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The archipelagos in the South China Sea are all undeveloped, and there are all kinds of islands, which just echoes all the shooting requirements of the Caribbean.

Kodiaz and Haimo calculated an account and set the filming location in the South China Sea, not only saving more than 40 million yuan in set and venue costs, but also the operating cost of the crew in China than in the United States. Save more than half.

There are hundreds of people in a crew, eating and drinking in the United States for more than half a year, which is a lot of money.

However, China is different. After all, it is a low-consumption country.

Not to mention, Qi Lei rented this small luxury yacht with them all over the world for a month, and it was only 100,000 RMB, which is more than 10,000 yuan, which is more than several times in the United States. .

Besides these, what about the production of props?

Needless to say, mass-produced costumes and props, China has an absolute advantage in this regard.

In fact, after the props and costumers of many Hollywood production crews have designed the costumes, they hand over orders to Chinese companies.

After it is made, it is exported to the United States in order to save costs.

But now there is no need to consider this step at all. According to the staff of Zhongchuan who accompanied them, there are several cities in Guangdong Province, which is only in Hainan. As long as you take out the design drawings, they can do anything, and the price is very low. .

Haimo estimated that with just the costumes and props, as well as daily expenses, the crew could save nearly 20 million yuan in expenses.

The only downside is that this is China, the lack of Western faces, and extras are hard to find.

If it doesn't work well, I have to bring people from the United States, which will increase a large amount of travel expenses.

However, compared to the money saved, it is not worth mentioning. .

In short, under such a premise, how could the two of them not be mindful? I really want to set the filming location in China.

So the question is, before, or in the original time and space, why did Hollywood not favor going to China to save costs?

The main reason is the opportunity cost.

Not just the filming of a movie, everything demands an opportunity.

This is like, in China, a set of pancakes costs five yuan, but in New York, they sell for fifteen meters. Why don't all those who sell pancakes go to New York?

In the past, the entire Western stereotype of China was not good, and there was no way to come to China at all.

In fact, there are many cases of Hollywood films shooting overseas in order to save costs, but they have never been to China.

And this time, the use of action special effects opened a door for Haimo and the others, which was a coincidence.

So, the question now is how to communicate with Zhongchuan.

After all, Haimo and the others are well aware that there are many restrictions on citizens outside China in the South China Sea.

For them, this is the biggest difficulty.

At this time, Qi Lei, Zou Chengbin, and the leaders of Nanhai ZF were also discussing this issue.

Zou Chengbin is very confused now. After getting the script, several martial arts instructors immediately evaluated the budget, plus other expenses, the conclusion is:

Eight million is less!

How can we make it cheap? It's not that cheap either.

Zou Chengbin, "In addition to the set, 8 million will probably guarantee the cost, and we have no profit at all."

Looking at Qi Lei with a frown, "Can we add a little more price during the formal negotiation?"

"Even though it's the first time we've worked together, we can't do it for others in vain, right?"

Manager Wen is right next door, and I don't know what Qi Lei thinks. They don't shy away from him when they talk about things these days.

Now listening to Zou Chengbin's complaint, he couldn't help but sneer, "That stone will suffer? My opponent knows it very well, why can't you see it through?"

Swearing, "What a fool! This is big business!"

Perhaps... the person closest to Qi Lei's inner thoughts now is Pittwen.

Well, let's treat Manager Wen as a transparent person first.

After Zou Chengbin finished speaking, before Qi Lei could speak, it was indeed the leader of Hainan ZF who spoke.

His surname is Wu, and Qi Lei and the others call him Director Wu.

At this time, Director Wu said, "Well, it's always bad to change your mind and increase the price temporarily, right?"

Zou Chengbin stared, "There is no formal price negotiation, just an estimate, why is it bad?"

Director Wu sneered, "Zou Tai, don't worry, we're just discussing!"

"I mean, after all, it's the first time we've worked together, so we can give some discounts. Besides, isn't this movie a series?"

"The price of the second and third films can be raised again, let's keep the people first!"

Zou Chengbin was speechless, "Director Wu, you may not know the operating model of Hollywood. They plan to have a second and third film."

"However, Hollywood is a purely commercial film business philosophy. Whether there is a second or third film depends on the box office of the first film. Don't look at their fanfare now, but once they lose money, they will immediately cut off the follow-up plan. That's all for nothing!"

"Who can guarantee that the box office will sell well?"

Director Wu looked a little embarrassed when he was told, "I don't really understand this."

In fact, his tendency to make profits is also selfish.

For this offer, Zhongchuan Production Center lost money, but Hainan made a steady profit!

This has really happened, and it is definitely a top publicity for HAN Province.

Besides, he already knew that Qi Lei wanted to keep the crew, so he should make this happen!

The Hollywood production, the whole process of shooting in Hainan, is such a prestigious name, and it is of great significance to the development of tourism.

"Let's do it!" Director Wu thought about it again and again, and knew that it would be unfair to Zhongchuan not to increase the price. They are a company and they want to make a profit, and Hainan can't take all the benefits.

Looking at Qi Lei and Zou Chengbin, "I will propose a plan on behalf of Hainan ZF. The two of you will see if it works."

"You speak."

Director Wu: "Just report 8 million to the Americans!"

"Don't worry, the two of you. We Hainan ZF will provide another 2 million yuan to compensate Zhongchuan in the form of tax rebates and subsidies. Can you see it?"

Accompanying you with a smile, keeping your figure very low, "The two of you help out, you won't suffer any losses."

Zou Chengbin: "..."

Qi Lei, "..."

(Manager Wen next door: What kind of brain is this! What about tax rebates? Who cares about that little money!? He wanted to show it off in a hurry.)

Here, Qi Lei also laughed when he heard the subsidy.

In fact, this is the portrayal of many government workers in this period, blindly catering to foreign investment and various preferential policies, and as a result, they still do not accept your favor.

But it's not their fault, there's no way.

First, the horizon is limited.

Most of the cadres in this era lacked external awareness.

And reform and opening up, everyone is trying to cross the river by feeling the stones, no one has experience, and they all want to introduce the project first, and then talk about it.

Second, people are poor and short-minded!

The country is poor, the local government is also poor, and the poor have less confidence.

In order to develop, in order not to be hungry, who is not anxious to catch a piece of meat? Who doesn't do everything possible to seize the opportunity?

It may be that the method is not appropriate, but generally speaking, it is correct.

Without this dynamism, China cannot develop.

Looking at Director Wu, Qi Lei eased his tone, "Director Wu, we are not in a hurry, this matter is far from over, and there is no need for the government to subsidize us, so you can leave it to me?"

Speaking of this, Director Wu has nothing to say, leaving it to Qi Lei to deal with it.

There is only one sentence left, "Mr. Qi, be sure to help!"

Qi Lei, "It's easy to say! Don't worry, these people can't escape. We not only want them to keep the crew, but also some other business."

"Otherwise, what am I tossing it for?"

At this time, Zou Chengbin was a little unbearable when he saw Director Wu nodded and bowed like this.

You must know that Lao Wu is the director of the Hainan SW General Office. In fact, his level is not low. It is not easy to be able to do this.

He simply said, "Old Wu, you don't understand this stone!"

Director Wu got off the donkey, "What's wrong?"

Zou Tai pointed at Qi Lei, "This is a famous geese plucking hairs in the capital, and thieves don't go empty! As long as you have traded in his hands, you won't suffer any losses, you just have to be careful. Bar!"

Manager Wen next door scolded secretly, "Pretend to be a grandson like he is so powerful."

"Isn't it just digging a hole for Disney and wanting them to build a main theme park in Hainan? It's possible, but it's not easy, and it has to be figured out!"

You know, Disney does not have a theme park in mainland China, and it cannot meet the requirements of others to build a park.

Even in the magic capital, Disneyland was not built until 2016.

What about Hainan?

The only reason for some hope is that you are shooting in the Caribbean in Hainan, and you have to build a one-to-one restoration site.

This will save most of the cost of building the park, and since Hainan is a tourist province, it is not impossible to build Disney.

That's the advantage. The key is to see how Qi Lei talks.

Regardless of what happened to Qi Lei and the others, Manager Wen fell into deep thought again.

Qi Lei is negotiating business with Disney... why don't you keep me here?

This is a question that the manager of Wen is puzzled by.

While having a headache, Kodiaz and Haimo "played in the mountains and waters" and came back in a beautiful mood.

Manager Wen looked out the window and saw that the skin of the two was flushed from the sun, and they were brought back refreshed by the "staff" of Zhongchuan, and he was even more angry.

"These two haters!"

As for Qi Lei's grandson, twenty of them can play like a spinning top.

Calm down and listen to what they have to say.

Well, it's not that Manager Wen intentionally eavesdropped, he yearned for the temporary filming house built by the program team. The wooden structure was originally not soundproof.

At this point, Haimo spoke first, "Qi, how is it? Has the budget come to fruition?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! The result just came out, 8 million is no problem."

Hearing this number, Haimo still couldn't believe it, "Are you sure? Can you make a deal for 8 million RMB?"

Qi Lei, "Mr. Haimo, you should have felt our sincerity. Therefore, I will not backtrack."

"Really?" Haimo seemed to be very happy with Qi Lei's answer, and Manager Wen lowered his head to communicate with Kodiaz when he saw him.

Then, "Qi, if Disney wants to invest in a green screen studio in Hainan, how much investment will it cost?"

Qi Lei, "Yo! This is not cheap."

Qi Lei explained to the two of them, "You don't know much about it. The reason why we build a real scene is cheap is because we can get land and some preferential policies from ZF."

"Here in Hainan, land is very expensive."

Kodiaz asked anxiously, "How much does that cost?"

Qi Lei, "It depends on how big you want to build. If it's bigger, it's estimated to be three or five million, right?"

Sure enough, it's the same routine again, which is to bully Haimo and Kodiaz who haven't seen the price of the cabbage in the village.

The two were obviously very excited, and they talked again before Haimo tried to speak.

"Qi...Do you think it would be possible if we put all the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in China?"

What he was talking about was a policy issue, and Manager Wen rubbed his eyebrows while listening in the room.

How did Disney send you two idiots here! ? Isn't this to the mouth of that dirty stone? Didn't talk like that?

And Qi Lei was really embarrassed, "This... I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

The two were eager, "Is it because of a policy issue?"

Qi Lei, "Looks like you all know that Hainan is really inconvenient in terms of policy."

"I think it's fine if we just talk about the special effects. The rest are difficult to operate."

As soon as Haimo heard it, he wouldn't give up like this, the cost savings of 60 to 70 million yuan!

You know, in Hollywood, there are only two main jobs for producers:

One is to keep the director and don't mess around; the other is to try every means to reduce costs.

"Can't you think of a way?"

Qi Lei pondered, "Well, it's not impossible to think of a way."

As soon as Haimo heard that there was a play, he thought, "It's nothing more than a question of overweight?"

Start coding.

"Qi!" Pointing to the "Zhongchuan staff" around him, "We have learned a lot about Hainan through Miss Xu these days. This is a tourism province, and our filming will bring benefits to the tourism industry here. ."

Qi Lei was still embarrassed, "I know this."

Haimo, "Let's do it! We will give special thanks to Hainan at the end of the Caribbean for publicity!"

Qi Lei, "This..."

Highmore: "The title!"

Qi Lei, "This..."

"We can also hire some Chinese employees to bring jobs here," Haimer said.

Qi Lei, "This..."

Haimer is in a hurry, is this not enough?

Gritting his teeth, "We can use one or two Chinese actors to play important supporting roles in the film!"

Qi Lei, "This..."

What, this greedy little bastard! Haimo cursed secretly and looked at Kodiaci.

It means, I'm out of options, it's your turn.

Kodiaz was also speechless, he could only enlarge his tricks.

After taking the conversation, "Qi, in fact, Disney has a follow-up theme development plan!"

"You know, the pirate theme park is very popular with tourists."

"And the real scenes we set up now can be used later. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, Qi Lei had an understanding posture, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Manager Wen is really going to rush out, it's too easy! It's so easy! Let him achieve his goal so quickly?

Next, should Qi Lei reluctantly agree?

Unfortunately, the text manager thinks too much.

He thought that Qi Lei was on the second floor and he was on the third floor, but he didn't know that Qi Lei was in the atmosphere.

"Two! Don't say it anymore, the conditions you offered made me see sincerity."

"However, this matter is really difficult to operate. You don't understand China, and the resistance here is very large and unimaginable!"

"So, let's just talk about the special effects, shall we? Don't make it difficult for me."



Manager Wen... dumbfounded.

He refused? Are the conditions still in place?

Seeing that Haimo and Kodiaz left in disappointment, Manager Wen couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't figure it out, what else could Qi Lei ask for?

No more! There is nothing left! He can't make any conditions.

Does that mean he really doesn't want to cooperate? Then what is he doing? ?

Moreover, Manager Wen heard him talk to Zou Chengbin and Director Wu, and they did have the will to let the crew shoot.

So why?

Manager Wen was a little confused.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, it was Qi Lei.

Manager Wen opened the door and asked, "What the **** are you doing? The longer you delay, the easier it will be for those two to react."

"Your tricks are not very clever, and they will find out that you are playing tricks."

"At that time, you will get nothing."

Qi Lei entered the room under Manager Wen's astonished gaze, and sat there, "Thank you for your concern."

Manager Wen frowned and stared at What conditions did you not say? "

Qi Lei, "No more."

"No?" Manager Wen didn't believe it.

Qi Lei, "It's really gone."

"Then why don't you agree?"

Qi Lei, "I don't want to agree!"

Manager Wen, "Don't want to? Then you and..."

He wanted to say that he heard what you and Zou Chengbin said.

Qi Lei, "Brother Wen, you made a mistake."

"What went wrong?"

Qi Lei, "I do have the intention to let them come to China to shoot, but I have no intention of letting them build their own sets and green screen studios."

Manager Wen: "????"

Suddenly I figured it out, "You want to build it yourself? Then rent it to them?"

Qi Lei, "Wrong!"

Baring his teeth, he smiled, "We are here to build it, and it's not just a green screen studio, but a large-scale film and television base with European and American styles!"

"How boring is a crew? Can we attract more crews!"

Manager Wen: "..."

"I, we..."

How is it so absurd?

However, Qi Lei spread his hands, "As the two major shareholders of Desheng Gaohua, I think it's time for us to hold a company development meeting to study the company's future prospects."

Manager Wen was stunned, a little out of his mind.

Well, this is the real purpose of Qi Lei calling Manager Wen here.

Desheng Gaohua!

Manager Wen thinks this is Desheng's layout in China, but in Qi Lei's eyes, this is not only a way of breaking Desheng's sins, but also a layout that connects the East and the West!

Gotta use it!



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