Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 72: Sad mango stand

In fact, Qi Lei doesn't have much energy on CCTV.

However, you can find Lao Qin.

Not to mention it is a matter of a sentence, but Lao Qin's words still have weight and can help.

It's just that Lei Qi didn't plan to pass Lao Qin at all.

The reason is simple. He and Lao Qin share a common vision on matters of major right and wrong, so it is not called trouble, but called working together.

It's because I lied to Xiaoer's father and mother to return to China, and I had trouble with Lao Qin once, but it was only a trivial effort.

Regarding business matters, Qi Lei didn't plan to borrow too much power from Lao Qin.

This is a matter of principle, and when you get used to it, the nature changes.

Therefore, this matter really can only rely on the relationship between Beijing and Guangzhou to find a way.

Of course, Beiguang certainly has to look at the President of Dongda University.

It's just that Dong Beiguo hopes that Fatty Wang will not shoot well.

It's not bad either, it's the kind that is very vulgar and low-level and can't get on the CCTV table.

In Dong Beiguo's impression, that Fatty Wang is still very good at taking bad photos.

"Look at the film, let's see the film!"

To be honest, Lao Dong doesn't want the show to be on CCTV.

Actually can't get up, what are you doing so hard?

Regarding this, Qi Lei did not hide it from his eyes.

Moreover, he also understood the idea of ​​President Dong Da.

It is very important for them to say that Wang Fatty, Zhang Guorong, and Sister Mei want to be on the CCTV platform.

For the production company of Sanshi, it is also a bit important.

Mainly the meaning is different.

As a Hong Kong island artist and artist, he can be on the CCTV screen, and it is not a long-term variety show that shows up in the Spring Festival Gala, which will be of great benefit to the future development of the Mainland.

Therefore, from their point of view, going to CCTV is more important than making money.

For Beiguang, it is really not attractive.

To put it bluntly, from the director of the station to the trainee reporter, Yang's mother has something to do with Beijing and Guangzhou, right?

Some of the school’s tutors and professors are part-time in CCTV.

A considerable number of CCTV hosts either hold faculty positions in Beijing and Guangzhou, or are specially invited professors.

The Emergency Media Response Research Center is also co-organized with CCTV.

Such a close relationship really doesn't need a self-made variety show to show off.

Therefore, Lao Dong still wants to make some money for the school.

Besides, I can't get into CCTV. It's not a question of the quality of the show, it's complicated!

Besides, what can we do if we go in? It’s a good thing for the artist to fall behind, but is it really a good thing for Beiguang, Qi Lei, and Sanshi?

not necessarily.

Qi Lei doesn't need the CCTV stage to increase his value, nor does Beiguang.

Moreover, a company that has just established a production company will lose money for its first product? This is inappropriate and does not conform to business logic.

As the old saying goes, when you do business, you have to make money in the first transaction, otherwise it will become more difficult to do later.

This is not without reason.

It's just that Dong Beiguo had said these things to Qi Lei long ago, but Qi Lei didn't take it seriously.

Maybe they have done business too successfully, so they are too confident!

The thief does not go empty, this time it really means running into the empty space.

"Look at the finished film, what you don't shoot out is not in line with the style of CCTV at all, then we will make the human relationship useless!"

When Qi Lei heard it, "Look at it then!"

As a result, Dong Beiguo, several vice-principals of Beiguang, Liao Fanyi and others in the TV building became the first reviewers of "Longing for Life".

All afternoon, everyone watched the three phases, nearly four hours of the show.

Then, Dong Beiguo's brows couldn't be lifted.

Can this be included in CCTV?

Yes, as the president of a communications university, Dong Beiguo has read countless films, right?

But this time, there is no way to judge.

The other principals are actually equally confused.

To put it simply, the performance of the program is very good, very entertaining, and very popular.

However, because it was too entertaining and too popular, like Dong Beiguo's previous judgment, Fatty Wang did not disappoint him. It is difficult for this important program to appear on the serious media of CCTV.

But here comes the problem. The most overwhelming thing is that in this purely entertaining, purely playful and active atmosphere, the show still has a very special theme.

Even if Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi wear tinted glasses and look at them with the stereotype of critical scrutiny, they will eventually be led into the ditch unknowingly.

Especially for the episode of their empty gloves, the White Wolf, there is no problem in broadcasting on local channels, but if they are on CCTV, they have to be considered on the line.

The thinking of the serious media is: if there is no food and life is difficult, then use labor to improve your life, rather than cheating and playing tricks to get something for nothing.

However, in the end, no one thought that the effect of the program group was handled like that, and an inappropriate plot was the key to eliciting the main theme.

It makes the following shows to be completely rationalized, and the roots are right.

This kind of entertainment, popularization, and people-friendly approach to serious problems may be rare and strange after twenty years. The official media are all cute!

But in this era, it is absolutely advanced and refreshing.

"Damn it!"

The most surprising thing is Liao Fanyi. He has been watching since Qi Lei had the idea of ​​making a show. He believes that the biggest problem of this show is the mismatch between the main theme and the public's aesthetics.

I really don't understand, how did they come together?

"Director Wang still has this level?"

Qi Lei replied from the side, "Of course he almost meant it, thanks to the young eagle class!"

Liao Fanyi stopped for a while, "Young Eagle Class?" This answer surprised him again.

And Qi Lei also smiled contentedly, this is what the young eagle squad should be like!

As for Dong Beiguo...very tangled.

He found that if the issue of entertainment is aside, the show may be broadcast on CCTV.

Looking at Qi Lei at this time, "Do you really want to be on CCTV?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "It's best to go to CCTV, which is more popular, has a wider impact, and earns more!"


President Dong Da did not react a little, "Can CCTV still make money? How can I make it?"

Seeing Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Dong Xiao, there is more than one business model for buying and selling."

Dong Beiguo still didn't understand, only Wen Qi Lei continued, "CCTV's budget for buying movies is pretty bad, and the initial budget of 30 million is absolutely unacceptable, let alone buying at a higher price."

"But..." he simply stuck to Dong Beiguo's ear and muttered for a while.

In fact, it explained an alternative business model.

The eyes of the President Dong Da who listened to it all came out, "You said it earlier~!"

This is not the same for those who will do business and those who will not do business!

After listening to Qi Lei's explanation of this possibility, Dong Beiguo can be considered to fully understand, no wonder he dared to invest such a big investment.

Sincerely applaud, "Thieves don't go empty, they are well-deserved! Then I will help you contact."

Yes, as soon as I heard that there was money to be made, Dong Beiguo had rebelled, and immediately changed to Qi Lei's camp, seeing the heads of several vice principals hurt.

A vice principal named Zheng shook his head, "Difficult..."

Deputy School Zheng has a lot of contact with CCTV. He is responsible for all the projects and technical exchanges that Beijing Canton cooperates with CCTV.

Therefore, he still has a better understanding of the situation on CCTV.

"There are three reasons."

"First, let alone a private production in which Beiguang has a minority share, even the studios with the prefix of Guo are very tight, and no one can pass it at all."

"Second, this is true for movies and TV series, not to mention variety shows."

"All CCTV variety shows are self-made."

"Moreover..." Principal Zheng pushed his glasses and looked at Qi Lei: "Don't you think that "Happy Camp" on Mango Channel is so great."

"In China, in terms of the level and ability of doing variety shows, the most powerful one is actually CCTV!"

This is the truth. Don’t look at "Happy Camp", which has been occupying the first place in the ratings of domestic variety shows. However, that’s because Happy Camp’s variety shows in the form of interviews and games cannot be done by CCTV.

Serious media, the national TV station has a lot of rules and regulations.

But, except for the happy base camp, do you look at it again? If there is a rating list for variety shows in this era, you will find that, counting down, one row is full of CCTV programs.

Others are the best media for variety shows.

What is "Lucky 52", "Happy Dictionary", "Zhengda Variety Show", "Tell the Truth", "Art Life", "Challenge the Host" and so on.

Anything that comes out is a trump card show, and the ratings are all on the list.

Moreover, from the production details, program flow, to the integrity of the program, and the quality of the host, the local satellite TV is simply incomparable, even Happy Camp.

More importantly, Yang's mother is Yang's mother, and the production team is too strong.

The host of any column is a big hit. Any behind-the-scenes choreographer is among the best in this era.

Just say:

Li Yong from "Lucky 52"...

Wang Xiaoya of "Happy Dictionary"...

Yang Lan and Zhao Zhongxiang of "Zhengda Variety Show"...

Zhu Jun of "Art Life"...

Ma Dong of "Challenge the Host".

Which one is not Wang Zhan?

Every show has one or even several finalists of gold medals, and there is no shortage of celebrity effects.

Therefore, the combination of Zhang Guorong and Mei Sister is a treasure in the eyes of Mango Terrace, but it is just like that in the eyes of CCTV.

Two Hong Kong stars do not necessarily have their own hosts on the stage to have appeal.

Your own program is enough, why introduce your program?

"Third!" Vice President Zheng gave the third reason, "CCTV is not like a local station. It is easy to adjust the program schedule. There is a carrot and a pit!"

"If "The Longing for Life" enters, you have to squeeze one down. Who will squeeze down? Who wants to come down? Who can you move?"

"This is a big question. Besides..."

Deputy Colonel Zheng groaned, and finally shook his head, "I think CCTV is not easy to open this hole."

"If an independently produced program enters CCTV from the yearning for life, many people will be panicked on CCTV's self-produced program."

"To put it bluntly, if you want to broadcast it at other people's place, let's not say what the price is. People are not necessarily willing to broadcast it. There are too many links involved."

"Beijing's face is not as big as expected, at most it is recommended to match."

"It's hard to say how much influence it can have on other people's decision-making."

Vice President Zheng was still very loyal, and he didn't just look at money like President Dong Da.

However, from all aspects of analysis, it is unlikely to introduce your program.

In fact, Qi Lei knows all this, and understands the difficulty of this matter.

He is no longer the sixteen-year-old stunned young man, knowing that he can sell it if he is not hello. For a TV station as big as CCTV, all factors must be considered and affect the whole body.

However, Qi Lei analyzed it carefully, and he always felt hopeful.

Because I remembered a person, a person who keenly checked the ratings after he and Xiao Sa hosted "Today's Statement" together.

Finally: "Try it, it's best to send it in. If you can't send it in, let's think of another way."

When Vice Principal Zheng heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. He said everything that should be said, but the young man was still too angry.

Make the last effort, "Just find a place to broadcast on satellite TV, and the effect is not necessarily worse than that of CCTV, why bother?"

Liao Fanyi, who has not spoken, said, "I support Qi Lei, it's better to send it to CCTV!"


Everyone was stunned and looked at Liao Fanyi.

Unexpectedly, when the stakes were so clear, he actually supported Qi Lei hitting this southern wall.

Qi Lei was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Liao Fanyi to be so determined.

Afterwards, I chatted with Liao Fanyi about this matter and found out that Liao Fanyi also felt that this matter was not as pessimistic as Vice President Zheng said, and that CCTV might take over "Longing for Life."

As for the reason...

When Dong Beiguo asked, Qi Lei gave President Dong a name: Zou Chengbin.

And Liao Fanyi told Dong Beiguo about a deduction case that occurred while insight into the model.

After listening to Dong Beiguo, he pondered for a long time, "So, do you think that Chief Zou will notice the front blackboard of the insight model?"

Liao Fanyi, "He has no reason not to notice. He saw all the reports of the insight model. Others may pretend to be stupid and keep the status quo, but I don't think Zou Tai will! He will definitely notice that the front blackboard is being used by the four experimental classes. Do hibernation."

I saw Dong Beiguo touch his nose, "Then what...[Hibernation effect] right?"

Looking up, "What do you mean? Tell me about it."

Well, for Lao Dong, a man of science and engineering, being the president of Communication University is simply learning communication again.

Earlier, President Dong University was a bit embarrassed and even covered it up. Now I'm used to it. If I don't understand, just ask! No one is Superman, he understands everything.

Therefore, Liao Fanyi gave Dong Beiguo the popular science again [dormancy effect].

What kind of authoritative media will suddenly be ignored or even resisted by the public when it is in a high position of authority for a long time. As a result, it loses authority, efficiency of information transmission, and so on.

The front blackboard in the insight model is the best example.

In the end, Fanyi Liao concluded: “Director Zou absolutely does not want to see [the dormancy effect] appearing on his TV station. The introduction of "Longing for Life" is actually the best treatment to avoid dormancy effects."

Dong Beiguo frowned, "How are you sure?"

Dong Beiguo still knew a little bit about Zou Chengbin, the city mansion was very deep, and he would not easily reveal his thoughts.

Moreover, as Vice President Zheng said, CCTV must also consider the overall situation. The entry of "A Longing for Life" into CCTV involves too much and great resistance. Zou Chengbin must consider these factors.

In other words, even if he has an idea, he is likely to give up introducing it because of the overall situation.

"Just because he saw the insight model report?"

At this time, Qi Lei explained, "It's not just because I read the report. There is another reason."


Qi Lei: "The last time I participated in "Today's Statement", he checked the ratings for the first time, and talked with Xiaosa afterwards. Then..."

"Then Xiao Sa started to release herself."

In this time and space, it can be said to unlock the funny attribute in advance, start a blog, change the hosting style, and take the route of being more relaxed and close to the people.

Before, Qi Lei thought it was he and himself on the first episode of the show to get through the second line of Ren Du. But after getting acquainted with Host Sa, the two chatted privately and realized that Qi Lei had a little influence on him, but it was limited.

Without the guidance of the director, he couldn't jump up in this era.

It was also from childhood that Qi Lei learned some information.

"It was Zou Chengbin who allowed Xiao Sa to let go a little bit appropriately."

Dong Beiguo understood, and groaned: "The director of CCTV is going to care about the ratings, and he also asked the young host to let it go... it's kind of interesting."

The TV station with the Chinese character head, the leading Chinese TV media, in the case of live broadcast, the sudden situation is completely out of the station book, the most concerned is absolutely impossible is the ratings, that thing is a cloud for CCTV.

What he should be concerned about is the public influence, the deviation of public opinion, and the accountability from the upper level.

But... what he cares about is ratings!

What does the ratings mean? It is by no means profit.

In the eyes of CCTV, or Mr. Zou, that represents the acceptance and preference of ordinary people.

Coupled with Xiaosa, it shows that Zou Chengbin is really trying.

"Then this matter, you can do it!"

Here, Liao Fanyi saw President Dong let go, and suggested, "Would you like to make a phone call to communicate with Zou Tai? Maybe this will be done."

As a result, as soon as these words came out, Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei gave Liao Fanyi a blank look.

Dong Beiguo teased even more, "You, do your studies down to earth! Things on the scene have to be experienced."

Qi Lei, "Ms. Liao is still too young, understandable."

Liao Fanyi's face is green, you are only nineteen, who of us is young? What dumb riddles are you playing?

Only when Dong Beiguo explained, "If this call is made, then this matter will be stale!"

Liao Fanyi: "???"

Dong Beiguo, "Don't mix up!"

A little proud, "You are a great expert when you talk about communication. You don't understand this kind of thing."

Liao Fanyi: "???"

It was installed by the principal of Dong University.


As Dong Beiguo and Qi Lei said, you can’t directly contact Zou Chengbin.

Although Beiguang and CCTV have a cooperative relationship, although Dong Beiguo has Zou Chengbin's mobile phone number in his hands.

However, the relationship is not used in this way.

President Dong’s strategy is to contact CCTV’s procurement and investment department directly through formal channels, and send a formal business letter to CCTV in the name of Sanshi Film and Television Production Center.

Invite them to send someone to attend the film-watching and purchasing meeting held in the small auditorium of Beiguang at one o'clock in the afternoon on August 23.

A dozen local TVs including Longjiang TV and Mango TV also attended the meeting.

It’s just to let everyone see how we are doing, and whoever is in the picture, who buys it.

Then, the staff of CCTV's purchasing department was taken aback.

variety show? Still with the local station? It's very fresh, okay?

I have been sourcing for so many years, purchasing movie copyrights, cartoon copyrights, music copyrights, TV series copyrights, documentary copyrights, everything, but I was the first one to sell variety shows.

I have so many top-ranked CCTV variety shows, so I still need to purchase yours? Have to snap up with local TV? The price is too low.

The purchasing department didn’t want to participate anymore, so I changed to another unit and threw it aside. Who are you?

However, it can only be said that the foreign source that took over is not in vain. Sanshi Film and Television has a background in Beiguang, and they know it.

Moreover, half of the foreign editors who received the letter were graduated from Beijing and Guangzhou, so you shouldn't be sloppy about your alma mater.

Backhand report to the department leader, how to deal with it, the leader has the final say.

The head of the department also smiled speechlessly, and the idea was similar to that of the outsource editor. I also think it's a bit funny, why don't you give me a gift? Give a variety show?

However, the leaders of the purchasing department also came from Beijing and Guangzhou. Don't care about the affairs of your alma mater. Otherwise, Dong's temper is not easy to provoke.

Therefore, the department leader did not decide to participate or not, but continued to report, and the trouble fell into the hands of the deputy director in charge of procurement bidding.

By the time he was in charge of the deputy director, he didn't have so many worries, and immediately made a decision.

"Send an idler to help stand up!"

The vision of the deputy director is not the same as that of outsourced editors and department leaders. From his point of view, Beiguang is obviously arrogant!

The main client of this kind of self-made variety show is the local TV. Beiguang originally intended to sell it to them. Dong Beiguo would not be so stupid to let CCTV take over, let alone know that CCTV would not be able to get in.

Pulling on CCTV to participate in the filming will naturally have more face.

"You watched CCTV, who have come to attend the filming, and have the intention to buy it."

The final transaction price may also be higher.

Isn't it just to raise the price? It's nothing.

However, the deputy director also knows that this face cannot be given too much. It’s a bit sensitive to pull on CCTV independently, so I only sent an idler to the conference.

Moreover, during the regular party meeting, the deputy director in charge also mentioned this matter.

Not to discuss, but to say hello, but also to convey information.

Among the main leaders sitting, there are also those from Beiguang, and some with Dong Beiguo in private. They intend to let Dong Beiguo know through their mouths that we have helped this time, and we can ask for something next time. You can't shirk it.

Of course, it is also for Beiguang to master a certain measure. After the independent variety show work, don't pull on CCTV.

During the period, other leaders also jokingly added, "If you have to tell those who are good to go, don't buy it back. Then I think you have to brush Li Yong's "Lucky 52" to make room."

Everyone burst out laughing, knowing it all.

"Lucky 52" is now the trump card of CCTV, no one can squeeze it out!

However, no one noticed, the director Zou Chengbin was lost in thought when he heard about this.

He didn't participate in the ridicule of everyone, but just watched indifferently. On the surface, he seemed to have acquiesced to everyone's actions.

Before the meeting ended, Zou Chengbin made a summary and suddenly asked, "Who is responsible for going to Beijing to attend the meeting?"

The deputy director of purchasing replied casually, "An editor from Waicai, whose surname is Ma."

"Oh." Director Zou knew.

After pondering for a moment, he smiled and said a digression, "I always feel that this kind of independent variety show will become a trend in the future, and I don't know if this is a guess or intuition."

Everyone frowned and said nothing.

Zou Tai sighed, "Be vigilant!"

Someone couldn't hold back this time, and said, "According to the current situation, we have an advantage in variety shows except for the limitation of the subject matter. Don't worry about it for the time being."

The Deputy Director of Purchasing also said, "Actually, if the quality of "A Longing for Life" is of high quality, it's okay to introduce it to see the effect, and make a try."

"It's just..." The conversation turned, "There really is no time for it!"

Looking at the leader in charge of the variety channel, "Old Chen, how about you squeeze a little space out there? Press the row?"

When Deputy Director Chen heard this, "It's okay! However, it's up to TV Zou to decide which program to switch to."

This kicked the ball back into Zou Chengbin's arms. It can be brought in. You decide who to change!

At this time, everyone looked at Zou Chengbin. On the surface, they were waiting for Zou Chengbin's decision, but it was actually the attitude of the grandstand.

Regarding this, Director Zou smiled, "It's difficult! Forget it, this idea is still immature, let's discuss it later!"

"This show... forget it for now."

"In this way, when the time comes, I will let the participant Xiao Ma Duo have a chat with over there, and learn a lesson."

"If you want to buy or not, let's say it separately! If Beiguang is willing to take a copy of the source, let's study, study, and learn!"

After listening to the audience, not only did they not relax, but frowned more tightly, but they stopped talking.

Don't understate what the stand leader said, and it seems to respect everyone's opinions. However, there is information in it!

What are you doing independently? Does it mean that the director intends to let CCTV also introduce independent production?

The introduction of independent production must still compress the living space of self-made programs.

Therefore, no one is good to take a stand.

In fact, no one cares about what "Longing for Life" introduces or does not introduce. The main thing is attitude, as well as the future development direction of Taili.

The director froze as soon as he saw the scene, and laughed at himself at the moment, "It may be that I think too much. This kind of future trend is still early, but as a rainy day, let's take a look first."

It suppressed the tension again.

Then take a look!

Only after the meeting was over, the deputy head of purchasing went back and thought for a long time, called the head of the purchasing department and chatted for a while.

It seemed to be a small talk and didn't say anything, but the purchasing supervisor felt like he said everything after listening.

"We still have to help with Beiguang, it's not easy for Old Dong to support such a big school! Besides, Xiao Qi is not an outsider anyway!"

"The people who are sent over must give orders, cooperate well, and try to help others sell a good price. It is considered that we have fulfilled our obligations."

"Oh, that's right! There is also a copy of the matter, and it has to be a snack, but the head of the station has personally interrogated it. Make it clear to the other side that we are just studying it and we will never leak it."

The purchasing supervisor said: 嚓! Leaders are not good things, true grandsons!

You just say that we can't buy it, and we can't get the copy back, don't we have it?

You don't plan to buy it anymore, why would someone give you a copy for it? Really learn from you?

This is picking myself clean!

But if you complain, you still have to do what you need to do.

After returning, he called the editor Ma who was attending the meeting to the office.

"My little horse, behave well! Just accepting such an important task when you first arrive at the station is because the leader has high hopes for you!"

"Talk to Sanshi about the sample. Of course they are willing to give it. If you don't give it, don't force it."

"After all, the core business interests are involved, and it is normal for others not to give them."


Just listen to Ma editor, fuck! It’s not a good thing to be a leader! It means, let me not take the copy back!

Still talking so tactfully? Just say that you don't want to go back to the pot and it's over? ? Real grandson!

However, vomiting is returning to vomiting.

Go around and come back. How big is it?

It's just that at the same time that Editor Ma had understood the Shangyi, Zou Chengbin was also pondering this matter.

It's just that he didn't think about what copy, or what to introduce or not, he was thinking about Qi Lei.

In the past two days, Zou Chengbin read all the news reports about Qi Lei, his press conferences, and Liu Jishang's programs.

Give Lei Qi a very good summary:

This is a spoiler! Everything is subverting!

Count down:

The joining of Sanshi Internet cafes has subverted the Internet cafe industry.

The Pangu system overturned Microsoft's dominance.

The insight model has overturned traditional communication studies.

"Today's Statement" subverted the legal system.

The acquisition of Imagination has subverted the image of traditional entrepreneurs.

Now, it's time to do variety shows again.

Although Zou Chengbin hasn't watched the samples of "A Longing for Life", he guessed that there might be something different.

To put it bluntly, this is a player who is good at lifting tables, or professionally.

It stands to reason that such a person will not live long. However, it was a miracle that this young man had done everything for him.

After summing up, Director Zou looked at Qi Lei's childish face on the computer and couldn't help but smile.

Muttered to himself, "Say you are seem to be strategizing again."

"It can be said that you are Zhuge have another face with a beard, acting recklessly."

"Then this time..."

On the 23rd, the new editor named Ma, who was going to Beijing to attend the filming, met Director Zou early in the morning at the entrance of the station.

A little bit timidly greeted him, but Zou Chengbin called him to stop him.

"You are the newcomer Ma Yuan, right?"

Editor Ma was terrified, but the director actually knew him?

Zou Chengbin smiled, "I remember you, from Beijing and Guangzhou, I just entered Taiwan today."

"Are you going back to Beiguang in a while? Just so, I would like to ask you for help."

Ma Yuan, "Director, do not hesitate to give orders."

Don't you let me take the copy back, then I will be miserable, who is listening to?

However, Zou Chengbin did not mention the copy at all. "Help me to bring Qi Lei and President Dong a message, just say..."

Zou Chengbin pondered for a moment, "Just say, I am very interested in their insight into the dormant effect in the model, and I didn't have the opportunity to discuss it together. Come and give us a lecture when I have time."

Ma Yuan let out a sigh of relief and nodded yes. Just a little confused, "Director, what is an insight model?"

Zou Chengbin smiled, "Just repeat what I said."

With that said, holding his hands up, leisurely entered the building.

This scene was seen by the deputy head of procurement, frowning.

He was also afraid that Director Zou would directly talk to Editor Ma about copying.

That thing can't be taken back! Taking it back is a curse!

So, the deputy director wandered over and said, "Isn't Xiao Ma?"

Ma Yuan almost didn't cry, what's wrong? Here's another one?

Nodding and bowing, "Good morning, Director! I heard your lecture when I was in school."

The deputy director smiled, "I noticed you at that time, good guy!"

"You want to..."

Ma Yuan, "I want to go to Beiguang to participate in the filming."

"Oh, come to think of it, it's the variety show of Three Stone Company."

"Then you have to pay attention to it. It is said that the show is doing very well!"

"I think Zou Tai entered the stage with you just now, did he ask you too?"

When Ma Yuan heard it, he didn't use the auxiliary channel to talk more.

"Zou Tai didn't talk about the purchase. He just asked me to bring a message to President Dong and the person in charge of Sanshi, what kind of model? He is very interested and would like to talk about it when he has the opportunity."

The deputy director was taken aback, "Insight into the model?"

Ma Yuan, "Yes! That's the model!"

Deputy station, "Didn't mention purchasing?"

Ma Yuan, "I didn't mention it! Zou Tai doesn't seem to care much about this matter."

The deputy director is relieved, Zou Tai is still more measured and knows nothing, good deed!

"Then it's okay! Also help me bring a message to President Dong, welcome him to come over and talk about this insight model!"

"It's still very helpful."

The insight model can still be said!

As soon as the deputy director left, Ma Yuan let out a sigh of relief. He watched the department head come down from the elevator, and said to his heart, I'll go! Or you have to go back!

Turning around, he drove off and headed to Beiguang.

The workplace is too deep, Ma Yuan wondered, why didn't I take a graduate school? Participate in a fart job!

On the other hand, at the same time when Ma Yuan was entangled in the workplace inexplicably, the local satellite TVs that received the invitation were not so entangled. Counting the time, they came to the capital to participate in the film meeting quickly.

As for the reasons for not being entangled, it is actually very simple, none of them are serious about buying films.

For example, Longjiang Satellite TV is here to join in.

Qi Lei is from his hometown. Although the production cost of 30 million is not affordable for Longjiang Satellite TV, Longjiang Satellite TV will not introduce it, but support must be supported.

If you have no money, just use practical actions to support it!

Of course, if Qi Lei can't sell it, it's another story.

Longjiang Satellite TV is also happy to buy it for a broadcast at an "affordable" and "affordable" price. .

I still have to support people from my hometown. (Ahem! A bit thick-skinned.)

This is waiting to pick up the leak!

Another example is the three satellite TVs of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Haidong.

These three also belong to the first echelon of domestic satellite TV, but they do not have the strength of Mango Channel and would not buy them.

Of course, it will not hold the mentality of picking up leaks.

One more thing here, it is different from twenty years later, when Haidong Satellite TV had no sense of existence.

However, Haidong TV in this era is still very powerful, and is willing to spend money on production and copyright.

It's just that they didn't plan to buy "Yearing for Life" from Three Stone Company.

All three of them are ready to... steal the teacher!

Before, they, like Mango Terrace, had seen the investment invitation letter of Sanshi Company and had a general understanding of "Longing for Life".

It's also the same as the Mango Terrace, keenly aware that this outdoor reality show may have something to do with it.

It's just that the themes made by Three Stones are not very good, which lowered the expectations.

However, this is a good thing for them.

I think that instead of spending 30 million to buy something made by someone else, it is better to spend some money on your own.

In the eyes of the three TV stations, they are not incapable, not without hosts.

If you can invite Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei, then I can also invite other stars.

Besides, there are more affordable celebrities than Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei, and they can save money.

Therefore, they came to see how the three-stone company took the picture.

Have everything to learn, copy!

In this era, the variety show process has not yet been patented.

In fact, for a long time to come, the domestic variety show market will be an era of "random copy".

wrong! Called for reference...

First, Mango Channel ‘learned’ from "American Idol" and did "Super Boy" and "Super Girl".

Then, other TV stations started a series of talent shows, such as "My Walk, My Show", "Come on, Good Man", "Dream of Red Mansions", "Absolute Singing", "League Songs", and "Dream of Olympic Real Men".

Then, Jiangsu became popular on blind date shows, and every family launched their own blind date shows.

And so on, more to go.

Learn from each other! How can it be copied?

The purpose of these three companies is to learn from!

It is impossible to buy, and it is impossible to buy in this life.

As for the Mango Terrace, it was originally intended to be grouped together with the previous three, which is also a reference. Valley

However, Mango Terrace has a sharper sense of smell and moves faster.

They have already started!

So it is not for reference, but to look at the progress of the "enemy Taiwan" to investigate the enemy's situation.

Since some time ago, Qi Lei rejected the request for capital injection for the Mango Terrace project, and Mango Terrace went back and settled an account.

I found that it would not cost 30 million to spend!

Isn’t it just a house, two stars, and a few cameras?

It doesn't cost thirty million to gild the rim! Such a waste.

What do I still inject capital for?

Mango Station wants to understand. Qi Lei wants to do it with them this time. They don't do it yet, we did it ourselves!

In fact, the filming team of Mango Channel has already gotten up, and has hired a big star from the treasure island and a popular star from the mainland.

The contract has also been signed, and the price is about the same as Zhang Guorong and Mei sister.

Coupled with the two popular hosts of Mango Channel, it is not much worse than the lineup of "Yearing for Life", and the filming location is higher than "Yearing for Life".

It is set in the Maldives, and the sea view villa there has been found, and there is no need to renovate it at all, it can be used directly.

That sunny beach, exotic, isn't it a hundred times better than Qi Lei who went to rural China?

Next week, the whole team will be able to fly to Madai and start shooting.

If he moves quickly, or if Qi Lei finds someone to take over, he might be able to catch up to the broadcast before "Longing for Life",

At that time... whoever learns from it will be a bad idea.

As for the ratings?

They have dispatched the best production staff and experienced variety directors here. Even if it is broadcast at the same time as "Longing for Life", they are not afraid of playing the ring together.

Domestic satellite TV, Mango Channel has no rivals, no matter which satellite TV "Yearing Life" cooperates with, Mango Channel is not afraid.

In addition, the Maldives is definitely more interesting than the countryside. If Qi Lei really doesn't open his eyes and competes with Mango Taiwan at the same time, it will be dead.

He really didn't believe that the team that Qi Lei organized temporarily would be more powerful than the Mango Stage.

The Taiwanese leader in charge of purchasing saw Qi Lei before the start of the filming session, so he was kind to ask!

With an enthusiastic gesture, "Mr. Qi, are you deceived by others?"

Qi Lei asked inexplicably, "Where did you start this?"

I saw the leader of Mango Stage mysteriously pulling Qi Lei aside, "We are also working on similar projects, and the production cost is much lower than Mr. Qi's side!"

Qi Lei: "..."

If you can say ‘learning’ so casually, you are also an individual.

"Normal, I wish you success!"

The leader of Mango Terrace didn't blush at all, he mainly wanted to give out the following favor.

"We are in the same situation as Xiao Qi, and the pay of the two stars is at the same level as Zhang Guorong and Mei sister."

"Moreover, our filming costs are abroad, so the cost is supposedly higher!"

"But it's just 18 million!"

"Is the production cost of Three Stones Company too high?"

When Qi Lei heard it, 18 million? how is this possible?

He did not count Zhang Guorong, Sister Mei, and Fatty Wang's salary, and it was less than 18 million!

And don't forget that the equipment for post editing is also borne by Beiguang.

A little speechless, "You guys can save too much, right?"

Is there such a big gap between experienced and inexperienced?

When the director of the Mango Channel heard it, he praised them for saving?

Immediately proud, with a bit of complaint: "I said at the beginning that Xiao Qi would cooperate with us."

Qi Lei smiled awkwardly, but still couldn't figure it out.

Huh! If you want to say that you can reduce the production cost to 18 million, Qi Lei may have agreed at that time, and no one will have trouble with the money.

Curious to ask, "Who did you invite?"

The leader of Mango Taiwan and Taiwan did not hide it either, and immediately reported two names.

After Qi Lei listened, he was stunned secretly, these two are indeed not cheaper than Rong Shao and Mei Sister! How can it be saved?

Subconsciously asked, "What else?"

These two are not saved, is it saved by the temporary guest?

When the station leader heard it, what else?

Startled! "Also.... What else? No more!"

Qi Lei, "???"

Suddenly sluggish, "Just two people!?"

The Taiwan leader was also taken aback, what do you mean? Do you have others?

After thinking about it, I understood, "Oh oh, and the two hosts of our station, Wang Han and Jiongjiong. These are all hosting tasks in the station, and it doesn't cost much."

Qi Lei, "..."

Who asked you the host?

"No, no more?"

The leader of the station nodded: "It's gone!"

It's gone!

"What's the matter? There are other guests in The Longing for Life?"


Qi Lei laughed, not knowing what to say.

Brother, you can't just copy! Is the borrowing not in place?

I probably understand where Mango Desk saves all the money.

He asked again, "How many people do you have in the production team?"

When the station leader heard, "It's a lot!"

Qi Lei, "How much?"

Taiwan leader, "Nine!"

"One director, two make-ups, one assistant, one to close the voice."

Proudly stretched out four fingers, "Four cameras, each camera is dedicated to a person!"

I puff!

Qi Lei sprayed, it will save you!

Taiwan leader: "What's wrong?"

Seeing Qi Lei shaking his head with a weird face.

"It's okay! Very good~, big production!"

"I am embarrassed to release our samples."

After listening to the mango station, who are you to blame? If you agreed to cooperate with Mango Station, wouldn't it be all right?

Now, no wonder someone else!

In fact, when it comes to this, everyone knows where Mango Terrace saves money.

However, there is no other way. The director of Mango TV is no better. He is also thinking in 2001.

These days, it is still the logic of indoor variety shows. Occasionally shooting outdoors, a few people can handle things with one camera, and he will not consider the issue of rich image expression.

And even if Qi Lei has no experience, he is accustomed to watching variety shows of later generations, and from the perspective of insiders, the core content is clear at a glance.

At this time, a young man came to the filming party and Qi Lei knew this person.

The senior with Shalong and Ma Chenyu, who just graduated from undergraduate this year, went to CCTV.

Chao Xiaoyoung beckoned, "Brother Ma!"

Ma Yuan looked at Qi Lei and ran over, "Guide Qi, don't make fun of me."

When Ma Yuan was in school, he also participated in the selection of the young eagle class, but he was not selected, and he and Shalong were in the same dormitory.

Usually in school, he followed the silly dragon and called instructor Qi Lei.

He couldn't bear this "Brother Ma".

Qi Lei smiled and hit haha, it was all a tacit understanding and joke among the classmates.

In fact, apart from pretending to be a class guide in front of the Young Eagle Class, Qi Lei is more willing to get along with classmates as a student in school.

"Why are you here alone?"

Qi Lei knew that he was in CCTV's procurement department, so he had this question.

And Ma Yuan glanced at the leader of the Mango Terrace, meaning that he is here, so I can't talk about it.

As for the leader of the Mango Terrace, he knew that he was in the way at a glance, but he didn't mean to leave.

Because Ma Yuan carried the work card of CCTV, he was curious, how could the people of CCTV show up here?

Smiled, "This is..."

Ma Yuan frowned, this one is quite strange!

Qi Lei didn't pay much attention to it. He introduced to the leader of Mango, "My classmate, now the editor of CCTV outsourced."

Looking at Ma Yuan, "What? Your leader sent you here?"

When the leader of Mango heard it, he raised his eyebrows strangely, and said to his heart, Xiao Qi has a wide network of contacts! CCTV has all come to the platform?

But, aren't you just funny? How can CCTV buy your film! No, send a small editor to deal with it, right?

It's a bit self-deceiving.

"Then Xiaoqi always talk, let's talk about it later."

After speaking, he finally left with acquaintance.

I walked to find Haidongtai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang for exchanges.

It just so happened that the people from Longjiang Station were also there, and the five most thoughtful people got together. The chat history was a bit exciting.

Probably it is:

Haidong asked Longjiang, "Are you buying?"

Long Jiang, "I don't buy it, you buy it?"

Haidong, "I won't buy either."

Jiang Su, "Why don't you buy you two?"

Haidong, "Learn from!"

Long Jiang, "Pick up the leak!"

Jiang Su said, "Well, I also learn from it, and maybe I can miss it."

Zhejiang Jiang, "Count me one."

Long Jiang, "No show, that's my fellow!"

Three, "..."

Mango Station, "Don't learn from it, I have already started to do it."

Haidong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang: "..."

"Really rich!"

Haidong: "Wait for us? You are too fast, we can't do it."

Jiang Su: "Naive, aren't you? Mango hopes we can't make it!"

Zhejiang Jiang: "The real grandson of Mango! Jiang Su is right."

Mango, "Jiangsu still understands me."

Long Jiang, "Then you can't do it, and if you don't buy mangoes, my success rate of picking up the leakage has increased."

Mango, Haidong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, "..."

The master turned out to be Longjiang.

As for the Mango Channel, although Longjiang Channel is very exciting, the mood is still very good. 30 million is enough for Mango Channel to shoot two seasons!

What family? Spend so much money? The point is that the whole countryside is not as good as the mango shots, so it is very comfortable.

The people who watched Qi Lei at the mango stand looked at him from a distance, thinking about it in their hearts, what a prodigal!

Two people, a group of less than ten people, Huate 18 million?

I would like to make you a fool.

To Dongbei National Road on the side, "The leader of Mango Terrace was also from Beiguang, right?"

Dong Beiguo, "My student, the 87th class!"

"Tsk tusk." Qi Lei felt a little pain. "At that moment, you have to stare at the movie, don't let your breath away."

The film will begin, and various TV stations are seated in the small auditorium.

The leader of the Mango Terrace was supposed to sit with the other four, but Qi Lei greeted him in the front row, "Come on, I'll sit here!"

The leader of Mango is kind of weird, so generous, he's calm and relaxed!

Slowly ran to the front row next to Qi Lei, and said to his heart, Xiao Qi is a good person, and he will be comforted for a while.

Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi, who were on the right of the man, grinned straight, poorly taken advantage of! Why are you moving forward? ?

They both heard about it just now, that Mango Taiwan spent 18 million shots of loneliness.

At the beginning of the feature film, all those who participated were quiet.

Regardless of the purpose, I am curious as to what the filming of this first domestic outdoor reality show looks like.

I won’t say anything about the title.

The first scene is the scene of Qi Lei, Yang Xiao, and Tang Yi conspiring together.

During the period, there were spitting thoughts, which was very funny.

Then came the appearance of the villain director, the secret room declaration, which is also very novel.

Then, it was the section where Zhang Guorong and Mei sister filmed in Hong Kong.

With just this title, the people at the Mango Terrace were stunned.

Depend on! This paragraph is good!

It is both funny and a sense of anticipation, and the addition of the celebrity's daily schedule can be regarded as satisfying some of the audience's desire for voyeurism.

Qi Lei smiled awkwardly, "Coincidentally, it's almost the same as the beginning of "Summer on the Island"."

After hearing this, Qi Lei raised his eyebrows: "Really? I want to go together."

Leader Mango, "Don't you? I want to go together!"

But in my mind, I will let the program crew make up the film tomorrow, it should be too late.

Further down, it was the tragedy of Zhang Guorong and Mei sister's journey to Mufu, and the sudden enlightenment of the next morning.

This is not surprising. It is a normal way of expression. The audience may be amazed, but the people sitting are all professionals, so it looks good.

It can only be said that the reversal application is good, but not to the point of stunning.

Compared with these plot settings, everyone pays more attention to details.

The first detail is the villain director.

"Who is the director?"

This kind of curiosity does not originate from the villain director's setting and sense of mystery.

What they see is the rendering of the lens picture, as well as the professional details such as lighting selection, shooting angle, rhythm and so on.

Not to mention how clever the director is, but it is definitely film-level.

This is very unusual.

You have to know, variety directors, TV series directors, and film directors, the use of camera, lighting and screen language is really not the same level.

The film director must use all the elements he can use to render the tension of the story within a limited space.

This kind of ability is not comparable to variety directors, and most TV drama directors cannot reach this level.

No matter how bad the movie is, Fatty Wang also has two brushes, especially to render this kind of relaxed and funny atmosphere, he is simply familiar with it, and really makes the variety show the texture of the movie...

Everyone is really curious, who is this villain director?

It's a pity, Qi Lei doesn't say, trade secrets.

And the people at Mango Channel didn't just find that the director was unusual.

The man next to Qi Lei laughed at first, and chatted with Qi Lei from time to time, but couldn't speak in a few minutes.

How many seats have you arranged?

All kinds of angles, all kinds of simultaneous captures, especially when Sister Mei was carrying two pieces of one hundred yuan, Fatty Wang played a montage.

The combined pictures flashed past quickly, and Mei's surprise, dazedness, and unbelievable from all angles showed vividly.

Moreover, it can be seen from a professional glance that this is a different angle of the lens. In other words, at the same time, there are more than one camera to capture the facial expressions of Mei.

He quickly counted, eleven!

At the same time, there are eleven cameras.

"President Xiao Qi, how many seats do you use?"

Qi Lei turned his head over, "Huh?"

"Not much? More than forty, right?"

I quickly added another sentence, "However, most of them are fixed monitoring, not counting."

"There are only a dozen serious seats."

Taiwan leader: "I..."

People are stupid.

More than forty seats? You don’t need so much to make movies, right? He couldn't figure out how to use forty seats.


Suddenly curious, "How many people do you have in the production team?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Not much, there are only six or seventy people!"

Taiwan leader: "!!!"

Six or seven... Ten?

It's just a variety show, do you want to be so exaggerated! ?

A little tinnitus.

Because the effects that can be captured by four cameras and forty cameras are basically two different things, incomparable.

Many people may not understand what this concept is.

This is like writing a novel, if an author’s vocabulary and knowledge reserves can be quantified.

If it is one hundred, then his novel is a permutation and combination of one hundred.

And the other author is 100 million!

Even if only one hundred permutations are selected out of one hundred million, it is clear at a glance which novel is better and which is richer in content.

The same is true for program production.

More cameras means more material collection. When editing, there are more choices, and the effect is bound to be better.

Of course, it also means a straight rise in costs.

I can only say that Qi Lei is too willing to spend money.

The leader of Mango Terrace said in his heart, this is too hard to live a life, right?

Mango Terrace was completely defeated in this regard!

I faintly feel that it is not very good, but fortunately, it is just a matter of shooting materials. Our rich camera experience can make up for the disadvantage of the lack of cameras.

Maybe every lens is a classic, maybe!

However, it didn't take long for him to relax, and the section that drove Tang Xiaoyi away came again, and the mango leader was in a bad mood again.

Who is this director! ? The lens design is great.

There are also Zhang Guorong, Mei sister and Qi Lei, how can you perform so well?

The laughter is full, and the plot is full.

Can the two guests and two hosts of "Summer on the Island" that Mango Channel is about to produce such an effect?

My heart is lost again.

What a bad dish!

It can only be said that the plot setting of the mysterious director and the program group is too awkward, conflicts one after another, and constant laughter, which is very enjoyable.

When the three of Keng Xiao Ma, Wang Piku, and Hua Zai arrived at Mufu, not only did the leader of the Mango Terrace ring in his ears, but also his brains were buzzing.

Not calm at all, "Also, there are still guests!?"

He really didn't expect this setting to invite guests.

Qi Lei laughed, "How fresh, not a lot!"

Taiwan leader, "???"

Qi Lei, "Temporary guests are on average three every two periods!"

Taiwan leader: "Prompt, temporary guest?."

Poke the bus!

This Qi Lei is just a poker, you are a liar!

Didn’t it appear in the investment promotion letter?

But Qi Lei returned him with a mentally retarded expression.

nonsense! I also wrote down the program flow for you and asked you to copy it?

Of course you have to hide some core content.

For example, the villain director, such as the plot direction, such as guest settings and so on.

These are the core content, so what? Really thought you went to the countryside to endure hardships and stand hard work?

The leader of Mango Terrace was dumbfounded.

The Mango Station did not expect to entertain guests or temporary guests.

They thought that what Qi Lei was shooting was four people who went to the countryside to live a rural life!

Then who can't shoot? So, they chose a noble Maldives, and didn't watch anything afterwards.

He thought it was copying "American Idol"! The general process is almost done, and the rest is created by myself.

But now...

What to do now! ?

This is not a question of what he sees now, and immediately copied it.

The first paragraph can be copied, the temporary guests, there are so many camera positions, and the film-like texture. How to copy this?

This involves cost issues! Even if it’s a temporary guest...

But how much is it for two or three days of shooting for stars of the level of Hua Zi and Wang Piku?

The point is so much!

There are three in two issues, and the investment letter says that twelve issues are expected, that is, eighteen.

How much do the eighteen temporary guests get paid? ? How much do you get for travel expenses, food, drink, lodging, and transportation?

Plus, how much does a production team of 60 or 70 people get?

The Taiwan leader made a rough calculation and almost fainted.

"It's blocked, my old mean!"

According to the configuration of Mango Channel's "Summer on the Island", if you want to reach the same level as "Longing for Life", it is estimated that the budget of 40 million is not enough.


The leader of Mango couldn't hold back, "How did you achieve 30 million shots?"

I feel so angry with Baoli.

It will save, it turned out to be someone!

Qi Lei, "I didn't deliberately save it?" Looking at the leader of Mango, "Brother, are you being fooled? It's a bit too much."

have to! Also went back.

When the station leader heard this, he felt the urge to withdraw the project temporarily.

I can't shoot anymore, and it's a fake and shoddy show if I barely shoot it.

Who is it to copy? Can’t compare with others, okay?

But the problem is that the guests’ contracts have been signed and all the money has been spent. It’s not going to work if you don’t shoot!

But those four people laughed miserably.

Look, it's not a good thing to move too early.

Now that you have all the frames up, even if you change them according to them, they are still nondescript.

How good do you think we are? After learning the essence, I will shoot again, can the effect be the same?

As a result, by the end of the third period, the three houses of Haidong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu have rekindled hope.

Haidong, "Did you see it, Mango Terrace is out of play!"

Zhejiang, "We can learn from it again."

Jiang Su: "When copying homework, I only copy a ‘solution’, it’s him!"

Long Jiang, "You just copy it, anyway, I miss it, it doesn't matter."

Three, "..."

Longjiang is still stable!

Next, the people at Mango Terrace were already withered, and it was really early to copy.

The three companies that plan to learn from are getting more and more happy, and they are happy until the third issue.

With the arrival of the two mysterious guests, the theme of "Longing for Life" officially entered.

Then, the three companies were buzzing.

Depend on! You thought it was a show to show fun in the countryside, but did you have such a high intention?

How can I learn from this? The intention is too high, it's not easy to copy!

Long Jiang: "Think about it slowly, anyway, I plan to miss it."

Three, "..."

Longjiangtai was so happy, and laughed longer than those three.

As soon as the theme came out, the people at Longjiang Station almost laughed out of a pig.

Okay, great!

Mango Station made it himself, and he was blind. Not only would he not want "Longing for Life", but he also did not pose a threat.

Those three can't afford it, can't copy it, I'm the only one left!

Fellow! Turn around and ask Qi Lei to give a price of love, and then make a half-fold, and Longjiang Station will even copy it this time.

As for Ma Yuan, who represents CCTV... After watching the three-phase samples intently throughout the whole process, he had one thought in his mind:

What a pity, such a good show would be so good if CCTV produced it!

Unfortunately, now I can only watch, but I can't introduce it.

He still knows a little bit about the situation in the station. The major ace columns dominate the main viewing time period, and there are also various channels and the support of various leaders behind them.

No outsiders can compete, let alone an independent production?

In this matter, even the director Zou Chengbin has to be careful and strive for balance.

The main reason is that no one can move, so it is impossible for CCTV to introduce "Longing for Life" because of the stakes involved.

It's a pity that such a good show!

When the filming session was over, Ma Yuan found Qi Lei and praised the three episodes of the program first.

Extremely complimented, but a little regretful in the end.

"It's difficult. CCTV's situation is much more complicated than that of local channels."

Qi Lei also expressed his understanding, "It's okay, it's not in a hurry."

CCTV sent a small editor to come over, as expected, really not in a hurry, take your time.

I glanced at President Dong Da, and realized that the next step is up to you!

Let him do this, and let CCTV change its mind bit by bit.

However, just as Qi Lei calmed down, Ma Yuan suddenly remembered what the director had said in the morning.

"By the way, we, Zou Tai, asked me to bring you and President Dong a word."

Qi Lei frowned and stared at Dong Beiguo. He and Zou Chengbin had never seen him before, so what would you say to me?

Dong Beiguo was also slightly startled. He and Zou Chengbin can only be regarded as a work relationship, are they not enough to speak?

Dong Beiguo: "What are you talking about?"

Ma Yuan, "Tai Zou said that he is very interested in the insight model, so that you and the board of directors will have time to go to the station to teach the leaders."


Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo excited at the same time, scared the duckling.

Ma Yuan was also surprised. Why did the two react so much?

"What's wrong?"

Qi Lei, "He, he, he, what did he tell you?"

Ma Yuan, "Yes!"

Dong Beiguo, "That's what it said?"

Ma Yuan groaned, "Zou Tai's original words...that's it!"

That's right! He left no details.



After listening to Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo, they were completely speechless.

After a long while, Qi Lei replied, "Okay! We know, we will pass another day!"

Ma Yuan just left without mentioning the copy.

The young man is still very excited, and he has fulfilled the wishes of several big leaders.

But on Qi Lei's side, there is no recollection.

To be honest, Qi Lei knows that it is difficult for CCTV to take over "A Longing for Life", but still has a glimmer of hope. The reason is that in this Zou Chengbin, he may be different from other Taiwanese leaders.

However, even if Qi Lei thought of Zou Chengbin, he did not expect that Zou Chengbin would actually use this method to let "Longing for Life" enter CCTV's field of vision.

It's... a bit big, right?

Ask Dong Beiguo, "You know him, don't you say that you are a very calm person? Why is he so radical?"

President Dong University's facial features are numb, UU reading "I said he was deep in the city, but I didn't say he was calm!"

Suddenly grinned, "This is so calm!?"

"Are you crazy?"

Qi Lei, "I don't know if he's crazy, but I'm going to drive him crazy!"

"Would you... go to the board of directors? I'll leave, right? I'm still young and have a future!"

Dong Beiguo, "Fuck off! You have to go, I won't go!"

Qi Lei, "It's okay to go by myself, I must die!"

Dong Beiguo stared, "I will accompany you, won't you die? Die together!"

Liao Fanyi on the side listened to his brain hurt, "What did you two say?"

Qi Lei glanced at him, "The Director Zou has a problem for us!"

Liao Fanyi, "What problem?"

Qi Lei, "I want to let "Longing for Life" enter CCTV."

"How about it?"

"It has to be hard!"

"What the hell?" Liao Fanyi didn't understand too much.

Hard? What a hard law?

Is this a joke?


【Monthly Pass Coin Slot】

[Recommended ticket coin slot]

Seventeen thousand should be enough...

Not enough, continue to add more tomorrow.

29.30.31 Three-day double monthly pass.

The boss of the reward, try to put it between 8 o'clock in the evening and 12 o'clock in the evening, this time period is four times the monthly ticket for the reward.

I have been asking everyone to spend rationally before and don't give rewards, but I have been asking for rewards for the past three days.

From 8:00 to 12:00 in the evening, any amount can be used, which is very important to "The Flowing Years".

Our requirements are still not high, just keep the top ten on the monthly ticket list.

I don't know if I can do it...

Thank you in advance for your monthly pass and rewards.

The old man will not say the extra words. The last trembling of 2021 will be the last one. "The Flowing Years" needs everyone's support.

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