Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 55: Massacre.... Nielong (13).

I didn't break my word today, I was a little confused.

I don't know if the following is correct. I might have to change it tomorrow.

In addition, before you have time to correct the typo, let's take a look.

Good night.


The problem of the Lotus Group, Imagine is the media broke the news, of course, you will not be stupid enough to go out on your own.

It is still the Beijing News, the front page headline-[Aspiring young man? Still hypocritical villain! 】

The article uses Qi Lei's impassioned Internet speech as the starting point, what is for Nan Lao, what is for the owner's sake, what is there to criticize Liu Jixiang for embezzling state assets, squeezing out high-level suspicion, and so on.

I have to say that Mr. Qi has first-rate public relations skills.

But as soon as the conversation changed, he immediately wrote:

However, is President Xiao Qi himself really as frank and flawless as he said? Is his family history, and even the history of his family, really clean?

Then I enumerated that everything about the growth process of the Lotus Group is true, except that two seemingly unimportant messages are hidden.

One is that the pharmaceutical factory has been suspended for more than ten years before it was acquired by Tang Chenggang.

One is that before Qi Guojun took over the non-staple food factory, the only profit point was from government welfare.

And without these two points, it will be very flavorful.

The pharmaceutical factory has become a state-owned enterprise with a scale of 1,000 people, a pharmaceutical production license, and a variety of well-known Chinese patent medicines.

However, Tang Chenggang bought it wholly at a price of less than tens of millions, and the Shangbei government also provided tens of millions of interest-free loans.

A non-staple food factory with annual profits and complete plant, equipment, and cold chain was contracted by Qi Guojun at a price of less than 100,000 yuan per year.

As soon as this kind of news came out, coupled with the simultaneous reposting of "wishful people" to the Internet, it silenced those fans and netizens who supported Lei Reviver in an instant.

Everyone can’t figure it out, is it true? In case it is true, then...

People are used to keeping silent before the unknown.

And this, at the same time, makes those netizens who have worshipped Liu Jixiang instantly reached a point of joy.

"Fuck you M! Just say it's not a good thing, right? It's hard to lie to me!"


"Hehe, my **** is not clean, I am still pretending to be a saint, and I am drunk."


"What is embezzlement of state-owned assets? This is called authentic embezzlement of state-owned assets!"


"Seeing him rising from a tall building, seeing him banqueting guests, seeing him collapsing!"


All kinds of verbal abuse and ridicule, the voices standing in line for Lao Liu one after another.

The reversal of online public opinion seems to be staged again.

At this time, the public opinion turned, Levistein thought Qi Lei would immediately start a counterattack. After all, his previous responses were extremely sharp and abnormally rapid.

However, what Levistein didn't expect was that Qi Lei was misfired.

Yes, he stopped talking suddenly, the blog was silent as if the blogger had died.

Levistein pondered for a long time before he came to the conclusion, "Is this a pig?"

The farmer praised him!

Misfire at this time? A guilty conscience? Dare to respond? So many coping plans I prepared are not in vain?

Then you are not dead! ?

Happiness comes too suddenly.

Yes, haven't you seen such a PR? At this time, even if you edit, you have to edit a copy!

If you don't respond, won't it encourage the reversal of public opinion?

Well, Levistein didn't know, it was a collapse in later generations.

Qi Lei didn't respond, and was persuaded.

That sharp and decisive person who does not accept it will collapse?

Isn't it even more corroborating that the Beijing News's revelation is correct. Is there really something wrong with Qi Lei's family?

As a result, he could not stop him even after he vented thousands of miles, and he was all scolding Qi Lei on the Internet.

After two full days, Qi Lei suddenly updated his blog, but instead of responding, he was talking about going to the countryside online.

Among them, he also satirically imagined that he gave up the communications industry and missed this fast lane.

These are all wrong decisions made by Liu Jixiang, who is not worthy of being an entrepreneur.

But it's useless!

Isn't this the same routine as your previous imagination? Shift the target and avoid the important.

And it's counterproductive, no guilty conscience, why are you talking about these useless things?

Levistein looked at it, "Ha!" The old man laughed out loud, "It seems that he really has a problem, he really can't do it!"

Immediately formulated a counterattack plan, this time Imagine is the main attack.

Not only continued to pursue the problems of Qi Lei's family, but also dig deeper into the topic of Qi Lei's mockery that Liu Jixiang is not an entrepreneur.

Inviting people, media, and friends to show up one by one, set up for Lao Liuli.

Liu Jixiang is not only an entrepreneur, but also a role model for Chinese entrepreneurs.

As for Qi Lei, it is stinky dung!

At this time, Imagine even found Cao Lao, Ren Lao, and Zhang Ruilin through various relationships to express their views on the incident.

Among them, Ren Lao has always been low-key, not wanting to participate in these useless fights, and resolutely refused.

However, Cao Lao and Zhang Ruilin...

In this matter, they saw from the beginning to the end, and to be honest, they stood in Liu Jixiang's position.

Without it, Qi Lei was not too arrogant from the very beginning. Moreover, the Imagination handed over to Sanshi is an unknown number, and Lao Liu has been Imagining for at least 20 years.

Lao Liu is still very popular in this age.

The two set out for Yu Li, wanting this matter to end soon.

Therefore, on different occasions, he also expressed his support for Liu Jixiang.

This is very subtle.

As I said before, Liu Jixiang and these two are not in the same circle, and even outsiders expressed their support, which shows that Liu Jixiang is what everyone expects.

And Qi Lei's public opinion support has dropped to its lowest point.

As long as Liu Jixiang said a word, Levistein could launch the final general attack and make Qi Lei completely stinky.

Play public opinion with me? It's still tender!

Liu Jixiang also hated it at all, and finally won Qi Lei once!

Cut the weeds and roots! !

However, what Liu Jixiang didn't expect was that at the moment when he was about to make the final cut, someone spoke.

"The structure is bigger, and knocking down Qi Lei will not do any good for imagination."

"On the contrary, keeping him may bring imagination back to life!"

Don't forget, Qi Lei is holding an order in his hand, an order that allows imagination to tide over the difficulties.

You are really immortal with him, and that order won't come back.

how to say? The people who speak up don't actually care who Imagine and Sanshi wins, or that they hope Liu Pai will win, but it doesn't matter that much.

The important thing is not Liu, nor Qi Lei's life and death.

What they care about is whether this experimental field can support their conceptual line which is different from that of Chang Lanfang, whether it will survive, and whether it can be continued.

What they value is the idea and the route.

This is much more important than monetary benefits and distance relationships.

As a result, Liu Jixiang couldn't kill Qi Lei.

In other words, you can't make a dead hand until you think about it back to life.

How to do it? Liu Jixiang couldn't figure it out for a while.

And Levistein, "difficult!"

It is easy for one person to die, but it is difficult for one person to surrender and surrender the core interests.

At this moment, Qi Lei updated a blog.

"Tired, so annoying!"

"Uncle Liu, let's meet at a certain occasion, and let's solve it in person!"

Directly made an appointment.

Liu Jixiang and Levistein watched Qi Lei's blog for an hour.

Liu Jixiang didn't understand, did Qi Lei struggle to death or dug a hole?

After all, for more than a year, Qi Lei seems to have dug holes for him.

But, having said that, whether it was a pit or not, Liu Jixiang had no other choice but to continue.

There are two reasons:

First, he publicly clamored that if you can't follow, public opinion is watching! The last shivering, changed to Lao Liu? impossible.

Second, this proposal is very! Very! It fits the meaning of some people.

I don't want Imagination to die, but to solve the crisis of Imagination with Qi Lei's orders.

For those people, they just want to sleep on a pillow.

However, Liu Jixiang had to guard against Lei Reviver's digging.

what to do? It can only be handled by public relations expert Levistein.

Liu Jixiang's request was, "This young man is very cunning. Even though he is at a disadvantage now, no one can guarantee that he has hidden tricks!"

"So, both to meet and talk with him, but also to prevent him from using means!"

Levistein heard that this proposition is too difficult, right?

I went back and thought about it for another night. After eating half a duck, he still didn't bother him.

"It's okay for him to meet, but we have to decide the occasion, time, and place!"

Liu Jixiang, "This will prevent him? Isn't it possible?"

how? Why is Qi Lei still planting a bomb at the venue? Exaggerated, right?

I saw Levistein doing a high profile, ""

"President Liu still doesn't understand the meaning of this!"

"What this means is that this time and place is the live broadcast room of the TV station!"

Liu Jixiang: "???"

Levistein explained, "Any conspiracy is afraid of seeing the light, and any lie can't stand the test of time."

"On the live broadcast, all topics are on the bright side, and his grip on Mr. Liu is hard to tell, and it's too much involved."

"Moreover, he doesn't dare to play any conspiracy anymore. TV viewers all over China are watching him. Once he uses the trick, the audience's eyes will not escape."

"And this is a very common TV debate in our country!"

Liu Jixiang: "..."

Think about it carefully, it seems that this is the truth!

For example, he expelled Nan Guanghong, and those things about Hong Kong stocks. Lao Liu was afraid that Qi Lei would uncover the cover.

However, there is a conclusion on Nan Guanghong's affairs, he can't tell it in the live broadcast, right?

As for the Hong Kong stock market, there is something wrong with him, and Qi Lei is not clean. He will not discredit himself in front of the audience, right?

"Good way!" Liu Jixiang figured it out.

This foreigner is different, and the creativity is so unique.

"But!" Lao Liu didn't quite understand, "This is equivalent to tying Qi Lei's hands and feet to confront him. Will he agree?"

Levistein laughed when he heard it, "He can make Mr. Liu have to agree, and we can make him have to agree!"

Liu Jixiang, "How to do it?"

Levistein, "Make an announcement!"

Are you not clamoring publicly on your blog? That's okay, let's make it public too!

This time it is your turn to have to agree, otherwise, how do you face public opinion?

As a result, the Imagination announcement came out again.

Liu Jixiang invited Qi Lei to participate in a financial program, and it was broadcast live, you...are you coming! ?

When Qi Lei saw Imagine's announcement, he was stupid.

Looking back at Lao Qin, "Did you find out? Who is dealing with Imagine's public relations?"

Lao Qin, "Desheng's senior public relations consultant is called Levistein."

Qi Lei, "Tsk tut."

Shaking his head, "If I were Lao Liu, not only would I not give him consulting fees, I would have to deduct him money."

Old Qin, "What? The live broadcast hit you again?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "No."

Old Qin, "Then what are you mocking?"

Qi Lei, "I didn't even dare to think of being able to broadcast live!"

The best result Qi Lei thought of was a semi-public negotiation. The only difference from the previous direct showdown is that there is public supervision and attention.

As a result, you have a live broadcast?

Huh! ! Qi Lei really didn't dare to think about it.

Is this too accustomed to me?

When the blog responded, his hands were shaking.

"June....2...See you tonight?"

This is so special that I have no sense of accomplishment after winning.

Qi Lei feels like his luck is coming again, how come back to the critical moment, even God will help us?

Invincible again!

In fact, from the time they locked the target to Tang Dad and his relatives, the battle was doomed.

It turned out to be very simple. The other party thought that Qi Lei wanted to make a fuss about embezzling state-owned private property in order to squeeze Liu Jixiang away.

That's why he used Tang's father and his relatives to fight back.

As everyone knows, the direction is wrong, which is completely different from Qi Lei's public opinion point.

Moreover, the more they were like this, the more they helped Qi Lei go in his direction.

This is like later generations. Sima heroes fired a gun, and public opinion was fermented for a month. Many netizens still think that Sima's goal is to imagine Lao Liu.

In fact, it was wrong. Even if Lao Liu fell in the end, he was just a by-product, and his real goal was much larger than that of Lao Liu.

Not a certain person, but a certain group of people.

The key is not that the old willow embezzled and embezzled state assets, but that the wind has changed. The era when some people relied on China's big market to harvest wealth madly but did not do human affairs has passed.

Old Qin watched, "So sure?"

Qi Lei answered the wrong question, "After the second, send me two bodyguards!"

"What do you want a bodyguard for?"

"I cherish my life for fear of being killed!"

Old Qin, "..."

is it so serious?



On June 2nd, Qi Lei went to a financial live broadcast of a certain satellite TV in a certain southern province.

Speaking of which, this form of television debate is the first in China.

Lao Qin didn't go with him, and went straight back to the capital.

In Qi Lei's words, it's not necessary, it's all done today, just wait to save my life in the future.

Before leaving, everyone saw Qi Lei off, watching him drive away, really like a dragon-slaying fighter.

I just can't figure it out, how did he split a piece with this sword.


The place was chosen by Liu Jixiang, and the guests were all chosen by Liu Jixiang.

Many years ago, Lao Liu had an intersection with the director of this TV station, and imagined that he would spend millions on advertising on this TV station every year, even if the business environment is not good this year.

Therefore, even the show host has to be considered an imaginative relationship.

But even so, in order to prevent Qi Lei from putting a cold gun on the show, Levistein squatted in the directing room, and could at any time use the headset to guide Liu Jixiang on-site skills, what can be said and what can not be said.

After Qi Lei got there, he saw two "acquaintances"-Cao Lao and Zhang Ruilin.

These two people are also deliberately arranged.

The guests were all from Lao Liu, Qi Lei did not agree.

Threatened, it's all yours, I'll talk a fart! How many people can I bring? Xiao Ma, Wang Zhendong or something.

As soon as the other party heard it, he gave up. If Qi Lei brought his own people, it would be messed up, just let Qi Lei propose a few outsiders.

Qi Lei thought for a while and said the names of three people.

It was Zhang Ruilin and Cao, and there was also Ren.

It's just that Mr. Ren is too low-key. If the future generations were not in HW's crisis, the old man would rarely even accept interviews, let alone on the show.

So, Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao were left.

Imagine thinking over there, it happened that these two were both supportive of Liu Jixiang, and they were outsiders, and they were more convincing, so they agreed.

Regarding Qi Lei's proposal to let them participate, in fact Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao both refused.

Your little mess is endless, right?

In addition, Qi Lei's first impression is actually not good, and I really don't want to come.

However, in the end he agreed.

They also hope that this matter will end soon, because it takes up public resources too much.

Come, come, give Qi Lei this face.

However, the attitude after the meeting was very cold.

Without it, I don't like this kid, the method is too extreme, and the work is too unmeasured.

In this regard, Qi Leidao didn't care too much, but he said without thinking, "Two people, I am a good boy."

The old Cao's veins are jumping up, good boy? Why are you embarrassed to say it?

Before the show starts, as usual, a desk book must be read.

In fact, there is nothing right. Liu Jixiang will not tell Qi Lei what he wants to say in the show, and of course Qi Lei will not tell him.

The so-called "Taiwan Ben" is to warn Qi Lei, what can and cannot be said.

The host is a woman, the long thief is mean, and Qi Lei's attitude is not very good.

"Mr. Qi, we have something to say first, we are the public media, don't hurt us, some things are not easy to say on the program!"

"Just like..."

Qi Lei was a little impatient, "I see."

If you have a bad attitude, I won't be nice to you. Just simple things.

He also frightened the host, "I want to say something, you can stop it? What nonsense?"

He said coldly, "My consciousness is higher than yours."


The host is not angry, who is this?

Immediately start the scene, it is not good to waste time with Qi Lei, simply use the chest wheat to talk to the studio.

"Have you heard it all? Don't blame me if he has a moth or a broadcasting accident?"

The staff in the directing room couldn't help but look at Levistein.

The director has ordered that they have the final say on the technical matters tonight; the foreigner has the final say on the subject matter.

Levistein listened to the translator's narration and pondered for a moment, "It's okay."

Cut the headset call to Liu Jixiang, "Mr. Liu, go talk to Qi Lei."

"Your words still have weight with him."

Liu Ji frowned, but had to find Qi Lei.

"President Xiao Qi!"

Before he could finish speaking, Qi Lei laughed, "Uncle Liu, if you are really so scared, don't engage in live broadcasting. If you do, don't be afraid!"

Liu Jixiang, "You..."

Qi Lei sneered, "You want to live broadcast, don't you just gag my mouth?"

"Don't worry, I know what to say and what not to say."

"Those you think of, I won't mention a word!"

Liu Ji threw a sentence at the black face, "Just know it!"

Looking at Lao Liu's back, Qi Lei shook his head speechlessly, and forced him in a low voice, "I always said that your old style is not big."

With righteous thoughts, Lao Qin's phone came in.

"How? It doesn't feel good to be surrounded, right?"

Qi Lei laughed immediately, and when he scanned the surroundings, he really felt a little ambush?


"It's okay, there are a lot of people, I haven't seen anyone who can really fight."

Old Qin was speechless, "Still so confident! I thought you had to panic when you came to the scene? So I called to cheer you up."

However, Qi Lei looked at his watch, "Starting at eight o'clock, the battle will be resolved in five minutes."

Old Qin stagnated, "Five minutes, is it an exaggeration?"

Qi Lei, "It's not an exaggeration, Lao Liu can't catch this thunder, it's all garbage time behind!"



At eight o'clock, the live broadcast officially began.

This tit-for-tat has attracted countless viewers.

No way. Originally, Xiaoqi always brought his own traffic. In addition, the dispute between Imagination and Three Stones has never stopped this year. It is the bosses on both sides who have personally entered the battle, the ultimate showdown. Can the attention be high?

Facing the camera, Qi Lei was still so lazy, leaning on the sofa, looking at the people on the opposite side indifferently.

On the other hand, Liu Jixiang, Zhang Ruilin, and Cao Lao frowned slightly.

To be honest, even Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao didn't like Qi Lei's mannerism, it was too unpretentious.

Liu Jixiang doesn't matter, the more unstable you appear, the greater his chances of winning.

In fact, there is no chance of winning, it is through such a way to solve the current business crisis of Imagination, let Qi Lei face the camera, and personally promise to return the taken orders, so that Imagination can survive the crisis.

The host was not polite at the beginning of the show.

First of all, the problem of Shangbei Pharmaceutical Factory is directed at Qi Lei.

In this regard, the audience in front of the TV set a sweat for Mr. Qi.

This question is not easy to answer.

However, Qi Lei's answer was completely shocking.

"Ah? Didn't you come to quarrel today? Is it my understanding meeting again?"

I can't make trouble with the host, and wondered, "Don't Xiao Qi always want to explain to his parents?"

Qi Lei, "I don't want to! How dare I take care of my father's business, he beat me."


"Even if Xiao Qi can’t say anything, or is speechless, the affairs of Shangbei Pharmaceutical Factory and Shangbei Non-staple Food Factory have been linked to the acquisition of Imagine by Three Stones, which has caused public enthusiasm. Discussion, you should also give the public an explanation!"

This is already very sharp, and it can even be said to be a scolding.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei just curled his lips, "This is new!"

Counting with your fingers, "Whether it's compliant or not, it doesn't seem like you are in charge, right?"

"That's the supervisory authority's final say. I don't explain, but I can't represent the supervisory authority."

"I said there is no problem, and it is not the final explanation."

"If it turns out, it is also the decision made by the regulatory authorities after investigating and collecting evidence."

"To say that it is not an explanation to the public, nor an explanation, but..."

Suddenly turned to the camera, "Audience friends, it's okay, don't worry! Either brother or my dad, they can withstand the test, and I will give you a result in the end."

After finishing speaking, he spread his hands to the host, "The explanation is over!"

puff! Most of the public in front of the TV laughed. Valley

Why do you like Reviver? It's that kind of energy Qi Lei is so rare.

Just with the little kid next door, he walked into the house and crossed his legs on the kang.

"It's great! Look at people's calmness, isn't this more useful than any explanation?"

The audience was refreshed, but the host and the opposite Liu Jixiang were embarrassed.

Isn't it the live broadcast from the beginning today? Asked Qi Lei to tell me about it in a few words, so I'm going to broadcast a fart?

Liu Ji suddenly spoke to Old Cao, "Old Cao, did you see it?"

Pointing to Qi Lei, he was like a junior, "He won't talk to you well, and he can't communicate!"

"You can be fair, I have to listen to him when I am so old, you say, is this to blame me?"

Mr. Cao was framed there, and he couldn't stop talking.

Thinking about it in my heart, it's the one who is here to be the peacemaker, then do something serious!

Haha smiled, and finished off, "All China knows the virtues of President Xiao Qi, did President Liu know him the first day?"

Liu Ji smiled bitterly, and Cao continued to turn to Qi Lei, "Don't be so angry, too! You can make money if you are in harmony, how can you make money if you are not in harmony?"

Qi Lei smiled and changed his posture, "I and you, Mr. Ren, and Mr. Zhang are very kind!"

He glanced at Liu Jixiang, "But, I don't know what's going on, I can't get upset when I see Uncle Liu."

Cao Lao said, "Young people have a big temper, which is understandable. However, you have to pay attention to the impact!"

Just as Qi Lei was about to answer, the host suddenly interrupted, "Speaking of influence. Xiao Qi always knows how your colleagues in the business world evaluate you?"

Qi Lei frowned slightly, "I don't know."

Host, "Want to know?"

Qi Lei, "I don't want to."

Host, "I..."

Did not suffocate to death.

It doesn’t matter whether you want it or not, “Let’s take a look at the big screen. This is what some business colleagues say about your attack on Mr. Liu.”

After speaking, the camera turned to the big screen, and Liu Jixiang couldn't help but straighten up.

He has seen the content and it is very exciting.

Qi Lei also turned around and looked at the screen behind him.

But it's a little lackluster, nothing more than just those few.

However, in order to increase the credibility, a few people who are not in Liu's circle have been added, and they are indeed all celebrities.

Everyone recorded a VCR, all in solidarity with Liu Jixiang.

Shi Moumou: "It is not easy for Imagine to go from a capital of 200,000 yuan to today's scale. Mr. Liu's contribution is obvious to all. I personally hope Imagine can tide over the difficulties and continue to lead Chinese companies to prominence."

Lu Zhiqiang: "After I became a shareholder, I realized how fierce the competition in the computer industry is, and I also realized that there is no problem with Liu Lao’s business line. Here I want to warn Xiao Qi in general, Imagine that people are united. Don't try to destroy the hard-won fruits of victory. President Liu, as a role model for Chinese entrepreneurs, will continue to lead us along!"

Pan Moumou: "Good Mr. Liu, Mr. Qi Xiao, as the boss of a real estate company, I know that the domestic business environment like today is hard-won, and each of us is obliged to maintain such results and not maliciously destroy them. It. Finally, Mr. Liu deserves the title of role model of Chinese entrepreneurs, come on!"

XX: "The e-commerce industry is in fact a fiercely competitive field just like the computer industry. Mr. Liu is worthy of respect for his ability to break out of the computer industry! Imagine that there is much to be done as a national enterprise, Mr. Liu, come on!"




It's almost all of this set of things. In 2001, there were no new tricks.

The later generations look quite fake and very low content, but they have a lot of appeal in this era.

The audience at the scene is a little bit soul-stirring, and Lao Liu's family still has a lot of heritage! It is also the character accumulated through so many years of hard work.

After the VCR was released, the host looked at Qi Lei aggressively, "Little Qi Lei, what do you think?"

Qi Lei turned his head, "Who wrote the copy, the words are heavy."

I puff! Liu Ji sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

Staring at Qi Lei, what do you mean?

Just about to speak out, Qi Lei didn't give him a chance.

After finally finding an entry point, Qi Lei is about to take over the scene.

Moreover, Lao Qin's cowhide was blown out, and the battle was resolved in five minutes.

"Furthermore!" The voice became higher, "Why are you mentioning entrepreneurs! National enterprise benchmarks! Such words?"

Liu Ji frowned, but he couldn't answer the conversation. You can't let him say that he is an entrepreneur, right?

At this moment, Zhang Ruilin suddenly spoke, "Here, I have to be fair."

Moved, "Objectively speaking, based on Mr. Liu and Imagine's achievements today, Mr. Liu is indeed an entrepreneur, and Imagine is indeed a benchmark for national enterprises."

As a result, Qi Lei on the other side smiled and shook his head, "I don't agree."

"I want to say you Mr. Zhang, Mr. Cao, and I especially want him to be there today, but Mr. Ren, who is too low-key, said that you are entrepreneurs and the benchmark of national enterprises. I agree with Lei Qi!"

"And I am willing to use you as an example and learn from you!"

"But President Liu..." looked at Liu Jixiang, "Uncle Liu, I don't mean to be disrespectful to you."

"But, I think you are at best a successful businessman, and you don't have anything to do with entrepreneurs!"

Zhang Ruilin frowned, "Liu is finally an entrepreneur!"

Qi Lei said firmly, "It doesn't count! He doesn't count it anyway!"

Zhang Ruilin is angry, why is the kid's mouth so stubborn?

Counting Qi Lei with his fingers, "Imagine in the computer industry, tax first! Helped a large number of workers to solve the employment problem, sold Chinese computers abroad, so that Imagine has an international reputation!"

"First of all, the process of internationalization was practiced, and the social influence was great!"

"Isn't this an entrepreneur?"

Qi Lei, "This is at best an international downfall! What kind of entrepreneur is this called?"

Asked Xiang Liu Jixiang, "Excuse me, President Liu, has Imagine achieved any technological innovations for the country? What technological research and development are being promoted?"

Liu Jixiang smiled bitterly, "I have returned to technology and technology. Will Lao Nan be unable to pass this level?"

He said in a loud voice, "I have repeated it countless times on different occasions. Nangong's departure is just an imaginary change in business strategy. At most, it can be regarded as a different commercial road."

"Why is technology necessary? That's a risk! I am responsible for Imagination and national property!"

Qi Lei refused to give up, "Your responsibility is to turn your imagination backed by the Institute of Planning and Research and have R&D capabilities into a trading company?"

Liu Jixiang: "It's just a different choice!"

Qi Lei, "But you shouldn't choose this way!"

Liu Ji glared, "According to what you said, steadfastly making profits, businessmen who abide by laws and regulations won’t work, so they have to carry a burden on the road? According to you, so many businessmen in China, including your father, No, you have to sing a high profile? You have to put responsibility first and business second?"

"It doesn't make sense!"

Lao Liu was a little anxious, and didn't even listen to Levistein's words reminding him to pay attention to his emotions.

"Business is business. Reform and opening up is to make business easier. It is to make corporate marketing become independent, easy, and borderless! If you buckle your big hat, you won't do business anymore?"

I'm not polite at all, in front of the camera, I said the aspirations of many businessmen.

The business environment needs a free market and free will of businessmen!

I didn't feel happy yet, and continued: "When we are catching up with the Western economy, we must let go of our hands and feet, take a step forward, and learn from their advanced thinking!"

"Do you have to put a curse on everyone?"

"Of course, I am not saying that entrepreneurs should not have a sense of responsibility, a sense of mission!"

"It's not the time! We want to develop, we want to be profitable, and we must make money before thinking about other things!"

The words are still very powerful.

Even though Mr. Cao and Mr. Zhang differ in their ideas, they generally agree with them.

In this era, G retreats into the people, the general trend is like this! Go lightly, make money from top to bottom, get rich first, and get rich is your ability.

It's that simple and rude!

No one felt that there was a problem with these remarks, and there was a full sense of identity.

Some viewers who originally supported Lei Qi were even a little shaken, thinking that Xiao Qi was always a little too pretending?

Lao Liu is okay, he can only say that it is right to imagine the trade route.

After listening to Lao Liu's words, Qi Lei also let out a long sigh.

"Huh... OK!"

He stopped drinking, "Then let's not sing high-profile!"

Glancing at the lens of his glasses, "In front of the national audience, let's talk about something real, how about it?"

To Liu Jixiang, "Can you ask Uncle Liu a question?"

Liu Ji frowned, wondering if Qi Lei was digging a hole for him.

But this is a live broadcast, and he has no choice but to dig a hole!

"You ask!"

Qi Lei, "Don't talk about entrepreneurs, just talk about businessmen, right?"

"We just learn from the West, right?"

Liu Jixiang thought for a while, "At present, this is the only way out! The planned economy has proven that it cannot make ordinary people wealthy."

Qi Lei, "The whole school? Doesn't it fall at all?"

Liu Jixiang, "I haven't found out where I can't learn yet."

This was indeed the correct answer in 2001.

After Qi Lei listened, tapping on his head was an approval.

"Then you are a predecessor. Tell me, what will happen if Western capital develops to a bottleneck?"

Liu Ji became vigilant, "What do you want to express?"

Qi Lei smiled, "I don't want to express anything? Normal chat!"

Liu Jixiang did not dare to speak.

But it didn't matter, he didn't answer, someone could answer, Qi Lei asked Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao again.

"You two talk about how to break through the capital bottleneck?"

The two of them didn't actually think about this issue. It's a question that economists think about. It's too big and too general, and they haven't thought about it before.

However, the two did not have as many worries as Liu Jixiang, and asked Qi Lei, "Xiao Qi always has the answer?"

Qi Lei said, "I am better at summarizing, so I really have an answer."

Zhang Ruilin said, "Then Xiaoqi always talk about it."

Qi Lei, "Capital, or merchants, are nothing more than a few options when they reach the operating bottleneck, when the business is stagnant, or when they cannot meet higher profit requirements."

"First, take the risk! Trample the law! The worst thing is to trample on morals. No matter which way you are, whether you are evading taxes, or engaging in illegal business, or monopolizing to destroy the market, in short, in order to pursue higher interests, What they can do."

Everyone nodded, which was considered approval.

"Second!" Qi Lei continued, "QuanQian deal! Needless to say, right? The audience in front of the TV understands that they should seek protection of power and seek resource tilt."

Everyone still nodded, it seemed that this was just a discussion about the bottleneck of capital, and even Liu Jixiang also relaxed.

This is common sense, let alone the West, China is not without it, since ancient times, it has gone too far.

The host was no longer aggressive, but fulfilled his obligations as the host and praised Qi Lei.

"What about the third one?"

Qi Lei said the third: "Change the rules! Make the rules! Become a rule maker, are you afraid that you can't make money?"

This time the host nodded again, "It turns out that it is."

Frowning innocent, "Xiao Qi always said this, what does it have to do with today's topic?"

I saw Qi Lei leaned forward suddenly, breaking his fingers to give the host.

"The first, breaking the law! There is nothing to say about this, we are not talking about it today."

"Second, QQ transactions are legal in the West! The lobbying theory is formulated specifically for this. Which big capital does not have its own lobbying company? Didn't invest a lot of money in elections and political investments at all levels? This is a very important part of the Western economic system."

"The third rule is to change the rules of the game! There are Wall Street in the West, MLC, and countless scholars who have capital support to formulate rules and interpret the rules."

Scanning everyone, "Am I right?"

Cao Lao and Zhang Ruilin nodded in agreement, and even Liu Jixiang jumped in, subconsciously agreeing.

As a result, Qi Lei saw three people nodding, and the backhand was a nuclear bomb.

It exploded directly, and there was no countdown.

"Then three people, and friends in front of the TV, the first violation of the law, you must not do it anywhere."

"The second or third Western rule that breaks the bottleneck, which one can be used in China!?"

Cao Lao and Zhang Ruilin's heart tightened, a little transparent.

And Liu Jixiang...

Hum! ! Both ears blew in an instant, and Qi Lei couldn't hear a word of what Qi Lei said.

Liu Jixiang is not a fool, just one point!

He knew that it was broken, and that's what Qi Lei wanted to say today.

And Qi Lei's rhetorical question is not over yet, every word is condemned.

"Businessmen do not distinguish between black hair or yellow hair..."

"Where are businessmen, as long as they are doing business, one day they will encounter business bottlenecks. By that time, there are so many rules tailored for businessmen in the West, but what about Chinese businessmen?"

"Our country does not allow bribery to be legal! The rules are not for businessmen, but for the people! How can Chinese businessmen vent their desires? How can they break through the bottleneck?"

Everyone: "..."

The audience in front of the TV also had their brains running fast, trying to keep up with Xiao Qi's rhythm.

As for Lao Qin, Grandma Chang, and other people who are concerned about this matter, they are also digesting Qi Lei's words.

At the scene, Liu Jixiang was already confused.

Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao's eyes gradually brightened, and they knew what Qi Lei was about to say.

Only Wen Qi Lei continued, "When Chinese businessmen encounter a bottleneck, some people will stop! But what should I do if they can't stop!?"

"You say! What, what, do!?"

A finger stretched out, "Only the first one is left, trampling on morals, and even trampling on the law!!"

He sneered: "So you don't talk about responsibility? Don't sing high-profile? Don't talk about feelings?"

"Then in the future, capital without baggage and emotional restraint will let you see countless chaos, even now it is happening!"

This is too common in later generations:

Crazy people only know the game industry that makes money...

Milk powder of melamine...

The tofu residue project can be seen everywhere...

Inhumane developers...

Selling anxious health products for a product...

There are also sky-high 4S shops...

10 billion to move the three trillion old horse! !

The pony that everyone likes! !

And Pan Moumou, who even has to pay the difference in electricity bills! !

Etc., etc!

So that later generations have completely lost their trust in the word "merchant".

what reason?

Because of desire! Because of the bottleneck!

Without profits, how to maintain the stock price and how to maintain the swelling ambitions?

The greed of human nature is the original sin!

The common people think about so much money, are you still so greedy?

But what they think is that money is just a number, but of course the more the number, the better!

For this number, the law is not good, but morality...what a shit?


Qi Lei looked at the host and the audience.

"Commercial behavior is the easiest soil for growing desires! Of course, small merchants and small businessmen who run their own small business with peace of mind will not need these, nor can they think of them!"

"But it's a different matter for big businessmen! Sooner or later! Business will meet a bottleneck! Sooner or later! Wealth will make you stand on the cusp! Become the focus of everyone!"

"Not to mention trampling on morals, indifferent human feelings, even if this uncle is not there, a small flaw in such a position will be infinitely magnified! What will happen at that time!!? The businessman panicked!?"

"This is not the West yet! There will be no opportunities to formulate rules to exploit the people, and there will be no lobbying companies to let you collude with power and money! Intertwined protection nets"

"How do you protect yourself? Are you afraid or not?"

After a pause, "I'll be more straightforward! Western capitalism, capital is king, everyone has protection!"

"We are a people-oriented country built by the toiling masses! So what is your umbrella? It's not power! It's not the bad money of capital! It's a special people! When you really suffer, the voice of the people is your umbrella. !"

"So..." glanced at Liu Jixiang contemptuously, "Don't talk about corporate marketing without borders."

"That's right! But I have to add one sentence---enterprise, industry, family, ownership, country, and boundary!"

"Don't say anything about singing high-profile, and still carrying a burden on the road? That is not a burden, it is a life-saving charm! The elixir of crossing the catastrophe! It is a businessman of the level like Uncle Liu, which must be considered a responsibility! Otherwise, you will not have a good end! !"

"Also entrepreneur?" Qi Lei was hi! No matter what the live broadcast is not live.

The expression is called a wonderful, that is called a mockery: "You are a fart entrepreneur!?"

With a loud voice, "Be an entrepreneur in China! You have to have a sense of urgency for national rejuvenation! A strong sense of mission for the country! A sense of responsibility loved by the people! Otherwise, what kind of entrepreneur do you call yourself? At best, you will be a big man!"

"Don't say anything, international companies this and that! What kind of bullshit?"

"Backed by a large market like China, are all big international companies going up there? You just have the scale of an international company!"

"Take it! Responsibility! What do you have with awesome technology!?"

"Like Mr. Huo in Hong Kong! Mr. Ren in Shenzhen, Mr. Cao and Mr. Zhang present, they are worthy of entrepreneurs!"

"I respect them as men! Even if it is not a major international company, I think that is a role model for Chinese businessmen!"

"I am willing to take it as my goal and strive for a lifetime!"

"Are you old?"

"Haha! Go and play as early as possible!"


Killed crazy again!

And it's cool.

At this time, in front of the televisions of thousands of people, all were silent...

No applause... and no thinking!

Can't think anymore.

Guojun Qi and Guo Lihua deliberately found a TV in the factory. At this time, Comrade Qi was sitting in danger! !

It's like sitting in the army.

Fists with both hands! The joints were white and even trembling slightly. Nice job!

And Guo Lihua...

There are also doubts, what kind of breed is this?

Xu Xiaoqian deliberately escaped to study late, curled up on the sofa, hugged her knees in a daze.

Walking next to Xu Wenliang, he was not irritated by her daughter's skipping class, but was more focused than Xu Xiaoqian saw.

This son-in-law, really made it for a while.

Lao Qin was sitting in the office comfortably, holding hot tea, and watched Lei Qi slaughter everywhere.

"Oh... right!"

"As soon as this passage comes out, are you going out!? Are you going out? See who is still doing business with you!"

Small business is okay, but when it comes to core technology, who dares to cooperate with you?


The TV picture suddenly burst! ! The signal is broken! !

Someone cut off the live broadcast signal.

A tit-for-tat fight came to an end.

Old Qin raised his eyebrows and looked at his watch: "Um... bragging! It's been seven minutes!"

After taking a sip of tea, the phone rang.

Lao Qin glanced at the caller ID, beamed his brows, and connected: "What instructions does the leader have?"

On the phone...

"This Qi Lei, is your willingness to take over Imagination resolute?"

Old Qin said, "very confident! And his combination with Nan Guanghong is indeed worth looking forward to..."

"Um... then let him try."

"Let go of your hands and feet, don't be afraid of resistance, tell him, do something, don't just shout slogans."

"Other things, don't worry about him."

When Old Qin heard this, he stood up, "Thank you for your trust in the leader!"

On the other side, "Speaking well, you can promote it."


The night at the end of May was still slightly cool.

Qi Lei, Zhang Ruilin and Cao Lao went out of the TV station building.

The two looked at Qi Lei with completely different eyes from before, and wanted to say something...

But I don't know where to start, Qi Lei's remarks today are good!

But it's not good too!

Fortunately, he set a tone for Chinese businessmen. In communication, this is called a frame.

Not fortunately...

He will offend a large number of people because of these words!

It's not just Liu Jixiang who fell and his followers were offended.

Rather, people with the same ideas as Liu Jixiang are no longer in the minority, and he is tantamount to smashing other people's jobs.

And apart from this, the two are also a little ashamed of Qi Lei's misunderstanding before.


I really don't know where to start.

However, one of Qi Lei's actions was to resolve the embarrassment.

I saw him take out a small notebook and pen from his bag.

"You two, please write a message to us again..."

Zhang Ruilin: "..."

Cao Lao: "..."

"Good!" Zhang Ruilin took the lead in taking the notebook.

It was the same book that Qi Lei asked them to sign last time in Longfengshan.

Zhang Ruilin's previous message is still there!

Only four words-the unity of knowledge and action

It was Zhang Ruilin who satirized Qi Lei and said something inconsistent with what he did.

And this time..... Zhang Ruilin thought for a while, and still wrote four words in the notebook.


Knowing, Acting, Unity, Oneness!

When it comes to Cao Lao, it is still four words...

Practice, deed, beginning, heart!

Looking at these eight characters, Qi Lei's smile gradually melted away, extremely brilliant...

Like the scorching sun in the night! There is this glaring.

At this time, a group of reporters came out from nowhere, and their faces were stunned.

Qi Lei didn't know what he thought, so he simply put the message on the book to his heart.

as if....

That is his military medal, and also a young man's declaration to this world!

He wants to make this world better...

The unity of knowledge and action, practice the original intention!



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