Rebirth: Japanese investor

Chapter 198: Change

   Chapter 198 Change

   It was late at night, and Masayoshi Kishimoto had no intention of leaving at all. It doesn't matter if you miss the last train. He can take a taxi back to Nishi-Azabu in the port area.

  The fare is not a problem for someone like him. If I were an ordinary salaryman, even if I didn’t rush to catch the last bus, I would choose to go to an Internet cafe or a capsule apartment for one night because I missed the last bus.

   The reason is very simple, the cost of a taxi must be much higher than the cost of living in a place such as a capsule apartment. This is the truest portrayal of ordinary people living in Tokyo.

   Besides, in Kishimoto's mind, why did he have to leave? This is also his home. So, he just waited with peace of mind.

  Natsui Makoto didn't even want to drive him away. Not to mention that this was his house in the first place? She lives for free.

   As early as when she was renting a lodging house alone, the two of them slept together for the whole night. She already felt strongly that something substantial would happen between the two of them tonight.

   "Tokyo Love Story, which was invested by Fuji TV, is really a classic of Japanese dramas. Let's take a break and turn to the late night drama of Fuji TV."

Masayoshi Kishimoto knows that in addition to NHK, other TV stations will have scenes that are more or less inappropriate for minors to watch in their late-night dramas, just to cheer up the audience, so as to increase their enthusiasm for creating people and deal with the future. change the situation.

  Natsui Makoto, of course, fully understands what it means when a man tells a woman to watch a late-night drama together.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled lightly with purpose: "Let's drink some more bars! Do you want to drink red wine or champagne?"

   "I'd better go take a bath!" Xia Jingzhenqin said that physical hygiene is very important.

   "Then I'm going to take a bath too. Which one do you use?" Kishimoto Masayoshi said with his eyes focused on her face.

  Natsui Makoto didn't even dare to raise his head when he saw him, but slowly raised his right index finger to point in the direction of the main guard.

   "Then I'll use the second guard." Kishimoto Masayoshi bluntly said.

   As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Jing Zhenqin suddenly stood up, still keeping his head down, and taking small steps, he rushed into his bedroom to get a nightgown, and then went to the main guard to take a bath.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto, who split up with her, went directly to the second guard to wash. He felt that it didn't matter if he changed his underwear or not.

  The bathing sounds of the main and second bathrooms sounded at the same time. One or twenty minutes later, Masayoshi Kishimoto, a man, wiped his body after washing and walked out naked.

   He walked out of the bedroom door again and went to Natsui Makoto's room, which was his original room. Although it is already February, the weather outside is still cold.

  The heating is turned on in the room, and there is no guarantee that he will not be cold. So, he went to bed first and lay down, covered with a quilt.

Xia Jingzhenqin was taking a shower, but muttered to herself: "I don't look handsome. I really put a flower on your stinky cow dung. I don't know if I liked it in the first place. your point?

   Hey, I must have been blinded by lard at the time. You can find me such a gentle, considerate and considerate girlfriend, that's what you earned. "

   One night later, Kishimoto Masayoshi took her virginity. When he opened his eyes again, Xia Jingzhenqin had disappeared. As soon as he got up, he saw a new pair of men's underwear on the quilt.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi took out the new **** with one hand, and opened the quilt with the other hand. He landed on his feet and went to put on his underwear. This size is just right. He walked out of the bedroom and habitually went towards the main guard.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi saw Natsui Makoto bowing his head by the sink and actually hand-washing the pair of underwear he was wearing. He blurted out: "You throw it in the washing machine to wash it!"

  Natsui Makoto looked up at the mirror, without stopping, she greeted with a smile, "You're up!"

   "Yes. Did you sleep well last night?" Masayoshi Kishimoto felt that the relationship between the two had become particularly delicate.

   "I slept well! The **** should fit right! I took your pair of **** to a nearby convenience store and bought half a dozen to compare the size." Natsui Makoto said without any shyness.

   Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that, in her mind, since the two did it last night, then they would be together well. Their relationship is not only a couple, but also began to develop in the direction of family.

   "Breakfast is ready for you. Put it on the dining table in the living room. After you brush your teeth and wash your face, go eat!" Xia Jingzhenqin said calmly.

   She suddenly seemed to understand something, and said again: "Are you going to use the toilet? Go! I can't get in your way here."

  Kishimoto Masayoshi felt that once a man and a woman slept, it would mean something would change. The change came so quickly that I couldn't get used to it.

   For this reason, he had no thought or mental preparation. But what can be done? The matter has come to this point, and we cannot let time go back to the past.

   "I'm not in a hurry. You wash slowly. I'll just watch you like this. I found that you are very adaptable!" Masayoshi Kishimoto said neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

   "I'm just not very adaptable, and you say I'm adaptable. Initially, when I arrived in Tokyo, I was very uncomfortable with the fast-paced lifestyle here.

  I saw people in a hurry, and the indifferent expressions on their faces. "Xia Jingzhenqin didn't understand what he meant.

   "It's not that they want to, but they are forced to help. If an ordinary person wants to live well in this international metropolis, then he has to work hard. If he doesn't work hard, he will be ruthlessly eliminated.

  Tokyo can be young forever, but people can't. It is constantly absorbing the young blood of the whole of Japan, causing more and more villages and towns to wither and decline. "Kishimoto Masayoshi has something to say.

   "Being born in a village and town, it has become impossible for young people to stay there for a lifetime. This is the consensus of young people now. They don't want to be like their parents anymore.

  Even if you don’t earn much money, you can see the world. At the very least, you can also see the prosperity and liveliness of Tokyo. "Xia Jingzhenqin said what these ordinary young people are saying.

   Kishimoto Masayoshi agreed: "If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have met, knew each other, fell in love, and fell in love."

   Natsui Makoto couldn't help laughing sweetly when she heard what he said, but responded without words.

   (end of this chapter)

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