Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 30: Pangu Kaitian (2)

The release of Pangu 2.0 can be said to be the biggest challenge that Sanshi has encountered since its establishment.

Looking back at the business that Sanshi operates, and the major decisions the company has made along the way.

It was not an oligarchic behavior, or Qi Lei took advantage of the opening to seize the opportunity.

From the very beginning of the Internet cafe management business, Sanshi was the first to do it, without rivals and competition.

Under the R tree, there are opponents, but there is not much competition.

Moreover, behind the other literary websites, there is no such strong financial support as Three Stones.

This is how the website stuff is. If you have content and money, you can’t die.

To the navigation network, it is a unique creativity. Navigation network can be said to be the easiest, sweeping the battlefield of home page settings.

Then I entered the game industry to operate "Legend" and set up a 30 trading platform.

The process of negotiation and operation of "Legend" can only be regarded as a surprise.

It is still Qi Lei who used his 20-year experience to open a link, and the dimensionality reduction was a blow.

So, everything went smoothly, even if there were a little twists and turns, it was not difficult.

Only the system is the only thing. From the very beginning, Qi Lei was betting!

It was purely based on a hint of impulse and passion, and after weighing it up, I wanted to be my own system. This was the last window, and then I did it.

As for whether it can be made, whether it can be used by anyone after it is made, and whether it can be promoted, as he said at the entrepreneurial coffee shop and Nan Lao, "I don't know if it can be made, but it's worth a try!"

Even if the system is now completed and the first round of testing is completed, in fact, no matter how old Nan or Qi Lei are, there is still no chance of winning.

You have to know that in the civilian PC terminal system, windows is really a god-like existence.

Especially at home.

In foreign countries, there are at least the Apple system to support the scene. But in China, Microsoft almost occupies 100% of the market.

The brand value that others have cultivated since DOS, the user's habit is not to be overthrown.

So, you said Lei Qi is not nervous? Not afraid?

That's nonsense! !

He takes it seriously, and Old Bi Nan is nervous.

Lao Nan was unable to sleep for half the night, and took the uncle Geng to chat for half the night.

And all the efforts Qi Lei is doing now are actually for tomorrow's press conference, and they are all adding weight to Pangu 2.0.

At this time, everything about communication is clear, but a sentence from Dad Tang makes Qi Lei's expression less relaxed.

Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi knew a little bit about them.

However, the group of young eagles was a little unhappy.

Is there a music festival outside, are you still a human instructor? It's okay to call everyone back for the class.

Zhou Xiaohan is the most anxious because she is the organizer of the music festival.

Seeing that the matter was finally over, "Then what... Instructor, can we go back?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the young eagle class was full of hope.

After all, it’s young people, how happy the music festival is, let’s talk about learning if I’m happy enough.

Seeing Qi Lei grinning, "Did you understand?"

Everyone nodded vigorously, "Hmm!"

Means, you let us go quickly!

Qi Lei, "Is there nothing you don't understand?"



Everyone stagnates, this dialogue flow...

Why are you so familiar?

If I remember correctly, the young eagle squad assembled for the first time, in the TV building, there had been such a period.

Zhou Xiaohan was a little fictitious, ""

The silly dragon looked left and right, and discussed with Ma Chenyu, "Isn't there a pit?"

Da Ma pondered for a long time, "It shouldn't be there, right?"

The silly dragon was finally relieved, "That's no more!"

Qi Lei, "Okay!"

"According to what I just said, plus using me as a template for the practice of various theories, as a model for the process from my identity to the present, I will find my own perspective, and each person will have a paper."

I puff puff! ! !

The young eagle squad members collectively vomited blood for three liters, and their hearts and livers were pumped.

Zhou Xiaohan almost didn't cry, "I knew it!"

"I knew this guy was not at ease!"

Jiang Yao was stupid, "How do I write the paper? I haven't written it before! My mother has been in class for a week, okay? Is this terrible?"

The silly dragon froze for a long time, then slapped Ma Chenyu with his backhand, "It's you!"

Ma Chenyu: "..."

For the first time, I felt that the silly dragon played well.

I'm so cheap, why should I say no?

As for Matuo...

Tuo Ye was also stunned. He is currently working on the practice of combining traditional Chinese style color matching with the Mercedes-Benz brand. That matter is not finished yet, and the classroom decoration matters, and he is also needed.

Now there is another paper? It's a bit difficult!

However, after another thought, a sentence came suddenly, "Guide, you just mentioned the active effectiveness of [Third Person Effect]."

Qi Lei looked at him, "Yes!"

Takuya pondered, "Then...can the interlocking reaction of the third person under active effectiveness be used as a topic?"

Qi Lei, "..."

I don't understand! !

Liao Fanyi and the others did not understand, "chain reaction?"

Master Taku, "Don't you understand? Let me give you an example."

Tuo Ye pushed the glasses, "Take the mentor as an example. The effect of the program "Today's Statement" has stimulated the public's active demand for [the third person]."

"So, the hidden information that was not a hot spot on the Internet was excavated, that is, the information that the instructor can write songs, can write, and that he is an excellent student in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School has surfaced."

"And in the process of surfacing, isn't there a chain reaction of a third person?"




A group of people is still a forehead question mark, "What are you talking about?"

Master Tuo immediately despised, "Don’t you understand? Assuming that I am the first to see'Lei Qi can write songs', I sent the link to this post to Zhang Xianlong, then I am Zhang Xianlong’s [third person] ."

"Whether Zhang Xianlong is posting or sharing, or interpersonal communication, if Ma Chenyu sees it, then Zhang Xianlong is Ma Chenyu's [third person]"

"By analogy, in fact, each of us is the second person who needs the [third person] and the [third person] of the other second people!"




Liao Fanyi still didn't understand what Tuoye meant, "Is there any problem?"

Tuo Ye, "If this is the main characteristic of the third-person effect in the Internet age, then it is worth studying, right?"

"It's still this example. The message I got was'Lei Qi can write songs', but in order to attract more people's attention and become the biggest opinion leader, then I will make appropriate use of [hidden misrepresentation], and I will say ' Qi Lei has a very high level of songwriting'."

"When we got to the silly dragon, for the same purpose as me,'Lei Qi's songwriting level is so high that he has no opponents.'"

"Ma Chenyu:'Lei Qi Lei's level is No. 1 in China.'"

"Zhou Xiaocao:'Lei Qi has a world-class creative level'."

"Maybe the last message to you, Teacher Liao, has become'Lei Qi Lei's invincible in the world.'"

"This chain reaction will lead to inaccuracy and serious misrepresentation of information. I saw on the Internet this morning that some posts have already moved in this direction."

"So, as the [first person] source of information, do we need to study how to prevent information deviation and misrepresentation?"




Qi Lei was stunned, Tuo Ye...

Qi Lei stepped on the shoulders of his predecessors, and this is a real genius.

Master Tuo, "Give me three days to hand in your paper."

Qi Lei said: "It can be later."

Master Tuo frowned, "Three days are enough."

Qi Lei, "I mean, you can study it in depth."

Tuo Ye, "How to go deeper?"

Qi Lei, "Be a subject."

Master Tuo, "Forget it, it's time-consuming."

Qi Lei, "Give you money."

Taku Ye didn't even think about it, "Okay!"

He saw that the money was open and beautiful.

But the other members of the young eagle class are like a concubine. You can't compare with such a beast, right?

They want a paper, he has a whole topic, but I even have a big head for papers!

Looking at Qi Lei again, I suddenly discovered that this is a scam!

What about hundreds of thousands of education funds a year? What to live a good life easily and happily? fake! all fake! !

It's only a few days now? The tasks are getting heavier and heavier, and the lives of people are becoming less and less.

However, Qi Lei said suddenly, making everyone want to die even more.

"Let's go, try to look at Master Tuo!"



Zhou Xiaohan gave up, and the old lady came in with her face.

Follow him? Stop dreaming.


Everyone scolded Qi Lei ten thousand times as they walked out dejectedly.

grandson! Really not human!

The young eagle class left, and the five fathers also left. They just came to see how Qi Lei taught the students.

Well, that's not bad!

After only a few professors were left, Dong Beiguo said, "Do you need help from the school?"

Qi Lei looked up, "What can I do for you?"

Dong Beiguo, "Aren't you Pangu 2.0? How can I help?"

Qi Lei, "..."

After pondering for a long time, he slowly shook his head.

He really thought about it, but unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything to help, so he had to shook his head.

If you can really provide a little help, Qi Lei will not be polite.

Dong Beiguo, "We still have a lot of media people going out of Beiguang. I can call you some people to come to the platform, at least the publicity will not fail."

Seeing Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "The publicity of this matter has been strong enough, and the difficulties are not here."

Liao Fanyi didn't understand system or business, "Where is the difficulty?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "The current situation is like the market competition between the Mercedes-Benz car brand and a newly established domestic car brand!"

"The size, credibility, quality, and technology can't be compared with others."

Liao Fanyi was a bit stunned, that was indeed... very difficult! In this era, domestic cars have no reputation at all.

However, he still said, "What about a price war? It's cheaper than others and can always occupy a little market, right?"

Seeing Qi Lei laughed, "The problem is that this domestic product is more expensive than Mercedes-Benz!"

Pangu is a free system, but don't think it has an advantage in price.

In fact, there is no such thing.

User experience cost and time cost are much higher than windows.

This is a fact that cannot be resolved.

What you have developed in less than two years, even if you are a god, can't be compared with what others have accumulated over the past ten years.

That's not realistic.

In fact, Pangu 2.0 is really incomparable with windows in terms of technology, experience, and many other details.

Therefore, this is a small broken car that is too expensive to have friends and must compete with major international manufacturers.


Not only Liao Fanyi, but others are also a little pessimistic, "Is it so difficult?"

"Then... Is there any hope?"

Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "If there is no hope, there will be no chance!"

Qi Lei, "At present, Microsoft's just released windows2000, due to some major technical loopholes, is the time when the word-of-mouth is the worst."

"This is the only window period. If you don't grasp it, when Microsoft releases an improved version, and the number of domestic computer installations increases, Microsoft will completely unify the market."

"Then no matter how good our system is, it can only be put on the shelf and treated as a backup."

Everyone, "..."

Well, these laymen are a little desperate.

Is it so difficult?

Grandpa Chen said suddenly: "Then don't do it at all? Isn't it just a computer system? What are you doing with this effort?"

Qi Lei, "Look, most people now have Grandpa Chen's mentality, so why are you doing this?"

Grandpa Chen, "Is it wrong?"

Qi Lei, "Grandpa, let you stop studying insight models and don't engage in network communication, do you think it's okay?"

Without waiting for Chen Xingfu's reply, Qi Lei has continued to say, "Yes! Because this thing is not studied, the earth will turn around. If there is no leader in this field, it is the same to engage in the Internet and news, and it will be a big loss!"

"However, the truth is not such a truth!"

Grandpa Chen understood immediately, "Understood."

"It is possible that there is no, and the loss does not seem to be much. But, it is better to have!"

Qi Lei, "Yes! What many people are doing is not necessarily to bring about some advantages and consequences, but to tend the results to the best."

"Do it all."


No matter which industry it is, it is absolutely meaningful, and there are not many absolutely normal businesses.

With the fourth generation of aircraft, our military strength has increased by a large amount.

With an aircraft carrier, I have the pursuit of a maritime power.

With mushroom bombs, they will no longer be suppressed by Western nuclear deterrence.

There are not many such businesses that must have results.

Most people don't know if what they are doing can make the results better, but they still have to do it.

For example, HW established HiSilicon in 2004 to lay out chips.

However, Ren Lao and HW employees are actually not sure whether this department that only burns money will eventually become the winner.

However, there is a possibility of getting better, so I did it.


At this time, Dong Beiguo simply said: "In this way, when your Pangu 2.0 goes online, others dare not say that all the equipment in Beiguang will be replaced by Pangu!"

He said Qi Lei was happy, "Dong School, you can't change it if you want to change it!"

Dong Beiguo, "???"

Qi Lei simply explained to them, "The technology is not as good as people, and the user acceptance is low. These are not the biggest problems."


Dong Beiguo was startled, "Isn't this?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, no! The most difficult thing is ecology."

"What ecology?"

Qi Lei, "The computer industry is a composite industry, hardware alone is not enough, it must be a system."

"It doesn't work if you have a system, you have to have all kinds of software running on the system."

"This is ecology!"

"A new system, even if you are perfect, there are no loopholes, the security can withstand the postgraduate entrance examination, and the experience will be extremely high."

"However, this is just an empty shelf. There is no suitable software. What is the use of a perfect system for users?"

"So, the most difficult thing is ecology. Software vendors are willing to settle in your system and actively adapt."




Seeing Qi Lei smiled bitterly at Dong Beiguo, "This thing is not something you can change as the principal said. The teaching software, financial software, programming and animation software used by various departments in Beijing and Guangzhou are all scrapped. Teaching can't be carried out, how do you change?"

Dong Beiguo: "......"

Qi Lei, "Even a text document can't be opened, and the form can't be done. How do you change it?"

Dong Beiguo was stunned, this was really something he didn't expect.

"According to you, it's too difficult, right?"

Qi Lei didn't speak, his heart was silent, it was really difficult.

But it's hard to do it!

What Sanshi Company is doing now is "1", which is very small, but if it doesn't do it now, there will be no chance to do it in the future.

In the era of mobile Internet, the track of the mobile phone system, without this "1", will still catch the blind, and it will always be "0".

"Let's put it this way!" Qi Lei simply confessed to a few teachers.

"We are not doing nothing in terms of ecology, but we can barely guarantee the daily Internet needs of non-professionals."

"Other ecological software and professional software are not capable or authorized to do it."

Many things don't mean that Sanshigong can do it for you, and you can't do it for you.

Just like WPS, you take the initiative to find someone else to adapt, and you don't need to pay for it. Three Stones will do it for you, and they will ignore you.

Dare to do? That is infringement.

Qi Lei, "We can only rely on the manufacturers to invest in it. However, this requires scale."

Dong Beiguo, "What's the scale?"

Qi Lei didn't even think about it. "Currently, there are 31 million computers installed in China. Don't think about foreign markets. Now there is no chance at all."

"Pangu 2.0 must reach at least 5% of the installed capacity, that is, more than 1.5 million, in order to systematically complete the next phase of testing."

"It will probably reach 20% to attract manufacturers to transplant the software used by daily users. For example, instant messaging software, games and so on."

"The migration of those professional software is more difficult, it may take 40%-50%, that is, about 15 million installed capacity, in order to attract them into the ecology."

These things have been counted countless times by Three Stones.



Qi Lei, "With 1.5 million installed machines, the Pangu system can successfully complete the test and launch the next version."

"With an installed capacity of 6 million plus, the original ecological construction can be completed, which means it can survive."

"With more than 15 million yuan, the Pangu system can break away from the line of life and death, and it can barely be called a qualified system."

"Even so, we don't have the qualifications to confront Microsoft head-on. People beating us are still strong men beating children."

Dong Beiguo is speechless, 15 million? Beiguang hasn't even arrived at 1,500 units, so he really can't help much.

In fact, this is just like the future generations of Hongmeng. No matter how well Hongmeng does it, the user's word-of-mouth will be well received after the release.

But it's useless!

The most important thing is ecology, which can only survive if it reaches a certain scale.

Dong Beiguo is very curious, "Then how much installed capacity can you guarantee now?"

Qi Lei, "320,000 units."

"How many?"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "320,000 units! Internet cafes under the Three Stones have basically signed a system update agreement. We own 320,000 computers."

Dong Beiguo: "Then you still have a difference of 1.2 million?"

Qi Lei, "You can say so."

Dong Beiguo, "Then.... where does the remaining 1.2 million come from?"

Qi Lei, "Flicker!"

Not only Dong Beiguo, everyone is stagnant, "What?"

Qi Lei, "Rely on Flicker! It depends on how many fans can be circled and how many people can Flicker at tomorrow's press conference."



Now everyone understands, this is the difficulty of hell!

That's exactly what happened, how else can Qi Lei worry about it?

How can you not worry about it?

This is like a student in Beiguang, who is studying well, and suddenly came to a pheasant university. The major is not as good as Beiguang, the teaching staff, and the teaching hardware are not as good as Beiguang. Then I persuade you to transfer to our school?

What's more, the tuition is more expensive than Beiguang.

Just say, who wants to go?

Dong Beiguo grinned, "Is this not good to fool?"

Quietly asked Liao Fanyi, "If his image is shaped, can he fool many people tomorrow?"

Liao Fanyi rolled his eyes, "Which is so good to fool!? I guess... I must be disappointed!"

From the perspective of Liao Fanyi's professionalism, he still disagrees with Qi Lei's theory of relying on face and relying on face to do big things.

Where is that easy?

To describe it with a more professional communication concept is the four elements of communication [Content] [Media] [Audience] [Effect].

Applying to the Pangu 2.0 press conference is:

[Content]: A new, not too advanced system is released.

[Media]: Qi Lei, a press conference hosted by an unreliable and young company boss.

[Audience]: So computer users (that is, Microsoft windows users).

[Effect]: That is the goal, the worst is to fool 1.2 million users.

Just say, in this hypothetical model, what is the chance of success?

Liao Fanyi smiled bitterly, "He might as well spend some money down-to-earth and ask a heavyweight star to endorse it! Spend a little, it's not a big money to him."

Dong Beiguo nodded, "It makes sense!"

Qi Lei's combination of tricks is pretty slippery. What is not about crisis public relations, but about image shaping.

The effect is also good, [the advantage is scary], [the third-person effect] used to fly, really make everyone stunned.

However, cognition is hard to break, unless you really have seen it.

In their view, no matter how successful Qi Lei's image is, will any celebrities succeed?

The boss of a company has the appeal Are there any idols who have the appeal?

So, anyway, they think that what Qi Lei has done should be of little use.

Of course, the main thing is that I haven't eaten it, and haven't seen it before. I don't know what effect this thing has.



That's all for today, no state, adjust it.

The key is that the Pangu 2.0 press conference and the follow-up survival test are a complete big plot, trying to get the status back, and it will be finished for a few days in a row.

Thanks: [Half Free Time]’s leader for rewards.

Thank you: The leader of [One Broken Wolong Out of the Mountain] is a reward.

The bosses are magnificent, the boss is rich, thank you for your support.

93 alliances.

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