Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 119: angry

Ma Tuo realized that Qi Lei was going to do something big again, and blurted out, "What are you going to do?"


Qi Lei didn't answer, he sat on the table and raised his chin towards Zhou Xiaohan, "Little fat girl."


Zhou Xiaohan went crazy, "Do you want to die?!"


Now she is a veritable little fat girl, the ceiling of the fat world. . .


The yearning program group was followed by Zhou Xiaohan, and he was with Qi Lei during this time.


In Hainan, there is enough seafood, and Zhou Xiaohan has a physique that is easy to get fat. Therefore, no one else is fat, but she is fat, and her face is almost round.


I'm planning to lose weight, but I haven't made up my mind yet.


However, no matter how fat she is, she can't be called a fat girl!


Qi Lei laughed, "Have you thought about joining CCTV? It's a rare opportunity!"


"Besides, you have always looked at the face in the young eagle class, and you can't compare with Master Tuo and the others. Otherwise, you can go to CCTV."


But it was Zhou Xiaohan who curled his lips, "Cut! Who do you look down on? Sister doesn't eat your shit!"


Looking into the distance exaggeratedly, "How powerful elder sister is, only elder sister knows best!"


He suddenly turned his head again, "My sister still has one and a half years left for her undergraduate degree, and at least four years for her master's degree and doctorate. In five and a half years, she won't be going anywhere!"


Although the development prospect of going to CCTV is very good, in the young eagle class, Zhou Xiaohan does not have to worry about the income.


Therefore, she is not in a hurry to consider her work at all.


With a posture that could see through Qi Lei's mind, "Just save it! In our class, no one will leave!"


He lowered his head and continued to do his own thing, very calm, "No need to try!"


Qi Lei, "Why? You have to leave sooner or later, so you don't have to be so nostalgic."


But it was Zhou Xiaohan who shook her head silently. She wasn't that immature, and it wasn't nostalgic to stay. She was reluctant.


But... I can't tell.


In the end, it was Sister Kou who answered for Zhou Xiaohan.


"What brainwashing is not brainwashing, that is Master Tuo teasing you!"


"Everyone wants to stay because everyone knows that staying can learn more things with you and broaden their horizons!"


"Entering CCTV now, going out to work, and a few years later, stripping everything off of you, then entering CCTV, and going out to work are two concepts!"


Damn it, anything that comes to Sister Kou's mouth is like a hooligan.


But Zhou Xiaohan actually agreed, high-fiving Kou Zhongqi, "Incisive!"


Turning his head to Qi Lei baring his teeth, "Wait, I will strip you away sooner or later!"


Qi Lei, "..."


"Right!" She heard Qi Lei and Tuo Ye talking just now, "What are you brewing? Are you really going to work?"


Qi Lei smiled, and this time he finally stopped selling off, and said, "Penguins go to sea, it's time for you to show your skills."


Several people were shocked, and their eyes began to glow green.


As a member of the young eagle class, they know too much, what program planning? What thesis? It's all just appetizers.


The true meaning of the eagle class is to prepare for this day.


The decoration of the classroom is compatible, and Tuo Ye's big g Chinese style transformation, every bit of ability learned in the eagle class is for them to kill these little eagles!


At this moment, Master Tuo suddenly patted Qi Lei on the shoulder from behind. Qi Lei turned his head and saw Master Tuo's gloomy smiling face, "I'll do it even if I don't give you money!"


Qi Lei followed with a yin-yin smile, and while walking out, he said, "Notify the silly dragons and the others, come back after finishing the work at hand, this time we will dispatch the whole class!"


"Oh!" The little fat girl was full of energy.


But it was Qi Lei who suddenly turned his head, "You have to lose weight!"


"Ah?" Zhou Xiaohan froze, "What does it have to do with losing weight?"


Qi Lei, "I'm too fat, I'm out of shape."


Zhou Xiaohan, "..."


He gritted his teeth angrily, and finally, he was cowardly.


"Reduce, reduce, who is afraid of who?"






Qi Lei went downstairs with a smile, to the second phase of the Young Eagle Class on the first floor, with Zhou Xiaohan's cowardly and terrifying look replayed in his mind.


When I got to the corner on the first floor, I cleared up my mind and thought about how to open the second phase of the Eagle Class.


Before, when Dong Beiguo talked to him, he was still a little vague.


Just now, Master Tuo and Zhou Xiaohan reminded Qi Lei that maybe this can be done.


Pushing the door into the classroom, he saw that there were all 27 people in the class. There were Lao Gao's teaching materials and auxiliary books stacked on the desks, all of them were working hard there.


You must know that the classes in the Eagles class are not easy, so the students worked very hard.


This is not surprising. Those who can enter this door are all players with extraordinary talents, and their learning ability and enthusiasm are not inferior to ordinary people.


However, compared to the one upstairs, this state is simply heaven and earth, the state is not right!


At this time, everyone also saw Qi Lei, and everyone had different attitudes towards this legendary figure in Beiguang.


Erchengzi, Sanbingzi, and Song Xiaole, needless to say, "Class leader!"


Qi Lei raised his chin towards them.


But looking at other people's expressions... why are you a little disgusted?


Standing on the podium, Qi Lei was also curious, "Why are you looking at me like this? I don't seem to be annoying, do you?"


But it was Li Lin who said, "Don't pay attention to them, they're all fed up!"


These words were rude, causing everyone to stare at them angrily, and Li Lin stabbed her neck.


Then, Sanbingzi over there exploded directly, "What are you looking at? If you don't agree, come and come!"


Qi Lei, "..."


Qi Lei was a little confused, what happened to these people? Isn't the conflict too small?


But, since he's already standing here, he can't stand still!


He went to the podium and reconciled to a classmate who had just scolded Erchengzi, "Fuck him! He's like a telephone pole, you still can't get him?"


That classmate was also cowardly, maybe he still didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Qi Lei, so he didn't speak.


Seeing that this was not enough, Qi Lei simply called Chen Peng out.


Well, Qi Lei doesn't even know how Chen Peng, his grandson, got into the Eagles class. In his perception, Chen Peng is definitely not qualified.


However, this product just came in.


At the door, "what's the matter?"


With Chen Peng's urination, he would not stand upright. However, it is estimated that it came out of a school after all, and it is not very likely to fall into trouble.


Therefore, Qi Lei guessed that he should be neutral, and asked him to be the most objective.


Chen Peng didn't disappoint Qi Lei, and said speechlessly, "Actually, it's not a big deal. Don't you go abroad to brag!"


She hurriedly explained, "I don't mean anything else, and I don't mean to get into trouble."


"Isn't it just embarrassing to be thrown abroad, anyway, I don't take it seriously."


Qi Lei, "..."


What do you mean by calling it that?


"What's going on?"


So, Chen Peng told the whole story.


It's really not a big deal.


The reason is that Qi Lei acquired arm.


He boasted on his blog in order to attract Desheng to the game.


However, everyone can see the blog, and it spreads among the public.


Later, Qi Lei really went to the UK, and the public suddenly began to look forward to him when they saw that he was really here.


In fact, the state of mind is the same as those of the uncles and aunts in the North Institute of Power Construction. This is a matter of long faces!


Although some media commented that Qi Lei was oversighted, but at this stage, they have entered the substantive acquisition process, and the public is still looking forward to it.


However, as much as the expectations, the disappointment when the acquisition fails.


When Qi Lei was kicked out by the Americans, public opinion turned around.


When I was on the phone with Guo Lihua, my mother also mentioned that the domestic media and public opinion were scolding him.


Then, something that caused public anger even more came out, that is, what Sam broke the news at the reception.


Qi Lei's remarks, in fact, the Chinese don't care at all, at most it is a clever tongue after failure.


However, what Sam said was too informative.


Sam broke the news about Qi Lei's bargaining chip to acquire arm, and exchanged arm with 30 payment and Pangu system.


These revelations made the British angry and even the Chinese people angry.


Selling their own country's online financial system and domestic operating system to the British made the media, who could not find a real entry point, become hilarious, and also caused most of the irrational people to fall into an even more angry cycle.


Public opinion exploded!


And this kind of thing can't be fermented on the Beiguang campus, after all, Qi Lei is from Beiguang.


The classmates of the second eagle class also had a discussion about the first class guide.


Qi Lei never taught them, and most of them were freshmen. After entering school, it was also the busiest period for Qi Lei, and he hardly showed up at school.


They don't know much about Qi Lei, they just discuss it according to the guidance of public opinion. The words may be a bit extreme.


What can these people from the second middle school do?


They are all the irons of Qi Lei's irons! Especially Erchengzi and Sanbingzi, how dare you call me the leader of the class? Must fight with you!


There's already been a fight, and six or seven people have beaten three and a half people.


Erchengzi, Sanbingzi, Song Xiaole, and Li Lin all got started, but only half of them were counted.


Conflict also emerged.


After listening to Chen Peng's description, Qi Lei pondered for a while, then suddenly laughed.


There was an urge to go back to Dong Beiguo and disband the eagle class.


Looking at Chen Peng, "What do you think about this?"


Chen Peng, "Huh?"


"I... I didn't see much? They scolded you, but I didn't participate!"


Qi Lei was very happy, "Who asked you to participate or not? I asked you, should I scold you?"


Chen Peng grinned, "Cha! Aren't you embarrassing your old classmate?"


Qi Lei, "Don't talk nonsense! Say what's on your mind!"


Chen Peng was embarrassed, "Anyway, it's not enough to scold you. But I think, are you a little ignorant?"


When Qi Lei heard this, his face darkened: "Go away! You are no different from them!"


Turning around and entering the room, his face was lost.


Looking around the whole class, Dong Beiguo also boasted that this world is of high quality and tall ass, and it is not worthy to carry shoes for the first issue!


The people below also felt that Qi Lei's aura was not right. The whole class was very quiet, and they didn't dare to breathe.


Qi Lei pondered for a long time, "You guys just burn high incense, I didn't participate in the selection!"


"Otherwise, if you can't choose one of them, you're just so brainy, why do you still work in the media?"


Everyone, "..."


It was obvious that they were a little unconvinced, but Erchengzi and the others were very proud, and the leader of the class was about to show their power.


In the end, Qi Lei's eyes widened, "What are you happy about? You guys aren't much better!"


"If you want to speak for me, use your brain and make your fists work!"


Erchengzi, "..."


However, Qi Lei ignored them and continued to get angry at the whole class, "With your ability to judge and sense of smell, who would dare to hand over the burden to you?"


Now the whole class is at a loss. Qi Lei's tantrum is obviously not because everyone criticized him, but for some other reason.


But, what's the reason?


Someone couldn't hold back, "Instructor Qi, why did you say us?"


Qi Lei squinted at him, "This is a good question. Why do I scold you?"


"Because... this is the last chance I give you!"


Pointing to himself, "Do a news analysis on the trend of public opinion about me."


"Three days! If I can't hand it in, or I'm not satisfied with the answer, congratulations, you can get out of here!"


As he spoke, Qi Lei went out, "Schools are suspended for three days, just do this one thing!"




Meng Yi pointed at the two Chengzi people, "It's the same for you all, think about it, what's the problem!"


Erchengzi: "..."


The class leader doesn't play like this anymore, eh?


He is stunned now and can't find Bei at all.


The question is, why is Qi Lei angry?


It's very simple. When working in the media, the way of thinking cannot be the same as that of ordinary people.


You can't even tell what is inciting public opinion, what is news is true and false, and you are just like ordinary people, so what's the use of you?


What's even more ridiculous, this is still an elite among the elites, a member of the eagle class. It makes people laugh when they say it.


What do you think of the reactions of the people upstairs? It doesn't matter.


If this were to change Master Tuo, at a glance, who is the first pole of the news, who is the opinion leader, who instigated What is the purpose, and what are the loopholes in the logic behind it.


Also, how to refute this kind of argument, and where the entry point is, I will give you a thorough look.


This is the difference!






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No, I can't stand it anymore.





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