Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 87: Fleeting trivia

It was a good thing, but now Xu Wenliang's whole person is not good.

It's really a family!

Now, Xu Wenliang seriously suspects that Qi Lei's motive for rushing out that day has a problem.

Use power for personal gain! It has ulterior motives! It's a conspiracy!

Otherwise, how can there be such a coincidence? Laozi wants to process fine grains, which direction should my son lead?

The director of the grain depot saw that the secretary's face was a bit wrong, and thought there was something in the middle, and said to his heart, what's wrong? Did you say something wrong?

Turning his eyes, he hurriedly said: "In fact, Qi Guojun may not be able to get the right to contract the non-staple food factory."

Xu Wenliang frowned: "How do you tell?"

"Oh, a word is hard to say!"

The director of the grain depot sighed and told some hidden facts.

It turns out that there are people in the grain depot who want to contract non-staple food factories. Recently, they have not stopped. His domineering old lady has gone to the grain depot several times and threatened to come to the agency to make trouble.

Therefore, the grain depot is also very hesitant now whether to settle the matter and not to magnify the problem.

Regarding this, Xu Wenliang thought for a while, letting go of Qi Lei's "prejudices" for the time being, and finally inclined to let Qi Guojun take over the non-staple food factory.

The reason is simple, Qi Guojun has upstream and downstream advantages.

From the upstream source, Qi Yuhua, a large grain producer, supports the downstream, and there are famous entrepreneurs such as Tang Chenggang as marketing exports.

At the same time, he is also the person who is most familiar with the food industry and can control the direction.

Therefore, Qi Guojun is more likely to become the vanguard of Shangbei's fine grain strategy.

Besides, forget it, give it back!

Qi Lei helped him so much, even if he doesn't appreciate it, he can't be excluded because of this, right?

However, the director of the grain depot was a little worried, "What if the other family makes trouble again?"

Xu Wenliang didn't take this seriously at all, "Let's go back and send a document in the name of the municipal party committee!"

Advocate that Shangbei enterprises and institutions keep pace with the times, and advocate a more flexible and closer to the people's life welfare methods during the New Year.

Wouldn't it be enough to seal up the opening of the annual welfare of the non-staple food factory? When the time comes, the troublemaker will also retreat.

It can only be said that Xu Wenliang is still clever and somewhat proud. How about it? Brat? I did a great favor to your family.

It's a pity that Qi Lei isn't here, otherwise, he would have to have a good deal with Lao Zhangren.

An old Mrs. Yang killed her in minutes. Does it need your cannon to hit mosquitoes?

Believe it or not she dared to come to the organ compound to make trouble, Qi Lei dared to find someone to send the "watermelon" to the organ compound. Can this player with dirty **** cure her?

You are a big secretary, can you do something serious?

Besides, if the New Year's Day benefits are cut off, Dad Tang's grand strategy is missing a piece of the puzzle, which is also the most important early profit point. Isn't it more difficult?

However, Xu Wenliang didn't know this, and thought it was a great help!

The director of the grain depot on the side was observing his words, feeling the complicated mood of Secretary Xu, and said something more, "Then...this Qi Guojun, do you see him?"

Xu Wenliang was startled, and shook his head slowly, "Forget it, let's go for a second!"

Director of the grain depot: "..."

As a result, Xu Wenliang said again, not scaring the director to death.

"Always avoid suspicion!"

What the hell? What to avoid? Which way are you avoiding?

What is the relationship between Guojun Qi and you?


When Qi Lei and the others came back from Baihezi, it was already three days after Xu Wenliang came back. This trip to the countryside has been crazy for eight days, but it can be regarded as enjoyable.

They grilled on the river beach, went down to the river to catch cricket crickets, and fished out of the net.

I also lit a bonfire under the stars, sitting in the yard, playing the piano and singing, bragging until the latter half of the night.

This kind of tranquility, on the contrary, made Qi Lei feel a sense of separation.

To be honest, he has done too much "business" in the recent period.

For example, interviews with provincial Taiwan and Zhou Tao's business. For another example, helping Lao Zhangren win the quota of pilot counties and cities.

how to say? Although there is a sense of accomplishment, it is inevitable that Qi Lei has some troubles in Versailles.

He can't pull everyone into the fool's circle, but he can't go back on his way out of the ring, right?

Don't look at him when he is fooling others, his words are better than singing, but that is not the sleekness of an adult.

On the contrary, Qi Lei cares too much about this youth and doesn't want to lose it, so he doesn't want his friends to leave prematurely.

It's all right now, step by step, unknowingly, these things he did are a bit idiotic.

Therefore, in the past few days of rural life, Qi Lei suddenly stopped the car.

He felt that there were too many drills in the camp before, and he should slow down, at least within two or three years, don't get in touch with those complicated issues too early.

He had to forget the identity of the middle-aged man in his previous life and be a serious child. Otherwise, Qi Lei is afraid that he will leave regrets like his previous life.

Therefore, Qi Lei changed his plan, what manuscripts and what accumulated fame, put it aside temporarily, really not in a hurry.

The new plan is that there is no plan, just like a normal child, every day is a pleasant surprise.

This made Qi Lei want to start school suddenly and even more eager to return to campus. Because there are all fools, carefree!

Unfortunately, the mother-in-law didn't think so. She was preparing a gift for Qi Lei in high school.


In the past eight days, Yang Xiao accepted two apprentices, Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

Moreover, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian later learned that Yang Xiao's guitar can only be said to be played casually, and the real best is the keyboard and piano.

Tang Yi once asked her, "What is the piano level?"

Yang Xiao replied, "Don't be foolish, amateurs only go to the exam."

Therefore, Tang Xiaoyi has learned a lot about the piano tenth grade, which was passed down as a myth before, but it turned out not to be too good!

After returning from Baihezi, Zhang Yang and Yang Xiao didn't stay in Shangbei. They really didn't have so many places to live in the city.

Zhang Yang and the others are okay. They are gone this year, and next year they will definitely arrive as scheduled.

Yang Xiao was also okay. Although he didn't know if he would come next year, he didn't act too much. Before leaving, he gave the three brothers a sentence, "See you later!"

Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Xu Xiaoqian were a little bit reluctant.

Tang Yi and Wu Ning were reluctant to leave "Master" away.

Xu Xiaoqian has accumulated a deep friendship with Yang Xiao and Kou Zhongqi in these eight days.

Who says beautiful women are natural enemies? This three is definitely an accident.

In Yang Xiao's words, "Each is wonderful, don't envy anyone."

Fortunately, Yu Yangyang is not there, otherwise he will have to pay for it.

Send them away, Qi Lei has to be a second trafficker again.

Back to the night market to take over the stall, Li Hanhan ridiculed him, "Do you still know how to come back? My old lady has forgotten how many people like you are!"

Qi Lei just laughed, "Sister Wen'er is mighty! Sister Wen'er is domineering! Sister Wen'er is embarrassed by the moon, Shen Yuluoyan!"

Li Hanhan: "Don't stop! Sister loves to listen."

Qi Lei: ""

On the second day after returning, Fu Jiang, Guan Xiaobei, Finance, and Cheng Lele also joined the ranks of the stalls.

Moreover, this time the gap was immediately seen.

Li Cowen and Lu Xiaoshuai set up a stall on the first day, and they wanted to stuff their heads in their crotch for fear that they would be seen.

And these goods, although they are a bit shameless, but they really have a trick!

On the first day, I took up Qi Lei's stalls on the left and right, pulled up the banner, and went to that station without shouting or screaming, because Qi Lei was just hanging around. It was all together.

Qi Lei called Huan, and the customers stopped at Cheng Lele's booth, bought what they should, and what they should do.

Don't look back and don't bargain with Cheng Lele and the others, but look for Qi Lei, do you say irritating or irritating?

Qi Lei had no choice but to forbearance, he could only say that these few brains were good.

August 10th.

The three brothers went to Harbin. Zhao Wei has been following Zhou Tao for almost half a month. It is a bit unreasonable for the three brothers not to go to see it again.

But when I got there, I saw Zhao Wei staying in the store. Before Qi Lei said anything, Tang Yi and Wu Ning couldn't stand it.

"Hey, do you have to work so hard? We don't miss that few money."

Zhao Wei said, "It's pretty good. I can also help Little Tao watch the store."

In this regard, Qi Lei did not overflow with sympathy, nor did he persuade him.

Transformation requires a process, not to mention, if Zhao Wei can persist here for half a year, then it is impossible for him to return to his original life as a gangster.

From the underground mall, Qi Lei went to Zhang Yang's house. Not to see Zhang Yang but to see Qi Lei's grandfather.

Stayed until the afternoon, and it was almost three o'clock before Tang Yi received the paging, "Pick up downstairs!"

Brother San said goodbye to his grandfather, and rushed downstairs to see Kou Zhongqi helping Yang Xiao carry a large musical instrument box, "I've handed it over to you, I'm exhausted!"

In the box is the keyboard, Yang Xiao's, and he took it out to prepare to go out.

Go to Shangbei, Yang Xiao's uncle's house.

How about seeing you later that day? It's really fast.

In Yang Xiao's words, there is no one in Harbin's house all year round, and staying bored, it is better to go to Shangbei and have a companion, just to teach two stupid apprentices.

In fact, Tang Yi and Wu Ning came here mainly to pick up Yang Xiao to Shangbei.

The following days are both regular and exciting.

Yang Xiao lives in his uncle's house, but the keyboard is in Tang Yi's house. During the day, I came to play piano with my three brothers, bragging, and my life was pretty good.

Qi Lei was also involved, although he was not Yang Xiao's apprentice, but he also learned a lot from her.

Moreover, the four people have two more spectators.

Student Xu Xiaoqian finally found out with conscience that on the third day when Yang Xiao came to Shangbei, she decided to care about Qi Lei's study.

After attending the cram school every day, he will report to Qi Lei's house and help him with his homework. If you don't nibble on the textbook for three hours, Qi Lei will not be allowed to play the piano.

Coco Lee has come every day during this time, and Sister Xiao Coun is a little boring, she likes to get tired and get together a piece of nonsense.

Moreover, his hands owe like Tang Yi and Wu Ning. Seeing the black and white painting in Qi Lei's room, he insisted on adding something to it.

Finally, Li Hanhan drew a shooting star on the dark side.

It's pretty beautiful, "Sister's painting skills are really not blowing!"

So that after she started writing, Xu Xiaoqian was also eager to try, and also added a six-pointed star over the dark night.

In Xu Xiaoqian's words, no matter how beautiful the moon is, there is no temperature. No matter how bright the meteor is, it will only be gorgeous for an instant. Only the brightest star in the night sky will always be there, even if it is far away, it will have temperature.

It makes Qi Lei very depressed, it has changed the taste! It’s not what I mean to let you do this whole thing.

Besides, why do you all like the dark side? There is only one sun on the white side, empty.

At the very least, you should learn from Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao is not so literary and keenly aware that the core of the composition is the transition of black and white. So Yang Xiao drew a vine, winding between black and white, soaring upward.

Qi Lei didn't know, this was just the beginning. With Li Hanhan starting, the painting had become a graffiti board.

When Lu Xiaoshuai came, he painted a big tree.

Zhang Xinyu thinks the sky is pretty good, but there are stars and moons, and there is no room for him to play. Finally, a plane was drawn.

Jiang Haiyang and Lu Xiaoshuai drew a tree side by side. The trees were so ugly that they were almost never hammered to death by Coco Li.

On August 18th, the three brothers brought Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao to Zhao Na’s black computer room.

Because Zhao Na finally installed the net.

It should be around 1997 or 1998 that the Internet age has entered the public's field of vision. However, it is not so early to enter the lives of ordinary people, especially small inland northern cities like Shangbei.

In his memory, Internet cafes will only emerge from the beginning of 1999 to 2000, not to mention the arrival of home networks.

That thing is absolutely novel and absolutely impactful.

When the four of them arrived at Zhao Na's house, they almost thought they had gone wrong.

Okay, the three brothers haven't been here for a long time. When I came back from Baihezi, I practiced piano with Yang Xiao every day and went out to the booth at night. How could I have time to play games?

When I came here today, why didn't it feel like I didn't know each other?

Not to mention that the machine is full, there are people sitting in the yard waiting to get on the machine.

"Oh!" Tang Xiaoyi bared his teeth, "Is it so popular? Shouldn't it?"

Zhao Na is very remote, and she is an unlisted black household, which can't be found by ordinary people, so where are so many people?

Entering the house suspiciously, Zhao Na was busy at the bar.

Seeing Qi Lei and the others came, I was immediately overjoyed, first took out a few bottles of water from the bar, handed them to everyone, and pointed to the three machines on the side of the bar, "The machines are all reserved for you, wait a minute!"

After speaking, I have to turn on the three brothers.

Qi Lei took the opportunity to ask his doubts, "Sister, don't worry!"

Looking at the people in the room, "I haven't been here for a few days, why are there so many people?"

But not wanting, Zhao Na blushed and bowed her head without answering.

It's strange to mess with Brother Qi Lei, why are you shy? What can't you say?

Zhao Na didn't say anything, Qi Lei didn't ask much, after turning on the machine, he could finally go online.

However, it is not the same as Qi Lei thought.

I taught Tang Yi and Wu Ning to chat online, but looking at the former NetEase chat room, Qi Lei suddenly lost interest.

Maybe it's a different mood from the previous life, right? When I was in the chat room in my previous life, I was ignorant of the little boy and wanted to hook up with the little girl.

But in this time and space, Xu Xiaoqian is still sitting behind her!

"Why don't you talk? It's interesting to talk."

"Uh." Qi Lei paled, "I don't want to talk, how can it be interesting to talk with you?"

"Cut!" Xu Xiaoqian raised her chin proudly, and immediately looked serious again, "Then hurry home to review her homework, and school will start in twelve days! Why are you not in a hurry?"

Qi Lei was bitter, "I'm worried!"

Xin said: Why not be anxious? It will fall into the palm of our mother's hand immediately, can I not be in a hurry?

He actually understands what Xu Xiaoqian is thinking about. Zhang Nan is now the principal of the second middle school, and he has this grade. Xu Xiaoqian is actually quite flustered.

Fearing that Qi Lei will start school and fall to the bottom, the old fox may not be able to afford some moths.

Pull up Qi Lei and leave, "Go!"

Qi Lei had no choice but to leave Tang Yi, Wu Ning and Yang Xiao playing there, and left helplessly.

The three of them shook their heads.

After talking the three of them looked at each other and smiled, high-five to celebrate, and they don't know what to celebrate!

It's just that Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian just walked to the door and met someone alone.

Qi Lei glared, "Sanshu!?"

Qi Guodong frowned, his waist straight, and the elder's style, "School is about to start, don't study hard, why do you come here?"

Qi Lei: "..."

I also want to ask you, if you don’t work well during the day, why do you come here?

Said, "I am going home."

"Oh." Qi Guodong answered with a frown, crossing Qi Lei, "Then go back quickly!"

After speaking, step into the courtyard.


Several of the people in the yard waiting to board the plane stood up, "Brother three! Let's join in."

I puff! ! !

Outside the hospital, Qi Lei spouted a mouthful of old blood and stayed there in disbelief.

What, what's the situation?

Inside the courtyard, Qi Guodong: "Don't just show up. I can't see if I have some eyesight? The courtyard is so dirty that it can't be cleaned up?"

Qi Lei: ""

Xu Xiaoqian is keenly observant, "Is your third uncle..." pointing to Zhao Na in the room, meaning, chasing someone?

Facing the same suspicious Xu Xiaoqian, Qi Lei replied instinctively, "It's okay, it's passed down from the ancestors of the old Qi family."

Xu Xiaoqian: "Huh!?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Qi Lei quickly added, "Our old Qi family also has an ancestral characteristic."

Xu Xiaoqian said coldly: "What?"




On August 27th, Zhao Wei went back to Shangbei and brought back 12,000 yuan.



That’s all for today. The guest officials are happy to watch, vote a lot, give a lot of rewards, and subscribe a lot.

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