Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 158: Returning as a teenager

The behavior of BM and Gu Ge is actually the same as the transfer of European capital.

Capital needs shelter.

When the United States cannot provide protection for it, then it is a matter of time to leave.

And in the far east:

First, there is a good prospect for the development of the Internet and electronics industries.

Second, the government is very supportive and does not exclude foreign investment.

The third is, Qi Lei!

Especially BM and Gu Ge, they accept Qi Lei's black box operation is really helpless, it is a kind of self-help.

However, it was also bound to Qi Lei's chariot.

Don't look at only 1%, but once the news is made public, it will inevitably affect the reputation and future of the two companies.

Therefore, it is better to plan ahead and set up a branch in China.

If the development is good, it is also an option to gradually shift the focus of the company to the east.

Moreover, through this incident, Peng Mingyu and Deer also understood the fact that Qi Lei is not only a successful businessman in China. .

His background, his symbolic meaning, these are their sanctuaries.

As for Washington's secret support for Silicon Valley, it is actually very understandable, and it is an inevitable result.

It can be considered that there are also patriots in the United States and sobriety under the greedy control of Wall Street. To completely put Silicon Valley to death is undoubtedly a disaster for the Americans.

However, Wall Street has the right to speak after all. They have funds, votes, and national power. They can only use this method to give Silicon Valley a little hope.

Of course, despite this, the fate of Silicon Valley remains unknown. It also indirectly led to a division and fierce struggle between American capital that Qi Lei had never experienced.

In other words, the ongoing battle between Silicon Valley and Wall Street is not the end, and it is far from a winner.

Now is just the beginning.

It's raining again in Seattle.

Qi Lei, Brother Ma, and Sam came out of the construction site of the North American branch of Sanshi Company, tightened the collar of the trench coat, and walked silently into the rain.

I didn't take the car back to the hotel, I walked aimlessly along the seaside road.

The little brother let out a long sigh of relief, looking much more relaxed.

"Then it's easy."

Qi Lei nodded, looked at the gray bay and said, "It's really easy, no need to calculate, just wait for the knife."

After listening to the little brother, he shook his head and smiled, there was helplessness and exhaustion.

This trip to the United States made Brother Ma grow up quickly. Having seen the cold-blooded capital of capital, it is no longer the original baby face of the gentleman.

In fact, Xiao Ma's transformation should have come a long time ago, but he has been suppressed by Qi Lei.

Sam is very optimistic. Maybe he has been numb after working hard at ARM for many years.

He smiled and said, "Isn't this expected? When it comes to the details of the negotiation, Paulson will not be as generous as he is now, even if it is one meter yuan, he will not let it go!"

At this stage, the negotiation has only completed the preliminary framework, and there is still a long way to go before the final conclusion.

"Including penguins." Sam looked at Brother Pony.

Although he and Xiao Ma are not familiar with each other, it is only this time when they travel together on a business trip that they have some understanding. However, Sam still decided to remind the little brother.

"Your social software is actually more sensitive than the smartphone project."

"The Americans let you in, it's just a sweet treat for Qi, they will come up with various ways to try to control you."

The little brother didn't care, "Come on, I'll wait!"

In fact, the little brother was holding his breath in his heart.

He began to understand some of Qi Lei's actions, and he had never been so eager to do something for the bigger picture.

Only for the future, no longer suffer from such anger.

Sam also saw the flames in Brother Ma's eyes, including Qi Lei, there was something strange in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

Can only comfort casually, "The rules are like this, just get used to it."

"Rules?" Qi Lei tilted his head to look at him, "That's your Western rules, we won't!"

Sam, "…"

Staring at Qi Lei blankly, for a long time, "I hope!"

In fact, he didn't believe it in his heart. Whether it was Eastern culture or Western systems, capital was cannibalistic, and business was cold-blooded. He didn't think there was any difference.

This is order!

And Qi Lei...

Qi Lei also thought of the word order. Now he fully understands and firmly believes in the true meaning of the Western order.

That is, there is no limit! !

Not to mention, it suits me well!

The days that followed were simple and dull.

But as Xiao Ma said, the first step was made, but it could not change the fate of being knifed.

Moreover, when setting a framework and competing for equity, Qi Lei can at least fight back.

But at this stage, aside from all external factors, Qi Lei has nothing to do with the internal structure and the company's prospects.

What he is fighting for is the real heritage, and he really has no bullets in his hand.

First of all, the new North American three-stone communication company, Qi Lei, became the CEO and chairman of the board of directors.

Moreover, North American Sanshi also ceded the future smartphone market in China to China Sanshi for independent operation. But the price is that now the North American three stones must be cut apart from the Chinese three stones.

Even the development of smartphones cannot be carried out simultaneously.

That is to say, North American Sanshi can use the technology of China Sanshi, but China Sanshi wants to build smart phones and cannot use the technology of the United States.

Even if they become a family, they are still protecting you.

The military communication technology of the United States, as well as the core patents of the cooperative companies, cannot be touched by Sanshi Company.

Then, although Qi Lei is the CEO, the finance of the new company is invested by Fidelity, and the network security, technology, and coordinators must be American, and they must be supervised by the Ministry of Commerce and related technology departments.

The U.S. government will send people to settle in North America, and the company’s decision-making can only be implemented through the approval of the regulatory authorities.

Finally, the CEO of Qi Lei has prerequisites.

At present, Sanshi Company has invested in the magic capital laboratory, system research and development center, and smartphone research and development projects.

Two years later, Sanshi Company must inject another 2 billion yuan to make up for the vacant shares. If Sanshi is listed in North America within two years, Qi Lei and Sanshi Corporation will not enjoy equity gains, and may not release shares to the stock market.

Within three years, if there is no substantial progress in the smartphone project, Qi Lei will lose the positions of CEO and chairman of the board of directors.

There is no way, Qi Lei must agree to such terms of overlord, because he can't come up with the money to use the funds as shares now.

The five billion that was collected by smashing pots and selling iron had to be kept for Brother Xiao Ma.

In the face of the 5 billion yuan directly dumped by Xincheng Investment, as well as the capital injections from ARM, ibm, and Guge, he does not have the confidence to rely on technology and creativity to take shares without taking money.

Fortunately, Wall Street also knows that such a company composition and additional terms are tantamount to shackles Qi Lei's hands and feet, which is of no benefit to the company.

Of course, they still hope that the North American Three Stones can make some achievements.

So, in management, they didn't make any demands. For at least three years, Qi Lei can command the company smoothly.

Moreover, Paulson also assured Qi Lei that the government's personnel will not bring any obstacles to his business.

As long as it does not harm the interests of the United States, he and several other investment banks are also willing to coordinate and ensure the cohesion of the new company.

Of course, in addition to the above, there is another problem, Paulson is determined not to give in.

That is, the director of the smartphone project, and he firmly disagreed with Sam Brown.

Must be replaced! !

The reason is very simple, Sam has a grudge against them!

More than half a year ago, Sam was just kicked out of ARM, how can he be assured that this person will be the project director?

In this regard, Qi Lei is also very "helpless".

"Sam, I actually like you very much. It's a pity..."

An angry Sam yelled.

But there was no way, Paulson's attitude was extremely tough, and in the end, he could only accept his fate.

So, who will be the new project leader?

Warren Ett became the best choice.

He is someone that Wall Street can control, has a good personal relationship with Qi Lei, and is very familiar with the electronics industry. No one is more suitable for this position than him.

Afterwards, Sam pondered for a long time, and always felt that something was not right.

Warren had heard about such a cool project as a smartphone before, but he wasn't tempted at all, and he didn't mean to fight for it.

Qi Lei is the same. With his head, he can't figure out whether Paulson will let me in? Wouldn't it be surprising that Warren is the best candidate for this project?

What the **** is he pushing me for? Why are you taking me to America?

Sam suddenly realized, "Two BZ's raised!! Playing me!!"

Pointing at Qi Lei's nose and scolding, "You already knew that, right? You just brought me to the United States on purpose, knowing that Paulson would definitely object, and then let him push Warren up."

"Oh, **** it! I'm your pawn!!"

Qi Lei held back his laughter, "Sam, you have to be clear, I didn't play tricks on you."

Sam, "Isn't this a joke?"

As a result, Qi Lei asked, "When did I say that I wanted you to be the person in charge of this project?"


Sam was dumbfounded, and Qi Lei seemed to... Really didn't say anything.

so dirty!

He turned his anger on Warren again, "Warren!! You bastard, you have seen it long ago!"

Warren was rude to him, "You are stupid, you can't see such a thing clearly, blame me?"

Sam: "…"

Find a place to cry.

Suddenly I feel that Byron is very good, at least with Byron, there will be no frustration of being crushed by IQ, and occasionally I can find a sense of superiority!

The big stone in Brother Ma's heart finally fell to the ground.

With the acquiescence of the Americans and the help of Paulson, Qi Lei acquired 34.69% of the shares of Penguin in the name of North American Three Stone Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd.

The price is 4.87 billion RMB, which is equivalent to 800 million RMB.

The result was surprisingly good.

You know, Qi Lei had already planned it, and secretly prepared a lot of tricks to move around and backdoor financing.

Now because of the cooperation with Wall Street, it is all useless.

In fact, asking Qi Lei to finance Penguin in the name of Sanshi Company was also a request of the Americans.

After all, the current reputation in the international investment market is not very good, and a business case is urgently needed to demonstrate the openness and freedom of the United States.

And this add-on to the smartphone project fits all the bills.

Instead of letting Qi Lei take off his pants and fart, it is better to do a wave of advertisements for the United States like now.

Including the process of Penguin listing in the United States, it is much easier than when Wang Zhendong was operating Sina at the beginning. It can be said that it is a green light all the way.

At that time, Wang Zhendong had been busy for more than a year before ringing the bell in the Nasdaq. As for Penguin this time, Qi Lei expects that the entire review process can be completed in as little as half a year.

Before and after the penguins land in North America, a wave of propaganda can be formed.

In this regard, the little brother has a fierce fighting spirit.

Half a year later, in October and November, he and Qi Lei will return to this land and officially start the journey to conquer the social network in the United States.

As for the little brother's fighting spirit?

First, it was not easy to see Qi Lei with his own eyes during this period of time.

That is, Qi Lei, a dirty stone, otherwise Lao Mi can be bullied to death.

The second is what happened to the penguins themselves.

The Americans let Penguin in, and let Qi Lei finance independently.

However, they dispatched supervision, increased auditing, and placed personnel in almost all of Penguin's joint departments, and even reached out to the Chinese headquarters.

Not only will every piece of content sent by North American Penguins require their approval in the future, but even the Chinese headquarters will be treated the same.

What's even more ridiculous is that they even limit the number of Chinese employees that North American Penguins can hire.

It can be said that Penguin has not yet landed in North America, but it is already the tentacles of Wall Street and Washington in the era of online media.

If it wasn't for Qi Lei pressing him, Brother Xiao Ma really wanted to lift the table and stop playing.

However, there is no way, in Qi Lei's words, "The first step is like this, this is already the biggest victory."

At the same time, Qi Lei also assured Brother Ma that they can't guard against us!

The little brother suppressed his anger and signed the agreement.

However, the little brother held back his strength, and the person has changed.

In the past, Xiao Ma was just a money jerk, and he wanted to make money.

But now, it doesn't matter whether it is money or not, he wants to occupy the United States more than Qi Lei.

In mid-May, the trip to the United States that lasted more than two months was finally coming to an end.

Two days before returning to China, he personally went to the airport and picked up Uncle Geng, Ma Tuo, Zong Baobao and Kou Zhongqi.

Uncle Geng is here to supervise the work, and the establishment of the North American company has reached a critical moment.

We could have sent someone from the headquarters to coordinate, but the old man had to come in person.

In his words, he has to stare at every brick and tile here, and the old man is willing to do it.

As for Master Tuo, Bao Bao Zong and Sister Kou, although the North American Three Stones and Penguin have not officially started, the publicity work has already started.

In the words of Master Tuo, "It's finally my turn!"

Two days later, Qi Lei, Xiao Ma, and Sam boarded the plane back home.

Only Wu Xiaojian and Chen Wenjie came to see him off.

Different from the big drums and warm hospitality when they came, it was a bit depressed.

Qi Lei looked back at Seattle, silently, goodbye!

Back in the capital, it was late at night.

Since Sam is going to return to the Magic City, Brother Pony has to rush back to Shenzhen non-stop to prepare the preparations for North American penguins and listing materials.

I booked an early morning flight, and there are still three hours left, and I don't plan to leave the airport at all.

So, the three of them said goodbye at the airport and went their separate ways.

As soon as they got out of the terminal, they saw a white waiter waiting there, Xu Xiaoqian leaning on the car, breathing heavily.

Qi Lei smiled and swayed over, "Hey! Little girl, can you take a ride?"

Only then did Xu Xiaoqian discover Qi Lei and rubbed her face hard, apparently too sleepy.

Then he gave Qi Lei a big white eyeball, "It's called Auntie! No big or small?"

Qi Lei, "Dele! Auntie, you are tired."

The capital city in May already has the breath of summer.

Xu Xiaoqian complained while driving, "I was wearing a sweater the day before yesterday! It was raining and the wind was blowing, and it felt a little stuffy."

There is no spring and autumn in Beijing, and winter and summer are almost seamlessly connected.

Qi Lei, "Seattle isn't too bad. It rains every day. It was fresh at first, but then it was annoying."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Is it cold?"

Qi Lei, "It's not cold, it's far worse than our hometown."

As soon as Xu Xiaoqian heard him mentioning his hometown, "Why don't you talk about it!" She pouted, "You promised me to come back before May 1 and go back to my hometown together."

Qi Lei was a little apologetic, he did agree to Xu Xiaoqian.

After being speechless for a while, he raised his brows suddenly, "Eh!? Why don't we go back now?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Now?" She stared, "I still have to go to class!"

Qi Lei, "What class are you taking? Brother didn't go to class and ran away!"

Seeing that Qi Lei didn't seem to be joking, "Are you really going back?"

Qi Lei, "Really! I miss our mother."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Let's go today?"

Qi Lei pondered, "Then tomorrow!"

"Why tomorrow?"

"I have to eat buns today."


Glancing at Qi Lei speechlessly, there is no seriousness!


One chapter today...

Go to bed early.

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