Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 192: The path connecting the present and the future (7).

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I broke my own three views!

Just ask if you are ruthless?

Being dumbfounded, Liao Fanyi and Zhang Luchen walked over.

"What do you think?"

Qi Lei muffled and blurted out, "Reshape self-awareness!"



Liao Fanyi was speechless when the two had a black face? Are you real?

Jokingly said: "Is that me in the mirror or the awakening of individualism?"

Qi Lei thought about it seriously, "I participated in the mirror and individualism!"

Liao Fanyi immediately became angry, "Then you still have defects in your self-consciousness!?"

Qi Lei, "No way! It's possible!"

Liao Fanyi is really angry! "Can you wait for the business to be done before reinventing it!? This is a critical moment! I didn't make a joke with you!"


Qi Lei looked up and saw Liao Fanyi rushing into his eyes with a fierce look. "Qilei, let me tell you, give me a good performance in a while! What scale we can achieve and how much funding we can get depends on how you fool around in a while, give me a better spirit!"

Qi Lei frowned, "Then why don't you go? Why let me go? I don't want to go."

Liao Fanyi was speechless, "I'm going!?"

"What can I do with you? Don't you just work in vain?"

The experiment was led by Qi Lei, and everyone agreed on this point.

What is going on in the conference room below is the academic report meeting!

Qi Lei should do the summary report on the model as a whole. Liao Fanyi is not shameless enough to steal others' results!

To put it bluntly, the foundation of the discipline will be laid in the future! Who is the founder, and the order is to be written into academic history!

In ancient times, it is left behind in history!

If you miss one, you can miss the sky! He is not in a hurry!

Qi Lei, "..."

What academic status! ? When am I stupid?

After holding back for a long time, he said, "Damn Lao Bei, give me a trip again!"

Thinking with his ass, I knew that it was Lao Qin's ghost. The man looked honest and honest, but he was actually not a good person.

I just don't want Qi Lei to go abroad, he has used all the tricks!

In fact, only Qi Lei knows that if I want to stay abroad, I will not stay, the true Chinese heart!

Liao Fanyi saw that he didn't speak, and thought he had listened! In order to strengthen the understanding. I found a trick again.

He calmed down and suddenly said solemnly: "That day..."

"After we went back, we thought about it for a long time..."

Qi Lei looked up at him, what's your way?

Liao Fanyi: "You are right, I solemnly apologize to you, but the attitude is wrong... You shouldn't be careless!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Where is this singing again? A bitter trick?

Liao Fanyi sighed, "You are right, we were too careless!"

"I thought I could keep the door, I thought it was simple... But, can I really keep it? I don't have a bottom now!"

"It shouldn't be taken lightly."


After a pause, a sudden sentence popped out, "If you put aside material life in twenty years, people at that time will not be more spiritually comfortable than they are now. It is really a shame for media people!"

Qi Lei's instinctive curl of his lips is more comfortable?

I can't say all of them... Quite a few people feel that their lives are more tired and worse.

It’s not bad to keep the current social mentality, and even more...



Qi Lei's mind went blank, and gradually became clearer and more comfortable! ?

More comfortable! ?

I really know why I won and what I will do after winning! !

His Three Views... is back again!

Yes, Liao Fanyi put together Qi Lei's Three Views in one sentence.

Qi Lei found the target.

Twenty years later, he made money...he played this and that...


One person saves the world?

Not that virgin, nor that ability!

To be the richest man in the world, only a small amount of money is not enough to shake anything.

but! !

Maybe, like what Liao Fanyi said...

Perhaps, he can try to make an era feel more comfortable!

In that future...

Maybe, he can't make the motherland more prosperous and powerful, this is not something a businessman can do, and... to be honest, in the original time and space, the motherland has done perfect economic and national strength. What will happen after twenty years of ups and downs?

We are already very good, but the rapid development of society has brought some small flaws, which has reduced the happiness of the people.

In this regard, from the perspective of communication, he can try.

Young people have good games to play, not gold to the end.

Elderly people are not harvested by health care products...the old are happy.

People have a sense of happiness in life...

The motherland is strong, singing and dancing rise to peace.

The eyes are full of salty and tranquility, and the heart is full of sunshine...

It's like the sky in front of you, like the lilacs on the campus..

Just like those animals running in circles, cursing, but don't know why, why are they so happy! ?

Qi Lei suddenly realized.

These can be done from a sociological point of view.

He is nostalgic for this youthful life because he knows that the future will be hurried and boring.

He wants to stay in the good time longer because the world after being out of the circle of fools is not so beautiful.

He has been reluctant to leave, and has always wanted to be tender for a while. This comes from Qi Lei's own obsession and has nothing to do with reason.

As a result, he was stupid!

There is a hole in the brain, a tendon.

If you love so much, why just think of tenderness? Is it bad for me to continue it?

Although Qi Lei can't change the anxiety about housing prices, he can't make the future less hurried.

However, he can get rid of some anxiety, some noise, and less hostility.

He can prevent so many silent majority from appearing in the future!

There can be fewer sprays! A few more intellectual voices.

"Let the fleeting years be colorful, and the earth will be light..."

"Give time to civilization, not to civilization!"

"Oh fuck!"

Qi Lei almost didn't jump up with a scream, startled a bunch of people around him.

What's wrong with this kid? Hysteria?

As a result, Qi Lei was seen staring at his eyes, "I am so enlightened! Liu Da has appeared!"

"The three views are a lot taller!"

I puff! !

Liao Fanyi almost fell downstairs, you are still a monk! You have soared!

Got a fart!


What is going on in the conference room is the insight model progress report.

The assistant experts from the 14th class and the 4th task class, together with two students, will report on the spot.

In fact, the expert reports on the professional aspects, the two students are responsible for on-site inquiries, and the person in charge of the experiment finally reports on the whole.

Logically speaking, there is no such link.

The original plan was that after the model was run, the experimental group returned to the capital with all the data, and then organized personnel to conduct research and summary.

However, even Lao Qin didn't expect that in the fourth stage, after Qi Lei personally left the field, he immediately released a big move, which was beyond the scope of communication studies.

Whether it is targeted delivery under big data applications, or the topic of "gatekeeper in the network age" that was later thrown out, it has tilted toward security issues.

Therefore, Lao Qin paid more attention and had to ask for instructions to arrange this report meeting.

Moreover, the overall report of the person in charge needs to be done by Qi Lei himself, and Liao Fanyi and the others have to stand aside, after all, the real leader of the experiment is Qi Lei.

Of course, Lao Qin did have other thoughts. He still has the obsession of letting Qi Lei sit in the office to study strategy!

By the time the first few task classes finished their reports, it was already approaching evening.

Speaking of which, Qi Lei was a little nervous at first, because all the big guys were sitting inside!

Regardless of whether it is a real boss or academic boss, there is no simple one anyway.

Well, Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, and Zhang Luchen are also bigwigs, but there is still a gap between them and the real academic bigwigs.

how to say?

It stands to reason that Lao Qin pays so much attention to it. Except for Liao Fanyi who was recommended by Qi Lei, the rest of the experimental group also had the best move.

However, each college also has its own small ninety-nine. There is no way to take away the best of others.

This is sociology, and it is not a matter of fact, and it is often impossible to deal with problems according to the "optimal solution".

To put it bluntly, Beijing and Guangzhou established new disciplines and new departments. If you don’t have enough teachers, it’s not bad to transfer people from other colleges and universities to give you a dean-level powerful fairy. He has a good attitude and is quite supportive.

Moreover, it has to be a deputy! The Lord can't give it!

The real big Luo Jinxian is the treasure of the town and school! Is it the foundation of an institution, just give it to you?

And Qi Lei, you just count on your previous life, that is, a second-rate graduate student, so it is a bit illusory to ask him to give a report to these academic gods.

But, it's really his turn to play, as soon as he enters...

Well, it's really bluffing!

Sitting in a room with a white-haired grandfather, few are "young". Also, there are those in military uniforms!

The battle is great.

But when he looked up, Qi Lei, who didn't know what, was no longer nervous...

First, he is a big contest player. There is never a fictitious one on the field!

Second, it's not that I haven't seen the world before, Xiaoye has peeed in the arms of the big J district boss! I've also sold cuteness on a small bench with ministers! What are you afraid of?

It's not that I haven't seen the world!

third! These are pretty good, but I'm not bad either.

A forty-year-old uncle with an abdominal muscle lived in his body at the age of 17, and he asked, are you afraid? ?

fourth! I don't want to be trapped by you! Also academic status...and have fun! How good is freedom?

To put it bluntly, now suddenly a bit rushed to smash it! Not to mess up the report, but to break the illusions of Lao Qin and Liao Fanyi and mess up themselves!

So when he stepped forward, the first sentence almost didn't scare Liao Fanyi to somersault.

"Save time. You have been sitting for a day and listening for a day. There is no need to outline these. While we still have energy, let's answer specific questions in detail!"

Liao Fanyi wants to find a knife again...

Thousands of warnings ask you not to mess up! Are you so rude?

The following grandpas were also taken aback, smiled at each other, and teased: "This kid is quite sensible!"

Don't tell me, it's really been a day since I've been sitting, lunch is a box of lunch while listening to the report.

In order not to miss the data report, some grandfathers sat down and didn't move. They didn't drink much water, so they were afraid of going to the toilet.

As for Qi Lei, there is no such thing as surprise.

About him, these people are much more informed than Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang. They know what they should know, and they know a little bit of what they shouldn't.

Moreover, I was surprised all the way to Shangbei, and now I am already struggling.

In this case, the guys are not welcome, and hurriedly looked through the records of the day, and one of them took the lead.

"Let me ask the first question."

"The fourth phase of the experiment has not ended. I can't see the data. What is the task completion of Class 16? If you do the questionnaire now, how much do you think you can reach for the Japanese country?"

This is Pang Qingfang's immediate boss, the dean of the National Customs College of the People's Republic of China.

So what he cares about is also his own mess, that is, the progress of the tasks related to the Kingdom of the 16th class.

Qi Lei frowned and thought about it, "Not more than 30%."

Grandpa was startled, "It's so low!?"

To be honest, the data is better than he expected. He thought that when those propaganda essays were published, they would be less than 80% unsightly, and they would be very close.

Qi Lei said, "It's not low anymore. First, this is in the Northeast, with a natural hatred attribute."

"Second, at the beginning of the experiment, the popularity of the questionnaire survey was 4%! Only 17 days, 20% longer, do you feel optimistic?"

The grandfather's face turned black, this kid, what that means, is he speaking so aggressively?

He bowed his head and muttered, "It's really...not optimistic."

Continue to ask: "This data is still far from the 80% or more experimental target you set. What do you think of this?"

Qi Lei, "More than 80% are designed for the fifth stage." Speaking of this, he paused, "if there is a fifth stage."

Grandpa frowned, "The fifth stage? You mean, the fifth stage can reach 80%?"

Qi Lei, "If the task team is willing, it can be more than 95%."

Grandpa, "Is this possible?"

Qi Lei smiled and looked directly, "Uncle, in this experiment, we have verified a lot of impossible! So...don't talk about it."

Okay, grandpa is defeated.

What's the situation with this child? Who hired him?

Qi Lei read silently underneath, I'm sorry, grandpa, it's not that he doesn't respect the old and love the young.

"Let me ask the second one!" At this time, another one appeared, a literary historian, who was concerned about the tasks of the seventeenth class.

And, I’m a good student, it’s not as grueling as the one before...

"Can I estimate the data for Class 17?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, 10% is dead."

Upon hearing this, this one was immediately stunned.

Okay, I just wanted to say that it was only 10%, but when I think about the previous one... I'll be cautious.

Roundabout tactics!

"What do you think of this 10% data?"

Qi Lei, "There is no opinion, it is reasonable. This kind of historical nihilism, most people can still stay sober, and a small number of people have no self-judgment ability. It is normal."

This frowned, "However, this is also far from the experimental goal. In the fifth stage, do you guarantee that Class 17 can complete the task?"

Qi Lei was sure, "Yes!" He paused again and said again, "If there is a fifth stage."

twice! ! Emphasize "if" twice...

Zhang Luchen frowned slightly. From a psychological point of view, Qi Lei seemed to subconsciously reject the fifth stage?

But the person who is engaged in literature and history can't see this. He can do it at first hearing, and he can't believe it: "Can it reach more than 50%?"

But when he heard Qi Lei, "No! 100% passed!"


Well, he also wants to say that it's impossible, 100%? Are young people too confident?

I want to ask directly about the content of the fifth stage. What do you want to do in the fifth stage? Voting on the neck of the knife holder?

But before he could ask, he was interrupted by another one.

"Let's talk about it!" This time it was a kind old grandmother who spoke.

But if you really consider her kind, you would be very wrong. No one who engages in overall economic planning is kind! !

He smiled and looked at Qi Lei, "Isn't Xiao Qi? You just talk about it, pick the key points that you think are useful, and just make a summary."

Qi Lei raised an eyebrow, this one would ask questions!

Nodded to the grandmother, politely: "Everyone should be clear about the purpose of the experiment."

"The commodity pricing rule is that the more expensive the more luxurious the higher the profit rate, it is to encourage the first class, pursue profit, and simulate the free economic market."

"I won't say much about the others... How much money a class makes is actually not important anymore."

"Only report two sets of data."

"As of the end of the third stage, that is, the plan to overturn the blackboard is successful, before the harvest period begins. There are 5,276 experimenters in the school, and the average deposit is 31.78 yuan in tokens."

"The main source of this money is the daily salary balance for a total of ten days in the 1.2.3 stage, plus the rule of thumbs, and the circulation of tokens purchased by the experimenters."

"This is the first data..."

The old grandma nodded.

Qi Lei continued: "The second data is the statistics of the fourth stage as of yesterday evening, the experimenters, the average deposit...3 yuan and 4 cents!"

Buzz! !

The meeting room was suddenly caught up in discussions...

Can't be calm for a long time!

You know, the fourth stage only lasted for 6 days! The students just spent almost the money in their hands?

The white-haired grandmother stepped in and pondered for a while, and asked Xiang Qi Lei, "Do you think this deposit amount has fallen too fast?"


The grandmother smiled and deliberately tested the school: "From an economic point of view, more money is put into circulation. This is a good thing and a manifestation of economic vitality."

When Qi Lei heard it, he still didn't know if he played stupid?

No nonsense, "Then please find out the data on economic circulation and commodity circulation, and turn to the last page."

The old lady frowned and did so, turning over to take a look... her brows became tighter and she became serious.

Qi Lei said, "Go on."

Qi Lei, "As of yesterday, the total sales volume of luxury goods has soared by 1690% at the beginning of the comparative experiment!!!"

Old lady, "Hmm..."

Gritting his teeth, "This is indeed a problem, your soft marketing strategy for consumerism is very successful!"

"Then what?"

Qi Lei, "Look again, for belly-level products, that is, the cheapest three meals and the sales of cheap much is the difference from the beginning?"

The old lady was shocked when she saw it! Blurted out: "Forty times turned over!?"

Qi Lei, "Yes...forty times! That's more. Compared with the beginning of the experiment, forty times more people started to use three full-fledged meals to cope with their lives."

With a buzzing sound, the conference room fell into discussion...

Qi Lei waited for them to calm down.

"This shows that under consumerism and the large-scale soft propaganda of the First Class...not only the deposit quota of more than 5,000 people has been consumed."

"Even many people have begun to use normal expenditures to consume luxury goods! Overdraft consumption and excessive consumption have appeared!"

"Many students would rather eat 50 cents of white rice without adding vegetables, but also consume luxury goods."

"Is this still a good thing?"

The old lady couldn't speak......was lost in thought!

This is indeed a big problem!

After pondering for a long time, I had a heated discussion with another economist beside me!

In the meantime, other people also asked a lot of questions from other classes, including the question of wake-up on the blackboard in front of class 14.

In general, the data and the response of the fourth stage are very valuable.

Finally, the literary and historian who had asked the question of Class 17 before asked again.

You predict, "When will the fourth phase end!?"

Qi Lei answered truthfully, "It can be ended at any time, and the relevant experimental data has been obtained. And it is very sufficient."

The man asked again, looking forward to it: "So, does it mean that we can see the fifth stage soon?"

As soon as these words were made, the meeting room was quiet for an instant, and all eyes were on Qi Lei!

Some people even couldn't wait, "What the **** is the fifth stage!?"

The first four stages, one stage is better than the other! They are looking forward to how many surprises the fifth stage can bring.

And Qi Lei was asked about the fifth stage...

Subconsciously looked at Lao Qin! !

Yes, the fifth stage can begin immediately, but... Qi Lei is struggling!

He once said to Lao Qin that he needs to stop at a critical moment!

Because... Qi Lei can't stop it anymore, it's this step! After finally reaching this point, he wants to show more! !

Finally, he opened a channel of information for the present and the future. He wanted to take out something as much as possible, and these things are priceless for this era!

And Liao Fanyi and the others, including the scholars in the conference room, couldn't stop!

This experiment is so valuable! Now every new phenomenon and new data appear invaluable in their eyes! It is of inestimable value for future academic research!

Only Lao Qin can stop!

Qi Lei just looked at Lao Qin, and Lao Qin also looked at him...

He read the desire in Qi Lei's eyes! He longed for the fifth stage.

However, he can also see from his eyes that Qi Lei is deep in his heart, but he actually needs him to stop! !

Yes! He is very contradictory!

He wants to stop! But not willing to stop?

How does Lao Qin judge? How would he make this decision for Qi Lei?

It seems that Lao Qin would have difficulty making a choice.

And maybe Qi Lei doesn't know! ! !

The one who can't stop most is Lao Qin!

He must consider the problem from the overall perspective!

Of course he wants to get more data! Verify more emergencies....

Whether it's your position or personal emotions! They are very eager to see the fifth stage!


Even with this inner struggle,

Old Qin just smiled faintly.

Did not hesitate! !

"Stop...there is no more stage five."

Since Qi Lei can say this to him, there is only one reason: that is the consequence is that Qi Lei doesn't want to see it! Is serious!

And in this model built by humans, what can Qi Lei think is serious?

Only people! !

He has to stop, no need to hesitate!

The biggest person!

Old Qin's voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

Except for a few representatives above, all scholars looked at Lao Qin with a look of disbelief, "Why!? You can't stop at such a critical moment!"

They don't know, and maybe even if they do, they are not calm at this time, and they are dazzled by academics.

And Reviver.....

Qi Lei almost collapsed! !

The moment Lao Qin called out to stop, all his strength was emptied! It also took a long breath...

so far so good! !

Qi Lei regained his clarity... and sat down on the chair.

He was suddenly a little scared! He just made an unforgivable mistake! He should not hesitate to stop!

And Lao Qin's stop and rescue Qi Lei! It also made him figure it out all of a sudden!

There can be no fifth stage!

Slowly raise your head...

"For me, why can't there be a fifth stage..."

The tone is flat and firm.

"Only I know what the fifth stage is..."

Everyone is shocked! "only you know?"

Qi Lei smiled bitterly, suddenly resembling a kid doing something wrong, "Yes! Only I know."

"I dare not tell anyone."

Look up at Lao Qin, meaning, including you!

"Why?" Everyone was more puzzled.

Qi Lei, "Because you speak out, you must want to see the results and verify the data!"

Everyone was even more curious: "What the **** is the fifth stage!?"

Qi Lei, "The fifth stage is... completely out of control!"

"What!?" Everyone was shocked! ! "Out of control? Is there such a possibility?"

Qi Lei, "Exist!"

"Then why not do it!?"

Qi Lei, "Because the harm is too great! We can't afford it!"

"Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is conservative when half of the students have to abolish!"

"We have to spend a lot of money, a lot of energy, a lot of manpower and material resources on the premise of psychological reconstruction!"

"Everyone... the insight model is a model made up of people... once it causes a psychological impact, it is likely to be irreversible damage."

"I dare not do it anymore..."





Qi Lei suddenly grabbed a water glass, no matter who owned it, and took a big gulp!

As it goes, "Let me describe the fifth stage..."

"First.... prepare an experimental fund of 100 million yuan..."

Okay...Everyone is speechless again.

It's been more than half a month, and only six or seven million have been spent. You only have one billion with one mouth?

Qi Lei, "A small part is experimental funding, most of which is the psychological reconstruction of more than 5,000 participants..."

"The harm is really great!"



Qi Lei, "I just need to say a little bit about the rules of the fifth stage and you should all understand it."

"The rule of the fifth stage is..."

"Every two days, the basic salary of more than 5000 experimenters in 72 experimental classes increases by 100% of the basic value, which is 20 tokens...30 tokens...40 tokens. Simulation. As the overall standard of living improves, the average income increases."

"Every other day, in addition to luxury meals, luxury goods, basic food supply, supply of daily necessities...the price increases by 20% of the basic value...simulates the rate of increase of daily necessities."

"The next day, the price of luxury goods rose by 100% of the basic value. Needless to say."

"It is estimated that in a 20-day cycle, wages will increase by 1,100%, the prices of daily necessities will increase by 220%, and the prices of luxury goods will increase by 2,000%."

"In addition, Yiban started to open personal micro-lending business. It further adds consumption space."

"At the same time, a more in-depth product marketing strategy."

"The simulation is... in the next ten to twenty years."

"If we vigorously control the prices of daily necessities, such as food, meat and eggs, and daily necessities."

"In the case that per capita wages have risen by 11 times, basic commodities are only equivalent to 3.2 times."

"People's satisfaction with the country, prices, and the happiness index of life."

"To put it bluntly, pork is now 5 yuan, rice is 1 yuan, 20 years later, pork is 15 yuan, and rice is 3 yuan! Everyone is satisfied or not satisfied with this kind of life."

"If you are satisfied, why are you satisfied."

"Unsatisfied... Why is it that I am wealthy, the cost of living has not improved much, and I still can't feel happy!"

All the scholars were dumbfounded! !

This.... What kind of head is this! ?

This is so valuable! !

Even the old lady was anxious, "Do it! This experiment must be done! I want data!"

Qi Lei frowned, "Do?"

"Then what about these five thousand people? Money far beyond the current standard of living! Still bombarded by consumerism and various capital routines from time to time!"

"Forming wrong values, consumerism! What if you can't get it back!?"

"These people will be abandoned!"

old lady,"......"

The old face blushed, and some did not think about it.

However, it is indeed too anxious.

Still a little unwilling to give up, he asked Zhang Luchen, "Professor Zhang...can mentally rebuild? It doesn't matter how much it costs? It's worth all the money?"

"Yeah!!" Someone is as anxious as the old lady, "I should do this? Is there no way?"

A group of scholars are the same.

Zhang Luchen shook his head weakly...

"Not too possible...."

In fact, it is not that these scholars are indifferent, but the experimental value is too high....

In fact, Qi Lei also knows that the value of experiments is high!


I can't do it!

At this moment, there is no sound in the conference room!

And Qi Lei looked at Old Qin.

It doesn't matter what they think! Old Qin has the final say!

As long as Lao Qin hears this experiment process and still maintains his original intention of not doing it, then there is no problem! !

I'm afraid that Lao Qin is tempted!

In fact, Lao Qin is indeed a bit greedy! Not tempted, but greedy!

This is helpful to the country's overall strategy formulation!

Can you not be greedy?

However, when Qi Lei was worried about it, whether he or the big guys behind him, let alone his heart, his eyelids didn't move a bit!

Indifferently smiled at Qi Lei, "Don't worry...this can't be done!"

People, the most, the biggest!

Nothing else matters!

Qi Lei nodded. With Old Qin's words, he felt relieved...

He grinned at a crowd of scholars who were discussing intensely.

Relax, and say that this group of old scholars is still no one, old Qin, with high enlightenment...

Still reluctant here?

Okay, I'll help you give up!

With a grin, "I want to do it, right..."

Everyone looked at him...


I saw Qi Lei suddenly raising his arm slowly...

"You can do it..."

Everyone calmed down and all looked at him. They raised their arms and shouted to everyone, "It's okay, then I declare that in the fifth stage..."

"I will exercise the special rights in my hands!"

Everyone stagnated, "What right?"

Qi Leiba said in a loud voice: "Stop the first class...all the ordinary members of the second class! According to big data, all the experimental personnel in the school who are hostile to the Japanese country!"

"Owned by the whole school, opposed to the experimenters who removed Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang from the textbook..."

"Special opinion paper and envelope!"

Sweeping the audience, "My exclusive right is... to have a special envelope, a special opinion paper, and the right to control the paper used by a group of [Pioneer Newspaper]!"

"I said I won't give it to anyone! I won't give it to anyone!"




I lost my voice in the meeting room for an instant, and the needle drop was audible!

This time even the big guys above Old Qin were shocked! !

If you don't want the fifth stage to go on, just say it! We also support you!

You, what are you doing?

And those scholars.....

You look at me, I look at you...

Suddenly he said, "Making a fool!"

"You're just a fool!"

"How can you have this right! How can the experiment be carried out if you do this?"

Qi Lei laughed jokingly, and said, "Why don't you have this right? This is set by the rules. I can use it like this."

Everyone was immediately angry, "This is not a rule! You are divorced from reality! This is outrageous!?"

Qi Lei, "Is it outrageous? But how do I feel close to reality?"

Looks changed!

"From traditional communication to network communication!"

"From telecommunications equipment to communication rules!"

"From software to hardware!!!"

"From the system to every electronic original!!"

"You guys tell me! Which one is our own!?"

"Which one is not so outrageous that people tell you to stop and stop!?"

"This!! Isn't it reality!?"





The field was quiet again, and it was quiet and scary! Everyone has distorted facial features!

anger! Qi Lei's bad words are angry!

Unwilling! Not reconciled to his strong words!

Speechless! But the facts told him again! Speechless!

Old Qin, as well as the people behind him, were also sweating coldly! Dilated pupils!

What more realized!


This is definitely their year! ! The scariest story ever heard!

It is also the most impressive drink!

Never forget it in a lifetime!

Old Qin finally knows why Qi Lei wants this right...

I guessed a little before.

But I didn't expect it! He is now taking it out in this way!


This is also the important message he wants to convey?

Yes...what's the point of doing this?

Research come, research go! Admit yourself to lead! I think I have peeped into the future!

Admit yourself... won't lose the future again!

But... it's all a joke!

Reviver can use the most rude way! Make all experimental tasks meaningless!

He can achieve 100% of sixteen seventeen, he really did it!

You can turn black and white upside down! You can make Wu Yi Shi, kill one of the fourteenth class, there is no more sound!

And all this is because he has the most core thing!


Paper is the communication medium in the insight model!

What is the medium in reality?

Do we have?

At this moment, everyone looks at Lei Qi like a lunatic...

I saw him slowly stand up!

Like an outsider, despising everyone!


"Do you want to see the data of the first class? Want to see the members of the second class succeed in appealing? I can't see it! Because they won't have the data in the fifth stage!"

"Do you still want to see how Class 16 can achieve more than 80%? How can Class 17 pass the 50% approval rate?"

"And you can definitely see this, and it must be 100%!"

"Because I have..." Qi Lei raised his fist! "What I hold in my hand is the core technology! It can make you shut up! It can also make anyone disappear in place!"

"Think about it..." Qi Lei sighed, "Maybe...this is the future we should look into!"

Speaking of this, Qi Lei solemnly faces Lao Qin "Reporting to you, as of April 25th [Insight Model] The last verification project is officially completed! Request to close the model! End the experimental phase!"

Old Qin looked at him... solemnly, with a little perverse appearance.

Suddenly want to laugh...

He smiled: "Agree!"

Who can be in the world! ?

Only Taoists!


Qi Lei made a fist and turned around with Liao Fanyi and Zhang Luchen!

The two of them came to report with Qi Lei, but they didn't say a word!

But...Unexpectedly, when Qi Lei described the fifth stage, the two of them were on Qi Lei's side! I think it can't be done anymore!

After leaving the meeting room, Liao Fanyi was a little excited! "You are right! Can't proceed to the fifth stage! The harm is too great!"

Only after speaking did I react with Zhang Luchen, "What are we doing out?"

"No funding yet!"

After finishing talking, he rushed back busy talking!

I forgot everything I was excited about.

When the two turned back, Qi Lei rolled his eyes and laughed in his heart!

wipe! This time offended everyone! Is it smashed?

Can't you miss me anymore?

Go back happily.

And in the conference room... Old Qin also turned around and smiled at the still crowd of scholars.

Explained: "This is his alma mater... He won't just watch his classmates and get hurt... Let's understand."

The scholars still wanted to say something, but Old Qin had already guessed what they were about to say.

Suddenly he became serious again: "The other thing is... this is a humanitarian issue, so you can't be vague!"

It is tantamount to qualitative things!

Everyone looks irretrievable...

I had no choice but to give up regretfully, but the old lady, sullen for a while, suddenly gritted her teeth!

"Let him write a report! Write a paper! The fifth stage must be set to expectations, and the internal logic must be clearly written for me!"

"Written clearly!"

Suddenly, "It's okay not to allow verification...but he has to give me an explanation, right?"

Everyone laughed, and the old lady was not kind at all.

But Lao Qin and the others just smiled and turned to worry, and fell into contemplation...

to be honest....

The privilege finally revealed by Qi Lei...the key point is no lighter than the fifth phase of the experiment!

This is a wake-up call!

And it's Hong Zhong Dalu!

Are you ridiculous? Not ridiculous! Don't have any illusions about the West! Only when you hold it in your own hands can you be the most reliable!

It’s not so deep before, but today I let this kid pretend it again!

Can remember for a lifetime!


In the meeting room, the discussion continued until late at night...

Everyone detailed the experiment and researched the main data over and over again...

Finally, it was nearly eleven o'clock...

A competent leader reached a consensus with a group of experts...

Look at Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, and Zhang Luchen who are waiting anxiously.

Take a sigh of relief, "Say...what do you want! How to build this new discipline?"

"Give me an idea."

Liao Fanyi was overjoyed when he heard it! The heart says it's coming!

When the leader says this, it means that the lion can speak loudly.

Liao Fanyi said directly, "Not only are there ideas! I have written the construction plan!"

He took out a list from his arms, "Look at this!"

The big leader took a look...

Almost didn't control the time to raise the gas! The corners of my eyes are a little twitchy...

There is no expression on the face, and my heart is already overwhelmed! !

The lion opened his mouth, right?

The lion really opened his mouth! !

There is a long list on the list.

First of all, 300 million special support funds each year! !

Notice! It is a special support fund, excluding the special funds for the departmental appropriation and teaching reform of the Department of Beijing, Guangzhou and JY.

Do you dare to ask...

What are you doing with so much money? Take the run?


All right....

300 million does not seem to be much. Because if his following requirements are fulfilled, so much money is indeed required, 300 million is not necessarily enough!

Liao Fanyi wants to establish Beiguang [Department of Digital Communication and Technology]!

Notice! Not a college, not a department!

He wants to get a department out!


【School of Digital Media Theory and Technology】.

[Big Data Research Institute].

[Network Journalism Academy].

【Network Television Academy】.

【Network Communication Research Institute】

【Institute of Information and communication】

【School of Computer and Cyberspace Security】

【School of Data Science and Smart Media】

【Experimental Teaching Center】

and also! ! He will also start the academic journal "Network Communication".

Not only covers social sciences, but also engineering!

Not counting academic journals, eight colleges, one teaching center.

How great is this experience?

But before finishing reading it, Pang Qingfang came up with a sentence that would kill his popularity!

"There's only so much I can think of right now...and more!"


Do you want to add more?

Have you been out of Beiguang for half of this? Originally, Beiguang was only a journalism professional college. There are only a dozen colleges.

Now that you add engineering, is Beiguang still a journalism college? It must become a comprehensive college!

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Liao Fanyi, "Is this your principal's idea?"

Liao Fanyi was taken aback, "No! Really not!"

"Humph!" snorted coldly, "Isn't there a ghost!"

Liao Fanyi is a department head, he has such big ambitions? Want to skip a level directly and be in charge of a school?

Suspiciously: "Is it a bit too much?"

Pang Qingfang heard, "Not much!"

"Really not much!"

"Putting these disciplines together facilitates cross-over research."

"Okay!" The big leader nodded without thinking about it, "Let's be big!"

At present, it is necessary!

But, leadership, there is the art of leadership, and if you agree, you agree.

300 million! Nine academies are fine, accept them all!

However, you can't calculate the above like this!

How much faculty should be given to Beijing Canton University? How much effort did it take to ask for Pang Qingfang and Zhang Luchen?

Do you want to build such a big stall?

How big is the resistance? Doesn't this pose a problem for the above?

Beiguang’s little abacus is too loud. It has to be beaten, not as an example!

He took out his pen and wrote a few words directly on the back of the list:

Department of Digital Communication.

The head of the academic department is temporarily held concurrently by Comrade Dong Beiguo.

Deputy Ministers: Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, Zhang Luchen...

Dong Beiguo is the principal of Beiguang, if you dare to speak loudly, then you should be the minister! Don't think I don't know.

As for the three deputy ministers, the three can be considered to have jumped several levels in a row, but they should be.

This experiment is...very valuable and worthy of its merits!

It should have been handed back.

However, Lao Qin suddenly said, "The leader...and the kid."

The leader was startled, then smiled, "Forget him." muttered to himself, "Now it seems...I really shouldn't let him out."

After pondering for a moment, he started writing again, "Qi Lei, Logistics Department of Beiguang...Purchasing Manager."

He looked up and smiled, "He doesn't have a degree yet, and he can't afford a faculty position. He can only be placed in an administrative position and participate in the work of the department!"

Continued: "Depending on his own wishes, he can pass now or finish high school. As for whether he can go abroad, we can't control this, personal freedom!"

"However, if you want to go out, you have to quit this job before leaving!"

After thinking for a while, "It's okay to say nothing, Beiguang reserves the establishment for him."

Qi Lei didn't even dream of it. How could I become a logistics office if I was a magnificent Internet giant?

Of course...

President Beiguang, Comrade Dong Beiguo, when he saw the appointment written by himself above, his calves were a bit twisted! !

"Appoint me as the head of the academic department? Why?"

"Shouldn't it? You have to be the vice principal or another head of school for a concurrent post, right?"

"I am a principal and what minister do I serve?"

After thinking for a long time, is this beating me?

Am I offending the above?

what does it mean?

All right...

Dong Beiguo...No!

Comrade Dong Beiguo, haven't slept for several nights!

The leaders of Shangda are watching!




To mention a trivial matter, the question of happiness in the article is probably related to communication studies.

It is a matter of the property market and the cost of living...

This, there is a separate plot later, so I won't say it here. To be honest, it is the first time that I have written a popular science plot so long.

It should have been longer. This is a climax and a great foreshadowing. But I really can't write professional terms to explain, and I'm tired of aesthetics.

I have to save some dry goods for Qi Lei to write thesis.

So I won't explain it all here. Wait for the follow-up plot.

In addition, this paragraph is over, there is a little finishing work, and the connection of the next plot.

For example, what is the use of the news from Class 2 and Qi Lei?

However, I have to wait for two days to rest before talking...

Really write a booth!

This paragraph is inherently difficult to write, and I don’t know how I persevered....

To be honest with everyone, watching the screen is all spent, and rest for two to three days. Come back and continue!


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