Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 21: People are not frivolous and in vain (5)

There are no things much ado about.

In this matter, Qi Lei has been trying to use his thinking to protect his friends.

As everyone knows, the little friends don't need him to protect them at all, they are anxious to get rid of the control of their parents, and they can't get the limelight.

What happened to the exposure? The exposure is complete, and Lao Tzu is the most beautiful boy in the world!

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei was a little emotional.

Is he thinking wrong, just guarding these small 2B, still youth is not there? What are you thinking about?

As long as they are willing, it is fleeting forever!

He uses adult thinking to speculate on the mentality of a group of young people, which in itself is not youthful and nonsense.

No longer tangled, fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, Qi Lei was woken up by the crowd.

Peng Ye went downstairs to buy breakfast, and Brother Chuang went to the bathroom by himself and found out some new toothbrushes for everyone to brush their teeth and rinse.

When Qi Lei opened his eyes, Lord Peng happened to go upstairs, gnawing at the door of the room while gnawing fried dough sticks, and asked: "You sticks or steamed buns, which one do you eat?"

Qi Lei, "Bun!"

Peng Ye, "Okay, keep it for you."

Qi Lei didn't rush downstairs, first picked up his mobile phone and made a call.


Li Fangda on the other side heard Qi Lei's voice, almost not scared to death.

"you you you you!"

Qi Lei, "Don't hang up, don't talk, listen to me."

"Congratulations, as the actual controlling shareholder of Three Stones Company, you finally caught my big fish."

"However, what will happen next is beyond your control."

"So, if you want the person who wants you to continue to reuse you, then you don't have this call."

"However, if you are abandoned and become a victim of the big guys' games, then this call means a lot to you."

Li Fangda gasped heavily on the other end of the phone.

Qi Lei continued indifferently, "If there is such a day, remember to call me, I am willing to pay a good price for the abandoned child."

After speaking, Qi Lei hung up.

Toot toot.....

On the other end, Li Fangda was holding his phone, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Old Li, what's the matter?"

Wang Chen on the other side of the desk frowned concerned, "Whose phone call? Why is Liushen Wuzhu?"

Li Fangda was stagnant, "No, no one...The insurance company...

With a wry smile, he concealed: "Now this insurance company doesn't have a good thing. My car can still be repaired, so I have to scrap it!"

When the sales director Wang Chen heard this, he immediately echoed: "If you repair it, they will lose money. If you scrap it, not only will you not lose money, but you may be able to make some money. Can you not encourage you to scrap it?"

Let’s get to the point, "What happened last night, Lao Li, you did a good job, and the company will remember you!"

Li Fangda quickly bowed, "This is what I should do."

Wang Chen, "Anyway, I want to give you a credit!"

Li Fangda's eyes changed, "By the way, Mr. Wang, the surname Qi said he wants to see you and ask you to contact him."

Wang Chen was taken aback, and then his face became cold, "He wants to see me? What did he say? Why didn't you say it last night!"

Li Fangda was shocked and said that he had missed his mouth.

He hadn't thought about it before he opened his mouth. According to Qi Lei's statement, he shouldn't have said this.

Qi Lei had to know everything before he would directly let Wang Chen go to see him. If you don't know anything, how can you make an appointment with Wang Chen?

My mind turned around, the cold sweat came down, and finally, "Oh, that's it."

"Last night, that Qi Lei was dizzy, arrogant, and yelled, saying that you didn't have enough to see you, Mr. Wang, in front of him. Let him come and talk to me, you are a little manager, you are not equal!"

Wang Chen was startled, "Ha...Haha."

The brain made up a picture of the deputy second generation ancestor sapo, "This is what it is!"

Waved his hand, "Don't pay attention to him!"

Li Fangda felt loose in his heart, and said secretly, "That's good...that's good.

Then he said, "Mr. Wang, you see me getting promoted..."

"Oh!" Wang Chen interrupted, "You said that?"

Tilted his head and thought, "Don't worry, I will implement it as soon as possible."

"But..." laughed, "As you know, the position of the district manager is fixed, so I have to give me some time to deploy it!"

Li Fangda: "..."

Wang Chen, "You go back first! Work hard so that I can fight with the top, right?"

Li Fangda, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Turned and left.

Wang Chen looked at his back with a dark smile.

it is more than words.

After tidying up the things on the table, he got up and went to the president's office.



After Qi Lei had breakfast, he went down to the third floor and knocked on the door of Dong Li's house.

Surprisingly, it was not Shi Yinping who opened the door, but Zhou Xiaohan.

She was still wearing the clothes from last night, but her hair was a bit messy and her makeup was removed.

Seeing Qi Lei, he shrank his neck and stuck out his tongue, turned his head and fell back on the sofa.

Coco Lee was also sitting on the sofa.

Shi Yinping reached out from the bathroom and smiled honestly at Qi Lei, "It's okay, they both drink too much and are quite honest."

"Honest?" Qi Lei laughed out loud.

When I came to the sofa, I looked at the two little girls who did the same thing.

For a long time, "Also... Isn't it?"

Coco Lee lowered his head, "No more."

Qi Lei, "I have already said that this kind of company activities can't answer if you don't answer it, and you won't listen! You know this time you are afraid?"

Coco Lee, "..."

Zhou Xiaohan, "..."

Qi Lei has an attitude of hating iron but not steel, "Let's have a snack!"

Zhou Xiaohan couldn't stand it anymore, he was already very scared, very wronged! Still being trained by you?

Bianzui mumbled: "That's not to blame us, it's a question of imagination!"

Qi Lei, "Huh?"

Zhou Xiaohan immediately Zhou Xiaocao lowered his head and said nothing.

Qi Lei sighed, "Go upstairs to eat, keep it for you!"

However, Zhou Xiaohan hesitated for a moment, "Lei Qi...your car..."

Qi Lei, "It's okay, let's change the bumper."

Zhou Xiaohan, "Then Li Fangda..."

Qi Lei, "His car? It's probably scrapped."

Zhou Xiaohan, "Huh?" almost crying, "How much is the Jetta?"

"One hundred seventy-eight thousand, right?"

"Then your bumper..."

Qi Lei, "Even if you even paint at China Open, it will cost you 170,000 or 80,000 yuan!"


Zhou Xiaohan almost fainted.

In the morning, she heard Shi Yinping say that Qi Lei crashed the other's car and scrapped it.

Zhou Xiaohan originally thought, this is to help myself, I have to take the responsibility!


Qi Lei also saw what she was thinking, "What? Are you going to lose money?"

Zhou Xiaocao was so scared to death, he waved his hand quickly, "No, no, no...I..."

If it was less, Zhou Xiaocao would still be able to afford it if he did a part-time job.

But, three to four hundred thousand!

A word popped out, "Sell me, I am not enough!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Girl, be confident, you must be enough to sell it!"

Zhou Xiao thought about it, wrong! This statement is ambiguous.

Turning his eyes, he stretched out two fingers, exerting a lot of energy.

"I... two hundred a month! Is it okay? Pay slowly."

Qi Lei stood up and said, "Okay! Don't think about it, you don't have to pay it! This little money, brother hasn't paid attention to it."

Zhou Xiaocao was relieved and entangled a lot after listening.

"Huh? Are you all out?"

Qi Lei came with a real sentence, "I have money."

Zhou Xiaocao curled his lips, "You are also your father's."

After thinking about it, "Forget it, I'll give you a little bit, and I'll give you two hundred a month!"

Coco Lee on the side: "..."

Coco Lee knows Qi Lei's family conditions.

But when I thought about it, Zhou Xiaocao was right, the matter was caused by them, and we still have to share a little bit.

Gritting his teeth, "Sister gives you five hundred a month!"

Dad Li is not stingy in terms of living expenses, plus Cocoon Lee often runs off-campus activities, 500 is no problem.

Sister Hanhan also screamed, slapped up and patted Qi Lei on the shoulder, "Sister has taken care of you!"

"Ha ha....."

Qi Lei's mouth twitched, " really can't afford it!"



It was almost ten o'clock when a group of people returned to school. Coco Li and the others rushed to class, and Zhou Xiaohan went to the music festival preparation team.

Qi Lei, Jiang Yao, and Chen Wenjie went to the TV building to join the young eagle squad and continue to study the decoration.

It happened that Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu were also there. When they saw Jiang Yao, they didn't smile immediately, "Miss Jiang, don't come home at night!"

"For the first time, I wrote it for you!"

Last night, the student will check the bed.

When Jiang Yao heard this, he surprised you?

He curled his lips and said, "Then Coco Li and Zhou Xiaohan didn't come home at night, and our wise counselor comrades also didn't come home at night, so remember to go!"

Silly Dragon and Da Ma were shocked.

Looking at each other, "How do you know!? You don' don't..."

Are you guys together?

A bunch of them were found last night, including Coco Li, Zhou Xiaohan, and 418 of them all.

Yes, these freshmen want to fly, and it's not a month since school started, so they dared to run together all night.

It seems to have discovered the New World, "What did you do?"

Of course Jiang Yao couldn't tell about Zhou Xiaohan and Coco Li, and suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Last night...we all lived in Qi Lei's house!"


The silly dragon and the gossip soul of Malaysia burned instantly.

But after thinking, "Isn't it right? Isn't Qi Lei from the Northeast?"

Jiang Yao, "Yeah, but I bought a house in Beijing! A large duplex with four bedrooms and two halls is very good!"



Hey, the evil rich second generation!

Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to Jiang Yao, for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Seeing that Dong Beiguo had arrived downstairs, he went downstairs and had a chat with President Dong.

"How is it? Didn't you break your promise? The check was sent to you?"

I originally said it was delivered yesterday, but the Beijing office couldn't get any manpower for something yesterday, so it was one day late.

I sent it here early this morning, and I called Qi Lei as soon as possible.

As everyone knows, Dong Beiguo came for this.

"Xiao Qi, take this money first, don't worry! Don't worry!"

Talking, stuffed the check back.

Principal Dong really didn't think about it, and didn't sleep for several days.

He is afraid that there is a problem with the money. In this era, he still pays attention to these things.

Qi Lei was surprised, "What's wrong? Hot?"

Dong Beiguo, "..."

It's not hot!

Deliberately diverted the topic, "By the way, how did they study the decoration? Didn't they come up with a plan?"

But Wen Qi Lei said: "The decoration matter needs to be put aside temporarily."

Dong Beiguo, "What's wrong?"

Qi Lei, "There is a temporary situation, I think it is better for them to participate, it is an opportunity to exercise."

Dong Beiguo frowned even more, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei, "My business."

"Recently about me, maybe the trend of public opinion is worthy of their study."

Dong Beiguo didn't understand even more, "Your business? Isn't your business going to pass? Still studying?"

"Uh..." Qi Lei said with embarrassment, this time it is not a trivial matter in Xuenei.

However, it is not broken.

And Dong Beiguo is too lazy to ask, anyway, he is a counselor, he can still call the shots on this matter, it is not good to ask too much.

"By the way, there's one more thing!"

Dong Beiguo came here not only to send a check, "There will be a meeting in a few days, I need Xiao Liao, and you, get ready."

Qi Lei frowned, "Yes? We don't need us for this, right? Can you just show up?"

Dong Beiguo curled his lips and stared at the five million.

Well, the principal is still a bit reluctant, five million!

It's not salty or salty, "I will come forward? I will mess up for you when I come forward!"

"It is a supporting development seminar for telecommunications companies."

Simply put:

You Qi Lei boasted of a digital and highly informatized future!

Then this future is not just a matter of theoretical research, nor is it something that a university in Beijing and Guangzhou can deal with by opening a new department and cultivating a group of new talents.

The country must consider from all aspects and expand the layout in all dimensions.

Then, an indispensable link is the telecommunications company.

Otherwise, your research here is good and beautiful, but telecommunications companies are not keeping up with the rhythm of the times. What information dissemination are you talking about?

And telecommunications companies are enterprises after all, and they don't just develop on the basis of development.

Moreover, it is a question of which direction to develop.

For now, although China is still in the age of pagers, mobile phones and mobile communication technologies have begun to be valued by telecommunications companies in China.

No way, telecommunications companies are not like ordinary people. They use what they have and what they are popular. They must be forward-looking.

Including now, the second-generation communication technology has been put on the agenda.

Although the country does not yet have the ability to participate in the construction of the core rules of the international second-generation mobile communication technology, which path China should choose in the future is already under discussion.

For example, is the second-generation communication GSM communication that uses a combination of FDMA and TDMA, or CDMA, or micro-cell technology, a PHS technology that uses micro-cell base stations to achieve wireless coverage?

Different technological trends also determine the future development potential and direction.

Therefore, while domestic telecommunications companies need technical advice, they also want to listen to some social science advice from Beijing and Guangzhou.

Although it won't play a leading role, it's okay to be a reference.

After all, the insight model is known above, and it is strongly recommended that telecommunications companies listen to the report of the experimental group.

After listening to Dong Beiguo's explanation, Qi Lei didn't feel much about it, but was even more embarrassed.

"First, people don't necessarily listen to us. Most of them are the suggestions above and make a gesture. What are we doing so seriously?"

"Secondly, for this matter, you can just ask Teacher Liao, and it's useless to tell me. To put it bluntly, I'm just thinking about it. If you really want to talk about some reliable professional knowledge, then you have to talk to Teacher Liao!"

Just brag with a few veterans of social sciences, and brag with other companies. Who believes you?

"Look at it?" Dong Beiguo raised his eyebrows, "I made your kid stand out, you still hide?"

Qi Lei, "Don't! You should find someone else, I have enough work!"

After speaking, he ran away, leaving Dong Beiguo old man in a mess in the wind.

Finally gritted his teeth angrily, "This hapless boy, there is no qualitative, what a chance?"

"I can't discuss it anymore? Discuss it again..."

"Maybe... I'll get the check back."

Well, talking about meetings, but thinking about checks, it's almost hysterical.


At noon, Qi Lei went to the newsstand outside the school to buy a copy of the Beijing News.

Yesterday the reporter said that it was from the Beijing News, and Qi Lei didn't know when they would publish it.

Tossed over and over, didn't find it, even watched the entertainment version.

Still wondering, why didn't you register? Board tomorrow?

The next day, Qi Lei got another copy of the Beijing News, but it turned out...not yet.

Zhang Yang and Kou Zhongqi couldn't help teasing when he saw him buying newspapers, "Do you want to get the newspaper?"

Qi Lei, "I am happy."

After speaking, he lifted his **** and left. Zhang Yang called from behind, "Why are you going?"

Qi Lei, "Take class! Grandpa Chen's class, you can't escape!"

As I said before, Grandpa Chen is a great man and compiles his own teaching materials.

Therefore, Qi Lei generally has no shortage of his classes, so he can listen to it.

This makes Chen Xingfu very satisfied. Don't look at Qi Lei's arrogance in the office, why don't you still come to the class? This attitude is very good.

Today's big class, Grandpa Chen talked about [Digital Divide].

In addition to the journalism department, the broadcasting and hosting department, and the students from the pre-training classes of various faculties, many people from other faculties will also attend the lectures.

From this we can see the popularity of Grandpa Chen, not only in the large classroom, but also in the corridors.

However, these people who watch the excitement, that is, three minutes of excitement, are guaranteed to be gone in a while.

The only annoying thing is that I am late, not to mention a good location, I don't even have a seat, I have to stand for half a class.

But fortunately, Lei Qi is very popular!

As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw all people.

Jiang Yao, who was bragging with her classmates, finally found Qi Lei and hooked her finger, "Come here!"

She has taken up a seat for Qi Lei.

Qi Lei didn't move, I'm sick, sit with you!

Finally, Brother Mai and Chen Wenjie of 418 over there waved to him, and the seat was occupied.

Qi Lei only walked with his back in his hands, and it was okay to sit with his brother.

In the end, she didn't take two steps, and a girl next to the aisle said shyly, "Guide Qi...There happens to be a place here, do you want to..."

Qi Lei saw that it was Sun Xiaomeng.

Well, let's do it here!

Over there, Jiang Yao and Brother 418 rolled their eyes as they watched him sitting down next to a beautiful woman.

Chen Wenjie sighed leisurely, "This grandson, hooked up again."

Jiang Yao, "tell Xu Xiaoqian when you turn around!"

Halfway through the class, the people at the door really dispersed.

But I don't know when, an old man in formal clothes appeared.

Qi Lei didn't notice at first, while listening to Grandpa Chen talk about the digital divide... it was not the same as what I learned in the previous life. Grandpa Chen had a very unique opinion. While picking up Sun Xiaomeng's words, Mei.

For a long time, I faintly felt that someone seemed to be watching him all the time.

Sweeping around, I realized that it was the smiling old man at the door.

To be honest, Qi Lei was startled and surprised to see who the old man was.

After looking at each other for a while, he slowly raised his hand, "Grandpa Chen! Large, I can't hold it anymore!"

puff! !

All the people sprayed, Chen Xingfu also had green eyes and pressed his throat, "Hurry up!"

"Good Le!"

Qi Lei packed his textbooks, notes, schoolbags, and ran on his back.

Grandpa Chen is greener, so you guys didn't plan to come back when you got on the account, did you?


Walking side by side with the old man on the campus, walking to the football field, watching Zhou Xiaohan, and a group of livestock from the Student Union, coordinated to set up the stage there.

The two of them didn't speak, and just stood on the sidelines in silence, watching.

For a long time, it was the old man who lost his breath first, "I was surprised today!"

"I thought that I would see a young man who surprised me, but I didn't expect it to be a young man who surprised me."

Qi Lei smiled, "Isn't it scared?"

The old man, "It's really scared! Because I found out that it's not the first time I saw you."

"In the Spring Festival of 1999, in Imagine Downstairs, the boy in the army coat is you, right?"

After Qi Lei listened, he had to admire, "Lao Liu, it's so memorable! I remember it all."

The old man is the helm of Imagination——Liu Jixiang.

At this time he smiled and said, "Of course I remember! There are not many young people who dare to look at me with that kind of eyes."

Qi Lei, "Then you should pray more."

Liu Jixiang, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "The more young people who dare to challenge, the better it is that there will be successors!"


Also looked at Liu Jixiang, "Otherwise, what future can you talk about with an old guy like you?"

Liu Jixiang was taken aback, Qi Lei's words were a bit ironic.

However, nourishing Qi Kungfu is still sufficient.

"You seem to be very hostile to me? Is it because... Nan Guanghong?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "No! I have to thank you for the old Nan's thing! If you don't let go, it won't fall into my hands."

Liu Jixiang nodded, "I actually regret Nan Guanghong's stay."

Qi Lei listened, "Master, you are too fake."

"When you reach your position, will you regret it?"

"..." Liu Jixiang was startled.

To be honest, although he has repeatedly raised his evaluation of this young man, he still seems a bit underestimated.

After a long pause, he nodded slowly, "Okay, then change the way of thinking."

Qi Lei, "You speak."

Liu Jixiang said, "Nan Guanghong's imagining is not working, but now, I have a little interest again."

"How about? Young people...willing to give the elderly a chance?"

Liu Jixiang was very kind, even using the word "give a chance".

The implication is also very clear. He wants to invest in Sanshi and participate in the research and development of domestic systems.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Don't worry, I won't come in for nothing. In addition to capital, technology, market, and installed capacity can provide a certain degree of support."

Qi Lei squinted and pondered.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Liu Jixiang to be so happy and directly offer so many conditions.


Suddenly said seriously: "Can I understand it as if all the factory computers can be pre-installed with the Pangu system when the conditions are ripe?"

Liu Jixiang thought for a while and said, "At least, domestic equipment can do this!"

Qi Lei raised an eyebrow, "Then I understand."

"What do you unserstand?"

Qi Lei grinned, "It turns out, you always wanted to step on two boats!"


No matter how restrained Liu Jixiang was, he couldn't stand it.

This is too ugly.

Where is it?

In fact, this conversation has a hidden meaning.

First of all, why did Liu Jixiang offer such good terms?

It's not that he really regrets it, nor is it that he is suddenly interested now.

Rather, he knew something that no one else knew.

For example, Pangu is supported by the state, and this is not enough.

Don't forget, Nan Lao is an academician, and he dared to squeeze out such a big name, indicating that he would not care about general support.

In other words, Liu Jixiang probably knew about the existence of Lao Qin.

What he invests in is not the system, but the meaning behind the system.

What Qi Lei saw from it was not that Liu Jixiang knew this, but how Liu Jixiang knew about it.

It means that there are people in Lao Liu above, and his energy is not small.

Otherwise, many things would be impossible for him to know.

While Qi Lei proposed to imagine all the Pangu installations, Liu Jixiang only agreed to China. Then Qi Lei said that he would step on two ships, and he said that he would step on the two ships of Microsoft and Pangu.

Although the two did not mention a word of Microsoft, nor did they mention that Liu Jixiang was supported by someone behind him, or someone whispered.

However, this passage makes everything clear.

"Huh..." Liu Jixiang calmed down for a while and continued, "Why bother? Imagine that there is no competitive relationship with Sanshi, and is a long-term partner, so I don't want to see me as an old man?"

Qi Lei, "Lao Liu, to be honest, I really didn't have much prejudice against you at first."

"The look downstairs at your headquarters that year was young and vigorous, a little bit upstairs."

"I still admire your business methods."

Liu Jixiang knew he had but, "What then?"

Qi Lei, "Then, now it's really a bit prejudiced."

"how to say?"

I saw Qi Lei looking directly at Liu Jixiang, "I will ask you two questions."


"First, did you know about the incident the night before?"

"I..." Liu Jixiang hesitated, and finally said, "I know!"

Continued, "Wang Chen took the initiative to ask Ying, I know his style of doing things, so I know it!"

Liu Jixiang was very open and disdain to deceive.

Qi Lei did not entangle, "Second, do you think you are a businessman or an entrepreneur?"

Liu Jixiang smiled, "I think I am an entrepreneur!"

Qi Lei shook his head, "I don't think you are, at most a capitalist."

Liu Ji frowned.

Qi Lei looked at the stadium, "Someone taught me three words, I think I can practice it for a lifetime."

"Which three sentences?"

Qi Lei, "As an entrepreneur in China..."

"I want the country to be strong because of you."

"Society progresses because of you."

"The people are rich because of you!"

"You.... Which one did you do?"

Liu Jixiang's face turned red, extremely ugly, and even climbed up between his eyebrows in anger.

Qi Lei was very indifferent, "Don't be angry, it's really a little overwhelming to be preached by a young man."

"But, it's better than nobody said this to you!"

Liu Ji hissed, "I still underestimate you after all. So you still have such a big ambition?"

"Child, naive! How much have you seen? How much have you learned?"

It seemed to have lost patience, "I understand what you mean, but I don't have to talk about it. I have to tear my face."

Qi Lei smiled, "No! Who said that?"

Drying Lao Liu for a moment, "You!!!"

Qi Lei, "Business, you can always talk about it, you always think too much!"

Liu Ji gritted his teeth a little, "Then you say!! How do you talk about it!?"

Qi Lei, "Two ways, you choose."

"Which two!?"

"First, fire Wang Chen! He has crossed the line. I shouldn't start with my friend. I have to give a good example to the people behind. He will be miserable."

Liu Ji frowned, "If I don't agree, I won't have to talk?"

Qi Lei, "That's not a question that has not been discussed, but imagination will be miserable."


Liu Jixiang laughed, you know, boy, I am here today to threaten you! Don’t understand yet?

Why did the Beijing News not publish the news? If you don't talk about it, then I'll see the newspaper tomorrow.

As a result, you threatened me in turn?

To be honest, Liu Jixiang has never seen such a young man, never seen such an arrogant young man.

It should be thrown away, but this is not the style of a businessman.

Simply said: "You should talk about the second one!"

Qi Lei, "The second one is simpler."

Looking directly at Liu Jixiang, "Being an entrepreneur, don't be self-interested and speak beautifully."

"You can always do it, Wang Chen, I won't hold him accountable. Three Stones shares will give you 15%."

"White, send!"

Liu Jixiang: "!!!"

It's going to explode.

This is naked irony. I don't even agree with your entrepreneur's three things. How to do it?

Besides, give it away for free?

Knowing that I won't agree, is it disgusting to be here?

Breathing is a bit heavy, for a long time.

"Lei Qi!! You are a very capable young man."

"But, you are so angry that you can't stand different positions. This is not a good thing!"

Qi Lei nodded, "I know."

Liu Jixiang, "Do you think that Sanshi is already the number one Internet company in China with a scale of more than one billion yuan, and it is invincible in the world?"

"Do you think that if there are some people taking care of you in secret, you can leave no one in your eyes?"

"My boy, you look down on businessmen too much."

"To tell you the truth, your little really not enough!"

I saw Qi Lei rubbing his hands, "So, are you advice or warning?"

"Warning!" Liu Jixiang solemnly, "A shopping mall is like a battlefield. If you can't become friends, you can only become enemies!"

Qi Lei, "Isn't it?"

Liu Jixiang, "But you really angered me a little bit today."



Liu Ji went away.

When they met, it didn't play a positive role, but it made me angry.

After that, Qi Lei and Lao Qin talked on the phone.

He kept complaining, "You said, why doesn't he believe it? I can really give him shares for nothing."

Old Qin smiled, "I still want to ask, didn't you always dislike him? Why did you suddenly say you gave him shares for nothing?"

Qi Lei said something that made Old Qin speechless, "Because he is the largest in the country, he really hopes to represent China's manufacturing."

Old Qin, "..."

There was a long silence, "Okay, don't talk about it anymore."

"What are you going to do now? It's completely matched with Imagination. Tomorrow you will have to get a report for your little trouble. What can I do for you?"

After thinking about it, "I can suppress the Beijing News report."

Qi Lei, "Don't! You don't need any help, I'm waiting here!"

Old Qin puzzled Is it really unnecessary? "

"I remind you, if they do it deliberately, your identity as the owner of the Three Stone Company will be stinks!"

But I heard Qi Lei bark his teeth, "Old Qin, you say that I am a strategic genius every day, so why don't you mention it at a critical moment?"

There came a sentence, "Playing a public opinion war with a strategically thinking communication expert? I really don't look down on them, I can play them to death!"

Old Qin was stunned for a while, "So, you crashed the car that day, did you deliberately?"

Qi Lei, "Of course it was intentional."

"Wait! Let me show you what is meant by a standard, public figure image."

Well, Lao Qin noticed that Qi Lei was not talking about "crisis public relations" but "image shaping"!



Thank you [Qingyan Raozhirouqi] [Bangjin] [Book Friends] for the reward!

Boss atmosphere! The boss has made a fortune, the boss is invincible!

Among them, whose trumpet is [Book Friends]? Report your name!

76 leagues! thank you for your support.

In addition, what is this paragraph so fast? It’s impossible to finish writing in one go, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

The old man didn't want to write it, just held a press conference, and then everyone was shocked and knocked down.

Although, I can't escape this old routine, but at least I have to write something different to let everyone see something new.

At least fit the theme!

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