Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 147: fangs of wolves

Qi Lei had no idea that he had fallen into the Iron Curtain that Paulson had prepared for him, and had been cut off from the outside world.

Even Lao Qin didn't know that Qi Lei had been isolated.

The reason is very simple. Who is fine in the middle of the night and will see if the phone can still be used?

And Qi Lei has dug a hole here, should he ventilate with the capital?

The symposium ended in the evening. After that, Manager Wen and Rossi stayed at Wu Ning's house until nearly midnight before leaving. Qi Lei had no chance to breathe.

As for why not ventilate in advance, because there is no way to ventilate.

No matter how dirty Qi Lei was and how secretly he planned, he was not a god.

Before that, he had no idea that Gene Sharp would be there.

Therefore, except for one main idea, that is, to spread the message that the United States belongs to Silicon Valley, it is ready.

Afterwards, how to elicit this information, and how to lay the groundwork, all rely on the on-the-spot performance of the competitive players and act on the spot.

The way he was ready to fool Levistan was completely different from the way he was going to fool Silicon Valley tycoons, Wall Street giants, and Gene Sharp at that time.

For Levistein, he would make big news, dominate public opinion, etc., such as raising a topic,

Induce old Levi to do in-depth research, borrow his hand, and publish a paper, which will be exposed.

But against other people, this routine won't work, because there is no temptation.

Therefore, any smart phone is a product of wit. Not only was it unprepared, but it also resulted in results that were not so meticulous.

Qi Lei ignored Wall Street facing such an appalling result. While he would rather believe it, he would also infinitely magnify his doubts, and he would definitely turn Qi Lei's bottom upside down for the first time.

Of course, even if he thought about it, it was useless. Who would have expected the other party to act so fast?

Take Desheng as an example. Scholars in economics, finance, and politics were organized for analysis at the first time. The symposium just ended, and Desheng has obtained the video of the Stanford scene.

However, before the results came out, Paulson had reached a preliminary consensus with Morgan, Merrill Lynch, the president of Lehman Brothers, and eo.

Just as Paulson was connecting, and economists and political scientists were analysing the odds of this future happening, a psychologist saw the problem in the video. The micro-expressions are completely different from the habitual movements.

In other words, these two paragraphs explain that Qi Lei is a completely different psychological activity.

Finally, the psychologist came to a conclusion, that is: when Qi Lei explained the concept of smart phone,

There is a high possibility that it was a temporary intention, or he was simply panicking.

Even worse, when Qi Lei explained the concept of smartphones, the lens gave a panoramic effect to the audience.

In the corner of the picture, he found Brother Xiao Ma and Wu Ning.

One of them is Qi Lei's close friend and the other is a partner of the company. Their expressions can almost tell that they didn't know it before.

Then there are two possibilities:

First, the concept of a smartphone is not known at all, and Sanshi has no R&D plan at all, which is pure nonsense.

Second, they didn't want to expose the plan, they didn't know that Qi Lei would throw this blockbuster here.

It is based on the judgment of this psychologist and the results of discussions in economic and political aspects that the basis for Desheng's follow-up plan is formed.

Afterwards, the huge think tank team immediately made a response plan, and Paulson's call immediately called Manager Wen's mobile phone, requesting cooperation with Sanshi Company.

At this time, a large group of people were still surrounding Qi Lei, accusing him of talking too much.

Desheng's actions in both directions have already begun.

One is to let Manager Wen send a friendly signal and ask for cooperation.

The other was based on psychological analysis, and began to thoroughly investigate the details of Sanshi Company. Afterwards, Manager Wen left Wu Ning's house near midnight. Five minutes later, a communication failure occurred in the three surrounding blocks.

At the same time, the news has reached China, and a large number of reporters are already on their way to the news scene.

Paulson started further coordination with several other investment banks, and met overnight.

It doesn't give you time to react at all, it's just this time difference.

At this moment, all the hair on Pittwen's body exploded.

Because he knows Desheng's methods too well, it only takes half a day, no! Maybe Qi Lei was completely blind for a few hours. As long as they made good use of these hours, they would be able to play around with Sanshi's gang and get all the information that would be beneficial to them.

And once Desheng was suspicious because of Sanshi's inappropriate reaction, they would do whatever it takes to strip away Sanshi's secrets, and then profit from it.

The ghost in you...



Manager Wen didn't respond for a long time, and Paulson couldn't help calling twice.

"Ah?" Manager Wen returned to Soul Paulson couldn't help frowning, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh..." Manager Wen forcibly calmed down and became smart, "I'm thinking about the current situation and seeing what can help the headquarters improve its actions."

"after all"

"After all what?"

"After all, I have a lot of contact with Qi Lei, and I know him relatively well."

Paulson understood and smiled, "It's a good idea! However, your priority is tomorrow morning, and it's best to hold him back without making him suspicious. After all, if Three Stones is okay, their project is still It's tempting."

"I think it's better not to let him misunderstand Desheng."

Manager Wen, "You're right, I was too rash."

Paulson, "No, it's not a bad thing."

"Okay." Paulson looked at the time. "It's too late, you should rest early."

Manager Wen, "Okay, thank you for your concern."

Paulson, "Pete, work hard, Desheng's future depends on you."

In the face of Wall Street's meticulous offensive at every step, Qi Guodong's procrastination strategy seems a bit difficult to teach.

Because, all of Qi Guodong's arrangements are based on the assumption that Qi Lei can get in touch with him when he wakes up in the United States.

The actual situation is that it is impossible for Sanshi Company to talk to Qi Lei before Desheng gets the news they want.

Even on Lao Qin's side, if he found a clue after dawn, he still needed time to react, and he needed to do his best to deal with it.

Besides, Desheng can't wait until you can't procrastinate before making a move.

The lion fights the rabbit, and the shot is all-out!

Late night in America, daytime in China.

The reporters had a big meal at Sanshi Company at noon. They got along well and everyone was very patient. After all, Sanshi Company can really be said to be the pride of a national enterprise now, and every step is exciting news for the Chinese people.

However, after lunch, the atmosphere was a little off.

I don't know when it started, but some inside information began to circulate among reporters.

Some people said that they interviewed an unnamed Sanshi high-level executive, according to the other party:

"There's no smartphone at all, it's just that Mr. Qi is always shooting."

"Relevant technology cannot be solved within ten years. So, this is just a trick and a lie to negotiate with the Americans!"

This made reporters suddenly suspicious.

Although it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of the news, after all, smartphones, especially those described by Qi Lei, are indeed a bit too sci-fi.

Some people have a better understanding of the electronic product industry, and the degree of skepticism is even deeper, because they know that it is almost impossible, and the voices of discussion and doubt are getting louder and louder.

At this moment, another news made the reporters completely unable to sit still.

The senior officials of Sanshi and Imagination were not having any meetings at all, they were just avoiding the reporters.

Moreover, the press conference that was transferred was also fake, it was just a means of delaying time by Sanshi Company! .

The reason for this was that they couldn't get in touch with Mr. Qi because of the communication failure in the United States.

What's more speechless is that someone picked up that Qi Lei didn't communicate with Sanshi headquarters at all before making this rumor, it was just a whim.

We've all been tricked!

This made the reporters completely uneasy.

Is this too much? Even if you fool the Americans, even your own people?

Then, a new argument began to spread.

"Where is this long face? It's shameful to be thrown abroad!"

"If you want to be unknown, you must do it yourself!"

"Qi Lei's lies will be exposed sooner or later! What will the Americans think of China then?"

"China's iconic company is actually a liar!?"

"Should you be ashamed? Is it shameful?"

Such an argument completely overturned the emotions of the reporters.

Some people started to sit still. At first, they just held the staff of Sanshi to ask about the theory.

Without getting an answer, his anger exploded, and he began to rush out of the conference room to the office area to seek answers.

Before the people from Sanshi Company could respond, a group of reporters, led by a small group of people, rushed directly into the small conference room where Sanshi's high-level executives were located, blocking Qi Guodong and Wang Zhendong inside.

Face to face, what happened?

Want to procrastinate? Couldn't hold on for a minute.

Moreover, there is no way to lie anymore.

How dare you not tell the truth when it gets to this point, and it's with a reporter? Dare to be vague? That's a big deal.

It is equivalent to - forcing the palace!

And this, of course, was instigated and planned by Desheng behind the scenes. This is the fangs of the wolves of Wall Street.

The things Pittwen did in China before can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Qi Guodong and Wang Zhendong are all stupid. It wasn't good just now, so why did it get to this point?

Nan Lao also widened his eyes, and he was about to have a heart attack.

Fortunately, the boss who hangs on the wall is not what it used to be. He made a short-term mistake, and he came back to his soul immediately. Although his palms were sweating, he still had to stand up.

Accompanying him with a smile, but without losing his majesty, "Everyone, this is the meeting site of Sanshi Company. It's not appropriate for you to rush in like this?"

After speaking, he turned his head to Secretary Liang and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter, everyone may just be in a hurry, you go pick up Zou Tai and Principal Dong. By the way, CCTV reporters are coming with Zou Tai, here I'll handle it."

He turned to the crowd again, "Would you like to wait a little longer? CCTV reporters also have to attend the press conference. As soon as they arrive, they will start immediately!"

Qi Guodong also played at a super level.

If this were to change the usual way, it would definitely shock the reporters to the ground.

You know, the reason why they dare to rush in unscrupulously is because they are journalists. Reporter of 2002! Very arrogant!

It can be said unceremoniously that what happened to the truth depends entirely on their mouths, so journalists these days have been spoiled.

However, Qi Guodong's words were both kind and powerful. Remind them that Sanshi Company is not without background.

Besides, no matter how arrogant you are, you wouldn't dare to tell right and wrong in front of CCTV.

Even Zou Chengbin moved out.

Of course Secretary Liang knew that there were no CCTV reporters at all, and no Zou Tai would come. However, the time to test her had come, and without thinking about it, it was very natural, "Okay."

While talking, Secretary Liang walked out while smiling at the reporters, "Isn't this ruining my job? The boss will blame our servants for not doing things well. Let's go out and wait, it's still worse than that. Been a while?

I knew no one would listen to her, but I had to say something.

Not reluctantly, seeing that no one was moving, he went out. After going out, he almost rushed to the front desk, grabbed Qi Guodong's phone book, and quickly found Zou Chengbin's number.

"Hello Zoutai, I'm Qi Guodong's secretary, I need you to come over!"

"Yes! Immediately!"

"Yes! I'll be waiting for you downstairs. I'll report the specific situation to you."

After that, Dong Beiguo changed his rhetoric, "Principal Dong, when Mr. Qi was not there, a reporter came to make trouble. The situation is very bad, and you have to help."

We send a car to pick you up. "

When Dong Beiguo heard it, what was it? There are no tigers in the mountains, the monkeys are still the king?

Xiao Qi Lei has only been gone for a few days, and he is all set up? Is this bullying me, no one in Beiguang?

"Wait! Let them wait for me for half an hour!"

Principal Dong Da is playing with you with his outburst of temper? I hung up the phone and rushed downstairs.

Still that sentence, just this one hand, ordinary people can't handle it, and the second class is not enough!

It can also be seen from this that in the past few years, it is not only Qi Lei who has grown up at UU Reading, but everyone around him is making progress. It is a pity that among the reporters who rushed into the conference room at this time, some Special class three.

This was a premeditated action, and even though Qi Guodong had already handled it well, he couldn't hold back that someone had ulterior motives and deliberately picked things up.

And then, facing layers of difficulties and sharp questions, Qi Guodong's test really began.

Every word he said, every expression and action, could possibly influence the development of the situation.

Influenced Qi Lei far away on the other side of the ocean.

Affecting the fate of Sanshi Company [monthly ticket coin slot] [recommended vote coin slot] should have a chapter.

But what **** bastard reported again?

Can't you read the book well?

Two chapters were blocked, and it was time consuming to re-revision.

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