individuals? Can you really be the master of these data?"


   Suddenly looked at Zhang Luchen meaningfully, and said each word, "I, you!!! Do you have the ownership of these data!?"




   Zhang Luchen, followed by Liao Fanyi and others, buzzed their heads.


  Especially Zhang Luchen, only to feel that the world is spinning, really fainted.


   He understood the meaning of Qi Lei's words.


I! NS!


  Is there the ownership of big data?


No! !


   The data in reality is in the hands of various Internet companies. Even if it extends to the entire Internet database, it still exists in the old American server these days! !


   To put it ugly, your ip address! ! They are all set by foreigners, and their existence also exists with foreigners!


   cut off your ip address, the entire Internet has to be paralyzed! Not to mention the data.


   Zhang Luchen passed out.


   As an absolutely loyal patriot, he cannot accept such a fact!


   And Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang...


   only relaxed the mood for a day, and crashed again!


   and it is... desperate! !


   suddenly realized that even though they have taken it very seriously and are very serious, they still think of the problem simple...


   Directional delivery of information! ! How to prevent this! ?


   To put it bluntly, the high efficiency of traditional media is due to the high level of first-sighted attention to information.


   Unilateral channel. In this era, you have to watch the news network if you don’t want to watch it. It’s 7 o’clock. TV radio, turn it on!


   Press the remote control badly, and keep changing channels, and you can finish reading a piece of news.


   But... it is weak in the control of personal will, and only some means of communication can be used to strengthen the sense of identity.


  Some people really don't like to watch the news, and they can't accept some opinions in the news.


   Internet media, that is, the back blackboard, is less efficient than the front blackboard. Because of the increased information screening this step.


   But this directional delivery...


   It doesn't make sense! !


   As Qi Lei said, it is not in one dimension! !






   Qi Lei was worried about Zhang Luchen, but he didn't expect the old man to react so much.




   Qi Lei has no regrets, and no intention to stop!


   On the contrary, full firepower!


   "The fourth stage, all the customized content, I will come!"


   Song Xiaole looked at Qi Lei, but they didn't dare to answer!


   suddenly found that this guy's expression was a little scary! !


  Wang Xueliang couldn't hold back, "You...are you able to eat it?"


   Qi Lei smiled weirdly, "No, yes, something, son!"


   worthy of the dizziness of old man Zhang!


   The evening of the 19th...


   72 experimental classes found...


  The steak and pizza in the luxurious course are gone...


   changed to exquisite sushi dishes...


All the high-end stationery in the    canteen have been replaced by Japanese products, and all the Hong Kong comics that were originally re-sold are off the shelves, only Riman!


   On the next day's [Pioneer Newspaper]...


   some "interesting" articles began to appear.


   First of all, it is an essay... named "Hou Lang"! !


   Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu are no strangers to people who came out of Beiguang, because this is exactly what Qi Lei made at the Beiguang concert.


   It's just that Liao Fanyi can't understand it at all! !


   What an inspirational and positive article this is, why did Qi change the taste completely! !


   He didn't even change a word!


   just added a picture in the article...


   There is no problem with the pictures. They are all young people's vibrant life portraits.




   The young people in the picture are either holding exquisite and expensive Waguk stationery.


   Either you can buy it only by looking at more than a dozen tokens, a collection of comics.


   Either... it's a luxurious sushi set meal with several young and beautiful girls enjoying the beautiful scenery together.


   You have to say, Liao Fanyi knows nothing, so forget it.




  He knows the tasks of the four task groups. Look at these pictures...


   How awkward to look! ! After reading the words of the last wave, did you feel that you can't afford it?


what is this? A good motivational essay, let Qi Lei add a few pictures, it becomes a hidden advertisement of consumerism!


   Which young man lives like this? Are you kidding me?


   In addition to this, [Pioneer Newspaper], there is also an article about a craftsman in Japan, "The God of Sushi"


   talked about a Japanese craftsman who made sushi to the extreme, and praised the Japanese craftsman culture...


   That wicked thing that is said in that...I have only finished cooking for ten years, and I only make sushi all my life, and the way of making sushi is vividly written!


  This is so special, Liao Fanyi said that this is outrageous! !


   Do you feel superior when you make sushi? Especially Liao Fanyi knows so many great craftsmen in China! A national treasure-level figure, can't go to heaven?


   Let's say it again... According to this, is it the **** of car repair who has been repairing bicycles on the street for decades? The aunt who sweeps the street has been sweeping the street all her life. Dedicated for a lifetime, is it the **** of sweeping streets?


   However, this also reminds Liao Fanyi that a sushi maker can blow to the sky. Then can we use Chinese artisans, those unknown heroes, craftsmen, and scientific and technological workers. I also want to report it.


   This is meaningful! It is also necessary!


   Yes, Liao Fanyi has already begun to automatically bring into defensive thinking.


   Then, it’s the task of the seventeenth class...


   Under Qi Lei’s leadership, the seventeenth class salted fish in three stages, and finally got an eyebrow. The article in the [Pioneer Newspaper] is: "Qi Jiguang's anti-Japanese attack mainly hits the Han Chinese."


   The article is a piece of historical science, which affirmed Qi Jiguang's achievements, but also clearly pointed out that among the Japanese pirates who were active in the southeast coast of the Ming Dynasty, a considerable part of the pirate leaders were Han Chinese.


   is just a hired ronin, harassing the coast...


   These three articles are written by Lei Qi...


   Liao Fanyi faintly feels wrong! There was another shocking sign!


   At this time, Zhang Luchen, who had been resting for a day, came to the office forcibly and asked, "How is it?"


   Liao Fanyi wanted him to go back to rest, but Zhang Luchen quit, "Do business!"


   There is no way Liao Fanyi had to report the pioneer to him...


   As a result, Zhang Luchen didn't frustrate this time, and went directly to Qi Lei with the newspaper.


   Seeing people, straight to the point, "What kind of routine are you!?"


   Qi Lei took a look, "This is only the first day, don't worry!"


   Can Zhang Luchen not be in a hurry?


   These three articles seem to have nothing on the surface! But all of them contain evil intentions!


   Qi Lei took out a few written articles.


   "Take it slow, there's more!"


   handed a copy to Zhang Luchen, "This is a student from Wa Elementary School..."


   gave another copy, "This one says'Cooking Fairy'..."


   gave another one, "This is to boast that the toilet water in Japan can be drunk!"


   gave another copy, "This is to praise the cultural atmosphere of Tokyo, standing on the streets of Tokyo, I am enlightened! As if I have found myself!"


   gave another copy, "This...this has nothing to do with the country of Japan, saying that Yue Fei is a low-minded can't be an official."


   gave another copy, "This is a short novel of consumerism! A monthly salary of 3,000, living in a mansion, eating a big meal, and enjoying it!"


   "Don't worry! My writing is still okay, and I am full of enthusiasm. I will definitely make everyone feel that no matter how much money you earn, you should enjoy this high-quality life!"


   "It's a pity that we have limited conditions. I can only stare at the newspaper, or else I want to make a TV series! Find some handsome guys and beauties, the effect is invincible!"


Passed another copy, "This...this is even more interesting. The novella serialized, writing about a Japanese boy who traveled through the two Song dynasties and helped Yue Fei fight and defeat the Jinren. He also discovered that Yue Fei’s Man Jianghong was not the secret written by Yue Fei. . Very literary!"


   Grandma's! !


   Qi Lei wants to walk all the roads of future generations! I think who would dare to scream? Hang up in Lao Qin's first, and sit down with an unpredictable hat!


   I see who would dare to write about cooking fairy? Wa Elementary School Student?


  Who wrote who stepped on thunder! Whoever writes will die! And I don’t know how to die!






   Originally there were seventeen thousand, but one thousand was deleted first, and then two thousand were deleted. It was completely paralyzed and out of condition, so I should delete it.


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