Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Retribution!

The latest website: Qi Lei and Wang Fatty, back to Beijing on the 26th.

Sister Mei and Zhang Guorong separated from them in Wuhan and continued to be busy when they returned to Hong Kong.

In his previous life, Qi Lei lived in the capital for nearly two decades, and most of the time, his parents also worked hard in the capital.

A family, from renting a tube building, squeezing one bedroom, to having their own home, bright and spacious.

Even Qi Lei's hukou was moved in with the introduction of talents.

However, I don't know why, in this city, Qi Lei in his previous life always has the helplessness and hesitation of outsiders.

He never really regarded this place as his home.

But in this world, there is no reason, and some are like arrows?

At the moment of getting off the plane, the hot and muddy air in the capital rushed towards his face, and Qi Lei who hit him was suddenly sluggish.

At that moment, he wanted to understand, because there was sustenance in this life.

In fact, regardless of the previous life, parents are also in the capital, and they are also worried.

However, Qi Guojun, like Guo Lihua and Qi Lei, has almost no feelings for this city.

The old couple often talked about it. They couldn't eat the beans from their hometown. They couldn't drink the tap water, unlike the sweet water in Shangbei.

Or, after a few years of tossing, Ma Lier will return to Shangbei for retirement.

As a result, the sense of belonging of a family is really not strong.

However, this life is different.

Qi Lei has a business here, Imagination, China Transmission Production Center, and half of Sanshi's business focus is in the capital.

And most of his ambitions want to set sail here.

There are friends... Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, Li Hanhan, Viagra, and 418.

Of course, there is Xiaoer around him.

There are elders... Lao Nan, Lao Qin, Grandma Chang, Teacher Liao, and President Dong University.

Of course, there are lovers.

Qi Lei checked the time, it was noon, and Xu Xiaoqian had class in the afternoon.

After pondering for a moment, he said to Fatty Wang and the young eagle class on the side, "Go back to Beiguang!"

Fatty Wang still has a lot of films to cut, and he really wants to go back to the production center in Beijing and Guangzhou.

But, don't you go back to Beiguang?

Qi Lei, "I'm going home to sleep!"

After leaving the terminal, the bus from Beiguang to pick up people stopped at the door. At the same time, a car from the Beijing office of Sanshi Company came to pick up the two company bosses.

Qi Lei's big G has to be consigned back to the capital city the day after tomorrow.

At this time, Qi Lei took the car key and asked the driver who sent the car to take a taxi back.

Xiaoer habitually patted the co-pilot, "Go!"

Qi Lei, "Then what, go back to Beiguang with your sister Xiaohan!"

Yang Xiao was anxious when he heard it, "I haven't reported yet!"

Qi Lei coaxed, "Come back to the young eagle class with her, and take a look at Li Hanhan by the way."

Yang Xiao, "I don't, I'm not from the Young Eagle Class!"

Qi Lei reached out and helped her open the car door, "Goodbye!"

Yang Xiao was so angry that he had to get out of the car.

However, he threw down a vicious sentence, "There is something innocent of the opposite sex, I misunderstood you!"

"Hey." Qi Lei smiled cheeky, "When you have a boyfriend, it will be a face."

Yang Xiao didn't bother to talk to him, and slammed the car door shut.

But at the last moment when the door closed, Qi Lei made another cut, "Don't go home before ten o'clock in the evening!"

Yang Xiao, "Who is rare to go back! Tired to break your broken waist!"

Unfortunately, Qi Lei didn't hear it, but the young eagle squad members heard it really.

Zhou Xiaohan came over cutely, "He doesn't want you?"

"What broken waist? What happened to the waist?"

Yang Xiao: "..."

After embarrassing for a long time, he suddenly roared, "Zhou Xiaocao, are you tight!?"

While speaking, he rushed up with teeth and claws, and got into the bus with Zhou Xiaohan arguing.

After getting in the car and sitting down, Yang Xiao was still thinking bitterly, "Don't let me go back at ten? I want to go back early, see what you two are doing!"

"I...I...I'll go home at nine and fifty-nine, and see what you can do to me?"


Qi Lei didn't go to Tsinghua University to find Xu Qian, mainly because he couldn't find a place. Plus, it's too low.

As soon as we get off the plane, we will kill it directly. I miss her too much.

It's better to go home, prepare a romantic dinner, and cook some of her favorite dishes.

For example: pork stewed noodles or something.

Two more cups...

Harbin beer!

Under the slight drunkenness, the cohabitation life without shame and shame was officially started.

Before arriving home, Qi Lei went to the West Street Market and bought a lot of ingredients to go home.

But I didn't want to. After four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yang, who went home without class, saw the Audi from Three Stone Company downstairs as soon as he came back.

They knew this car, and Tang Cheng had just drove it when Tang Xiaoyi University reported a month ago.

Plus, knowing that Qi Lei is back today, is this home?

Needless to say, I must go upstairs to take a look at my dear cousin.

When Zhang Yang arrived at the door, he started to smash the door, "Brother! Open the door! I miss you!"

The room was stewing meat and wearing an apron, and Qi Lei, who was quite feminine and masculine, turned black, "What's special! What are you doing here?"

"No one at home! Get out!"

Zhang Yang outside the door, "..."

I haven't seen you in two months, why is my dear brother's temper so big? Dissatisfied with desires?

"Brother, what did you stew? How about this incense!"

Qi Lei, "Shit! Get out of here!"

Zhang Yang chirped, "Why do you still eat shit? Our family's conditions are not good enough."

Qi Lei is annoyed, "Can you not be poor? Your eldest sister Kou is back, you can find her to play, don't delay my eating steamed buns!"

Zhang Yang, "Then you eat steamed buns, can you keep the stew for me?"

"Are you going away?"

Qi Lei opened the door suddenly, carrying a spatula, murderous.

Zhang Yang shrank back, "Get out of here!"

I looked into the room, sniffed hard, turned around and went downstairs, "Ah, a hungry man is as terrible as a hungry woman!"

Qi Lei twisted his eyebrows, trying to fly the shovel out.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't it right? How do you recall this sentence, how does it show off?


"Eh eh! Come back to me! Sister Kou is hungry and thirsty for you? How did it happen?"

But Zhang Yang's voice was already downstairs, "Too high and deep, brother, you can't learn it."


He returned to the house in a weird manner, tied his arms, and pondered for a long time.

Is this thirst for me? Don't call it?

To put it bluntly, at best, it is called two lives, longing for a better life.

To put it mildly, it is a matter of course when the boat arrives at the bridgehead!

This is called mutual affection!

"You ask... I love... How deep do you have...!"

"I much!"

Come on, sing.

That is, in his own home, he is now nineteen years old, just like a middle-aged wretched uncle.

Whenever there is an audience, netizens, etc., the three views must be destroyed.

President Xiao Qi's personal design... collapsed!

But Lei Qi is not to blame, three years, three years have been waiting!

In Shangbei, although Xu Xiaoqian often stayed overnight at Qi Lei's house, the two of them slept in the same bed without shame.

But after all, he is still a high school student, and some limits are insurmountable.

Now it’s all right, I’m going to university, the Emperor Tiangao is far away, and Comrade Qi Shitou is looking forward to a wanton and joyful cohabitation life.

Imagine that Xu Xiaoqian is gentle and playful, and with a little bit of the sturdy personality of a northeastern lady, what kind of joy will this cohabitation life bring.

At five o'clock, Qi Lei's cell phone rang, and Xu Xiaoqian called.

"Where is it?"

Qi Lei, "Home! The rice is almost cooked, just wait for someone to come back and enjoy it!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Tsk tsk, really virtuous."

"Wait, it's estimated that we will get home almost seven o'clock."

When Qi Lei heard it, under normal circumstances, he would really have to stop for two hours when he was off work.

Immediately weep, "You take the subway! Take a taxi to Sihui and come back."

Xu Xiaoqian responded, "Well, I'll be as soon as possible."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

On Qi Lei's side, he threw the phone to the sofa in an exaggerated manner. Turning his eyes, he went to the kitchen to simmer the stew.

Time is almost up, let's fry two more dishes.

At 6:30, Xu Xiaoqian hadn't come back yet, but Viagra was more acquainted and called ahead of time, "Can I go home?"

Qi Lei, "No."

Viagra, "Oh, then I live in the dormitory today."

Qi Lei, "What a good boy, I deserve to be my candidate brother-in-law!"

Viagra, "I puff!!"

Viagra was stupid right now, and when he returned to his soul, Qi Lei had already hung up the phone.

Standing ignorantly on the campus of Peking University, Viagra feels increasingly bad.

Lao Tzu hides it very deep! How did this grandson know?

I just have a little idea, right? Isn't it cross-border?

Hold! What am i doing wrong?

its not right? What is an alternative? Am I an alternative?

Viagra is hysterical.

It happened that a talented woman from the Department of Literature came over shyly, "Senior Cai Wei, can..."

"No!" Viagra flatly refused.

Sloppy King, don't look down on him as an old cadre. It's not Yushu Linfeng, but the relationship between women is still very high.

"Thank you very much for the favor of the school girl, but you and I have no chance, I will never give you a favor..."

"Senior already has someone I like."

This set of words, Viagra must not be repeated several times during the semester?

The classmates who passed by heard each other slammed their mouths, "Tsk tsk, Sloppy has hurt another ignorant girl."

As a result, the talented woman turned black, "Jetta Choi!"

"Can you not be stinky? I want to ask you, can you make it neater? The manuscript of the school magazine is about two weeks, and you embroider it? Haven't handed it in yet?"


The surrounding area is absolutely falling.

"Uh..." Viagra died on the spot.


Social death is an extremely painful experience, and the experience is extremely uncomfortable.

What's even more frightening is that in the whole world, you alone are uncomfortable, and everyone loves to hear it.

Qi Lei didn't know that Viagra had such an adventure, otherwise he would never let go of this opportunity to make a fool of him.

At this time, four dishes and one soup, hot and cold meat and vegetables...

This is Chinese romance, not the French warmth of candlelight and knife and fork.

With one arm, and the perseverance of sitting on the waist for three hours, Qi Lei doesn't have it.

Spread the tablecloth and arrange the dishes and chopsticks.

Under the lights of Wanjia, there is a starlight that lights up for you.

After a busy day, you can stand on a chair, tilt your body, and enjoy the food while sharing the joy and irritability of the day.

This is the dullest but most enjoyable romance.

Rubbing his hands and looking at the masterpiece that he had been busy working all afternoon, Qi Lei was still very satisfied. Looking at his watch, it was almost seven o'clock.

The bun is coming back soon, right?

As a result, just thinking about it, there was a movement of the key unlocking from outside the door.

When Qi Lei heard it, sparks were almost formed from the palm of his hand.

The thief rushed to the door with doglegs, and greeted him with a perverted bow.

As the door opened.

Qi Lei, "Dear Bag..."

"Bao, bags and bags..." His face collapsed, "Aunt Zhang!"

Zhang Nan, who was following Xu Qian, saw Qi Lei's constipation-like expression, which was quite strange.

As he entered the house, he took off his shoes and asked carefully, "What's the matter? I feel uncomfortable seeing me?"

"No!" Qi Lei responded to the thief, "I'm tired after flying for a day."

"Oh." Zhang Nan entered the house, saw the dishes on the table, complained immediately, "If you are tired, take a rest."

Blaming Xu Xiaoqian, "You, take care of him more, he doesn't have enough energy."

Xu Xiaoqian almost wrote five big characters on her face—I'm going to laugh crazy!

Does he have insufficient energy? If you don't come, you must be full of energy!

Qi Lei gave Xu Xiaoqian a vicious look, "Your mother is here, don't say a word!"

Then I went to the kitchen to get the dishes and chopsticks, "Aunt Zhang, isn't the second middle school busy? Why did you come to the capital?"

Zhang Nan and Xu Qian washed their hands and then explained to Qi Lei: "Those who came to the meeting were the county and city-level middle school construction report meetings organized by the Ministry of Education, and there were lectures."

Qi Lei said heartily, **** it! In other words, you won’t be able to leave for a while?

But he said, "That's right, just live here!"

Zhang Nanning smiled bitterly, "I already live here? It's been three days, right?"

Qi Lei: "..."

Suddenly realized that I seemed to have been tricked!

In the afternoon, Zhang Yang, Viagra who called, and Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian, don't you know?

No one told him about these grandchildren!

"Then what..." Zhang Nanluo greeted Zhang Nanluo to sit and eat, "How long are you going to study?"

But it was Xu Xiaoqian who held back her smile, "It's not learning, my mother is here to teach!"

"Talk about the Second Middle School Mode!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Xu Xiaoqian, "As for the time? It's not too long, it will take half a month!"

Qi Lei, "???"

Zhang Nan, "The plan is half a month. However, we will also exchange some problems with the key middle schools in the capital and visit the itinerary. It is estimated that it will take 20 days."

Qi Lei, "..."

Twenty days?

Suddenly feel that the stew has forgotten to add salt? It's boring?


The obstruction of the old mother-in-law forced Qi Lei's cohabitation plan to be temporarily shelved.

I could only fight with Xu Xiaoqian in the kitchen after eating and cleaning the dishes.

Prodigal maiden, tell me sooner that I was so excited.

And Xu Xiaoqian's most vicious thing is:

In this case, she is not righteously accusing Qi Lei, her thoughts are not correct, and she engages in **** all day long.

It's not to mock him for being anxious.

Not to take the initiative to admit mistakes and comfort the injured heart of Comrade Qi Shitou.

Instead, he said in Qi Lei's ear in an extremely sultry voice, "Ten days... soon."

Huh! Qi Lei's head hurts.

I didn't sleep all night, just thinking, Xu Xiaoqian's sentence was quick.

However, it is also completely honest.

There are many people respected by Qi Lei, but there are not many people who are afraid. Zhang Nan is definitely one.

She was here, Qi Lei didn't dare to cross the thunder pond half a step.

I feel more at ease and concentrate on the things at hand.

The first is the China Transmission Film and Television Production Center, which is the most urgent.

Half of the film in "A Longing for Life" has not yet been cut. This is also the main reason why Fatty Wang followed back to Beijing. He is still responsible for editing the film.

What Qi Lei is going to do is actually the theme song.

Yes, there is no theme song for the yearning life, a simple piece of music at the beginning and the end, or even plain music plus the title, has been broadcast like this.

Before, Fatty Wang thought about playing a theme song. According to the current popularity of the show, this song will definitely be popular as long as it is not too ugly.

However, Qi Lei said no, it was not that Fatty Wang's proposal was not good, but that he had other plans.

Put it this way, Qi Lei did it on purpose.

Yang Xiao's current setting in the show is still an image of an obedient little daughter, who has not shown any talent.

Although some netizens have seen the video of Yang Xiao at the Beijing-Canton Music Festival before, the spread is not high.

In the eyes of most viewers, she is still a little girl who knows nothing and knows nothing.

Under such a stereotype, if you arrange the plot of Yang Xiao's singing, the effect will be very explosive.

This theme song, in fact, Qi Lei wanted to present it in this way.

However, Qi Lei never thought of which song Xiaoer would sing on the show.

This is the first task now.

In addition to the editing and theme song of Fatty Wang, there is also the Young Eagle Class.

After returning to school, the Young Eagle Class did not go back to class, but faced separation.

At present, there are several TV stations that are negotiating program copyright with China Transmission.

For example, Mango, they are all crazy there. If "Chinese Restaurant" does not start filming, it will really cost 18 million people thrown into the sea.

Filming including CCTV's next variety show "The Longing Inn" has also started.

Zhongchuan should provide consulting services and send people to follow the team.

After a rough calculation, there will be 6 groups this month, and the young eagle squad can no longer act collectively.

Therefore, Qi Lei gathered the young eagle class together, "6 groups, or a group of several programs."

"Discuss this for yourself. The premise is that you either don't pick it up, then go all out and don't mess it up."

Zhou Xiaohan heard it, "Huh? Then there is no class?

Well, Zhou Xiaohan actually doesn't care about whether to attend class, she was a senior year, and she had already finished the credits.

In fact, she wanted to stay in the capital and be able to work part-time to earn a little money.

This girl Cai was fascinated. She spent two months with the program group of "A Longing for Life". Although all the expenses were reimbursed by the program group, Zhou Xiaohan did not make any money.

You must know that for the four years of university, she relied on her own tuition and living expenses, so she basically didn't care about the family's money.

Qi Lei's answer is also very simple for her act of talking about things in class.

"Practical combat is the best learning."

Except Zhou Xiaohan, everyone else was actually quite excited when they heard this.

After all, Zhou Xiaohan is a financial fan, but others don't think so much.

Rather than writing essays and taking big classes every day in school, I might as well follow the program group more freely, and indeed I can learn more.

However, with Qi Lei's next sentence, everyone had the urge to bury him.

"Of course..." Touching his nose, the conversation turned, "The actual combat returns to the actual combat, and the theory class can't be suspended. It's up to you to squeeze the time to learn!"

I'm going to your uncle!


The silly dragon was angry immediately.

He is a first-year graduate this year. Although there is no pressure to attend classes, he has a lot to learn.

"Brother Stone, do you have a grandson?"

Ma Chenyu couldn't bear it anymore, this product was a landlord's old wealth, squeezed as much as possible.

And Qi Lei, who was paying out his bag, paused, "You scold me?"

Ma Chenyu's nose twitched, "Don't put on airs, treat it as a personal communication."

Qi Lei was happy and took his hand out of his bag. Zhou Xiaohan carefully discovered that he was holding a stack of bank cards in his hand.

Ma Chenyu continued, "It will kill you! Can you raise your hand high?"

Qi Lei, "Okay!"

"Okay..." Ma Chenyu was startled.

Huh! Why don't you play cards according to the routine? Is this agreed? It's a bit too fun.

I saw Qi Lei say to the whole class, "If you don't want to participate in the production of the show, you don't have to go. It's all voluntary."

"Moreover, this semester, several instructors and I have already communicated with each other. I will not leave papers for everyone, so I can relax."

Ma Chenyu is even more confused, so good?

Before he could speak, Zhou Xiaohan was about to jump up, "Really!?"

Qi Lei, "Of course it is true."

Zhou Xiaohan didn't even think about it, "Then I ask to stay!"

After finishing speaking, I apologized to everyone and wailed, "It's not that I want to get out of the organization, I only have 20 yuan in my old mother's pocket! If you don't make any money, you have to sell yourself!"

Everyone smiled in understanding.

On the condition of Zhou Xiaocao, it was too easy for her to get the money if she wanted to sell herself.

Qi Lei did not stop, "Who else wants to stay?"

What everyone didn't expect was that except for Ma Chenyu, Tuo Ye didn't want to go out.

"The transformation of the big G will be over soon, I want to sort out the related things as soon as possible, so I won't follow the group."

Qi Lei, "Okay!"

He didn't even hit him, "Just the three of them?"

Originally, Zong Baobao and Jiang Yao wanted to stand up and stay.

Began to encourage Kou Zhongqi. "We spend less time together with your Zhang Yang, or let's stay in school together!"

Jiang Yao is a sophomore, and Zong Baobao is a sophomore in name, but in fact, he was recruited from Beijing and Guangzhou midway, and he didn't study for two semesters at all.

Therefore, they are under too much pressure on credits.

I want to go out and join the team, but if you think about it, let's forget it, Qi Lei won't give them a chance to fail.

As for Sister Kou, they think that Sister Kou should most want to stay, right?

In addition to the pressure of credits, Sister Kou treated Zhang Yang...

Don't look at this girl who dares to say anything, but Zhang Yang is really single-minded.

The two people thought Kou Zhongqi would agree to stay without thinking.

Unexpectedly, Sister Kou narrowed her eyes, "No!"

The two, "Why is it wrong?"

Sister Kou, "wait and see."

She always felt that Qi Lei's promise was a bit too quick, not his style.

Plus, just talk about things, what are you doing with your bank card in your hand? What's bad about it?

As everyone knows, Sister Kou was only half right.

Qi Lei is indeed not afraid that they will not go, but it is not holding back bad, but...

"Then these few?"

"It's fixed?"

Zhou Xiaohan frowned and nodded firmly, "Hmm! It's settled."

Qi Lei, "All right!"

Show the bank card, press the name on it, and send it to everyone. "This is the card issued to you by the school.

Zhou Xiaohan held the card, "What is this?"

Qi Lei, "Salary card!"

Zhou Xiaohan, "What, what is the labor fee?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Our school is not Zhou Peipi, let alone Zhong Chuan can't do things that violate the labor law."

""The Longing for Life" was recorded for two months, of course I have to be paid!"

"Ah!?" Zhou Xiaocao was dumbfounded, "Also, give me the money?"

"How fresh." Qi Lei gave her a blank look. "If you don't want it, you can donate it."

Zhou Xiaohan smirked when he heard it, "Hey, donate, it's not impossible! Just donate to Mufu Village, it's pretty good."

She said so, but her hands were tightly clenched, and Cai Mi's demeanor was fully evident.

"Oh, right!"

Zhou Xiaocai finally got to the point, "How much is it?"

This is what Zhou Xiaocao really cares about.

Qi Lei joked, "Not much money, very little."

Zhou Xiaohan was a little disappointed when he heard that there was not much money, and he knew that you were not so generous.

As a result, before he finished despising him, Qi Lei jumped out again, "Tuo Ye and Shalong performed the best this time and contributed the most. They are also the leaders and deputy leaders of the planning team. Therefore, the two of them are 150,000 yuan. The others are one hundred thousand."

I puff puff! !

Zhou Xiaohan almost bloodied up and down, "More, how much!?"

Qi Lei, "Tuo Ye and Silly Dragon 150,000, you are all 100,000!"


Three voices.

Suddenly found out that my old lady has lost!

Turning his big eyes, he tentatively asked, "Are you going to follow the team later..."

"Nonsense!" Qi Lei stared unceremoniously, "The young eagle class is not a shantang. Who should give me a point less the money I think?"

Zhou Xiaocao: "..."

"Then what..." His eyes drifted, "I think... it's good to follow the group, I, I, I, I should follow the group!"

One hundred thousand! I can sell it to you!

Don't talk about teaming up. She has been an off-campus host for several years in college, and she didn't earn half of her money.

"I'm with the group!"

Qi Lei sneered, "Why don't you forget it? The homework is quite heavy, you stay and study hard, and watch the house by the way?"


"I will squeeze time! Don't stay!"

Do you dare to make money without me, Zhou Xiaohan?

Qi Lei, "Don't delay studying?"

Zhou Xiaohan, "Don't delay!"

"All right then!" Qi Lei nodded.

As a result, Master Tuo touched his nose over there, "So what... The academic finishing of the big G transformation, I don't think it has to be done in school, it's the same in the program group!"

It's not that Master Tuo has no morals, he really gave too much.

Earning 150,000 in two months, who can stand it?

Qi Lei was not surprised at all, he smiled and looked at Ma Chenyu, "Dashuai Ma, you can only take care of the housekeeping!"

Ma Chenyu said heartily, you dream!

"Whoever loves to watch it! I want to make money!"

Look, no one wants to stay.

Qi Lei sighed for a long time, people, just a little bit more pressure.

How good is it now? Practice and theory go hand in hand, can't they grow faster?

A group of young eagle squad members have been with Qi Lei for so long, and they can see it, and let this grandson know it again.

Suddenly I was upset, I knew it was a trap, but you still had to jump in.

So angry!

Just thinking about it, Chen Xingfu opened the door of the classroom, glanced inside, and beckoned to Qi Lei with a stern face, meaning to let him come out to speak.

Qi Lei frowned, and said to his heart, what did Grandpa Chen ask me for?

Turn around and leave the classroom, listen to what grandpa has to say.

The young eagle squad members were also curious, Zhou Xiaohan was dumbfounded, "Will there be another moth?"

Ma Chenyu screamed, "Hang!"

Master Tuo shook his head, quite aloof from the ups and downs of the world, "Ban Daoxing, young eagle bitter. Ban Dao died, young eagle also bitter."

Jiang Yao didn't sigh as much as they did. She was just curious about what Grandpa Chen did with Qi Lei?

With his toes on his toes, he began to lean towards the door, intending to listen to the roots of the wall.

Everyone has a look, hey! What are you struggling with here? Do you know by listening?

So after Jiang Yao, they all leaned to the door and listened to the door.

I heard that Grandpa Chen was very serious, "Qi Lei, let me tell you! If you dare to drop four subjects this semester like last semester! See how I clean up you!"

"I don't care if you did this or that, the school, you can't leave it to me!"

"Really if you can!? No need to learn!?"

"You show me more improperly!?"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and stood there, making Grandpa Chen like his third grandson.

That little hawk from the young eagle squad is very transparent.

Pretend! Why didn't you continue to install it? Can someone cure you?

Suddenly it feels like the way of heaven is reincarnation, who has God spared?

Really are!

Apart from the class tutor, Qi Lei is still a student.

Just like Chen Xingfu said, no matter how good you are outside, do you understand the theoretical basis? Have you learned it thoroughly?

According to Grandpa Chen, Qi Lei is still young, and there will be time for him to show off his talent in the future, but now the most important thing is to lay a solid foundation.

In this regard, Qi Lei is also very helpless.

The point is, you can't refute Chen Xingfu, he is right, Qi Lei does lack a little theoretical precipitation.

Therefore, from now on, no matter where Qi Lei goes, his bag must contain the "Communication Course" compiled by Grandpa Chen himself.

No way, the old man is really not used to him.

There are so many things on the school side, but there are actually quite a few.

Since returning to the capital, Qi Lei has been busy and has no time to get together with Erchengzi and Sanbingzi.

However, they have no time to talk to Qi Lei now.

Because this freshman year is smarter.

Where is the best place in Beiguang? Of course it is the young eagle class!

The first phase of the Young Eagle Class was selected at this time last year.

Moreover, the title is hidden and there is no trace to be found.

Therefore, the second period of the Young Eagle Class must also be selected during this time.

Since the first day of entering the school, the class guide and instructor have been vaccinating them.

For example, Grandpa Chen said, "This very good, it is the ceiling of domestic communication studies!"

"Let's put it this way, the investment of the Young Eagle Class in an undergraduate is enough to raise a normal doctoral student."

"I have been teaching all my life, and the funds spent on scientific research are not as high as the one-year research funds of a doctoral student in the young eagle class."

"It's such a big support!"

"If anyone can get in, it not only proves the individual's ability, but also means that you have a firm foothold in the media industry."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that this is a shortcut for you to reach the pinnacle of your life."

"As for how can I get into the Young Eagle Class... I'm sorry, the teacher can't answer, because it's not me who asked the question."

"But what I can tell you is that it is not impossible for freshmen to enter the Eagle Class."

"However, there is a premise!"

Yang raised a few inches of "Communications Course" in his hand, "In a month's time, please memorize this for me to learn thoroughly!"

"If you have this ability, you have this opportunity!"

When the student below heard it, heck! Did you fight it?

A month of hard work, happy half a lifetime!

As everyone knows, the Young Eagle Class assessment has nothing to do with that book, and Grandpa Chen is lying.

Because it was him this year who gave the question, Qi Lei could not participate.

No way, there are too many students coming out of Shangbei this year, and Dong Beiguo is afraid that he will cheat for personal gains.

Therefore, Qi Lei was excluded from this year's selection.

The exam questions are the boards made by Grandpa Chen. No one knows better than him, and it has nothing to do with this book.

He simply wants these children to spend more time on learning.

Moreover, whoever wants to use this book to preview it once a month? Even if you skipped class often, you couldn't pass the course of the four-year communication course.

I can only say that they are all routines!

However, he really believed in Erchengzi and Sanbingzi. What can you do?

It was only after entering the school that he knew that the class leader was so good here, and the young eagle class was his world.

Of course you have to join the young eagle squad and the head of the squad!

Then, these silly boys and girls really spent a month studying.

In the words of Erchengzi, UU reading "finished, finished..."

Li Lin, "It's not a problem at all, it's almost comparable to the intensity of Class 14!"

Er Chengzi, "Yes! Li Lin is right!"


【Monthly Pass Coin Slot】

[Recommended ticket coin slot]

Thanks to the leader of 【Tang Boji】 for the reward.

Boss atmosphere! The boss gets rich.


Why don't the bosses of this month like to give rewards from 8 to 12 o'clock?

However, it's okay, the old man split his arms and thanked him.

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