Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 18: People are not frivolous and in vain (2)

The young eagle class is the forerunner, but also the experimental field.

Qi Lei spends such a large price on this, of course, not only wants to instill some ideas, but also cultivates a kind of ability from all aspects, a kind of smooth and silent information output ability.

As for the idea of ​​exporting cultural information from the perspective of decoration, Dong Beiguo finally couldn't help it.

In fact, this idea has been lingering in his heart for many days.

"Qi Lei, you seem to be very keen on exporting culture, why?"


Qi Lei was stunned. Of course he couldn't say that in the time and space he came, the two superpowers had already launched an all-round confrontation.

From the perspective of a media person, cultural confrontation is inevitable.

He pondered for a moment, "Grandpa Dong, Teacher Liao, what do you say...What is cultural output?"

Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi were both startled. If they were placed in the past, they would not hesitate to say that it was the output of ideology.

Just like democracy and freedom in the West, our socialism.

Perhaps, for media people like them, they will think a little farther, such as national influence, international theme, and so on.

However, Qi Lei suddenly raised the issue of decoration, and they were a little uncertain again.

Liao Fanyi knew that Qi Lei must have his own opinions.

Without answering, he smiled and said, "Tell me your opinion!"

Qi Lei, "My opinion? My opinion is actually not important."

Liao Fanyi, "How do you tell?"

Qi Lei, "Because of the cultural confrontation and layout, we have fallen behind. Moreover, we have fallen behind for nearly a hundred years!"

In 1906, Edmund James, president of the University of Illinois, wrote a letter to the then-president Roosevelt.

[Which country can educate this generation of Chinese young people, which country can get the greatest spiritual and commercial gains because of this effort! 】

Therefore, the old Roosevelt decided to use the remaining part of the Boxer PeiK to return about 10 million U.S. dollars to the Qing government, and under the supervision of the United States, established the Boxer Scholarship.

A number of institutions of higher learning, including Tsinghua University, have also been established.

As a result, a lot of well-known and unknown youths in later generations were grateful for this American behavior, calling it a kind deed.

As everyone knows, it's just taking your money to do your favor, and the purpose is to invest in culture.

The only miscalculation is that Lao Mei doesn't know that that generation of young people has been awakened by the six gentlemen of the Wuxu period who were determined to save the country.

"Wish for Tan Sitong! I wake up the common people with my blood!"

Therefore, this routine has little effect. The vast majority of young scholars who have borrowed the Boxer Scholarship to study in the United States, as well as the young scholars trained by universities such as Tsinghua, have participated in the national salvation movement.

It means that money is spent in vain.

However, if you lengthen the history, you will find that the money is not bad at all, it is a big profit!

That generation was willing to work for Tan Sitong, but later went out through education channels, and then they were brainwashed by education, but many of them did not come back.

So, is it early for Lei Qi to make a little layout now?

Not early at all, even late! !

Liao Fanyi and Dong Beiguo are certainly aware of what Qi Lei said.

It's just that they are not rebirths, and they don't have the vision of those two decades. For people in this era, even if they know, they can't start.

Liao Fanyi asked, "Do you have any ideas in this regard?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Yes."

"However, the pattern of my thoughts is actually a bit small."

Dong Beiguo laughed at once, "Then tell me, where is Xiao?"

Qi Lei: "Compared to the conventional, the image of a big country, history and culture spread, those are actually very far away."

"Why do ordinary people in the West care about such advanced things?" He smiled, "It's a bit ugly. Even if the beautiful country is full of two hundred years of history, they themselves lack this. They don't have much interest in their own history, let alone you are separated by the ocean. Poor country?"

"You told Lao Mei that I have a history of five thousand years and how brilliant my culture is. It is useless to talk to them about Confucius and Laozi's Taoism!"

"Besides, your thoughts and people's freedom and democracy are not the same way, let alone people still guarding you? Your voice can't get in at all!"

It is indeed not a number of ways. The Chinese people's "Heaven is built, the gentleman should be self-improvement". When the sky collapses, people will make up for it, and no one will take the fire.

Work hard, don't ask for anything!

But the West is not. God is in charge of everything. He is born guilty, and he just lives to atone for his sins.

The Chinese have a great terrain, a gentleman with great virtues, and pay attention to the self-discipline and sublimation of human nature.

In the West, be free! Absolute freedom! Selfish freedom!

People can't understand yours at all.

Still spreading a fart?

Liao Fanyi and Dong Beiguo nodded and agreed with Qi Lei's argument.

So, none of them who are engaged in dissemination are thinking about the issue of cultural output. The most common view is to develop in a boring way. When you become prosperous, people will naturally look at you and your culture.

Dongbei National Road, "Wait! There will be one day."

Qi Lei smiled bitterly, this is correct, but...

"When you become rich and strong, it is natural to speak with your fist, but this is helplessness in frustration."

"It's expensive!"

Can it be big? From a cultural point of view, we cannot go out, but others can come in. It's like someone is beating you, but you can't get it back.

Even if he won in the end, he was bruised and bruised.

It will inevitably result in the separation of the thinking of one generation or even two or three generations in the development process.

Suddenly said: "Then, can we do something now?"

Dong Beiguo frowned, "Then what do you want to do?"

I saw Qi Lei stretch out his four fingers, "clothing, food, shelter, transportation!"

Looking at the principal of Dongda University: "We can't spread the big culture. But the small one, I think I can give it a try."

"Because, whether it is at home or abroad, what people are most concerned about is nothing more than three meals a day, and the four seasons are cold."

Speaking of this, seeing Dong Beiguo and the others a little bit confused, Qi Lei continued, "Let me give you an analogy!"

"Let's take'living' as an example, now the young eagle squad is already doing it."

"I think their western-style decoration step is no problem, but the national style renovation is not within their ability."

"To put it bluntly, they have to learn the concepts of national style and Chinese elements from scratch. How can they be integrated so easily?"

"But why did you spend so much education funding? Not to let them do it themselves, but to let them have the ability to ask others to do it."

"Whether it is a traditional craftsman, or a design major of various prestigious schools, or even a famous designer, they can go and invite!"

"At that time, what if we hold another design appraisal for traditional crafts and major design colleges?"

"If the young eagle class is feasible and the effect is significant, can suggest to the above that similar awards should be held in each design school, and even the annual ministerial selection."

"We can't force the next generation of designers to take the national style route, but we can guide them in this direction from the rules."

"If this matter is done, I think time will be rewarded for us."

"In the future, not only the young eagle class, we can also see more and more national style design elements in other places."

Dong Beiguo thought, this is indeed a good idea, but...what's the point?

"Anything else?"

In any case, Qi Lei thinks that the angle of the problem is really unique.

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

"Let's say'clothes' for another example."

Pointing to his body, "Jeans, white shirt, Martin boots."

"You can see T-shirts, trousers, and dresses everywhere."

"These are all imported products, and even the color schemes are all seasonal fashions led by fashion masters in Paris and New York."

"So that our consumption concepts and aesthetic standards have been completely controlled by others."

"Our clothing design ability and level are also following others. Let alone surpassing, it is a problem to tie it."

"It also leads to the traditional aesthetics of our own nation, and there is no room for survival."

“There must be more oil paintings in the Central Academy of Fine Arts than Chinese paintings. The fashion designers trained there can only cut suits and long skirts.”

"You don't even think your own country's things look good, so what kind of national self-confidence are you talking about?"

"Even people vilifying your squinted eyes and big cheekbones have become mainstream aesthetics, don't you feel sad?"



Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi were speechless.

In this regard, they feel the same.

Take the interview yesterday, why did more than half of the students choose the wrong answer for the last question? Are these children really white-eyed wolves?

It's overkill.

It is not ruled out that individuals with extreme thoughts are hopeless, but most children are still good children.

It's just that this is the first generation of people who have grown up in contact with foreign culture during the reform and opening up.

They wore jeans and trousers, and watched American blockbusters, Japanese animations, and idol dramas from Europe, Japan and South Korea. Hong Kong and Taiwan are all in another world in this era.

When you look at the country, you are poor, but when you look outside, it is heaven!

How can it be better than domestic?

Imported things are better than domestic ones!

It seems that the outside world is all beautiful, and the outside culture is advanced.

To put it bluntly, even foreign fast food is the most fashionable and supreme delicacy.

How do you make them confident? Many people actually have grievances.

They don't even know where the grievances come from. Maybe, they really just look at which is bad, and then ask themselves why it's bad.

Thus... no more love.

It's like, why do people born in the 70s and 80s love women's volleyball so much and why do they love national table tennis so much?

Because it is one of the few channels to give people a little confidence and a little strength.

Thinking of these, Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi were somewhat weak, smiling bitterly, and looking at Qi Lei, "Do you have a way? Let the people restore their confidence in Chinese culture? Let the tradition reappear brilliant?"

"too difficult!"

It is really too difficult, this is 2000, not 2020! !

The rise of the national spirit in later generations and the increase of national self-confidence are accompanied by the country's prosperity and strength. Only by personally feeling strong can we have self-confidence.

And this age.... It's difficult.

In this regard, Qi Lei admitted, “I can’t restore my confidence in Chinese culture. These are deeply ingrained. It’s unrealistic for us as media professionals to call for aesthetics and promote traditional aesthetics.”

He is not a god, there are some things to do, and some things not to do.

"But..." The conversation turned: "Then you can change your mind?"

Dong Beiguo frowned, "What idea?"

Qi Lei, "I have another idea, which is expected to be implemented next year."

Dong Beiguo, "What do you think?"

Qi Lei, "I think just holding a music festival is not enough to train the students in our school."

"Next year, we can let students from the hosting department, journalism department, choreography department, and art department go out!"

Dong Beiguo, "Going out?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! We already have experience in running music festivals, so we can do all kinds of festivals and shoot all kinds of films."

"Go to literary schools to run literary forums, and to film schools to invest in student films and cartoons."

"It just so happens that you can also do something about'clothing'."

Liao Fanyi, "What article?"

Qi Lei, "You can organize a Hanfu Festival in conjunction with design schools such as the Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Fashion!"

"Hanfu Festival?"

Qi Lei talked eloquently, "Yes! Twenty-four dynasties have new things from generation to generation, under the sign of restoring classical clothing culture."

"The grand prize is set at one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand! I don't believe that no one is tempted, no one is bothered."

"Then if you want to design Hanfu, you have to learn history and check information?"

"It's the same reason. I can't force those young designers to follow the national style route, but I can inject traditional aesthetic elements into the rules and become the inherent material in their minds."

"Let the next generation of designers give me a review of classical aesthetics, I don't believe it will have no effect on their future career!"

"Although we can't change the aesthetics of jeans and dresses, we can make some adjustments to the design style and color matching style of jeans and dresses, right?"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Liao Fanyi is a little confused, why do you have so many routines?

Qi Lei continued, "Western aesthetics of color matching have their own set of things."

"And we also have our national style color matching aesthetic."

"This kind of invisible change does not violate the choices and wishes of ordinary people, and it is much better than insisting on preaching."

Dong Beiguo: "..."

Dong Beiguo was also dumbfounded.

What kind of brain is this? Can strategy be used in this matter too?

However, he didn't know, it was more frightening and more brainstorming, it was still to come!

Seeing Qi Lei grinning, "Don't underestimate this change!"

"Don't forget that we are the world's factory, and most of our clothing, small household appliances, and light industrial products are shipped from Chinese ports to all over the world!"

"At the same time, we are also a consumer market that cannot be underestimated. And I firmly believe that in the near future, we will become the largest consumer market."

"So, we are both a producer and a consumer!"

"Are you still worried about our aesthetics going out? Still worried about our aesthetics not being valued?"

"Perhaps, if we continue to cater to Western aesthetics like this, we will not be taken seriously!"

"Aesthetically, you are a vassal, what do you value you for?"

"However, if we start to act now, we have our own preferences and our own needs!"

"The capital will not care about cultural conflicts, capital will follow the money, and they will help us out."

"I think it's not difficult to do!"

Speaking of this, Qi Lei suddenly smiled again.

"The people of the country think that Jilan and Yingqing are a kind of beauty, and the elegant Hanfu and fairy skirt are a kind of beauty!"

"Then the market demand will determine the manufacturer's product design."

"When our designers, whether it is clothing design or industrial design, they start to blend Chinese elements."

"Then, these commodities with Chinese elements will inevitably be circulated all over the world."

"Even if it is not an explicit and explicit element of the national style, it must be implicit and integrated with the design language."

"Even if it is a change of color, a meaningless line, it is also a butterfly's wings!"

"When..." Qi Lei got more and more excited as he said, a bit full of show.

"I said before, nailing the [stereotype] made in China to'good quality and low price'. If this is done..."

"Combined with these national style design language products, the whole world is overwhelming."

"Then I think that the minimalist decoration style that blends with the national style, really floats across the sea and becomes the Western aesthetic standard, it is not far away!"

"When decoration, this basic aesthetic has been accepted."

"When Paris Fashion Week, Fa Cui was the main color."

"When the Victoria's Secret model wore a bellyband on stage..."

"When the ocean was on the other side, a housewife became curious about the white porcelain vase she used for flower arrangement, but did not understand the fret decoration on the footpads, and began to explore the benefits and significance of the decoration setting of the'porch'."

"Begin to be interested in the four seasons flowers blooming and changing scenery in Chinese gardens."

"At that time, let's talk about Confucius, and talk about the vastness of five thousand years, and talk about the beauty of Chinese characters, the beauty of China, and the birth of etiquette!"

"Is it more convincing?"

"Wait until that time!" Qi Lei's eyes lighted up and he was extremely hot. "That's when the young eagle squad is fully fired!!"

"We want to create a large number of China Communication, Chinese Internet celebrities, Chinese novels, Chinese science, and a Chinese perspective!"

"We want to set the agenda for Lao Mei and create more stereotypes!"



Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi...people are stupid.

What is he saying?

Liao Fanyi's first reaction turned out to be: This is really a strategy, he has a full set of plans!

It turns out that he has designed all the steps, one after another!

Moreover, it is too concealed.

The West guards you from talking about Confucius, guarding you from talking about ideology, and even guarding the media from saying that China is good.

But, can he guard your color scheme? Guard against your aesthetic? How to decorate the public?

So insidious!

After pondering for a long time, he sighed, "If there was such a day, it would be great."

That's not because the Chinese are not confident, and they don't even dare to say about love. It may be the other way around.

"That's right!" Qi Lei grinned, "The foreigners are still very particular. They have to get a row of knives and forks for a meal, and all the broken bags of the'Donkey' brand have to tell you some stories. "

"You can't wait for the sutures to be exquisite."

"At that time, let them see how we Chinese are particular about it."

"It's not an exaggeration, it's exquisite, who has us exquisite?"

"A pair of chopsticks, a chair, really need to pay attention, can write a book!"

"Haha!!" Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi both smiled, "This is true."

After laughing, the two were a little heavy again.

Don't look at Qi Lei's understatement, like a joke.

But in fact, the things he just said are a bit fatal, both internally and externally.

Needless to say outside, Qi Lei really made it happen, that's enough to drink a pot on the other side.

And internally...

Like Liao Fanyi... is a kind of vigilance!

On the surface, the prosperity and strength of the country has nothing to do with him as a communication student. He can neither build airplanes nor design artillery.

It may not even be as good as those who do business, at least they can contribute some tax!

However, Qi Lei was too right yesterday!

They are the mouthpiece of this nation! It is the ears of the people!

What they can do is more than just convey the facts and advertise them.

They are on the front line of cultural communication!

Suddenly a little anticipating and a little belligerent.

At least suddenly I found that I was very useful, not just teaching.

I also realized that maybe students who made the wrong choice like yesterday didn't have to wait until the country became rich and the people became strong. Now, don't they have a complete idea?

"Hanfu Festival...Literature Forum, do you still want to make a student film?"

Dong Beiguo muttered and nodded, "This funding, can't we let Beiguang go out? Three hundred million is enough? I have to ask for money from it!"

Okay, President Dong is about to get into the eye of the money.

If you make up your mind, you have to strike a stroke from above.

When Liao Fanyi heard it, he nodded quickly, "It makes sense, a lot of money! Besides, this is not a matter for our Beiguang family. The money should be paid from above."

He also lost money.

As a result, Qi Lei heard, "Don't! Don't!"

Dong Beiguo was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei glared, "You are looking for someone from the top? Then if you earn money, it will count as the top person, or will it count as ours?"


Dong Beiguo was dumbfounded, "What, what do you mean? Can you still make money?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes. Brother is famous for "Thieves don't go empty", who will do the money-losing business?

In other words, if these things are operated normally, they will not necessarily see any effect, and there must be no money to make.

But don’t forget, Qi Lei is not a normal person! He is stubborn, full of "high-tech".

In this aspect of communication, he can be regarded as making use of it. And it's very thorough.

Then other knowledge can't be wasted!

Hanfu Festival?

The young eagle class engages in publicity, so that Hanfu will become popular in advance, and a Hanfu studio will be built here in Beijing and Guangzhou.

Literary forum?

Pick a good work and publish a book for a paid reading on the Internet, isn't it too much? R trees are all ready-made.

As for student films and animations, that’s even more...

What is it like "That Rabbit That Year"?


"Xiong Soldier Company"?

"Spirit Cage" also works! !

If you really make money, after a few years, the domestic box office has risen, and it is not impossible to shoot such things as "I am not the **** of medicine", "The Wandering Earth" and "Wandering in Time and Space in 2020"!

Entertaining and making money without delay.

At the two people's puzzled eyes, Qi Lei grinned, " can make money, you can make a lot of money!"

Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi were startled, and suddenly realized a question.

I don't understand, is he trying to guide or use power for personal gain?

I just said so much, it seems that what is guiding the design, guiding various colleges and universities, blowing themselves to the sky, and cultural confrontation has emerged.

As a result, he finally came up with a sentence, can he make money? Then you can just ask someone to give you a part-time job?

Dong Beiguo suddenly felt that this kid was a bit hateful and he was losing money!

Teased, "Then you have such a big plan, what kind of cultural output, and how do you want to make money?"

It's pure disgusting Reviver!

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei took it seriously, and said to his heart, this old man is not simple, can you see it all?

I am a little embarrassed: "It's a little bit early? What are you talking about now? Brother Xiao Ma hasn't gone out yet!"

I puff! !

Dong Beiguo was shocked, are you really thinking about it?

"Who is Brother Ma?"

Qi Lei, "No one."



Don't the thief go empty!

If this set of operations is really successful, then of course the penguins at that time will have to harvest a wave.

It's just that now is not the time to talk.

Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo separated and went directly to the bedroom.

Now he and Chen Wenjie are the only two people in the dormitory, and they won't be back until tomorrow night when the freshman Chuangge and Pengye who are in military training will come back.

I have already discussed with Chen Wenjie in the morning, and they are going to do a general cleaning before the others come back.

The point is that Qi Lei hasn't done much cleaning for the past half month. Chen Wenjie came back for an interview yesterday. The two of them had dumplings in the dormitory at night, which was a bit outrageous.

As a result, as soon as he entered the bedroom, Coco Lee was there.

We are taking Zhou Xiaohan, Chen Wenjie, Jiang Yao, and Kou Zhongqi to clean up!

Zhou Xiaohan and Jiang Yao were obviously reluctant, they were brought by Coco Li.

When I saw Qi Lei, Zhou Xiaohan immediately yelled, "You, you, you! It's great to be a guide! Two times, my mother cleaned you twice!"

The thief is fierce with teeth and claws.

Qi Lei gave her a word, "Zhou Xiaocao?"


Zhou Xiaohan fainted right away. It was really embarrassing yesterday.

However, she couldn't help it, Zhou Xiaocai was really not good at aligning with people.

Jiang Yao was also speechless, blushing for Zhou Xiaocoo.

Comforted: "It's okay! I'll follow my sister in the future, and within half a year, I'm sure I will bring you into a bitch!"

Kou Zhongqi said: "Go on your side, the level is not enough!"

Yelled to Zhou Xiaocao, "Follow sister! Within half a year, I will surely take you into a slut!"

Zhou Xiaocao: "..."

Well, although I'm a good cook, but my teammates are invincible.

I was very happy immediately, and turned on the "Nest in Horizontal" mode, "Who are you with? I'm your senior sister, you know?"

"Li Hanhan has to give his old mother three points, right?

Qi Lei shook his head speechlessly. To be honest, he also just learned that Zhou Xiaohan was such a person.

Just when the phone rang, I went out of the bedroom to answer the phone.

Before leaving the house, Kou Zhongqi didn't forget to say that he couldn't catch it, "My old lady is also obedient, come here to wait on your brothers, I am!"

Qi Lei fled.

Zhou Xiaocao, eyes full of worship.

She didn't understand, how did Sister Kou practice it? With lethality all the time.


The call came from Lao Qin, which brought bad news.

Well, at least Old Qin thought so.

"Recently, some people may be curious about you. You must be psychologically prepared."

Qi Lei frowned slightly, "Curious? What kind of curiosity?"

Lao Qin said, "The tree attracts the wind! The Three Stones Company is already quite conspicuous, and now the system is being tested, and with the addition of 30 payment for the state-owned equity investment, you want peace, and many people can't make you peace."

Qi Lei knew it, " are still thinking about the shares of Three Stone Company?"

Old Qin tacitly said, "Don't be careless, it's not so easy to stop it."

Then he said: "I will think of some way to block for you. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei said, "Don't! No need!"

Old Qin frowned, and pondered for a long while: "Don't do it well. If you don't handle it well, they won't get it. I'd rather ruin you!"

He groaned, "There are traces of Microsoft in it."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I see, I rushed to the system."

Lao Qin nodded, "Although we have been testing very low-key, the scale is also deliberately controlled."


"Your previous email was a bit impulsive, and Microsoft is eyeing you. If it can bring down Three Stones, Microsoft would be happy to comment."

Qi Lei, "Well, I get it."

Old Qin on the other end of the phone frowned, "Do you mean...or don't you need our help?"

Qi Lei, "No need!"


Qi Lei, "I did that email deliberately."


Qi Lei, "Lao Nan's preliminary test has been underway for five months, and the first phase of the test task has been completed."

"Version 2.0 will be available in early October."

Old Qin, "What does this have to do with mail?"

Qi Lei, "There is no problem with the scale of control in the first stage, and it's okay to be low-key, but the current installed scale of version 2.0 is far from enough. The test scale needs to be expanded, and a lot of installations are needed. I have to generate a wave of enthusiasm."

"Microsoft is here just right, let it build a ladder."

Old Qin, "....."

This grandson! The heart is really dirty! It turns out that he planned to do it a long time ago? One ring after another?

I couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm sent that email more than half a year ago? How can you be sure that Microsoft just came to find faults during your 2.0 test?"

On the phone, Qi Lei smiled, "Of course I'm not sure..."

"then you...."

Qi Lei, "This kind of threatening emails, as long as a software company can receive 800 emails a year!"

"Not to mention Microsoft, can it respond?"

"The normal process is to ignore it, and just hand it over to the lawyer for the losses that are really caused."

"That email is not a threat, let alone expect Microsoft to find it."

"The only role is to let Microsoft know that Three Stones is developing the system and has a fairly strong security team, nothing more."

"There are two things that really make Microsoft unable to sit still."

"First, Lao Nan's team has received state support."

"Second, the news that Sanshi deliberately leaked a few days ago, the first phase of the test is completed, and the 2.0 era will be launched immediately, and the Lei-wide internal test will be started."

"A powerful, government-supported system research and development has completed preliminary testing and will be tested on a large scale immediately."

"This is what Microsoft is worried about! It is worried about losing the Chinese market."

"As for when to let it find the difference..." Qi Lei spread his hands, "It depends on when I leak the news."

Old Qin: "..."

Hold back for a long time! Shaking his head and sighing, "Everything is a calculation."

"Then find me when you need it."

Qi Lei laughed, business, isn't it just a calculation? School is better... simple.

Look at those silly girls in the room, how serious are they doing sanitation? Don't worry about rewards, it's more vigorous than making money.

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei fell into deep thought...

He was thinking, who will be besides Microsoft this time? From which angle will you start?

Lao Qin said that he was curious about him, that is to say...Is it impossible to hide his identity as Qi Lei?

Very curious.



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