Talk about myself.

Lao Cang, in fact, can't say that his life is good, or his life is bad.

If you have to make a summary in advance in this life, it should be summed up in one word—fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

When I was a child, the old man’s family conditions were not good, and he was not very poor, but he should have taken advantage of it.

Although the old man in my family is the eldest of the family, he is considered the worst among the brothers and sisters.

The family also knows what's going on. The four brothers are almost a bit close in the agency, but the seven sisters are outstanding in each match.

Therefore, in my childhood impression, I don't like Chinese New Year, and I don't like to go to my father's place. Because it was the home ground of the aunts, the official preaching of the boss was also broken for the unworthy eldest brother, second brother, third brother, and youngest.

Even with that, the old man has to be "instructed" for hundreds of sentences.

Of course, it's not that the aunts are not good. On the contrary, they are all very good, but that kind of psychological pressure, you know.

For example, "You must study hard, otherwise your father is in poor health and your mother is uneducated. How can your family be clean in the future."

When I grow up, the first thing I understand is, "I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail."

The pressure of making phoenix tail is really too great, especially the phoenix tail of the bald-tailed phoenix!

Ordinarily, under such childhood pressure, the old man should be an introverted character, and may even be depressed.

However, good and evil depend on each other. I have an uneducated, but I always think of the most advanced mother.

The old lady taught me two things:

First, be good.

Second, be open-minded.

The first truth is that if you cannot become a capable person, then be a good person.

The second reason is, "What do your aunts like to say, don't take it to your heart!"

Therefore, under the ardent guidance of the old lady, the heart of the old man... stands out!

I was playing crazy when others were in school.

I waited for others to work and get married before I started to learn.

Then, I was almost done, and when it was time to do business, I started playing again.

Before looking back at the age of 30, the old man had a wonderful life.

I was thrown out twice by my aunt to experience life because of not studying well. Once in the black heart cotton processing factory, once in her own cold storage.

The most annoying thing is that the prodigal aunt asked the stevedores in the cold storage to educate me! She is not educated enough, but also allows workers to educate.

The sourness of six people unloading a piece of train skin is fresh in my memory.

I used to stay in the army and did not sleep for half the night, so I waited until the night was soaked in a bowl of noodles and added a raw egg. The world tastes great.

Once as a result of assaulting a policeman, he entered the classroom and worked as a second-hand. Remind you, don’t break the law in any way you live, especially when you fight the police.

Once, I lost the old lady and old man in one year, when I was in my early twenties.

I once lived in the basement of the capital without any support, and lived a day of Friday for RMB.

I once had a home in Beijing and reached the peak of Beipiao, with a house and a career.

I used to partner with someone to open a company, an intermediary company.

It's a pity that the old man felt that we were not good at this stuff, so he left it to that buddy to take care of it.

Don't get me wrong, I was not deceived.

Later, I discovered that the buddy is also a master who can't deceive people. So I lost a bottom.

In that era, intermediaries could not survive without cheating.

I tried to open a travel agency and thought I could make money by playing around. This is a reliable thing.

After squatting with my friend for two months, I realized that travel agencies are not related to travel. It is a scalping of people. But if you are a tourist who goes with the group, you don’t know how many lots have been sold!

The travel agency was not opened, but the trip was not delayed.

I have been to most cities and scenic spots in China, and have seen a lot of scenery.

It is no exaggeration to say that I have been to all the places you can say.

For this, it took me six years.

I have climbed snowy mountains and peeed at an altitude of 6100.

I have walked through Medog on foot...

Once I ran across the pass alone and encountered a heavy snowfall, it was a sheep herding master who stuffed me under the belly of the sheep to get my life back.

Until his thirties, in the words of friends, he lived smart, but penniless and accomplish nothing.

In their eyes, it is all my curse.

Then for 15 years, I watched "Yipin Jiangshan" by Master Ben Sanjie.

It can only be said that this grandson is very harmful!

It's very positive, it's gone.

If you don't go up or down, it's not fun.

As a result, I became angry and wrote "Tune Da Song", and since then embarked on the path of no return for the writer...

Only then did I realize that what supported me to write down all the way was the "worries" before the age of thirty...

Those experiences.

The five years of writing the book have also depended on blessings and misfortunes.

From six-pack abs, to a big belly, from wading through the mountains without breathing, to the injury of the whole body now.

(By the way, we were still a long-distance runner in the future, entered the school team, and won the second place in the school in the 10-kilometer cross-country. Of course, it was...the fifth grade of elementary school.)

Over the past five years, the old man has thanked many people.

Da Song’s earliest management, Chen Zhiyang, that guy is the best operation, but it’s nowhere to be seen.

The first leader of the Song Dynasty, Tihu Xiaosansheng.

Da Song's first silver league, Sister Grape.

There were so many gangsters who accompanied the old man all the way.

To be honest, it's not an exaggeration, the old man almost still remembers the names of those old book friends in Da Song. Including the general Tiance who scolds me every day, and Jing Cross!

It's also strange that these two grandsons are always yin and yang as soon as they post a book review, but he still reads it! From Dasong to boiling soup, even the rotten Song Dan has not been let go. That is not to be abandoned!

Of course, Jing Shishi seems to have corrected the evil now, and there is only one general left. He said that my head hurts every moment.

By the time "Fleeing Years", more people have to thank.

To be honest, I don’t know why you guys like fleeting years so much, and what you like makes me incredible.

For example, I wrote the four thousand words yesterday with my eyes closed, and my head was about to explode. I wondered if it was a cerebral hemorrhage, but some people said yes.

In some chapters, Lao Tzu tried so hard, wishing to scrutinize every word, and Luo Quan'er was scolded to go to heaven.

I'm so confused lately, I want to give you the keyboard, you can write it.

It's not nonsense.

For more than five years of writing the book, the person who needs the most thanks is actually Fenglin brother.

From the Hundred Leagues of the Great Song Dynasty to the encouragement when the soup can't be written. Although I know, he actually doesn't like boiling soup at all.

Then come the fleeting year.

In fact, those who like fleeting years must thank him. Without a word from him, the old man might go back and continue writing history.

At that time, on a whim, he wrote a beginning, he had to read it.

After reading it, he said, "This is good! Write this!"

I said, "Brother, I haven't written about the city, it's going to die!"

He said, "It's okay, I'm here, I promise you won't die from starvation."

I thought about it, all the tickets are available, so why hesitate? So it was posted.

I want to say something here...

Thanks to the boss for the Golden League! ! Boss atmosphere! The boss gets rich! The boss is invincible!

Okay, no more hesitation.


During the double period, I received a lot of rewards, but I was ashamed of it.

Lao Cang has been in a bad state during this period. Regardless of the amount of updates or the quality, I can't make it through myself.

A little lack of confidence.

At the end of last month, I didn't ask for votes, and my conscience was guilty.

However, I still want to thank all the bosses for their confusion! !

Thank you [also gone].....

[Mu Xue Tian Han Yi Jian Gu]...

[Passerby Wang Xiaodi]...

【Book Friends 20211029215857245】

【Book Friends 20200424155149621】


[Flute under high pressure]

【Qin Caihong】

[Snake Dance in the Rain]

【Ao Wutian】

【Lone Moon Magic Star】

【Blood Ling Wings】

【Little Counsel】

【Wing? Xiang】

Reward for the leader! !

Nothing to report!

Add more...

Can't add Let's say auspicious words to everyone!

I wish the bosses: Baifu Juzhen, Fushou Kangning, Ruiqi Demen, Hongxi Jiuji, Fuzhi Mind, Mentan Gifts, Congratulations to Make Money, Good Harvests, Fuqi Nanshan, Fushou Shuangquan, Fushou Years, Fuhui Shuangxiu, Virtue Men Jiqing, Shengqi Pianfu, Tanzhi Yingxiang, Blessing Pianfan, Five Fortunes Complete, Sanyang Kaitai, Xiangrui Fuyuan, Fulu Changjiu, Tanqi Diji, Huaxing Ninghui.

I also wish the fleeting book friends a happy new year and great luck.

Be open-minded to face difficulties and face life happily.

Face yourself bravely and face challenges viciously! !


This month, the goal is uncertain.

Can be more, less, more, less, it should be 300,000 to reach...

Last month, don't look at the stumbling, in fact, there were nearly 290,000!

I think 300,000 yuan will be fine this month.

Ask for leave after two days. Isn’t this a double? Just write if you can stick to it.

Go to see the intestines again after the double.

That's it, I don't know what to say.

Everyone has a vote?

Can you get a reward without a ticket?

Cheeky, ask for it. They say that crying children have milk to eat.



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