Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 41: What kind of show operation is this?

This chapter is not a climax, but it is an important transition.


   I hope you don’t miss it and look carefully.




   The car glided on the streets of Shangbei, which is not too wide.


   Watching the people in towns and cities on both sides of the street immersed in the taste of the New Year, Lao Qin and Wu Ning did not speak anymore, just enjoying them quietly.


   At the door of Mr. Qi's house, Tang Yi, Qi Lei, and Zhao Wei were kicking snow at the door and chatting.


  Wu Ning got off the car, Tang Xiaoyi scolded himself, "Let you follow me in a car? This is slow!"


   Wu Ning pushed his glasses and tightened the down jacket tightly, "I can die later!?"


   "Hey!" Tang Xiaoyi stared, "I didn't take care of you again, right?"


   was talking, staring, and acting as if he didn't accept it.


   And Wu Ning immediately persuaded, "Look, what anxious? Shouldn't I wait for your brother? Right?"


   Tang Xiaoyi had the upper hand, he felt like he said, "This attitude is not bad..."


  The words were not finished yet, but Wu Ning had already unknowingly stepped up to his back, slammed forward, strangled his neck, and threw Tang Yi into the snowdrift beside the road.


   "Come on! You call it a few more words! Or call it!?"


   Greeting Qi Lei, "Stone, go up!"


   Tang Yi was overcast, while cursing, he stared at Qi Lei, who was leaning forward, "Fuck, two beasts!"


   screamed for help, "Brother Weizi! Help!"


   saw Zhao Wei happily, and didn’t step forward, "Don’t call me about your brother three!"


   just said so, but the snow and fog kicked up under his feet, and Tang Yi's face was full of Yang Yang.


   "Three beasts!"


   Old Qin sat in the car and didn't get out of the car.


   It was Wu Ning who had just talked to him in the car, but now it was Wu Xiaojian who was mingling with the brothers.






   There are not many children from the Qi family who come back this year to accompany the old man during the New Year.


  Life is like this, it can't be perfect.


  From the Qi family's side, of course I hope to report back every year.


   But, Qi Lei's aunts have been back for two years, and if they return this year, the parents-in-law and mother-in-law should have opinions.


   Therefore, in addition to Qi Lei's family of three, two of Qi Lei's uncles are back. Only the eighth daughter, Qi Yujin, is here.


  The reason... Qi Yujin has officially entered the ranks of older leftover women in this era, and she has nowhere else to go.


   However, fortunately, there are more outsiders this year, and Qi Yujin has escaped.


  Even Qi Guodong was engaged. Although he was too busy this year to fulfill his grandfather’s ambition to get married and have a grandson, it can be considered a solution to the marriage.


   She is the only one who is single when she is thirty.


   There are outsiders, and Qi Haiting can’t say anything about her.


   Generally speaking, this year's passing is quite lively.


   The old man heard that the grandson was going to sell a part of the business to do something big, not only did he not pour cold water, he encouraged Qi Lei anyway, "young people should do what they want, and the Lord supports you!"


   Regarding the decision to sell 30 to pay, Guojun Qi and Guo Lihua didn't have any comments after learning about it.


   The father and son took advantage of no one to chat, and after hearing some of Qi Lei’s reasons, Qi Guojun supported them.


   During this period, Wu Ning and Wu Lianshan also had an in-depth conversation between father and son.


   No one knows what the two father and son said, but Wu Lianshan was a little excited afterwards.


   I also drank two more cups of New Year's Eve dinner, and I still had a lot of energy with Qi Guojun.


   proudly chanted to the monarch, "My Ningzi is not worse than a stone!"


   Qi Guojun heard this, but Tang Chenggang couldn't stand it anymore.


   Seeing how Tang Xiaoyi looked, it was not pleasing to the eye, and almost itchy hands.


   scolded in my heart, **** it! You give me a little bit of anger!






   years later, Chang Lanfang and others began to perfect the entire acquisition plan.


   After seven days in a row, it was stuck on a seemingly inconspicuous but very important issue.


   That is, the entire acquisition plan can be roughly divided into three stages, in simple terms:


   The first stage: Open up Hong Kong Imagination.


   That is, start with the stock market, and then break through the small shareholders, and gradually acquire the shares of Hong Kong Imagine, and finally, get the control of Hong Kong Imagine, which is the manufacturing of physical computers.


   But, here comes the problem, it is impossible to pass the stock market.


   This is not a TV series, let alone Zheng Shaoqiu's "Big Times". It can simplify the stock market trading to the extent that the audience enjoys it.


   As long as you start to manipulate the stock price, Imagine will respond immediately and make unpredictable countermeasures.


   When Imagine discovered that when someone tried to intervene from the secondary market, in order to preserve the company's interests, they might not hesitate to use the current funds to insure the price and protect the company.


   Once it enters the stalemate between the company's central controller and the aggressor, it will be difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time, and even the company's defender has a much greater chance of winning.


  Because they can play a lot more cards than the aggressor.


  In other words, in fact, the first step, the stock market, is the most difficult one.


   At this point, Wang Wenli’s advice is, “Find an absolutely reliable trader and try to avoid premature intervention due to excessive tension.”


   Qi Lei asked, "Sister Wang, can't you?"


Wang Wenli said: "I can, but I can't guarantee 100% control of the situation. Because in this kind of situation, there is another very important factor, that is, the trader must be naturally not alert. And I don't have this. a little."


   The reason is very simple. If a stock broker who has been engaged in securities trading in Hong Kong stocks for many years suddenly starts to manipulate the share price of Imagine, then even if Imagine knows it, or even knows that she will have some losses, it will only be regarded as normal short-selling for profit.


   For another example, if Imagine an acquaintance around him does this, Imagine will relax his vigilance, just normal stock market rules.


   However, if Wang Wenli, a stranger, suddenly rushed in and went short to eat, that would be another matter. I imagine it is possible to make different judgments and reactions.


   Qi Lei probably understood what Wang Wenli meant.


   Old Qin said at this time: "We can provide a few qualified candidates, but..."


   Old Qin wanted to say that even so, he couldn't be 100% sure that his imagination would not be countered.


   but didn't want to, Qi Lei was lost in thought at this time.


  Because, he also thought of a trader, a trader who meets all the conditions that Wang Wenli said, and no one is more suitable than this trader.




   "Give me some time, I have a personal choice, let me think about it!"


   Everyone looked at Qi Lei, "Who?"


   I saw Qi Lei had been immersed in the closed loop of thinking, and the whole person was stuck in it.


   However, he instinctively reported a name, "Dexun Bank"


  Old Qin stared suddenly, "Who?"


   Other people are also a forehead question mark.








   "Desheng? That's right?"


   Even though many of you don’t know about Qi Lei and Desheng’s holiday, they also know one thing, that is, the imaginative Liu Jixiang and Desheng have contacts.


   Are you going to find Desheng? Desheng can't sell you?


   However, Qi Lei no longer answered.


   was silent for half an hour, and suddenly said to Old Qin: "Give me the entire detailed information about Desheng in China."


   Old Qin almost didn't laugh, so he really picked Desheng? But it is also simple.


   About making a phone call, after a while, the fax was sent to the Lotus Group, and Dad Tang personally went and retrieved it.


   Qi Lei got the information, like a treasure.


   With the help of data, some memory fragments of his previous life were inserted into it.


   Throughout the whole day, until the evening, Qi Lei yelled strangely, whether it was excitement or excitement: "It's Desheng!"


   Everyone looked dumbfounded, "Desheng? What do you think?"


   "Why is Desheng?"


   "People... will help you get Liu Jixiang?"


   Isn’t this a mouse escorting a cat?


   Don't die to earn money!




   Early February, which is just before the fifteenth of the first lunar month.


   Lin Wanxiao returned to Shenzhen, and went to Hong Kong with Lao Qin the next day, and registered a computer parts agency named 【Kistler Technology】.


   On the other hand, Qi Lei contacted the office of Desheng Investment Group in Central China through the official channel of Three Stone Company.


  In my own name, I invited Desheng to send a responsible person to Kazakhstan for business negotiations.


   This matter is new, Sanshi Company asks Desheng to negotiate? It's still an invitation from Qi Lei.


   Several key persons in charge of the Desheng Greater China region received the invitation letter and sat in the conference room for a whole morning and did not figure out why Qi Lei would look for them?


   Especially the manager Wen who had been to Shangbei with Dong Zhanlin had his teeth bitten off.


   "What way is this?"


   In his opinion, even if Qi Lei went to **** to find the devil to do business, he would not find Desheng? The hatred is so deep.


   You must know that the biggest loss Desheng suffered from Qi Lei was the loss of Monsanto's cooperation because of Qi Lei.


   You think, I originally went to Shangbei to help. Monsanto is just a melon-eater.


   As a result, I didn’t help, but lost the research sampling team in the entire Greater China region. That is Monsanto’s top genetically modified expert team!


   If there is no collective betrayal, maybe the fruits of genetically modified soybeans will come out.


   is still in a lawsuit with the Hong Kong company that is digging a corner, and the prospects are extremely bleak.


   For this reason, Monsanto broke off directly with Desheng and went to cooperate with HSBC instead.


   Desheng suffered a great loss this time, all because of this Reviver.


   Now he still has the face to come to the door?


   "What should I do?" Davis, President of Desheng Greater China Investment, looked at Manager Wen, "You are the first person to contact this Xiaoqi President. It is up to you to decide!"


   Manager Wen wants to scold his mother, he decides? Of course he was letting Qi Lei die as far away as possible!


   But, Davis is his immediate boss, if you ask so, it means Davis has his own ideas. If he adds personal grievances into it, he will be uncomfortable!


   pondered for a long time, "I'll see him!"


   After listening, Davis smiled with satisfaction, "Wen, you are a qualified manager. In the investment industry, those who can bring you benefits are friends, and only those who have nothing to do with them are enemies."


   "Obviously, you know this very well."


   After complimenting, he said, "Let Jamal accompany you! He has just arrived in China and he is not familiar with him yet, so he just went to learn more."


   looked down at Jamal, "You have to cooperate with Wen to see how he turns the enemy into our customer."


   Jamal smiled and nodded, "Wen is my predecessor, don't worry, I will cooperate fully."


  Wen manager: "……"


   Some helpless, but there is no way. This is the workplace, and Davis is still worried about him after all.




   So, on February 4th, the manager Wen and his deputy Jamal made a special trip to Harbin and checked into the Martier Hotel under the arrangement of the Three Stone Company.


   There is a partnership agreement with Sanshi Company, and most business customers live here.


   The next day, Manager Wen met with Qi Lei in the Ma Dier Business Hall.


   Seeing this young man who had caused him a headache in the past, Manager Wen kept his expression professional, but he couldn't calm down in his heart.


   Xin said, I hope this annoying young man can bring me performance.


   stepped forward and shook hands, "Xiao Qi is always impressive!"


   has puns, which not only points out the trouble Qi Lei has brought to Desheng before, but also praises him for his courage to find Desheng.


   The two sides shook hands and sat down. Qi Lei smiled lightly at the compliment of Manager Wen.


   "Isn't this apologizing for you, and a gift?"


  Manager Wen was startled, apologize? Gift? What gift?


   reluctantly squeezed out a smile, "I don't quite understand Mr. Qi's meaning."


   Qi Lei, "I can't open the capital turnover, can I ask you to borrow some money, okay?"


   Manager Wen is almost out of anger, is this a gift? Seems to be asking for me, right?


   The surface was calm, "I still don't understand Mr. Xiao Qi's meaning."


   Qi Lei said! "It's very simple. I'm short of money. Desheng lends me some, and I will repay your personal feelings again!"


   "Favorites?" Manager Wen rolled his eyes and became interested, "What kind of favors?"


   I saw Qi Lei with a smile: "I pledged [30 payment] equity and loaned 15 billion."


  "The method can be an option to borrow, two years. After two years, Desheng can choose to accept the repayment of Three Stone Company, or use 40% of the [30 payment] equity as the repayment."


   "This person is big enough, isn't it?"




   Manager Wen missed a beat in his heartbeat, and the first reaction was a pie in the sky! Really willing! !


   The second reaction is: Are you kidding me!


   The key is not to borrow 15 billion, [30 payment] is not worth 15 billion now.


  The key is to have the right to borrow money!


   Two years later, 40% of the [30 payment] equity? Everyone knows that the value is definitely far more than 15 billion, and this transaction is definitely not a loss.


   Then why said Qi Lei was teasing him? Because of this it is impossible.


   It is not that Qi Lei is not so stupid to figure out this account, but that Desheng cannot get 40% of the [30 equity].


  The reason is that there are financial controls in the country.


  Foreign financial institutions engaging in financial business in the country and setting up financial companies shall not account for more than 30% of the shares.


   How do you give me 40%? This is a bad check.


  Furthermore, even if two years later, the domestic foreign financial policy is suddenly relaxed, Desheng can get this 40%, which is not very attractive to Desheng.


   Even if Qi Lei wants to give it, Desheng doesn’t have to!


   This is not a question of making money or not. But...


  Don’t forget, state-owned banks have already stepped in [30 payment].


   The previous 140 million acquisition of 5.6% of the [30 payment] shares is not so much a capital investment, as a warning to everyone.


  Warning [30 payment], warn those financial institutions that covet this piece of fat, don't think about it!


   What else did Na Desheng come in for? Looking to clean up?


   This is China's turf, and his foreign investment is not so rampant yet.


  To achieve the goal of Desheng in finance, they no longer rely on making a little financial product to make a profit. They rely on the policies and trends of various countries to make money.


   This is the avenue!


   Therefore, when it comes to the red line, Desheng is absolutely cautious and then cautious.


   Manager Wen said in his heart, Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi, are you using Desheng as a fool? Or treat me as a fool?


   If he didn't resist the temptation to agree to this loan for a while, Manager Nawen's career in Desheng would have ended.


   Desheng does not raise waste!


   was a little angry and came with expectation, but Qi Lei was obviously insincere.


   Just about to say something ridiculed, he was suddenly startled again, no, such a clumsy trick, doesn’t it look like Qi Lei’s handwriting?


   Now, whoever businessman regards Qi Lei, the supernova that turned out to be a fool, is a fool.


   Which businessman is not studying, Qi Lei's series of operations in recent months.


   It is impossible for him to use a trick with obvious loopholes?


   Manager Wen drew back again, thinking quickly.


  Since he knew that Desheng could not get 40% at all, what was his intention?


   is to leave room for bargaining? Not like it! Use this method to leave space? Disgusting.


That is……


   Suddenly thought of a possibility, Qi Lei just said "giving favor".


   suddenly raised his head, "Mr. Qi, do you know a lot of news about upper-level decision-making?"


   I saw Qi Lei jokingly and did not answer directly, "I heard that Desheng is forming a securities company with several domestic companies and is applying for a comprehensive license?"


  Wen manager: "!!!"


   I'm sure, almost certain, Qi Lei knows 80% of some upper-level decisions.


  Manager Wen, nodded, "Desheng Gaohua!"


   This is no secret in the industry. Desheng is indeed setting up a securities company, and it is actually responding to the domestic policy of "limiting foreign shareholding to less than 30%".


   Qi Lei turned the head of the conversation here, which is equivalent to telling Manager Wen that he does know something about the policy.


   This is what Qi Lei calls a favor.


   As for this person's love?


   First of all, Desheng is the first foreign-funded financial institution to enter China, and it is also the first foreign-funded bank to set up its presence in China's financial market.


   It started in 1995.


   It's just that it is because of financial control that Desheng can't make a big splash in the mainland.


   The wolf of Wall Street is always looking for opportunities, looking for opportunities to enter the world's most potential "hunting ground" in the future.


   Judging from Desheng’s internal analysis and judgment, it will be sooner or later for the mainland to open up its financial market and relax financial controls on foreign capital.


  Especially after joining the WTO, the trend must be changed.


   And when the east wind blows, whoever owns territory in this "hunting ground" can seize the opportunity.


   Therefore, Desheng began to deploy in the mainland before Citi, HSBC and other international capitals had not recollected it.


   At the very beginning, just a few years ago, someone approached Desheng to set up a joint financial institution, but at that time Desheng was not interested in the 30% shareholding ratio.


  Desheng wants absolute control. Only in this way can they let go of their hands and feet and use Western advanced financial means to reap the inland financial markets.


   So, it dragged on until 2000, when it officially joined the WTO, Desheng felt that the time was about to start the preparations for [Desheng Gaohua].


   Of course, the current Desheng Gaohua is still unable to break through the 30% stake.


   However, they all said that it is a wolf, and it is a wolf from Wall Street. Naturally, there are ways to make arrangements in advance and bypass some rules appropriately.


   The news of Qi Lei is really too important, indicating that Desheng is in the right direction.


   This favor is really big!


   "Mr. Qi!" Thinking of this, even if the manager Wen Qi Lei had some personal emotions, he completely returned to the professional qualities of a professional manager, and his attitude completely changed.


  As Davis said, capital, as long as there is interest, it is a friend!


   smiled brightly, "I think we can have a good talk."


   Qi Lei also responded to Manager Wen with a bright smile, "I think so too."


  Manager Wen, "Let's talk about it, what is Xiaoqi always planning?"


   15 billion, 40% of the shares, Mr. Wen didn't mention it.


   That was just an introduction to repay the favor. It was a joke. He was not too stupid yet, thinking that Qi Lei would release such a big piece of meat.


   Qi Lei didn't go around, and didn't mention the 40% thing, but stated the actual needs.


   "2 billion, pledged with 10% equity. Low interest, preferably no interest, repayment in two years."


  Manager Wen groaned, "It's a bit unreasonable."


   This 10% is just a pledge, Qi Lei has nothing to do with Desheng as long as he repays the money.


  The problem is that now 10% of [30 payment] is not worth 2 billion.


   Moreover, this is not the point of the problem.


   suddenly said: "Can you ask Mr. Xiao Qi a question?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


  Manager Wen, "I'm curious, Three Stones should have sufficient funds? As the most profitable and debt-free company in China, it seems that there is no need to borrow 2 billion, right? Can you tell me the whereabouts of this capital?"


   This is the key. What do you borrow 2 billion for no reason?


   "This..." Qi Lei hesitated, "This, Desheng cares a little bit more, right?"


  Manager Wen frowned, and the more Qi Lei didn't say it, the more suspicious he became.


   "President Xiao Qi, even if Desheng agrees to borrow the money, he has the right to know the general whereabouts of the funds."


   I saw Qi Lei listen, and felt a little embarrassed, "Is this matter...Is it necessary to be held accountable?"


   Seeing Qi Lei hesitated, Manager Wen is currently using negotiation skills to chase after him, "Mr. Qi, this is a must! Please recognize this. If you can't get around, we have to be responsible for the safety of funds."


   "Okay!" Qi Lei heard the words and spread his hands.


   Manager Wen thought his pursuit worked, but he didn't want Qi Lei to say, "Then I think the negotiation can only end here."




   Manager Wen, the ducks all came out.


  Fuck, can you play the cards according to the routine? So it's over?


   But on the surface, it can’t be expressed, "’s a pity."


   I'm very sorry to bite my teeth again, it's so irritating!


   But without hesitation, he got up and left.


   This is also a technique, there can be no weakness.


   The first meeting just ended up unhappy.


   Thinking back about it, Manager Wen is so painful, what have you talked about?


   But, I can’t rush. There are only two things he can do now:


  First, and Sanshi Company consumed it.


   Manager Wen has this confidence, and the operation of state-owned banks' shareholding [30 payment] is simply robbing, which makes the relationship between Three Stones and domestic banks very stiff.


   If Qi Lei wants to borrow money urgently, there are only two choices: local banks and foreign banks.


   And the local small banks in China, faced with such a large loan amount, the conditions such as interest must be very harsh.


   Don’t forget that this was only 2001, and 4 billion is not a small amount.


   Therefore, Qi Lei doesn't have many choices.


  Secondly, he must figure out what Qi Lei did with so much money.


   It is not just curiosity, but after discussing with his deputy Jamal, Manager Wen and his deputy Jamal agreed that Qi Lei’s purpose of borrowing the money is definitely not simple, and it may be related to Desheng.


   Otherwise, he won't react that much, he just ended the negotiation after a few questions.


  What is he hiding?


   So, Manager Wen showed patience while paying attention to the movements of Sanshi Company.






   Three Stone Company.


   In the meeting room, Nan Lao rushed around.


   "It's over, it's over, it's over! Desheng is suspicious!"


  Lao Nan is a technologist after all, is there anyone like Qi Lei in his heart?


   was a little uncomfortable, "Little Stone, is it really right to find Desheng?"


   Lao Nan can't figure it out. Once Desheng knows the true purpose of Sanshi, will he not report to Liu Jixiang? Then what are you talking about acquisition?


   Regarding this, Qi Lei gritted his teeth, "Uncle Nan, you don't understand them, these wolves from Wall Street, they have no friends, they only look for interests!"


   "As long as the benefits are large enough, my dad can sell it!"


   Old Nan stopped talking, and sat down in a chair, "I can only hope that you are right."


  Wu Ning is looking at Qi Lei, not trying to find Desheng right or wrong, "What should I do next?"


   Qi Lei, "Wait! Wait for them to be alert!"


   Wu Ning frowned, "Alert?"


   Qi Lei, "Three Stones want to enter the computer manufacturing industry, so they can only dig it out by themselves. We said it, but it would go wrong."


   Wu Ning understood, he pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Let them dig, you can't do it too deliberately, right?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


   Old Nan was a little anxious, "This is too difficult, right?"


   What a thought, Wu Ning said, "It's not difficult, leave it to me!"


   After finishing speaking, he grabbed Qi Lei's phone, called a number from the phone book, and dialed it.


   Qi Lei looked at Wu Ning blankly, a little curious, what can he do?


   I heard Wu Ning talking to the phone: "Hello? Is this Mr. Zhang Quanan from the Jiguang Internet Cafe Chain?"




   "I'm from Three Stone Company, I'm going to discuss something with you. Can I come to Harbin a few days in advance and sign the agency purchase contract?"




   "Yes, the day after tomorrow, you and Mr. Guang Zong should come together."




   "Forget about the others, let's have a chance in the future, it's not convenient now."




   "Oh, by the way, I changed the hotel for you. It is not very convenient on Madiere. Can I change to Lihua Hotel? The environment there is also very good."


   After a phone call, Wu Ning threw the phone to Qi Lei, met Qi Lei’s smiling face, and spread his hands, "How easy it is!"


   Qi Lei nodded, "How simple? I didn't expect it!"


   Nan Laona didn't quite understand, "Is this all right?"


   I saw Wu Ning look over, "Okay!"


   Old Nan, "Why don't you... take Zhang Quanan's gang to Madir for a round? What if Desheng didn't notice it?"


   Wu Ning, "You don't need to be too deliberate, it's just right now."


   "If I were Desheng, I would definitely pay attention to these details. That's enough."


   is not only a reminder, but also a reminder.


   Just like that, two days later, Zhang Quanan and Guang Zijin from Jiguang Internet Cafe and Shun Teng Internet Cafe came again.


   While keeping an eye on Sanshi, Manager Wen finally noticed some unusual behavior.


   The two bosses of Jiguang Internet Cafe Chain and Shun Teng Chain appeared in the headquarters of Sanshi!


   What do these two companies run three stones for?


   And, strangely enough, isn’t Madiel a hotel where Three Stones accepts business customers?

   However, Manager Wen did not see these two people in Madiel.


   In other words, two people were arranged by Three Stone Company in other hotels. Why?


   This analysis question is actually not difficult. The benefits that the two families can exchange with Sanshi are obvious.


   Pangu system and Sanshi management software are what the two Internet cafe chains need.


   What benefit can those three stones get from them? Sanshi needs equipment supply.


   But, two billion!


   Such a large sum of money is not as simple as finding a supplier, right? They can all be suppliers themselves.


   Besides, why can't you tell yourself? Why did Qi Lei react so much? Don't talk about it directly?


   Because of the relationship between Desheng and Imagine? It is no secret that Desheng and Imagination are closely related...


   After a series of inferences, Manager Wen immediately came up with the greatest possibility.


  Sanshi wants to assemble the computer by himself!


   Otherwise, no matter what he does, he will use less than 2 billion.


   Thinking of this, Manager Wen laughed.


   said to Jamal: "Young is young! Business is business. As long as it can bring profits to Desheng, who will bring personal relationships into the business?"


   Jamal nodded, "Wen, you really are a professional manager just like Davis said."


   Okay, this boastful manager is a bit painful.


   Public is public, private is private, and he was also forced out.


  If Jamal isn't around, it might be another result.


   smiled lightly, "Wait! If Sanshi really wants to do computer assembly, they will find us sooner or later. Only we can lend him money!"


   After another two days, Qi Lei finally couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to find the manager.


   "Brother Wen, in a word, can this money be borrowed?"


   Manager Wen smiled secretly, he won this round.


   still adhere to the principle: "I can borrow, but I want a reason."


   Qi Lei, "Then add 2 billion, 4 billion in loans, can you borrow it?"


   Manager Wen was stagnated, but why did it suddenly double again?


   Give up his seat to Qi Lei, "Mr. Qi, don't worry, sit down!"


  After Qi Lei sat down, he smiled and said, "How do you say? 2 billion and 4 billion are the same for Desheng, but I still need funds to go."


  After seeing Qi Lei's embarrassment, Manager Wen said again: "Well, since Xiao Qi is always embarrassed, then don't say it, let me take a guess, okay?"


   I saw Qi Lei immediately alert, "You know?"


  Manager Wen smiled triumphantly, "Mr. Qi, there is no impermeable wall. You have to trust Desheng's ability to grasp the news."


   "Let me take a guess! Sanshi wants to produce PC equipment by itself? Completely solve the dilemma of being stuck?"


   Qi Lei was shocked, "You!!!"


  Manager Wen waved his hand immediately, "Don’t worry Xiao Qi, listen to me!"


   "As the regional manager of Desheng, my first responsibility is to seek development for Desheng, not personal gain or loss!"


   "Although, I have a good relationship with Dong Zhanlin and Imagine, and I have had some unpleasantness with Xiao Qi."


   "However, I still have professional ethics."


   "I will not transfer the news I heard from Mr. Qi since childhood to tell your competitors, or simply be enemies."


   "Please trust Desheng's professional standards!"


   Qi Lei seemed to relax a little, and said to his heart, I believe you are a big-headed ghost! Did not say?


  Don’t say it because you get better benefits from Laozi, otherwise you think he won’t say it?


   was still in a state of horror, seeming to ponder for a long time, and gritted his teeth, "It doesn't matter!"


   looked up, "I'm here today to talk about this. Now that you have guessed it, it will save you trouble."


  Manager Wen nodded, "Actually, you said earlier, there would be no more trouble."


   "This way!" Manager Wen said generously, "If you don't charge anything else, just charge the news that Xiao Qi Kuang had previously disclosed. In the end, no matter how much you borrow, Desheng will definitely borrow this money!"


   Qi Lei said, "That...the best!"


   Wen manager, "Not only that, we also cooperate with many manufacturers abroad, and we can also provide Mr. Xiao Qi with a little experience."


   Qi Lei, "It's not necessary."


   Turned back to the topic, "Then it won't be long-winded, 4 billion! Can I borrow it?"


  Manager Wen, "Can you tell me why it suddenly doubled again?"


   This is another problem that he cares about, and the two astronomical managers are not idle either.


   He analyzed the Internet cafe business of Sanshi Company this year. Last year’s equipment purchases were 320,000 units. According to the normal growth rate, in 2001, the equipment demand of Sanshi Company was at least 400,000 units.


  If they want to produce by themselves, the production line capacity needs to be at least 500,000 units per year.


   To build a computer assembly factory from R&D to fully autonomous, it was almost 2 billion investment, which just confirmed his guess.


   It’s just that I didn’t expect it, how come it doubled when Lei Qi came today?


  4 billion is not a problem of too much, but too much.


   "Can you tell me the reason?"


   Qi Lei gritted his teeth, "Yes! Originally I planned to build a self-sufficient production base for Sanshi Company. But..."


  Manager Wen was surprised and thought of something.


   As a result, Qi Lei immediately verified his guess, "As a result, the plan has changed now."


   looked at Manager Xiang Wen, his eyes were full of excitement, "I have orders for more than 1.4 million units per year!"


"How many!?"


   Manager Wen jumped up, startled.


   Qi Lei, "1.4 million units!"


   Wen Manager stared at Qi Lei for a long time, and suddenly said: "Sorry, I have to leave, Xiao Qi always waits for me for a while."


   After finishing speaking, Manager Wen returned to the bedroom and closed the door, seeming to be arguing with Jamal.


   then made another call for more than ten minutes, and it took a full twenty minutes to come out.


   "Xiao Qi is always sure...1.4 million units?"


   Qi Lei didn't talk nonsense, and took out a copy of the contract from his carry-on bag.


   Manager Wen saw that he was short of breath. It was indeed 1.4 million.


   This is the equipment agency contract signed by Zhang Quanan and Guang Zijin on behalf of the Internet Cafe Association and Sanshi Company.


   I understand it all at once, Jiguang and Shun Teng Lai Sanshi Company originally came to sign the contract.


  1.4 million...


  1.4 million! The 1.4 million that is still in demand from Imagine...


   Is that...


  Manager Wen is glad to have just made that call.


   Because of this 1.4 million contract, it is not a 4 billion loan. This is a big deal!


   Qi Lei also instantly upgraded several grades.


   From Qi Lei's perspective, he needs a 4 billion loan.


   But from the perspective of Desheng, the meaning of this loan, 1.4 million computers, is much greater than 4 billion itself.


Is    a little confused?


   I knew immediately why Manager Wen was so excited.


   At this time, Qi Lei heard some impatient voices, "4 billion! 20% of the [30 payment] equity pledge! Two years, can you just say it?"


   Manager Wen sat down and officially started the second argument negotiation, "The conditions...unreasonable!"


   Qi Lei didn't argue, "So the manager can set the conditions!"


   Manager Wen laughed, "Have fun!"


No nonsense, "4 billion low interest, or simply interest-free borrowing. But you have to pledge 30% of the 30 payment shares. I can’t do this, Desheng wants to protect the security of assets. Regardless of the future [30 payment] How much is it worth, that's also a future thing."


   "Moreover, Desheng really has no desire to get involved in [30 payment]."


   The background of a state-owned bank alone kept Desheng sober. 30 The payment prospects are good, but there is no need to struggle with state-owned banks on China's turf.


   Qi Lei seems to be thinking, but in the view of Manager Wen, he actually doesn't need to think about it. The 1.4 million contract has been signed.


   "Yes!" Qi Lei finally agreed.


   "In addition..." Manager Wen hasn't finished.


   "There will be an additional selective loan of US$268 million."


   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.


   Manager Wen smiled mysteriously, “I don’t remember the previous suspicion that I helped Mr. Qi get it done for the 4 billion interest-free loan. Then, shouldn’t Qi always do me a favor?”


   Qi Lei lags behind and seems to understand something.


   "It turns out that's the case."


   smiled and said: "If what I heard is correct, the other shareholders of [Desheng Gaohua] that your group is forming also have debts of US$268 million with Desheng?"


   I saw Manager Wen lowered his head and smiled slightly: "The manager Xiao Qi is worthy of a business prodigy, you can see it clearly!"


   "Yes." Do not hide, "This is another additional condition of Desheng. For this 268 million US dollars, Three Stones must inject capital into [Desheng Gaohua] and become a joint shareholder."


   "When your country liberalizes the foreign financial policy, Desheng has the right to use this part of the equity as the repayment of the 268 million loan."


   This is the real purpose of Desheng.


   also only owns 30% of the shares, but can control the root cause of [Desheng Gaohua].


   Including Sanshi Company, Desheng Gaohua has a total of 6 shareholders.


   If you see the list of these six shareholders, you will immediately understand many things.


  The largest shareholder is not Desheng, but [Imagination Holdings].


   Yes, there is Liu Jixiang's participation in this.


  The second largest shareholder is Desheng.


   is followed by [Zhihua Investment], this is the one that we asked for a joint venture in the past few years, but was not interested in it.


   Then there is [Lin Yuan Agriculture], a large domestic food and agriculture enterprise, the general manager is Dong Zhanlin.


   [Xingzhou Investment], a securities company of Xiangqi.


  The last is [Three Stone Company].


   First of all, why is Imagine the largest shareholder? If you add Three Stones and reallocate equity, Imagine predicts that it can still reach 30%.


   That's because Desheng wants to pull the flag.


  In this era, I am still very sensitive to foreign financial institutions, and also very vigilant.


   Therefore, Desheng needs a banner in front.


   Desheng thinks that the Chinese market is crazy, but the control is too strict, and it is impossible for you to be a foreign financial institution to call the wind and rain. You can only imagine it.


   After all, Imagine is the largest shareholder, and anyone who checks it can push Imagine to the front of the stage.


   "You see the boss as an imaginative, Chinese Academy of Sciences state-owned assets, I Desheng only provides international professional financial experience."


   And the reason why Imagine and Desheng are together is to earn a good reputation.


   This is the first domestic joint venture financial institution, which has a milestone significance.


   Liu Jixiang needs this first name, or where does the reputation of pioneering reform come from?


  Secondly, why does Manager Wen have to pay for Sanshi to invest in this stock?


  Because in addition to Imagine Holdings, the other four shareholders-Zhihua, Lin Yuan, Xingzhou, and Sanshi, all have a capital of 268 million U.S. dollars.


   Moreover, these few companies happen to have a debt relationship of 268 million yuan with Desheng, and it happens that the method of borrowing is: borrowing with the right to choose!


  In other words, Desheng has the right to choose four companies to use funds to repay the loan, or choose to use the equity of [Desheng Gaohua] to repay the loan.


   Understand now, right?


   Except for [Imagination] this tiger skin, the remaining shareholders are under the control of Desheng.


  Desheng can not only intervene in the domestic financial market under the name of imagination, but also can grasp the actual control power of [Desheng Gaohua].


   As soon as the policy was relaxed and the 30% limit was eliminated, Desheng could immediately recover the equity of several small shareholders through the loan agreement, and truly grasp the absolute control of [Desheng Gaohua].


   At that time, I imagined that this tiger skin would be useless, and I could stand aside.


   In later generations, Qi Lei’s time and space, after the financial policy relaxation, Desheng carried out the above operations, instantly ahead of other Wall Street counterparts.


   This brutal wolf of Wall Street did not show its fangs until this time.


   At that time, it was the only foreign-funded enterprise with a comprehensive financial license in the Mainland. It immediately began to harvest A-shares wildly, attacking agriculture and real estate in multiple lines, and fully harvesting the wealth hunting road in the Chinese market.


  Due to its worldwide influence and the ability to manipulate futures and financial markets during this period, Desheng also has capabilities that other financial companies do not possess.


   That is, the international futures market can be leveraged to in turn influence the domestic financial market.


   For example, Desheng once focused on the stocks of Shuangh Group. First, it shorted the stock market, which caused the stock price of Shuangh to plummet and took the opportunity to buy a lot.


   Then, in turn, go to the international futures market to drive up feed prices


   Shuang-h’s main business is pork. The international feed prices have soared, causing pork prices to skyrocket, and Shuang-h’s stock price has naturally risen.


   Finally, on the eve of the financial crisis, Desheng cashed out and left the market.


   There are too many examples like this.


  Western Mining, China National Aviation Oil, China COSCO, Shenzhen Southern Power, China Southern Airlines, Eastern Airlines, Air China, Prince Dairy, etc., all have the shadow of Desheng.


   Desheng's layout and hiding in China for nearly ten years finally paid off.


   And [Desheng Gaohua] is their most important piece, and it can also be said to be the root of everything.


   As for why do you want to pull on Reviver? That is another story, a big business to be revealed soon.




   Qi Lei heard the offer from Manager Wen, and no matter how close his brows were, "You throw me and Imagine and Dong Zhanlin together, aren't you looking for a fight?"


  Manager Wen of course knows that these three are not in harmony, but for the greater benefit, he must pull on Reviver.


   pondered for a moment, "There is always a solution!"


   Qi Lei thought for a long time, "Yes!"


   "But, I don't take a share in Three Stones Company!"


  Manager Wen, "Then in what way?"


   Qi Lei, "I will register a new company and participate in Desheng Gaohua, can I?"


   Manager Wen frowned, isn't this a bit more contemptuous?


   said, "The legal person is you?"


   Qi Lei, "No!"


  Manager Wen, "Mr. Qi, is this unnecessary?"


   You are not a legal person, do you think I am stupid?


   Qi Lei, "Don't worry! Am I not here to pick myself up? I really don't want to mix with those two!"


   "In this way, I put my future computer business in the new company, can I feel relieved?"


   Wen Manager heard, "This is no problem."


   but Qi Lei grinned, "Then your conditions are finished?"


   Wenjing thought, "There is one more thing. In the future, we and Imagine will have some business overseas. At that time, if Xiaoqi is interested, he can also participate."


   Qi Lei frowned, but his heart was agitated, here it is!


   said, "What business?"


   Manager Wen smiled, "You will know then."


   Qi Lei nodded superficially, but secretly said in his heart, "I know if you don't say it!"


   secretly went through the dialogue between the two carefully, and said to his heart, it’s almost done, let’s get to the point!


   Qi Lei, "Mr. Wen's conditions are all finished?"


  Manager Wen nodded, "What? Xiaoqi always has other needs? Just mention it!"


   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "I really do! Otherwise, what am I looking for you for? Do you really think I have nowhere to find money?"


  Manager Wen: "???"


   suddenly realized that it seemed not as simple as he thought.


   "What are the conditions? Xiao Qi always talk about it."


   But seeing Qi Lei bared his teeth, his fangs appeared.


   "I want Desheng to trade and help me win most of the stocks that Hong Kong can imagine."


   I poof! ! !


  Mr. Wen takes a bite of blood, go to your uncle! Was it waiting for me here?


   Thinking about it again, that's right! With an order of 1.4 million, if Qi Lei does not occupy the magpie's nest, he will not be able to build a factory if he has money in a short time!


   Therefore, Qi Lei didn't want to borrow money to build a factory from the beginning, but imagine it! !


   Even if Manager Wen knew that Qi Lei got Hong Kong Imagination, he just got an empty shell.


   But this is enough!


   is also much more convenient than building a factory by yourself, and it is much faster, and it can solve the problem of 1.4 million equipment immediately.


   looked at Qi Lei in a daze, "Mr. Xiao Qi... it's a good calculation!"


   can't laugh or cry, " did you think of asking me to do this? You are not afraid..."


   Before he could finish speaking, Qi Lei interrupted: "Mr. Wen, think about it, Desheng is definitely not a loss for this matter!"


  Wen manager: "……"


   Just as the manager was stunned, Jamal had a different mind.


   He didn't have so many unpleasant intersections between Wen Manager and Qi Lei, and he immediately realized that Desheng did not lose the deal.


  What imagination? What Liu Jixiang?


   When the 1.4 million order is lost, it is not necessarily what it is like to imagine! It would be stupid to talk about friendship at this time.


   could not help reminding manager Wen, "Wen, I think it is really worth considering."


  Wen manager: "……"


All right! After he calmed down, he judged that he did not lose!


   After thinking about it for a long time, the manager Wen suddenly asked, "Mr. Qi, if you can get the imaginative factory, you just want to settle the internal orders?"


   But Qi Lei smiled contemptuously, "Mr. Wen is too small for me, right?"


   "Of course I want to make it bigger and stronger! Not only must Liu Jixiang bow his head, not only do I have to dominate the country, but if I have the opportunity, I have to seize the foreign market!"


   "Oh!?" When Manager Wen heard that he had the intention to go overseas, he immediately became energetic.


   said without a trace: "Foreign markets, it's hard to get through!"


   Qi Lei flattened his mouth and said, "It's really difficult! But it's hard to find a way!"


   "It really can't, build a factory overseas!"


   Without waiting for the manager to speak, Jamal couldn't help but robbed him, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome."


   Qi Lei stopped and looked at Jamal, "What do you mean?"


   Jamal smiled, "Xiao Qi always thinks, how about the ibm brand?"


   Qi Lei was immediately surprised, "That's your American totem! What's wrong? What's the matter with suddenly mentioning ibm?"


   Jamal, "Are you interested?"


   Qi Lei was stupid, "You...what do you mean?"


   Jamal said no more, but Manager Wen took the conversation, “This is all something to be said. Let’s talk again when Mr. Qi wins the Hong Kong Imagine Computer Factory!”


   "Desheng may be able to give President Xiao Qi such a chance!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   Everything is clear now.


   The reason why Desheng wanted to accept Lei Qiqi [Desheng Gaohua] was actually because it took a fancy to the order of 1.4 million units of Lei Qiqi.


   With this order, Qi Lei’s assembly plant will be the second or even first in China as soon as it is built, and he will be eligible for overseas acquisitions.


   In the original time and space of Qi Lei, this location is for "Great Wall Computer".


   Of course, in Manager Wen’s expectations, Sanshi is nothing more than a competitor, a small character with the qualifications to enter the game.


   But, now Qi Lei says he wants to be creative, that's different, he immediately jumped to the dealership, the fattest sheep in the hunting ground.


   What is a business larger than a 4 billion loan?


   is the pc business of ibm! !


   This is the real goal of Desheng.




   There is a famous saying in Desheng: "Greedy is a long-term investment."


   Therefore, Desheng’s corporate culture seldom pays attention to short-term short-term profits, but instead focuses on long-term fishing.


 The loan of RMB 4 billion is not very attractive to international financial giants like Desheng.


   However, Qi Lei, who received a 4 billion loan, is definitely a huge piece of fat.


   This is the reason why Manager Wen wants Qi Lei to invest in [Desheng Gaohua], and it is also the reason why he promised to help Qi Lei gain control of Hong Kong Imagination.


   He was waiting for Qi Lei to fall into a bigger pit.


   This pit in the previous life was dug for Imagination.


  The source of the matter should start with the declining pc business of ibm.


   From the 90s in the future, the totem-like ibm in the hearts of Americans has not been as good as one year in the PC business.


   There is no way, the younger brother Dell, who came to the top of the list, has done various kinds of show operations, and his ibm market has lost a lot of money every year.


   ibm of course also thought about self-help, thought of many ways, and also consulted many financial giants for advice.


   But the final conclusion is: "Cancer! Give up!"


  Without help, ibm decided to sell the pc business.


   As for how to sell, the task of consulting and operation falls on Desheng.


   Then, a classic hunt of the Wolf of Wall Street began.


   Originally, bm wanted to sell the pc business to Toshiba Waguk. This is the best option for ibm.


   Toshiba was too happy at the time and wanted ibm's pc business too much.


   However, Toshiba also has a financial think tank, especially Desheng!


   If you want to put it in the eyes of normal people, then this will not become a thing!


   Time, location, harmony of people.


  Lang loves his concubine, and even finds a matchmaker, it’s hard to play it!


   Both sides use Desheng, and both sides still have the willingness to buy and sell, but... if this is the case, it would be too small to underestimate the greed of capital.


   For the ambiguity between the two parties, Desheng has different ideas.


   This thing cannot be made! You two have become happy, but I have no benefit at all! Maximize the benefits!


   Such a big merger and acquisition is rare. If you don’t have a meal, I’m sorry for the title of the Wolf of Wall Street.


   So, Desheng started the show-off operation and gave Toshiba a breeze, "You can't buy ibm, it is a huge pit, and no one can save it! If it is valuable, will ibm be sold?"


   When Toshiba really believes it, then I still don’t spend the wrong money.


  The first formal meeting with ibm, it resolutely expressed the willingness to not want to acquire, and it was very resolute.


   This thing is going bad!


   If you don’t sell it to Toshiba, to whom? To whom can Desheng get more benefits?


  Of course, it was Liu Jixiang who had just gained a bit internationally and wanted to go abroad!


   But the problem has come again. Selling to Imagine can make money, but it is very difficult to operate.


  First, Imagine is still state-owned after all, not so easy to fool.


  Second, Desheng's influence in China is not large enough.


   Third, in this era, domestic companies are still very cautious when foreign capital goes overseas to purchase, and the country is also very cautious.


   is also hostile to foreign capital.


   Yes, you heard that right, the resistance does not come from the United States, but from China.


   So the operation is very difficult.


   This is also the reason why ibm has been sold since the end of the nineties, and the acquisition was not completed until Imagine 2004.


   In the original history, Desheng really took a lot of effort to achieve the goal after a series of careful planning.


   (There is no water here, I am interested in checking it myself online, very creative.)


   Of course, in this acquisition, Imagine has funds, but the funds are not sufficient.


   This gives Desheng a chance to make a big profit. After eating and eating, he still has to provide Imagine with some loans, financial services and so on.


   can be said to be full of water.


   However, the plan has not changed as fast, and it is different now.


   Qi Lei popped out. He wants to take the Imagination Factory and has an order of 1.4 million units. If three stone company acquires ibm... this deal will be even more profitable!


   First of all, the order of 1.4 million units, the order deducted from Imagination’s mouth, will inevitably be volatile in stock price. This alone can make Desheng make a fortune.


   Then, Qi Lei took a stake in [Desheng Gaohua] and became a puppet shareholder of Desheng, which could further dilute the shares of Imagination Holdings.


   When the shares are reclaimed, Desheng holds a higher share of equity.


   Then, Qi Lei is not a state-owned asset, and there is not so much resistance as imagined.


   And he has the intention to go to sea and has no fear of ibm.


   These prerequisites will save a lot of trouble, and you can make money by lying! It is the most important point.


   Qi Lei is much poorer than Imagination!


   If he wants to acquire ibm, he can only rely on loans and financial services provided by Desheng.


   has always made more money than Liu Ji's acquisitions.


   At this moment, whether Manager Wen or Jamal, they all abandon imagination and Liu Jixiang.


   Just like Davis said, it can bring benefits, that is, friends, and irrelevant is the enemy.


   As for Qi Lei's acquisition of Hong Kong Imagine, will it affect the equity of [Desheng Gaohua]?


   I think too much, Imagine Holdings and Imagine Hong Kong are not the same thing.


   Qi Lei can get Hong Kong Imagination, but he is unable to win Imagination Holdings, which has no effect on Desheng.


   At this time, Qi Lei was also thinking that Desheng became his sniper imaginary trader, this game... is getting more and more interesting.


   I just don’t know, what if I even Imagine holdings and become the largest shareholder of [Desheng Gaohua], I don’t know what Manager Wen would think?


   Will you have the heart to kill people?






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