Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 198: What is this operation (6).

In the afternoon, Qi Lei and Liao Fanyi both went to have a summary meeting, and Chen Xingfu was staring at the school exam.

The so-called wrap-up meeting is of little significance to the first and second grade students.

He didn't care about the specific summary, and Liao Fanyi and the students couldn't summarize it either.

The main purpose is twofold:

One is commendation.

Those who perform well in the experiment should be rewarded. For example, Li Mo, Chen Peng, Song Xiaole, etc., a group of outstanding students selected by the experimental group, they will give out prizes or something.

The second is to do ideological work.

Although the experiment is not long, the impact is not without it. Many students have relatively weak self-control ability, and it is indeed easy to develop the concept of consumerism. If they are not corrected in time, the impact will be great.

Isn't there such a sentence, from simple to extravagant and easy, from extravagant to simple.

Therefore, the time for the summary meeting is one afternoon, the venue is in the large playground, and the classes line up with benches.

Fortunately, the weather at this time is neither cold nor hot, which is not difficult.

When the lineup was brought into the venue, the third shift arrived earlier. As usual, the third shift reserved places for the first and second shifts.

This has always been the case in the past. There are large-scale events in the school.

However, what made Class 3 a little disappointed was that both Class 1 and Class 2 did not come, and the two classes were directly sandwiched next to Class 14.

And Class 15, which was supposed to be next to Class 14, was also aggrieved, and was thrown aside by Classes 16 and 17.

As a result, the five enemies on the third floor of the old dormitory got together, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hey!!" Sanbingzi almost scolded his mother, "Is this disgusting us?"

Class 14 didn't shine this time, and was disabled by those four classes. This was deliberately leaning over to show off.

In this regard, Song Xiaole, who led the team on the left, and Wang Xueliang, who led the team on the right, both laughed slyly, “I’m talking about classmates, how can I do it? It’s because you are the poor classmate and accompany you.”

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck your uncle!"

The big orange squatted back, "Smelly...shameless!"

Song Xiaole and the others are not angry either, they have all won prizes. I heard that the prizes are generous and beautiful!

As a result, Wang Xueliang was a little overwhelmed and asked, "Where is your team leader?"

This sentence is not level, Sanbingzi immediately became happy when he heard it, "What do you look for? Are you at the same level as others? They sit on the rostrum, please correct your position, OK? ?"


Wang Xueliang was dumbfounded at once, regretting in his heart, why did you say I mentioned him?

A few jumpers were bickering here, while Xu Xiaoqian sat next to Yang Xiao.

The things discussed in private by the two beautiful little girls are not so beautiful.

"He said he wants to announce who is [the crazy child]!"

Yang Xiao, "Really!?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Hmm!"

Yang Xiao, "Look who it is, get him!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Hmm!"

Yang Xiao, "Guess who it is?"

Xu Xiaoqian clenched her brows, "It might be Zhou Lei...or Li Lin, or Xiao Ya! It's a woman anyway!"

Yang Xiao, "Huh??? Isn't Zhou Lei [Xue Piaoling]?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "I can't tell, I doubt it!"

Yang Xiao, "..."

Found that things are not that simple? What's wrong with Xu Xiaoqian, a bit overturning the vinegar jar?

Get serious, "What's the matter?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Anyway, it must be a woman! The point is, that guy is actually protecting him! He is also protecting him when he scolds him? Do you think there is a problem?"

When Yang Xiao heard it, he smashed his mouth with a fierce expression: "There is a problem! It's a big problem!"

In my mind, it should not be Zhou Lei, Qi Lei is not so cheap, it is probably Li Lin! Well, it may also be Xiao Ya who came from the experiment.


Not far away, Chen Peng and Zhou Lei were in different moods.

Their small team replayed the old tricks again. The lined up team squeezed to the back, and then they joined together to sit together, and they had to deliberately leave the back team a little bit away. It will not be discovered, and it feels quite aloof.

Chen Peng and Zhou Lei also won the award for their "Big V" accounts.

Of course, they deserve the prize. These two are considered top-notch in the big V.

The main reason why he was happy was that when Qian Hongjun came to notify him of the award on behalf of the experimental group, Chen Peng asked more, "Did [the neuropathy] win the award?"

Qian Hongjun's answer was, "He? Not his share!"

This made Chen Peng go from the sole of the foot to the Tianling Gai. I have won awards, but without him, haha!

It fully explains that [Neurotic Child] is not as red as [Peng Cheng Wanli]!

Various questions from the outside world:

What if he doesn’t brush likes, he’s not as good as [Neurotic Child].

What he did was to imitate [Neurotic Child] and add praises, and it became popular.

Shut up these voices for Lao Tzu!

Chen Peng was exasperated.

As for Zhou Lei...

[Xue Piaoling] Not only became popular, but it also completely reversed Zhou Lei's popularity in the first and second year of high school.

Now, Xu Qian, Yang Xiao, Li Lin, Xiao Ya are not as popular as Zhou Lei. It feels really good to be a celebrity.

The only pity is that the time is too short. If the experiment continues, it would be great!


At this time, on the rostrum, Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, and Zhang Luchen were also biting their ears with Qi Lei.

Pang Qingfang was a little gloating: "Is it really going to be announced? I heard that your 14th class has been looking for this crazy child for a long time."

Qi Lei was calm, "They are all playing around, it's okay!"

However, Liao Fanyi became interested, "You are going to announce the truth about Class 2 at this meeting, you also have to announce the neurotic child, and let us do another questionnaire afterwards. What are you going to do?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Then I would like to ask you, as of now, there are consumerist tendencies. How many cognitive deviations exist in the Second Class incident and the Qi Lei incident?"

Liao Fanyi was startled, and quickly turned over the accompanying notebook and looked for it.

"Consumerism, 13.9%."

"The second shift incident has a deviation of 60.4%."

"That thing about you...88.5%!!!"

He looked up and smiled, "You are done! Now nine out of ten think that your achievements in the second middle school come from powerful families and relationships."

Qi Lei was not surprised. If he was so guided, so slanderous, the relationship between the principal, the rumors about him and Xu Xiaoqian, and the situation at home would all be hyped up. If most people still don’t trust him, then there is something special. Ghost.

How simple are these two middle school students?

This result can only be said to be expected.

However, Qi Lei was not in a hurry to respond to Liao Fanyi's ridicule, and asked again, "Then tell me, if you encounter this kind of information deviation in reality, how likely is it to be misled?"

Without Liao Fanyi's answer this time, Zhang Luchen waved his hand, "Oh! You are doing mystery, just for this? To prevent you from being misled in the future?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes!"

But Zhang Luchen poured cold water: "It's useless! Don't dream!"

"It's useless for you to say anything now. There will be such a thing next time. As much as the ratio is now, it will be as big as the time. No matter how hard you try, it will be wasted!"

"This is called in social psychology..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qi Lei and Liao Fanyi said in unison, "It's called [Stereotype]."

This concept is not only in psychology, but also in communication. Therefore, it is not necessary to popularize Zhang Luchen's science, which is also called "stereotyped prejudice".

It looks like a derogatory term, but it is actually a neutral concept.

It roughly means that people have fixed and simplified ideas and impressions of specific things and people.

This concept or impression is usually judged with the evaluation of the value and preferences of the person, the group, and the thing.

To put it simply, people are subconsciously unwilling to think about complicated things! It is a subjective judgment to simplistic classification judgments of people and things that are habitually perceived.

Don't think it is too abstract, as if it has nothing to do with ordinary people. In fact, it is more relevant.

As long as it is an individual, it is always affected by [stereotypes].

For example: "cheap is not good, good goods are not cheap", this is a typical [stereotype] case.

Are cheap goods really bad? Are good things really not cheap?

uncertain! Good things can be bought cheaply.

However, the first reaction of most people after knowing that the price of the product is far below the level of cognition is that there is a problem with the product!

Just like 10 yuan in Hongtashan, someone buys 1 yuan, then the first reaction of smokers is-fake cigarettes!

And this kind of first reaction judgment is [stereotype].

People subjectively classify "cheap" and "not good products" together in a simple and rude manner.

Well, some people may say, I don’t think that cheap is not good, I like to pick up missing items. [Stereotypes] don’t apply to me.

Haha, you think too much, this thing...all the time, everywhere.

To give another example, "Men are not bad, and women don't love."

If a girl has multiple suitors, setting aside external factors such as money and status, the girl often chooses not the guy who has been sincere and pragmatic, but a veteran who can speak, thick-skinned, and understand girls.

That is, boys who look "bad".

In fact, this choice has nothing to do with whether it is bad or not. From the perspective of communication, the reason why girls choose the latter is because they can speak well.

The latter disseminates more information to girls.

A veteran of the love scene who understands girls' minds, he spreads more effective information.

From a scientific point of view, love is an effective information exchange.

A part of people's information transmission is to specific groups and specific people.

This is like a cat screaming in estrus, and a peacock has to turn on the screen to convey a specific message in estrus.

The same is true for people, except that their estrus period is longer and information transmission is more abstract.

In short, the more efficient the information received, the more it can enter your heart. There are more pheromones and hormones produced by emotions, and then they fall in love.

However, people will not classify this mate selection phenomenon on the total amount and quality of information transmission, but on the simpler and easier to deal with "bad".

It is also [stereotype] to think that "bad boys" are more pleasing to girls.

Another example:

Dogs are more loyal than cats...

Ask the police if you have a problem...

The web text just has no depth...

When Qi Lei left high school, his youth was over...

"The Flowing Years" is so beautiful...

These are all [stereotypes].

It has nothing to do with right or wrong and good or bad, but just the way people simplify the problem.

At this time, the Qi Lei incident and the second class equity incident mentioned by Zhang Luchen are typical [stereotypes].

"Ordinary people have special psychology about power and money. When a person is related to these two, it will naturally have a negative definition, which is unavoidable."

"When things like this happen again, they will still use [stereotypes] to deal with the problem."

Zhang Luchen shook his head and looked at Qi Lei, "You have to know that if refuting rumors can change people's [stereotypes], then you think too much, it's impossible!"

Well, Zhang Luchen said it was impossible again.

In this experiment, he didn't know how many times he said "impossible" and how many times he was beaten in the face.

In response, Qi Lei smiled indifferently and did not explain, "Uncle Zhang, you said, [Stereotype] Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Zhang Luchen raised his eyebrows, "As for this question, there is no difference between good and bad academics, and there are pros and cons to this concept!"

Lifting the book bag, "You, I just know it and don't know why, hurry up and go to college to learn the basics!"

Explained: "[Stereotype] sounds like a derogatory term, but in social psychology, it is really not all derogatory."

"The positive manifestation is: to make judgments within a certain range for a certain type of people with many things in common, without exploring information, you can draw conclusions directly according to the fixed opinions that have been formed, which simplifies the cognitive process and saves a lot of Time and energy enable people to quickly understand someone’s general situation and help people cope with the complex surroundings."

"To put it bluntly, it means to simplify the problem and handle it more efficiently."

"The negative performance is: making general conclusions on the basis of limited materials will cause people to ignore individual differences when they recognize others, leading to perceptual errors, causing preconceivedness, and hindering other Correct evaluation."

"That is, it is easy to make irrational and unobjective judgments."

"Tsk tusk..." Qi Lei sighed and grinned.

Zhang Luchen is worthy of being a pedantic, and the explanation of this term is probably not worse than a word in the textbook.


Suddenly asked, "Nothing?"

Zhang Luchen was also stunned, "Nothing!"

Qi Lei, "You never thought, there are other pros and cons of [stereotype]? Other usages?"

Zhang Luchen pondered for a while, "What else?"

There are other usages-[Social Control].

However, it cannot be said, it is estimated to be 404.

And Qi Lei was about to explain his usage, but Old Qin came on stage and informed everyone that the summary meeting could begin.

Qi Lei can only temporarily put aside this topic and talk about it later when the summary meeting is over.

However, Qi Lei didn't have time to say that his approach...a bit hurt.

Next, the summary meeting officially begins, so there is nothing left to say.

Liao Fanyi's speech, Pang Qingfang's speech, Zhang Luchen's speech, as the three main persons in charge of the model, this is a normal process.

Originally asked Qi Lei to speak, after all, he is the real leader.

But, in front of my school, my classmates, and teachers, let others make a summary? Anyway, Qi Lei couldn't open this mouth, it was too embarrassing.

Firmly disagree, the three old scholars had no choice but to give up.

Then, there is the award.

There was a small episode when the awards were presented. When Chen Peng and Zhou Lei took the stage, they all demonstrated to Qi Lei.

Well, a few days ago, Chen Peng was blocked by the fourteenth class, and he ran all over the school, not to mention that he was a [lunar child]. Chen Peng had lost his face and was holding grudges!

As for Zhou Lei...

Haha, this girl is twisted, and what she thinks in her heart is:

What do you have? The grades were copied, and the nasty things you did made the crazy kid shake you out, and it was stinking.

Besides, if you can sit on the podium today, isn't it the relationship between your mother-in-law and your parents?

Qi Lei was in the experimental group and followed a group of university professors. The whole school knew about this.

In the eyes of Zhou Lei and most people, there is still no way to escape power and money trading.

Isn't it just to give him a qualification, such a big experiment, maybe it can add points to the college entrance examination!

Anyway, there is nothing to admire.

Qi Lei also smiled slightly at the ridicule of these two people.

The next step is Zhang Luchen's psychological counseling speech, which is mainly aimed at correcting consumerism.

Although it is a collective speech, the old scholars are the old scholars. They are not preaching, but witty and persuasive.

Generally speaking, the effect is still not.

After Zhang Luchen finished speaking, it was discussed that Qi Lai solved the result of the second class incident and the Qi Lei incident, which was the one he and the three old scholars said.

However, Qi Lei was sitting on the podium and didn't know at all. Just when Zhang Luchen was still "flicking", a Crown sedan came outside the school gate.

Station Master Ning parked the car on the side of the road, got off the car and entered the school.

Just as soon as I came in, I found that something was wrong? Is it in a small place like Shangbei with such high quality? All the people coming in and out of the school gate are handsome guys and beauties! ?

Webmaster Ning is a bit dazzling, and it's hard to find someone ugly.

Seeing that all the students in the big playground were in meetings and the classrooms were empty, the stationmaster Ning had to pull a "little handsome guy" to ask.

When I asked, I found out that these high-quality students came to the second high school for the test, not the second high school students, and there was a meeting on the playground.

No need to think about it, Station Master Ning pondered, and went to the venue to find Class Fourteen, and found Qi Lei to say something.

He came over this time, it was indeed a little urgent under the R tree. Moreover, Uncle Geng couldn't handle this matter, so Qi Lei had to decide, and then Qi Lei's phone had been turned off for two months, so he could only come to the door.

When I got to the big playground, I didn't find it yet, I saw Qi Lei sitting there on the podium.

Yes, Station Master Ning pondered, and wait!

Just stand on the periphery with the school candidates who have finished the exam, watching the excitement.

Don't tell me, there are a lot of beautiful girls! Station Master Ning stood among them, still a little bit youthful.

It's just that these little girls are obviously not interested in "Uncle", nor in his customized suit and the famous IWC watch on their hands, so they don't take a second look at him.

Oh, simple! Patronize talking about "little examiner".

"It seems to be that obedient and handsome little examiner, I heard that he is also sitting on the stage!"

"Who?" Station Master Ning followed curiously.

After looking at it for a while, I thought it was Liao Fanyi!

That is to say, Liao Fanyi is still young, about the same age as himself, a bit like a "little examiner".

But, don’t you go with the handsome and handsome?

As for Qi Lei... Station Master Ning didn't even think about that.

Finally, Zhang Luchen's psychological counseling was over, and it was Qi Lei's turn to speak.

Liao Fanyi, "Let me please, the representative of the task class, Qi Lei, will give a summary report on the second class and Qi Lei's own experimental template."

"Oh!!" Station Master Ning knew.

Just say what Qi Lei is doing while sitting on the stage, it turns out that's the way it is.

But unexpectedly, the few girls next to him saw the microphone moved in front of Qi Lei, "Little Examiner! Little Examiner! Little Examiner has spoken!"

Station Master Ning: "..."

Sanguan suddenly became a little unstable, "He, is he a junior examiner?"

Okay, good-looking and handsome...little examiner!

Station Master Ning stared, and said to his heart, I haven't been tossing about you for these two months? I thought you really came back to school in a down-to-earth manner. Why did you become a junior examiner again? Did you get involved in other school exams?



Over there, Qi Lei didn't know that Station Master Ning stared in the distance, cleared his throat, and glanced at the speech outline in his hand.

"Don't worry, I am faster than them, and it will be over soon."

It was a very thoughtful ridicule, but it's a's a response.

Except for those classmates who are better than Qi Lei, everyone else can't laugh.

Basically, the ideas are similar to those of Chen Peng and Zhou Lei, what's the point? Isn't it just that the family has money and the relationship is hard?

Qi Lei didn't care about this, just smiled meaningfully.

To be honest, he kind of hoped it would be such an effect.

Go straight to the subject.

"Regarding the controversy about the donation of the second class limited company in Senior Two, I think all the students have their own judgments, but you are being fooled."




As soon as this remark came out, the students in the audience could not care to despise Qi Lei.

Only Wen Qi Lei continued: "The questionnaire shows that most people are unfair to Song Xiaole, thinking that the second class committee bullied Song Xiaole and compulsory donations. Even one donation is not enough, and another donation is a bit too bullying."

"But!" There was a hint of sarcasm in the tone, "I didn't expect that everyone's logical ability would be so bad! In the summary of opinions, there are almost no doubts."

"Has no one thought about it? Where did Song Xiaole get so much money to donate?"

"Even if you haven't thought about this, you don't even think about it. Why did Song Xiaole lose in the first instance, second instance, and the final judgment of the Supreme Court?"




There is silence below, not everyone is reflecting, but everyone is questioning, "Are these... important!?"

"Isn't the important thing about the second class bullying Song Xiaole alone, letting the family donate once and then donate again?"

You see, this is the drawback of [stereotype], which is based on subjective judgment and has strong personal feelings.

Qi Lei looked around the audience, suffering from not being able to ask questions. Xin said that if you can ask questions, it is better to have interaction.

Now, he can only say that he draws himself, "Have you never thought about the logic? Without considering the authenticity of the news, you are eager to judge and even disdain to understand the truth!!"

"However, the truth is..."

"It was Song Xiaole who took advantage of his position to embezzle 51% of the shares of Erban Co., Ltd.!"

"Do you have no idea about this? In other words, Song Xiaole alone accounts for half of all the income in Class 2! The basic living expenses of other people are only more than 5 yuan per day, and even the most common three meals are not guaranteed. ."

"And Song Xiaole's daily income is nearly 300 yuan!"

"Do you still think Song Xiaole is pitiful? Is it wrong?"



The audience was shocked in an instant, "Oh fuck! More than three hundred!? This grandson!"

Swipely looking for Song Xiaole's figure.

And Song Xiaole... suddenly feels a bit bad?

His back was cold, his face turned pale, grandson Qi Lei, cheated me! Will be beaten to death!

Isn't it going to be beaten to death? People will definitely find reasons for their actions.

The person who scolded Class 2 was a black-hearted thief.

Being deceived... It was Song Xiaole's fault. He deceived us all, this bastard!

At this time, Qi Lei suddenly changed his tone, a little solemn, "My classmates and friends, in fact, the misunderstanding is not terrible, and it can be forgiven."

"The scary thing is that we have lost the ability to judge things!"

"The scary thing is that you can come to different conclusions with just a little brainstorming, but we don't!"

"And the most terrifying thing is..."

Speaking of this, Qi Lei paused, "The most terrifying thing is that we don't even bother to believe the law that represents justice!!"

"In the prompt information on the front blackboard, the court's decision was mentioned countless times."

"However, you only regard it as the unfairness of the law. No one has thought that the law is the ultimate justice!"


Qi Lei made a sound.

In fact, the biggest problem is here. No one believes in the fairness of the law, but thinks that the law and the second class committee have bullied Song Xiaole.

This is the most terrible!

There was a rush for white, and the school girls who were onlookers sighed inexplicably, "Wow, the little examiner is so powerful!"

Station Master Ning: "..."

I scolded in my heart: Is there anyone who talks about ridicule? What is this imposing?

Liao Fanyi, Zhang Luchen and others on the stage looked at the reaction under the stands, and suddenly their heads buzzed, as if they had awakened to something.

After looking at each other for a long time, they all smiled bitterly, Qi Lei was slapping his face!

Moreover, it was not the people who had wronged all the classmates in the second class in the audience, but they, the people who were sitting on the stage!

You know, from the beginning, even just now, Liao Fanyi and the others have always believed in the task template of the second class:

It is to verify the blindness and oversight of the people under the bias of information. After the experiment is over, there is a reversal that can wake up the students who are addicted to the experiment.

However, Qi Lei just woke them up, this matter is far less simple than they thought.

Yes, the most important point, it is worth pondering, why no one believes in the fairness of the law! ?

Even without knowing the facts, the court made three judgments, can't it explain the problem?

can! In their eyes, of course, this is justified.

Law is the justice of a society, and it is also the best means of dispelling rumors.

The law has been sentenced, which shows that Song Xiaole must have a problem.

However, in practice, can the law really dispel rumors? It seems...cannot!

The people insist on their own prejudice and subjective prejudice.

Even if you ignore the law, what rumors do you still refute?

They even began to question the justice of the law because of this incident.

This is worth thinking about.

Another thing is that, regarding the second class, class fourteen, and Liao Fanyi and others, they have not interfered.

Not because of the experimental script, but because this kind of thing is not worth the rumors of the blackboard. In reality, this is how it works.

The front blackboard is the official media. Before 2000, when did you see the official media dispelling rumors and reporting on a civil case?

This is the product of traditional media and traditional media thinking. It must be stylish!

However, in the Internet age, the smell of wine is really scary and the alleys are too deep!

If you do not explain, if you continue to have style, the network will really cause irreversible effects.

This point is also worthy of attention.

Just like now, the second class incident caused not only bad social impact, but even shaken the trust of the law.

Zhang Luchen and Liao Fanyi thought of [stereotypes] at the same time. This is a problem of stereotypes.

People are still accustomed to thinking of things simple, so they are certainly unwilling to change the old stereotype.

I finished talking about the second class, and explained clearly.

However, there is a problem. Everyone is just angry at Song Xiaole's deceit and shamelessness. They don't feel that their way of thinking about the problem is wrong. They also attribute the error to the mismatch of information.

You let us know the actual situation of the second class, isn't it all right?

Qi Lei's idea of ​​using this to allow them to fundamentally change their stereotypes has yet to come true.

In other words, Bai explained that the people don't want to eat him.

In this regard, Qi Lei does not seem to be in a hurry.

If you have finished talking about the second class, then it's over, and I won't mention it again.


"The second incident is the rumors about myself."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone pricked their ears to listen, including Chen Peng and Zhou Lei, and the two were even a little contemptuous.

"You got it right for the second class. But for your own affairs, I see how you get it!"

As a result, unexpectedly, Qi Lei would not pull at all, and he would not play cards according to the routine.

"In the rumors, all the positive news is true!"

"I do have a rich dad. My grandfather is indeed a high-ranking executive. I do have a personal relationship with Principal Zhang."

"The revelations including the crazy children are also true!"

"I really skip classes. Last year, I went to Beijing for exchanges, and it was really through relationships."

"The Sanshi Internet Cafe in the development zone is indeed my private base, which is opened at my home."

"The only fictional point is-my test scores were copied."

"I haven't copied it! Do you believe it? Do you believe that my grades are achieved by your own hard work? Believe that I am already excellent?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, oh! This grandson is so thick-skinned! He actually admitted it all! ?


I, letter, you, man, big, head, ghost!

The rich second generation doesn't have a good thing, what do you believe?

Anyway, they don't think that a person who has such a rich family, such a strong relationship, skips classes and goes to Internet cafes every day, is a good student who loves to learn.

Well, this is another [stereotype].

"Haha." Qi Lei smiled in response to everyone's reaction, "You don't believe me! You don't believe me, you would rather believe the rumors of [Neurotic Children], right?"

The tone was sad.

Only Liao Fanyi on the stage and the backbone of the four task teams rolled their eyes.

My heart said, are you sad? The crazy child is you, what do you play?

However, Qi Lei really did it, and it was very exciting.

"Well, if you don't believe it, don't believe it, let's talk about this [Neuropathic] first."

"Rest assured, I will not slander him! It is not clever to prove yourself by destroying the enemy."

"On the contrary, I want to compliment him."

puff! !

Song Xiaole, Li Mo, they all sprayed, can you praise this too? Praise yourself in front of the whole school?

"[Neurotic child] is still good, well written and very popular."

"To tell everyone the truth, many of the post-chalkboard opinions are ghostwriters, especially those who scold me."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Peng and Zhou Lei's faces blackened, chuckle! Isn't that just us?

Indeed, the opinions posted for a long time are all written by the task class. It turns out that it was written by a mentally ill child? "

At this time, Qi Lei continued: "Because of participating in the work of the experimental group, let's not hide everyone, I even know the true identity of [the neurotic child]."

There was a hum, and there was a lot of discussion in the audience! "Who!?"

Qi Lei, "He himself... is very handsome!"

Song Xiaole: "..."

Li Mo: "......"

Wang Xueliang: "..."

Qi Lei, "The academic performance is also very good, especially outstanding!"




Qi Lei, "More importantly, his popularity in reality is equal to his popularity in Hoou Chalkboard."

"Fuck!" Song Xiaole couldn't bear it anymore, "I'm not listening!"

I turned around and ran, I couldn't listen anymore.

Class 2 and Class 14 next to him couldn't help but look at Song Xiaole, "What's wrong? Why is he reacting so much?"

Someone in Class 2 even asked to stay, "Why are you going?"

Song Xiaole felt uncomfortable, "Urgent! Is it all right!?"

Song Xiaole couldn't figure it out, why is he not embarrassed at all? It's pretty exciting.

Besides, what are you acting? As for being so sad?

However, Song Xiaole didn't know, the more powerful ones are still to come!

Qi Lei's voice resounded from the speakers on the podium.

"I can also tell you a secret, a secret that nobody knows."

"[Neurotic child] Not only is he excellent in the second middle school, he is also excellent in other places!"

"He is a...writer!"


Song Xiaole was startled.

Li Mo from Class One also widened his eyes.


"Isn't it... the writer!?"

Don't forget, Li Mo is a fan of [Neurological Children].

Here, Xu Xiaoqian is also a fierce spirit, and the whole person is not good.

"The writer?...the crazy kid?"

"The neuropathic child in the experiment, and the neuropathic child on the Internet, are the same people!?"

Xu Xiaoqian was shocked, and looked at each other with Yang Xiao, "He actually lurks in the second middle school!?"

As for the stationmaster Ning who is among the beauties...

"Oh fuck!" screamed.

[Neurotic child]! !

That day the dog's crazy child! !

Subconsciously shouted: "Who!?"

Station Master Ning's resentment towards the neuropathic child deepened.

Do not! The resentment of the writer-in-residence under the entire R tree towards [Neurotic Child] has gone.

For a while, everyone wanted to find him a real PK, it was not a joke.

Isn't it really him? Wouldn't it be hidden in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School? ?

Provoked a group of school candidates to look at the stationmaster Ning like two fools, and said to his heart, this uncle is sick, right?

And Qi Lei's next words also thoroughly verified everyone's guess.

Qi Lei, "Yes, when it comes to writers, many people should think of it."

"Just as you think, he is the author of the book "Love in Belgrade" that swept the Internet last year and was pirated countless."

"A genius writer, he became famous when he was young!"

This time even Liao Fanyi was shocked and looked at Qi Lei like a ghost.

just you? Have you written yet? Also a genius writer? Become famous as a teenager?

I don't even understand, what the **** is this kid doing?

Even the school candidates who were onlookers in the distance were dumbfounded, "Really? The author of "Love in Belgrade"?"


"I've seen that one too! I even scolded him when the watch was broken!"


"Who? I have a physical book, I need a signature!"


Everyone was dumbfounded and looked to the left and right. Before the mystery was revealed, the [Neurological Child] could be anyone around him.

That's the author of "Love in Belgrade"! It is a popular work with the same name as "First Intimate Contact", and has created countless internet hot words.


"Want to know who it is?" Qi Lei's voice sounded again.

"Want to know... Is it true that the words of such a big celebrity are more credible? What he said Qi Lei was copied, he was fighting power. Or is my words more credible, I got it through my own efforts?"

"Do you want to!?"

The audience suddenly said in unison, "Think~~~!!!"

"okay then!"

Qi Lei sighed, still sad and poor acting, took a deep breath, and was about to announce the answer.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for his answer.

As a result, this guy's face changed, and he was perverted and joking, "The true identity of [Neurotic Child] is..."

"It's me! It's Lei Qi!"


Qi Lei couldn't help laughing, "Yes! It's me!! I scolded myself, I am the author of "Belgrade Love"!"

"How? The accident is not unexpected? Is it fun or not?"

I puff! ! !

puff! !

Puff puff! ! !

Fuck! ! ! !

As soon as this remark came out, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a bolt from the blue.

Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao., the fourteenth class, collectively petrified, can't believe their ears.

Xu Xiaoqian's first reaction was, "I want to break up with him!"

Yang Xiao said, "Get him! Get him to death!"

The fourteenth class: "Boss Xu, stop talking, don't stay!"

And all the students in the 72 experimental classes were shocked and stunned for a long time.

Then came the boundless annoyance and anger.

Thinking back to Qi Lei's sorrow just now, and his current perverted beating, it would be strange if the anger could be suppressed.

Hold! Let him play!

This is not the same as the one involved in the second class incident, and that one can also be blamed on asymmetric information.

And this, from start to finish, is directed and acted by Qi Lei, he is just playing with you.

What's even more annoying is that you can't refute him yet.

He is a writer, a genius writer! Then you say he copied it? Not good?

Oh shit, it's not that information is not equal, it's an IQ problem, and people's IQ is crushed.

Chen Peng opened his mouth wide, "Impossible!! Absolutely impossible!"

Pointing to Qi Lei, "Fuck you uncle, you are a crazy kid!!!? You are a crazy kid!?"

He can't accept this fact!

Zhou Lei, her face was as pale as paper, and she couldn't move anymore.

Qi Lei is a neurotic child! He is also the author of "Love in Belgrade"! !


She screamed suddenly, hysterical, and she couldn't accept the fact.

And stationmaster Ning...

Well, stationmaster Ning is an adult after all...

It's relatively stable, and I think more.

After returning to my soul, I turned around and ran without hesitation at all.

Damn it, what am I doing here? I heard nothing! I don't know anything!

Recalling the past that I had written and cursed with [the neurotic child] in the station, in the postings with netizens, and a group of writers, those who besieged the neurotic child were unspeakable...

I have never been! ! I heard nothing!

The boss is [the crazy kid]... Is this trying to scare me out of the crazy kid?

What are you waiting for Lei Qi to talk about? Pull it down!

Haven't been here before, run away before you find it!

As he ran, he could still hear Qi Lei's perverse, irritating voice from behind.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

"You are being fooled! From beginning to end, you are like fools who can't think and are led by my nose!"

I'm going to your uncle!

It's a meeting, otherwise you have to rush to bury Qi Lei, it's so irritating!

I have never seen such a cheap one, scolding myself, what kind of thing are you?

However, it's shameful to say it or not!

More than 5000 mouths! Even more than 5,000 pigs, if Qi Lei is driven by himself, he can also be exhausted to death.

As a result, it just made him play around in circles.

Still scolding there! Still supporting the neurotic child there!

As everyone knows, the one who scolds and likes is the same person, that taste...

Oh fuck! I want to slap myself, I'm so stupid.

At this moment, Qi Lei scanned the audience and was no longer perverse.

Well, no matter how irritating it is, it will kill people. Either he was beaten to death, or the people underneath were **** to death.

Suddenly became serious.

"Classmates... friends..."

"I hope you can remember this lesson today!"

"In case of trouble, consider yourself three times, listen more, think more, talk less."

"This is the first and last time!"

"Never be fooled like a fool!"

Speaking of this, under everyone's gaze and confusion, Qi Lei took a deep breath, "Well, my speech is over!"

Hand over the microphone and sit tightly.




Liao Fanyi, Pang Qingfang, and Zhang Luchen also looked at Qi Lei in a daze, like a fool.

Three old scholars can't figure it out:


No, your picture?

What an operation is this! ?

He wants to announce the true identity of [Neurotic Child], and everyone will not stop him.

But, you don’t need to use such a method, such an almost insulting means to publish, right?

Isn't this sick?

Just to show off? Just to be cool? To preach?


Liao Fanyi couldn't wait any longer, "Is it unnecessary?"

It was Qi Lei who laughed and said something that awakened Liao Fanyi suddenly.

"You can do the questionnaire now! Look again, and you will encounter this kind of misrepresentation of information in the future. What is the chance that these 5,000 people will repeat the same mistakes?"


Liao Fanyi was startled, his eyes changed, as if thinking of something, he suddenly yelled, "Quick! Take the questionnaire now! Do it now!"

He wants to see the result.

As a result, the statistics team immediately issued papers on the spot to perform statistics.

When the questionnaire was returned, Liao Fanyi, Qi Lei and others were already in the conference room on the fourth floor.

At this time, Chang Lanfang's experts were also there. Seeing that Liao Fanyi and the others were like crazy demons, they were very curious, "What's wrong, is this?"

Liao Fanyi didn't speak, and was buried in a pile of questionnaires, unable to extricate himself.

Moreover, he couldn't wait for the accurate data to be released, so he took a sampling method and got the results immediately.


Then, Liao Fanyi was confused.

He drew dozens of questionnaires and compared them. As a result, the questionnaire said, "If you encounter similar hot issues in the future, do you support the disadvantaged party or..."

Almost everyone's answer is: "Keep rational and wait for the official justice!!!"

In the questionnaire, the answers to all similar questions are positive!

In other words, most people will not perform irrational and impulsive operations on such hotspots.

"what happened?"

Liao Fanyi's eyes rounded.

However, Zhang Luchen grabbed the questionnaire and carried out another sampling by himself, and the result was the same as Liao Fanyi.

I looked up blankly, " broke a [stereotype]! How did you do it!?"

The stereotype is not that it cannot be broken, but that it is difficult to break in a short period of time, which is not the same as other psychological concepts.

It was originally a simplified subconscious thinking. To put it bluntly, a person, you can make him realize the mistake about a specific event. However, next time, unless the event template is exactly the same as the last time, he will automatically bring him into the last thought and actively correct his cognition.

If not, next time there is something similar to cause and effect, he will still fall into the simple thinking of stereotypes.

Therefore, Qi Lei is truly destroying the Three Views.

How can it be that simple to break a person's concept and re-establish it?

Of course, Zhang Luchen didn't ask Qi Lei how he operated it, the operation method was obvious.

He angered everyone, and even deliberately made them feel humiliated.

Yes, it is humiliation!

To the humiliation, it is impossible to forget today's thunder in this life.

When I think of Qi Lei, I think of neuropathic children. Thinking of a neurotic child, I think of how stupid I was and being played around by him.

This will form a kind of stress response. When you encounter this kind of thing again, as long as your mind doesn't get into the water, you have to be steady to avoid falling into a stupid and embarrassing situation again.

Similar to self-protection awareness.

However, Zhang Luchen was not asking this, not these superficial things.

He asked what academic principles Qi Lei used.

"You destroyed a stereotype, how did you do it!?"

At this moment, Qi Lei smiled, "Uncle Zhang, don't worry."

I thought about it for a while and said: "I didn't destroy a [stereotype]. It is too difficult to destroy a subconscious concept. The hardest thing in this world is that one person tries to convince another person."

"I just re-established a [stereotype] to keep people's original stereotypes behind."




In the meeting room, everyone is stuck.

Especially those who are engaged in psychology and communication, staring at them, as if they understood, but also as if they didn't understand.


"Yes!" Qi Lei nodded, "It is difficult to destroy a [stereotype], but it is relatively easy to establish a [stereotype]."

"This [stereotype] is: If you encounter similar problems again, don't let yourself be stupid!"




Everyone suffocated again, this is a very novel idea.

And Qi Lei is serious.

"Elders, please don't stick to this single event! The method of establishing this stereotype is actually not advisable."

"If we want to establish a rational mindset in the face of public incidents across the country, we can't ridicule the people all over the country and anger it all over again, right?"


Everyone smiled, it was indeed the case.

It's okay for Qi Lei to irritate a school, but if it irritates the whole country, they don't have to do it as a media person.

Pang Qingfang said: "However, this idea is right! It is difficult for us to overturn one stereotype, but we can establish another stereotype to defend."

"Defense..." Pang Qingfang was startled suddenly, "Defense!!"


Looking towards Qi Lei, "Isn't this just a [gatekeeper] method in the Internet age? It's not a specific person, but a theory to guard the door."

Seeing Qi Lei nodded, "That's right! The gatekeeper problem in the Internet age can indeed be used to achieve a certain defense by thinking barriers."

"But..." the conversation turned, "Actually, I have another purpose for doing this today."

Liao Fanyi looked up, "What's the purpose?"

Qi Lei, "I actually want to borrow this to remind everyone."


Qi Lei, "Have you ever thought about a problem?"

"No matter the second class incident or the Qi Lei incident, they are all information deviations of small probability events."

"In other words, incidents of embezzlement of collective property like Erban are rare, and incidents of personal stigmatization like Qi Lei are also rare."

"But, what if these uncommon events are replaced by universal events that are closely related to everyone?"

"What if the destructive force of the [stereotype] formed is beyond imagination?"

Everyone was puzzled, and when they asked this suddenly, everyone didn't react.

Upon seeing Qi Lei, "Let me give you an example!"

"Take the example of the stereotype that Uncle Zhang gave me just now. "Men are not bad, women don't love." This is a [stereotype] between the sexes. How about we make an extended deduction?"

As soon as these words came out, Liao Fanyi immediately became energetic, "Say it!"

He has seen it before, and Qi Lei's logical deduction is very good.

Qi Lei, "For example, a couple of boy and girl friends have reached the age to talk about marriage. In our country, many local folk customs require betrothal gifts, right?"

"This phenomenon is most common in rural areas. It is also found in small towns in the south and rural areas in the north. The amount varies. Some places ask for more and some places ask for less."

"However, fortunately, most cities do not have a marriage view. This is the result of decades of free love, diligence and thrift, and the elimination of bad habits."

Everyone nodded, wondering what Qi Lei was going to say next.

Qi Lei, "In other words, most people do not advocate the beauties system in the current universal values. From love to marriage, most of the two young people don't need to consider the beauties, right?"


Qi Lei, "So, this is a [stereotype], right?"

"What if you add two conditions to the current folk customs?"

"Which two!?"

Qi Lei, "First, the country is developing rapidly, a large number of rural people have poured into cities to join urban construction, and the total population circulation in various provinces has increased."

"Second, the Internet is highly developed, and the self-media and personal information ports are open."

Everyone wrote down these two conditions secretly, but they hadn't found any connection between the two conditions.

Qi Lei, "Then the question is, as the rural population enters the city and the population in the southern Gaocaili area moves across the country, will the rural and southern customs and lifestyles, including the customs of marriage and marriage, be substituted into the cities across the country? "

"This..." everyone thought for a while, "Yes!"


Not to mention anything else, Chang Lanfang immediately thought of a situation. If an urban guy marries a rural girl, he must follow the customs of the countryside. Everyone still knows this.

In many places, the issue of wedding gifts is highly valued, which is the face of a family.

Wen Qi Lei continued: "Then the problem comes again. A poor boy in Sichuan doesn't need much beauties in his hometown. However, if you want to marry a girl who needs half a million to open your mouth, the boy can't afford it. Or there was a tragedy."

"In the Internet age, when personal ports are open, can they become a hot spot?"

Liao Fanyi: "Yes!"

Qi Lei, "Okay!!!"

"One hot spot may happen occasionally. What if there are many hot spots? Will it be a phenomenon?"

"Will it eventually evolve into a [stereotype] that requires a high betrothal gift to get married?"

"When people talk about getting married, their first reaction is simply to ask how much gift do you need?"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Everyone, "!!!"

Qi Lei, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

"If such [stereotypes] continue to ferment, and we, as the makers and helms of the media and social concepts, will be slow to react!"

"Will it be more terrifying, for example, the [stereotype] that you can't marry a wife without or with little money?"



Everyone is speechless, yes! Will! ! This [stereotype] will not be formed in the future, but the current rural areas have already formed.

Qi Lei continued, "If, under such a premise."

"There are merchants or female representatives who bind marriage to houses, cars, and tickets. These material needs must be married. Houses, cars and tickets must be available for marriage. This impression has also been formed. What are the consequences?"

"If, after getting married, face the problem of fertility."

"Then the business of baby products and food, there are also "private educational institutions", "overseas study institutions", "aristocratic education concept", these capitals and individuals with valuable interests, and even simply hire educators and infant experts."

"Begin to advocate fine parenting and let the children win at the starting line!"

"I can't wait to have to pick up and drop off when I go to junior high school. The teacher can't beat or scold, the school can't control or control, and spend a lot of money to cultivate children's personal skills and hobbies."

"When all this happened, childbirth became a high-cost [stereotype] that ordinary people could hardly afford!"

"That is to say, when it comes to childbirth, all people think of are negative emotions and high expenditures."

"Like our generation, the stocking and rough parenting of your generation has become the original sin."

"The word "children" means being afraid of being broken, and containing the [stereotype] that is afraid of turning away!!!"

"It will be... what consequences!?"

Everyone was sweating.

Chang Lanfang blurted out, "The fertility crisis in Japan and South Korea!"

Yes, if it does reach that point, it is the root cause of the low fertility rate. And these are happening in Japan and South Korea.

Qi Lei continued, "If, fruit!!"

"What if, at this time, another group jumped out and shouted "Quan" to instigate confrontation between men and women?"

"Establishing the [stereotype] that women are not fertility machines, men who have no money or ability, and are unworthy of getting married and having children, what are the consequences!?"

When Chang Lanfang heard this, he could only feel that the world was spinning, "Stop talking!"

Qi Lei, "No!! It's not over yet! Please let me finish!"


"To instigate these [stereotypes] into [Agenda Setting], if the debate on the agenda is endless, most people will start to shut up, turning into a [silent spiral], and let the clamor of'Pushman's views' become mainstream. "

"If we see these all in our eyes, they are all bad complaints, and what the media sells is anxiety..."

"How many [me in the mirror] should there be? How many extreme [individualism] created by the defect of the me in the mirror?"

Chang Lanfang, "..."

This is not just a communication issue, it also involves economics and policy.

At this time, Qi Lei took a deep breath: "If..."

"If you start from the post-90s and post-00s, it will be formed. Houses represent expensiveness, marriage represents unfreedom and burdens, love represents extravagance, men represent machismo, women represent female quan, hypocritical..."

"If these [stereotypes] stand up like high walls, how do we prevent them? How to destroy them? How to build another [stereotypes] to keep him behind?"

"Then let's talk about happiness!"



When Qi Lei came out of the conference room, there was no sound inside.

For these old experts, the series of problems "deduced" by Qi Lei are severe.

Will it happen?

possible! Because it is indeed in line with the logic and rapid development of the environment.

However, only Qi Lei understood that he had seen it with his own eyes.

Twenty years of rapid development has left behind a large number of social problems, and finally formed a chronic disease, which is impossible to eradicate.

Of course, this is not to blame the media people, nor the country.

We are stubbornly engaged in the economy and have to resist external resistance. We are already exhausted physically and mentally.

And, the most important thing is that you can't think of these at all!

Without Qi Lei, no one can infer so many social problems.

The so-called natural laws and social laws are laws that have no laws.

It's a bit like, a kick in the butt, but the cheek hurts; a knife in the left hand, bleeding on the heel of the right foot.

The social system is a huge and infinitely complex system. There is a chain reaction caused by problems here, and no one knows which day it will be manifested.

Even if I want to break my head, I can't think of it, because it's beyond the scope of ability.

Only a rebirth like Qi Lei knows, and he must be engaged in communication, in order to notice these problems and then defend.

That's right, defense!

These social problems are difficult to solve when they have become facts in later generations.

However, many problems can be avoided if intervention is made before or during the process.

For example, there is also the issue of education costs.

If we can intervene, stop, and cooperate with media propaganda before it becomes universally recognized in society, we can change the state of future generations. It is not necessary to spend a lot of effort, compulsorily shut down training institutions and so on.

If the teacher disciplines the children's problems, if they are discovered early, resolved early, and advocated early, there will be no embarrassment that the teacher dare not manage.

In later generations, ordinary people think that the pressure comes from housing prices, from difficulties in getting married and raising children, and from the pre-marital property requirements of city servants.

To put it bluntly, there is no money!

To be honest, is this really the case?

Many are just blind spots in the development of the times and anxiety created by businesses deliberately.

Can't get married without a room? Can't you live by renting a house? no!

Only Chinese people in the world value a house the most, and only Chinese people have the earliest average age to buy a house.

Isn't it okay if you don't give the bride price? OK!

Is parenting really difficult? difficult! It's hard! But this is the basic responsibility of being a person.

And these are really not demand issues, but social guidance issues in communication studies.

Ordinary people cannot construct a harmonious and stable social concept and system. Someone needs to establish a healthy and rational value for them.

If the [stereotype] is not that you can't get married without a room, you can't have less gifts, and it's difficult to raise a child.

Rather, if you fall in love, you should be together, beauties are optional, and parenting is difficult, but that is the responsibility of parents, if it is like this [stereotype]...

If the business has ulterior motives, communication can be alert and stop immediately when sales are anxious.

So, maybe there will be no changes in the material future, but at least it can relax a little mentally.

We are a hard-working nation. From ancient times to the present, we have relied on our hands to create the world. The pressure at work is really not pressure.

Many complaints about unsatisfactory life are not really tired from work. It's that the work is very tiring, but it can't get the happiness and joy that it deserves.

The reason is that there are too many "noises".


I like Nike, slander my motherland...

The girl I've loved wants 300,000 gifts, can't afford to give it...

I don't have a car or a house, and I don't feel like I'm being mixed up, and I can't lift my head.

The city I love does not have a light that belongs to me...

To buy milk powder for your child, you must first check the information for two hours to avoid melamine...

In the small restaurant downstairs, no one knows whether he needs cooking oil...

The stock market crashes if it crashes....

When the property market rises, it rises....

Those in their thirties said that they could accomplish nothing, not as moisturizing as the forty-year-old.

The 40-year-old said that the job was robbed by the 20-year-old...

And the 20-year-old said that the resources are all occupied by the 40-year-old, including the girl.

Anyway, Luo Quan complained!

Then, eight-year-olds were playing mobile phones, eighteen-year-olds were playing mobile phones, and twenty-eight and thirty-eight years old were still playing mobile phones!

The businessman takes you as his master and coaxes you to spend money with a smile without telling you that this is excessive consumption.

The country and the conscientious are good for you, preaching with a straight face, and yelling at you to fight and be rational, but they are regarded as a conspiracy to fool the people.

Various silly crosses on the Internet show IQ.

The above may have nothing to do with you, or it may have something to do with you.

However, whether it is related or not, it reverberates in your ears, spurring nerves all the time.

In this state... the mental quality is a little bit worse, and you can't see through it anymore, it's strange that you can live a comfortable life!

The above are either purely the category of communication science, or the linkage between communication science and other disciplines, which can be prevented or changed in advance.

This is the meaning of communication, to get rid of the "noise"! !


After coming out of the main building, Qi Lei found that the eyes of his classmates in the first and third years of high school didn't look right at him.

Anger, humiliation, etc., the momentum is okay.


curious! Stay away?

how to say? You have to say that Qi Lei can't overdo it in the second middle school. A celebrity in the school is just like that.

However, if you say that Qi Lei has written a book, it is still the popular "Love in Belgrade", that's a bit....

Far away.

Qi Lei doesn't care much about this. Is Brother the kind of thin-skinned person?

With such a weird look, he returned to the old dormitory building and went up to the third floor, and saw Song Xiaole and Wang Xueliang lying on the railing at the top of the stairs.

Seeing Qi Lei, he ignored him.

This makes Qi Lei a little strange. They know the identity of [Neurotic Child]. Don't say hello anymore?

They didn't see it, Qi Lei didn't see it, they passed the two and came to the gate of Class 14.

As a result, the two turned over and were facing the door of Class 14.

Wang Xueliang waved from left to right and called two people.

"Qian Hongjun!! Guo Zhiyong!! Come out!"


"Where is it!"

The two ran out of their respective classes, one from the left and the other, accompanied Song Xiaole and Wang Xueliang to the other side. They also saw Qi Lei not talking.

Qi Lei frowned, these two are also sick!

About to push the door.

"Qilei!" Li Mo suddenly stopped him.

Qi Lei looked over and saw Li Mo poking his head out of Class One and beckoning to Qi Lei.

Qi Lei, "What are you doing?"

Li Mo, "Come on!"

Qi Lei, "You call me... and let me pass?"

Li Mo bared his teeth, "Inconvenient, come on!"

Qi Lei was speechless, pacing away to the door of a class.

"What's the matter?"

But Li Mo took out a brand new and very delicate diary, "Come on, sign me!"

Qi Lei, "!!!" His eyes didn't stare out.

"Oh, you are looking for my autograph, so I have to come over?"

Li Mo smiled and said, "It's safe here!"

Qi Lei didn't understand too much, and didn't think much about it.

However, Li Mo's behavior is determined not to be used to it, beg me, do I have to look for you?

"I'll talk about it another day, I'm not in the mood today."

Li Mo heard, "Don't sign, sign! Who knows if I can sign tomorrow?"

Qi Lei is even more speechless, what's wrong with this?

Just deal with it casually, ready to go back to work.

As a result, Li Mo hurriedly sent the diary back to work, put it away carefully, and ran to the door again, poking his head out.

At this time, in front of the doors of the first, second, sixteenth, seventeenth classes, all heads appeared at the same time, all of them watched Qi Lei pass through the corridor.

Those eyes are quite complicated.

Qi Lei gave a thud, finally... finally guessed something.

When I arrived at the gate of Class 14, I hesitated, "Am I going in or not?"

But after thinking, "I am the leader of the class, what am I afraid of?"

Kicked the door open and strode in.

Who do I see...

"Eh? Eh eh!!!"


"I have something to say!! I am the leader of your class!"



"Fuck his mother!"

"Hit him!"

"Boss Xu has spoken, don't be soft!"

"Enclose it well, do you know what a circle kick is?"






Outside the door of Class Along with the gossip from the other door, Li Mo, Qian Hongjun, Song Xiaole and the others, as well as the friends at the door of each class, all together, Suddenly clenched a fist and yelled.




important Notice! !

Starting tomorrow, if the update is made at 5 o'clock, it will be the normal amount.

If there is no update at 5 o'clock, it means that there is an update that day, usually after 10 o'clock in the evening.

Let's not issue a separate chapter.

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