Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 128: Eagles attack

The latest website: Liao Fanyi just said that he should help or help.

As Qi Lei said, being both a teacher and a friend, perhaps, this is the wonder of Chinese-style emotion.

We have always implicitly expressed the relationship between people, and we even put some indifferent words on our lips from time to time.

As if the Chinese are the most rigid and indifferent people in the world, we are reluctant to say "I love you" to our lovers and close relatives, let alone the words of precaution and indifference among friends.

Especially in this era, national self-confidence is at a low point. This kind of indifference and subtlety has been described as a mess of sand.

The Chinese are not united, the Chinese have no collective consciousness, and indifferent and ruthless arguments permeate every corner of the East and West.

However, it is this implicit and indifferent nation that will soon burst into an unparalleled cohesion, a deep emotion that will move the world.


Because in Chinese culture, no matter how ruthless an individual is, there are always some emotions in their hearts that they cannot control.

Loyalty to the nation..

Righteousness to a friend...

Kindness to strangers...

Love for loved ones, dear ones...

Even if not everyone can balance loyalty and benevolence, there is at least one that hinders them.

Love, love!

Liao Fanyi likes Qi Lei's evaluation very much, and he is also a teacher and a friend.

He is also willing to help this young man who is both a student, a teacher, and a friend at the same time.

Moreover, Liao Fanyi could see that this time Qi Lei was different from before.

In the past two years, he has often been busy with his own affairs and has not been at school. Every time he goes out, he doesn't care if he doesn't meet him. .

The last time I went to the UK, I just said hello when I met and said I would go out for two months.

But this time... a little bit more.

Qi Lei also seemed to see what Liao Fanyi had discovered, and left with a perfunctory hand.

In fact, only he himself knew that it was not a matter of talking too much, but a complicated mood.

There is anticipation, excitement, and fear.

Of course, the fear is not that he will be detained by others. In fact, it is not so easy to buckle, and it is not so fast to buckle.

Even if the Americans know the inside story of the ARM case, and even know that Qi Lei is going to engage in cyber intrusion, they must collect evidence and go through judicial procedures.

Even, who will operate, who will pay, and who will have the greatest profit.

It takes time to understand all these things!

It's not like what ordinary people see, and people are detained by dividing three and five by two.

Therefore, Qi Lei is definitely safe to go out this time.

The fear he speaks of is because:

Penguins go to sea, including the purpose of penguins going to sea, this may be an attempt that no Chinese have ever done in past and present life.

It's not that we didn't think about cultural export. In fact, Confucius Institutes, including CCTV, have made such attempts to let Western people know our culture and understand our culture.

However, in terms of means, they are passive and gentle.

Like Qi Lei, the purpose of cultivating a group of hawks is to force output, which is indeed rare.

In the past and present, it was Lao Mi who stumbled us, causing China to suffer a lot in terms of public opinion guidance and cultural aggression.

Even twenty years later, we are only passive defense.

Even if you want to export, you can only rely on the window period of international events such as the Olympics to correct the image as much as possible.

Through normal channels, it is almost impossible.

The media network that has accumulated in the West for a hundred years is waiting for you, and you can't get in at all.

It is said that we are blocked, all kinds of blockades, and we have to go over the wall to see the Internet, and so on.

But in fact, the invisible high wall cast by the West is even worse than ours.

Everyone in the media knows that the use of technical means to "gate" is the least effective defensive measure.

The real cast wall is psychological manipulation by means of communication and sociology.

But we have no choice, we have fallen a lot, we can only rely on technical means.

That's why Qi Lei was so keen to let Brother Ma go out, and he waited for so long.

Liao Fanyi wanted to stop him and talk about the second phase of the homework. What should I do with so many international students?

However, he swallowed the words again.

Qi Lei was a little too serious this time, so don't let him get distracted, right?

As for the question of whether international students can enter the eagle class, didn't they say when the results will be announced? Let it go for now and wait for Qi Lei to come back!



Separated from Liao Fanyi, Qi Lei went to the second floor of the Young Eagle Building.

At this time, the eighteen members of the first phase of the Young Eagle Class had all returned (Chen Wenjie was not there), and they all looked at the class director with green eyes.

I saw him standing on the podium and suddenly smiled, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Xianlong was the most anxious, "Don't talk nonsense, let's arrange the task!"

Ma Chenyu laughed, "Master Tuo told us, this time it's for Penguin?"

"Although I can't put it on now, but you called us back, you must prepare first, right?"

"Tell me! This time, I will absolutely obey, without any conditions."

Qi Lei looked at them and said in his heart, these two years of training are good, each one is quite good!

"I don't have any money this time," jokingly said.

They were paid with the crew, but not this time.

Big Sister Kou was anxious, "It's getting worse and worse than a good old lady, hurry up!"

Qi Lei, "Okay!"

Arranged at the moment, "Little fat girl."

Zhou Xiaohan, "I'm here! Say it."

Qi Lei, "You, Master Tuo, and... Hou Tingting, Pan Zhen, you are a group of four."

Hou Tingting was recruited from a graduate student in the first phase, and her major is aesthetics.

Pan Zhen's major is film and television editing, and he has also practiced camera well in the past two years.

"You go to Teacher Liao's four afternoons to open a note, get equipment, and book air tickets."

When Zhou Xiaohan heard this, is he going on a business trip?

"Where are you going?"

Qi Lei, "Go back to your hometown, Sichuan."


Zhou Xiaohan, Hou Tingting and Pan Zhen were all startled, because all three of them were from Sichuan.

Qi Lei, "I have communicated with Tuo about the specific task. He will lead the team, and you can just listen to him."

Turning back, he said to Master Tuo, "This group is very important, you should follow first, and when Zhou Xiaohan and the others are on the right track, you will go to Shenzhen, and you are still busy there."

Master Tuo is the absolute pillar of the class, and he knows it's time for him to show his talents.

"Do not worry!"

After receiving Master Tuo's reply, Qi Lei looked at Jiang Yao again.

"Jiang Yao."


"You! Zhang Xianlong, Ma Chenyu, and Du Li."

Jiang Yao, "Where are you going?"

Qi Lei, "Switzerland!"


Not only Jiang Yao, but the other three also screamed ducks.

Zhang Xianlong then smirked, "Is this... so grand? Why did you go abroad?"

Qi Lei, "It's not just about going abroad!"

"You guys can build it for me, don't think about the cost, what fun is there, and Tuo Ye's big G will be shipped to you too!"

"Packing Yaoyao as a lady with an international style."

"What about skiing, sea fishing, and beautiful clothes, I want you to make her an international internet celebrity!"

Jiang Yao heard it, "Be professional! That's called opinion leaders!"

Qi Lei, "Yes! Opinion leaders."

Looking at the others, "Except for Sister Kou and Bao Bao, all eight people will go to Shenzhen tomorrow to take over the content production of the Penguin community."

When Zong Baobao heard this, he glared, "Then what are I doing with Big Sister Kou?"

Qi Lei smiled mysteriously, "I'll talk about your work later."

All the tasks are arranged for everyone, and everyone is busy.

Only then did Qi Lei call Kou Zhongqi and Zong Baobao to his side.

"You two have a difficult task."

Zong Baobao heard, "Don't say that, the more you say it, the more excited I get?"

Kou Zhongqi said, "What are you talking about? If you don't understand, my sister will wash your pants for a year!"

Qi Lei, "Create momentum for the penguins to go to sea!"


The two were stunned, "Building momentum?"

Qi Lei, "To be precise, from now on, you are going to do things on the Internet in the United States."

"Oh." Zong Baobao breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm good at this!"

Kou Zhongqi, "How do you do it, literary or martial?"

Qi Lei, "Dirty!"

"for example?"

Qi Lei, "For example, if you don't use icq or msn, you don't love the United States."

"For another example, the heaven comes first and then the land. The rice-style competition is the most just?"


"So dirty!"

"However, I like it!"


As I said before, Zhou Xiaohan's facial features belong to the beauty of oriental classical charm.

And her hometown is a small county town in Shunan, Sichuan. The task of their group is to rebuild an old residential house in the bamboo forest of Shunan from dilapidation.

Of course, this process can only be captured by Zhou Xiaohan alone.

After the renovation was completed, I lived and photographed everyday life. Edit it into a short video.

Speaking of this, many people have guessed that this is the Douyin fire of later generations, isn't it the renovation of old houses and plum seven?

Well, that's what happened.

It's just that Zhou Xiaohan is a bit fake, she has to learn from scratch when she has no children.

However, it doesn't matter, these days, short videos have higher credibility than later generations, and no one cares whether they are acting or real.

So the question is, why did you copy Li Ziqi instead of other later Internet celebrity copywriters?

Many people may think that it is because Li Ziqi is the most popular Chinese Internet celebrity abroad, so he copied it.

In fact, it is not, there is an inherent communication logic.

The reason is actually the Chinese stereotype that has been shaped by the West for many periods.

If you have access to news reports, documentaries, and related video materials about China on the Internet, there is actually one detail that is easily overlooked by the public.

That is, they rarely photograph the modern side of China.

Most of the backgrounds of the mirror are either landscapes, ancient buildings, or small streets.

Everyone saw it and thought it was nothing, and it was quite beautiful.

In fact, there is information here.

Accustomed to seeing this kind of scenery and quaint western public, it is easy to associate China with the ancient, rather than a modern country!

If you are a little more careful, you will find that the public evaluation of China in the West is "an ancient ancient civilization."

When the Chinese see it, it's nothing. That's how we judge ourselves!

In fact, it was a big mistake!

We believe that an ancient great country and an ancient civilization are compliments and praises.

However, in Western values, they do not praise the ancient and ancient countries so much.

It was a world deeply immersed in the achievements of modern modernization, a world immersed in white supremacy.

So what is white supremacy? Where is the root cause?

It is the brilliance created by white people in modern history!

Therefore, people are not interested in ancient times and ancient countries at all.

On the contrary, such stereotypes have created prejudice and misunderstanding of China.

Then again, why did Li Ziqi catch fire abroad?

And other Internet celebrities who also do high-quality, cool and fashionable content are not as popular as her abroad?

That's because other content subverts Western stereotypes about China.

Subversion is the hardest!

And Li Ziqi, in a sense, conforms to Western stereotypes.

And it is this adaptation that makes the kernel more acceptable to the Western public.

First of all, there are no modern elements in her videos, showing the beautiful life in rural China.

This doesn't completely go against Western stereotypes, but makes it easier for them to accept. It turns out that the ancient is not everything, it also contains beauty, life, and wisdom.

In the past, we all shouted to the West, "We are not! I am just like you! If you don't believe me, come and see us!"

However, when it came to Li Ziqi, it was, "We are! We are indeed different from you, but... we are also beautiful."

To put it badly, this is no different from driving a donkey.

Hold on, don't go, go backwards!

Instead, he rubbed his hair and coaxed, and the donkey was more obedient.

Zhou Xiaohan, a player who entered the Eagles class by "face", that face finally came in handy.

Together with Tuo Ye's Chinese studies, Hou Tingting's aesthetic skills, and Pan Zhen's photography skills and editing skills.

Qi Lei also found several traditional craftsmen in Sichuan for them, as well as several copywritings that Qi Lei personally ordered. There is no reason why this content is not popular.

The other Jiang Yao, who came in with her face, was at the other extreme.

Jiang Yao's facial features have both Eastern and Western aesthetics, so she took a different route.

When Zhou Xiaohan makes people realize that the ancient and traditional are also beautiful, Jiang Yao can come in handy. She is fashionable and international.

In addition, Jiang Yao's own character is independent, confident, changeable, and eccentric, which will make the West realize the vitality of the younger generation in the East.

The rest, except for the eight penguins of Big Sister Kou and Zong Baobao, are to choose.

Yes, in order to break into Omi's social network, in addition to creating content, the content accumulated by Chinese netizens themselves is also useful.

In recent years, the Penguin community has developed into the largest community network in China, as well as a topic distribution center for the younger generation, resulting in a large amount of high-quality content.

There is a lot of content in it that also meets the tastes of Western netizens and can be used directly.

As long as Penguin successfully logs into North America, Qi Lei can immediately launch a wave of content bombing.

With Zhou Xiaohan and Jiang Yao as the first echelon, a group of high-traffic Internet celebrities will be incubated, and the existing content will be covered by the second echelon.

In addition, Qi Lei also has a third echelon, which is also his trump card.

That is - the net text under the R tree! !

It can form a comprehensive and three-dimensional cultural soft output.

Playing this Qi Lei has seen a lot, used it a lot, and learned a lot in later generations. He is the ancestor of the West.

He wants to repeat the same routine that Lao Mi used on the Chinese on the American!

Not once...




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In the past few days, there have been more alliance leaders...

In the past month or so, there were also several who rewarded the leader of the alliance. The old man did not thank him in writing, but he saw it all in his eyes.

Thanks back together.

Bow down one by one.

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