Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 143: bottomless sinkhole

This **** is a bit strange, others don't know it, don't Wu Xiaojian and Chen Wenjie know it?

Don't talk about such a palm-sized smart terminal device that Qi Lei mentioned, you can't create a slap-sized CPU now!

However, don't say, Americans in Silicon Valley and Wall Street really eat this way.

Here, there are only cows that you can't blow out, and there are no projects that they dare not throw money at.

Let's put it this way, those who do new energy in later generations, the so-called ppt car manufacturing, are nothing.

There is a company in the United States that claims to build electric trucks, and the founder is a dry marketer.

Don't talk about ppt, buddy, with a mouth, a few photos, and a model, the company's market value has been blown to 34 billion yuan!

The market value even surpasses that of Ford.

The fake foreign devil pouted, "Well, these few sentences are worth at least one billion.\"

At this time, Wu Xiaojian and the fake foreign devil also suddenly realized that this is the breakthrough that Qi Lei said?

No wonder he is looking for old Levi, with such a good cow, and Levistan's media attributes, maybe he can really attract a few interested investors.

At that time, you can invest if you want, but, my system, and Penguin, you have to help, right?

In this way, wouldn't the situation open up?

"Tsk spray." The fake foreign devil shook his head and sighed, "It's still Brother Lei who has a deep routine! Brother, you are a bit outdated!"

Wu Xiaojian, "Go away!" Stuck on his neck, unconvinced, "I learned this from my brother when I was a kid.\"

Chen Wenjie: "...\"

Blow it and you will! Anyway, Chen Wenjie is deeply suspicious.

So the question is, is this Qi Lei's routine?

Haha, superficial.

In the face of Gene Sharp, if Qi Lei took out such a thing and just threw a bait, then he was not worthy of playing against Sharp.

The allure of this cowhide is indeed there, but what is the score?

A bunch of ideas that obviously cannot be realized in the short term, just want to let Chinese systems and Chinese social software enter the American market?

The idea is too naive, because the chips are not equal at all.

Besides, it doesn't matter what the occasion is now.

It was organized by Gene Sharp, and it is a series conference that is specially aimed at the future public opinion war, Internet companies and capital, and national conspiracies.

What people study is to use new media to launch offense and defense, let alone let you succeed easily.

And this seemingly tempting idea is just an introduction, or it has no value now, but maybe it will have value in the future.

At this time, Qi Lei continued his performance.

"Now, I can explain to everyone what a social network is."

"As Dr. Sharp said just now, every leap in technology brings qualitative changes to the dissemination of information."

"Then, let's imagine that when smart terminals are popularized in everyone's hands, the Internet will no longer be exclusive to homes and offices, but a life that accompanies us anytime, anywhere, in bathrooms, subway stations, and sidewalks. necessity."

"So, what will life be like?"

Everyone was drawn by Qi Lei and fell into deep thought.

However, it was still the same problem. No one could keep up with Qi Lei's thinking, nor could he construct a completely different world in a short period of time.

He could only wait for Qi Lei to give his answer before making a judgment.

Qi Lei, "That would be a hardware..."

Qi Lei simply stood up, "Including: mobile phones, cars, home equipment terminals, and social supporting facilities, etc."


"Including: system, system ecology, application logic, etc."


"Including: entertainment, finance, information interaction, e-commerce, storage services, communication services."

"There are apps!!\"

"Hardware, software, services, and applications are composed of these four elements, subverting the existing Internet and linking virtual and reality."

"It not only satisfies the attributes of people's entertainment and social interaction, but also realizes the realistic attributes such as information interaction and financial interaction.\"

\"This!! It's the social network! It's the future we're likely to face!\"

There was silence in the field, until Qi Lei had already sat back in his seat, and after half a minute, no one could react.

Some people began to applaud, from dots, to continuous, and then to thunderous applause.

Many people stood up and applauded unconsciously. At this moment, there was no racial distinction or national prejudice.

At least the future depicted by the big boy on stage has touched most people and is worth looking forward to.

The investors on the stage, as well as the founders of Silicon Valley, are in different moods.

Because, if the four elements that Qi Lei mentioned just now, if the future is as he described, then let alone the four major elements, they are the small items in the major items he just subdivided. Just take one out, It's all big business.

Well, at this moment, Qi Lei's powerful "logical analysis ability", as well as the attributes of being forced, finally went abroad.

That is, Lao Qin, Liao Fanyi, Dong Beiguo and the others were not present. Otherwise, it must be a joke on the few people on the stage.

how about it? This kid has fooled us like this before.

It's just that Chen Wenjie and Wu Xiaojian, who had been laughing and laughing all the time, didn't gradually put away their jokes until this moment.

Has it been a while? What did you tell Lao Mi about these things? Are you really afraid that people will cut you off?

Manager Wen and Rossi also had the same idea at this time.

Qi Lei said too much, there is no need to pour out his thoughts and foreseeable things without reservation.

The two even looked at each other, not knowing.

At the same time, Gene Sharp was also in a complicated mood. The future Qi Lei described was exactly the future he hoped for!

The new online media has changed the world, which has become one of the important means for him to control the color revolution.

No, not one! This will completely subvert his previous code of conduct, from espionage infiltration, instigation of officials and businessmen, to civilianization.

At that time, he can use the Internet to give the world new attributes and shift the focus of public opinion warfare to civilians.

It is no longer necessary to enlist a central figure of influence in the target country, but to use the Internet, simply incite the civilian population, can cause great harm.

This means a more stealthy process and lower costs.

After all, the target of civilians is much smaller, and the price of inciting civilians to buy cyber gunmen is much lower than bribing a GY.

These are the places that get Sharp excited and ready to try.

But at the same time, Sharp was a little frustrated, because it was not an American who brought up all this, but a **** Chinese.

Sharp's eyes narrowed, and he found that this big boy was more complicated than he thought.

Moreover, he wanted to know more urgently what secrets Qi Lei had.

So, after being silent for a long time, Sharp finally spoke up.

"Wow~~~" The old face exclaimed, "It's so wonderful."

"Mr. Qi Lei, take the liberty to ask, is your Sanshi company working on the research and development of this brand-new terminal equipment?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked over, and this is what everyone cares about.

I saw Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Dr. Sharp, you are too bad, this is the core secret of Three Stone Company, of course I won't tell you."

Sharp spread his hands regretfully, "It's really a pity!"

"Mr. Qi is very visionary, he opened a door for us."

Qi Lei, "You have passed the prize."

But it was Sharp who suddenly said in a joking tone, "I'm just curious, if the future moves forward according to Mr. Qi's vision, then the importance of the Internet will become unprecedented.\"

Qi Lei replied, "Maybe it's more important than you think!"

Sharp, "Will it become a country's most important public opinion field and technological advantage?"

Qi Lei, "No doubt!"

Sharp, "Since it is a core interest, why did Mr. Qi try to invade the United States?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience sucked in a breath of cold air.

Invasion? Did we hear it right? Sharp is using Intrusion?

As if to respond to the surprise of the audience, Sharp explained to the audience with a smile, "Everyone may not know yet."

Just now, Mr. Gates told me that yesterday, Mr. Qi himself admitted that the purpose of his visit this time was to allow Pangu and China's Penguin communication software to enter North America. \"

The smile was even stronger, "At first, I personally welcomed it, which will drive the development of the North American software market and instant messaging software, and at the same time affirm the development of the Internet in the United States."

"However, since Mr. Qi foresees the future, he also believes that Internet technologies and industries will become the lifeblood of a country.

Then I think the arrival of the Pangu system and Penguin is not just a business activity for Mr. Qi, right? "

"At this moment, all I can think of is the word invasion!"

With a buzzing sound, the students in the audience, including the guests, began to discuss.

Let Sharp say this, it's really a bit of an invasion.

You think, he clearly knows the importance of this thing going to a country, but he also rushed in. Isn't that an invasion?

Sharp, on the other hand, looked directly at Qi Lei with a condescending gaze. "Mr. Qi, I heard that it is only the cooperation of the browser,

It has attracted the attention of the Ministry of Commerce. "

"Then you think, with today's remarks and motivation, why do you insist on entering North America?"

Done! !

Manager Wen, Rossi, Wu Ning and Chen Wenjie were all surprised.

Sharp's words were heart-wrenching, and it was equivalent to blocking Qi Lei's all ways out. 99% of his trip to the United States was going to fail.

Rosie hurriedly grabbed the armrest, "Why didn't this **** guy be so impulsive when he seduced him!"

In Rossi's eyes, Qi Lei was obviously manipulated by Sharp and made irrational remarks.

Manager Wen: \"…\"

Well, he was worried at first, but now, the attention has been drawn away.

The point is... seduction?

At this moment, except for Manager Wen, all eyes were on Qi Lei, waiting for his answer.

And Qi Lei thought, "Old coffin, you can't do it either?" Can't hold your breath?

He smiled lightly and calmly sorted out the language.

"First of all, the word invasion is inappropriate."

"Myself, and my three stone company, are really optimistic about the Internet market in the United States, and hope to develop here."

"However, Three Stones did not touch the core interests of the United States."

No one believes this. The system and social software have not touched the core interests?

Qi Lei immediately gave the answer.

"Don't you think that the core of Silicon Valley is Microsoft? Is it Guge?"

"Okay!" Qi Lei turned back and joked, "Uncle Bill, and Deer, although we are friends, we still have to tell the truth. You, including Pangu of Sanshi Company and QQ of Penguin Company, are not important."

Just when everyone was wondering, these are not important, what is important, Qi Lei stretched out three fingers.

"I, O, E!"

The core of Silicon Valley, or the core of the world's computer industry, is the IOE!"

"So what is an IOE?"

"I, BM! holds the absolute right to speak in the server market."

"Without BM's servers, the Internet all over the world would be shut down."

"One more thing, Desheng Bank once wanted to promote Sanshi's acquisition of M. I said, anyway, you can't sell the server business to me, so why not charge it? So let Desheng play."

puff! !

Manager Wen's face turned red, who was he running on?

Qi Lei, "O, oracle!! Oracle Corporation. The absolute authority in the database business."

All Internet data in the world goes through Oracle's data processing and software. "

"E, EMC Corporation, the storage giant."

The president of EM was sitting under the stage. He was surprised that Qi Lei would mention him, so he straightened his waist and moved the buttons of his suit.

Boy, know the goods!

Qi Lei, "Server technology, databases, and storage devices."

But any student who studies computer-related majors knows what this means.

"These are the three cornerstones of networking, and even the computer industry."

"It is the core trump card in the hands of the United States! I think its importance is one level higher than those of Intel, Qualcomm, and ARM."

"Imagine, if the United States imposes an Internet blockade on any country in the world, as long as these three companies work, then the country's Internet will be completely decoupled from the world and become an island."

"What system, social software? Are these things really important?"

Qi Lei scoffed, "My Pangu system only took two years to develop, and Penguin even had nearly 100 million registered users in only two years."

“Even if the U.S. gets hold of this, it’s only a matter of time before other countries want to break out of the blockade.”

"But IOE\"

The following words Qi Lei did not say, it is self-evident, that is the big killer!

Sharp looked at Qi Lei unexpectedly, and what he said seemed to make sense.

Qi Lei's logic is that the core interests of the United States lie in ioe, and his system and communication software are actually not important. As long as I don't touch ioe, then you don't need to guard me.

However, no matter how reasonable it is, this is not the case, right?

If you think about it for a while, you will understand. Even if you are right, why would the United States let you enter the system and communication software industry?

This is like, the landlord's family has a big girl and a second girl, you are a long-term worker, and you come up and say, your big girl is all over the country and the city, I can't stand high. However, the second girl is not so beautiful anymore, so it's not too much to marry me, right?

What a special Of course it's too much!

No matter how ugly you are, it belongs to the landlord. Why is it cheap for you?

Sharp wanted to laugh, but just by your few words, he wanted to take advantage of it?


And Qi Lei silently observed Sharp, watching him unconsciously show complacency, and sneered in his heart.

No matter how powerful the old coffin is, you are not the son of the plane.

And I. Really is a hang up.

He said so much, and he foresaw the most valuable future in his heart to Lao Mi, of course not just for these few words.

These are all foreshadowing. Qi Lei's next few words are the real big move and the dirtiest.

"Peers! Young people at Stanford!"

Qi Lei picked up the microphone and stood up again.

"I came to seek cooperation with sincerity and sincerity."

The audience fell silent, "Because I firmly believe that the center of the computer industry is in Silicon Valley, and this is the highland of the future of human technology!"

"At the same time, I am even more convinced that the future of the United States belongs to Silicon Valley!"

Gene Sharp's eyelids suddenly jumped, as if he realized something.

However, for a while, I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

As everyone knows, the focus is on these few words!

This is a tiankeng, a bottomless tiankeng! The Silicon Valley bosses present were almost sent away by Qi Lei.



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