Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 33: I'm waiting (add more for [Yanke 10 party] leader)

   Facing Zhou Lei, Qi Lei now has three choices:

   I'm sorry-I'm sorry for colliding with someone, and I'm very accurate.

  Thank you-thanks to the past life, she let a boy see the reality clearly, so she works hard to study, and did not abandon herself because of the embarrassment.

   As for rolling...

   Because of this life, Qi Lei does not want to have any intersection with her.

   This is a woman who has been entangled with Qi Lei in a previous life, making her tired and heartbroken at the same time.

   To put it simply, they are two boys and girls who have been ambiguous since junior high school, only separated by a layer of window paper.

   Qi Lei at that time thought this was his first love, but it was not the case.

   The nightmare started when he pierced through that layer of window paper, causing him to be bruised and almost collapsed.

   Many years later, he found the answer from hot words on the Internet.

   It turned out that it was not called first love, he just met a "green tea".

   At this moment.

What should I say?

   Qi Lei hesitated when he looked at the little girl who seemed so clear as water, but so vicious, imprinted in his memory.

   Three choices, which one should I choose?

   Finally, Qi Lei squeezed out a smile, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it!"

   After finishing speaking, I instinctively wanted to escape from the scene of the accident.

   Zhou Lei also clearly saw the alienation in Qi Lei's eyes, frowning slightly, "It's okay, just pay attention next time!"

   Seeing Qi Lei had already walked a certain distance and had no intention of staying anymore, he was anxious, "Qilei, I didn't blame you, what are you running?"

  ! ! !

   Qi Lei stopped suddenly, causing Tang Yi and Wu Ning to stop.

   Zhou Lei's voice came over again behind her, "You know, I'm not that stingy person."

   Qi Lei: "……"

   Qi Lei originally just wanted to make a perfunctory sentence, and since then, each one is well and slowly forgets.

   But at this moment, Qi Lei suddenly had some doubts, can he be well? not necessarily.

   Then... let's end it as soon as possible!

   Thinking of this, Qi Lei suddenly turned around, forgetting all the three options, and made a move that surprised everyone.

   took a step forward, met Zhou Lei's panic eyes, met the gazes of everyone in the school canteen, grabbed Zhou Lei's waist, stared, and kissed him.

   I touched it.

   "Zhou Lei...I like you."

   Then, regardless of the petrified Zhou Lei, she turned around and walked away.

   "Oh~~~Go!!" Tang Xiaoyi's sigh was full of vibrato.

  Who would have thought that Qi Lei could do such a presumptuous act.

   Coco Lee unconsciously covered her mouth. Is this the stupid Qi Lei?



   Outside the second lieutenant colonel's gate, following Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian looked at Qi Lei like a monster, "You are a real animal!"

   Tang Yi was just like in his dream, "Just, just... just run after kissing?"

   Wu Ning saw that Qi Lei's face was wrong, "What's wrong with you?"

   Tang Yi hasn’t noticed anything unusual, "But it’s not right? You can do it, don’t you need to be so vigorous? Besides, don’t run! Give her some time, just in case you agree?"

   his eyes widened, "It was her who called yesterday, right?"

   Qi Lei still didn't speak, he was thinking about the development of the next situation.

   Will it be the same as the previous life... Will it end as soon as I wish.

   should be?

   Thinking of this, Qi Lei smiled lightly, quite expecting.

   "Let's go, go home!"

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning were speechless when they saw that he was like a okay person again.

   Tang Yi, "Your shameless look really disgusts me. Brother is going to the computer room and find two dishes to force "Red Alert"."

   Wu Ning thought about it. During this period of time I have only sold socks and haven't been to the computer room for a long time, "Go!"

   looked at Qi Lei, "Will you go?"

   Qi Lei has something in his mind, "Go ahead, I'll go home for a while."

   After speaking, he walked towards home.

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning looked at his back, "Hey, go chant? Have a good lunch by the way?"

   responded to the two of them, only waving their hands coolly, and the figures gradually disappeared.

   Back home, Qi Lei threw himself on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze, as if expecting something.

   I don't know how long it took, and fell asleep in a daze, and it was noon when I opened my eyes.

   Just smell, huh!哐!哐! There was a loud knock on the door.


   Qi Lei got up and walked a few steps hurriedly, came to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door, but was stunned.

   Outside the courtyard is not what he imagined, but a girl.

   tall and thin, pure and innocent, at first glance there is even a girl who is a bit amazing.

   Okay, it's Coco Lee.

   Qi Lei frowned slightly, "Why are you?"

   "What is me?" Cocoon Lee's complexion was as bad as ever.

   She asked a lot of people to find out about Qi Lei's family, it was not easy.

   Pushing Qi Lei away, he went straight into the Qi's yard without seeing the field.

   "Where are Xiao Tang and Ningzi?"

   Qi Lei was stunned there, watching her from the courtyard to the house yelling the names of Wu Ning and Tang Yi.

   "They are not here with me."

   Qi Lei didn't leave the gate at all, only when he came to Tang Yi and Wu Ning. When they heard that they were not there, they would definitely leave right away, after all, the two were not familiar with each other.

   But unexpectedly, Coco Lee didn't mean to leave.

   When I heard that Tang Yi and Wu Ning were not there, they suddenly became a little bit irritable.

   "Not there? It's this time, they still have the mind to go crazy!?"

   Qi Lei was confused by her flamboyant appearance, "What's the matter? Are you looking for them in a hurry?"

   "Of course there is an emergency!" Coco Lee was anxious, "Where did they die? No answer."

   Coco Li turned his head abruptly, staring at Qi Lei, his long ponytail was thrown high, and the fine sweat on his forehead was shining in the sun.

   "You are so embarrassed to say!"

   approached Qi Lei, scolding all over his eyes: "Qi Lei, you can't see it! You still learned how to behave as a gangster!?"


   Qi Lei did not adapt to Coco Li's abruptness for a while, the first reaction was, "Don't talk nonsense, I haven't thought about you!"

   said speechlessly: "We two haven't even touched our hands. Why am I playing a hooligan?"


   Coco Lee did not come up in a breath, looked at Qi Lei like a monster, and suffocated a sentence for a long to die, you? You play a trick, let me see? "

   "Let me ask you, what do you think? Even when so many people are in front of you, you can talk about it?"


   Qi Lei finally understood that she came for Zhou Lei's business.

   left the iron gate quietly, "Is the matter a big deal?"

   Coco Lee didn’t fight with anger, “What’s the matter with you still looking forward to the trouble?”

   Qi Lei smiled, "I really look forward to it!"

   Cocoon Lee, who was opposite, really did not expect Qi Lei to be so shameless and so ignorant.

   are still pretending at this time, what are you pretending! ?

Hate the iron and cast a glance at Qi Lei, and then said in a high posture: "It's not that I said you, Xiao Tang and Ningzi are interesting enough for you, everything covers you, and I will take you to play everywhere. Keep telling us that these friends take care."

   "Those of us who are in the second middle school, look at the faces of Xiao Tang and Ning Zi, we must have nothing to say."

   "But these things are mutual. If people treat you well, you can't make them troublesome, right?"

   "You ran away after the kiss, and went to the house as if there was no problem, but do you know how much trouble this will cause Xiao Tang and Ning Zi?"

  Pull up his voice, "Tell you, this is a big deal! Zhou Lei knows Erbaozi's group, I heard about this, I want to help Zhou Lei get ahead!"

  No, Qi Lei is even more weird, as if all the uncertainty in his heart has been confirmed at this moment.

   smiled brighter, "I'll wait for them!"




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