Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 84: 4 faces embattled

"Are you cool?"

After the reporter left, Qi Lei's first question to Zhang Guorong was, "Are you happy?"

Zhang Guorong was also helpless, "What are you doing? Do you want to be so high-profile?"

As soon as these two news were broadcast, it was a high-profile announcement that Zhang Guorong broke with the original owner and signed a contract with the mainland.

how to say? If Zhang Guorong calmed down, he would find that it might not be a good thing.

Now, the matter between him and his old club is raging, and the direction of public opinion is unclear. The news of such a big news at this time has stimulated public opinion.

Not only movie fans and fans, but also a provocation to peers.

"Isn't that necessary?"

Originally, Zhang Guorong felt guilty for taking so much remuneration, but now it's better, and even more guilty.

What do your colleagues think of him?

Sister Chen thought so too. However, as a veteran agent, she guessed some of Qi Lei's intentions. .

When this news broke out, some media would indeed converge.

However, the public will react more violently! Isn't it worth it?

Sister Chen's eyes changed when she looked at Qi Lei.

In the past, it was Zhang Guorong who had direct contact with Qi Lei, but her manager didn't know much about Mr. Qi.

To be honest, last night, after being stunned by Qi Lei's punches, Sister Chen returned home and made up for the detailed past of Mr. Qi.

In the words of the Internet, this is a monster!

A genius in the business world, a great academic, with a profound background, he has done quite well in public relations in several crises, and his ability and age are completely incomparable.

To be honest, Sister Chen is quite fortunate that Young Master Rong has made such a reliable friend.

But, why did you come out like this before one day?

What is said on the Internet is false? blow out?

I saw it with my own eyes today, child, are you too impulsive?

Sister Chen had to re-evaluate and examine this young man.

No matter how you look at it, how do you think it is unreliable!

Really couldn't hold back, and interjected: "Mr. Qi, this reporter is an acquaintance, and it's too late to catch up now."

But seeing that Qi Lei ignored her, he still looked at Zhang Guorong, "How is it? Are you happy?"

Zhang Guorong: "..."

Well, he suddenly bared his teeth and answered honestly, "It's cool!"

Can you be upset? Everyone has black and white sides.

Possibly, the good side told him that he shouldn't be a villain, and he shouldn't be too ostentatious. However, on the evil side, there is always a desire for Da Shuang Wen'er who pretends to be slapped in the face.

When Qi Lei heard Brother Rong revealing his true heart, he was instantly overjoyed, "It's cool! What do you do with so much?"

Everyone, "..."

It's cool now, but there will be more trouble later!


The so-called entertainment industry, in fact, no matter when, the core is still movies.

It is both the most influential and the most profitable.

Since the 1970s, Hong Kong has been one of the world's largest exporters of films.

Especially in Asia, the status of Hong Kong films was unshakable until the 1990s, and Hollywood films had to stand aside.

It can even be said to be the main export port of oriental culture.

This has made Hong Kong an extremely complete film industry and a thriving entertainment industry.

Many people know that Hong Kong movies were once brilliant, but they don't know how brilliant they are, and they only stop at those classic films.

Let me tell you a set of data. As of the beginning of the 21st century, there were nearly 3,000 film-related institutions in Hong Kong, with more than 20,000 employees.

Therefore, Hong Kong is also known as the Hollywood of the East.

The title of Hong Kong film is not only worshipped in the mainland. In Asia, and even the world, are quite well-known.

However, as I said before, the fall of the Baodao film market made Hong Kong films lose their market and investment, and began to decline gradually.

During this period, due to the relative closure of the mainland market, Hong Kong films were completely unable to borrow.

So much so that the relevant practitioners in Hong Kong, such as directors, actors, and behind-the-scenes production teams, all went to the mainland to develop and fight for themselves.

But people can leave, but so many film production institutions in Hong Kong can’t get in.

So much so that this relatively complete film industry system, apart from providing nourishment for the development of mainland films, has no other contribution, and it is even less likely to be inherited.

In fact, in Qi Lei's eyes, the filmmakers in Hong Kong are quite unlucky.

Especially those film companies, Golden Harvest, Media Asia, Emperor, Mayer, Shaw Brothers.

Which is not the most famous name? Which one has not accumulated a lot of experience and lessons in all aspects of production and distribution?

It's a pity that the collective society is dead.

Of course, from a business point of view, the survival of the fittest is nothing to say. But from the perspective of industry heritage and the overall situation of the industry, it is a pity to lose the foundation.

The reason why Qi Lei said they were unlucky was because they were born at an untimely time. At this time, they fell into a slump and it was very difficult to save them.

However, if it can last for more than ten years, you can see it.

In 2001, the total box office in the mainland was only 890 million, and the box office champion was "Pearl Harbor", which was 100 million.

The second "big name", 43 million.

To put it a bit harsher, it's not necessarily more than Qi Lei's two seasons of "Longing for Life".

And also in 2001, the annual box office in Hong Kong was 450 million Hong Kong dollars.

Comparing the two sides, they really can't borrow much power.

However, if it can last for more than ten years...

The second largest ticket warehouse in the world, with a total of 40 to 50 billion yuan a year, just like supporting an Oriental Hollywood.

However, Qi Lei is not a pity for these film companies, but a pity for the industrial system of Hong Kong movies.

In fact, this is the same as the industrial system of a country. It is too easy to destroy an industrial system. But it's too hard to build it up again.

In Qi Lei's eyes, the most unfortunate thing about Hong Kong movies is not that there are no good works, but that tradition and craftsmanship are not preserved.

As for later generations, some people criticized the genre of Hong Kong movies for being too single, either police and bandit movies or martial arts movies. Even if they survived, it would still be the same.

This is not a problem at all!

The single type is determined by market and geographical reasons.

It's just that big, and when it was most brilliant, it was Hong Kong and Treasure Island. Add a little Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, how much production can you make?

This is like a Korean movie being blown up by some people, but do you think it has a big production?

No! The volume is there, and we can only work on the subject matter.

As long as the size is increased, it is not that Hong Kong movies cannot make anything other than police and gangster movies.

Several films after Master Xing joined the mainland market, starting from "Kung Fu", do you think the layout is still small?

The films "Shushan" and "Fengyun" that Hong Kong films are trying to transform are also remarkable.

In terms of literary and artistic films, there are also good works that have won numerous awards and exploded in word of mouth.

In short, Hong Kong films of this era, with talent and industrial system, are the best evenings.

But dusk is dusk after all, and the major film companies and production companies feel a little helpless.

What's more deadly is that with the gradual formation of the mainland entertainment industry, Hong Kong stars have left one after another, and a large number of behind-the-scenes personnel have also been lost, causing the entire industry to fall into a vicious circle, and the day is worse than the day.

And under this background, the sky-high remuneration of Zhang Guorong and the news of changing the contract to a mainland brokerage company broke out.

Say, what are these film company bosses feeling?

To strangle Zhang Guorong and kill Qi Lei has the heart.

Of course, some people may say that if a star can leave, film companies and production companies cannot? They also have to enter the mainland.

Hehe, how can it be that simple?

There are two main reasons:

First, piracy!

This is an extremely troublesome question, how can I say it?

Just look at the stalks of later generations to know, what owes Master Xing a movie ticket, and whoever owes a movie ticket.

It sounds like a positive energy, but behind it is the sadness of Hong Kong films.

In this era, Hong Kong films are more popular with mainland audiences than Hollywood films, but who has spent even a dollar for a Hong Kong film?

Film companies such as Golden Harvest and Media Asia do have a lot of copyrights in their hands. But it's useless, it's worthless in the mainland.

The newly filmed movie may not be released yet, and pirated discs that cost two yuan a piece have already come out. Insiders are involved in piracy, forming an industrial chain.

Even if there is no problem in the distribution process, it will be released today, and the "gun version" will be released tomorrow.

Up to half a month, the high-definition version is flying all over the sky.

It's just so rampant.

Second, those film studios and production companies in the mainland are not vegetarian.

Either it is a unit within the system, or it is going out of the system, it is related.

They will let you, a wolf, come in and grab meat to eat?

They can't even get enough to eat themselves!

These days, apart from Feng Dapao, Lao Mouzi and a few other leading directors, and their producers can eat meat, other film studios can't even drink soup!

I can only rely on the state to support me, and I can only make do with making some films to promote my hobby.

Do you want to come in?

Everyone can eat you!

As for local protection, there is no way.

Anyway, the news that Leslie Cheung signed the mainland has made matters worse for the major film companies.

Just as Sister Chen thought, people will hate you!

Indeed, there are some media who choose to treat it with caution because they signed for China Chuan, and even stop speaking.

However, without these people, the bosses of major film companies and production companies were added.

These people jumped out again and began to be pessimistic and opposed.

Even an industry boss who has a good relationship with Zhang Guorong called and spoke in a bad tone.

For example, the two brothers surnamed Xiang said, "Young Master Rong, don't you have any friendship at all!?"

"You want to go and make a fortune, no one will stop you! But why do you want to see the newspaper? Why do you let that surnamed Qi Liao Huo shoot indiscriminately?"

"It's better now, how many people's minds are alive, they're all going to the mainland, and they're all going to shoot variety shows!"

"In Lao Tzu's new movie, both the male and female protagonists have broken their appointments."

Almost growled at the boss.

It's no wonder he made such a big fire. It was in the cold winter, and he finally settled on a project, which was being organized, and the male and female protagonists had already negotiated.

As a result, as soon as the news of Young Master Rong's 30 million yuan came out, the two two or five boys saw that it was so profitable to shoot variety shows? A mainland TV station just invited, and ran away without thinking.

Not only blocked the entire Hong Kong, but also called Leslie Cheung to vent his anger towards the boss.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to get involved?"

"Tell that surnamed Qi, don't go out of the hotel door, I want him to look good!"

He dropped the phone, was interviewed by the media, and was still scolding his boss, "Short-sighted! Grandstanding!"

"The sky-high remuneration doesn't conform to the laws of the market, just wait and see! It won't last long."

When the reporter asked, "Will Xiang's company also take the opportunity to enter the mainland market?"

I saw Xiang boss staring at the bull's eye and swallowing, "I'm not interested!"

Well, it's not that I'm not interested, but... I can't go if I want to!

The interviewers of several other major film companies also spoke the same tone, not as fierce as their bosses, but their opinions were unanimous.

Some even called on Hong Kong star colleagues not to run away and to overcome the difficulties of Hong Kong movies together.

In this regard, some big-name stars rarely expressed their opinions.

Everyone is not stupid. Hong Kong is still too small, and it will be a matter of time before they go to the mainland for development. Therefore, it is not possible to offend the big guys in the Hong Kong circle, nor to get hot and hurt mainland audiences.

So, collectively shut up.

On the other hand, there were two or three Wannian supporting roles who had a lot of ugly words, as well as 18th-tier singers, who supported the major bosses and expressed their disgust for Zhang Guorong and Qi Lei.

However, it can't make any big waves.

You don't even need to read the newspaper news, it's even more lively than before.

Fatty Li, the fierce fat man Li who scolded him earlier, danced even more, and his magazine scolded him the hardest.

"To scold Leslie Cheung for being a second-fifth boy, a traitor, a disgrace to the people of Hong Kong, and will only flatter the mainland."

Said that he went to the mainland to shoot red movies and sing red songs, but he forgot the kindness of the people of Hong Kong, and he was a greedy and greedy man.

Qi Lei didn't let it go, and defined him as the culprit behind the decline of Hong Kong movies. Hong Kong people should unite and drive this outsider out.

You must know that these unscrupulous media in Hong Kong are not the mainland.

In the Mainland, when the media scolded Qi Lei, they held back more or less. Even the Beijing News is so disgusting, it's just innuendo scolding.

Here, it's really naming names, poking the spine directly!

What swearing and scolding, I wish the eighteen generations of ancestors would dig it out for you.

Where has Qi Lei ever seen this scene?

Hiding in the hotel "shivering", carrying a newspaper every day.

"Fat guy Li, are you not strong enough? Be a little more explicit, and be a little bit more deadly!"

"Xiang Xiang, you wait! I will keep a small notebook for you."

Sister Mei and Zhang Guorong grinned from the side, what is this child thinking? How do you feel... a little abnormal?


The Hong Kong side has already exploded, and the mainland side... is not going to stop.

Lao Qin and his leaders will organize a seminar and invite relevant practitioners from major domestic film studios, private production companies, etc., to discuss with Beiguang and Qi Lei the possibility of integrating the entertainment industry in Hong Kong.

In fact, it is to tell you in disguise that Hong Kong films should be brought into the mainland.

Let's not talk about the reaction of the movie studios, Huayi and other big companies. Generally speaking, they have the same mentality as the bosses in Hong Kong, and they have the heart to kill.

Just talking about Dong Beiguo.

Principal Dong Da was stunned for half an hour after receiving the notice, then sat in the office and started scolding.

"Qi Lei, you little bastard! There's no time to save!"

"Damn, let Laozi take the blame for you again!"

Dong Beiguo is a sophisticated old man who can see clearly at a glance. What kind of seminar is this? This is a meeting to be scolded.

It's a target!

It's a sandbag!

He could imagine what this would be like.

After venting, Dong Beiguo did something huge and impersonal, and called Liao Fanyi over.

"Then what... Xiao Liao! I don't think I will come forward on this matter. It's up to you in the field of communication. You can just go through the scene on behalf of Beiguang. UU Reading"

Liao Fanyi's political consciousness could not see that this was a pit, and when he asked what it was, he nodded immediately.

"Okay! It just so happened that Qi Lei and I talked about this issue, and I still have an impression."

Dong Beiguo: "..."

Principal Dong Da couldn't bear it anymore.

But it doesn't matter if you think about it. You're only in your early thirties, so you need experience.



【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended coin slot】

Didn't we say okay? Less this month.

Besides, the old man can't do as much as he wants. He has to go to the hospital during the day, and he has to make up for sleep when he comes back in the afternoon (now I can fall asleep, but the quality of sleep is very poor, and I have no energy every day.)

Just have a little time in the evening to write a little bit, and be a full-time student.

Everyone, be patient!

But to be honest, with such four or five thousand chapters, I am not very comfortable with it myself, and I can't grasp the rhythm.

The original big chapter can be laid out very calmly, all aspects are clearly written, and the foreshadowing is done.

Now, I always feel that there is too little space. I can save it if I can. After saving it, I feel that I have not explained it clearly, and it is a little less interesting.

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