Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 68: Boot up

Let Fatty Wang play the villain, it's simply a true character, and you have to keep it a bit, otherwise you may not pass the trial.

Moreover, Qi Lei did not give him the script, but the main production staff held a meeting to get a general idea of ​​the program direction.

The rest depends on Fatty Wang and the young eagle class.

Yes, the young eagle class finally found its position and solved some communication problems from a professional point of view.

Moreover, they and Fatty Wang are a perfect combination.

Fatty Wang has shooting experience, and his head is actually very cool.

In this era, although Shuangwen is still not thriving, in a sense, Wang Pang's movies are the embodiment of Brainless Little Baiwen in this era.

It's just that sometimes Fatty Wang really can't retract and put it freely, and it is easy to use too much force, so most of the bad movies.

However, the young eagle class can perfectly make up for this shortcoming.

There are two very practical theories in communication that can be applied, one is [sleep effect] and the other is [upper limit theory].

[Hibernation effect] During the insight experiment, Qi Lei used it to put the front blackboard to sleep.

The young eagle class has seen detailed experimental reports, and Liao Fanyi, Zhang Luchen, and Chen Xingfu have written academic papers specifically on this matter.

However, it was not published, and it was a bit hidden.

However, it has already begun to circulate in a small area, such as the top domestic media, academic circles, and the young eagle class, which can all be seen, and it has aroused discussion and attention.

As for the [upper limit effect], this is what the Young Eagle Class mainly learns. Liao Fanyi and the others also focus on research and teaching.

Therefore, the Young Eagle Class is sufficient for the theoretical study of these two concepts, and the application happens to have the template of Fatty Wang.

They can very well remind Fatty Wang where he needs attention and where he can't overuse it.

A stalker is just right to play, and the best results are played several times. The young eagle class has a theoretical basis, and Fatty Wang has the means and intuition to play with the stalker.

This combination is absolutely perfect.

Plus, the few problems that Qi Lei put forward.

"Bad roads", "poor places", and "not in line with popular aesthetics" are these conflicting points.

The young eagle class also has a preliminary solution, but it does not work, whether the solution is good or not, it remains to be verified.

In short, they went to play with Fatty Wang.

And Fatty Wang has the think tank of Young Eagle Class, Qi Lei's program direction, and Qi Lei combines some of the main elements of the later "genuine" "Longing for Life", plus his director ability.

This villain... he is a little eager to try.

Finally, the residential renovation was completed ahead of schedule at the end of July.

After simply arranging the seats and entering the indoor soft furnishings, the time came to August 2.

Fatty Wang checked the Chinese calendar, auspicious days, "Longing for Life", and officially launched.

Since the two permanent guests, Rong Ge and Mei Sister, are still in Hong Kong, the first shot was given to the three founders of Three Stones: Qi Lei, Tang Yi, and Yang Xiao.

Originally wanted Xu Qian to be in the mirror, but Xu Qian refused without even thinking about it.

She is not like Xiaoer who wants to enter the entertainment circle, and she is not like Tang Xiaoyi who is in the limelight.

In college life, she still wants to keep a low profile.

Now, few people in the public know her, the founder of Three Stones, who has only a small share of shares. This is good, and it is exactly what Xu Xiaoqian likes.

The first scene is an indoor scene, and in the whole yearning life, there are only two sets of scenes with acting elements in it.

Qi Lei, Tang Yi and Yang Xiao were stumbling around a table.

Tang Xiaoyi's face was dull, this grandson acted quite alike, in his true colors, and said a sentence he often said, "It's so boring!"

Xiaoer propped her chin and drew circles on the table. She didn't speak, but she used body language to show that she was also bored.

Qi Lei was also in a daze there.

No one paid any attention to Tang Xiaoyi, and this guy froze like a sudden convulsion! "Or, let's take another imagination?"

This is a bit stinky and shameless.

But Xiaoer was very excited when she heard it, "Okay, okay!"

Qi Lei, "There is only one imaginary, only one Liu Jixiang, I can't always return the imaginary, and whip the corpse again, right?"

yes! !

Fatty Wang was over there, clenching his fists heavily.

This opening is very... shameless!

It not only makes the audience laugh, but also highlights the flying personalities of young people like Qi Lei and Yang Xiao.

(The show continues)

After hearing Qi Lei's words, Tang Xiaoyi was stunned for a long time, and suddenly softened, "Forget it, it's not easy for Uncle Liu."

Xiaoer, "Why don't you...take a sea ear for fun?"

"Home appliances are very easy to use, I want it!"

(Advertising Haier in disguise!)

Qi Lei, "Forget it, Uncle Zhang is not easy to mess with."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Then HW and Huaxing are collected together? These two are relatively small. It is almost the same without adding Fuyao."

puff! !

The sound engineer in charge of receiving the sound is happy.

I really didn't see that Qi Lei and the others still have talent for acting.

(The show continues)

Qi Lei obeyed, "Two brothers, let's collect magical powers!"

"I can't afford to change it."

Yang Xiao, "That can only harm the entertainment industry."

Qi Lei came to his senses at once, "This is good, just say you want to harm someone, right?"

Depend on!

Over there, Zhou Xiaohan rolled his eyes. This has offended you in the entertainment industry?

Tang Xiaoyi, "Who?"

"How about... Teacher Xiaosa?"

Yang Xiao, "Isn't Teacher Xiaosa presiding over the circle?"

Qi Lei immediately answered, "Youbi has been expelled from the host circle."

Tang Xiaoyi, "One is not enough for fun."

Qi Lei, "Wang leather pants haven't been second in a long time, count him."

Yang Xiaoer, "Brother Rong seems to have finished his concert tour too!"

Qi Lei, "Is it over? I said to join in, I forgot."

Tang Xiaoyi, "I also forgot."

The two looked at Yang Xiao together, "Have you gone?"

Xiaoer smiled embarrassedly, "I like Sister Mei's concert."

The two said, "Sister Mei's concert, are you going?"

Xiaoer didn't even knock, "Don't go! No time."

I puff! ! !

The scene was absolutely stunning, and the content was actually pretty good, even a bit exaggerated.

But this is the style of Fatty Wang.

In addition, Qi Lei and his gang of damaging friends usually talk like this, and the current audience also eats this set.

Either harm each other, or unite to harm others. It's a bit like Teacher Guo and Uncle Yu, they cooperated very tacitly, and the not-so-funny jokes made them live.

In short, Qi Lei and the others continue to perform.

Finally, set a bunch of celebrities you know.

There are: Xiao Sa, Wang Piku, Rong Ge, Mei Sister, Zhou Dong, Hua Zai and so on.

There are a lot of people, "What should I do? Too many."

Yang Xiao, "Right?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Okay!"

Qi Lei, "Hua Zi doesn't count, I don't like model workers!"

Huazi was so sadly excluded.

The result of the lottery is of course Brother Rong and Sister Mei.

At this time, the official film should have an out-of-plane electronic sound.

The subtitles are:

(Villain Director): Shao Rong and Sister Mei are very busy.

After Qi Lei heard this, "Simple, call their agent and double the pay."

Highlight a rich and powerful.

(Villain director): Is this okay?

At this point, even if this set of shots is finished, go through it over and over again.

After watching the monitor again, Fatty Wang said with emotion, "Or Xiao Qi and Xiao Tang will make their debut! There is a future!"

Qi Lei, "Don't grab everyone's jobs, right?"



The second set of drama scenes is actually the process of inviting Rong Shao and Mei.

In the first paragraph, in a darkened room, only a plump outline can be seen, and Fatty Wang's face is also covered with mosaics.

It's a secret room monologue.

"The episode just now was performed. Xiao Qi always recites the lines for three days, and there are still NG eighty-eight times in the middle. Audience friends should be aware of it."

"However, since they let me be the director, how could it make this season's show easy?"

"Now, let's watch my invincible Tricky King's performance!"


The second paragraph.

The lens has come to Hong Kong.

Zhang Guorong, who has just completed the world tour concert, has no stops. Various charity schedules, performing arts association activities, new album seminars, and preparations for the second film directed by Zhang Guorong have filled his schedule.

The whole scene is the schedule of Zhang Guorong's day. He woke up at five o'clock in the morning and took one shot every one to two seconds. The flashing people's eyes were dizzy.

But it fully reflects how tiring a star's day is.

It was busy until the early morning that Zhang Guorong dragged his tired body and got in the nanny car to go home.

But when I got into the car, I was still joking with the agent one second before, and the next second, my brother was already asleep.

The car stopped in front of the house, and the agent asked him to pick him up at six tomorrow morning.

Zhang Guorong nodded in response, and returned home haggardly. When the lights are lit, there are big empty houses in the eye.

Brother Rong fell on the sofa and looked at the dark night view outside the window. He was tired, sad, and a little dazed.

Then, inadvertently, I saw an invitation letter on the coffee table.

Zhang Guorong frowned and picked it up, unfolding.

(Villain director):

"The Longing for Life"

Do you want to experience a different life, the life you once yearned for?

Do you want to challenge the ease of being alone?

If you want, I'll give you this opportunity. See you at the airport at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!

Dare to come?

Sister Mei has accepted the request.

Zhang Guorong frowned and threw the invitation letter into the trash can.

"Come on? No need to work? No need to make money?"

He sneered and went back to the room to rest, and the lights went out.

However, after a long time, Zhang Guorong got up again and found the invitation letter in the trash can for a long time.

"Did Xiao Meimei go too? Then should I go?"


The footage on Mei sister's side is similar to that of Brother Rong. It is also a busy day, switching between tiredness and smiling faces to greet fans and movie fans.

During the period, Qi Lei deliberately added a line to Sister Mei, which was a complaint to the assistant and the agent, "I feel very uncomfortable, like I'm going to be sick."


"No fuss, instinct is accurate!"


Finally, Sister Mei, who came home in the early morning, saw the invitation letter.

(Villain director):

"The Longing for Life"

Do you want to experience a different life, the life you have ever yearned for?

Do you want to challenge the ease of being alone?

If you want, I'll give you this opportunity. See you at the airport at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!

Dare to come?

Shao Rong has accepted the request.

Then, Sister Mei was very happy, "Shao Rong can let go, what am I afraid of? Go!"

In this way, Shao Rong and Sister Mei packed their luggage overnight and left a letter to their respective agents.

At eight o'clock in the morning, they met unexpectedly at the airport, and the two were a little at a loss when they met.

He was also relieved, pushing the big and small bags, and Shaochang Rong sighed, "Fortunately, you are also here. I'm really afraid of being deceived."

Sister Mei is carefree, "It's okay! It's a big deal to be deceived and go back!"

There was a moment of silence, and Sister Mei suddenly said, "I only went there when I heard you were going."

Rong Shao was taken aback, "I also heard that you were going, so I went there!"

Both of them were stunned, "Who is this unscrupulous director?"

As he was talking, a few young people came over.

When it is broadcast, there will be subtitles.

In fact, it was Jiang Yao and Zhou Xiaohan.

An envelope was handed to the two of them.

Zhang Guorong opened it and took a look:

(Villain Director): Your courage is commendable. Now, please hand over your mobile phone, wallet, and food with you.

In addition to the message, there are two air tickets from Hong Kong to Wuhan, Hubei.

Shao Rong, "Wuhan...Yellow Crane Tower and Yangtze River Bridge! It seems not bad."

Sister Mei, "I haven't been to Wuhan, so I can just stroll around the Yellow Crane Tower."

The two were quite happy, Rong Shao was still a little bit reluctant about the collection of personal belongings.

However, Sister Mei still scorned so greatly, "Look at the mysteries they do, they are all show effects! The show team will take care of it!"

In this way, with the help of Mei Sister, Shao Rong was also taken away a lot of things.

However, he was careful, when Zhou Xiaohan and Jiang Yao were going to check a small package, Shao Rong stopped them.

"Underwear, don't put it in front of the camera, right?"

When the two girls listened, it was difficult to check.

At half past nine, the two boarded the plane to Wuhan.

Landing in the afternoon, Sister Mei was very excited, "Shall we go to the Yellow Crane Tower tonight?"

"Just now there was a person from Wuhan sitting next to me. He said that beside the Yellow Crane Tower, under the Yangtze River Bridge..."

Sister Mei gestured, "There is a place called Hubu Alley, where there are so many delicious foods!"

Rong Shao listened, "With me here, I'll be able to eat!"

When they left the terminal building, the two got into a nanny car and moved farther away from Wuhan.

The two panicked and asked the driver: "Isn't the show recorded in Wuhan?"

The driver, "No."

The two, "Where is that?"

Driver, "Can't say!"

The two, "Why can't you say?"

Driver, "deduct wages."


This reason is too strong.

Sister Mei frowned and smiled bitterly at Zhang Guorong, "What else can I ask?"

Zhang Guorong thought for a while, "Look at me!"

Moved to the driver, "How much do you pay?"

The driver, "1800."

Leslie Cheung, "I'm going to double, can you say it?"

The driver, "You have no money, your pockets are cleaner than your face!"



Zhang Guorong was invincible at His face became pig liver, "Then who else is on this show, can you tell me? Don’t worry, I just don’t have money for the time being. I owe it first. End of the section list. Give you money!"

Driver, "Yes."

Zhang Guorong and Mei sister immediately looked excited, "Who else?"

Driver, "Manager Xiao Qi."


Zhang Guorong and Mei sister immediately looked Hong Kong-style relaxed, "Say early! Xiao Qi is always relieved."

Sister Mei, "That's right! Big boss, he just needs money!"

After the two were perverted, Zhang Guorong began to attack the driver again, "Since I owe a sum of money, do you want to owe more money?"

"You tell me where we are going, and I will double it for you!"

Driver, "Can't say."

Zhang Guorong, "Why?"

Driver, "deduct wages."

Zhang Guorong, "Then you have already mentioned an information? Are you afraid of deductions?"

As a result, the driver turned to him and smiled honestly, "Xiao Qi always participates. If you don't ask, I will say it too!"

Zhang Guorong, "I..."

Sister Mei: "You..."

The driver said, "Big stars don't lie to others, they owe me two months' salary!"

Zhang Guorong: "..."

Suddenly there is a sense of frustration, this is definitely the most innocent 3600 he has spent in his life.

Master Tuo, who was driving, said, "Small, you still go around me?"



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There has been an emergency at home these few days, so I'm full-time, I'm sorry everyone.

Will be dealt with as soon as possible.

I also try my best to ensure everyone's reading experience. There will be another chapter after twelve o'clock, and there will be no tomorrow.

After finishing these few days, we will supply everyone together.

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