Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 153: scramble

There is a saying in later generations: to be born in such a country is lucky!

Unfortunately, for most people, this kind of luck is hard to perceive.

Because most people cannot be in the key positions of those key nodes, nor can they feel the power of this nation.

Slowly, this kind of luck is taken for granted.

Even though later generations have begun to increase their efforts to build national self-confidence and a sense of national honor in terms of public opinion and media orientation, there are still some people who cannot feel the same way.

And Qi Lei is undoubtedly one of the luckiest among the lucky people. .

Because he was standing at that critical node, what he saw and felt shocked him.

His face was shaking with excitement and his eyes were sore. Although he had tried his best to control it, he still burst into tears when he came out of Lao Qin.

This made the waitress of the Hainan Sanatorium feel inexplicably distressed. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to ask for an autograph or something, but the famous Mr. Qi actually came out crying?

What's wrong? Who bullied him?

Well, Qi Lei felt ashamed when he saw the young lady looking at him in astonishment.

Stuck on his neck, "Qiu what? Sand got into my eyes!"

He walked away as if escaping.

Half an hour later, Uncle Nan and Lao Geng were pulled over by Qi Lei.

The two of them were dumbfounded and wondered, what happened? what happened? How did this come back with red eyes? Bullied?

As soon as he entered, he learned that these people were brought over by Lao Qin to help the field, and Uncle Geng pinched his inner thigh.

"Then what, go to the toilet."

Uncle Nan lost his temper on the spot, and his eyes were sore.

"Together! Lao Geng, wait for me for a while."

The two old children fled together and left Qi Lei there.

Qi Lei can only wear facial features, "This, these two old men are not reliable."

Lao Qin was also speechless, "What's the matter with you Sanshi? Control and control!"

Others are watching the fun, and everyone is willing to watch this kind of fun.

And Qi Lei... After all, he has a thick skin. In order to ease the embarrassment, Piya smiled at Lao Qin, "You can't blame us for this!"

Lao Qin, "Is it my fault?\"

"Don't blame you?"


Qi Lei, "Look!" He looked around the room, "All uncles, grandparents!

"You said, most of you I don't know, have never met, or even industry rivals."

"Come here thousands of miles to help a 20-year-old kid, it's not because the child is so rare, it's just because..."

"Just because we have the same root and the same origin, just because we are all fighting for one China!"

"What a romantic thing this is!

"No one can stand it anymore, don't you think?"

Including Lao Qin, they all looked pretty, and some were even stunned.

The sensationalism is really good, but that's what it is.

However, Mr. Qi, who is in charge of the three stones, suddenly pretends to be a child. Can you bear it?

Uncle, grandpa and grandma are all out?

Can't stop laughing a bit.

A leader of the Ministry of Electronics Industry shook his head speechlessly, "I heard from Chang Lao a long time ago that this kid is not only good at business, but also a good scoundrel.

Found it today. \"

When Chang Lanfang heard it, she also teased Ye Ye, "Did Su Bu write back this time?"

Glancing at Qi Lei, "Little Stone, I tell you, put away your suit!"

"Which one told you he was here to help? It was quite exciting."

"Tell you, help or not depends on whether you are valuable this time."

"Even if you build a smart machine with the help of everyone, but it doesn't bring benefits to the country or to the uncles and grandfathers present, it doesn't count as your success!"

"You have to get this done, and you have to let everyone benefit from it. This is your ability!"

Qi Lei, "…


Qi Lei didn't say what his reaction was after hearing this, but everyone shook their heads helplessly.

It is said that Chang Lao treats Qi Lei as his grandson, but now it seems that it is true!

These words, on the surface, are scolding warnings, but in fact, they are for everyone to listen to, to help this kid speak.

Everyone gathered here, and most of them came with the above tasks.

In fact, some people are not so reluctant psychologically, and unlike Qi Lei said, they have never met each other, just because they have the same root and the same origin, they will help each other without hesitation.

Even if there are big feelings on this side, the reality is not so ideal.

There are so many projects that need your help, why help you?

However, Mrs. Chang's remarks are equivalent to boosting the morale of everyone.

It means that this is not only helping Sanshi Company, but also helping myself. When things are done, everyone will benefit.

Coupled with Qi Lei himself, he seems to be playing tricks, but he is actually remembering human feelings.

The people who were a little conflicted at first smiled knowingly and began to get serious, at least it was a good help.

Today's meeting ended in a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.

With Lao Qin taking the lead, in fact, there is no need for Chang Lao and Qi Lei to connect with each other like this, everyone does the same thing.

However, human beings are sophisticated, sometimes it is indispensable.

The next work direction is simply formulated, which is roughly as follows:

The technical backbone of Sanshi Company, as well as the technical personnel brought by Lao Qin, came together.

In the first step, Qi Lei provided imagination, and everyone discussed a framework based on his vision.

In the second step, according to this framework, Nan Lao, Byron and others led the team to carry out detailed technical splitting of the framework.

Among them, the existing technology and domestic production capacity, the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Ministry of Information are responsible for coordinating.

Technologies that are not available, or technologies that do not meet the requirements, are divided into two parts.

Part of it is promising short-term tackling.

Insert a sentence here. The so-called short-term is also based on three to five years. This is a big project.

In short, the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Ministry of Information will introduce favorable policies to support domestic university laboratories and enterprises to advance in this direction if they can tackle key problems.

The stock exchange and the five major banks provide capital and listing support for these emerging companies and laboratories.

To put it simply, as long as you have the technology and the determination to tackle key problems, you can get the green light all the way.

From capital to financing, to policy support, one-stop service.

If you stand out from the crowd of competitors, it is not impossible to provide technical support and tilt talents to you through national power.

The other part of the technical problems and supporting components that cannot be solved will be handed over to Sanshi Company.

For example, chips, batteries, storage, touch panels, etc., there are no conditions in China, and Qi Lei will find a way by himself.

It is up to him to decide whether to seek cooperation from abroad, use it as a bargaining chip with Wall Street, or simply tackle the key problems for Sanshi himself.

The plan is to come up with a feasible design plan within half a year, make a prototype in three years, and launch it in five years.

Well, one might think five years is too long? Five years from now, the iPhone will be on the market.

It's really long, but there's nothing we can do about it. We're just like this, and we can't hurry up if we want to.

In Qi Lei's view, since we really want to go this route, we have to be practical.

Five years later, it is a miracle that it can catch up with the iphonel listing.

And this is really something that can only be achieved by taking advantage of the system.

Fortunately, we are proficient in this set of processes. From the founding of the country to the present, many decisive major projects have done this.

On the way back, Nan Lao and Uncle Geng were so excited that they couldn't control it.

Well, these two old men are half a catty, and no one should laugh at anyone.

Nan Lao was mentally prepared. After all, he was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He had seen such a scene.

It's just that Nan Lao was originally a man of temperament, and this time, it was different from what he saw in the past. It really fell on him, so he was very excited.

And Uncle Geng, the old farmer who came out of the valley in the northeast, of course he had never seen such a battle.

But fortunately, Uncle Geng has a deep city, so he can draw a tie with Uncle Nan.

Qi Lei watched the excitement and grinned. He had already passed that strength, and now he is just happy.

Fortunately, he is a rebirth, and can appreciate the touching changes in the trajectory of time and space because of him.

Fortunately, I was able to meet Uncle Lao Bei, Grandma Chang, Lao Lao, and Uncle Geng.

"What are you laughing at, kid?"

Nan Laoyou was a little embarrassed by his laugh, and stared at him, "Are you embarrassed to laugh? I heard that you cried? What a worthless thing!

Such a big boss, why are you crying? "

Qi Lei, \"…"

Uncle Geng slipped beside him, "What is he doing? Stop crying?\"

Qi Lei, "????\"

I just do it once, right? When have you ever cried?

Back at the station on Sanshi's side, Byron and Sam still don't know the situation.

All I know is that Qi Lei seems to have gone to see a big man, and after a while, he called Old Nan and Uncle Geng away.

I'm confused now, but they know that in China, the government department has a very broad control. If they don't let you do it, you can't do anything.


So, when the three of Qi Lei came back, Byron and Sam rushed over, "Nothing will happen, right?"

Byron's rashness came up again, "Qi, I can tell you, I think this matter is of great significance to us. You have to coordinate with the Chinese government, and don't let them disrupt the situation!"

When Qi Lei heard this, "Spoiler?\"

"Humph!" With a sneer, "Byron, the most correct decision you have ever made in your life is to become a Chinese citizen!"

Although there is no comprehensive technical level of Germany and the United Kingdom, there is nowhere for you to show your talents to the fullest! "

Byron hesitated, "What, what do you mean?"

At the moment, Qi Lei explained the specific situation to Byron.

"Now, it is the power of the whole country! Byron, have you tried to command a country's scientific and technological backbone to carry out technical research? Do you want to give it a try?"


The Byrons are stupid, crap! Can you still do that?

Licking his lips, he suddenly glanced at Nan Lao, stepped forward, grabbed Qi Lei's arm, "Qi!! Dear Qi!! Let me come!! Let me come!"

"Mr. Nan is old, he is not suitable for this job!!"

"I!! I can! I'm young and strong!\"

Nan Lao, \"

So what about taking Byron Ray downstairs?

Will you be human? I am still here!

As a result, Sam, with a big shoulder and a round waist, pulled Byron aside and almost folded his head.

"Qi!! Dear Qi!"

"This guy Byron can't do it, he's just a chemist, how can he be competent for the master plan, he should stay in the laboratory!"

"But!" The conversation changed, baring his big teeth, "I'm different."

"Although I am British, you know me well. I am a former vice president of ARM and have rich experience in shaping complete products!"

"And don't forget, I also studied integrated circuits, and have a technical background."

"So, I'm more suitable than Byron and Mr. Nan!"

\"What do you call it in Chinese? Yes!! The best choice!!\"

Well, this grandson doesn't talk about martial arts, and he also started to grab it.

Qi Lei smiled and watched the two foreigners play tricks here, and finally said, "I'll think about it.\"

After the two left, Nan Lao started.

With a proud face, "Forget it! I won't argue with them, let Sam come!"


This made Qi Lei very surprised.


You know, if this thing is done, the honor it will bring can be imagined by anyone.

And Nan Lao smiled reluctantly, but he didn't want it to be fake, he just said one sentence, "Sam is indeed more suitable than me.\"

Qi Lei, \"…\"

After being silent for a long time, for the first time, I used the tone of a younger generation to speak to Nan Lao, "Old man, do you know? In this life, you will suffer from indisputable losses!"

South old one certificate.

Qi Lei, "It is a virtue not to argue, but it also has to be divided into time.\"

He remembered the old Nan from his previous life, and he ended up with nothing.

On the other hand, Byron, who came out of Qi Lei, fought with Sam for a while. As a result, Byron would definitely not be able to compete with Sam and wanted to hang himself.

But after calming down, he and Sam lamented the difference in culture and system. The two began to gradually understand why this nation could not fall for five thousand years.

It really makes sense!

It took a while to recover, and Sam thought of calling Warren again. To tell him everything that happened in China.

This is what Qi Lei instructed him. Now that Warren is off the court, there are some things that need to be communicated with Warren.

\"God!! Warren, you know what? China is really amazing, I really hope you are here to witness this miracle with us!\"

Warren was taken aback by what he said. He was going to talk to Sam about something very important, but now he had to put it aside.

"In the end what happened?\"

Here, Sam hesitated for a while, "Mr. Warren Ett, as a close friend, I think I should share this joy with you."

Warren was in a hurry, "Damn bastard! I'm in a hurry, stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay!" Sam compromised to officially inform you that I am very likely to become the commander-in-chief of China's entire electronic information industry! \"


Warren was shocked, this girl has a problem with her brain!

Did he say the whole thing? You can't even command the three stones, how about the whole thing?

"Sam, I'm really in a hurry, so I don't want to hear your bragging."

Sam, "It's true!\"

Now tell Warren the situation, and Warren is even more dumbfounded.

Cha, can you still play like this? Kind of cool, right?

He pondered for a moment, "Wait for me, I'll be there soon!\"

Sam: "????\"

Warren, "Dear Sam Brown, as a closest friend, I also have good news for you."

"What, what?"

Warren, "With the unanimous approval of the board of directors of Desheng, they let me go to China to stare at Qi Lei, and they must let him return to the negotiating table in New York,

"So, I'm checking in.\"

"Gah?" Sam almost screamed, his eyes turning green.

"Warren Art! You bastard! Don't rob me!!\"



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