Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 94: entry point

Chapter 383 Entry Point

The weather in Beijing at the end of November is uncomfortably cold, not as transparent as the northern cold, but cold and crisp.

It belongs to how hot it is to wear, and it is cold when it is worn less, and the wind is blowing and the skin is sore.

Qi Lei and Yang Xiao shrank their necks, leaned on the car, and looked at Tang Xiaoyi and Jun Xinzhuo with a smile.

Xiaoer, "Don't say it, it's good for lunatics."

Qi Lei nodded, sincerely happy for Tang Xiaoyi.

After a while, Xu Xiaoqian came downstairs and shrank her neck like Qi Lei and Xiaoer.

"It's done!"

When Tang Yi saw her coming down, he couldn't wait to get into the car, and he didn't forget to shout, "Where are we going?"

Everyone said in unison, "Go home!"

It's such a mess, I really don't want to go anywhere, it's better to go home, hold a radiator, and blow cows.

On the way, Jun Xinzhuo and Xu Xiaoqian went to the market on West Street and bought some chicken, fish, meat and eggs. . .

First, to replenish ammunition for the family; second, to have a serious meal together for a long time.

In the afternoon, in the very ordinary house in the North Institute of Power Construction, there was such a picture:

Xiaoer and Qi Lei lay on the sofa with their guitars in their arms, humming and singing.

In front of the computer in the public area, Tang Xiaoyi chopped "Legend" with a grin.

In the kitchen, Xu Qian and Jun Xinzhuo were busy in their aprons, and they would shuttle between the living rooms from time to time to feed the three hand-swinging shopkeepers.

For example, red sausage, spare ribs that just came out of the pot, etc.

Xu Xiaoqian is in charge of Qi Lei, Jun Xinzhuo is in charge of Tang Yi, and as for Yang Xiao... both sides have been exposed.

During the laughter, Jun Xinzhuo naturally merged into the gang, as if she had already been there.

Qi Lei also learned a lot about Jun Xinzhuo in one afternoon.

She is from Dengzhou, Henan, but she has the graceful air of a girl in the south of the Yangtze River.

Three years older than Tang Yi, her parents died when she was very young, so she was lonely.

However, it is not the same as the three little animals in Union Hospital.

Sister Jun's life was not miserable. Her parents collected it and left behind a lot of money. Strictly speaking, this is still a little rich woman.

In her words, if you don't have any money, just sell a bowl.

Listening to Qi Lei grinned straight, what bowl? Is it worth it?


After the meal was ready, everyone was too lazy to serve the table, so they randomly placed them on the coffee table, eating and drinking.

It seems to have returned to the small courtyard of the bungalow in Shangbei, highlighting a randomness.

And Xu Xiaoqian didn't forget to sigh, "Alas, our mothers must know that if we don't go back to celebrate the New Year this year, how can we scold us!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he was helpless, "Come on! It's a big deal to turn off the phone."

This year is quite special, many things are in time for the New Year, so I really can't go back.

For example, in the imagination, Nan Lao finally has a general direction, and he has to pass the final collective discussion.

For example, in the second season of "Longing", the voice for Tang Xiaoyi's return is very high. But after all, he was still in school, so the filming could only be done during the winter vacation.

For example, Brother Xiao Ma finally got on top of the anti-Microsoft alliance, and the time finally came, and Brother Xiao Ma would have to go out in armor after the year.

Another example is the Young Eagle Class, Dong Beiguo kept yelling to let Qi Lei take care of the boys.

But in fact, Qi Lei never showed up in the second phase of the Young Eagle Class.

On the other side of Sanshi Games, Uncle Geng has been talking about, not just one "Legend", but to find new games.

Wait wait.

All in time, the Spring Festival in 2002 is destined to be the busiest spring.

This is also why this afternoon, everyone is so casual, yet so precious.

Shangbei's small courtyard was getting farther and farther away from them, and the days when they were squatting on the curb and bragging along with Xu Xiaoqian and wandering in the deserted streets were getting further and further away.

"Huh..." Taking a sip of beer, "Actually, I regret it."

Everyone looked up at him, "What do you regret?"

Qi Lei bared his teeth, "Do you think we have a brain? That summer, what kind of socks were sold?"

Qi Lei stubbornly believed that everything started with socks.

If you don't sell socks, you won't have money, and if you don't have money, you won't have to open an Internet cafe, and you won't have a series of chain reactions that follow.

"Also! If you don't sell socks, you won't have an exclusive interview with Taiwan, you won't be able to know Li Chunyan, and you won't know Lao Bei later."

"Maybe, we are still heartless in Shangbei!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was extremely contemptuous, and it was typical to be good at getting cheap.

Xu Xiaoqian was the first to retort, "If you don't sell socks, you are at most a glib little boy in my eyes. Will I fall in love with you?"

Qi Lei, "Yes?"

Yang Xiao said, "If you don't sell socks, then you and Kou Zhongqi won't delay the trip, right? They won't bring me!"

"We don't know each other anymore."

Tang Xiaoyi was trying to smooth things over, "Don't listen to him, don't sell socks, he's a big fart? What about five people and six people!"

Everyone nodded, all taking pleasure in running on Qi Lei.

Qi Lei was too lazy to pay attention to them, and then Tang Xiaoyi said again, "By the way, how does Master Nan develop Imagination?"

"Why don't you tell him, wait for me, when I graduate, my brother will fly with him!"

As soon as Yang Xiao heard it, he began to despise Tang Yi again, "You should tell Uncle Nan this yourself, and it's over if he doesn't kick you."

Everyone laughed, and they aimed at Tang Xiaoyi.

At first, Qi Lei thought that Tang Yi was also a hot head, talking nonsense.

However, after Tang Xiaoyi asked again, Qi Lei knew that he was serious.

Moreover, Tang Xiaoyi's words surprised Qi Lei even more.

He said, "No kidding, I studied materials chemistry in order to help Uncle Nan!"

The point of this sentence is not Tang Xiaoyi's determination, but Qi Lei clearly remembers that Tang Yi studied basic chemistry in his previous life, not material technology.

This guy is no longer what he used to be.

In this regard, Qi Lei was very happy, "Okay, then maybe Uncle Nan really has to count on you in the future!"

Tang Yi heard it, "How do you say it?"

Qi Lei, "Imagination's technology strategy starts with basic materials."

Originally, Nan always wanted to pick up the chip design. After all, he had done it when he was imagining it, and he had a certain foundation.

However, this matter did not reach Qi Lei, and was persuaded by Wang Zhendong.

Wang Zhendong disagrees with Nan Lao continuing to take the old road of chip design for two reasons.

First, the old foundation of imagination is outdated, and it doesn't make much sense.

Moreover, in the field of chip design, several large foreign companies have already occupied a dominant position.

In addition, chip design is a huge investment, whether it is Sanshi Company or imagination.

One relies on the game to support the entire strategic layout, and it is also a blog and a system. These are all losing money now.

The other is a foundry, making the least profit.

If these two are added together, Qi Lei is about to become the richest man, regardless of the market value, but he is actually not that profitable.

It's not bad for the two companies to have one billion or two billion a year.

Throwing this amount of money into the chip field is too risky to put all of your net worth into it, right?

Second, Wang Zhendong knows that Mr. Ren of HW admires Qi Lei very much and has a good relationship with him.

During a contact, Qi Lei mentioned the chip, and Mr. Ren showed his willingness to make arrangements in this field in advance.

Although there is no action yet, HW Hayes has already put it on the agenda.

Wang Zhendong told Nan Lao that domestic resources are already scarce. Since HW is doing it, there is no need for us to devote resources to the field of chip design.

It's better to start from another direction, walk on two legs, break through each other, and finally there may be a victory master.

Nan Lao was persuaded by Wang Zhendong.

Later, he went to Beiguang and had a deep talk with Qi Lei.

Qi Lei also agreed with Wang Zhendong's idea, but instead of designing, Nan Lao wanted to manufacture again, but this time Qi Lei rejected it.

Whether it is the processing of the last link or the production of manufacturing equipment, there are many giants.

And the investment is not small, we can't afford to play now..

Finally, Qi Lei's suggestion to Nan Lao is to start with basic materials.

Such as single crystal silicon, photoresist, insulating materials, and single dielectric gas materials, etc.

These things, although the market is not profitable, are all small things.

However, as a result, the current market is relatively fragmented and there are opportunities.

Second, this thing is not like chip design, if it fails, there is nothing left.

The research on basic materials will never be out of date. However, compared to design and manufacturing, the return on investment is not as high. Therefore, there are very few people who are serious about this, and they are not favored by capital.

But this is a good thing for Qi Lei.

Besides, this Qi Lei can afford it.

It is not a big problem to set up a material research center, hire several research teams with high salaries, and throw hundreds of millions a year.

Tang Yi listened to Qi Lei's talk to him, and was very excited, "This is good, this is good! I'll take care of it in the future, okay?"

Qi Lei was amused, "You? It seems like you almost mean it."

Tang Yi, "Do you look down on people?"

Qi Lei, "Lao Bei has already contacted a team of experts abroad, at the Nobel Prize level."

"Ah?" Tang Yi was stunned, "Noble Prize level? Would people like to come here?"

At this time, unlike later generations, a lot of top foreign talents and top teams settled in China as soon as they raised their heads.

This year, which Nobel Prize winners mainly come to China for development, the Chinese themselves do not quite believe that the West can think that this person has a problem with his brain.

However, Qi Lei said, "As long as the money is in place and the conditions are good enough, it's no problem to dig one or two teams!"

Qi Lei has nothing else but dare to spend money. If he can't dig it, it will be in the billions.

It's really the kind that walks sideways in academia and can also bring breakthroughs in the domestic material field. One billion is not impossible to consider.

Tang Xiaoyi stammered, "They say I'm a lunatic, and you're not a normal person."

So much money?

"However, having said that, if we can really pull back a team of this level, it will be a big deal!"

In his first class in college, his tutor told them the sad history of the development of China's chemical industry.

Tang Xiaoyi was full of blood from the beginning, and what he heard was a suffocation, and it was all tears.

Seeing him like that, Qi Lei just smiled.

In fact, he was looking forward to it. If you can dig a few academic giants, you will avoid a lot of detours.

As for why not consider using domestic experts? It's not that our experts can't do it, but it's not the time yet.

It is not yet time for them to produce results and reach the academic peak.

For a long time in later generations, there are some people who eat melons who are not so well-known. In China, there are no Nobel Prizes, and in Japan, there are two a year a year, and it is judged that others are better than you.

And it's not that the technology is better than ours, so it criticizes the academic system, and the Chinese can't.

It's sheer nonsense!

Let's just say, the Nobel Prize is made of money.

This pile of money is not to see whoever has the most money, but to give it to whoever has more money, but to mean that academic achievements are made of money.

From the theoretical team to the experimental equipment, from the academic environment to the investment, China in the 1980s and 1990s could not afford it.

I gave an example before. There are one or two scientific research instruments in a Chinese university, which can cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. All teachers and students take turns to use them.

Still an old one.

But at Stanford, at Harvard, I can't wait to have one.

What do you compare to others?

To put it into words, it is so poor, coupled with foreign embargoes and academic blockades, China can not lag too far in most fields, and even top-notch in some fields, it is already "Chinese scientific research workers."

As for why Japan has a Nobel Prize a year, we don't have one?

It's not poverty anymore, it's ignorance.

The Nobel Prize does not mean that if you produce results this year, you will be able to win the Nobel Prize next year. The award-winning cycle starts in twenty years.

In other words, if the scientific research results produced in 2001, at least 20 years of academic certification, the award will include you in the selection process.

Therefore, those Nobel Prizes in Japan are the products of the 1970s and 1980s to the 1990s.

At that time, in the Japanese country, the Spring and Autumn Period were flourishing.

And in the seventies, eighties and nineties, what was our country like? Just resumed the college entrance examination!

If the Nobel Prize is fair and does not take into account the political factors of confrontation between the East and the West, then when we get together to win the Nobel Prize, it should be after 2030.

At this time, in 2001, domestic academic experts were not without great people.

have! However, either the national prefix, or the need to grow, also need vision and self-confidence.

To be honest, there are really no foreign monks that are easy to use.

Qi Lei explained to Tang Xiaoyi that this guy was not convinced.

"Cut! Anyway, I think those teachers in our school are pretty good, no worse than those abroad!"

Qi Lei thought to himself, why are you so stubborn?

Just as he was about to fight with Tang Xiaoyi, it was Sister Jun who saw the two people shouting fiercely. Join in.

"what's the topic?"

Tang Xiaoyi immediately told Jun Xinzhuo his thoughts, "Just say, there are not many good people in our school, right?"

Unexpectedly, Jun Xinzhuo did not stand in the same camp with Tang Xiaoyi, and said to Qi Lei, "Don't listen to him, in his eyes, everything is his own good."

The conversation changed, "Speaking of foreign teams, I know a German, you can try."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Tell me?"

Sister Jun, "This German is engaged in microelectronic materials. He used to be the core scientist of arm company and has his own research team. However, he is now in a lawsuit."

Qi Lei frowned, "A lawsuit?"

Sister Yes! He was sued by the Animal Protection Association for raising two monkeys in the laboratory. "

Qi Lei, "..."



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Ps: With the appearance of Jun Xinzhuo, many people are guessing again.

In fact, nothing, old readers may sigh a little, just use your ideas to understand.

Disclaimer: She did not come from the Song Dynasty.

Why arrange for such a character to return to the scene is a hole that will be filled in very later.

New readers don't have to make up for Da Song, let alone worry about plots that go beyond urban logic. When she is a new character, it will not increase the difficulty of reading.

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