Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 121: The most important lesson in life (2)

"Vision is knowledge, reason and logic." Qi Lei looked at the quiet crowd, "I won't tell you about the most important lesson in life, but it is the shaping of personality. people are useless!"

"So, after thinking about it, let's talk to everyone about how to save ten to twenty years of time!"

The classmates in the audience were already fascinated, and immediately became suspicious, "Save ten to twenty years?"

Qi Lei, "That's right!"

"First of all, from a statistical point of view, the proportion of young people is the highest among the people who are full of complaints about life and dissatisfaction with the society, so that their economic and spiritual demands cannot be met. , this ratio will decrease year by year.”

"The 30-year-old still complains much less than the 20-year-old, and the 40-year-old and the 50-year-old still complain, and far fewer than the 30-year-old."

"Among them, we have eliminated some of those who are really deficient in ability and whose quality of life is really poor."

"The rest, do you know why you don't complain?"

Everyone shook their heads, "I don't know."

Qi Lei, "Because over time, a large percentage of these people have achieved their relative life goals."

"In layman's terms, there must be more people who buy a house in the capital at the age of 30 than at the age of 20, and more people at the age of 40."

Glancing at the audience, "You are all leaders in higher education, so most of you have a greater chance of achieving your relative life goals."

"The only difference is that it will happen sooner or later."

"Maybe you were twenty-five and stopped complaining right after graduation, maybe thirty."

"'ll be fine until forty or fifty."

Qi Lei said with a smile, "In fact, there are not so many tragedies in this world. Most people have a happy death."



Qi Lei, "Then, what I'm going to talk about next may help you advance your goals."

"Vision! Open your vision! This is the key to saving these twenty or thirty years!"

Qi Lei paced the stage while organizing the language, "We often say that opportunities will only be reserved for those who are prepared."

"So, what is a prepared person? Diligent in an industry for decades? That's not called preparation, that's called mediocrity!"

"The so-called preparedness means that you have more insight and sharper nerves than others, and you can see more clearly!"

"It's not that the opportunity found you, it's that you found the opportunity."

"The vision is that you stand higher and see farther! More detailed!"

"So...what is vision? First of all, knowledge!"

With an indifferent smile, "This knowledge does not refer to professional knowledge."

"After you have studied journalism, you have mastered the vision of the journalism industry? Wrong!"

"Beiguang is a big technical school, to put it bluntly, and it is no different from Lanxiang. What you have learned here is professional skills."

Suddenly looking at the second phase of the eagle class, "However, except for the eagle class. What you are learning here is vision!"

He continued, "The knowledge mentioned here is everything in life."

Pointing to Tang Xiaoyi, "Tang Yi is familiar with history, so he can see the level of weighing the pros and cons."

Referring to Ma Tuo again, "Master Tuo is proficient in laws and regulations, aesthetics, Chinese studies, journalism, and communication, so his perspective on issues is incomparable to ordinary people."

"And for you, there is no useless cold knowledge in life."

"Those things that seem to be out of bounds and have nothing to do with your life will sooner or later become evidence of your thinking and open your horizons."

"One day, it will play a vital role at a critical moment when your life may reach a new level!"

"Classmates!" Qi Lei suddenly became serious, "Please remember one sentence."

"A person with poorer knowledge has an inexplicable courage and an inexplicable pride."

"Because the poorer the knowledge, the more absolute what you believe, because you have never heard the opposite."

"That's what vision is all about! An isolated view, even if it is occasionally correct, is just luck."

"For the vast majority of us, life doesn't require luck, it's down to earth."

"Only by standing higher, looking farther and more comprehensively, can you find many correct answers and choose the best from them."

This passage is thought-provoking and a little too profound.

Qi Lei suddenly smiled, "Well, how about we do a little experiment?"

He only heard Qi Lei saying, "Chongzhi Bird Reef!"

When everyone heard it, they immediately became interested.

Recently, in addition to the news that Qi Lei failed to acquire ARM, it is this Okinotori Reef.

Qi Lei, "Oki no Bird Reef, is located in the sea more than a thousand kilometers south of the Japanese country."

"It is a group of coral atolls that are only 1 meter above sea level at high tide and only a few square meters above sea level."

"The Japanese side has always claimed that Okinotori Reef is an island, but China and South Korea do not recognize it. In recent years, the trouble has become more fierce, and it has even risen to the height of international disputes."

"Then who knows, there are only a few broken stones in the sea, why are you fighting for it?"

Everyone was at a loss. Many people just knew about the news, but they really didn't know what was going on.

However, some people are clear, "I know!"

Someone volunteered, without using a microphone, "Because of the exclusive economic zone!"

Qi Lei immediately gave a thumbs up, "Correct answer! In this matter, your vision is higher than theirs."

The classmate was very pleased.

Qi Lei, "That's right! Because of the exclusive economic zone."

"According to international law, once Okinotori Reef is identified as an island, the Japanese side will legally have an exclusive economic zone within 200 nautical miles around the island, as well as the continental shelf under the sea."

"Do you know how big that area is?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Qi Lei directly revealed the answer, "470,000 square kilometers of economic zone, and 250,000 square kilometers of outer continental shelf waters!"

"His!!" Everyone gasped, "So big?"

Qi Lei, "So, everyone understands now, why did it rise to the level of international disputes?"

Everyone has been completely attracted by this case and followed Qi Lei's rhythm.

Qi Lei, "Then let's continue."

"Now the problem is stuck here. We do not admit that the Japanese country cannot substantively own the exclusive economic zone of 470,000 square kilometers."

"If you were Japanese leaders, what would you do?"

Some people thought for a while, "Mr. Qi, can we reclaim the sea to make land? I read on the news that the Japanese country did this, and also used concrete to reinforce the islands and reefs."

Qi Lei waved his hand, "It's useless! The little devil is just pretending."

"International conventions stipulate that islands must be naturally formed to count."

The students are in a dilemma, can't they reclaim the sea? Then... what should I do?

Fortunately, I understand.

A voice suddenly came from behind, "Raising coral!!"

Qi Lei looked over, "This classmate's vision has also opened up. That's right, raising corals!"

Meeting the incomprehensible gazes of everyone, "Okinotori Reef was originally a coral atoll, formed by the base of corals over the years."

"Since it's not enough to build artificial islands, then I can raise corals, right? Polyps build islands, so it's not artificial, right?"



Everyone was speechless, a Japanese who had a good life in his childhood, is this also okay?

Qi Lei, "In fact, that's what they did. Since the 1980s, the Japanese government has invested a total of 40 billion Japanese dollars in artificially raising corals around Okinotori Reef."


Someone was anxious, "What should I do? Just watch them expand the islands and reefs little by little?"

Another person answered, "Wouldn't that form the scale of a natural island sooner or later?"


"Hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of sea area! They can't be allowed to cheat!"

Qi Lei, "Huh?? That's the question. If you represent the Chinese official now, what can you think of to stop the Japanese people from building islands?"

The enthusiasm of everyone has been completely mobilized.

Erchengzi is the most active, "Resist! Fight, fight, fight!"

Sanbingzi, "He wants to say, international protest!"

Without Qi Lei, others began to refute, "Bullshit! I've been protesting, is it useful?"

He continued, "Can you unite with South Korea to sanction Japan? Force them to stop building islands?"

This suggestion resonated with some people, but Qi Lei shook his head, "Difficult."

"Because we are too weak, there is nothing to sanction."

When everyone saw that they couldn't do it, someone else came up with an idea, "Send military and police to patrol to block their waterway with the islands and reefs!"

"Let the Japanese country know that even if he makes it, he may not be able to use it!"

Qi Lei, "It's a way! But let's not say whether we have this ocean power or not."

"What about the international image? Dispatching the army at a disagreement is detrimental to the overall image of our country at the moment."

The classmate was anxious, "Then what to do!?"

But it was Qi Lei who smiled slightly, "Let me suggest a method, can you see if it works?"

Students, "What method?"

Qi Lei, "Crown of Thorns Starfish!!"

"Crown of thorns starfish? What?"

Qi Lei, "A marine species unique to the South my country Sea, it has a nickname - the coral killer!"


Qi Lei looked wretched, "This little animal, covered in thorns, is very cute."

"But it has a problem, that is, it is a picky eater, specializing in corals."

"And the ability to reproduce... tsk tsk."

"In short, if one falls, not only will a large piece of coral be destroyed, but in the coming year, there will be children and grandchildren, another large piece."

"If any fisherman passes by the rushing bird and accidentally drops two boxes of crown-of-thorns starfish in the sea..."

"Tsk tsk!"

There was no sound from below, and each one's eyes widened, "Oh fuck! Is this okay?"

Think again, how bad are you?

This is too smart, right? The fishermen... lost two boxes of starfish, that is, there is no international dispute, and the roots are wiped out, and... once and for all, the coral is dead!

Oh chah! !

Knowledge! Knowledge is power! !

It has to be said that the five bodies of admiration fell to the ground, only suffering from a few petite faces in the corner.

Don't forget, there are foreign students in Beiguang, including Japanese from Japan.

Looking at each other now, is it appropriate for you to discuss this in front of us?

At the same time, Dong Beiguo, who was watching the excitement with his arms in his arms, rolled his eyes and ran to the office.

After entering the office, he picked up the phone and broadcast it to Lao Qin.

"Comrade Qin, I have something to ask you, the funds for the Eagle Class are not enough!"


"Don't worry! If you don't ask for nothing, I will make up my mind."


"Well, this is also called vision!" Principal Dong Da thought.



An experimental discussion by Usui Okinotori made the students present fully realize that what is vision and what is knowledge is power! !

Say, who's okay with getting to know a crown of thorns starfish? However, it was precisely because Qi Lei knew this kind of starfish that he could come up with this desperate plan.

As he said, there is no useless cold knowledge in life.

All the accumulation will eventually precipitate into a life experience. And this is the key to success. Even if there is no guarantee that it will go smoothly, the chances are definitely greater.

At least at this moment, everyone understands a truth and must not be an ignorant person.

However, another question mark came to mind.

How to acquire knowledge? Is it really like what Qi Lei said, everything in life?

It's too general, and no one can turn all the information in life into knowledge and store it in their brains, right?

So, someone couldn't help but ask, "Little Director Qi, how can we acquire knowledge faster and more systematically?"

But Qi Lei said without thinking, "Two o'clock!"

"First, always keep a curious mind!"

"In case of trouble, don't judge first, ask questions first."

"Second, read history!"

Everyone wondered, "Reading history?"

"Yes!" Qi Lei was very sure, "Read history!"

"I recommend everyone to read the history of China."

"Even if you can't systematically read the history of China, even if you just pick interesting passages for in-depth understanding."

"Even if it's just a few words."

Everyone, "Is it useful?"

Qi Lei, "It's very useful."

"Recently, people around me, like classmate Tang Yi, Brother Xiao Ma, and Wang Zhendong, have all talked to me about this issue."

"The communication study I studied was very interesting, and they also wanted to read some professional books. President Wang even had the intention to let his children study communication in the future, and asked me to recommend him a few communication books suitable for children. Read the book."

"I don't recommend any of them!"

Looking at the crowd, "You all learn to spread the word. You know it best. If you show your children our teaching materials, the children will not be far from going crazy."

"He doesn't understand either!"

Hahahahaha! !

The whole room laughed, Qi Lei was telling the truth, you can see that this thing seems to be very interesting in application, but professional knowledge is very boring.

And they all summarize the concept of people, more or less cruel, not suitable for children to watch.

Someone said, "What did Director Qi recommend?"

Qi Lei, "I recommend reading history."

"There are three benefits of reading history."

"First, the historical view of national history, that is, the outlook on life and values. To establish a correct view of history is to establish values ​​and use them for life."

"Second, even if you can't form a view of history, reading history can bring you different benefits at different stages of your life."

"Twenty years old, I haven't been deeply involved in the world. Reading history brings confidence in knowledge. Making friends and chatting, I know two idioms and a few poems more than others."

"What you lack at this time is experience in communication."

"At the age of 30, when you are 30 years old, the general history brings the understanding of reason, and you are no longer an ignorant person. This age is the rising period of family and career. Knowing that Jiang Qian steals books, even if it is not on the third floor Comprehension, at least it can prevent book thieves and resist people's hearts."

"At the age of 40, life has no confusion, and viewing history brings forgiveness to the world, no more anger, no more complaints, contentment and happiness."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and said in their hearts, is it true? Are you only twenty years old? How did you manage to be 40 years old?

Someone asked, "What about the third benefit?"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "The third benefit, of course, is the vision, which is the essence of our ancestors' five thousand years of convergence."

"The ups and downs of dynasties, the heroic bear, the rising sun of the four seas, the setting sun of the long river, all in it!"

"The truth of being a man and the truth of the country are all in it."

Qi Lei continued, "If you are interested, I suggest you read it at least three times!"

"For the first time, you will see blood and romance. Yue Fei reflects Su Dongpo, Li Bai and Huo Qubing."

"The second you will see the darkness and ugliness, Liu Bang who hides his bow with all his bows, and the weak Song who bends his knees to seek reconciliation."

"On the third time, you will stand at the highest point and use an unprecedented vision to see wisdom and spirit, and see the struggle and compromise of the dynasty."

Well, because of his words, that afternoon, all the history books in the Beiguang Library... lent out.

The old professor who taught the history of the country was also puzzled. He was too lazy to name many of the students who usually skipped major classes. How have you been these two days? The sun comes out of the west?

National History suddenly became the class with the lowest absenteeism rate.



【Monthly pass coin slot】

【Recommended ticket coin slot】

That's right, let's deal with it.

good night!

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