Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 79: 3 2 fools

The latest website: This year, the enrollment policy of the eagle class is slightly relaxed compared with last year. However, Grandpa Chen expects that ten candidates will be selected.

It is said that with the expansion of enrollment this year, the number of freshmen is nearly double that of last year. Coupled with the relaxation of the selection policy, the number of the second eagle class should be quite large.

Actually, that's not the case at all.

Last year was the sophomore year to the senior year, plus a general election for graduate students and doctoral students.

This year, there are only freshmen, and the sophomore who was catching up with military training last year, the base is actually smaller than last year.

Even though there are still quite a few good seedlings in the second middle school who have experienced the insight model this year, the eagle class needs not only experience, but also talent.

In fact, among the classmates of No. 2 Middle School, Qi Lei is very optimistic about several people.

For example, Erchengzi and Sanbingzi, these two guys are very jumpy.

Another example is Chen Peng.

Although Chen Peng was a person, Qi Lei didn't like him very much, and he always lived in the shadow of Qi Lei in high school and regarded Qi Lei as his opponent.

However, Qi Lei didn't regard him as an opponent, it was just a little kid's nonsense.

As for Chen Peng's philistine and cunning, he was actually similar to Lu Xiaoshuai and the others. To put it bluntly, less frustration.

In a place like the capital, after a few years, that little willfulness will be worn away.

The reason why Qi Lei is optimistic about Chen Peng is actually because of his cunning. It's like in the insight model, this product can actually spend money to buy traffic, but this is the only point that ordinary people can't compare.

Therefore, Qi Lei is still quite optimistic about him.

It's just that it's useless no matter how optimistic he is. On the issue of education, neither Dong Beiguo nor Liao Fanyi can rub the sand.

No one can do it, let alone Beiguang's current facade, the Eagle Class.

So, Mr. Qi should stand aside this time, I'm really afraid that he will cheat for personal gain.

In this regard, Qi Lei is quite aggrieved.

chap! It's like you're the only one with high consciousness, I haven't thought about it, okay?

In fact, even if Dong Beiguo didn't exclude him, he wanted to withdraw voluntarily.

Favoritism and cheating, sometimes it is not enough to grasp your own heart.

For example, you said that Erchengzi and Sanbingzi came to ask Qi Lei to let him release water. What should I do?

Can refuse, but the process is definitely painful.

What if it was Xiaoer who wanted to enter the eagle class?

It's not even good to say no.

Even if these guys don't give Qi Lei this trouble, there are others who take chances.

So, it's better to just hide, it's useless to find me, and I don't care about it.


"Dong Xiao, you are really not good!"

Qi Lei complained to Dong Beiguo, "You asked me to quit on my own? It's obvious that my consciousness is quite high."

In this regard, Dong Beiguo smiled and said, "You! Don't be cheap and be good, I'm taking the blame for you!"

Qi Lei took the initiative to withdraw from the selection, and those who knew him must know that Qi Lei didn't want to go into trouble, and he didn't want to help anyone.

How good it is now, it was Principal Dong Da who kicked him out, and no one can fault Qi Lei.

"You're a good man, and the bad guys are all carried by your uncle Dong, so what do you want?"

Qi Lei thought about it, yes!

"thank you!"

chap! He kicked me, and I have to thank you. Where can I make sense?

I can only say that **** is still old and spicy!

Then, when he turned around, Chen Peng came to Qi Lei, "Stone, do me a favor, I want to join the eagle class!"

Qi Lei heard this, "You don't know?"

Chen Peng, "What do I know?"

Qi Da, "I have a falling out with Lao Dong, he won't let me participate in the enrollment of the young eagle class!"


Qi Lei, "Really! Your class director knows about this. If you don't make it right, the class director of the Eagles class will slap me down this year."

Chen Peng, "Brother Stone, condolences and change!"

Jumping and walking.

special! Why does Qi Lei feel that the corner of his mouth is smiling?

And Chen Peng, "It's good! I'm a student like me, see if you still bully me!"

Just as he was thinking, before he took a few steps, he saw a noon woman with a thick waist and a fat body, pounced in front of Qi Lei like a gust of wind, "Leader, I'm holding you!"

Zhao Lan threw a bunch of purchase orders in his hand, "Little Li is on a business trip! Uncle Yao's re-employment procedures have not been completed, so he can't sign! There is no one in charge of a lot of things in the office, so I can only trouble you."

Chen Peng, "…"

special! Does it sound a little fanciful?

It happened that the senior in the second year of the dormitory upstairs passed by, and when I asked, I found out that this guy is still the director of the school office?

I couldn't help but scolded: "I'll go to his uncle, is the principal his father?"

When the senior heard this, "Father is not, but he is better than father."

Leaked some gossip, "I heard that Principal Dong deliberately kicked him out of the selection of the second eagle class in order not to embarrass him."

"Tsk tsk, my son didn't expect to be so thoughtful."

Chen Peng: "…"

Stop playing!

Jianghu routines are too deep to play.


The rest of the 418 dormitories also want to enter the eagle class.

If nothing else, just the treatment of the eagle class, and the public travel, who is not envious?

In the eyes of the young eagle class, it may be a pain to take care of both academics and participate in such a heavy extracurricular study.

But that's the feeling of being ignorant of happiness in the midst of happiness, and even a little arrogant and stinky.

In the eyes of others, envy is miserable, right?

Therefore, Xiao Dongli, Master Peng, Brother Chuang, and Brother Mai all have this in mind.

It's just that they didn't bother Qi Lei, they were working hard.

So let's say, the freshman and sophomore in Jeonbukguang, who are not working hard towards the second phase of Young Eagle, may only be two people - one Yang Xiao and one Zhang Yang.

The reasons for these two are very strange.

Zhang Yang: Just hold on to my cousin's thigh. I'm not interested in what kind of eagle class is not the eagle class.

This guy has always been Buddhist.

And Xiaoer...

Be a good brother, let him be a student, my mother is sick!

I didn't see Sister Kou being tortured by Qi Lei. In her own words, "This gentleman is not easy to serve."

Besides, Wu Ning and Cheng Lele are about to leave. In Xiaoer's heart, there is a natural fear of separation.

Therefore, she was really reluctant to let Wu Ning go abroad.

In addition, the time before Wu Ning went out was a bit weird, which made Xiaoer feel very uncomfortable.

Originally, in August, when Wu Xiaojian was filming the yearning life, they should have left, but he and Cheng Lele had to drag it.

In Wu Xiaojian's bragging words, "Stanford is still called Stanford without me, Wu Ning?"

"They are rushing to collect me, and it's not that I have to go to them!"

"Wait! Brother, go whenever you want."

But in fact, I heard Tang Xiaoyi say that Wu Ning is waiting for the music festival in Beiguang, and he wants to go on stage again with everyone.

In this regard, Xiaoer was quite speechless when she called, "You can leave as soon as you want. It's quite ritualistic, so you can't see this!"

Wu Ning didn't take it seriously, "Our brothers, we still have to have a platoon."

"Wait! Brother arrives in the capital on October 2, and the plane on the 5th will stay with you for three days."

During this time, Wu Ning accompanied Dong Xiuhua and Wu Lianshan in Shangbei, and did not hang out with his brothers in the capital.

On September 29, the fifth issue of "Longing for Life" was broadcast.

In this issue, in addition to the two Hong Kong star goddesses that appeared in the fourth issue, there are two bright spots.

The first is that the villain director finally appeared.

Moreover, the way of appearance is also unexpected for the audience.

Leslie Cheung, Sister Mei and Qi Lei finished their friends, so they naturally aimed their guns at the villain director who had always been against each other.

The method is extremely shameless. On the grounds that the production team has worked hard for many days, the three main players, Sister Mei, Qi Lei and Zhang Guorong, personally cook as bait and invite the villain director to have a meal.

It's just that since the villain director deducts the family and asks for money for everything, we can't eat for nothing, right?

Gotta pay! It's just that the meal is a bit expensive, and it cost the villain director 100 meters of road repair money.

The effect was full, and the audience never expected that the villain director was actually Fatty Wang, which was not a big surprise.

And the episode of Fatty Wang being caught in a blood pit is even more hilarious.

The second highlight is Tang Xiaoyi's departure from school, which is not funny, but very emotional.

It feels a little bit reluctant to say goodbye, and what makes the audience speechless is that Tang Xiaoyi's family almost stopped as soon as he left on the front foot.

Dinner was a problem.

Not to mention the family, the audience began to miss Tang Xiaoyi, a good boy who worked hard and worked hard.

All in all, this episode's ratings hit a new high.

Broke 40, approaching 45.

"Longing for Life" only took five episodes to reach the height of the national variety show.

As a result, after the 29th, the leading variety shows of several satellite TVs announced that they would be suspended.

There's no way, the ratings are completely lost, and one issue will be lost for one issue. Moreover, the free film crew can just cooperate with China Chuan Production Center immediately to start the recording of the new variety show.

Originally, Qi Lei had to work with the young eagle class for a while, but Qi Lei couldn't walk away now.

"Just wait! Do the preliminary preparations first, and talk about it after mid-October."

As for why?

nonsense! My brother is going abroad, my mother-in-law is at home, how can I take care of you?

On the second, go to the airport to pick up Wu Ning and Cheng Lele, as well as the two adults.

After settling in, it was already night. The three brothers ran to the football field in Beiguang, sat on the turf, and watched the stage set up and the study room with lights in the distance.

Wu Xiaojian pushed his glasses, "When I was in No. 2 Middle School, we would always sit by the podium and look at the main building during self-study at night."

After listening to Tang Xiaoyi, he couldn't help laughing, and seemed to miss it a little.

Although Tang Xiaoyi was very satisfied with college life, it was a different experience compared to high school.

University is freer and more unrestrained.

And high school...more pure.

In addition to friendship, there is only an unfinished workbook.

He gave Wu Xiaojian a pestle, "You won't be here for another six or seven years?"

I want to say that if the stones are not going out, you can't go out either.

However, Tang Xiaoyi suddenly remembered what he and Wu Ning had said in Qi Lei's house more than half a year ago.

Wu Ning asked him to have a snack to share with Qi Lei.

When the words reached his throat, he swallowed them again.

He suddenly squeezed out a smile, "Go with peace of mind, there is me in Shishi!"

Wu Xiaojian glared at him, "What kind of good words are in your mouth, why are they so ugly?"

"What does it mean to go with peace of mind?"


Tang Xiaoyi smiled stiffly, "Between brothers, just understand the meaning."

Wu Ning saw Tang Xiaoyi's reluctance, and put his arms on his shoulders, "Study hard, brother back will buy you a laboratory abroad, and let those who have won the Nobel Prize help you!"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Are you ready?"

Wu Ning, "Exactly!"

Tang Xiaoyi smirked and looked forward to it for a while, "Forget it, go back and get one for yourself."

This time, Qi Lei and Wu Ning both laughed, "Forget it! Just because of your temper, I don't dare to award you the Nobel Prize, right? Or let's set up an award and give it to you just for fun."

The three brothers laughed, this cowhide is so fun!

Tang Xiaoyi, "Set up a prize...a prize of 100 million? I'll see it!"

Acting like a real thing, "The following are the winners...Tang Yi!"

"Fuck! That's cool!"

Qi Lei and Wu Ning looked at Tang Xiaoyi's perverted appearance and laughed, but they couldn't laugh anymore.

In fact, brothers know brothers best!

Tang Xiaoyi was reluctant to let Wu Ning be alone outside, so why would Qi Lei be willing?

One shot on the turf, looking up at the starry sky.

Wu Ning and Tang Yi saw that he was lying down, his posture was quite comfortable, and they also followed suit.

Three people, facing exactly three different directions, is exactly an equilateral triangle, the most stable structure.

In just a few days, it is destined to be temporarily missing a corner.

"Wu Xiaojian!"


Qi Lei suddenly remembered a strange question, "Except for the year I went to college, what is the longest time we have been apart?"

Wu Ning thought for a while, "It seems like you and Tang Yi went to Suzhou, right?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Which time?"

Wu Ning, "That's it! I didn't get rid of chickenpox, you two came back after half a month of madness."

Tang Xiaoyi thought hard, why can't I remember it?

Qi Lei was also a little vague, "When did it happen?"

Wu Ning, "Is it four years old? It's almost five years old."

"Depend on!"

"Depend on!"

The brothers rolled their eyes, "Do you still remember the four-year-old?"

"Are you still human?"

But it was Wu Ning who was a little serious, "I cried for several days that time and swore that I would never be with you again when you came back."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Cha, I really can't remember."

Qi Lei, "I seem to have an impression, was it the time when you sprinkled chili noodles on Yang Jinwei's pants?"

Wu Ning, "Yes! I originally wanted to put it on your pants, but the wind was blowing that day, and his pants flew into our yard."

I puff!

Qi Lei sprayed.

That time, Qi Lei was particularly impressed, and almost didn't kill Guo Lihua.

The general process is that Guo Lihua picked a child's pants in the courtyard, not Qi Lei's, nor the other two brothers.

At that time, there was no brick wall with the Yang family next door, and there was no small kitchen in the courtyard, just a fence made of several boards.

As soon as there is a strong wind, if the clothes are not in a hurry, go to each hospital to find them!

This kind of thing is very common. It just so happened that Mrs. Yang was looking for her in the courtyard, and Yang Jinwei was waiting there with her bare bottom.

Guo Lihua sent it back, and Yang Jinwei put it on at that time.


As a result, at night, Yang Jinwei's little Ding Ding was like a red burn.

Mrs. Yang naturally quit and came to the house to fight.

Guo Lihua didn't even have to think about it, it must have been three bastards.

And this kind of thing, the three brothers are used to it, Wu Xiaojian knew something was wrong before he entered the door, and confessed to the brothers that he did it.

And Qi Lei, as the boss, also has to take on that responsibility, to take care of everything!

"Tsk tsk, that was the hardest time the old lady hit me."

"I knew it was me that you were going to cheat, and I won't give you the blame for anything!"

Wu Xiaojian also laughed, "Fortunately, Yang Jinwei was unlucky."

There is nothing about Tang Xiaoyi here, so he is very relaxed and still has the mind to ask, "Why?"

Wu Ning, "Otherwise, the stone and I may break up."

Tang Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment, smashing his mouth and thinking, "So, I also have an impression, is it the time when Yang Jinwei cried as soon as he urinated?"

Qi Lei, "No! How old are you? Are you seven or eight years old?"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Are you sure that's not the case? His symptoms were like chili noodles in his underwear!"

Qi Lei, "Definitely not! Because I did it that time."



Wu Ning and Tang Yi stopped talking.

Suddenly realized a question, since childhood, how many evil things have we done?

As a result, Qi Lei added another sentence, "That time was abnormally spicy. The chili noodles that Uncle Ma stole from Hutongkou was the hottest."



Ruthless, ruthless!

After a long while, Wu Xiaojian said, "I won't be punished, right?"

Qi Lei, "Probably not."

Tang Yi, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "Wu Ning came up with the idea, and you did most of the things. I've been beaten up again and again, so my retribution is over."

"I want to report, it's also you two!"

Tang Xiaoyi, "..."

Wu Ning, "…"

Qi Lei, "Especially you." Qi Lei suddenly turned his head to look at Wu Ning.

Wu Ning smiled, "What's wrong with me?"

Qi Lei, "You owe Lao Tzu the most, and every time Lao Tzu takes the blame for you. So, after you go out, make a little toss and pay me back as soon as possible!"

Wu Ning: "…"

Wu Ning suddenly realized that his little Jiujiu didn't seem to hide this little brother from childhood.

After a long silence, he suddenly sneered, "I'm not the same outside..."

"Same ass!" Qi Lei twisted his head and glared at him.

Although it was dark and I couldn't see Qi Lei's eyes, Wu Ning knew that he was staring at him.

After staring, Qi Lei looked up at the starry sky again, "Wu Xiaojian!"

"What's wrong?"

"In the eyes of me and the lunatic, brothers are more important than careers and anything."

Wu Ning, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Lei, "It's for you to remember that if you encounter a choice outside that may threaten yourself, just think about this sentence."

"Don't hurt the most precious things for a little triviality."

Wu Ning: "…"

After a long time, "Uncle Bei told you?"

Qi Lei, "What do you think?"

Wu Ning smiled bitterly, "It's not funny, I also told him not to tell you."

Qi Lei, "Uncle Bei is not stupid, he knows that if I don't tell me, I can hate him for the rest of my life."

Wu Ning: "…"

After pondering for a long time, he sighed, "Then tell me, where is the bottom line? What can be done and what can't be done?"

Qi Lei didn't even think about it, "First of all, you can change your nationality, and you can change it back sooner or later."

"Then, you can also hook up with Chen Wenjie's father."

"There is only one request."

Wu Ning, "You say it!"

Qi Lei, "You have to listen to me when you go out. You can't do what you're not allowed to do!"

Wu Ning thought for a while, "Okay! It's still the same as before, listen to you!"

Only then did Qi Lei show a relieved smile. He knew that Wu Ning would obey as long as he agreed.

Suddenly pointing at the starry sky, "Wu Xiaojian!"


"Where is that?"


"Want to go up and have a look?"


"So, don't look so close. When we earn enough money, let's make a big toy and take a look at it, then it won't be a waste of life."


"Then what..." Tang Xiaoyi said suddenly, "You two wait for a while."

The two of them saw that Tang Xiaoyi looked confused in the night, "What are you two talking about?"

Qi Lei, "Isn't this life worth living?"

"That's not it, front!"

"Go see?"


"what is that?"

"Go ahead!"

"Having hooked up with Chen Wenjie's father?"

Tang Xiaoyi gritted his teeth, "A little bit ahead!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, and he was almost at the airport to pick him up.

Well, since Qi Lei asked Wu Ning to go out for a little toss, Tang Xiaoyi couldn't understand it.

"What's wrong? Why don't you just go to school? How come you look like an underground worker?"

Staring at Wu Ning, "Why don't you really become a spy?"

Wu Ning: "Go away!"

After scolding, Qi Lei instructed, "You better teach him more, this child is about to die."

Qi Lei, "It's alright if it's abolished, Dad Tang has already thought about deleting the account and retraining."

Wu Ning thought, "It's not impossible!"

So, Tang Xiaoyi was anxious, "You two, get out of here, and no one should touch my father's property!"

The starry sky is bright, and the summer night is like a song.

The three brothers just lay on the turf, laughing unscrupulously, cursing unscrupulously...

That night, the Beiguang Forum was shocked to see a news post, "There are three second-order fools, and I don't know which department they belong to, lying on the football field and bragging until the middle of the night!"


【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

Report to the fellow readers.

I didn't see a doctor, it was too time consuming.

Going to the registered office for a check-up may not be finished in one day, and it will take another whole day to make an appointment for a gastroenteroscopy, which is too long.

I found a reliable Chinese medicine practitioner and took my pulse for two minutes!

The intestines are not a big deal, UU reading is a little angry...

In addition to the treatment of insomnia, and the messy little problems, a pair of medicine and registration, more than 200 yuan to get it!

(Appreciate a wave of our great Chinese medicine practitioners.)

Should have changed it yesterday. But taking traditional Chinese medicine, the old man's original sleep aids have to be stopped, and then......

Traditional Chinese medicine doesn't work so quickly. I stayed up all night and couldn't sleep, and it was over in one day yesterday.

During this time, it is necessary to adjust sleep with traditional Chinese medicine, and there is also a course of acupuncture and massage, so the update is guaranteed to be constantly updated, but the number will be less.

Everyone understand.

This month, we don't fight for anything, and the old man doesn't want to vote anymore, just let the old man rest for a month.

The state will be better next month, and the liver will explode again.

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