Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Sao operation throughout (5).

   The flowerbeds and *** next to the girl's building, the tranquility and tranquility of the cultural square.

   At this time, people gathered to watch the performance on stage 1, but it was a little quiet here.

   Qi Lei and Liu Jixiang walked side by side. People who didn't know it thought it was the grandfather and grandson walking.

   As everyone knows, it was a meeting of swordsmen without gunpowder.

   Liu Jixiang's mood has calmed down, no matter how embarrassed a big boss like him was, it is not difficult to adjust.

   "Why don't you answer the phone? Is that so strong?"

   Qi Lei smiled indifferently, without much mental activity. He used to think Liu Jixiang was quite bullish, but now that he thinks about it, that's what happened.

   "The temper is actually good, but it has nothing to do with not answering the phone."

   Liu Ji turned his head to look, "Then why not pick it up?"

   Qi Lei, "The first is unnecessary, the second is really busy."

  Yiu Jixiang: "Hoo...okay!"

   Liu Jixiang was a little bit unable to catch it again, and forced the water in his chest.

   "I admit, you won."

   Qi Lei looked at his teeth, "Isn't it thorough if this doesn't win?"

   Liu Jixiang heard this, his heart trembled again, didn't he win completely?

   How can it be considered a complete win?

   Stink your imagination? Only when those who defamed Qi Lei are labeled as losers, can they be regarded as a complete win?

   became more and more serious: " have to win thoroughly."

   Qi Lei, "Yes, since there is a win or lose, I should win a little bit more!"

   "Oh!" Liu Ji sighed, "Can't we leave a little room?"

   He was formally subdued, and stood still and looked at Qi Lei, "My child, it may not be a good thing to do things absolutely."

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Are you threatening me?"

   Liu Jixiang, "???"

   I speak in a normal tone, is there a threat?

   "Don't get me wrong, all I am talking about are psychological words!"

   Qi Lei, "Oh, it's not a threat, you continue."

   Liu Jixiang organized the language, "This matter, I admit, has been ill-conceived."

   "I personally, apologize to you! Please... Please don't keep chasing, can you?"

   Qi Lei squinted at Liu Jixiang, and for a long time suddenly smiled again, "It are scared."

   Liu Jixiang: "..."


Afraid? afraid!

   may not be so scared!

   Isn’t it just a bit of public opinion storm? Imagine that this storm is still passable.


   "To tell the truth, I'm afraid it won't be enough, but it's not necessary."

   "Such loss can be avoided, so why bother to bite the bullet?"

   "We haven't reached the point where we can't dissolve it, haven't we?"

   Qi Lei: "..."

   To be honest, Lao Liu's words will stop Qi Lei from doing it.

   "The truth?"

  Yiu Ji nodded his head, "Truth."

   Qi Lei bared his teeth, "Then you are really..."

   He suddenly understood a little bit now, and the future generations wondered why it was like that. The acquisition of IBM's personal computer business instead made IBM the protagonist.

   Leading the Chinese computer market for so many years, he is really so good.

   Can bones really be so soft?

   Looking at Liu Jixiang, he couldn't believe it, and he looked down upon him a bit.

   suddenly said, "Lao Liu, what do you mean by don't chase?"

   Liu Ji frowned, Qi Lei pretending to be confused?

   "Of course....Don't respond to improper news, can you!?"

   "My requirements are not high, as long as you do not respond! Now you have been rehabilitated on the Internet and in the media!~"

   "You have nothing to lose."

   "Why do you have to respond? Why do you want to kill them all?"

   "Child!" Liu Jixiang was a little anxious, "I admit again, this time we did something wrong! But..."

   "This is how the world operates! You are still young, you don't understand! That's how the weak and the strong eat!"

   is deep, "This is a world that has been carefully designed."

   "We can't actually control it, and we should follow the rules, right?"

   "Wait one day, if you have desires, you will do ugly things like we do now!"

   Long sighed and looked into the distance: "Do you think the history and civilization of this world were really created by all mankind?"


   "I tell you, it's not at all! Civilization was created by a few elites, up to 20%! The remaining 80% are just vassals!"

   "Although it is cruel, it is true."

   "As long as you enter the ranks of the 20%, you can make history and be qualified to create the era. And these 20% are cruel and cannot tolerate mercy."

   "So, let's stop! I admit that you are very clever in public relations. You don't respond to it and hire someone to spread the news on the Internet. You really learned it."

   "Respect the rules, okay!"

   "Heh." said Qi Lei amused.

   I don’t know how to say it, the old man is really anxious, right? Are you incoherent?

   After thinking for a while, he looked at Liu Jixiang with a smile.

   "First, you don't understand the operating rules of this world! I originally thought you knew it, but just made a mistake."

   "But, now I understand, you don't understand!"

   Liu Ji frowned, disliked Qi Lei's words.

   Wen Qilei continued, "Civilization is indeed created by a small number of elites, who have the ability to write history, change history, and make rules."

   "However, this sentence is not entirely correct! I think one more sentence should be added after this sentence."

   Liu Jixiang, "What are you talking about?"

   Qi Lei, "Civilization was created by a few elites, but it is practiced by the vast majority of ordinary people!"

   "So, that 80% is not a vassal, even more important than the elite!"

   Speaking of this, Qi Lei paused, "Attention, this is the philosophy of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and it is different from the Western culture that you have always admired!"

   Liu Jixiang: "..."

   Qi Lei continued, "Also, what is civilization?"

   "Civilization is that a group of wild monkeys confine themselves and use self-restraint and group restraint as the premise to achieve a higher dimension of freedom."

   "So, don't believe in the so-called Western philosophy. Still the weak and the strong? The elite culture? It finally evolved from the monkey, do you want to go back?"

   "The strong eating the weak is an incentive for the weak, not a reason for the strong to bully the weak!"

   "At least in China, don't say this, it's easy to smell the streets. It's also easy to go the wrong way!" Bai said Liu Ji gave a glance, "Do you really believe it?"

   Liu Jixiang's face was green and red.

   "Also!" Qi Lei said more contemptuously, "I suggest you read more books on sociology and communication. You really don't understand the laws of the world."

   "Do you know why I beat you? It's because I know better than you!"

   "From the beginning, you lost!"

  Yiu Ji stared at him, "You know better than me?"

   Qi Lei, "What? Don't you believe it?"

   "Do you know why everyone scolded me when the Beijing News came out?"

"This is called [Use and Satisfaction]. The gossip news of celebrities satisfies the public's demand for information on the private lives of public figures. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of ordinary people, you and I are a'joy', and you really take you seriously. Is it?"

   "Knowing why, after the interview with my school and the news of Dong Zhanlin came out, everyone thought it was impossible again?"

   "This is a poor understanding of the [two-pole theory]! Do you think that the information from the media goes directly to the ears of citizens, and then it works?"

   "Wrong! You didn't even figure out the flow of information."

   "Also, your public relations goal is too vague, but it distracts the public."

   "Do you know why Wang Chen's interview came out and the effect is good again?"

   "That's called [Opinion Leader]."

   "But from the moment Wang Chen, Representative Imagine wants to become an opinion leader, you will lose!"

   "As for why you lost, go back and figure it out for yourself!"

   chuckled, "Still tell me the rules of the world? Grandpa, this is what I did!"

   Liu Jixiang, "..."

   I couldn't say a word that was stunned, and almost squirted blood.

   And Qi Lei has already opened the chatterbox, so he can just say a little more.

   "Do you want to hear the truth?"

   Liu Jixiang turned into pig liver color, gritted his teeth, "What's the truth?"

   Qi Lei, "I don’t like the truth."

   Liu Jixiang, "You speak!"

   Qi Lei, "You...the pattern is not big!"

   Liu Jixiang, "I..."

   Qi Lei, "Speak to your heart, pull your imagination out of a rigid system, and achieve the scale of today, your ability is beyond doubt!"


   Liu Jixiang, "But what?"

   Qi Lei, "You have enough ability, but your vision is a little short."

   Liu Jixiang: "You......"

   Qi Lei, "I understand your current business goals. To be honest, I also think that'Trade, Industry and Technology' is the safest and most economical development route."

   Liu Ji is going to die of anger, and is about to ascend to heaven.

   I don't understand why Qi Lei brought the topic to this topic, and it was unfair to Nan Guanghong? Or, just to **** me off?

   almost growled: "Then you say, since it's right, where is the pattern? Leave Nan Guanghong and let him do any system and chip, which is the pattern?"

"Not to mention, will the investment be rewarded? You are not an ordinary person. You should know that globalization is not a slogan! We will be resisted if we close ourselves. At that time, not only imagination, but also China will die. Computer industry!"

   Wen Qi Lei said: "Don't worry, listen to me. I even think it's right to kick Nan Guanghong out of Imagination."

   Liu Jixiang: "!?"

   Qi Lei, "When Lao Nan comes out, he can completely break away from the background of state-owned assets and let his hands go. Therefore, from any angle, there is no value for Nan Lao to imagine."

   "From the perspective of a businessman, your decision is also right!"

   Liu Jixiang was a little dazed, "Then you..."

   Qi Lei, "You are wrong. You should not tie the elimination of Nan Lao with innovation and research and development."

"To put it bluntly, you can use'Trade, Industry and Technology' and'Technology, Industry and Trade' to start an internal struggle and kick Nan Lao. But you shouldn't stick to the line of Trade, Industry and Technology after you have kicked Nan Lao to achieve your goal. ."

   "This is not a question of right or wrong, but a pattern! The pattern is too small!"

   shook his head, "I can't wash it off."

   Liu Ji stared at her, but didn't understand.

   Wen Qi Lei said, "If I were you, I would leave a seed for Imagination after Mr. Nan left."

   "Reverse operations, increase research and development efforts, and even entrust others with important tasks to build systems."

   "That's what I have to do before I go to Lao Nan! Even if it's not technology, industry and trade, it's not waiting for globalization to feed you."

   Liu Jixiang is about to explode, and his voice has changed: "Why?"

   Qi Lei is speechless, I'm talking about this, don't you understand?


   "Forcing Mr. Nan away, you will definitely be scolded and you will not escape. Seriously, you will even be nailed to a pillar of shame!"

   "Furthermore, it will inevitably bring negative benefits to Imagination. You must first find a public opinion outlet for yourself."

   "This is called a public relations warning."


   looked directly at Liu Jixiang, "Whole, ball, and transformation!"

   "The globalization you mentioned is not a utopia!"

   "Is it still global?"

   "A group of innocent children live together? Hello, me, everyone? This is called globalization?"

   "Wake up, you!"

   uttered loudly: "Globalization is a compromise after a group of bandits put their swords on each other's necks to achieve balance!"

   smiled and looked at Liu Jixiang: "May I ask Mr. Liu..."

   "Your knife..."


   Liu Jixiang: "!!!" With a buzzing head, the whole person stayed there and wouldn't move.

   Qi Lei looked at his watch, it was almost time, and stage one was almost over.

   turned back to Liu Jixiang and said, "Today...Let’s stop here! I have something to do."

   Talking, Qi Lei wants to leave.

   Liu Ji Xiang Huang Shen, subconsciously called Qi Lei, "Wait!"

   Qi Lei turned around, "Is there anything else?"

   Liu Ji gritted his teeth, "Anyway, please..."

   "Don't kill them all, okay?"

   After all, he still hasn't forgotten the purpose of coming today, and he can't let Qi Lei respond to those doubts.

   "In this way, Imagine will immediately resume supply to Three Stones. Moreover, I will give you a satisfactory contract!"

   "Plus..." simply said, "You set the conditions yourself!"

   "Cut..." Qi Lei sneered.

   muttered to himself, "So, your old style is really not big."

   looked at Liu Jixiang, suddenly felt nasty, and said every word: "My can't afford it!"

   After speaking, turn around and leave.

   also took out his mobile phone, "Dong Xiao, let the Security Department put all the reporters in! I'll talk to them."

   Liu Jixiang listened behind her, her heart ashamed.

   It's over, so Qi Lei wants to respond now?



   Music Festival, the second stage.

   Zhou Xiaohan's mood is not much better than that of Liu Jixiang.

   She wants to squeeze her mouth.

   Alto No. 1 is so brilliant that the following shows are a bit out of touch.

  The gap is too large, which will cause a huge psychological gap in the audience.

   smashed! Knowing this a long time ago, the midrange should not be arranged as the opening.

All right! You shouldn't invite the midrange, it's too bullying.

   Actually, the midrange is deliberate.

   Let these famous singers in the off-campus training class come, including the opening and finale, they are here to slap their faces.

  Originally, you want to talk about the special things that Beijing Broadcasting Corporation organizes, what host competition, even if it is a talk show, no one will fight with you! Who makes you professional?

   But... College Student Music Festival, doesn't this make our music academy face?

   must be a prize!

   So, that's it.

   Zhou Xiaohan has the heart to die, it's too difficult! Life is too difficult!

   Silly Dragon and they are also speechless, they are working **** Wang Mo there!

   "Silently! Hit him!"

   "You must find this place back! You can do it!"

  Wang Mo wants to die, so hard for you to make me, right?

   How can I find this? Isn't it one level?

   "Brother Long, do you want to go?"

   The silly dragon died of anger, "I go? If I go, what do you want?"

   Zhou Xiaohan was upset by the two people's quarrel, hysterical: "Don't, noisy, la!"

   glared at Wang Mo, "Just you!"

   Just then, a figure emerged from the stage, grabbing the outer edge of the stage and jumping onto the stage.

   then squatted there, baring his teeth at several people, "Then what... do you want to help?"

   Zhou Xiaohan was stunned, and he was ecstatic when he saw the visitor clearly.

   "Lei Qi! If you want, I want it!"

   I saw Qi Lei smiling and screaming towards the audience. At this time, Zhou Xiaohan and Shalong noticed a few figures following Qi Lei.

   Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, and Yang Xiao also jumped onto the stage and stood beside Qi Lei.

   Tang Xiaoyi: "I heard that they are very brilliant over there, do you want to destroy them?"

   Zhou Xiaohan: "I want it!"

   Silly Dragon: "!!!"

   Wang Mo, "!!!"

   Zhou Xiaohan's tears turned, "Yes! I want it all!"

  Wang Mo came to me very wittily, "I have a stomachache, let's go first! Let's run away."

   It's not an action to run with one leg, it was said by Wang Mo.

   These four stop there, how can I use him?


   The midrange is no longer beautiful.

   Can’t compare to others, singing can’t get you guys out? Kneel down to me from Beijing Foreign Studies University, National University for Nationalities, Second Foreign Language School, and Beijing Guangxi University!

  The student president who led the team is a girl named Jin Zhuoya, much better than the silly dragon.

   Until the last note fell on stage 1, there was thunderous applause from the audience, cheers for a long time, and the big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

   "It's okay! The next one will be..."

   Before I finished speaking, suddenly the music started on the second stage.

   "Huh!?" Jin Zhuoya was startled.

   If she remembers correctly, the switching between the two stages is not seamless, with a gap of about ten minutes.

   is a buffer for the audience, or something to eat, go to the bathroom, etc.

   Actually there is no need, Jin Zhuoya wished to be seamlessly connected.

Because this rule is beneficial to other colleges, as for the performance quality of the midrange, if there is a seamless connection and the audience has not slowed down, or calmed down, the next show will be played. It is purely for death, and the effect will be very poor. .

   But how...

   glanced at the performance schedule again, "That's right? From Beiguang? You don't want to live anymore?",

   When he said that he didn't want to live, his eyes crooked.

   This is your own death!

   But when I heard it, it didn't seem right.

In the sound of   , on the second stage, it is more like an audition, because it is coherent.

   And, whose guitar solo is this? Absolutely!

   Look at the schedule again, "Wang Mo?"

   When Wang Mo from Beiguang rehearsed, she had been investigating. She was of average level, at best an amateur.

   Moreover, Wang Mo played folk guitar and xylophone.

   And now this electric piano solo, Wang Mo absolutely can't play it.

   Looking up, Jin Zhuoya was all ill immediately.

   Station 2 is not too far away, and Jin Zhuoya is not nearsighted either.

   I saw a girl who was a little tempted by her, wearing a windbreaker, standing on the stage.

   is already invincible.

   "嚓! Beiguang also plays routines!" This one is not at the same level as Wang Mo!

   hurried over.

   And many audience members were still immersed in the performance on Channel One. When they heard the electric piano solo, their level was extremely high.

   Looking for reputation, he couldn't move away from Xiao'er at a glance, and squeezed along with the hula la.

   Yang Xiao is indeed auditioning, of course, the more important thing is the demonstration.

What's so great about    Alto? Should I step on you or step on you!

   After a long period of electric piano solo, I saw that people were almost there, so I threw the piano to Qi Lei, and went to play the keyboard again.

   Wu Xiaojian's drum set immediately followed, his gentle and rogue appearance, sitting behind the drum, it was quite visually impactful.

   Then there is Tang Xiaoyi.

The characteristic of    bass is bass, and it can also be solo, and the rhythm and electric piano are two flavors, it is good to play, and it is very eye-catching.

   Moreover, Tang Xiaoyi's style today is that of a suit thug, with scorn and tension.

   Finally, Qi Lei.

   Well, Qi Lei doesn't need to show any skills at all, he is already famous in Beijing Guangtai.

   Beiguang’s students saw him, plus the previous Yang Xiaoer, Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi.

   I was shocked for a short time, and I immediately understood that this is a recurrence of last year, and these four are back!

   screamed and rushed forward.

   The reporter who was just put in was also crazy. The security department notified them. If you want to interview Lei Qi, you can go on stage two!

   They thought it was a normal interview, but at the end of the day, oh shit, they started to show off on stage.

   So, don't talk about anything else, squeeze forward frantically.

   Some reporters have big faces, carry the camera, and go straight to the stage.

   Close-up close-up!

   Jin Zhuoya who watched the midrange did not drop her eyes, "Why? Why do they have videos!?"

   Okay, just because there is a big boss on the stage.

   Liu Jixiang did not leave.

   looked from a distance... to be honest, it was subverted again.

   He really doesn't understand this young man's brain circuit, isn't it exposed? Isn't it a response? Why did you go on stage to sing again?

   As for the five dads... they were already in the front row.

   In fact, the purpose of coming to Beiguang today is to watch a few performances.

   Especially Yang Chengjun, Xiaoer made a special trip for him to run so far, so he came to see it.

   Yang Xiao has been playing musical instruments since he was a child. Unfortunately, Yang Chengjun never watched a serious performance.

   The other dads are in the same situation.

   It's just that Qi Lei and their hearts are bigger, "Love doesn't look at it, doesn't look down."

   I happened to catch up this time, so let's take a look.

   When Yang Xiao’s guitar solo just now, Yang Chengjun was stupid.

   "My daughter...It's okay!"

   Xiao'er usually can't wake up and is not energetic in that posture. The father doesn't know that she is so radiant on the stage.

   "Hey...hehe...make it for a while (meaning it works)!"

   Qi Guojun looked at the reporters in silence.

   Although he has been very calm these days, he never discusses these things with Qi Lei, knowing that his son has his own ideas.

   But, when Qi Lei started to counterattack and began to respond formally, Qi Guojun was still a little excited.

   What do you say? Since childhood, he has not beaten Qi Lei less, nor scolded him less.

   But, my own son, cursing by himself, and others say nothing, it feels uncomfortable to be a father.

   So, Qi Guojun is cool!

   Damn it! Bullying my son? My son is so bully! ? So that you can't eat one by one!

   Finally, the performance on the Beiguang Stage officially began.

   Qi Lei faced Mike Feng, "I give you a "Internationale"! For the motherland!"

"happy Birthday!"

  Music starts suddenly!

   Tang Dynasty Band version of "Internationale" is a classic among the classics.

how to say?

  Some people like rock, but don’t like dogmatic lyrics and melody.

  Some people like lyrics, but don't like the mania of rock and roll.

   However, "Internationale" unifies these elements almost perfectly.

   does not appear to be noisy, but also infinitely powerful.

   "Get up, hungry slave!"

   "Get up, suffering people all over the world!"

   "The blood is full of enthusiasm, and we must fight for the truth!"

   "The old world is falling apart, the slaves get up, get up!"

   "Don't say we have nothing, we will be the masters of the world!"

   is just the first lyrics, and the whole audience can burst into excitement.

   The lead singer of this song is Yang Xiao. Her husky high pitch with strength is perfect and powerful.

   "This is the final struggle. If we unite until tomorrow, Internaxonel must be realized!"

   "This is the final struggle. If we unite until tomorrow, Internaxonel must be realized!"

   Jin Zoya opened her mouth wide...unbelievable, "Hey! Where did you come out!"

   Go to Zhou Xiaohan with teeth and claws, "You guys are playing Lai! Isn't Wang Mo on the program list?"

   Zhou Xiaohan thief Tsundere, "What's wrong? Temporary change, can't it?"

   Jin Zhuoya couldn't do anything, but suddenly a classmate in the midrange came over and whispered a few words in her ear.

   Jin Zhuoya's pupils dilated as she listened, and suddenly pointed to Yang Xiao, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian on the stage and shouted to Zhou Xiaohan, "Are they from Beiguang!?"


   Zhou Xiaohan was embarrassed, eagerly wise, "Qilei is! Those are his friends, of course there is no problem!"

   Jin Zhuoya was annoyed, "Good, good! Are you guys playing Lai!?"

"You wait!"

   After speaking, turn around and leave.

   ran to the phone booth, "Senior!! The alto is bullying!"


   heard the opposite: "Wait!"


   Qi Lei and they sang a total of four songs, one of the "Internationale" of the Tang Dynasty, and the remaining three capitals are old songs of the friends.

  Since he emptied his family last year, Qi Lei has been busy, and everyone is obsessed with learning, and there is no practice in singing.

   So today are all old songs, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Youth China Talk", "Days in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School".

   didn't sing "Chasing Dreams and My Heart", Qi Lei hadn't played the piano for a long time, and hadn't opened his voice for a long time, he was afraid that he would not be able to sing.

  Four songs, even if the time in Beijing and Guangzhou is over, it is generally very successful.

  The key is Yang Xiao, a king who brings three golds, and he is so beautiful that he will fly.

   Plus, Reviver itself has a halo blessing, so it's even more brilliant.

   However, Qi Lei was not in a hurry to step down, because he had more important things to do.

   took off the microphone.

   "I take up everyone's voice, I have something to say."

   The scene was quiet, and Liu Jixiang's heart was raised in his throat in the distance.

   It's over!

   At this time, Dong Beiguo, Liao Fanyi and the others also received news that Qi Lei took some people to the stage, so they also rushed over, watching them all.

   Qi Lei: "Recently, there has been a lot of news about me."

   "Many people also hope that I can respond to the events of the 21st night and give the public an explanation."

   Qi Lei looked around the audience, "Then, taking this opportunity today, I will make a formal response."

   "My response is..."

   "No response!"

   "Gah!?" Liu Jixiang almost didn't choke to death, from **** to heaven.

   does not respond! ?

   Saying that, Qi Lei finally decided to give it a go?

   The five fathers and Dong Beiguo were also taken aback. Brows frowned, wondering why Qi Lei gave up such a good time.

   The reporters are also stupid, don't respond? It's all for this, still not responding?

   Someone couldn't help it, "Mr. Qi Lei, why didn't you respond?"

   I saw Qi Lei smile, "First of all, beating people is always wrong, I don't think I can be above the law!"

   "No matter how I respond to this incident, it will divert the public's attention, so let it be like this!"

   "Don't mention it anymore, my grandfather often tells me that you must be responsible!"

   "Secondly, why should I respond?" Qi Lei changed his words: "It's all the past, can you let it go? It's not over!?"

   "Let’s sing and dance, how about Hapiendin?"

   "It's's really annoying!"




   is the same thing as today's statement, I am not stingy.

   Liu Ji stared at her, completely silly.

Hold! If you don’t respond, don’t respond. What do you do when you return to the following sentence?

   The more you talk about the past, the less the public will want to go, and you have to ask the bottom of it.

   This is so... I can’t make it through!

  Uncomfortable old willow.

   And Qi Lei doesn't care about it at all.

  He really didn't intend to respond to this matter, he didn't intend to respond from the beginning. Just hang it like that, it's best!

   However, if you imagine it, don't think about being comfortable. As long as this matter hangs, if you imagine it a bit turbulent in the future, you have to pull it out.

   Yin me?

   disgusting you!

   As for why I didn’t respond, there will be an answer right away.

   Qi Lei looked at the reporter, "Don't you just want news? How big is it? Let's discuss it, I'll give it to you!"


   can I still discuss it?

   Dong Beiguo: "..."

   What kind of operation is this again?

   Qi Lei, "I will give you big news now!"

   pointed at Tang Xiaoyi fiercely, "Grand introduction, my good brother, who started playing with Guangxi doll, classmate Tang Yi!"

   "Excellent student of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School! One of the co-founders of Sanshi Company! Net worth 300 million! She is 17 years old and she is white and beautiful. Which young lady would you like?"

   "Forget it, I won't tell you the phone if you look at it!"

   I poof!




   There was a hum from the stage, and when the reporter reacted, he began to shoot Tang Xiaoyi fiercely.

   How do they know that Three Stones has a co-founder?

   And Tang Xiaoyi didn't let everyone down at all. When he was excited, Beth solo started and burst instantly.

   After finishing the business, he grabbed the microphone, "Miss sister, don't look for me! I have a master!"

With a roar of   , there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

   I dare to say it! Is there a master at only seventeen?

   Seeing Qi Lei walked to the position of the drummer in the back row again, "Grand introduction, my good brother, I started playing with the doll, Wu Ning!"

   "An outstanding student from Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, one of the co-founders of Sanshi Company, with a net worth of 300 million, and an age of eighteen, which is both shady and detrimental. Don't worry about any young lady!"

   Wu Xiaojian immediately beat a drum, "Don't applaud, don't scream...low-key! Low-key!"

   Qi Lei came to Yang Xiao again, "Grand introduction, my good brother! Congguang..."

   "I'm sorry, this can't be done with light."

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

   Qi Lei: "An accidental fate made us brothers. When we were the most mischievous, Xiaoer made one of the boldest investments in life and invested the money her father gave her to buy a piano."

   "Sanshi Company, co-founder! Net worth of 300 million! This year, 18, an absolute good guy!"

   Yang Xiao grabbed Mike Feng with his backhand, "Don't listen to his nonsense! What is the money for a piano? I'm still working!"

   Qi Lei, "Yes! Yang Xiao is the first receptionist of Three Stones Company. In particular, to look mature, Xiao'er is dressed like a ghost!"

   After introducing the three on stage, Qi Lei scanned the audience again, "Student Xu Qian? Come on stage, please!"

   Xu Xiaoqian immediately jumped out happily, Qi Lei pulled, took the stage, and waved his hand toward the audience.

   Qi Lei, "Grand introduction! Outstanding student of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, super high school! Kill all the senior high school students in Longjiang Province! I can't pass her kind of test even if I half-brained my head."

   "My deskmate...My leader..."

   "The fierce man who used all the New Year's money to support me to build the Three Stones, with a net worth of 3.3 billion! Eighteen years old, beautiful and shabby, sweet or salty, considerate and non-sticky...Smart, clever, shameless..."

   Xu Xiaoqian couldn't listen anymore, she snatched the microphone over, "Shut up!"

   looked at everyone, "Hello everyone, my name is Xu Qian! I don't have 3.3 billion....I don't even have a fraction of it. I have the least shares, and Qi Lei is greedy."

   Qi Lei also snatched the microphone back, "Mine is hers! Understand!"


   There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Understand! ! Is this a spontaneous relationship?

   Oh go! Many students who have only watched the news reacted at once that they had a girlfriend, and that had nothing to do with Coco Li and Zhou Xiaohan.

   Besides, Coco Coco Lee and Zhou Xiaohan are standing underneath now. Isn't this a clarification in disguise?

   And Liu Jixiang...

   The old man wants to die again.

on purpose! He must be deliberate!

   Qi Lei on the stage introduced all his friends, and said: "There is one other brother who hasn't come. After all, he has come to the company and no one will be a coolie."

Ha ha....

   laughed in the audience.

   Qi Lei, "Actually, he is not the only one who works. But the other two executives, one is my third uncle and the other is my master, I feel a little worried."

Ha ha ha ha!

   Qi Lei, "You have to throw a silly boy to watch, how can you be greedy for my money?"

Ha ha ha ha!

   "Still laughing! This is all business!"


   Qi Ze specifically addressed the reporter: "This news is big enough, isn't it? Three Stones was made by six people, not me alone."

   "Although..." he gave a wicked smile, very sullenly, "I'll take the big head!"

Ha ha ha ha...

   There was another burst of laughter.

   When it calmed down, a reporter asked, "Mr. Qi Lei, how did Sanshi build it?"

   Wu Xiaojian jumped out, "This is another news, give me money!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Everyone couldn't help it again, only to realize that Wu Ning was also funny.

  Reporter, "Tell me a little bit!"

   In the end, Tang Xiaoyi didn't even think about it over there, "Are you going for a serious version or a nonsense version?"

  Reporter, "Everything!"

   Tang Xiaoyi, "It's so greedy! The staff remember it, don't let him in next time."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tang Xiaoyi said, "The official version is that there are six fearless teenagers, wise and martial, unparalleled in intelligence, and suave. One day at the age of sixteen, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed. There is Three Stone Company."

   "Oh...No way, God said there was light, so there was light."



   Is this so formal? Didn't you see it?

Tang Xiaoyi said again, "The nonsense version is that six idle kids want to open an Internet cafe to make money and play games. As a result, they were despised by a fat man because they didn't want to pay attention to us because of too little money. "

   "So, Brother Shishi got angry and decided to take everyone with him, he must take revenge! He must slap his face back! There are three stones."



Um! This version is more reliable, but it is also quite nonsense.

   At this time, Qi Lei took the microphone, "Now that the news is also held, is it practical?"

   Facing the reporter, "Say a few words, please be more serious!"

   "In your eyes, we are the rich and the boss of a special company..."

   "But... you ask the classmates in the audience, what are we in their eyes?"

   Let's go to the students of Beiguang, "Classmates!"

   Qi Lei stretched his thumb.

   As a result, no girl in the crowd jumped out, "Idol! Male God"

   Qi Lei, "Huh? Do you want to sign?"

Ha ha ha ha....

   After the laughter, Qi Lei said, "Yes, we are students. What are you doing to give me such an old-fashioned title?"

   "To put it bluntly, we are just a group of young people, and a company has come out of nonsense. Whether you accept it or not, it is already there."

   "So don't make a fuss, it's like an unseen city person."


Ha ha!


   "There is one more thing, I said it together today."

   "I have always been in line with the principle of thief not to go empty, and I have given you news, do I have to give me a wave of publicity?"

   The reporter looked at each other, is it too direct?

   However, I still waited silently for Qi Lei to speak,

   Qi Lei, "Actually...Three Stone Company is a bit confused when it comes to today."

   "Although we know what we are doing, our goal is not clear."

   smiled bitterly, "Then you don’t know, you really want to come out, do whatever you say, anyway, there’s a lot of money!"


   Too Versailles.

   Qi Lei, "Our five dads are all standing underneath. They persuaded us to..."

   "Say, it’s impossible for your company to do this. A successful company must have its own corporate culture."

   "Even though their business is not as good as ours."

   "Is thinking about whether to listen, who will let them be Laozi!"


   "If you make a mistake, you have to bear it, right?"

Ha ha ha ha!

  Five faces are all green, poor! You are so poor!

   Qi Lei, "Later my mom spoke, and the entire corporate culture must be acquired!"

   "Then there is no way, my old lady hasn't beaten me for two years..."


   "Itchy forehand..."


   "I ate more ribs last time, and I almost copied a broomstick. It's fun."


   The audience has gone crazy. This kind of talk show situation in Europe and America is not currently available in China.

   Qi Lei, "Anyway, I dare not listen to what the little old lady said. Besides, we thought about it carefully."

   "I don't know if I can go far anyway, but it can be very impressive!"


   Everyone, "..."

   "So..." Qi Lei paused and looked at his partner, "What corporate culture do we have?"

   Tang Yi, "Do it if you don't agree?"

  Hahahahaha! !

   Wu Xiaojian, "Call it ‘if you take it, then do it’, right?"


   Yang Xiao curled his lips, teasing Tang Yi and Wu Ning, "True beast..."

  Xu Xiaoqian, "This cannot be a corporate culture."

   Yang Xiao, "Why not?"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "True beast."


   The following laugh is crazy, who are the five bosses? These are five live treasures! !

   Dong Beiguo stared at Liao Fanyi, "I want those four too!"

   Liao Fanyi rolled his eyes and said that he wanted it?

   He knows what President Dong is thinking about. Every Qi Lei knocked out 10 million. With those four, President Dong could wake up with a smile in his dreams.

  On the stage, Qi Lei offered to do whatever he didn’t agree with, such as a real animal, "Come on and cool off!"

   turned around, "Pick it back!"

   groaned for a while, "Everyone will give me a reference..."


   Everyone, "???"

   Qi Lei muttered, "I am a person of virtue, or I don't do it, I do my best!"

   "Since I am a businessman, then I will be the best businessman and the best entrepreneur!"

   "Old Mr. Cao Dewang once said three sentences."

   "He said that Chinese entrepreneurs must meet three conditions."

   "The country is strong because of you!"

   "Society and the country will progress with you!"

   "The people are rich because of you!"

   Under the stage, Liu Ji flushed with her face.

   Qi Lei told him because of this sentence.

   The reporters and audiences under the stage are also stagnant, savoring these three sentences carefully, they are really good!

   (Lao Cao also wondered, it’s really good, but did I say it? Did I say it?)

   I only heard Qi Lei on the stage, "I think these three sentences are the conscience of an entrepreneur!"

   "Then I will use these three sentences to make the corporate culture of Three Stone Company! Do you think, all right?"


   suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was not making a fool of himself, he was serious!

   One by one, the eyeballs are round and round.

   Fuck! This is the biggest news today!

  Imagine that the CEO of Three Stone Company announced the corporate culture and motto of Three Stone Company on such an occasion!

   is even the company’s goal—

   "The country is strong because of you!"

   "Society and the country will progress with you!"

   "The people are rich because of you!"

   And this goal is so ambitious.

   Today in China, which company dares to shout such a slogan! ?

   This news is explosive!

   Liu Jixiang also rounded his eyes, with an unbelievable expression on his face.


   At this time, Qi Lei and a few friends walked slowly to the front of the stage, standing side by side in a row, and the five teenagers looked solemn.

   really no longer funny...because they are swearing an oath to the world!

   Qi Lei: "We are born in the 80s..."

  Xu Xiaoqian, "We seem to be walking ahead of our peers..."

   Wu Xiaojian, "Mom said, the hardest thing in the world is to be a role model..."

   Yang Xiao, "But we accidentally became role models!"


   Tang Xiaoyi, "We must be the heroes of the times!"

   Qi Lei, "To be the cornerstone of the motherland’s advancement! Even a brick! A tile!"

   Wu Xiaojian, "The origin of the Three Stone Company is actually the three stones with the word'Lei'."

   Tang Xiaoyi, "Today, we want to give [Three Stones] a new definition!"

   Qi Lei, "Innovation!"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "Be responsible!"

   Yang Xiao, "Model!"

   Qi Lei, "Don't be ashamed of the post-80s! Don't be ashamed of the younger generation!"

   looked down at the stage, looked at Liu Jixiang: "You old guys, listen carefully!"

   "We are here! The younger generation is here!"

   "Please be our role model! Not a foil!"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "Three Stones Company will be innovating! Be responsible! The principle of role model, all the way forward!"

   Yang Xiao, "Everyone, please witness! Everyone, please supervise!"

   Qi Lei, "One day, Sanshi will no longer innovate! No longer have a role! No longer a role model!"

   "Please throw it away!"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "Because it is not what we dream of!"

   Yang Xiao, "This! This is the culture of Sanshi!"

   The audience was quiet and scary, and even the reporter was short of breath.

   Suddenly, a reporter seemed to mutter to himself, and also seemed to respond to Qi Lei's previous remarks.

   "Such propaganda...I will push you to death!"

   A word, spread throughout the audience, suddenly detonated the passion of more than 10,000 spectators.




   All kinds of roars resounded throughout the audience. They were all young people, all born in the 1980s, and they were all passionate lives!

   Those five handsome guys on stage exploded. They were 10,000 times more handsome than when they rocked and posed for poss!

   Maybe, this is the young man! This is a role model!



   Masahiro justice!


   Liu Jixiang opened his mouth wide, staring at the stage in a daze.

   He finally understands, he finally knows why Qi Lei said he was smaller.

   is indeed small!

   Compared with a few enemies, Qi Lei wants more.

   He established the image of an enterprise, the soul of an enterprise.

   also shaped his personal image and the image of his partner.

   This is priceless!

   What pretends to be a face? Revenge?

Hold! Can't play with him!

   And Liao Fanyi and Grandpa Chen...

   Well, even the layman Dong Beiguo suddenly had a concept in his mind—

  【Framework】! !

   This is the [framework] Qi Lei wants to establish, what is the image of college students?

   This is his show operation!

   What he wants to shape is the [frame] of himself and the company. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   If this frame is erected, it is a bit awesome.



  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

   Thanks: [77 White Bear]’s leader is rewarded.

   Thank you: The leader of [Wind Soul and Rain Dream] rewards.

   Thanks: [Jingli]’s leader for a reward.

   Thanks: The leader of [Eclipse of the Sun] is rewarded.

   The bosses are magnificent, invincible and cute! Getting rich every day, every day goes well.

   89 alliance.

   There is still a little explanation of terms and the Pangu 2.0 press conference.

   Tomorrow should be a noun explanation, don’t read it if you don’t want to.

  Want to see, try to subvert your three views again...

   is completely different from your guessed logic.

   To tell the truth, it is my honour to have the opportunity to tell everyone about information dissemination, and at least to keep some book friends sober.

   In addition, tomorrow I will go to the city to purchase food and grass, and the update will be late, which will be less.

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