Watching them speak one word at a time, the Archduke and Marquis did not know what to do.

‘Sashaga… Our Sasha has become strange!’

‘How dare you say something like that in this situation! How the hell did you end up eating?’

‘I sent him to the academy… and his son has become strange.’

The Archduke and Marquis were going through a small period of confusion as they got to know Merlin.

That was then.


A voice came from beyond the door.

At this, the people in the office panicked.

“Oh, how do you do it!”

“How cruel you have been to people have you brought them to this level?!”

What kind of reaction would they have if the knights outside immediately came in and saw the state of the idiot-like prince?

I knew it well enough without thinking too deeply about it.

there will be a riot

Merlin, on the other hand, was very calm.

“No, what did I do? I did nothing.”

“I didn’t do anything, but people get to this point?”

“That’s because this bastard’s mental state is rotten!”

“Now is not the time to talk leisurely!”

Avalon and all of them moved in a hurry, such as having the lost prince seated in a chair.

When I was floundering inside, I sensed something strange on the outside as well.

“Lowering? can i come in? Lowering?”

Since there was no sound for a long time, he had doubts about the internal situation.

“I’ll go in!”

Soon after, the door swung open and the knights rushed in.

They sent a questioning glance to the lost prince.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Ha, ha… you look very tired.”

Kei broke out in a cold sweat and smiled awkwardly.

However, such an appearance stimulated the knights even more.

“Hey, I’ll see you.”

A middle-aged knight with the highest status approached the Crown Prince.

But the prince still did not respond.


A middle-aged knight noticed that the Crown Prince was strange and opened his eyes and shouted.

“Yeah, these guys! What have you done to me!”

The other people’s complexions hardened at the loud voice that left the office.

“Well, that’s… Let’s talk about our story…”

Winston waved his hand in embarrassment, and the imperial knights waiting outside the door drew their swords.

A strong sense of tension quickly spread around him.

With the lost prince in the center, members of the Grand Duchy and the Imperial Knights looked at each other.

The office was divided into two camps, and the situation was immediate.

Merlin, on the other hand, fell to one side and watched.


Seeing him yawn profusely, it seemed as if it had nothing to do with him.

As the confrontation between the two camps was about to continue for a long time, Vivian’s voice was heard hiding his body.

[Stop looking around and organize the situation quickly!]

Merlin scratched the back of his head at the shrill voice.

I was slowly getting tired, so I was just trying to sort things out.

She trudged Merlin between her two camps.


A middle-aged knight drew his sword.

But her Merlin’s actions were faster than that.

“Ta, you’re the teacher of the Crown Prince?”


But it was too early for them to be surprised.

The Grand Duke’s reading continued.

“In addition, the imperial family will not interfere in anything that happens with the life of the prince, and will not pass the responsibility on to his master Merlin.”


“Even if it is the death of the Crown Prince, this will not change, and I promise all this in the name of Gregory Generium.”


It was a short but powerful read.

As soon as the reading was over, Merlin stole the edict.

Merlin said with a smirk in his bewildered gaze.

“Did you hear me?”

With that said, Merlin slapped the prince on the back of the head again.

Even though the prince they were serving was beaten, the knights who attended could not do anything.

Their pupils shook like an earthquake.

“Well, may I look at the edict for a moment?”

“Is that so?”

In an unbelievable situation, the attendant took over the edict from Merlin.

That was then.


The captivated prince rushed to the monk like a madman.

Then the edict was intercepted.

He was about to tear the edict with bloodshot eyes.

“Will you tear it apart?”

Merlin’s voice pierced into the prince’s ears.

“Hey, ripping the emperor’s edict? Isn’t that treason?”

“This… this…”

“If you want to tear it, tear it. After all, you know that it’s just a formal document, and there’s a real contract, right? If you tear it up, your Majesty the Emperor, who has the contract signed, will really like it. right?”


Saying so, Merlin waved his arm gently.

All of Avalon were startled by this.

‘Ah, maybe…’

‘Stand, I guess…?!’

Winston and Zeppelin’s eyes could not fall from the back of Merlin’s hand.

‘Have you done it?’

‘Oh, my God! Even His Majesty the Emperor in that devil’s contract…’

how do they not know

Merlin’s fluttering wrist and the meaning of the real contract he spoke of.

“Heh heh heh!”

In the end, the Crown Prince was unable to do anything with the edict and knelt down on his knees.

A frustrated prince.

Everyone knew how he looked.

The edict that Merlin brought is true, and that he has truly become the Prince’s teacher.

Also, why was the Crown Prince so lost in his soul?

‘I wish you the best of luck… Ha-ha.’

‘Even if you want to die, you have to buy a lot.’

Winston and Zeppelin looked at the prince with sympathy.

Then Merlin waved his hand at the intruding knights.

“Come on, let’s go out, shall we? From here on, there is going to be an intimate conversation between the master and the student.”

“Oh, I see.”

At the sight of Merlin’s bloody eyes, the trainees left the office as if the tide was falling.

The Grand Duke’s office became quiet again.

Then Merlin turned to Kay.



“Did you do well in educating the children who joined you in the past?

“Yeah! He was well educated!”


What Merlin said.

They were the wizards of the (old) Avalon village that Merlin had accepted a few months ago.

Merlin recalled them.

“Tell the kids.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The youngest came in.”

“Okay! My juniors will like it.”

“Oh, and one more thing.”


“Tell them this as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Learning is passed down. Please pass on what you have learned generously to the youngest. Whoops.”

“Yeah! I will keep that in mind!”

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