Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 74: CCTV mighty

It's another year's school season, and Beiguang still looks like it once was.

Hormonal bombs shuttle between the green village and the flowers on the outdated campus with the fragrance of books.

The only difference is that this year’s bomb is a bit...

It's almost too much to squeeze.


The new department was formally established, adding eight departments to Beiguang.

Except for the sophomores who were pre-trained last year to transfer to the departments under the new department, the enrollment scope of Beiguang this year is also much larger, and the number of new students is close to twice that of last year.

So, on September 1st, it was a lively event!

More than 5,000 new students and parents of new students came in, making the "old cannons" who are welcoming the new year in Beiguang this year painful and happy.

Xiao Dong Li finally ceased to be Xiao Dong Li, as if he was a sophomore. Unfortunately, in the eyes of former Minister of Propaganda Wang Xuan, he is still a little kid.

"What's the matter with you 418? Why are you alone?"

When Dong Li heard it, "Blam me?"

"Master Peng went to Teacher Fan to help his girlfriend."

"Brother Chuang went to the zoo wholesale market to accompany his girlfriend."

"The fake foreign devil and the boss went to Hubei, then I will be the only one left!"

When Wang Xuan heard that the child was really miserable, "It's still our little Dongli who behaves positively."

Dong Li pouted, "Do you think I want to come? I don't want it either!"

Wang Xuan frowned, "Then why are you here?"

Dong Li, "I don't have a girlfriend to try my luck!"

"All right!" Wang Xuan stuffed the welcome sign into Dong Li's hand, "Go to Ximen and stand guard for me!"



Standing in front of the school gate of Beiguang, Er Chengzi was a bit at a loss.

Don't look at the bluffing in the fourteenth class, but this is the first time Er Chengzi has left Shangbei, and it is the flowery capital of Beijing.

The Sanbingzis were accompanied by their parents, and it was agreed that they would gather together after they settled in the dormitory.

However, Er Chengzi didn't let his parents come. His family's conditions are not good, and two more people will have an extra cost.

However, I saw Chen Peng and Li Lin from a distance.

Er Chengzi leaned forward with large bags and small bags, "Take it up..."

Chen Peng died anxiously, "Are you shooting a machine gun!?"

As a result, Li Linti connected to the conversation: "...a companion!"

"Yes! Take... a companion."

Everyone is acquaintance, so I didn't say anything.

Li Lin, "Where is your leader? Isn't this his place?"

Twenty percent, "No, I don't know, I haven't seen anyone in the summer, people!"

Chen Peng felt a little conditioned when he heard Qi Lei, and he was in that guy's place again?

It’s just that his mouth is harder, "Come on! No matter how good he is, how big a wave can he get out of a university like Beijing and Guangzhou! Why don't you believe it?"

After speaking, he divided Li Lin's bag into half of the 20%, and the three of them entered the Beiguang Gate.

The school is crowded, and there are songs on the radio.

Li Lin heard, "Qi Lei, the brightest star in the night sky!"

Chen Peng: "..."


As soon as he raised his head, a banner was pulled right above the corridor.:

【Welcome new students】

[I wish the 3rd College Student Music Festival a complete success]

[Warmly celebrate our school’s production of a large-scale reality show variety show "Longing for Life" which premiered on CCTV on September 1. 】

Chen Peng: "Tsk tsk..."

My heart said, a prestigious school is a prestigious school! It's a music festival again, it's a variety show, and it's still on CCTV!

Then, a wretched boy rushed towards Li Lin and came.

His eyes flashed green, "Classmate, which department? Need help?"

Li Lin, "Good senior, from the School of Network Journalism."

Boy, "What a coincidence... I am too, come here and I will help you."

"The classmate is from the northeast?"


"Shang Bei's?"

"How does the senior know?"

"There are more freshmen in Shangbei this year, so do you know Qi Lei?"

"Of course I know!"

"Then my dormitory boss!"

"My dad and his mother are in the same unit."

Twenty percent, "That's my leader."

Chen Peng: "..."


The next moment, the wretched man pointed to the banner above the road.

"Have you seen? This is the show my boss made, the producer! It will be broadcast on CCTV tonight."

Chen Peng: "..."

Gan! I wish you success and the lowest ratings!



This idea is not only for this hapless child who has been living in the shadow of Qi Shishi, but also for Mango Terrace.

Speaking of it, Mango Station was miserable enough, and it didn't "understand" it!

After seeing the samples, they knew that they had to pay for the 18 million yuan.

The four people lived in the Maldives dryly. There must be no one in "The Longing for Life", who is also a villain director and a special visitor.

Mango Taiwan urgently called a meeting with the main leaders and producers to try to remedy the situation.

The Taiwanese leaders are already in a hurry, and they really can’t, so they can only bite the bullet and increase the budget, also join temporary guests, and expand the scale of the production team!

However, within two days, the trailer of CCTV came out...

That's it, this time I think the additional budget will not work.

CCTV's programs are not copied just as they say, at least they have to be weighed and weighed.

This is a bolt from the blue for Mango Terrace, and it is very likely that the previous 18 million will be swept away.

There is no way, the filming is also rubbish. Comparing with "A Longing for Life", it must be scolded to death by the audience.

However, what should I do if the invited celebrity contract cannot be breached?

The only way to survive is also in the hands of Qi Lei, that is...

Push the street! Pounce on the street! !

In order that the current audience would not accept this new variety show form, word of mouth collapsed.

Only when the word-of-mouth of "A Longing for Life" collapsed, can Mango Terrace have a ray of life.

At that time, they will temporarily change the content of the program and turn it into a travel program, which may be able to recover the cost.

Will the reputation of "A Longing for Life" collapse?

Can only say that it is possible!

First, there is not much room for publicity on CCTV. Part of the reason for this is limited to the tune of CCTV itself.

If the local satellite TV mainly promotes a TV series or a variety show, the publicity must be full.

It can be said to be overwhelming. The last good TV series, a good show, I can’t wait to cover the whole time, the trailer is extremely beautiful.

But on the other hand, CCTV is different. The Chinese character is always proud. No matter how good the program or the best TV series, people don't bother to play marketing.

A bit of wine, not afraid of the deep taste of the alley.

It doesn’t matter if you can give you a seven-second trailer at the end of a prime-time TV series.

Moreover, the cut of the promotional video is also very common, that is, to tell the audience that there is a variety show to be aired on September 1. The main flow of Zhang Guorong and Mei Yanfang were just a flash.

The flow and settings of the program's selling points were not shown due to the length of time.

What can be revealed in seven seconds?

In other words, the propaganda is not strong enough, which on the contrary has the advantage of local satellite TV.

Another factor that gave Mango Channel a chance was that the start time was too hasty.

It will be scheduled on August 26, and it will start on September 1. It is less than a week before and after, and many people are not aware of it.

I changed the local TV, and I can’t wait to warm up half a month and a month in advance, and I can even do a few tidbits and special shows.

As for Sanshi Company's use of the Internet for auxiliary publicity, it is not very useful.

The current Internet is a good hot spot for fermentation, but it is not a good place for publicity.

The current scale and audience of the Internet can provide discussion for public opinion, but cannot provide a source of information for a huge audience.

Therefore, the Internet promotion of Three Stone Company is at least the icing on the cake, at least in the area of ​​TV programs.

Anyway, to sum up the above, Mango Taiwan believes that there is still a chance.

As long as the popularity of "A Longing for Life" does not rise, there is still a possibility of rescue for the 18 million.

In fact, Mango Terrace is still a bit hopeful.

CCTV's series of TV series being broadcasted are mediocre and not very popular.

Therefore, the ratings of the TV series at 8 o'clock are not high, which is the worst among the several major dramas broadcast by CCTV this year.

Therefore, the proportion of people who see the ending trailer is not high.

In addition, the seven-second unclear trailer can't tell anything, so even if you see the trailer, the audience's impression is not deep.

As for the network...

The response on the Internet has been quite strong, and the publicity of Three Stones will certainly not be as perfunctory as CCTV.

Therefore, the combination of Zhang Guorong, Mei Sister and Xiao Qi is out, and the selling points of the new reality show are also launched.

It's just that netizens are as expected at the beginning, what kind of life is to go to a place where the birds don't shit?

So before I saw the feature film, the public opinion on the Internet was mixed.

And there is another reason. CCTV's entertainment shows, no matter how good they look, are already stereotyped.

Young viewers believe that Zhang Guorong and Xiao Qi must not let go this time, and they should go to the countryside, which is a bit boring.

After all, the Internet is the world of young people, so the argument that it is unsightly and low expectations has become the mainstream.

The result is also general.

In fact, even if the response is great, it's useless.

There are currently 50 million Chinese Internet users. No matter how good the response is, how many people will be able to see the promotion in a few days? One-tenth of the netizens who can convert sit in front of the TV on September 1 and burn the incense.

And TV’s billion audiences are not of the same magnitude at all.

And this one-tenth, when converted into the ratings of TV programs, is only less than 0.5%.

In this way, at 8:05 p.m., "A Longing for Life" landed on CCTV a little quietly.

At this time, a considerable number of TV viewers across the country will sit in front of the TV, and the family will spend a relaxing weekend.

It's just that I have developed a habit. At this time, I generally don't watch CCTV.

Unless there is a hit drama, who will watch it!

Saturday night, that is the world of local variety shows.

Starting at eight o'clock, "Happy Camp" by Mango Channel, "Variety Pioneer" by Hujian TV, and "Happy Story" by Jingcheng TV.

There are also Liao Province, Zhejiang Province, and so on. There is a drama in each house, watching those famous brand hosts play treasures. Isn't he fragrant?

No one will leave time for the boring CCTV set.

In fact, it is not only for later generations, even in this era, many people's perception of CCTV is equivalent to news broadcast.

Especially young people, if you let young people choose their favorite TV stations.

The first place is definitely not CCTV, nor local satellite TV, but local TV drama channels and movie channels.

Then came Mango, Zhejiang, and Haidong TV.

CCTV may be on the list, but also sports channels and movie channels.

Choose the least favorite, most annoying, then CCTV will be more, one set, two sets, four sets, definitely on the list.

For young people, the image of CCTV has already begun to make people feel bored.

The reason why there are still so many viewers is not that the program viewers love to watch it, but the problem of signal coverage.

Many remote areas, including impoverished urban residents, do not have cable TV and cannot receive so many TV programs, so there is only one CCTV, one set and one provincial satellite TV.

This is why, when cable TV is no longer high consumption and computers begin to become popular, other local satellite TVs can continue to attract audiences through variety shows and TV dramas.

However, CCTV is becoming less and less sense of existence, and the reason is gradually going to sleep.

At this time, Wang Fuqiang's family was like thousands of Chinese families. After a busy week, they finally had free time. After eating with his wife and children, they sat in front of the TV and waited for the weekend variety show to begin.

However, the family of three still have differences.

Wang Fuqiang and his wife want to watch "Variety Pioneer" on the Provincial Satellite TV, which is a repertoire of Hujianren's weekend.

But the little girl at home is clamoring to watch "Happy Camp".

After all, Kuaiben, the colorful stage, the host jumping for joy, and the live performances of celebrity guests can capture the hearts of young people even more.

In the end, of course, the couple had never argued with children. Wang Fuqiang quickly pressed the remote control to adjust the channel from Hujian Channel to Mango Channel.

"Look at it, show it to you! See how to deal with you if the exam is not good!"

Just skip the CCTV set on the way to adjust the channel.

Wang Fuqiang was reluctant at first, and stopped at once.

The daughter quit immediately, "Dad, hurry up, you are going to start!"

Wang Fuqiang shamelessly said, "I just took a look at some TV series, not in a hurry."

As a result, the program preview at 8 o'clock is: Next, I invite you to watch "Longing for Life".

Wang Fuqiang's face went dark, isn't it a TV show?

Glancing at a loss of interest, even he who doesn't want to watch "Happy Camp" feels that the colorful stage is definitely better than this realistic style and unmodified variety show.

Before watching the seven-second preview, the channel was transferred.

At this moment, like Wang Fuqiang's family, they are either holding the remote control in hand or turning the platform **** of an old-fashioned TV.

In the process of searching for their favorite programs, CCTV passed by.

My eyes are good, I saw a subtitle of "A Longing for Life", and some simply didn't pay attention to anything.

It is only those fans who are die-hard fans of Zhang Guorong and Mei Sister, who get news from the Internet, will be eagerly fixed on the CCTV set, waiting for the show to start.



As the first shot to change the status quo, Zou Chengbin still attaches great importance to the launch.

He is actually very afraid of poor ratings. The enthusiasm that has just been mobilized across the station, and the desire to increase income that has been mobilized by Lei Qi, if the first show is on the street, it is conceivable that everyone's confidence in the co-production center can still be how much is left.

Therefore, Zou Chengbin not only asked [CCTV-Furi] to do a good job of statistics and report the ratings in real time. And now, Zou Chengbin stared at the stage and didn't go home, for fear of a sudden situation.

CCTV Furui is the only two domestic market research institutions. To put it bluntly, they are specialized in statistics of ratings.

In the beginning, the original intention of establishing this organization was to feed back the ratings of advertisements to advertisers, so that people must know how many people have seen their advertisements.

Now, it has become an intuitive data to test whether a program is popular.

At 8:05, the director room cut into the opening of "A Longing for Life" and officially started broadcasting.

At 8:10, Zou Chengbin, who was in the directing room, took the initiative to pick up the phone and called Furui.

"What is the starting ratings?"

When the person in charge over there heard that it was the director of the station, he was very careful when he said, "The situation is good now, and the ratings are rising in the first five minutes of the broadcast."

"Oh?" Zou Chengbin was overjoyed, "really?"

Opposite, "Yes, it's up 0.2% from the beginning of the broadcast."

0.2% is quite a lot, and it only takes five minutes.

Zou Chengbin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just go up!

"So what's the ratings for the first broadcast? Has it reached 6?"

Opposite, "Well..."

Zou Chengbin, "Not there?"

"It's a little bit short."

"Poor..." Zou Chengbin's brows tended to get together again, "Isn't it 6 after all?"

"What's 5 o'clock?"

The other side could feel his teeth grinning on the phone, "Also... it hasn't reached 5...."

When Zou Chengbin heard it, 5 didn't arrive?

"Then why pay a little bit?"

Opposite Xin said, Am I not comforting you?

He also knows that this program is of great significance to Director Zou.

"4 is okay! At least the advertiser's goal has been achieved, so take your time!"

Zou Chengbin was still watching.

Opposite: "There is still a little distance from 4."

Zou Chengbin, "..."

He didn't guess anymore. I have fun with you to get through the dictionary quiz, right?

The voice became cold, "How much is it!?"

Opposite, "1.16%"

puff! ! !

Zou Tai has a mouthful of old blood, 1.16%?

Are you kidding me? One set of CCTV, prime time, 1.16? ?

As everyone knows, the other side doesn't want to say that you don't want to say, you have to ask!

"Then...the similar shows on other local stations..."

This time the opposite is very happy, "The Variety Pioneer is 3.07%."

""Happy Story" is 3.21%."

"Quick Book..."

"This issue is about to invite the Zhugege crew. It is said that it is a temporary change of guests. The broadcast is 5.11%."

Zou Chengbin: "..."

Suddenly it feels a bit bad.

Next, Zou Chengbin didn't hang up the phone at all, and asked the other person to report the actual ratings every five minutes.

The situation is not optimistic.

Although the data of Longing for Life has been rising, the increase is limited.

From 1.16%, to 1.18%, to 1.23...1.37...

In the first period to more than 20 minutes, that is, the period when Zhang Guorong and Mei Sister were guilty on the mountain road, there was a sudden increase of 2.04%.

However, in less than five minutes, it fell back to 1.76.

Zou Chengbin was at a loss, but the answer was given on the phone, "It should be an advertisement soon."


Well, this is indeed the case.

The total duration of Quickbook is 120 minutes, and there will be a 5-minute advertisement in about 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes.

Because Kuaiben’s broadcast time is 8:10, which is 5 minutes later than I expected, so it happens to be more than 20 minutes when I am looking forward to advertising there.

When the advertisement is over, everyone will go back.

That's what Wang Fuqiang's family did.

Watching Kuaiben with his children, Wang Fuqiang does not waste time on advertising, and wants to switch back to the lake to build a platform.

As a result, when passing by the CCTV set, it happened to be the part where Shao Rong and Sister Mei were guilty of fighting with Ma Tuo in the car.

It should have been cut away right away, but when I saw Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei, I immediately had the desire to take a look.

It can only be said that the dialogue between the three people is quite funny, but because of not looking at the front, it is a bit unavailable.

In addition, the aesthetics of this era are mainly stage aesthetics.

Variety shows, the colorful stage, there is an atmosphere when you look at it.

This kind of reality show that can't be connected before and after is still a bit unacceptable for a while.

However, through the dialogue between the three people, I also learned a general plot, that is, Shao Rong and Sister Mei are going to the countryside on their way to the countryside.

Wang Fuqiang lost interest in a moment, "What can I go to to break the countryside? This group of people is full of food and support!"

It just so happened that the advertisement on the Mango Channel was about to end, pressing the remote control to cut it away.

Next, "A Longing for Life" always hovered around 2.

In contrast to several other similar programs, "Variety Pioneer" started broadcasting at 3.07, then went down all the way, and then fell slowly, reaching the midfield, staying at 2.75%.

But it is still much higher than "A Longing for Life".

"Happy Mobilization", which started broadcasting 3.21%, also declined, midfield advertising: 3.01%.

However, it does not mean that these two programs are not good!

In fact, tonight, all satellite TV variety shows are going downhill.

No way, the guests who I have invited are too popular.

Young people in later generations may not really understand how the protagonists of Zhu Gege have a lot of appeal in this era.

No fanatical fans of Xukun and Xian are on the stage. In front of Xiaoyanzi, Ziwei, Jinsuo, and Wu elder brothers, they are all younger brothers.

That is also called traffic? That's also called fanaticism?

To put it bluntly, these days, I can't wait to see that all the photos printed on the washbasin are the headshots of Zhugege.

From eight to eighty years old, there is no one who doesn't want to get a few shots on Teacher Li Mingqi to avenge the crape myrtle.

It's so wild!

Therefore, those few people are on the fastbook, and the ratings of other channels are not lost. That is a ghost.

And Happy Base Camp also set a new high in ratings tonight.

Starting on 5.11, it was almost a point jump in five minutes. By the time the midfield advertisement was reached, it was already over 12.

What concept? More than 100 million people are looking at Kuaiben.

Equivalently, as long as the Mango Channel can be received, the TV screen at this time is basically frozen here.

In this regard, Zou Chengbin could only smile wryly, how could he catch up with such a time?

Tonight, it is doomed to tragedy!

In the ensuing time, Zou Chengbin felt a deep sense of frustration.

Although, in the early morning of the next day, Mufu Meijing conquered Zhang Guorong and Mei Sister, the ratings suddenly jumped by 0.2 points, but it only remained at 2.18%.

The first episode of the program lasted 70 minutes, and when there were still ten minutes before the end, Zou Chengbin was completely disappointed when he heard the poor ratings of 2.20%.

"Okay, you don't need to report it, so let's do it for now."

After all, hung up the phone.

The person in charge of CCTV Furui wanted to persuade the director of the station a few words, but he didn't know how to speak.

Just hung up the phone, and Furui's work was not finished.

Continuing the statistics, the staff reported the 60-minute ratings.

"3.42%, 1.2 points skipped!"

The person in charge was startled, and then collapsed again, "Mango Channel is in the advertisement again, right?"

The staff nodded, "Yes, a 60-minute ad."

The person in charge, "It doesn't make much sense. Once the advertisement over there stops, it will fall again."

Waiting here for 65 minutes, there are still 5 minutes before the end, and the advertising time of the fast book is also over.

The staff reported another set of data, "The Longing for Life 3.43."

"Quickbook 11.95%."

"Variety Pioneer 2.46%."

"Happy mobilization 2.64%."


what's the situation? Didn't dive?

After a long pause, a sentence came, "Make statistics at the end of the film."

In 70 minutes, the first issue of "A Longing for Life" ends, and the data is frozen in:

"Kaiben, 11.99% still tops the list."

"The Longing for Life at 3.87, ranked second."

"Variety pioneer, because of midfield advertising, jumped to 1.99%."

"Happy Mobilization, 2.08%."

Moreover, the advertisements of the two companies were a bit at a loss, and the audience was like meat buns hitting dogs, and they didn't come back after they left.

In the next five minutes after the end of "A Longing for Life", the two companies will still be 1.99 and 2.08.

On the fast side, it also fell from 11.95 to 11.59.

It’s CCTV, and there’s nothing, advertising time, the ratings are actually 4.27%.

The head of CCTV Furui's head hurts, what kind of plane do he use? Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Haha, the general audience Wang Fuqiang and his family in Hujian still have their heads hurt!

At this time, he yelled at the endless advertisements, "The CCTV is not reliable, can you die in the next preview?"

After waiting five minutes, there was a flashing replay reminder at the end of the film.

Do you like those places where you can study in Taiwan? Make a preview of the next issue!

This one was cut over during the 60-minute commercial at the Mango Desk.

When everything came over, Wang Fuqiang was shocked, completely different from what he had imagined?

That big mountain, that chic little courtyard, that shameless villain director, that dumbfounded sister Mei carrying two hundred yuan!

There is also Tang Xiaoyi who is about to be kicked out of the house and is full of hunger for survival!

It was completely different from his previous painting style when he saw the fire under the black light and rushing to the night.

The family was fascinated by watching it, so much so that the advertisements on the Mango Channel were all over. Little Yanzi and Five Elder Brothers started selling cute, Wang Fuqiang did not change the channel, and the precious daughter did not yell at it.

Even if the broadcast is over, the end of the film is out, and the commercials are even commercials, they are still waiting for the next preview!

At this moment, I don't know how many families stare at the TV eagerly.

"It's so self-confident! Launch... Heartbeat... Rejoice!!"


"Drinking Wahaha, eating is fragrant!"


"What's wrong, buddy? Let someone cook..."

Is it really gone?

The next day, the entire CCTV was panicked.

Yesterday, the news that the ratings of "Longing for Life" were not so good, everyone was discussing, and they suddenly lost confidence in the newly established co-production center.

It's just that Zou Chengbin, and several other channel leaders, are a little bit incomprehensible with the ratings curve posted by CCTV Furui News.

The deputy director in charge of purchasing had a toothache, and said, "Why haven't you done an advertisement?"

Ok! I really haven't done any commercials. The peak ratings of "A Longing for Life" did not break 4. However, it was the ads that followed, which reached a maximum of 4.5%.

Just fresh.

The other deputy director was a bit yin and yang. He originally had reservations about the co-production center. That day was just a trend, and there was no way to agree.

It's all right now, right?

There was an unsavory sentence, "This is not the time to discuss these, but I still think about how to negotiate with advertisers!"

Floating contracts signed with advertisers have a guarantee of 4.

Now that the guarantee is not even reached, I have to give others an explanation.

"Heh." sneered, "It didn't break 4 during the prime time of the weekend. When this spreads out, where do we put CCTV's face?"

The other leaders frowned and glanced at him, and did not let Zou Chengbin speak, "Okay, let's just say a few words... Isn't there a replay?"

Looking at the person in charge of CCTV Furui, "How much does the rebroadcast ratings have to achieve to plug the holes in the first broadcast?"

The holes mentioned here are the ratings holes that the first broadcast owes advertisers.

Although it is not the same time period, the rebroadcast ratings are also exposed.

The person in charge of CCTV Furui lowered his head and calculated, "4 points." He raised his head and said, "The main reason is that there is too much difference in the front, and the broadcast was only 1.16."

Everyone, "..."

Yes, the first broadcast did not reach 4, how could the replay reach 4? I guess I have to wrestle with the advertiser.

Everyone has a headache when I think about this.

Mainly because the title advertiser is Backgammon.

In fact, it is not pleasant to be with Backgammon.

Over there is the bidding king of CCTV advertising in 1999 and 2000.

However, since 1996, the standard king of CCTV advertising has been a little too hyped.

Year by year, it is getting ridiculous, and the craziest in 1997 was 320 million.

In 1999 and 2000, although the popularity had declined, the price was not low.

However, in this era, even CCTV advertisements are not worth that price, and BBK also knows that the bidding price is inflated. However, due to some human reasons, they helped CCTV to carry the price up.

However, the huge investment did not get a corresponding response, and BBK was not stupid. By 2001, he said nothing.

The boss even said that if the CCTV standard king can vote, don't vote.

The Biaowang in 2001 also directly dived to more than 20 million.

In fact, there was no plan to advertise on CCTV in 2001. The deputy director here took the initiative to look for Backgammon, hoping to help.

After all, with such a high production cost as "A Longing for Life", there is really no way you can't find an acquaintance to kill it.

Backgammon is no way, just put this blood.

It's okay now, and I haven't even reached the guarantee. You can imagine what kind of mood BBK is like over there!

Zou Chengbin also knew that BBK might not be able to deal with it.

Just looking at the weird data, and finally, "Or, wait a minute, let's see the effect of the replay tonight!"

"I always feel that this data is not right."

Everyone was speechless, and finally agreed. In fact, they also thought the data was too weird.

"Then wait and see?" Everyone couldn't help but spread their hands. "What if you can get to 4?"

Afterwards, someone called Dong Beiguo specifically, don't just let us get angry, don't take your time, let's worry together!

As a result, the President of Dong University heard that it was only 3.8? Huh! Isn't that the end?

Then... don't worry about me!

He made the call to Mu Fu, "The cowhide is blowing up to the sky, and I'll stretch it! It's only a few o'clock, how can you tell me how to do it?"

Qi Lei heard, "Impossible! Don't fool me!"

He recorded the show, and he knew better than anyone else, "It's impossible to be at 3 o'clock, absolutely impossible! Uncle Dong, I'm not in the mood to record what you did."

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei people were dumbfounded, and said, can't it? Only 3? How could this be? How about... zoom in? Let sister Mei have a boulder in her chest?

Back home, everyone saw him unhappy and asked what's wrong with him?

However, Qi Lei didn't want to affect everyone's mood and delayed the shooting, so he didn't say anything.

I just asked Sister Mei nonsense, "Sister, do you have any talent?"

Sister Mei said inexplicably, "Do you all know my talent?"

Qi Lei, "not to mention those!"

Sister Mei, "What's that?"

"For example, broken boulders in the chest or something."



CCTV and Qi Lei are a little confused, the ratings are not right, like drinking too much.

However, today's media is very happy, with all the world, two news:

The first one, "Quick Book" from Mango Channel? In addition to the Spring Festival Gala, the viewing miracle of variety shows has been created.

Peak 12.81%! ! This is a height that has never been reached since the domestic variety show.

Of course, various media praised the mango platform.

Okay, can you not praise it? Give the money.

Correspondingly, the CCTV set actually appeared on variety shows.

"A Longing for Life", known as the new reality show, has a ratings...1.16%.

Did not say what the highest ratings are. It's just that 1.16 is enough to make the major media cheer.

Of course, no one dared to criticize CCTV.

However, you have to listen to a few words that hurt you.

What is spent huge sums of money to build, invited Zhang Guorong, Mei sister, what CCTV's best prime time are willing to come out.

What, Xiaoqi’s traffic myth seems to have come to an end.

The whole of China knows that "Longing for Life" with so many auras will be broadcast on 1.16.

Those media that have suffered big losses on Qi Lei, headed by the Beijing News, can be considered catharsis.

The article was written more funny than the Taiwanese version of "The Longing for Life".

"Thirty million, in exchange for a ratings of 1.16! No one can tell, how good is this reality show of President Xiao Qi!"

"No one knows how high the blood pressure of the advertisers who invested in it was shown."

"Led by BBK, I don't know if Chairman Duan Yonglin smashes CCTV again, will he be resistant to advertising."

This report of the Beijing News, how the public didn't know, it was written in BBK's heart.


It is said that Duan Yonglin, the chairman of the board of directors, was furious in the office. After he recovered, he did not go to CCTV to settle the accounts. Instead, he got Qi Lei's phone number through his relationship and made a direct call to Mufu Village.

Waiting for Qi to answer the phone, calling a pitiful one to the phone.

"Mr. Qi, do I have any grudges against you?! You have become a joke, and I will follow suit!"

Qi Lei was also embarrassed, "This thing... blame CCTV? They don't do well in publicity! Have you watched my show? It's still of great quality!"

Duan Yonglin cursed in his heart, who watched your bad show? Dogs don’t even watch!

But he said, "I don't care! This time I lost again, you have to make up for it!"

Qi Lei also said in his heart, why is this person familiar with me like me? What's the compensation?

However, this is nothing! Just make friends! It is true that they have also lost.

Also be generous, "What a big deal? The blog gives you a free vote."

Duan Yonglin was happy in his heart, and it was almost the same.

But he said again, "Actually, I am not a caregiver. If you can increase the ratings of the program and let me see the effect, I would prefer to use TV commercials."

Qi Lei, "Then don't pull it down."

Duan Yonglin, "Don't! Want it!"

Why can't you tell what politeness is?


The mango stand is already happy.

The head of the station can no longer remain reserved, "This 18 million, should I be able to keep it?"

"1.16...ha!! I knew you 1.16, so I would pay a lot of money to return the protagonist Zhugege, and I won't contact such a multimedia partner anymore!"

It's just that the Mango Channel, the media, and Duan Yonglin and CCTV have not noticed one detail, that is:

Unlike traditional media, the discussion on the first issue of "Longing for Life" on the blog network has become hot.

Blogger [Little Red Coat]: I can’t believe it, this is actually a variety show produced by CCTV? I don’t know what's wrong with the whole process of high energy.


Netizen [Wandering Wind]: It's really amazing, I feel that CCTV has opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and it's going to be smashed.


Certified V [Wang Leather Pants]: Although I participated in the recording of a program, I didn't expect it to be like this.

I can only say two words-too special, it's subverted!

Wang Fen'er: Wang Erye, that's six characters! However, since the second master said so, go and watch the replay tonight.


Netizen: What I am most curious about is who the villain director is? It feels that this person is definitely not simple with Xiao Qi's urinary sex.


Netizen: I am also curious about the villain director, but I prefer Tang Xiaoyi. The child is so pitiful, I didn't expect my brother and sister Mei to be such a person.

And sister Xiaoer, don't you think those eyes that can't wake up are cute?

There is also President Xiao Qi, he really dare to say that the ridiculous and imaginative paragraph is definitely this year's classic! Of course, CCTV is mighty! ! I really dare to broadcast! !


Netizen: Let's shout together, CCTV is mighty! ! If you don’t go upstairs, you like all five of them. What makes you like Tang Xiaoyi more? Tang Xiaoyi is mine! ! No one wants to take it away.


Netizens, the rebroadcast is a must to watch. To tell the truth, the biggest shock to me is not the beauty of Mu Fu, nor the villain director’s telling of Mu Fu’s poverty. Not even my brother, sincerely returning a hundred dollars.

These are also shocking, but okay.

What surprised me the most was that these five people were on the other side of the camera.


Netizen: What I said upstairs is right. I never thought that my brother's eyes could be so sad outside the screen.

I have never thought that sister Mei, who is in a hurry, is so virtuous.

What makes me even more speechless is that those three little ones are just billionaires! ! The money is too much to spend! But you see, they seem to be no different from ordinary children.


Netizens, upstairs is wrong, it's not that there is no difference, the difference is big! Especially compared with those three small children, I feel I am spoiled by my mother.

At least I don't know how to **** the ground, I don't know how to burn a stove, I don't know how to build a chicken coop, and I don't know everything they do on the show! !


Netizens, success is not unreasonable. It's not difficult to see in the show, it's all true! They didn't come from the show, they really lived a life.


Netizen, fuck! Can you shut up? I saw it yesterday! Finally, I watched the tail. Don’t spoil it, okay?


The blogs are arguing on the Internet.

Hot search first: CCTV "Longing for Life".

Hot search second: Wang Piku, who is the director of the villain?

Third: Replay time of the longing life...

Fourth: Poor Tang Xiaoyi.

Fifth: Yang Xiao.

Sixth: Sister Xianhuimei.

Dominate the list!

The heat lasted for a day, unabated.

Some marginal media following up on the hot search of blogs followed up on the report, but unfortunately, it was already at night and did not attract too much attention from Mango Channel and other media.

Some media even believe that Qi Lei started public relations.


In this way, at ten o'clock on Sunday night, CCTV three sets, variety show channel, "Longing for Life" rebroadcast.

Zou Chengbin still didn't go home, waiting in the station, the phone connected to CCTV Furui early.

Several station leaders are also in Zou Chengbin's office.

I am also curious, what is going on with the same first-broadcast ratings curve after drinking too much.

Five minutes later, the voice of the person in charge of CCTV Furui rang from the other end of the phone, "The ratings have come out."

Everyone immediately gathered around, "How much!?"


"More..." Zou Chengbin's pupils shrank suddenly, "how much?"

"9.62!" the head of CCTV Furui repeated.

"Oh, the latest ratings data for 5 minutes is also out."

"How many!?"





The office fell silent for a while, and needles dropped.

Even the CCTV leaders who are used to seeing the big scene are all short of breath, and they are a little bit overwhelmed.

It's broken ten! !

Seventy minutes later, the first rebroadcast ended, and the ratings were fixed at 14.89.

After this data came out, everyone was silent again.

In the end, the deputy director who was in charge of the procurement broke the silence, and suddenly he said lightly, "It's a's not good!"

Everyone frowned and looked at him. This is not good enough, so what is good?

"What a pity?"

The deputy director shook his head with his hands on his back, "Unfortunately, it's a little bit worse. By fifteen, I prefer fifteen."



It was a row of white-eyed people who answered him, this old man!

But having said that, everyone felt a pity for the deputy station to say this.

Why didn't it break 15? Tomorrow the news on this station will be better when it is reported.

A leader suddenly suggested to Zou Chengbin, "How broadcast?"

Zou Chengbin thought for a while, "Be low-key, low-key, noon news, evening news, variety show news just mention it!"

Everyone, "..."

This is also called low-key?


14.89. "This figure is invincible in prime time.

And what does it mean to go to work the next day at ten o'clock, eleven o'clock on Sunday?

This means that as long as there is a TV set in the country, as long as it is turned on, three sets of CCTV are basically locked.


However, it's okay!

It didn’t break the fastbook record, but several firsts were the highest ratings record in the history of domestic variety shows....

Domestic variety shows, rebroadcast ratings...

All CCTV channels, ten o'clock file ratings...

At ten o'clock on a Sunday in China, the highest ratings record except for the Spring Festival Gala...

CCTV variety show, single-period advertising revenue record...


Zou Chengbin let out a sigh of relief and patted on the office chair, "This're right!!!"

While speaking, Zou Chengbin slammed his big computer screen over, and said to everyone, "Let's take a look and see what netizens say about our CCTV."

A group of channel leaders leaned forward to take a look, and the screen full of "CCTV mighty!!"

Suddenly there was a mixed feeling in his heart, and finally said: "Go right!!"

Zou Chengbin smiled. With these words, there is no resistance to the changes of CCTV.

And the first thing he most wants to do is...

What is it?


He glared, "Contact Duan Yonglin and ask him to add advertising fees to us!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Everyone laughed, this joke was quite funny.


You have to blow up, but I don’t know if the first episode of the next episode will break this record! !

If it rises again, it is estimated that Duan Yongping will have to cry.

And Qi Lei, who only got the news the next day, ran home from the village committee and was still outside the door. People shouted, "Sister Mei! You don't need to break a boulder in your chest!!!"

Sister Mei wants to kick him to death!



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