Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 150: Turn on **** mode

Sam suddenly jumped out to save the field, which Qi Lei never expected.

Ordinarily, even if Sam showed something, he should remain silent like Qi Guodong without knowing it.

Besides, this fire can't burn Sam's head at all, and the laboratory in Modu is still in the preparatory stage.

Even if the reporter rushed to the laboratory to block people, they could only block some construction workers. How did Sam jump out?

In fact, it was one person who played a key role - Pittwen.

Remember the panic and unease that Pittwin was talking to Paulson late at night?

He was afraid that Sanshi Company would be exposed, because he had a ghost in his heart. .

In addition, I don't know what happened, Paulson's series of methods, logically speaking, are routine operations in Desheng, and Manager Wen has not done it before.

But this time, Paulson's condescension made Manager Wen very uncomfortable. Subconsciously, he didn't want Three Stones to be cornered by Paulson.

So, just after Paulson arranged a task for Manager Wen and asked him to hold off Qi Lei tomorrow morning.

Paulson was about to hang up the phone, and Manager Wen made a strange speech.

"Mr. President, can I make a suggestion?"

Paulson paused before hanging up the phone, then smiled, "Of course, I need your advice so much.

Manager Wen was silent for a moment, as if he was organizing the language, but he was actually hesitating.

Finally, "Maybe you can get a break from Sam Brown."

Paulson, "Oh? The reason?"

Manager Wen, "In recent days, I've been with Qi, and the one who talks to him the most is Sam Brown."

"And I know that before leaving China, Qi made a special trip to the Magic Capital to meet Sam and Byron August together with his chief engineer Nan Guanghong."

After pondering for a moment, "Although Qi refused to reveal the purpose of his going to the magic capital, but now it seems that there is a high possibility that they are talking about this issue!"

"Maybe, this is the project that he dug Sam Brown and Byron August to China!"

"Also, you probably don't know much about the electronics industry, but with Byron's technology, and Sam's connections in electronics, this smartphone project of his is really promising."

Paulson, who was on the opposite side, took it seriously, "Is that so?"

"Pete, this information of yours is very important!"

"Maybe I should take your advice, no!! It's an excellent opinion, and I'll take it seriously."

Paulson looked like a corporal of courtesy.

But the more modest he was, the more disgusting Pittwen was. Because everyone knows that this is a cold-blooded and cool guy.

"Thank you for your appreciation, this is what I should do."

Hanging up the phone, Manager Wen stood in front of the hotel window for a long time, thinking:

"Warren Art, you self-proclaimed smart guy should have noticed? I can only help you here.

"FUCK!!" Pittwen was a little exasperated, "Happy! This guy is an American, who wants to help the Chinese and the British?"

Well, let's not talk about Trump's authentic and unauthentic question.

The heart of Pittwen's envoy is that on Qi Lei's side, not only Qi Lei is a scheming person, but also a British man who is hidden in the dark is also a dirty person.

And now, Qi Lei is imprisoned, but Warren Ett is free.

As a result, Desheng not only arranged for reporters to go to Sanshi, the capital, but also someone from the magic capital directly blocked Sam Brown at home.

And Sam, like Qi Guodong in the capital, is also in a state of ignorance.

smart phone? crazy?

However, Sam is much stronger than Qi Guodong and the others.

It's not that he is smart, but that he knows better than everyone that this is a scam, because Qi Lei just set the scientific research direction of the Magic Capital Laboratory before he left.

Not to mention smartphones, even chips are taking a simple and feasible route. He can't jump so far at once.

Smartphones are about to be built.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, and this is the cowhide that Qi Lei bragged about temporarily.

Such a judgment made Sam even more afraid to reveal the true details of Sanshi.

Therefore, he was even worse than the gang in the capital, and was blocked at home and could not get out.

Under such circumstances, of course, he had to contact Qi Lei as soon as possible, and of course he couldn't get through the phone.

So, he contacted the capital again and learned that there was no optimism there. At the same time, he also learned that Qi Lei was at Wu Ning's house, and Wu Ning could not be contacted.

Now it is alone and completely on its own.

In this case, there is only one thing Sam can do, and that is:

Contact Warren!

Yes, Warren was his closest companion and the backbone of Sam and Byron.

The function is equivalent to Qi Lei's position in the hearts of Tang Yi and Wu Ning. Of course, he has to call Warren.

Even if you don't have Warren's idea, complaining a few words is venting!

However, if this series of events reached Warren's ears, it would be completely different.

First of all, Qi Lei could not be contacted, nor could he be contacted by landline, which was a huge doubt.

Second, as soon as Warren became suspicious, he told Sam, "Don't hang up, wait for me for five minutes!"

Warren, who was in the United Kingdom, contacted his friends in the United States for the first time and learned that there were indeed reports about the Stanford speech in the United States.

"It's just that there are not many media reports, only one or two. However, it's not that the media doesn't pay attention, but it's too late. Such a big news, I judge that it will be spread all over the United States tomorrow!"

Friends describe it.

After hanging up the phone, Warren said to Sam, "There is something wrong with Qi, and the Americans have already started to act."

Sam was startled, "What does this have to do with the Americans?"

Warren, "It's very simple, the big news that happened in Stanford, the US media has not yet reacted, you tell me, in China, where are so many well-informed reporters?"

Sam, "!!!"

It is not normal to think that Qi Lei lost contact.

But, that's not right, "Why don't the Americans kick him out? Why waste so much energy?"

Warren wanted to throw Sam's elm head into the sea. "You idiot! He's going to use Reviver and drain his value!"

"Because Qi dug a hole for them. Silicon Valley! Silicon Valley, idiot! Wall Street is the master of the United States,

They don't allow Silicon Valley to threaten them! "


Knowing that Warren's judgment should be true, he suddenly woke up.

"Well, what about now? What are the Americans doing? What's the purpose?"

Warren didn't speak, he pondered for a long time, suddenly returned to his soul, and sorted out all his thoughts.

"Sam! Quick!! You go to the capital now. Do as I say and make the smartphone project real!"

Sam, "…"

"Warren, is this appropriate? Won't it ruin Qi's good thing?"

After listening to Warren, he fell into contemplation again, he was reviewing, thinking about all the factors.

Ultimately, "No! No way! You do what I say!"

"Right now! It will be too late."

"Okay!\" Sam also had unconditional trust in Warren, so he put down the phone and left immediately.

On Warren's side, even though Sam had hung up, he was still there.

He did so out of the instinct of cleverness and companionship.

Qi Lei can't command the overall situation, then Warren will go to the top without hesitation.

Moreover, Warren's perspective and starting point are different from Qi Lei's, which also caused the deviation of the thinking mode of the two.

At this point, Warren went through the whole thing again in his mind, made sure there was no loophole, then put down the phone, picked it up again, and dialed it out.

"Jacquier, my friend, come to my house immediately, I have a very urgent, very important matter to discuss with you!"

The call was made to Pittvin's original helper Jaquille.

At Pittwen's recommendation, he is now Desheng's representative in the company.

The main regulated business is ARM, so the Jaquiles are in the UK.

After listening to Warren's words, Jaquier, an energetic young man, knew that the situation was urgent and rushed to Warren's house.

As soon as we met, Warren was extremely excited, "My friend! Our chance is here! Our chance is here!"

Jaquille was a little surprised, Warren has always been very stable, what happened today?

"Relax Warren, we're not going to miss a chance to make money!"

Warren, "This time it's not just about making money, it's an opportunity for ARM to soar and surpass all high-tech companies!"

This made Jaquille uneasy, "Have you found any business opportunities?"

Warren, "Just now, a friend of mine in the United States told me some exciting news."

"Qi Lei from China gave a speech at Stanford. His company is developing a super mobile phone, a smart terminal device.\"

Warren explained the situation to Jaquille, of course, in the tone of what he had learned from a friend.

It is inexplicable to listen to Jaquier. ARM is a chip design company. Does this have anything to do with you?

"It's a big deal, my friend!"

Warren is still excited, "You don't understand, if the smart terminal project is real, then you don't have to think about it.

The technology it uses is absolutely ahead of its time, including the redefinition of the chip architecture. "

"If we can get a share of this project, then we will surely surpass chip companies such as Intel and AMD and become the hegemon!"

"And!!" Warren paused, "You know what ARM sought to cooperate with Sanshi before."

Jacquier was startled and blurted out, "System! It's the Pangu system! You want to unify the gap between the chip architecture and the operating system."

"That's right!" Warren nodded, "This is ARM's dream, but unfortunately we couldn't reach a cooperation with Sanshi last time.

"But this time, if we can become an alliance with Sanshi Company on the smart terminal project, then it will be logical to further deepen the cooperation and let them authorize the system."

"Oh my God, Jaquille, do you see what I mean? We have to do something, this is our chance,

The only chance! "

"No!! Whether you're willing to support me or not, I'm going to the United States, and I'm going to meet Qi Lei."

Jaquille was utterly stupid, of course he knew what that meant.

That means, one business earns two dollars.

So, Jaquille was also tempted.

If this happens, and he has made such great achievements at such a young age, then he will completely get rid of the status of the shareholder's son that he does not like, and can gain a firm foothold in Desheng by virtue of his strength.


\"Don't worry, Warren! I agree with you on this issue."

After that, regardless of whether it was the west coast of the United States or late at night, the call went directly to the loving father.

As one of Desheng's major shareholders, Jaquier's father heard what was going on? ARM wants to seek cooperation with Sanshi Company?

This is...perfect! !

You know, in the eyes of the loving father, it is obviously impossible for Jaquier and Warren to know the real purpose of Desheng seeking to cooperate with Qi Lei.

That is to check and balance Silicon Valley!

And if ARM can cooperate with Sanshi, wouldn't it be a coincidence? Isn't that perfect?

A British company controlled by Desheng, plus a Chinese company, can just balance Silicon Valley.

After hearing about Warren's thoughts, the loving father is even more relieved that God is on our side!

If ARM can surpass Silicon Valley, of course it is the best. Importantly, it is also an upstream chip industry, which can check and balance the three stones.

And the actual control of ARM is in the hands of Desheng!

This design is simply perfect.

"I'll have a chat with Paulson right now, he'll like the advice."

In this way, Warren, who had to keep a distance from Naveli, was finally able to join Jinggangshan with the organization under the control and acquiescence of the Americans.

And the smartphone project, in a state of confusion, was driven by Sam from the magic capital, and it was hyped up, as if it would be launched tomorrow.

The only thing that was a little disturbing was that Qi Lei, who knew the real situation, probably had a bald head.

"Damn it! Which **** is making trouble for me!? Where am I going to develop a smartphone for you? How can I have so much money!?"

Well, money is not necessarily useful, can you make it?

This is a big problem.

The current situation is:

Hi Sanshi Company, all the staff are excited. Is it really going to be built? Shocked the Americans.

The people of the whole country are also hilarious, their faces have grown, and the United States has been captured! !

Wall Street is also hi, the demo Silicon Valley, it is not easy to clean up you?

Lao Qin is also hilarious, unlucky boy, find something for me, right? That's not how your script was written.

The whole world is hi, the era of smart phones! The Stanford speech will soon spread all over the world, making people look forward to a different future, the future of technology!

Only Qi Lei, the boss, was worried to death.

Sure enough, we can't just shoot the guns blindly. One lie needs ten lies to cover up.

Moreover, now he has to face the severe test of how to turn the blown bull into reality.

This is over, which tortoise **** chose a **** mode for Lao Tzu?



[Monthly ticket coin slot] [Recommended ticket coin slot] No mistake, good night. **


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