Winston took a deep breath and regained his composure.

The bifurcation that had filled both eyes subsided, and the cold-hearted life became even colder.

He muttered softly as he watched the enemy troops slowly rushing toward the wall.

“Where is that person and what is he doing at a time like this?”

Zeppelin doesn’t know who Winston is talking about.

Zeppelin replied with a small smile.

“That’s it. He usually shows up all of a sudden, but he doesn’t show up like this.”

“What happened?”

“To that person? A sound that doesn’t even sound like a word.”

“If you see that even Siri doesn’t have an answer…”

It was time for the two of them to talk.

– Did you call me?

A familiar voice came from the air.

At this, Winston and Zeppelin’s complexion brightened.



Siri popped up and waved both hands.

– 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Hi!

“Hey Siri!”

“You are this guy!”

Ciri smiles at Zeppelin and Winston who rush towards them.

Even those who usually hate to call themselves ‘KKKKKKK’ and ‘WOOPTYEONG’, were very happy to hear that sound this time around.

“Where have you been?!”

“That human… no, what about the top lord?”

Siri answered the two of them by waving their wings softly.

– Daddy sent me here! Daddy has work to do!

“okay? Anyway, you are saying that the Lord has sent you?”

-Huh! I said I had work to do here… What should I do now?

Siri’s innocent voice doesn’t match the battlefield.

Winston and Zeppelin smiled sly at this.

“Heh heh.”

“I’ll do it. Am! Siri, you have a lot to do!”

In a desperate situation, Siri’s appearance was like a ray of light.

Winston and Zeppelin pointed down the wall and shouted at the same time.

“Sweep it all away!”

“Sweep it all away!”


Excited, Siri shook her ass.

As soon as he reached out his hand, a magic wand with a star shape appeared.

Ciri hummed as she wielded it, and a melodious voice came out.

– One arrow pierces the enemy’s neck

Winston and Zeppelin flinched as Ciri started singing.

Because the lyrics were so familiar to my ears.

“Is this…?”

“Damn, I have bad memories.”

How can I forget this song

It was the magic of the day they were properly entangled with Merlin.

just as expected.

– A hundred arrows bind the knights’ feet.

A giant magic arrow appeared in the Redford Prince.

It was several dozen times larger than the Magic Arrow that Merlin had made the other day.

As Siri’s magic wand stirred, the giant magic arrow split into a hundred pieces.

-When ten thousand arrows block the advance of the enemy.

Then, the Magic Arrow will split again by 100 times.

But there was a difference here.

– A million arrows will cover the sun!

The number of Magic Arrows Merlin created the other day was 100,000.

But Siri made a total of 1 million.

All of them were real magic arrows, not illusions.

The battlefield became quiet in the dark shadows that obscured the dim light.

Silence fell so heavy that it was hard to believe that this place was a battlefield, and Winston and Zeppelin muttered blankly.

“Mom… I’m scared of that.”


Even though the two had already seen magic before, they were exhausted by the magnificence of it.

If so, what about those who see this magic for the first time?

“I, I, what is that?!”

“Poetry, God was angry . . .”

The soldiers of the Grand Duke family on the wall were mesmerized by the feast of the Magic Arrow that filled the sky.(Read more @

“Sa, save me!”

“Do, run away!”


The enemy, who had boldly rushed towards the fortress wall, began to flee from Honbi Baeksan.

It was the same with the knights who trained soldiers.

Siri’s magic overwhelms everyone.


It fell to the battlefield, which was a million arrows with a dignified spirit.

Early von Zeppelin and Winston shouted.

“Awesome wizard!”

“Long live the wizard!”


At that time, Merlin was confronted with Morgan again.


Leaving behind Vivian, who welcomed him, Merlin said.

“Who is this? Are you Morgan? I’m very glad.”

Merlin’s words were sincere.

He didn’t expect that face to feel so welcome.

She looked at Merlin as she greeted her and asked Morgan.

“What does it look like?”

her eyes shone

“Is that the skeleton you saw last time? Or is it what it looks like now? Of course, I like the way it looks now. It’s also my favourite.”

Morgan’s red tongue licked her lips.

Seeing this, Merlin gasped.

“Isn’t the old man too greedy? You have to think about the age difference.”


Merlin’s answer gave Morgan a puzzled look.

“Is it strange?”


“If it were you, the words “I’m going to cut off my limb or I’m going to tear it apart” should come out first, right?”

“Ah, that?”

Merlin gave her a slight smile.

“I already did.”


Morgan’s doubts deepened.

But she soon answered her doubts and smiled brightly.

“Anyway, I’m happy. you are here I have a present for you.”

“Hey, looking forward to it. What a gift.”

“Fufufu. You can look forward to it.”

Saying so, Morgan lightly waved her hand.

She could see her light expectations in her.

But it didn’t take long for that expectation to turn into embarrassment.


Morgan continues to signal the sacrifice.

But the result she wanted did not happen.

“Hey, what is this?!”

Her Merlin grinned as she looked at Morgan in embarrassment.

“When is my present coming?”


“When it slows down . . . done. I’ll just take care of my present.”

With those words, dark flesh rose from Merlin’s whole body.

“Just… don’t just take two arms and two legs.”

The mana around him began to fluctuate.

Rewind (4)

Rewind (4)

Merlin’s offensive was sharp.

Her own arrangements did not go according to her plan and she was forced to step back from her helplessness and Morgan.

‘Hey, how is this?!’

For her Morgan, it was quite embarrassing.

It was half a year.

She would have prepared and taught numerous wizards for this day.

But before such efforts even started, she was showing signs of abnormality.


Her mind was complicated, but there was no time to carry on with her thoughts.

Because her Merlin’s magic swept through her everywhere.

She wasn’t the only one there.


Merlin’s rays in front.

Behind him, a gust of wind from Vivian’s eyes turned.

All Morgan can do is block or avoid it.

Morgan clenched his teeth in an overwhelmingly unfavorable situation.

Still, he tried to spread summoning magic from time to time.

But it was all in vain.

Morgan decided that this would not be the case and changed the course.

Her hands are constantly moving.

“Protect me!”

As Morgan waved her hand, a black shadow rising from the black ground enveloped her body.

A huge translucent shadow deflected Merlin’s and Vivian’s magic.

Merlin immediately recognized Morgan’s magic.

‘Soul of the Guma tribe.’

The soul of a demon that has lost its senses.

It was the spirit of the Geoma tribe that was able to block all physical and magical shocks below the 9th circle.

As Morgan hid within the soul of the Guma tribe, the fierce battle in the sky entered a lull for a while.

Merlin asked, looking at Morgan’s pupils shaking in embarrassment, with no room to spare at first.

“Why? What’s wrong with you?”


“Ouch. look at you staring If you do this well, will you summon a Balrog and hit him?”


It was then that Morgan realized why she had not been summoned, which she had elaborated on.

“…it was you.”


“What did you do?”

“What are you doing? Oh, what? not a big deal. I just came here, but some bloodsuckers were prowling all over the place, so I cleaned it up a bit.”


“Is that one . . . a hundred or so?”

Morgan bit her lip at Merlin’s sarcasm.

She couldn’t have known what Merlin was talking about her hundred bloodsuckers.

‘I don’t know who the person who dwells in Siri is, but I have to thank you this time.’

An unknown being who returned her own time.

She saved Patrick and the village of Avalon from where she should have died, and she was able to deal with the sacrifices that would be used to summon the Balrog.

And by now, Siri should be in full swing in the Redford Duke.

If it’s just a war of territorial disputes, everything will be sorted out with Siri’s power.

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