Who said that a hero is the one who stands in the light!

"This kid!"

Xu Wenliang widened his eyes, and his mind went blank.

In the end, only one sentence came out, "The song... is very good!\"

And Qi Guojun was also very excited, and he only said one sentence, "The consciousness is very high!"

As for Guo Lihua, her eyes were red for a long time, and she covered her mouth and said nothing.

Well, starting to suspect the breed issue again.

This **** always amazes people no matter the time of day, even in the toughest of desperate situations.

In the video, Qi Lei is calm and not addicted. . A low-pitched, yet powerful voice, as if telling everyone:

I am a hero!

That confidence that is too strong to ignore, even through the screen, makes people feel breathless.

Suddenly, Xu Wenliang's eyes widened and he said to the staff on duty, "Send this video to me on the big electronic screen!"

"No matter what outsiders say, we Shang Bei will always support those who go out from Shang Bei!"

Xu Wenliang was impulsive, but he couldn't care less. Who would care about the attitude of a small town?

Anyway, I support it! My son-in-law, my daughter-in-law! I support it! What's the matter?

"Turn up the volume for me and loop it for me!

"Love you walking alone in the dark alley\"

"Love the way you don't kneel.\"

"I love you and I have faced despair, but I won't cry.\"

"Love your tattered clothes, but dare to block life, luck, luck, gun!"

"Love you and I are so similar, Que, Mouth, all the same!"

The singing echoed in Zhou Tao, Feng Qiang, and Liu Yuan's ears.

The two women were better, biting their lips and trembling, nothing more.

But Feng Qiang only felt a scorching heat on his forehead.

With clenched fists, his knuckles turned white, he wanted to smash something, wanted to fight with someone, wanted to open the window with one kick, and roared at the world:

\"A bunch of stupid X!!"

at the same time.

Wang Zhendong, Nan Lao, Zhao Jianghe, all imaginary middle and high-level people...

Tang Xiaoyi, who is both looking forward to and fearful of the future...

Wu Xiaojian in the small town of Palo Alto, California...

Xu Xiaoqian, who has just moved to a new home, starts to miss her...

At this moment, every Sanshi person watched the video with high emotion, and looked at the tender but firm face of the "former boss".

Also look at the ridiculous comments of the ignorant in the blog comments.

"Being a bitch, you have to build a torii."

"Can traitors be so refreshing and refined?"

"The song is nice, but it's not that good, so I have to step on it!"

"What kind of hero are you? A bear, the identification is complete!"


"Legend's departure is really a wise choice. I love Legend and boycott Sanshi!"

Hehe, all the three stone people couldn't help laughing softly, laughing at the stupidity of the ignorant, and also enjoying the glory of the warrior.

Only Sanshiren himself knew that this was not what Xiao Qi sang to himself, but an open letter he wrote to all Sanshiren.

In a form that is almost crushed by IQ, even if the whole world sees it, only Sanshiren himself can read the detachment and announce to everyone:

war? War!

To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night!

He is telling the three stone people that we will eventually enter the darkness, but the first embrace of heroes and darkness is not a fall, but to meet the light earlier.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Qi Guodong was almost insane, jumping up and down in the living room, no one knew how excited he was.

When I came back to my senses, my first reaction was to call the operation of the blog network.

Top me up! Forward to me! Let the whole world see it!

However, when the number was halfway through, Qi Guodong stopped again.

He knew it couldn't be done.

Blog Network has nothing to do with Sanshi and Qi Lei.

So, Qi Guodong did the stupidest thing. He found all the middle and high-level email addresses that Sanshi knew about the inside story, and then forwarded them one by one manually.

Following the link, the otherwise insignificant CEO added this sentence:

"United as one, to face hardships together, mission and responsibility are the fate of Sanshi!"

"To, hero!"

The sonorous music reverberated in Wang Zhendong's office, resounding through Qi Lei's lyrics.

At the same time, he also saw Qi Guodong's email, and couldn't help but smile.

If it is said that when he joined Sanshi and took charge of Imagination, it was Qi Lei's words that moved him. Creating the future of China's computer industry, such a pie is enough to make him tempted.

Now, Wang Zhendong finally realized the happiness of being in it.

It is no longer a piece of cake, but a cause that can be seen and touched, and is being fought for.

Called the secretary, "Imagine all the middle and senior managers, there will be a meeting at the headquarters in half an hour."

At the meeting, Wang Zhendong didn't have too much language. "Have you watched the video? Have you also received Mr. Qi's email?"

"One word - do it!"

"Our imaginary goal is not high! Waiting for the day when Sanshi makes a comeback, imagining must be the most bullet-filled part of the Sanshi chariot!"

In the past, everyone would definitely complain secretly, isn't that high? It is really difficult to become the head business of Sanshi to make computers domestically and to generate income.

But now, it doesn't matter, it's over.

Lao Qin calmed down, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This kind of complicated emotion did not come from Qi Lei's wit, using this method to boost the morale of Sanshi up and down.

It comes from the hysterical words of Qi Lei at the end of the video, after the end of the song.

In the video, Qi Lei sang affectionately and paused for a long time in front of the camera, with a haggard face and a complicated expression.

In the end, it seemed that the whole person collapsed in an instant, and suddenly roared at the camera.

The words roared out made Lao Qin really embarrassed.

"Paulson!! I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!!"

Simply speechless.

"Is this about to start a counterattack? You can stir up the sensation, and this will also dig a hole!?"

"You said that your kid is not damaged?\"

Anyway, he can't understand it, he's just a weirdo!

Pittwen also watched the video, and also noticed the last roar.

He is very sympathetic to Qi Lei, this is not called peeling skin, it is to dismantle all the bones for you!

Manager Wen is a typical Western way of thinking. In addition, as mentioned above, the strategic dimensions are different, so Qi Lei would never dream that this is a national strategy.

Anyway, Manager Wen felt that Qi Lei was miserable, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to turn over.

But for the last roar, Instinct told Manager Wen that it didn't seem that simple.

From what he knew about Qi Lei, although that kid was indifferent, he never did useless work. This sentence must have his purpose.

What is the purpose?

After thinking about it for a while, Manager Wen finally got a flash of inspiration and suddenly jumped up from the bed,

"Hamai skin! A melon skin! Who's peeling off whose skin? Did I make a mistake?"

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally realized,

United States, New York.

Paulson, of course, is also paying attention to what's going on in China.

At this moment, on his computer, there is a song by Qi Lei that doesn't even have a name.

The assistant was very considerate, and translated the lyrics to English, which was not smooth.

In Paulson's eyes, there is no beauty.

As for the content...

"Hypocritical guys, are the Chinese always so hypocritical?"

The assistant smiled and continued, "In the Chinese evaluation system, this is called hypocrisy.\"

"Hypocrisy? Quite accurate."

"But also stupid!" Paulson commented with a smile.

This is like, when the whole country will be downtrodden in later generations, Liu will also jump out, show that he has a Chinese heart, and also declare that it is useful to be sincere?

In the same way, no matter where the public opinion is almost one-sided, self-defense is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and no one cares about the kindness and justice that come from the devil's mouth.

Regardless of whether they are Chinese or foreign, every betrayal is sanctimonious, but this cannot cover up the filth in his heart.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether Qi Lei is a betrayal or not. Paulson is a cautious man who doesn't jump to conclusions.

However, the comments of Chinese netizens below are still very pertinent.

When the B son has to set up the archway!

"The metaphor of Chinese netizens is very vivid.\"

Just as he was thinking, at the end of the video, Qi Lei's roar after the collapse suddenly came from the speaker.

\"Paulson! I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!\"

Paulson was taken aback, because he did not understand Chinese, so he needed a translation.

However, the assistant's expression was obviously wrong.

"What's wrong? What did he say?\"

The assistant's facial features twitched, "Mr. President, he is scolding you, so you don't need a translator, right?"

After Paulson listened, he became even more curious and said, scold me? Why are you scolding me?

"What did you curse?"


No way, the assistant had to translate truthfully.

Paulson, who got the answer, first laughed silently, and attributed Qi Lei's behavior to incompetence and rage,

However, he fell into deep thought again.

Because this abuse, in fact, also illustrates a problem.

This shows that Qi Pin is indeed a smart guy. He has already guessed that the collapse of public opinion from China is from my handwriting?

Otherwise, how could he scold a partner for no reason?

"All right!"

Paulson got serious. His purpose for framing Qi Lei was not to make him collapse, nor to make him hate himself.

Qi Lei's hatred is of no benefit to Paulson, and the two sides still have to cooperate.

The current situation has actually exceeded Paulson's expectations. He did not expect that Qi Chanlei would surrender so easily.

There is a smell of overpowering.

Thinking of this, Paulson decided to make a phone call with Qi Lei to communicate.

As for whether the angry Qi Lei will answer his call, or whether he will turn his face completely, Paulson is not worried at all.

Qi Lei has been driven to a dead end, and he has no other choice but to continue to cooperate with the United States.

Otherwise, he only has three broken stones left, and there is only one dead end.

Of course, if splitting the three stones was Qi Lei's own trick, Paulson wouldn't be even more worried.

It shows that he still has the willingness to cooperate with the Americans.

In short, Paulson is determined to stay alive.

Picking up the phone, still in a state of strategizing, he dialed Qi Lei's cell phone naturally.

The phone was connected, and Paulson was about to open his mouth with a smile, pretending to greet him.

As a result, the opposite side didn't give him a chance to speak, and Qi Lei's roar almost shocked Paulson to the point of deafness.

"Paulson!! You **** bastard!"

\"Big idiot! Big idiot with a pig brain!!\"

Paulson's face is green, is he educated? All are civilized people.

Qi Lei: "You immortal sister!!\"

"What a 250-year-old who grew up eating shit!"

"Is the head used to increase height!?"

\"The large intestine is directly connected to the brain stem, isn't it!?\"

dog stuff! !

\"My son-in-law's bastard!!\"

Paulson, \"\"

Well, I was completely scolded.

(Yeah! Qi Lei is very comfortable.)

The old face was flushed red, and when he grew so big, he didn't let anyone scold him for being so fussy.

The anger was rising tenderly, and it was almost not suppressed.

What a shame!

Although it is scolded in English, it certainly does not rhyme like Chinese, but the vocabulary is not low.

Paulson was a little over the top.

However, after all, he is a Wall Street tycoon, and he has enough time to nourish his qi.

Squeezing his anger, "Oh, Qi! I think you have some misunderstanding!?"

"It's not what you think it is."

Qi Lei, "I misunderstood your uncle!"

Paulson, "You calm down first.\"

Qi Lei, "I'll calm down your uncle!\"

Paulson gritted his teeth: "What we need is communication, not cursing!"

Qi Lei, "Your uncle! Your uncle! What's going on?"


Qi Lei, "You are a big idiot B!!\"

Paulson couldn't bear it any longer, "Mr. Qi! Please show some respect!"

Qi Lei, "Dasha B!!"


Qi Lei, "Are you so good at working on Wall Street? At the very least, is it important to start!?"


Well, Paulson is a little guilty, and this time he did a little too hard.

Qi Lei continued, "To trip up Lao Tzu, why are you thinking about it with your ass!"

Paulson, "Oh God, it's really not me!\"

Qi Lei, "Is he an old man?"


Qi Lei, "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if it's you, I'll go on! I'm not playing without you, I'll admit it!!"

\"If you go to this card table, I can afford to lose!\"

Paulson, \"\"

Qi Lei, "But, what are you thinking!? Don't you know how to put it away?"

Suddenly a big news broke out, "Now the above instructs you to imagine that the system research and development center should be taken over!"

\"Do you really know what that means!? You son of a bitch! Big idiot!!"


Paulson was smart, the whole person was awake in an instant, and his pupils were a little dilated.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and immediately said excitedly: "Oh, Qi! This is impossible!! System R&D Center, don't you have absolute control?\"

Qi Lei was contemptuous, "How do you know China? The above has spoken, I can do it!?\"

Paulson, I'm telling you, you're the one who ruined this collaboration completely! "

"If it can't go on, I'm going to withhold all your capital to make up for my losses, because it's all yours!"

Paulson was completely dumbfounded.

Withhold funds? It's not about money. Besides, Qi Lei couldn't deduct it either.

The problem is, the system! !

Why is ARM begging Bailai to cooperate with Sanshi? What does Wall Street look for most about Three Stones?

It's the system! system! !

This not only involves the research and development of AM on the chip instruction set, but also involves the transplantation of smart phone systems.

It can be said that without the Pangu system, the development cycle of smart phones will be greatly extended.

And that wasn't the deadliest thing, Paulson knew something more deadly.

Washington supports Silicon Valley and checks and balances Wall Street.

So what is Silicon Valley's most powerful counterattack?

Of course, in the electronics field, where Wall Street is involved, rework.

It is reliable news that Apple and Intel have teamed up and will also do something in the smartphone track.

On the one hand, Silicon Valley, which has more technical reserves, is catching up, and on the other hand, it loses the most important system in the R&D process. How can it compete with Silicon Valley?

Even though it's just a small R&D center in China, Paulson immediately realized that this could directly lead to an indefinite delay of the entire plan, and eventually lead to their defeat in the confrontation with Silicon Valley.

At this time, Paulson was completely heavy, and his brain was running fast.

Immediately thought, must be replaced!

Moreover, the first task is to appease Qi Lei.

Taking a deep breath, "Dear Qi, my friend!! I swear to God, this time China's public opinion has nothing to do with me and Desheng Company!"

This is a throwaway.

I don't know if it has anything to do with Desheng, or if it has anything to do with other Wall Street investment banks.

"Please believe me, our cooperation with you has always been trustworthy, isn't it? We also get along very happily!"

\"The occurrence of such a thing today is the last thing Desheng wants to see!\"

Paulson's breath was rapid: "Ji, the result is already in sight, isn't it? If we lose the R&D center, we will also suffer huge losses."

The opposite Qi Lei seemed to be thinking, and finally he was no longer so excited, "It's really not you!?\"

Paulson seemed to see hope, "Really not! God will see my heart!"

When Qi Lei heard it, he seemed to be losing control again, "You are bluffing me, you are the most suspicious!\"

Paulson, \"…\"

He pondered for a moment, "Okay then! Before you prove my innocence, do whatever you want.\"

"But can we put these disputes on hold for now? Qi, we have more important tasks now, and we must keep the system R&D center!"

Qi Lei, "How to guarantee? What guarantee? I have nothing left!"

Paulson, "Buy! Buy the R&D center from ZF in China!\"

Qi Lei, "Where did the money come from?\"

Paulson, "Didn't you just sell your 3 paid shares? You should be well funded!

"I'm going to **** your uncle!" Qi Lei exploded again: "You still dare to make money from Laozi?\"

Don't say I'm out of money, even if I have money, it won't be cheap if I use it to repair your grave, you old bastard! "

Paulson, \"…\"

I'm going to cry, can you stop calling me so talented? It's a bit overwhelming!

Resist the anger, after all, now I want to ask Qi Lei, I don't dare to annoy him.

"Qi, calm down, anger doesn't do anything to solve the problem!"

This sentence seems to have had an effect, Qi Lei turned over there, panting heavily, and calmed down after a while.

Finally, "Paulson, I'm out of money! Damn, I can't even get a penny out of my hand!"

"You have to know that the 30 payment was taken by ZF, how could they give me a satisfactory price."

"With tens of billions of shares, they only gave me 5 billion! Now."

"And for the 500 million, I have to pay the loan with Imagination. For the acquisition of Penguin, I borrowed 2 billion from Imagination!"

"At the same time, I have to pay severance pay for other businesses, because the money on their books was also used by me to acquire Penguin!"

"Right now, my most valuable business is smartphones and penguins."

"And these two businesses have hollowed out the previous three stones, and now they can't be realized."

"Do you understand? My capital chain is broken!"

Well, Paulson's face darkened, it seemed to be the case.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it's a problem that money can solve, it's not a problem.

Moreover, Paulson is now more relaxed.

Suddenly: "I have!!"

"Qi, you don't have to worry about this. In order to express my sincerity, Desheng can help you through this difficult time."

Qi Lei, "You have it!? But what mortgage do I take?"

Paulson, "No collateral required. We are partners, and Desheng can lend without collateral!

Qi Lei jumped out, "Do you want interest?"

Paulson rolled his eyes, and he could see that the previous scolding was in vain.

This bastard, he is not really angry at all, he is actually asking for money through anger.

However, you still have to give it to him, the Pangu system is the gate of life.

Gritting his teeth, "No interest!

When Qi Lei heard it, it was almost the same.

However, I added another sentence, "I won't be able to get on in a while!"

Paulson gritted his teeth, "This is not something you should consider!\"

"Okay!" Qi Lei let out a long breath, "In this case, maybe I can talk to Changxiang.\"

"But, even so, there is little hope!"

\"Paulson, you have to be clear, behind the imagination is the Chinese ZF!\"

Paulson, "No, my friend, you must take back the R&D center! You should also know what it means to us to lose the R&D center.\"

Qi Lei, "But, I'm really not sure!\"

Paulson, "…\"

Qi Lei, "According to the current situation, the possibility of taking the R&D center back is really unlikely. The only thing that could compromise Imagination is...\"

"What is it?\"

Qi Lei, "Maybe they will agree to share the patent rights and development rights of the Pangu system with Sanshi Company."

Paulson's eyes lit up, but he became more transparent.

There are two reasons for this reaction:

First, if the R&D center cannot be taken back, it is acceptable to obtain the patent rights and development rights, at least it will not affect the smartphone project.

Second, he finally found out the details of Qi Lei.

This guy, it's not as simple as asking for money, he has a lot of appetite!

To put it bluntly, no matter whether he is really so miserable or not, one thing is certain, he has a way to obtain patent rights and development rights.

So, talk to yourself about the conditions!

Thinking of this, Paulson is more relaxed.

Taking a deep breath, "Speak, Qi! What should we do?\"

It means that if you have any requirements, please mention it immediately. Don't pretend to be garlic!

When Qi Lei heard it, "Tell me about your uncle! You no longer trust me with me!"

But I said in my heart: I just like to do things with such smart and stupid people.

Let's not detour, "It is useless to have patent rights and development rights, we may have to re-establish a software R&D center.\"

Paulson raised his eyebrows, so this is the pursuit?

Said: "This is a good proposal, just put it directly in North America Three Stones, I will get the top scientific researchers for you."

As a result, Qi Lei said, "I want to eat shit!?\"


Qi Lei, "North American Three Stones, is that still mine? You are spending your own money to do things for yourself, and you have to make me owe you a favor. Thinking of good things is enough!?"

"Paulson, you old bastard, it's such a time, you still want to trick me!?"

Paulson, "\"

Can you stop yelling?

He gritted his teeth and said, \"Qi, you really don't need to be so wary of me. Forget it, in order to express your sincerity, the R&D center will be independently controlled by you. Is this okay?"

Don't you just want to save some money for yourself? Fortunately, we will have more leverage in future cooperation.

As a result, Qi Lei was insatiable, "The R&D center has to be placed in China."

Paulson frowned immediately. "That seems unlikely! You know, Washington will be very sensitive."

Qi Lei, "That's your business, it must be placed in China!"

Paulson was silent. He was thinking about how to convince Qi Lei that he must not be steadfast in the United States in China.

After a while, his voice turned cold, "I suggest you keep it in the United States and China, it's easy for some people in Washington to doubt your motives.

Qi Lei became anxious when he heard it, "I doubt your uncle, are you a pig?"

Paulson's head hurts, "Don't get excited, why are you always so excited?"

"Always give me a reason why it must be placed in China!?"

In the end, Qi Lei didn't lower his voice at all, "Nonsense, I need to restore my image, I need to regain trust at the top of the government."

"Also, I really need to hang out in China!"

Paulson, "…\"

Qi Lei, "Do you really think that if you use a trap for Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu will have to rely on you?"

"My home is here, my connections are here, why should I listen to you?"

"I really put all the treasures on you, I don't know how I died!"

"Paulson, I'm not to be messed with! Not a fool!"

"A new R&D center composed of top U.S. experts will help me restore my image in China and re-establish relations with the upper echelons."

"You must agree to this condition. Otherwise, there is no discussion!"

Paulson, "…

"Qi, it's really not me." He emphasized again that he didn't do it.

"Also, we are all civilized people, aren't we?"

Qi Lei's eyes widened, "How dare you cheat on me, why don't you let me scold me?"

"It's not really me!"

"Whoever you love, I will scold you!

Paulson gave up his resistance, just scolded him, and there were many pieces of meat. I am a civilized person, and I don't have the same knowledge as him.

After careful consideration of Qi Lei's request, in the end, he chose to compromise.

There is no other reason. If there is a chip R&D center or other cutting-edge laboratory that China does not have, it is almost impossible, let alone negotiable.

However, it was originally a Chinese system and Chinese technology, but it was just a few top programmers for him in the United States. There is room for negotiation on this matter.

"Okay, I'll try my best to fight for you!"

Qi Lei snorted coldly, "Don't work hard! You must strive for it!"

Before Paulson could answer, Lei said again, "Oh, yes! Forgot to tell you, one of the most important reasons why I have no money is that I spent a lot of money to get it back from Imagination. thing.\"

"What?" Paulson was shocked, as if he felt something was wrong.

I just heard that Qi Lei is not without pride, \"Desheng Gao Hua!\"


Qi Lei: "Imagination has passed the approval of the upper management to transfer the control of Desheng Gaohua to Sanshi Company. That is to say, in the future, I will still be the actual controller of Desheng Gaohua."

Speaking of this, Qi Lei smiled, "How is it? My friend, am I very loyal? Even in the face of such a crisis, I still take Desheng's interests into consideration.\"

In the face of the world's most potential emerging market, it is your hard work for so many years, how can I not try my best to help you get it back? Once lost, Desheng's loss is not small! \"

Paulson, "…\"

Face is dark! now,

Qi Lei, "This is good news for you, isn't it?"

"At least, the cooperative relationship between us is closer, not only North American Three Stones, but also Desheng Gao Hua."

"At the same time, I also retained the last bit of contact in the upper echelons of China."

Do more than one thing. \"

Paulson, "\"

Qi Lei, "I hope our future cooperation can bring in a lot of money!

"You know, Desheng Gaohua is very profitable!"

"Of course, you should pray that I won't be unlucky again, and that there will be no more crisis."

"Because of any difficulties, I have no other business to stop the gun, and only one Desheng Gaohua is worth a little money."

"At that time, I really do something that is detrimental to the interests of the partners, and I have to ask for your understanding!"

Pat, Qi Lei hung up the phone.

On Paulson's side, it was sluggish for a long time.

Finally, he sighed and gritted his teeth, "I still underestimate this young man!!"

It turns out that the kid still has trump cards, and he still has the strength to fight back!

It's like telling Paulson clearly that this is the first and last time, be honest!

I want to see your face in the North American Three Stones, but in China's Desheng Gaohua, I still have the initiative.

Each other's fate, no one should act rashly.


Paulson has to admire, in a desperate situation, he can still have such an operation, it is simply incredible.

But on second thought, it's not right!

Paulson was even more frustrated, thinking of an outcome he couldn't hope to see.

if! !

What he means is that if the three stones are split, it is Qi Lei's initiative in itself, in order to deal with the crisis of public opinion.

Then he...

With this operation, not only did he not lose, but he also made a fortune.

You think, those businesses that Sanshi split off may still belong to him.

After the split, it is easy to avoid the offensive of public opinion and avoid the risk of being boycotted.

Not only was there no big loss, but he also extorted an irresponsible loan from himself, and also used his own name to let the system research and development center lay eggs.

The key is not how much this egg is worth, the key is, they are all American experts, the world's top programmers, let him be white?

Paulson, who had figured out everything, was stunned for a long time. What kind of operation is this?

Suddenly grabbed the phone and dialed Qi Lei again.

Paulson is going crazy!

After more than a dozen busy voices, I heard a burst of noise. The background sound seemed to be from the car next to the road, and there was a faint sound of the whistle of the wheels, but why can I still vaguely hear the woman's breathing?

chap! What is he doing?

Flirting in the car?

"Qi!" Paulson is furious~www.readwn.com~ You sly little bastard, I want to negotiate with you again, you don't want to get a little benefit from me! ! "

On the opposite side came Qi Lei's voice:

"The phone you dialed has been switched off, please leave a message after the B sound.\"

After the host hears it, he will reply as soon as possible, thank you for your call.

Paulson, \"…\"

People are stupid!

Are you such a liar?

Paulson is getting more and more angry, are you insulting me?

Completely lost his mind, gasping for breath, and finally, erupting.

\"Oh! FUCK!\"

\"Qi!! You bastard!! FUCKYOU!!\"


"You will regret this!"

"I swear, I will make you regret it!"

"You uneducated little bastard! Talk!!\"

On the opposite side, there was a faint chuckle, "The phone you dialed has been turned off."


Paulson, more and more.



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