Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Dragon Slaying (7)

Regarding Qi Lei's speech on behalf of Beiguang, the bosses of several other telecommunications companies all smiled.

   Liao Fanyi, Chen Xingfu and other academic experts didn’t say anything interesting, just Qi Lei?

   Forget it!

   Netcom’s boss even joked, "Mr. Qi, or else don’t fix social science stuff, just talk about business!"

   "Well! Yes, this is good!" Several other people echoed, "When it comes to doing business, Xiao Qi is no worse than anyone else."

   Qi Lei was photographed by the old lady of Chang's fame, and he didn't dare to chat any more, but said: "I don't have any business experience, I don't know who I will learn from!"

   "But..." Qi Lei suddenly changed his conversation, with a mean look, "Uncles and uncles are not allowed to scold people later."

   Everyone stagnated, "Swearing? Who are you swearing at? They are all educated people. Even your rival Liu Jixiang didn’t swear at anyone. Why are we swearing at you?"


   Liu Jixiang was also seated here, and when he heard the people around him, he realized that Qi Lei's family came with Beiguang, and it was not an invitation from the Three Stone Company at all.

   This made Lao Liu even more faceless, and wanted to find a place to get in.

   is too substandard, I didn't even talk together.

  And even more horrifying is still behind, the representative of Huaxing on the side seems to know something, "Lao Liu, you still don't fight that kid, be careful of the old lady in front!"

   Liu Ji was startled and looked at Chang Lanfang, "Chang, what happened to Chang Lao?"

The person next to    smiled, "I know it by myself."

   It's no secret that Chang Lanfang favors Qi Lei, many people know it.

   This surprised Liu Jixiang.


   Let's talk about Mrs. Chang again. Don't look at her nose and eyes when she scolded Qi Lei, she will speak well for a while.

   But that's not so much a scolding, but it's supporting Qi Lei.

   As for the speech, the old lady thinks like those telecommunications companies. The technology and economic seminars are good for you to come to Beijing and Guangzhou to plate gold. It is an honor. Do you really expect your speech to guide technology? Guide economic development?

   That's nonsense!

   But having said that, some things are just like this, it doesn’t work if it doesn’t.

   Even though you know that what Beiguang talks about on stage is nonsense, you still have to let him talk!

   Furthermore, he has to be asked to speak first, including speeches on economics. They didn't finish the speech, and didn't set a keynote and direction for the seminar. Those who were engaged in technology would speak later, but they would dare to release any guns.

how to say?

   It's like, a family wants to build a house, you can't let the mason and the designer of the house speak first.

   I have to ask the family to take care of the money first to say how much money to spend to build a house, and what kind of house is the most practical.

   If the designer of the house is asked to speak first, he will open his mouth and dare to create an Empire State Building, which will make the house look beautiful, but it will be uncomfortable how to live.

   As for the Beiguang ring, what's the matter...

   I counted as a neighbor at best, and I came over to join in the fun while eating radish.

   However, even the old lady Chang did not expect that Qi Lei this "neighbor" is not simply to join in the fun, he is here... to call the shots!

   At the beginning of the seminar, all the leaders went through the normal process and looked forward to the future. They asked Beiguang representative Qi Lei to take the stage.

   Not right... Take the stage and speak!

   As a result, Qi Lei stood up, and the first sentence knocked everyone out.

  "In the future, the layout of the telecommunications industry should focus on the layout of rural areas, give priority to rural development, and popularize rural networks!"




   Everyone didn’t quite understand, "Agriculture...the countryside!?"

   It’s not funny. In this era, the urban market hasn’t been spread out, so why are you doing it in the countryside?

   Besides, nowadays, the uncle farmers are still very poor, and the network equipment is still very expensive, so it is popular in the countryside?

   "I puff!" Liu Jixiang almost didn't laugh.

   stared at Qi Lei on the stage, and said to his heart, "Are you here to be funny, kid?" Or was the enemy sent to make trouble?


   No wonder he just told the bosses of those telecommunications companies that he would scold his mother later.

   If you really focus on the countryside, these companies will have to die.

   And the few telecom company bosses under the stage are not going to scold their mothers. They just look at each other with a bitter smile, and say to their heart, you are really not shocking and endless, how did you choose such a stupid topic?

   Of course, I won't scold my mother, because it's outrageous, and it's impossible to listen to you.

  Whoever listens to you is in the brain.

  The look in Qi Lei's eyes is not right, just catch the flicker!

   But Qi Lei on the stage didn't feel embarrassed at all.

   His speech has no slides, no ppt, and he pulled the whiteboard, "We are from school, so I am used to using this thing."

   "My speech today is mainly divided into two parts."

   "First, the ‘工’ shape structure."

   "Second, the theory of communication."


   What is it?

   From front to back, from the chief leader to the observer Liu Jixiang, there was nothing to understand.

  What does this have to do with today's seminar?

What does    have to do with your development route of rural areas and urban areas?

   Finally, Chang Lanfang couldn’t stand it anymore.

   "Ahem!" Cleared his throat, frowned and reminded, "Lei Qi, don't forget today's theme!"

  No, Qi Lei nodded, "Grandma Chang, don't worry, give me some time, I will definitely not digress!"

   looked around at everyone, "I know, everyone treats Beijing Canton Fair as a dispensable thing."

   "But I really hope that everyone listens carefully, maybe it can be really enlightening."

   Everyone laughed speechlessly. Someone joked, "It's not dispensable. The concept of Internet TV by President Dong is very novel and worth studying!"

  The implication is that Dong Beiguo's technology is still on the stage. What kind of communication are you talking about? just forget it!

   But Qi Lei is still not angry, and he runs on the run.

   smiled brilliantly, "Well, you are wasting your time here, listen carefully."

   turned around and wrote the first part of the speech on the whiteboard.

   "工" shape structure.

   Qi Lei's words let everyone in the cloud know what the word "工" really means.

   "Compared with the western ‘pyramid’ structure, the ‘I’ shape is what I think will be the social structure of our country in the future.”

   Chang Lanfang suddenly came to a sudden, it turned out to be such an I-shape?

   I am a little interested, but I don’t know why Qi Lei said we are "I-shaped".

   Is there any difference between this "I" shape and the "pyramid" structure?

   Qi Lei, "The pyramid structure of the Western social class is actually the ordinary relatively unrich population, the middle class and the elite class, with fewer layers, just like a pyramid."

   "And the ‘I-shaped’ I think is divided into three parts."

   Chang Lanfang eagerly, "Which three parts?"

   Qi Lei, "I, a horizontal on the top, a vertical in the middle, and a horizontal on the bottom."

   I saw Qi Lei ponder for a moment and said: "Assuming that in the future, we will have a population of 1.4 billion, and we have basically achieved the primary modern goal of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, and we have also achieved the ideal of a strong and rich country."

   "Then the top one, provincial capitals, municipalities, special economic zones and other first-level cities, it can even be said that most of the rich population in super first-tier cities, as well as the elite class of small and medium-sized cities."

   Chang Lanfang listened, while taking notes, deducing on paper.

   For nothing else, as soon as the word "hypothesis" came out, the old lady Chang knew that Qi Lei was going to release dry goods.

   Others don't know, but she knows more clearly that this guy's analytical ability is not so strong.

Only Wen Qi Lei continued: "These people have fully enjoyed the benefits of reform and opening up, and even accounted for most of the dividends of the development of the times, including the stock market, property market, policy dividends, educational resource advantages, and the significant increase in import and export trade. Up and so on."

   glanced at everyone, "Everyone can think about it, is it true?"

   This time not only Chang Lanfang, but everyone nodded.

   This is an inevitable result, not to mention, just like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they do have an advanced advantage.

  Chang Lanfang, "Go on."

   Qi Lei nodded and continued: "These people are the first to achieve wealth and freedom of wealth."

   "They can imagine that life is more than just what is in front of you, but poetry can be far away."

   "You can enjoy sufficient social resources and personal freedom."

   "This is the one above. If we do well, this part may account for 400 million of the 1.4 billion hypothetical population?"

   Chang Lanfang stared at his own paper deduction and nodded, "At most 400 million!"

   Qi Lei, "Okay, everyone remember these 400 million!"

   continued to point to the vertical bar in the middle of the I-character, “I think this vertical bar is composed of the population of second- and third-tier cities and the migrant population of large cities.”

   "They are slightly worse than the 400 million people in terms of wealth and resources, but they are still on the rise, trying to become the top level."

   "This is like a little white-collar worker in the capital, who enters Beijing from other places, has knowledge and insight, and holds a relatively stable salary that is not high or low, and strives to stay in this city and realize the freedom of wealth."

  Chang Lanfang still nodded, this is a good analogy!

   Without Qi Lei, Mrs. Chang had already figured it out on her own, and finally came to the conclusion, "This part of the population will not be large, one to two billion is worth the sky!"

   Qi Lei smiled, and said to his heart, the old lady is still optimistic, and this part will be 100 million in later lives.

   then said: "Okay, just as Grandma Chang said, it counts as 200 million!"

   Chang Lanfang shook his head, "It's better to be conservative, and count as 100 million!"

   Qi Lei can do nothing.

   Finally pointed to the horizontal line below the I character, "The horizontal line below is the bottom-level population in the first-tier cities, the poor people in the second-tier and third-tier cities, and all the rural population!"

   is a little solemn, "This part has nine hundred million!"

   "They will miss the development dividend, and even make sacrifices for development, and will not enjoy high-quality educational resources, housing resources, and social dividends!"

   "Neither has the background, nor the ability, or even the right to speak!"

   Speaking of which, Qi Lei did not continue.

   "This is the I-shaped structure, the social structure we may face in the future!"




   All the leaders and telecommunications companies all looked at each other and talked about...

   speaks very well!

   is very deep! Even Chang Lao recognizes it, which means it's very level!

   But, what does this have to do with today's theme?

   They can't help but think too much, Qi Lei has already started the next part-related communication.

   "Lei Qi, three knowledge points, please remember!"

   "First [Knowledge Gap]."

   "Second [Limit Effect]."

   "The third [digital divide]."

   Qi Lei wrote three nouns on the whiteboard, grinned, "I won't explain professional terms."

   "[Knowledge Gap] means, in layman's terms..."

   swept the first, "For example, Mr. Liu and I!"

  Yiu Ji is excited, what is an analogy with me? It always feels like this kid didn't hold any good farts?

   Qi Lei didn’t care. He described himself: “For example, Mr. Liu and I, one of us is rich!” Pointing to himself, “one is poor!”

   pointed to Liu Jixiang, "One has a lot of knowledge, and the other is illiterate."

   "The knowledge gap between us is a'gap', and this gap is wide and narrow."

   Liu Jixiang: "!!!"

  Your uncle! The old man wants to scold his mother, you are illiterate!

   Qi Lei: "Then, we receive the same information and the same education"

   "It stands to reason that the knowledge gap between the two of us should remain the same, and even because more and more knowledge accumulates to produce independent thinking, the knowledge gap will become smaller and smaller."

   "But in fact, from the perspective of sociology and communication, this gap will become wider and wider!"

   Everyone: "???"

   don't quite understand.

   Qi Lei, "Why is it getting wider and wider?"

   "To put it simply, there are two reasons. The first is that the ability to understand knowledge is different."

   "When I see a piece of information, I can immediately expand and absorb it. And when President Liu sees a piece of information, he has to think about it, and he can't even understand it."

   "This is called knowledge and vision!"

   "The second reason is the [upper limit effect]."

   Everyone: "???"

   Qi Lei, "[Limit effect], it is said that any person has an upper limit on the acceptance of a specific information and a specific knowledge group."

   "For example, communication. I only talk about these three terms. Everyone thinks that they are new and interesting, but if I want to talk about thirty, you will be annoying!"

   "And the upper limit is different from person to person!"

   "Relatively speaking, the richer and more knowledgeable people, the higher the thirst for knowledge, the more tolerant, and the higher the upper limit."

   "Because they hope that every bit of information will be used!"

   "The less knowledgeable people have, the easier it is to reach the upper limit. Most of their acceptance of knowledge and information comes from interest and killing time."

   Everyone seemed to understand, but Liu Jixiang didn't listen at all. Call me a shit?

   Unexpectedly, Qi Lei said, "Mr. Liu, do you understand?"

   Liu Ji was startled, a little dazed.

   Qi Lei spread his hands on stage, "Look, this is the [Knowledge Gap] and [Limit Effect]."


   Someone in the audience couldn't hold back, this kid is too bad, and he never forgets a few words from Lao Liu.

   Lao Liu, too, how did you provoke such a bastard? He doesn't play cards according to the routine.

   And Qi Lei didn't care at all, he didn't hurt Liu Ji Xiangha, just to let everyone understand quickly.

   "So what are the consequences of [Knowledge Gap] and [Limit Effect]?"

   Qi Lei pointed to the last noun to explain, "[Digital Divide]!"

   I saw Qi Lei suddenly serious, "This is amazing, this is a new theory that only appeared in 1990!"

"Refers to the information gap and the further polarization between different countries, regions, industries, companies, and communities in the global digitalization process due to differences in the degree of ownership, application, and innovation capabilities of information and network technologies. Trend of differentiation."

   "It's like a child in a big city, who has used computers and surfed the Internet since he was a child."

   "And a rural child, let alone surfing the Internet, they don't even have a phone."

   "The information gap caused, and the far-reaching impact, will eventually lead to a further widening of the gap between the rich and the poor."

   "So..." Qi Lei paused here, looking at Grandma Chang, "You always study macroeconomics, you can't miss this knowledge point!"

   "The information gap is also an important cause of the gap between the rich and the poor!"

   "We advocate getting rich first, then getting rich together, getting rich together."

  Chang Lanfang, "..."

   really made him talk nonsense?

   and the others...

   Okay, so professional! Very deep!

   But here comes the problem, can you talk to Mrs. Chang? What do you show up here? What does it have to do with the telecom industry seminar?

   "Don't understand?" Qi Lei looked at the crowd and pointed to the I-shaped on the whiteboard, "The 500 million people close to the top and the 900 million people at the bottom. The gap will get wider and wider!"

   "Unmatched information resources, educational resources, and social resources will cause the [knowledge gap] to become wider and wider!"

   "And in the end, it evolved into the [digital divide]! That is not the problem of information gap or knowledge gap, but the growing rich and poor!"

   Everyone, "This..."

   Qi Lei, "If this is still not clear, then I will provide you with another hypothesis!"

   "If we don't make preparations now, let the telecommunications industry grow in big cities, and only consider economic benefits!"

   "So in the future, who is in control of all traditional media, new online media, and social voices? Whose power is in the voice?"

   Everyone: "!!!"

   I saw Qi Lei point to the 500 million, " their hands!"

   Qi Lei, "Let’s think about it again, if we want to achieve common prosperity at that time, if we want to pull the lower 900 million people up, and if the upper 500 million want to continue to maintain social and resource advantages, what should we do?"

   "If someone doesn't want to give up existing resources and don't want the 900 million to come up, what should I do!?"


   There was no sound in the audience, especially the leaders, dumbfounded!

   I really didn’t understand, Communication Studies... can you explain this?


   This is an angle that ordinary people can't see, and it's also an angle that ordinary people can't notice.

   Many netizens in later generations complained that I was averaged, and I was made rich. How about the average between me and Lao Ma.

   Many urban elites and wealthy people send out Moments and Weibo, which will make you feel uncomfortable.

   Some of the words and things done by the elites make it difficult for the people at the bottom to understand, such as those who advocate abandoning nuclear WQ, those who yelled to compromise with the West or even surrendered.

   Why are there such anti-intellectual remarks?

   is not anti-intellectual at all. There are other people’s logic.

  What is the root of Western society? It is an elite society! A very small number of elites occupy most of the social resources.

   If we compromise and surrender, then we are also an elite society. Not only will these people not suffer any loss, but they will have more control over resources.

   And what is our ZF doing? 900 million people who are making common prosperity and pulling the bottom line!

  How to pull it? There is no other way but to gradually realize the resource tilt.

   Then whose interests are damaged?

   The root is here, and the contradiction is born from this. Are those anti-intellectual remarks still anti-intellectual? It seems to have become wise.

   Many people think that with DY and Weibo, there is so much information and knowledge on the Internet, I know as much as others.

   It's a pity, it's not!

   There is a knowledge gap between a rural child and an urban child, and the effect of your upper limit is to come earlier than others.

   It's not that you don't learn well, but science determines that you can't learn.

   and the [digital divide] is even more desperate.

   A young man from Africa came to China and it took a long time to adjust to the pace of life.

   An eighty-year-old man with an elderly machine may not even be able to get on the subway in Beijing because he can't scan QR codes.

   A rural college student just entered the dormitory, facing a group of children in the city, it is difficult not to develop an inferiority complex, let alone achieve a life beyond.

   If you want to solve these problems, you can't operate according to the logic of market economy, at least the prefix of the country can't work.

  Informatization construction in rural areas, even if it does not go ahead in towns (unrealistic), it must be carried out simultaneously.

  If you follow the market, it will look like the present.

   Take Shangbei as an example. The city has an internet connection, and the town-level units below also have internet access.

   But further down, there will be no internet at the township level, not to mention the village.

   The young people in Shangbei City are already cutting "Legend", chatting on QQ, and blogging, but the young people in the countryside have never seen a computer like anything!

   You can imagine how difficult it is for the 900 million people to catch up.

   The bosses of many telecommunications companies suddenly wanted to rush up to strangle Qi Lei. This time I really want to scold my mother!

   If he was just disdain and just listen to fun before, then now, he really used communication to direct them.

   Liu Jixiang was also dumbfounded, this...

What is this situation! ? How did it become this situation?

   I just... why didn’t I listen well?

   Only Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi are the only ones who are exuberant!

   Look down on us again! ? Look down! ? Isn't it X? Are you stupid?

   is really stupid!

   Several bosses couldn't help but look at Chang Lanfang. No one is a fool. They know that the time has come to decide their destiny.

   A statement made by this old lady may determine their future development direction, whether to take a profitable route, or to lose money if they are not profitable.

  The whole countryside! If you really listened to that little **** on stage, how much would you want to post it in?

   For Chang Lanfang, this is undoubtedly a difficult decision.

   In 2001, the country was not rich, but there was not so much money to post it to you and to compensate you.

   For a grand strategy that can only be effective in more than ten years? does it worth?

   At this moment, Qi Lei saw the old lady and the concerns and thoughts of the bosses.

   suddenly moved forward, "Then you want to hear a word from me?"

   All the bosses shook their heads instinctively, "I don't want to!"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Listen! Useful!"

   The CEO of Netcom jumped out: "I really don't want to, listening to your kid is too expensive!"

  , however, Qi Lei said, "You have to think about it if you don't want to, this sentence must be said!"

  Chang Lanfang, "You say it!"

   Qi Lei, "This matter is actually for reference."

   Everyone was startled: "Reference? Who?"

   Qi Lei: "Post!"

cut! !

   Everyone rolled their eyes, the post is not a good example these days.

   You know, in 1997, why did telecommunications separate from the postal service? The postal service loses money too much.

   used to be called "Post Office".

   The desperate laying of outlets across the country, just to reach every corner.

   Then, China Telecom made money here, and China Post paid compensation there.

   But not wanting, Qi Lei said, "Don't worry, the postal service is still behind when it makes a lot of money, and it can attract more money than you!"




   is a bit speechless, because no one really believes these words this year!

   But Qi Lei jumped out, "Then what, if..."

   was a little bit shy, "If you guys don't want to do it, or... I'll come?"

   Ga! ?

   Several bosses, plus the leaders all made a strange cry.

You come? Then this matter is not that simple.

   Chief Xiao Qi does not go empty, who doesn’t know? If he catches up, there must be something tricky about this.

  The big leader suddenly came in interest, "It's not bad for you to come! Then tell me, how did you come?"

   Look around, "If you don't make a statement, how can you trust it to you for such a big thing?"

   A group of CEOs agreed and nodded, "Yes, you have to give a general logic, right?"

  , but made up his mind, if Qi Lei's plan is feasible, then this matter will not be his turn.

   I saw Qi Lei roll his eyes, when I’m stupid, right? After teaching you, what else is there for me?

  He really has a way.

   After thinking for a while, he said with a grimace: "This is something...only I can do it, and you can't do it if you know it!"

   Everyone answered him with a letter, you have a ghost expression, "Hurry up, what is the plan?"

   Qi Lei, "Okay!"

   "Actually, nothing more than subsidies!"

   "The Internet is going to the countryside, and the remote areas are temporarily inadequate, you can put them away first."

   "But, like the Central Plains, the Yangtze River Basin, Guangdong, Guangxi, and the northeast with developed traffic areas, you can try it out all at once."

   Everyone, "How to try?"

   Qi Lei, "Subsidies! Subsidies!"

   "Township subsidies for the construction of computer rooms, base stations, and server hubs."

   "Village-level units, popularize computer rooms and network rooms."

   "For the more affluent villages and towns, only part of the village will be used, and we will make up some of it."

   "You have to let the farmer brothers touch the computer first!"

   Everyone didn’t understand, isn’t this still a money-losing business?

   I understand, why Qi Lei said that only he can do it.

  He has Shenzhou. UU Reading Shenzhou Computer hasn't come out yet, but everyone knows that it sells cheaply.

   Moreover, if there is a desktop production capacity, then he has a server production capacity.

   Don’t forget, Three Stone’s server technology is unique in the world.

   If he takes this project down, then Shenzhou will be the first in sales.

   This project only follows the steps Qi Lei said. The demand for computers is huge, and the server technology of Three Stones can also be realized.

   is indeed a good way.

   However, it is obviously not that simple! !

   Chang Lanfang immediately grasped the key to the problem, "Did you just say that the traffic conditions are good?"

   "What do you mean? What is the traffic condition?"

   The old lady Chang seems to have grasped some key point, and eagerly said: "Say! What the **** is it?"



   actually wrote so much communication...

   This paragraph is what I want to write the most, I don’t know why.

   In addition, there may be people who are uncomfortable. To explain, the old man has no intention to distinguish between the poor and the rich, nor does he intend to teach anyone.

   Lao Cang is just telling everyone what I have learned. It would be an honor for me if I realized something. If you don't have any thoughts, it's just as if we were accidentally...putting a fart.


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