Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 57: Hear the thunder in the silent place

The blog is full of scolding, but in fact it is more of ridicule.

A joy after victory.

Although the live broadcast lasted only seven minutes, netizens saw that President Xiao Qi did not disappoint everyone and he was crazy again.

As for the Qi Lei family...

What kind of family?

Some netizens commented, "Is this a family? Then my family is bigger than Mr. Qi!"

Moreover, it seems that Qi Lei did not respond to Qi Guojun and Tang Chenggang's questions on TV, but in fact, he has already responded.

But for the family, Qi Lei also saw the netizen's message, and said to his heart, the young man is naive! Our old Qi family is indeed a bit too crowded.

Qi Lei took the opportunity to return to the capital the next day, but did not return to Shangbei.

Although the young eagle class and Liao Fanyi are still in the north and still have work done, Qi Lei estimated that it should be soon, so he simply returned to the capital and waited for the news.

Before getting on the plane, I bought a well-known big newspaper in the terminal building.

After looking for it for a long time, there was no report on yesterday's live broadcast. It was only the provincial satellite TV that was in charge of the live broadcast and apologized.

An intern reporter in Taili illegally used an electric heater, and the line was already old, which caused a major trip across Taiwan and almost caused a fire.

This is also the cause of the interruption of the live broadcast signal yesterday.

What Qi Lei saw was so refreshing, he was an intern reporter for the temporary work reform?

Without thinking about it, I returned to the capital safely.

As for why there is no report on the content of the live broadcast?

It's actually very simple, you can't get the pulse.

There are not many fools who work in the media. Even if you can't see the situation clearly, which TV station or Baozi magazine does not have a few cooperative academic consultants?

Ask and know that now is not the time to jump out and catch the eye.

The bombardment by Qi Lei is very sensitive in its deep meaning. It doesn't make a statement on the top, and it is not allowed to make random comments below.

Back in the capital, Qi Lei waited steadily at home and paid attention to the news of the media.

During the period, Viagra came back, and the look in Qi Lei's eyes was not right.

Qi Lei, "What are you looking at?"

Viagra's neck stubbornly said, "What are you looking at?"

I took something and left, just putting on my shoes and muttering to myself, "Fuck, how come you get farther and farther?"

Qi Lei didn't know what he was stunned at all!

Continue to pay attention to his own affairs. At present, there is a lot of clamor on the Internet. Netizens are all in trouble, but the traditional media has not moved at all.

As a result, Old Nan yelled to Qi Lei in the [Future] group, "Does your kid comfort me? Why does it feel wrong?"

Didn't Qi Lei say that everything is done? Why are there no signs at all?

In this regard, Qi Lei can only comfort the old man, "Trust me!"

Old Nan barely calmed down, but it didn't work the next day.

A well-known scholar with great prestige published his opinion on the live event through a blog.

First, he affirmed Qi Lei's arguments, and then implicitly criticized these remarks that may cause some dangerous signs of panic among entrepreneurs.

It probably means that our country is in the stage of economic upswing, and the enthusiasm of these people cannot be dispelled, and it should be treated rationally.

This good news didn't wait, why did it pop out of such a tune?

Lao Nan called Qi Lei immediately, "This, this, this, is this the helper Liu Jixiang is looking for, or is it something else?"

"Is it going to die?"

Qi Lei smiled inwardly, "The old man is almost hysteria."

However, Qi Lei can't say what the reason is.

It may be that Liu Ji is struggling with unwillingness to give up. After all, isn't there a foreign coach beside him-Levistein?

Of course, there are other possibilities. It is not to speak for Lao Liu, but someone is decisive, not wanting to expand the situation, and want to condense it to a small area.

Only about imagination, only about Liu Jixiang.

You must know that once Lao Liu's incident falls, the public must attribute the cause to the definition of entrepreneurs and the responsibilities of entrepreneurs mentioned by Qi Lei, including the loss of state-owned assets.

So the question is, Liu Ji is down, what about the others? There are quite a few people like Lao Liu these days, shouldn't these also need to be liquidated?

If you get to that point, you will be messed up.

Of course, there is a third possibility.

It had nothing to do with Lao Liu, nor was it to help Lao Liu, but other businessmen who had offended Qi Lei and saw the crisis, and needed a shelter.

Therefore, I found such a person and yelled a few words, hoping to be noticed.

Qi Lei doesn't know what it means.

However, Lao Qin didn't call Qi Lei, so no matter what the possibility is, the problem is not big.

However, Mr. Nan was really scared!

"You're talking!? Don't you also feel lost?"

Qi Lei had to continue to appease, "Wait, let the bullet fly for a while!"

Old Nan: "..."

It has been flying for several days, and the bullets fired from the United States have gone back and forth several times.

June 7, which is the fifth day after the live broadcast.

Official reports finally detonated traditional media.

A newspaper with the prefix of a certain country published an editorial with the headline on the front page-"Looking at Chinese Entrepreneurs in a New Play Environment".

The article did not express any opinions about the live broadcast event, or even mention it.

However, he quoted what Qi Lei said at the scene: "Enterprise marketing knows no borders, and entrepreneurs have a motherland!"

"Patriotic is the glorious tradition of our country's entrepreneurs in modern times; patriotism is the value pursuit of entrepreneurs."

"Social responsibility and national mission should never be abandoned."

The official media had set the tone, and the traditional media of all parties began to discuss.

Suddenly, a dispute between entrepreneurs confined to the Internet, ignited all over the world.

After Elder Nan saw it, he wasn't sure again.

"Isn't that mentioning our business? Is your kid reliable or not!?"

Qi Lei doesn't want to go back to the old man. In fact, Nan Lao's consciousness is not so low, so care is chaotic!

After all, Imagination can be said to be the father's heart disease.

It's a pity that the old man can't see the excitement in it anymore. That's why it is called listening to thunder in a silent place!

Even Qi Lei can't imagine the excitement behind it.

Just in time, Mrs. Chang called in. Qi Lei looked at the number and smiled brightly. The last trace of uncertainty in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Before the old lady Chang could speak, she was already perverted, "If you ignore me again, I will return to Shangbei!"

The old lady laughed when she heard it, "Go back to Shangbei? What are you going to do?"

Qi Lei, "Selling rice with my dad! Anyway, if it fails this time, the three-stone company will lose all the pants, so I can only go home and eat the old."

The old lady Chang smiled even more speechlessly, "Don't worry, it's not easy, child!"

Qi Lei said, "That's right, it doesn't matter who is trained."

Chang Lanfang raised her eyebrows, "Who did it? But it has nothing to do with me."

Qi Lei, "Why doesn't it matter? At least it is the boyfriend of your direct disciple, right?"

The old lady was amused, "I didn't agree to that matter!"

Before, Qi Lei and the old lady talked about Xu Qian.

Ordinarily, the old lady also likes Xu Qian's girl, very spiritual. At least during the Chinese New Year, Xu Qian served tea and poured water beside her, which was very pleasant.

In the beginning, Mrs. Chang simply thought that the little girl would have trouble. However, she later learned that people are not just going to serve tea and pour water.

During that time, every key point the scholars said was clearly remembered. Sometimes, who can't remember, the little girl can remind without a trace.

The old lady was indeed a little tempted to let Xu Qian follow her.

But, having said that, although the old lady has a teaching position at Tsinghua University, she really hasn't been a student for many years.

Not to mention being an undergraduate. I haven't had a Ph.D. for many years. It's really a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, Chang Lanfang had to think about it before making a decision.

I called today, of course, not to talk about it.

"Seriously, grandma asks you a few words."

Qi Lei stagnated, "You ask."

Chang Lanfang, "Do you know why I called?"

Qi Lei, "I know! There are results, right?"

The old lady didn't answer yes or no positively, but the next words were equivalent to answering all questions.

The tone is weird: "I'm satisfied now? Imagine if you can come back from the dead and get out of the predicament, it will still be a good company, at least there will be no problem in profitability."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei knew that there was a real result. However, this is something that has something to say, what about testing me?

I smiled immediately, but we can stand the test of the revolution, "Grandma, Nan Lao and I are not here to make money."

Chang Lanfang raised an eyebrow, the answer was quite fresh.

"You who do business don't make money? Don't be my old lady and don't know, you have a good idea. This is not less money than your Three Stones, and much more!"

Qi Lei here shook his head, "Grandma, don't talk about me."

Chang Lanfang refused, "What can I say to you?"

Qi Lei: "Let's put it this way!"

Take a deep breath, "Acquisition Imagination. Many people think that if we take it, we will achieve a complete victory and a complete victory."

"However, Mr. Nan and I, including Wang Zhendong and everyone in Sanshi Company, have never thought about it this way!"

Chang Lanfang, "Oh?"

Qi Lei, "The acquisition of Imagination is just the beginning."

Chang Lanfang: "..."

Qi Lei got serious: "Grandma Chang, we have a long way to go in the future, and it's difficult to walk. At this point, everyone in Sanshi Company is mentally prepared."

Continued: "Even though I am confident that it is better than Liu Jixiang's thoughts, but it is useless to manage the road we are going to take."

"We have to take the technological path and have to deploy the entire industry chain! You don't need to say anything, you know how determined we are."

Chang Lanfang snorted after hearing this, "Boy, if you didn't have this determination, I wouldn't have promised you to touch Imagination."

Qi Lei smiled: "I know! But that's not a slogan, let alone a reason to lure you to invest in me, but a truth."

"The road ahead is bumpy. There are many difficulties in this direction waiting for us. It will be a long, long road..."

Chang Lanfang stopped speaking, and she could feel the solemnity and anxiety in Qi Lei's tone.

Yes, Mr. Qi, who has always been confident, showed anxiety at the moment when he was about to succeed.

Maybe no one can understand his feelings, he knows better than anyone how difficult this road is.

HW, started the chip industry layout in 2004, but fifteen years later, he was still bruised and bruised by Lao Mi.

Not talking about chip manufacturing, not talking about upstream and downstream supporting industries, nor about other cutting-edge technologies and manufacturing foundations in electronic technology, just one chip design, HW has been doing it for 15 years!

In terms of manufacturing, SMIC was established in 2000, and 20 years later, it is still three generations behind the European and American chip manufacturing process.

Not to mention, lithography machines, lithography materials, silicon wafer manufacturing and other fields.

This is a dangerous road that even a reborn person may not be able to walk smoothly!

Possibly, in the next ten or twenty years, Qi Lei will squeeze in all the money he earned from opening the hanger, and it may not be successful.

It's just a chip design. HW has been doing it for fifteen years, with an investment of billions or tens of billions every year.

But it was just a wave of resistance when being sanctioned.

Like Hua Xing, he doesn't even have the ability to resist, so he obediently pays a fine.

A Chinese company wants Laomi to send representatives and technicians to supervise the company's operations and production.

This is to put the knife on your neck, let you go east and you have to go east, stifling all the possibility of catching up.

Humiliation is not humiliation?

But... this is reality!

Huaxing’s experience is not because he is behind, but because he is second only to HW and is the leading first echelon in China.

What SMIC is left, as well as other companies, will not leave you behind.

Because you are not qualified!

One can imagine how difficult it is for Qi Lei to take the technical route.

In a sense, Liu Ji's search for stability on the trade route is in line with business logic.

Qi Lei's approach to shouldering the mission is contrary to convention.

So, it's really just the beginning, a long way to go!

"Grandma Chang!" Qi Lei stood up, went to the window of the living room, and looked at the courtyard downstairs.

"Three Stones' current size and capital reserves can't actually support the R&D investment that Nan Lao and I had imagined."

"Furthermore, in the two or three years that Mr. Nan was not in Imagination, Liu Jixiang has already spent his old foundation fortune. Even the surviving R&D projects now seem to be outdated."

"We are almost equal to starting from scratch!"

Chang Lanfang: "..."

Qi Lei sighed, "To tell you the truth, the acquisition of Imagination by Three Stones is a bit early now! After two or three years, maybe I have no financial concerns."

"But, I can't wait, I can't wait for a year!"

"I can think of a way of funding, but technically, I get one more chance if I get off the court earlier."

"I'm... a bit desperate this time."

After Chang Lanfang listened, she was silent for a long time, she could feel it, and Qi Lei was scared.

Knowing Qi Lei for so long, this is the first time I have seen him feel unsure.


Qi Lei, "Scared!"

Old lady Chang, "Will you dare not do it if you are afraid?"

Qi Lei, "The more you are afraid, the more you will do! Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't even have the chance to be afraid in the future."

Chang Lanfang, "With this sentence, grandma is relieved, grandma did not misunderstand the person."

The conversation turned around: "Are you going back to Shangbei?"

Qi Lei also temporarily let go of his mood, "Yes, the admissions work of Beiguang has not ended yet!"

Chang Lanfang frowned, "It's already June, the school exam hasn't ended yet?"

Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "The school exam is over, the main thing is...this is more complicated in this year!"

"President Dong meant that until the college entrance examination is over, how many can be grabbed."

"Oh." Chang Lanfang understood that this year's graduates are the ones who have insight into models!

After pondering for a moment, "Then you can wait a few more days!"

Qi Lei was startled, "So fast?"

Chang Lanfang, "You can't wait, will we still delay?"

"In the past few days, several people have called me. They all agree, let's go through the procedure!"

There is an old lady Chang's saying, it is tantamount to a certainty.

"Thank you grandma!"

Chang Lanfang smiled, "Be less poor."

Continued: "In these two days, Lu Zhiqiang should be looking for you."

Qi Lei heard, "How much can he take out?"

Chang Lanfang, "About 20%."

Qi Lei quickly mentally calculated, "Enough!"

Chang Lanfang said, "That's enough!"


Lu Zhiqiang met with Qi Lei on the 9th, and it was very straightforward after the meeting.

"Fanyang Investment, the Imagination Equity at my disposal is 20.83%, all of which will be transferred to you."

"The equity transfer application has been submitted to the Imagination Board of Directors, and Liu Jixiang has acquiesced."

Qi Lei nodded and shook hands with Lu Zhiqiang, "Thanks to Mr. Lu for cutting love!"

Lu Zhiqiang was startled, and slowly shook hands with Qi Lei, "I should thank Mr. Qi."

Thanks, tacitly.

As for the formal equity transfer contract, I will talk about it later, it can take time.

However, this 20.83% of Imagine’s holding equity is considered safe.

Old Nan learned that Qi Lei had gotten 20%, and felt a little confused.

"Finally got it!"

"But, what about the workers' assembly and Liu Jixiang's shares?" Gu

Qi Lei replied, "They will not hand over the equity for the time being."

Old Nan: "???"

The old man thought he had heard it wrong, "No?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! No!"

Old Nan, "Then what are you tossing about?"

Just 20%, is it considered as controlling Imagination Holdings?

Qi Lei shook his head without saying much, and suddenly said, "Are you always packing your luggage?"

Old Nan stared, "You haven't solved the battle yet, what shall I pack? There are still a lot of things here!"

Qi Lei smiled, "Then you hurry up! Otherwise, it will be too late."

Old Nan is inexplicable, what to pack? You don't have a majority share, what shall I pack?

Liu Jixiang is still thinking, what shall I pack! ?

However, just after hanging up the call with Qi Lei, a strange and familiar call came in.

Gao Huan, the former director of the Institute of Planning and Research, and Jia Fenglin, the deputy director, were transferred from their original positions and assigned additional tasks.

Appointed the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the senior researcher of the Institute of Planning and Research, Comrade Nan Guanghong as the director, and appointed Comrade Wang Zhendong as the deputy director to preside over the related work of Imagine Holdings, and asked Nan Guanghong to return to Beijing to hand over immediately.

After hanging up the call, Old Nan didn't even think about it, and immediately called Qi Lei again.

"What's the matter!?"

"What am I...Isn't it too noisy to understand?"

Qi Lei smiled, "It's very simple, our 20.83%, plus 36% of the Institute of Computing Research, accounted for more than half of the shares of Imagine Holdings."

"Even if Liu Jixiang does not leave, we are still the largest shareholder and can re-elect the board of directors and appoint the company's top executives."

Old Nan, "But... why do you do this? Just kick Lao Liu away?"

Qi Lei said, "You must go, but you can't go now!"

"He will withdraw again when the public opinion calms down and it doesn't seem so obtrusive."

"To put it bluntly, let's just take advantage of our heads and give Lao Liu a good face!"

"In other words, it is not to give him dignity, but to leave room for other businessmen to give everyone peace of mind."

Old Nan held back for a long time, "Don't tell me about these twists and turns in the future!"

He slammed the phone and went to pack up.


Liu Jixiang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the president's office, gazing at the sunset in the modern jungle.

Buildings in the distance blocked half of the setting sun, like a **** moon gradually sinking to the west.

I can only hate that it is a little dazzling, and the moon is setting in the morning, and it is not the dawn, but the dusk that greets Lao Liu.

Behind him, the secretary and logistics staff have cleaned up the president's office, and Liu Jixiang's personal belongings have also been loaded into the car and sent home directly after a while.

Yes, even though Lao Liu hasn't resigned from Imagine, even Imagine will bear his name for a long time.

However, Lao Liu didn't choose another office for himself.

In other words, when leaving today, Liu Jixiang never intends to return here.

He lost!

Lost to a young man who was born with a calf.

Moreover, the defeated...have no self-confidence.

I thought that a month ago, he was also standing here, laughing and scolding Qi Lei for being innocent, actually trying to swallow his imagination.

But a month later, Liu Jixiang couldn't laugh anymore.

Just one month!

Until now, Liu Jixiang still didn't want to understand, how could he lose so fast?

It was almost too late for him to react. Is he really old? Can't compare to young people?

While feeling melancholy, the secretary packed up the last items and came silently behind Liu Jixiang.

"Mr. Liu, everything is packed."

The implication is that the people from Three Stones Company are coming soon, shall we go now?

If you go now, maybe you won't be able to touch it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jixiang shook his head, "I...wait for them."

Lao Liu can be regarded as a generation of mall heroes. Since he has lost, he must be able to afford to lose.

I have to meet when I should meet, and what can’t I bear?

Isn't it just a few lofty scornful gazes, a few lingering faces that you don't want to see?

Upon seeing this, the secretary had to leave silently.

After a while, Imagine Chairman Zeng Shengting came with Yang Yuanzhao and others.

"Mr. Liu, we."

Liu Ji turned around and smiled, "Go to the meeting room and wait for the new boss to have a meeting! Leave me alone."

Yang Yuanzhao was startled, "Mr. Liu, you..."

This time, Liu Jixiang just shook his head without speaking.

Because, he saw a few cars coming downstairs.

Leading it is the big G of Qi Lei.

The floor was originally not high, and Liu Jixiang's office was facing the main entrance of the building, so everyone saw it clearly.

They saw Qi Lei wearing beach pants and a black vest, getting out of the car casually.

Seeing Wang Zhendong and Nan Guanghong, together with Qi Lei, stopped in front of the gate.

Coincidentally, Qi Lei and Nan Guanghong looked upstairs almost at the same time.

Meets the eyes of Liu Jixiang and Zeng Shengting.

And it was this look that made both Zeng Shengting and Liu Jixiang a little dazed.

As if going back in time, returning to that winter, that's where Qi Lei and Nan Guanghong are!

It's this look!

It wasn't until this moment that Liu Jixiang suddenly realized what Qi Lei's provocative glance meant.

Maybe he has been thinking about it since that day!

Bah~~ Liu Jixiang suddenly laughed.

Everyone is puzzled, don't know what Mr. Liu is laughing at?

Liu Jixiang, "Poor still treated him as a migrant worker at that time. He turned out to be a wolf cub!"

No one refuted, because... unable to refute.

Finally, Liu Jixiang said, "You go to the meeting room, and I will go over with the new president in a moment."

Everyone said nothing again, and left silently.

After a while, several people downstairs, under the guidance of the staff of the Institute of Planning and Research, entered the Imagination Building.

After another few minutes of suffering, the door of the president's office was pushed open again.

Liu Jixiang turned his back to the door, and instead of pretending to be profundity, he took a deep breath.

Ready to turn around to meet those few figures-Qi Lei, Nan Guanghong!

In Lao Liu's view, those two people must be impatient, right?

He could even imagine the details of every posture and every facial features of those two.

Qi Lei must be superior, maybe he will show the grandeur of the winner and say a few words that are not painful or itchy.

For example, victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs.

For example, Liu is always a respectable opponent.

for example…

And Nan Guanghong must be the pleasure of revenge on his face, and the contempt and sarcasm with his head held high.

Don't be surprised, Nan Guanghong can do it, he has always been a mean old man.

However, after turning around, Liu Ji was startled.

Because the picture in his imagination does not seem to be intertwined with reality, there is no Qi Lei, no Nan Guanghong, only an insignificant Wang Zhendong.

Squinting at Wang Zhendong, he wondered why Nan Guanghong and Qi Lei didn't show up at the door.

And Wang Zhendong obviously didn't expect Liu Jixiang to be there, and looked behind him a little at a loss, "There is no one at the secretary desk, and the people at the Institute of Planning and Research also said that you are gone."

Liu Jixiang knew that the secretary should have gone to his house to deliver things.

Wang Zhendong smiled embarrassedly, "You are busy, I will look elsewhere."

"Wait!" Liu Jixiang stopped him, hesitating again and again, "When will Nan Gong and Qi Lei come over? I'll wait for them."

When Wang Zhendong heard this, "Oh! Then you must be disappointed."

Liu Ji stagnated, "Disappointed?"

Wang Zhendong smiled and said, "Lao Nan has gone to the technical department. It seems that he is going to convene the technical department to work overtime for a meeting."

"As for President Xiao Qi..." Wang Zhendong calculated, "Should we go now?"


Liu Ji looked downstairs subconsciously. Sure enough, he just saw Qi Lei put his hands in his pants pockets, swaying out of the Imagination headquarters, and was about to board the car!


Liu Jixiang didn't know why, and was even more upset.

And Wang Zhendong seemed to have guessed Liu Jixiang's mentality, and said without a trace, "Mr. Xiao Qi asked me to bring a message to Mr. Liu."

Liu Jixiang, "What did he say?"

Wang Zhendong, "We are here to do things, not to receive the spoils."

After speaking, Wang Zhendong nodded towards Liu Jixiang, and then retreated, "You are busy!"

In the corridor, there followed a dialogue between Wang Zhendong and the staff of the Institute of Planning and Research.

"Director Wang, the company's leadership is waiting in the meeting room!"

"Wait? Wait for me?"

"Waiting for you, there are also Mr. Xiao Qi and Nan Gong. Since those two are not here, look at you..."

"Let the heads of the finance department and the marketing department stay. I want to learn about Imagine's financial operations. Let's leave the others. See you later when you are trying to be appointed."

"Really missing?"

"not see!"

Liu Jixiang: "..."

Suddenly, even if Qi Lei was a little bit brave, it would be good if Nan Guanghong had a little bit of ambition, at least he felt better in his heart.

He lost, but Liu Jixiang only admitted that he lost in the strategy. I would never admit that Imagination would be better than what he did in Qi Lei's hands.

But now, Lao Liu felt that he had lost thoroughly, and even the last bit of pride and confidence was completely lost.

Qi Lei sat on his big G and looked at the Imagination Building in front of him, feeling very comfortable.

There is a kind of self-satisfaction that "this is the country I have laid down".

However, even so, he didn't plan to go to Liu Jixiang's office of the president to see if Lao Liu's expression was wonderful.

The more you win, the more low-key!

In fact, today is to send Uncle Nan here.

The old man had to pull him, saying that he was not at ease in entering the building alone, otherwise he didn't want to come.

He didn't plan to come back a second time before imagining that he was completely free from Liu Jixiang's brand.

Of course, he also didn't want to educate someone in Liu Ji's attitude to the five people in front of him.

Brother's class is very expensive, and to pretend to be coerced in class is to lower the price.

I started the car and was about to leave, but the window on the driver's side was suddenly knocked.

Qi Lei turned his head to look, and quickly pressed the car window, "Uncle Liu?" He glanced upstairs again, "wasn't you still on it just now?"

Liu Jixiang, "Get off."

In the setting sun, one old and one young, one in a suit and one dangling, stand side by side in the open-air parking lot, looking at the Imagination Building in the distance.

Liu Jixiang, "I have never met an opponent like you, and I have to admit that I even have some extravagant hopes for parrying."

Qi Lei, "Hi! Normal, my model is relatively invincible."

Liu Jixiang: "..."

"You stopped me, didn't you want to hear me stinking?"

Liu Jixiang, "No."

"Want to hear how I want to manage my imagination?"

Liu Jixiang: "..."

Well, Qi Lei guessed it right.

Why did he guess right again?

Qi Lei, "It's not hard to guess."

"First, you are one of the feats in the establishment of Imagination. It is easy to erase the mark of Nan Guanghong, but it is difficult to erase the mark of Liu Jixiang."

"Secondly, you are a proud person. You don't think I will do better than you, especially at this lonely moment. You want to know what I am going to do to prove that I will not do better than you!"

"So, you are waiting for me upstairs, not to prove that you can afford to lose, but to know how I can do it!"

"Including chasing to the parking lot, the same purpose."

Liu Jixiang looked at Qi Lei and nodded slowly, "Forget it!"

"Can you say it?"

I saw Qi Lei shrugged, "What can't you say? Do research and development!"

"In addition to the development of home computers and laptops, let's start with servers."

Liu Jixiang still nodded, this is a good way.

Three Stone's server architecture is the world's first. If Qi Lei can handle the manufacturing, and then perfect the Pangu system and adapt it to the server, maybe it can really grab a bite from the mouths of a group of enterprise server manufacturers such as IBM.

"Then what?"

Qi Lei looked at him, "Then, chips, storage devices, display panels."

When Liu Ji heard this, he was suddenly a little excited, UU reading www. seems to have found the point that can support his belief.

"It's too difficult! You won't succeed!"

Qi Lei turned his head and smiled indifferently, "You should wish me success."

Liu Jixiang, "???"

I hope you succeed? I'm not that generous!

Qi Lei looked at the Imagination Building and his future stage, and suddenly said, "Isn't it a pleasure to watch such a young, energetic, and ambitious junior succeed?"

Liu Jixiang: "..."

At this moment, the setting sun obliquely shone Qi Lei's face, with a faint halo, and the faint smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be the sunset of early summer.

This made Liu Jixiang a little dazed, and had to sigh, it's nice to be young!

At this moment, Liu Jixiang knew that he had lost, and he lost completely!

Not lost to the strategy, but lost to Mu Qi's blindly seeking stability, lost to the youthful vigor.

The future is theirs!

"It's over?" Qi Lei's voice came in due course.

Liu Jixiang, "It's over."

Finally, he said, "Be kind to it, if you lose it all, I will never finish with you!"

"But..." squinted and smiled, "I guess, you will probably lose everything!"

Qi Lei glared, "If you lose it, you lose it! Anyway, mine is not yours."



Liu Ji glared at him, and could only watch Qi Lei drive away with his pompous big G.

To this end, Qi Lei curled his lips.

Don't think this is the enemy of life and death, the war is about to end the sympathy!

At most...the two deep-seated old fried dough sticks are extremely hypocritical and friendly.

What a special one! Might as well go up and pretend to be transparent!


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