Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Young Eagle (3)

   Zhao Guohua was suddenly disappointed.

   It's not just that my plan will be disrupted, but the boy in front of me doesn't seem to be that good.

   In his perception, if he is really a good seedling, it is only a position of a university monitor, not to mention the difficulty, whether he has that ability.

   At least according to your achievements on paper, you have to have the aura of giving up to me, right?

   How is it like a salted fish?

It seems.....

   Those beautiful resumes in the file may be a bit too much.

   I think about the factors that greeted Qi Lei one by one from Grandpa Chen to the principal, which opened the way for Qi Lei's absence.

   Zhao Guohua seems to have confirmed these speculations even more.

  Well, he didn't even dream of it. Qi Lei didn't accept the position of monitor because of his lack of skills.

   Two come...

   Zhao Guohua has not seen this kind of situation. These years, there are all imposters who come to college.

   Not to mention, it is not uncommon to have a good father who writes the files extremely beautifully, and even falsifies.

   Otherwise, you can't explain his good grades, why not go to Qingbei? Why not go abroad? Is it on the high side to be sent to Beijing and Guangzhou?

   There is still a lot of operating space.

   Thinking of this, Zhao Guohua sighed, "You...don't think about it anymore?"

  Although he had guessed a lot, Zhao Guohua still didn't want to make such a hasty conclusion.

   Therefore, Zhao Guohua is making his last effort.

   When Qi Lei listens, think about it? He was not a psychological rejection, but really powerless.

   People have limits, and Lei Qi can't manage so many things anyway.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Qi Lei was not at all distressed, but also a little helpless, "I really don't want to be, please be smart.!"

   "Oh!" Zhao Guohua sighed, Qi Lei's expression in Zhao Guohua's eyes was not helpless and indifferent, but timid and cynical!

   It seems that it's really the same as I thought, this is what it looks like!

   "Well then..." Zhao Guohua didn't force it, "You go back."

   Qi Lei is amnesty, "Thank you Teacher Zhao!"

   Pidian Pidian ran back to the class, and Zhao Guohua thought it was a muddy belly that couldn't get on the wall.


   Zhao Guohua was outside for a while before returning.

   entered the classroom, the whole class was quiet.

   And Zhao Guohua looked around the audience, speaking somewhat gloomily.

   Qi Lei really disrupted his rhythm. He thought Qi Lei would definitely not refuse this benefit of the monitor, so Zhao Guohua had no alternatives at all.

   I can only say that I am still young, "Now... we are short of a candidate for the monitor. Who thinks we have this ability?"

   The class was silent, looking at each other.

   If Zhao Guohua didn't come in and talked about this, everyone would not think of it together, but he said so.

   Many people will understand at once, oh... tell Qi Lei to go out, is it just about the monitor?

   I said before that some people in the class know the details of Reviver.

   This guy is very famous, even if Zhao Guohua doesn't talk about this, some people have already decided that the monitor of News Class 3 is Qi Lei.

  A lot of people looked at Qi Lei together, that means., what's your situation? Are you not the squad leader?

   Regarding this, Qi Lei could only reply with an apologetic expression to everyone.

   And Zhao Guohua saw that no one answered, and he was even more irritable, "Be more active."

   "This is not an opportunity to exercise, don't be like..."

   "Don't be afraid of the tail, I need a brave squad leader."

   still with emotion, want to say: "Don't be like some people."

   But, after all, there was a bit of saneness, and I didn't say it.

   But this sentence made everyone even more convinced that Qi Lei was just called out, and it was about the monitor.

   Curiosity is getting heavier.

   Finally, under Zhao Guohua's repeated appeals, even driven by a bit of agitation, Xu Peng couldn't sit still.

"I come!"

   Arrived in front of the stage, ran a chase nonsense, and succeeded in winning the position of monitor of the 3rd news class.

   Then, there is nothing to say about the study committee, the life committee, and the like.

   Of these, Zhao Guohua was most prepared and mentioned a few people. Everyone didn't shirk either.

   After all, being a class leader is good for some people.

   Unfortunately, there is still no Reviver among them.

   In other words, the most beautiful characters in Class 3 did not even catch a small class cadre?

   Wait for Zhao Guohua to finish all the arrangements and leave.

   Xu Peng immediately rushed to Qi Lei, "Boss! What do you mean?"

   The two classmates from the second high school and the third year, as well as the person with 418 beds, also came over, "Hey! Are you not the class leader? What kind of plane?"

   Qi Lei smiled apologetically, "I have a lot of personal affairs, so the squad leader will forget it."

   said 418 and the old classmates will be suspicious.

   What can you do personally?

   Other classmates who are not familiar with Qi Lei have another idea.

   Qi Lei is obviously perfunctory, wouldn't it be...Zhao Guohua deliberately refused to give his class cadres, right?

   Or... Qi Lei is not so godly as rumored?

   You know, they have heard that many people in Beijing and Guangzhou are hostile to Qi Lei.

   And Zhao Guohua...

  Through this incident today, it seems that I have already determined that this is a Dou who cannot be helped! !


   The matter of selecting class cadres just passed.

   On the other hand, the work of the Student Union has not been easy these days.

   We must not only do a good job in the publicity work of receiving new students and integrating into the campus, but also supervise the school spirit and discipline, and maintain the order of various public places.

   What's more speechless is that the music festival is also rushing together.

   The logistics office of the school came again in the morning, saying that there is a large quantity of teaching equipment and consumables to be put in storage in the past two days.

   The logistics department is not staffed enough, and the student union and the external relations department need to organize some students to go to the warehouse to help.

   Zhang Xianlong, the chairman, can be said to be exhausted, and the ministers are so busy that they start to doubt their lives.

   When Wang Xuan came back from outside, she shouted to Zhang Xianlong: "The Propaganda Department has to give me two more officers this year. My mother is almost a polished commander!"

   Zhang Xianlong sneered when he heard it, and pushed to Wang Xuan a bunch of new student union candidates recommended by the instructors of various departments.

   "Choose by yourself, I can only give you one!"

   Wang Xuan stared, "At least two, I'm really too busy!"

   Zhang Xianlong didn't talk nonsense, "Okay!" Pointed out one from the list, knocked and pushed it in front of Wang Xuan, "If you have two, you have to take him away!"

   Wang Xuan took a look, "Lei Qi?"

   suddenly his face collapsed

   "Forget it, I can accept one too."

   Wang Xuan immediately persuaded, let Qi Lei forget it!

   It's not that Qi Lei's ability is not good, but on the contrary, this product is very monster.

  Because of this, Wang Xuan really didn't know if he entered the Propaganda Department, I was in charge of him or he was in charge of me.

   seriously picked a girl in it, "It's her."

   For Qi Lei, I really owe him one more look.

   At this time, the director of the Disciplinary Inspection Department, two deputy ministers, and three officers, just came back from the cafeteria with red armbands.

   A sweat from his head, with an empty stomach, "Silly Dragon! Are you going to check your bed tonight?"

   Zhang Xianlong groaned, "Check!"

   In the past year or so, the Beijing-Guangzhou school has strict discipline inspections. Although it is a bit inhumane for the freshmen to start the bed-checking only one day in Qi, it is necessary to create a serious atmosphere, so I am sorry.

   "All staff are mobilized at night, and the men and women's dormitories are checked together. A batch of typical people must be found!"

   Disciplinary Inspection Minister Ma Chenyu heard, "I heard it all, it's not what I want to investigate, the chairman is not a person, it has nothing to do with me."

   When the school starts to check the bedtime, of course the freshmen don't dare to stab their children, but the old students are going to scold their mothers.

   Seeing the list of new cadres on the table, he immediately rejoiced, "It's a newcomer, give me four!"

   Zhang Xianlong, "Two!"

   Ma Chenyu, "Three!"

   Zhang Xianlong, "Three are also fine, then take him away and three!"

   Ma Chenyu took a look, "Get out! Whoever loves wants to go!"

   Qi Lei, Ma Chenyu can't control it, "I haven't asked him to settle the account yet!"

   Last year to rectify the school spirit, the most difficult thing was the Discipline Inspection Department. Ma Chenyu hated this grandson to death.

   Then, the Minister of External Relations came back, saw the list on the table, and took care of Lao Zhang's dignitaries.

   It's time for someone to be important. There is only one minister and one deputy minister in the External Relations Department, and there will be no more people.

   Zhang Xianlong is still...

"Give you one."

   Minister of External Relations, "One is fine! Who is that?"

   Take a look at the grandson Qi Lei?

   "No more!"

  While pushing, I have to vomit, "When I am stupid? Are you a sales pitch?"

   "Wang Xuan doesn't want them, you dump it to me? What do you think?"

   Ha ha, no one is a fool.

  The university student union is really different from high school. High school still selects cadres based on grades. Sometimes there are a few who are more mindful, most of them are simple children.

   In universities, especially key universities, students are relatively mature and their goals are clear.

   If I study well, I will only focus on my studies. I will not enter a place like the student union. It will not help me in any way.

   Those who entered the Student Union wanted to have some experience in administration and wanted to use this as a springboard.

   Not to mention that all of them are human spirits, but at least there are no fools.

   Just this Qi Lei, let's not talk about the popularity, why did you get him under your hand? Be a confession? Not enough to worry about him!

All right....

   Zhang Xianlong actually thought so too, why did you get Qi Lei in?

   He is not as narrow-minded as the people under him, afraid of being overwhelmed by Qi Lei.

   In fact, Zhang Xianlong is already in his senior year, and the student union can’t take care of the internship immediately.

   But the name Qi Lei puts a lot of pressure on him.

   At this time, the Minister of External Relations, after all, was specifically engaged in communication between the top and bottom, and came up with a bad idea.

   "Or... let him stay in the secretarial department!"

   The Secretary Department is also a department of the Student Union, but it has been absent for a long time.

   "You might as well put him in the secretarial department and watch him yourself."

   Zhang Xianlong pondered, it seemed that this was all he could do.

   "Then arrange it like this!"

Hold! !

   After finishing talking, Zhang Xianlong was depressed. After insulting these people, he had to give Qi Lei the **** and a deputy minister to do it. Where can I make sense?

   With a bitter attitude, "Can I not want him?"

   In fact, the best solution is to reject Qi Lei’s application for membership.

"Ha ha..."

   Everyone laughed, "Silly dragon hold back..."

   It is not impossible, but very troublesome.

   It seems that the students will be too small-minded to tolerate others, and the reputation is not good.

   Wang Xuan said, "Being magnificent, what's the matter?"

   was talking, Zhao Guohua came in.

   Zhang Xianlong saw that it was him, and immediately greeted him, "Brother Zhao!"

   He is still not used to calling teacher, according to the old way of calling, he is called brother.

   When Zhao Guohua was in his senior year, Zhang Xianlong entered the school. Later, when he was in graduate school, Zhang Xianlong also began to take over the work of the student union. The two people had a good personal relationship.

   There is really nothing that teachers and students said.

   As for Zhang Xianlong's enthusiasm, Zhao Guohua pressed his hand gloomily, "Shao Te, you are welcome!"

   I sat there and poured water in a cup by himself. Obviously, the students would come and stroll around.

   Zhang Xianlong knows that Zhao Guohua is very busy recently and is thinking about the new school.

   Even Zhao Guohua solemnly persuaded Zhang Xianlong in private to let him focus on the postgraduate entrance examination in his senior year.

   He will help contact Grandpa Chen, and rush to the new school, because it is a good opportunity.

   I want to say one more thing here, whether it is a key university or an ordinary university, if you have good grades, then there is nothing to say, grades crush everything, and it is the most worry-free entry level.

   If the learning talent is not so good, in fact, interpersonal relationships are equally important in college life.

   Student Union... is a link that connects the student body, the school and the society. It is a good choice.

   Many students have mediocre grades, but they are popular. You don’t have to think about it yourself when you reach the third and fourth year of the senior year, and the teacher will take the initiative to find you and ask you to apply for postgraduate studies in this school.

   It seems like a small society here, which is more realistic than high school, and simpler than the real big society.

   There are still people living innocently, but it's definitely not a bad thing to have multiple minds.

   At this time, Zhang Xianlong did not urge him, but only waited for Zhao Guohua to speak.

   Waiting for Zhao Guohua to pass this tone, "The Qi Lei in my class..."

   When Zhang Xianlong heard it, Ben Qilei came?

   immediately answered, "Brother, do you still need to take a trip? Don't worry, I will take care of this elementary school brother!"

   smiled and said: "I have already planned to let him be the deputy minister of the secretarial department. The secretarial department does not have a minister, but in fact it is equivalent to a minister. When that happens, I will take care of him personally, so don't worry about it."

   Zhao Guohua: "......"

  Xin said, you really give me face! But, that **** is a mess! ?

   her face was dark and she didn't say anything.

   pulled out the signature pen from Zhang Xianlong's shirt pocket and took the student list in Zhang Xianlong's hand.

   Find Qi Lei's name, and after two clicks, the paper is scratched.

   "Brother, you are..."

   Zhao Guohua glared, "I can't control this student, so forget it!"

   Zhao Guohua had no face to say that Qi Lei had brought him back.

After    said, "Go..."

   After a few steps, Zhao Guohua paused again, "It's not that I, Zhao Guohua, is careful, but people look down on me as the monitor, and there is no time to take care of the student union."


   Zhang Xianlong and a group of student union cadres were immediately messed up in the wind.

   The Minister of External Relations stared at his eyes, and said, "Fuck!"


   is still trying to figure out how to arrange this god, but... people didn't like it!


   As for the Minister of Discipline Inspection...

   smashed his mouth, his face was unkind, "Is it a bit pretending to be too big?"

   "Don't dare to come, afraid we will target him?"

   "Then what do you pretend to do?"

   "Oh! It's not that he is scared, but that he looks down on the student union!"

   The Director of Disciplinary Inspection is a bit out of his mind.

   Zhang Xianlong was also a bit out of his mind. To be honest, he, the student president, did it well, right?

   I won’t say anything about last year, you come this year, I greet you, right? I cleaned your bedroom, right?

   Although I feel a little bit reluctant, but it's a good life, right?

   The student union application is submitted, I don’t remember the previous suspicion, and arranging a deputy minister for you, is it righteous enough?

   Are you giving me such a show?

  You don’t want to join the student union?

   It hurts too much.

   So, in the eyes of the student union, Qi Lei became...

   ungrateful pretending to be a criminal.



   This incident did hurt Zhang Xianlong's heart a bit.

   That night, the student union went to check the bedtime, and Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xuan, who had a little friendship with Qi Lei, did not enter the door of 418 at all.

   Ma Chenyu went to check.

   It's not that Zhang Xianlong is narrow-minded, on the contrary, Shalong has become bigger-minded this time.

   He knew Qi Lei had contraband, Sister Wu took him away and got hot quickly.

   But, he saw with his own eyes on the day of the move. There are two grandsons.

   He was afraid of going in and couldn't help but retaliate.

   Even after checking the bedtime, Zhang Xianlong thought for a while and asked Ma Chenyu and Wang Xuan.

   "About Qi Lei, don't go out and spread it blindly, as if our student association doesn't care about it. He is so unkind, we can't and we can't have a pattern."

   Ma Chenyu and Wang Xuan naturally know what a silly dragon means, and Ma Chenyu sneered, " are really a silly dragon."

   It's this time, are you still thinking about this?

   But, having said that, a few student union cadres don’t chew this tongue, and they don’t have that high level of consciousness.

   When Zhang Xianlong ordered to go down, it was already too late.

   The student union arranged for Qi Lei a deputy minister, and the news that the grandson did not dare to come because he was afraid of revenge had already spread.

   It's been a long time, and I know everything that I should know.

   Moreover, the three of them became tigers, and the more they passed on, the more evil they became.

   Finally, Qi Lei dared not go to the student union. He was still a big man. He threatened to reject the invitation of the student union on his own initiative.

   There are no classes on the 4th, 5th, and 6th freshman year. I am familiar with the environment and are all kinds of school opening activities at the same time.

   I have to say, this is much more elaborate than middle school.

  There are opening ceremonies, department meetings, and even an orientation party.

   Then, the logistics department leads military training clothing and supplies, such as bedding and sheets.

   Also, in the afternoon, the instructor will organize classmates to explain the precautions for military training.

   The opening ceremony was held in the Beiguang Auditorium, and the Journalism Department was next to the Broadcasting and Hosting Department.

   Before sitting down, he saw Jiang Yao waving to him.


   Qi Lei looked over and found that besides Jiang Yao, there were other acquaintances.

   At the time of the school exam, Sun Xiaomeng, who had been questioned by Qi Lei, sat beside Jiang Yao, and waved to this side at this time.

   Qi Lei smiled, "Long time no see."

  Sun Xiaomeng blushed a little, "Long time no see..."

   attracted the hostility of the livestock in the broadcasting school.

   Among them was a boy named Cao Yang, expressionless, and stood up, "You are Qi Lei? My name is Cao Yang."

   Qi Lei looked at him, "Is there anything wrong, classmate?"

   Cao Yang smiled lightly, "It's okay, just get to know."

   "I heard that you are quite famous."

   Qi Lei frowned immediately, "Classmate, can I regard you as a provocation?"

   Cao Yang: "It doesn't matter what you think."

   Qi Lei followed his words and said, "Then what is the most important thing?"

   Cao Yang was still calm, and smiled apologetically at Dong Li who was next to Qi Lei. The grandson of Dong Li actually understood.

   raised his **** to give way to Cao Yang.

   And Cao Yang... The gentleman nodded towards Dong Li, "Thank you, I will leave soon."

   has both distancing politeness and unquestionable majesty.

   To be honest, this one is a bit fresh and refined.

   I saw Cao Yang sitting down, crossed his hands, and put his hands on his thighs handsomely.

   didn't look at Qi Lei at all, "I've heard a lot of your rumors."

   "Have a concert in Beiguang..."

   "Admission to school..."

   "On the first day you enter the school, let the president of the student union and the two most popular girls from Beijing and Guangzhou clean the dormitory for you."

   "Also rejected the position of monitor of the 3rd News Class and student union cadre."

   "To tell the truth, I'm a bit unconvinced."

   smiled at Qi Lei, with contempt and indifference.

   "I'm also very good, do you want to compare?"

   "I am good at a lot, you should be able to do it, and I will do it. You can't do it, and I will do it too."

   "Would you like to...see who is No. 1 among the freshmen?"

The tone of    still cannot be rejected, with infinite confidence and calmness.

   Qi Lei looked at him directly.

   are so silly, so long-sighted! This is also OK?

   And the brother Mai and Lord Peng beside him also stared at Cao Yang in a daze. They had never seen this one!

   In fact, the students in News Class 3 and the surrounding classes have also seen it, and even look forward to it.

   These should be the two most talkative characters among the freshmen, just like that?


   Qi Lei exhaled.

   Logically speaking, this has to be answered.!

   but didn't want to, Qi Lei suddenly leaned to Cao Yang's ear, "Thief Sun, have you ever been beaten up?"

  Mom, I'm awkward, I'm better than your uncle! How can there be time to take care of the little kid?

   Is it special? I will, you will not, I will not, you will?

   I have big fists, can you?

   Cao Yang: "......"

   His face was a bit pale, but he still squeezed out a smile, "Mature, it’s not good to fight."

   Qi Lei sighed secretly when he saw this: I gave you a face, but you are shameless, then I'm sorry.

   grinned, but this time he didn’t deliberately lower his voice.

   "You look so good when you smile..."

   Cao Yang: "???"

   Everyone: "???"

   "Like a big idiot in spring..."

   I poof! !

   Everyone spit out, let alone, it's rhyming?

   Cao Yang couldn't hold his face, "How do you scold..."

   Qi Lei interrupted suddenly, "Three counts...hurry up!"


   Cao Yang stared, "Why are you so rude?"

   Qi Lei, "Three!"

   Cao Yang jumped up reflexively.

   Undecided in shock: "You!"

   What about the "two"?

   Qi Lei looked disgusted, and swept his hands, "Go away... I have no time to talk to you."

   Cao Yang: "......"

   Everyone: "......"

   How do the few people at 418 feel so cool? Completely crushed.

   As for the host, there is another expression.

   Cao Yang belonged to them after all, so it was a bit embarrassing.

  Especially the broadcast pre-training class 4, which is the class where Cao Yang is in. It's uncomfortable, don't mention it!

   Cao Yang is still very popular in the class, and he is also the monitor of the broadcast class 4....

   I feel a little bit empathetic, and they all complain on behalf of the squad leader.

   Qi Lei is too rude!


   In the eyes of the classmates of Broadcasting Class 3, Qi Lei has another label-a rude and reckless man.

   Then, Qi Lei finally knew where Cao Yang was confident.

   It turned out that this product was a student representative. At the opening ceremony, he spoke on stage on behalf of the 00 freshmen.

Um! Being represented by such an idiot, Qi Lei was a little depressed.


   Then the welcome party made Cao Yang fire again. The final show was Cao Yang's piano solo.

   It's no wonder that he is so confident, because he is also accomplished in music.


   The desire to avenge an arrow was not realized, which made Cao Yang depressed for a long time.

  Because Lei Qi didn't come to the welcome party at all.

   This grandson doesn’t know what he’s doing.

   However, Cao Yang has accumulated a lot of popularity, and more and more voices hate Qi Lei.


   Military training, Qi Lei also hid.

   In fact, Zhao Guohua did not see Qi Lei's name on the military training list.

   Besides, Qi Lei doesn't have to worry about this.

   In the words of Liao Fanyi, "What kind of training does the army have? There are two weeks of playing righteously and walking in the queue, you quickly finish the affairs of the procurement office!"

  He is still waiting.

   Regarding military training, Qi Lei is actually dispensable.

   Although there are many good memories of military training, after all, the pain is mostly.

   Moreover, the Qi family can be regarded as a military family, and no one has ever served as a soldier in the last two generations.

  When I arrived at Qi Lei, although he was unlikely to be a soldier, he had been fascinated since childhood, and the military habits and style of the army have been inherited a bit.

   Therefore, I lied to the brothers of 418, "Brother's kidney is not good...virtual! Everyone feel relieved to reform!"

   Qi Lei also became a 00 freshman, the only exception to not participate in military training.

   "I'll go to your uncle!"

  418 people are envious and ruined.

   "You said it earlier! Can you hide from the imaginary? Huh! Say it earlier, I also said that I am imaginary?"

   Everyone is actually a little bit timid about military training.

   I heard from the old students that the instructors are very ruthless. Every year the girls who scolded them cried and the boys clenched their teeth.

  Moreover, the military training of Beiguang is not on campus. It is co-built with a military unit in Huairou. They provide venues, accommodation, and military training content.

   Take the bus on the 7th uniformly for two weeks.

   However, when it comes to trouble and trouble, in fact, Brother Chuang and Ye Peng have reservations about Qi Lei's decision to evade military training.

   "You really don't want to go! It's only two weeks, and it will pass after a while?"

   After receiving Qi Lei’s answer that he did not intend to go, Peng Ye began to persuade again, "Stone, I think you should go!"

   "Now there is a lot of information about you outside. The military training will not go, and the impact will be very bad."

   It is said that Zhao Guohua implicitly expressed his dissatisfaction.

   Yes, Peng Ye feels that things are not quite the same.

   Only a few days now? Qi Lei first offended the instructor, then the student union, followed by Cao Yang, and then the broadcasting department.

   If you keep going like this, Qi Lei will offend everyone!

   If you don’t go to military training again...

   The whole academic year of the freshman year was basically offended.

   You think, others are tired like the third grandson, but you Qi Lei is special?

   The point is that you really have any special circumstances that can be justified!

   Everyone can see that Qi Lei is alive and well.

   This is a bit unwise, after all... not to suffer from inequality!

   Brother Chuang also persuaded, "Peng Ye is right, it's not bad for the past two weeks, let's go together? It's quite interesting that we sleep together."

   "How boring are you to stay in school by yourself?"

   Qi Lei also sighed for a long time, "Don't worry, I really have something else."

   In the end, he couldn't persuade him to move, so he could only give up.

   No. 7, everyone is wearing camouflage uniforms that don’t fit so well.

   enviously watched Qi Lei wave goodbye to them, and then boarded the bus to Huairou military training base as if he was dead.

   The animals in other classes in the same grade saw Qi Lei still dressed in plain clothes, refreshed, and wanted to go up and strangle him.

   So, all the freshmen of the 00 level put another label on Qi Lei-the sluggish slacker!

   Even Jiang Yao can't stand it anymore, she just can't understand...

   Qi Lei would be the only one to have trouble? How could you put yourself in such an awkward position?


   Whether it is Zhao Guohua's-A Dou who can't help it.

   is still from the Student Union-ungrateful pretending to be a criminal.

   or the broadcasting system-a rude and reckless man, who is not more rough than Cao Yang.

   is still 00-level all-the slacker who steals and plays slippery.

   All stereotypes come from a fundamental reason, that is:

   Qi Lei can’t take into account both his logistical status and student status, he still has to write a thesis for Chang Lanfang, and he has to plan some plans for the new department. Can he make his behavior look reasonable?

   Qi Lei is an individual after all, with limited energy.

   Now even explain...

   Well, in fact, from the time of Zhao Guohua, Qi Lei realized that he might become the target of public criticism.

   It’s just that it’s not too late to explain, but...

  He deliberately!


   After sending away a few roommates in military training, Qi Lei rushed to the procurement office non-stop.

   Although there are a lot of things to do now, it's very hard-working, but because of this, it's pretty beautiful after it has escaped military training.

   Passing by the girls’ dormitory, I saw Coco Lee coming out of the building holding textbooks and notes. Wearing a dress and a black-and-white speckled hair band, let alone the temperament of a young literary girl in the 1980s and 1990s.

   But Qi Lei knows that this is a naive, completely insensible.

   Coco Lee also saw him, ran over, it was okay, they didn't squeeze their necks, they just walked side by side.

"Have you eaten?"

   Qi Lei, "Tofu naoyoutiao. How about you?"

   Coco Lee, "Baozi."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Coco Lee is also very busy recently. She doesn't have enough credits in her freshman year, so she has to work harder in her sophomore year, and there are a lot of things outside of school.

   Except for Li Chunyan who called her whenever they had a chance, they said on the phone the day before yesterday that they had caught up with Zhou Xiaohan.

   Zhou Xiaohan often accepts some company events to host or something, sometimes too short of money to accept weddings.

   Then, she was busy with the music festival at last, and some extras outside of school had to be pushed away. However, this kind of thing is like this. If someone finds you a job, if you don't go once or twice, they won't find you in the future.

   Zhou Xiaohan didn't want to cut off his money, so he approached Coco Li and asked her to stare at it for a while.

   And Coco Lee also urgently needs this kind of on-site hosting opportunity to exercise his business ability.

   is a hit.

   is a little tired, but full.

   "Two big classes in the morning, one big class in the afternoon, and I have to go to Zhongguancun after four o'clock."

   "I have to review the second-level computer exam at night."

   "Oh, I won't live." Cocoon Li complained.

   "By the way! Go to the library to take a seat for my sister at night."

   "Okay." Qi Lei replied mechanically.

   He has been in the library every day for the past two days. Yesterday, he just finished the thesis of the old lady, and today he started to write a new department plan.

   Facing Li Cowen’s grievances and complaints, Qi Lei also began to pour bitterness, "I am not much better."

   "The half-year procurement task has been held in this week."

   "Liao Fanyi also urged me to sort out some thoughts."

   "The old lady Chang makes a phone call a day to give her the report of the fifth stage as soon as possible."

   gritted his teeth, "Sometimes I can't hate to blow up all the departments!"

   Coco Lee frowned, "What are you doing? If you want to blow up, you need to do it? You don’t need to work if you blow it up."

   Qi Lei shook his head, "No, this logic doesn't work."

   "Which doesn't work?"

   Qi Lei, "For Dong Beiguo's human nature, even the corpse has to be done."

   "Only the faculties were bombed, they were the ones who cheated the revolution."


   Coco Li couldn't smile, pulling Qi Lei's arm to straighten her waist, "Then you are quite miserable, you can't catch your eyes."

   Qi Lei sighed, and she fell, "When are you a boss these days!"

   Cocoon Lee gradually suppressed his smile, "Recently, there are a lot of people talking about you."

   Qi Lei, "Well, what do you think?"

   Coco Lee, "What do you think?"

   Qi Lei, "I mean, so many bad things about brother, what do you think?"

   Coco Lee, "Oh, the idea is..."

   thought sternly, "I want to study medicine."

   Qi Lei, "???"

   Coco Lee suddenly gritted his teeth, "Sew their mouths one by one!"

   Qi Lei listened, "It's ruthless! But, buddy enough!"

   Coco Lee proudly raised his head, "It's a must!"

   Chat with Coco Li, Qi Lei feels better, "By the way, what time are you in the afternoon? I have to go to Zhongguancun too, or should I see you off?"

   Coco Lee curled his lips, "Is it so weird to say? I want you to send it?"

   chuckled, "But it's okay to go there together."

   "Three thirty, waiting for you at the Beimen bus stop?"

   Qi Lei nodded, "Okay!"

   separated from Coco Lee in the studio building and came to the Procurement and Trial Office.

   At this time, Sister Zhao is alone in the office, and she is about to leave.

   "Xiao Qi, you are here. Old Li will look for you as soon as he comes. It seems that he will go to the warehouse."

   When Qi Lei heard it, he didn't even sit down, "Then I will go to the warehouse, and I will hand it over to Sister Zhao."

   Zhao Lan drove away, "Let's go, let's go, there is a sister here, don't you worry about it?"

   Now the acquisition office is multi-point linkage.

   Zhao Lan is in the office, and after the procurement plans of various departments and departments have been approved, they need to coordinate.

   For example, the School of Journalism has approved 1 million purchases for this year, and the approximate purchase items have also been determined.

   However, they need their assistance in finalizing the details, which requires people from various departments to come over.

   Zhao Lan’s task is this, the person who has just sent away the property management center, the purchase order must be accurate to the quantity of each water and electricity accessory.

   Li Chang was on a business trip, and there were several procurement projects that needed to be purchased from other places, so he went to run in person.

   Several purchasers are in charge of the Beijing City, the Procurement Audit Office, the Finance Department, and the actual purchasing department. Only after the three parties confirm the orders, they can run the actual business.

   The difficulty lies in infrastructure projects. Universities in this era are not like later generations. Most schools seem to have projects under construction for many years.

   Beiguang has only started to repair the dormitory building in the past two years, and the other buildings have not been moved for many years. Therefore, unlike consumables that already have professional teaching aids, those have specialized suppliers, and many of them can be done with one phone call.

  As for infrastructure procurement and bidding, the business is not familiar and progress is slow.

   All six buyers are busy flying.

   Yao Guoyuan is old after all, Qi Lei arranged for him a very easy, and seemingly a lot of extra work.

   stared at the warehouse and counted.

   Yes, this does not need to be used for the procurement audit office. The warehouse has a manager, and the amount of storage is recorded by others.

   But, Qi Lei still let Uncle Yao go. The warehouse counts it again, and the procurement audit office counts it again.

   I heard Li Changfa said that in previous years, there was always a problem with bulk storage.

   When the time comes, the warehouse pushes purchases, and the purchases also complain.

   This time it’s okay, I think it’s still possible to make a mistake?

   So, just a trial office is enough to work, and you have to write papers and plans. How can there be time to play with a bunch of kiddies?


   Li Changfa is in the warehouse at this time because there are so many and miscellaneous items in the warehouse today.

   A4 paper has to be pulled by a small truck, plus stationery supplies or something.

   Moreover, the purchase of paper and paper, pens and pens are not the same, it is very complicated.

   Such as administrative offices, such as logistics, personnel, etc., the pens used are all domestically produced.

Cheap! However, the quality of stationery these years is really hard to describe in one word and very difficult to use.

  As for the teaching department, all the purchases are imported from Japan.

   There is no way, that group of tutors and professors Jin Gui are very, and they write that they can’t get out of the water. They can really scold their mothers irritably.

  Unlike administrative staff, just deal with it.

   In fact, there is no other way. It is the work of the Procurement Office.

  The most important responsibility of the Procurement and Audit Office is to control costs, so as to save money.

   When we arrived at the warehouse, Li Changfa met Qi Lei and greeted him immediately. "Manager, that's the case. A few ink cartridges and more than a dozen color printers have to go to the site for acceptance.

   "Xiao Lin has passed, I don't worry, please let Old Yao go and have a look. Could you please keep an eye on it for a while from the warehouse?"

   Xiaolin is a buyer, in his early twenties.

   Don’t look at this batch of goods, but they are quite expensive.

   A color printer in 2000, a lot of money!

   Li Changfa was afraid that Xiaolin would be unsafe, so he could only trouble Lao Yao.

   At this time, Uncle Yao was right next to him and said: "Don't you just come back after an inspection? I'll go!"

   Qi Lei listened, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Forget it."

   glanced at Uncle Yao, "Don't worry about it."

   It was big noon, and the capital was not cool in early September, so Uncle Yao had to go all the way to Zhongguancun.

   said to Li Changfa: "What time is noon? Write down the specific address for me, and I will run."

   Li Changfa and Uncle Yao heard, "Is this not so good?"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Small things."

   This is all set.

   Li Changfa does not insist, Qi Lei is of course the best.

   He will go to Daxing soon. There are many furniture processing factories over there, specializing in processing desks and chairs.

   Before trying to travel on business, finalize the order for desks and chairs to be added this semester.

   It's still early, Qi Lei took the address and returned to the office.

   When I was busy helping Sister Zhao until almost ten o'clock, the buyer, Xiao Sun, came back violently. He entered the house and filled it with a cup of water.


   This morning, he ran two places, one far away and one near, and he had to go to the next home immediately.

   After drinking the water, his buttocks are not touching the ground, so he can leave.

   Qi Lei looked up, "Wait, where are you going?"

   Little Sun was stunned, "Go to Zhongguancun to get the invoice!"

   I saw Qi Lei stand up, "Let's go together!"

   He also went to Zhongguancun.

   Xiaosun, "Oh...oh!"

   To be honest, he is quite reluctant to go out with the leader, not free.

   The two walked out of the complex side by side, and out of the north gate.

   "Manager, let's... take the bus? Or..."

  Well, if Xiaosun goes by himself, he will take a taxi, and the school will be reimbursed anyway.

   In a very period, he lived too much, and no one cared about his extravagance this time.

   But if you come out with the leader, it's hard to say.

   After all, be careful and just pretend.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei did not answer.

   And, neither stopped the taxi nor went to the bus stop.

   turned around and walked west along Chaoyang Road, walking silently, thinking about the planning of the new school.

   Xiaosun doesn't know what's going on, and it's not easy to ask, so he can only follow.

   After walking for a full two to three hundred meters, they all passed the intersection of West Street, and I saw Dingfuzhuang Station in front of me.

   Xiaosun was a little uncomfortable, "Manager, you can take the bus directly to Zhongguancun."

  Xiao Sunxin said, I don’t think about it. It’s a hot day, and it’s nice to have a bus. Looking at the manager's posture, he is going to go over!

   Qi Lei smiled, but turned around and turned into the Electric Power Construction North Yard next to the bus station.

   Xiaosun: "......"

  Xin said, what are you doing here?

   When Qi Lei unlocked and got on the car and signaled him to go to the co-pilot, Xiao Sun was shocked.

   Feeling a little out of control, "This...what kind of car is this?"

   Okay, he doesn't even know Big G! !

   Qi Lei came out with a bad taste, "The special car for scumbag!"

   After getting in the car, Xiao Sun didn’t know where to put his hands, "Manager...this is yours? How much?"

   Qi Lei frowned, "Why are you doing so much? It's OK if you have a car."

   Xiaosun is also in his early twenties, not a few years older than Qi Lei, so Qi Lei is not so particular about his speech.

   While starting the car, he took the school vehicle pass from the back seat and stuffed it into the corner of the front windshield.

   At the same time, a piece of printed A4 paper was tucked...

   Xiaosun took a look...

Um! The manager is someone with a story.

   wrote on the paper, "You are 18 years old and have all the licenses, so please don't check it!"

   turned his head crooked...

   I poof! Xiao Sun couldn't hold back, and finally lost his temper.

   I saw Qi Lei was taking out his driver's license and exercise permit, and put them in the armrest box to prepare...

   Xin said how many times have been investigated?

  , however, Qi Lei glared at him, "Seriously! This is called preparedness!"

   Xiaosun manages his expression immediately, as long as he doesn't see anything.

   The car drove out of the North Courtyard of the Electric Power Construction. Besides, I see it parked in the courtyard every day, and Qi Lei is also familiar with it.

   Before going out, he slowed down and saw that the window was open. The uncle Chess also teased Qi Lei, "You can change it! Take up space."

   Qi Lei heard, "Dele! I'll listen to you tomorrow, the whole little Xiali."

   Uncle heard, "Right? That stuff is affordable!"

   Xiaosun was listening to the side, probably guessing that the manager should live in this yard. I can't help but wonder, what does the manager's house do?

   How rich? Anyway, he could still tell that it was not cheap. How to say it is a rush.

   Qi Lei is playing songs and humming, alleviating the pressure in recent days.

   The car drove on Chaoyang Road until it reached the third ring road, and was relieved after getting on the third ring road Qi Lei.

  Don't tell me, I saw a traffic policeman on the road, but didn't stop him! !

   Since the car was brought back, he hasn't driven it a few times.

   Mainly the psychological shadow was cast in the first time.

   The big G that no one stopped is still cool to drive

   The third ring road is smooth, and the capital in 2000 was not too congested, and it was not the peak time for commuting.

   drove until it got off the North Third Ring Road, and it was Zhongguancun....

  Below the traffic lights ahead, there is a traffic policeman standing guard... I look at Sao Bao Da G and then I look at the people in the car...

   I am not calm, I walked a few steps closer, "Come on with the driver's license????"

   Qi Lei cursed secretly, "Go!"

   Obediently hand over the driving license.

   At this moment, Qi Lei suddenly came up with an’s so special, do you have to look at the almanac recently? Don't lose out if you should avoid taboos.

   Xiaosun couldn’t hold back his joy next to him, it turned out to be such a thing...

   Fortunately, the traffic police were not embarrassed, and let them go without any problems.

   After a while, I didn't meet the traffic police again near the destination.

   Qi Lei put Xiao Sun on the side of the road, "Is half an hour enough? Wait for me here."

   Xiaosun took an invoice, "Enough."

   Qi Lei nodded, "Go away."

   Then...there is a traffic police in front.

   Xiaosun: "I puff!!"


   The buyer, Kobayashi, picked up the goods from a foreign trade company.

   Need a leader to come over, in fact, it is also a problem of vision. Under normal circumstances, as long as the company is okay, the contract is okay. That's not much difference.

   I was afraid that it was a handbag company, under the guise of imported goods as shoddy goods. When there was a problem, I went to find the company and the company was gone.

   Don’t think it’s incredible, there are so many things like this in this age.

   Qi Lei found a hotel parking lot nearby, then walked over, went around the foreign trade company and went to the warehouse to inspect the goods. He felt that there was no problem, so he signed for Xiaolin.

   is equivalent to receiving it.

   then immediately loaded the car and pulled it away. The car was backed by Beijing and Guangzhou, with a full-time driver.

   Kobayashi was going to take a ride back to school. But when Qi Lei came, there was no place for him.

   "Manager, please go back with the car, I'll take the bus."

   Qi Lei smiled and told the driver to go first, "Xiao Sun is also here, let's go back together."

   On the way to pick up the car.

   Qi Lei asked, "Little Lin..."

   "Say the manager."

   "Can you drive?"

   Kobayashi replied, "Yes."

  The entry requirement for a buyer in Beijing Guangxi is to have a driver’s license to facilitate work.

   "Oh..." Qi Lei replied, threw the key to him, and continued to walk forward with his back, "Then go back and open it."

   Then did Xiao Lin realize that the manager came by car? It made him worry.

   But the car key is not right! Is this the key to Benchi?

   Waited in front of the big G, okay! What a top-notch Ben Chi!

   Kobayashi immediately persuaded, "Manager... or you drive."

   "This...I dare not."

   If this thing is touched, his salary for three years is not enough to repair it.

   "It's over!" It makes Qi Lei angry! Angrily, "I can't count on anything!"

   Kobayashi who scolded was quite aggrieved, so why did he scold me? Why can't you open it yourself? Didn’t you dare?

   Pick up Xiaosun at the agreed place...

   "Little grandson..."

   "Manager, you said..."

   "Can you drive?"


   "Then you come to drive!"

   Xiaosun: "..."

   gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

   is actually not bold, he is willing to go, and my brother is also a person who has driven a big G.

   Qi Lei was immediately happy, and said to Xiaolin, "You learn from others! Why are you so courageous!"

   Xiaolin was even more depressed, didn’t I just drive you? Why is there such a big grievance?


   It's different when you change people! All the way unimpeded, we returned to Beiguang.

   Because I had to explain the storage, Xiao Sun drove the car directly into the school, and the guard was strange! Is this a luxury car? The principal said not to enter a luxury car...but it has a pass, you say it is annoying?

   The car drove to the warehouse intersection, Qi Lei and Xiaolin got off the car, and asked Xiao Sun to find a place to stop.

   Turn around and give the key to Qi Lei.


   Comrade Xiaosun tried to save trouble, didn't find a parking space, so he stopped in front of the girls' dormitory! !


   This is the story of a dragon slayer who eventually became an evil dragon...

   The time was exactly noon, and Qi Lei went to the warehouse and had a meal.

   went to the staff canteen for dinner with Uncle Yao.

   It happened that Dong Beiguo was also there, and he was quite curious. You should know that Qi Lei rarely came to the staff canteen. He would either ask the procurator to help him with meals, or he would go to the student canteen.

   happened to come across today, so Dong Beiguo waved to Qi Lei and asked him to come to his own table to eat.

   Qi Lei actually didn't want to go! What an old man and old lady at that very special table, what am I going to do with a young man?

   But the principal has spoken, so it's hard to refuse.

   I took a look in the past and called someone with the lunch box, "Dong Xiao, Tan Xiao, Wang Xiao, Director Hao, Director Chen..."

   called in a circle before I could sit down and eat.

   Dong Beiguo looked at him with a smile, "have you been busy recently?"

   Qi Lei, "Well, it's not light, you have to pay for it."

   Dong Beiguo laughed, "The salary can't be increased, but you have to hurry up, Liao Fanyi is still waiting."

   Qi Lei, "It's almost three or five days."

   Several vice-principals and office executives all smiled and looked at Qi Lei...

   From a work perspective, no one dares to treat him as a child anymore.

   is really capable. However, emotionally speaking, Qi Lei is very good at coming, and he has a foresight, just like watching his own children.

   Which one is not bigger than Qi Lei? And it's a lot bigger!

   Principal Tan suddenly smiled and said, "Stone...have you been a little unhappy recently?"

   Qi Lei looked up, "School Tan can see it? How? Do you manage psychological counseling?"

   "Go!" Principal Tan was speechless at the moment, "It's also psychological counseling, are you looking for Chen Luchen?"

   Everyone laughed.

   After laughing, Tan Xiaochang cut to the topic, "I have heard that, on the student side, there is a lot of discussion about you."

   "There are also opinions among teachers."

   Principal Wang heard that Lao Tan was talking about this, and immediately answered, "I also heard some..."

   "It is said that Beiguang has entered a related household, and the files are all fake."

   "It's also to blame for those of us who are leaders!"

   Qi Lei took a bite of the meal, "What's wrong? The Wang school is also going to do psychological counseling?"


   Principal Wang choked and made a blushing face, "This **** kid, will my army?"

   responded loudly, "My mental quality is not that bad!"

   Qi Lei immediately bared his teeth, "Right... Then let's just say that? You won't lose a piece of meat."

   Dong Beiguo has been watching from the side, listening to Qi Lei say that, but he was a little interested.

   To be honest, these things are completely avoidable...

   He doesn't think Qi Lei does not have this ability. For many things, if you change the way of handling it, the result will be completely different.

   There is no need to make the city full of wind and rain.

   But maybe this kid is busy and dizzy? Anyway, I'm a little confused recently.

  It is not so appropriate to deal with the problem.

   Throwing a few bones of meat from the lunch box into the Qi Lei bowl, he lost his mouth.

   "How about? Would you like... I will come out to help relieve the pressure?"

   I saw Qi Lei gnawing his bones while shaking his head, "No need!"

   Dong Beiguo was puzzled, "Why?"

   Qi Lei, "This pot is not big enough, you always carry it a bit wasteful."




   A few people suddenly stopped!

   Then, laugh!


   attracted the surrounding teachers, the staff all looked over, and asked what these big leaders were doing?

   I saw Qi Lei sitting there.

   I know, this is the great **** behind, I don’t know, I just treat it as a student, and I am even more convinced that this has a background, and even the leaders have to flatter.

   But there is no one here, and a few old men can’t laugh...

  The key is that everyone knows Dong Beiguo's name, which is ambiguous. And Lao Dong is really good at it.

   But no one dared to say it in front of Old Dong!

   This kid is good, he is not taboo...

   Dong Beiguo also had a pale face, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

   glared at one last time, "Don’t pull it down! I don’t care about you yet!"

   "Hey..." But Qi Lei sighed when he heard it, and when he was tired, he should take a rest.

   looked at a few old men, "You guys help me show up and explain, of course it is good..."

   Everyone looked at him, "Then why not use it?"

   Qi Lei, "Because it's not the best?"

   Everyone frowned again, "Then what is the best?"

   "Don't you understand?" Qi Lei bought Guanzi, "Several leaders..."

   "Do you know the biggest difference between young people and your old people?"

   A few people's faces went black! How? This is ironic that our faces are full of folds, are you younger than you?

   Then Qi Lei announced the answer, "Don't be so narrow...not the body, but the mind!"

   "What you think is stability..."

   "And we...if we are peaceful, what's the point of being young?"

   "What we think is that you will be rewarded! You give me a punch! I'll hammer you all over your face!"





   Several elderly people are a little confused...

   "What do you mean? Then how do you hammer a face full of flowers?"

   Qi Lei continued to grill rice, "Wait! A big one is brewing!"

   Several elderly people couldn't hold back, "How old?"

   Qi Lei groaned, with a perverted expression, "You must be scared to death!"


   Dong Beiguo sprayed, looking at Qi Lei in a daze, and for a long time he jumped out, "Boy! You can do it lightly for me!"

   Qi Lei did not speak, but gave Dong Beiguo a bright smile.

   Dong Beiguo was speechless, and he was very entangled, "You stay safe, no... I don't understand it."

   "That's not the case when you just joined the procurement office? Why? Is it true?"

   Qi Lei looked up, "Don't you understand?"

   "What do I know?"

   Qi Lei, "My age... I was originally an unstable age."

   "But what I'm doing now is a sure thing. If I don't be more perverse, the way I do things is also prudent. Then I will be old-fashioned?"

   "So, when it should be unstable, it has to be unstable, otherwise it's more boring?"

   After finishing talking, Qi Lei also finished eating. Pack your lunch box, "You eat slowly, I'm going to work!"

   When Qi Lei left, several old people hadn't recovered their souls yet.

   "What the **** did he say?"

   Tan Xiao shook his head, "I don't understand..."

   "Young people now... really don't understand!"

   Dong Beiguo also sighed, "I see how he can play a big game for me!"

   Picking up a few rice grains from the lunch box into his mouth, Dong Beiguo also held the lunch box, "You eat slowly!"

  He has something to do. The property center will have a meeting to discuss the renovation plan of Zhonglan Apartment. He has to listen to it.

   After leaving the staff canteen, President Dong walked to the property center. He happened to meet Yao Guoyuan. He was also going to the property center for a meeting. The procurement and auditing office must also participate in this matter and make a budget.

   In the afternoon, Qi Lei has something to do, Li Changfa is in Daxing, and only Old Yao can stare at.

   The two are about the same age, so they can talk together.

   Dong Beiguo asked Old Yao, "A few months are there?"

   Old Yao knew that he was asking about retirement, "Four and a half months..."

   Dong Beiguo suddenly said, "It's so fast..."

   Old Yao nodded, "It's fast." With a wry smile, "I have been working in Beiguang for 60 years, and I have been working for a lifetime."

The Dong Beiguo mentioned by    was not even more thoughtful. He felt a little bit sour, and suddenly said, "I had a meeting and discussed the day before yesterday. Press the deputy to withdraw. Okay?"

  Old Yao is stagnant!


   You know, Yao never dreamed that he could retreat from the deputy.

   The eye circles are a little red, "Old Dong...I used's not something!"

   Dong Beiguo waved his hand, "Don't talk about those useless, don't thank me, thank Xiaoqi if you want to, I won it for you."


   Yao Guoyuan is even more shocked...


   Dong Beiguo jokingly looked at him, "What am I? Do you think that the threat to open you is a white threat?"

   "Xiao Qi knows in his heart that he will return your favor."

   Yao Guoyuan: "..."

   pondered for a long time, "Dong Xiao, after retiring, can I be re-employed? I am okay, and I can work for a few years."

   Dong Beiguo immediately smiled, "Then this deputy is not in vain, so I have to return a little."

   The two laughed, tacitly.

   Yao Guoyuan has indeed been somewhat passive in the past two years. If he works hard, he still has the ability.

   At this point, Dong Beiguo looked up...


   suddenly his face changed! !

   Because I saw a big G's car ass!

   just stopped in front of the girls' dormitory building! Dong Beiguo, this fire...

   Jump up! !

   Who is this! ? This is stopping my lung tube! ?

   What kind of bastard! Dare to come to the front of the girls' dormitory to swagger! ?

and also...

   His mother’s guards are full of rice buckets, right? ? Who put it in! ?

   stood there and stopped moving, suppressing his anger, and a junior instructor happened to pass by, "Go! Call me the Chief of Security!"

   The instructor saw that the principal's complexion was not right and jogged to call someone.

   And Dong Beiguo looked at the car **** more and more angry, and went around the big G!

   Finally found out, eh? ?

   Have a pass?

fake! It must be fake! There is one employee professor in Beiguang, which can afford a big G?

   Although some professors with senior and deputy senior titles have income outside the school, some have business. But it hasn't reached the point of opening a big G!

   "Too shameful!!!"

   Dong Beiguo roared and roared!

   The students in front of the girls are looking sideways...

   In fact, someone has noticed the big G a long time ago, and they are still muttering in their hearts, who is so rampant and dared to drive the car into Beiguang?

   Is it all right now? The principal is angry! There is a play to watch.

   "Check!! You must check it for me!!!"

   "Let’s see who it is! The bear-hearted leopard who eats, dare to swear in my school!"

   Old Yao persuaded him, "Come down, get down."

   "It may be that the security department saw that the pass was put in, and they were careless."

   Old Dong, "Can this be careless!? Is the school style rectification done for nothing!?"

   At this time... After finishing his meal, Kobayashi also came out of the staff canteen... and went to the property center. It happened to see the principal and deputy manager Yao roaring in front of the girls building.

   was shocked immediately, what's wrong? Isn't that the manager's car?

   hurried to the trot, did not dare to say anything to the principal, but pulled Lao Yao over, "That's Manager Qi's car..."

   Old Yao: "Hey!?"

   did not flash the old waist!

   glared at Kobayashi, "Don't talk nonsense!"

   Kobayashi is bitter, "Really! What should I do?"

   When the old Yao heard it, it was broken....

  Manager is causing trouble!

   sent Xiaolin away first, and quickly went up to comfort Dong Beiguo.

   Finally, "Dong, Dong Xiao...This, this pass is not fake."

   Dong Beiguo is stagnant!

   "It's not fake!? Whose is that? Who!!"

   Yao Guoyuan narrowed his neck, "It's... it's Manager Xiao Qi's."


   silent for a moment! Dong Beiguo's suffocated old face flushed!

   Eyeballs turn for a long time...

   Old Yao thought he was lucky! There may be violent storms behind.

   But Dong Beiguo suddenly jumped out, "Then you said it earlier!"

   put his hands on his back, and left as if it was all right.

  Looking at Old Yao, I'm stunned, so...Is it all right?

   Before he could return to his soul, the Chief of Defense ran forward!

   rushed to the board of directors, "Principal!! I..."

   He has heard the news from the instructor, this time it is a disaster!

   So when you meet, you must first confess!

   As a result, Dong Beiguo just squinted at him, "You...what's the matter?"

   "I..." The Chief of Defense didn't choke to death!

   Dong Beiguo frowned, "It's okay what are you doing here?"


   "Is it free? How help the logistics department busy?"

   The Director of Security can see it, President Dong Da is going to fall back!

   his eyes widened, "It's okay! I'm leaving!" He turned his head and left!

   Really **** wrong! The principal is really a **** thing!

   Dong Beiguo sighed when he looked at his back, blame me...

   But in my heart, this kid has a big G? Rich?

  What do you do at home?

  Can you pull some research funding?

   Otherwise, it would be hard to make up for carrying such a big pot...

All right....

   University inertial thinking, I want to raise funds when I encounter a big money.

   And Xiaolin didn't know that Dong Beiguo had died out.

   ran for the review and rushed into the house, but Sister Zhao hadn't come back for dinner.

   "Manager! It's not good~!"

   Qi Lei frowned, "What's the matter?"

   Kobayashi, "Your big G let the principal see it!"

   Qi Lei frowned, "I saw it when I saw it? It wasn't stealing."

   Kobayashi, "Brother Sun gave you a stop at the door of the girl's bed."

   I poof! !

   Qi Lei shot out a mouthful of old blood!

   Hang me! ?

   The first reaction is to drive away!

   but walked to the door...

   Qi Lei turned back again.

   Xiao Lin puzzled, "Manager, or... I'll drive it back for you?"

   He thought it was inconvenient for Qi Lei to go.

   But after hearing Qi Lei's words, "Stop that... It's good."

   Kobayashi: "..."

   Waiting for Kobayashi to leave in a daze.

   Qi Lei graciously picked up the phone and called...

   "We have changed places, you are waiting for you downstairs at 3:30."

   After a while, the call came back.

   "Okay, okay!"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Okay, I'll call you when it's time."

   put down the phone, Qi Lei smiled yinly, "I will give you another topic..."

   "I scared you to death!"

   looked at the table below, there is still time.

   took out a notebook from the drawer and continued to write...

  【Experimental Teaching Center】Advance training plan.

   There are two outlines that I wrote earlier:

   "Discussion on Internet Communication from Economic Thinking"

   "Open Course Outline for Pre-training Students and Theoretical Foundation I have received 8,000 monthly tickets today, thank you for your support. There are still 2,000 votes. If you get 2,000 votes before 12 o'clock, you will get the badge achievement of "One Call One Hundred Responses".

   Can everyone complete the old man once...

   ask for all monthly tickets, ask for all rewards!

   There is no retribution, only desperately adding more!

   Thank you [Cucumber 43] for the support of the Silver League.

   Thank you for the support of [Ghost and Ghost], [Yuyang 0711], [Educated Youth Guest] [Elephant’s Long and Long Nose].

   I won’t say any excess thanks, thank you for your support at this very moment.

  Look at Lao Cang’s update volume and it’s over.

   There are a lot of rewards, 15, 50 yuan support. There are too many, and I will open a separate chapter to thank you later.

   2000 votes still short...

  Ps: How to join the leader group: in the introduction and the author’s words, find a group and add it, @月太婉约, he will pull you into the leader group...

   If you can’t jump to the QQ page, leave a message in the book review area. When I see it, I will find a way to add my QQ first, and then pull everyone into the group.

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