Kei sighed in response to the three people’s questions.

“The production book and the sales book don’t match.”

“uh? Isn’t that a big deal? You mean someone in the middle stole it?”

Zeppelin exclaimed in surprise.

But Kay shook her head.

“I don’t think that’s … embezzlement.”

“What do you mean, that? The production ledger and the sales ledger don’t match?”

“Uh… it is.”

Kay, with her head wrapped around her head, began to explain in detail.

“The actual sales revenue is higher than the expected revenue.”

At Kay’s words, this time Winston tilted his head.

“···What are you talking about?”

At this, Zeppelin gave a pathetic look.

“You really don’t trade. How are you going to do business with that hair?”

“This bastard… so what does that mean?”

It was Sasha who answered Winston’s question.

“In the crafting ledger, the quantity of all items made by Dwarves is written. If you price it at a certain unit price, you can know the expected profit when it is sold. And to check the actual amount sold and the remaining inventory with the sales book… Kay means the sales book value comes out higher.”

“Uh… well…. So···.”

Looking at Winston, who still didn’t understand, Zeppelin sighed.

Soon he explained it in an easy-to-understand manner.

“Stone head, to put it simply, the dwarf made 10 10-gold swords today, and if you sell them all, you should have 100 gold left.


Winston nodded as if he understood.

Winston looked at Kay and asked.

“Then isn’t it good? Is there more profit left than we made and sold ten?”

“It’s supposed to be good… But the problem is that I don’t know why this happened.”

A look of concern crept across Kay’s face.

As I was in charge of the Dwarf business, I was concerned about an unexpected variable that was suddenly discovered.

No matter how beneficial it was to the business, the variable was the variable.

It’s your job to control those variables.

Sasha asked, seeing Kay worried.

“Is there a possibility that the ledger was written incorrectly?”

“There is a possibility, but the strange thing is that this has been happening the same way since three weeks ago. I don’t think it was just a mistake that happened once or twice.”

“Roughly how much of a difference?”

“It’s jagged. As little as 5%, as much as 20%.”

“Hmm… that’s a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal…. Let’s find out the cause together.”

Kay, Sasha, and Zeppelin were in trouble with the ledger in the middle.

Beside him, Winston pretended to be troubled as well.

That’s when they got lost in their thoughts.


“Are you inside?”

An old-fashioned voice came from beyond the door.

Your eyes turned.

“Come on in.”

There were three people who entered the room with Kei’s permission.

Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief, and Archduke.

Kei stood up and welcomed them at their sudden visit.

“What’s going on here…?”

It was the Grand Duke who answered Kay’s question.

“Ummm…I know you’re busy, but I thought it was something you should be aware of, so I found it.”

“Sit down for now.”

Kay reached out and pointed to the sofa.

Soon, all seven of them were seated on the spacious sofa.

Sasha was the first to speak.

“What are you doing?”

“Do you remember him? About a month ago, I was skeptical about the swarms of rogue bandits.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Because of that.”

The archduke sighed slightly.

A question mark appeared above the heads of all Avalon, unaware of the situation at his reaction.

The Archduke then looked at the knight commander.

The knight commander who received the Grand Duke’s gaze opened his mouth with a serious face.

“A few weeks ago, some members were sent out of the outer castle.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“I think the thieves outside the outer castle are too quiet… I sent them out for reconnaissance.”


“I heard the news today from a member who had been gathering information outside of the outer castle … Apparently, this is not unusual.”(Read more @


“Rogues outside the outer castle are moving systematically.”


Only then did Avalon and all of Avalon realize the seriousness of the situation.

Their eyes widened.

“What do you mean?”

The Archduke answered Sasha’s urgent question.

“At first, one bandit absorbed the nearby bandits, and it seems that they absorbed all the bandits that were around in turn.”

“How the hell did that happen?”

“The time it took the first bandits to absorb the other bandits was bizarrely short. From what I found out, it took less than a day to absorb all the bandits in the area.”

“…how many of them?”

“Only the number we figured out … is over 500.”

“Oh My God···.”

Sasha was astonished.

It was very unusual for such a number to be attributed to one group in one day.

One condition was necessary for that to be possible.

that is···.

“…the bandits that moved in the first place are likely to have unexpected talents.”

“I think we will too.”

At Sasha’s words, the Archduke nodded his head with a sullen face.

A band of at least 500 people united around one strong man.

It was fine when they were scattered, but when there were that many people in one group, I had to be concerned.

Kay bit her lip.

“I guess I was wrong…”

Kay, who suggested leaving the bandits alone, blamed herself.

The commander-in-chief shook his head.

“no. It was something we all agreed with. The problem is… we didn’t expect this to happen. Greedy rogues by nature don’t come together easily. How much less would anyone have expected that each gang had a leader, and that they would unite and unite.”


Even with the general’s comfort, Kei’s hard expression was not easily resolved.

After a moment of silence, Zeppelin asked.

“But if the thieves gather like that, don’t the merchants get anxious?

The commander-in-chief answered the question.

“That … is a little strange.”


“As you said, it is difficult for a band of thieves to resist even with any number of mercenaries, and it is difficult to gather mercenaries in the first place. Then the merchants should be a little less visited… The number of merchants who have visited the estate over the past few weeks is not much different from before.”

“It’s strange…”

“That’s right. It’s weird. I also asked a merchant who had revisited the estate within a few weeks for the reason…”


“I can’t speak.”


“For some reason… he didn’t tell me.”

Zeppelin made an absurd look.

Silence subsided after the two of them talked.

For a moment, everyone was in thought.

The common thought they had in common was that something had happened outside of the outer castle that they were unaware of.

Action was needed, and it was the Grand Duke who had the decision-making power.

Sasha broke the silence and asked her father a question.

“So what are you going to do?”

“You have to kick it. Thieves outside the territory are a threat to merchants, but they also instill anxiety in the people of the territory. We need to uproot them before they get any further.”

The Grand Duke was adamant.

This case is also related to the safety of the land.

An aura like frost flickered on the face of the archduke who loved the land.

As the meeting seemed to be over, Winston jumped up from his seat.

“Then it is decided. Get ready right now!”

Winston, who had been struggling with all kinds of documents and numbers that did not fit his aptitude.

He was excited to unwind his body.

Then Kay raised his hand.



“I have something to check before doing anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“The reason merchants shut their mouths,”


I definitely had to point this out.

The duke asked about this.

“How are you going to find out about that?”

“You have to disguise yourself.”


“I will disguise myself as a merchant and approach the bandits.”

“Isn’t it… dangerous?”

“We can go by ourselves.”


The Archduke nodded his head as he looked at Kei showing his firm will.

There was no way that Kay would have known that ‘we’ was an Avalon signing room.

If they are helpless…

‘It’s just too much to deal with a gang of thieves.’

The only problem was that he was an unknown talent who became the driving force behind the gang’s rally.

Worried about this, the Archduke made a suggestion.

“Good. But our knights will follow from a certain distance.”


Kay nodded his head without saying anything.

Because this was Redford’s problem and Avalon’s problem.

After that, they acted quickly.

While Avalon and all of them disguised themselves as merchants, the general prepared a steam wagon loaded with loads.

“Come on, let’s go.”

At Kay’s signal, the cart began to move.

There, a few guards disguised as mercenaries followed them as if escorting them.

30 minutes after that.

‘Did you say this?’

Sasha looked around.

It has entered a path where thieves often appear.

If I did not meet the thieves here, I was planning to move to another path.

But unfortunately or fortunately.


A group appeared in front of Avalon’s party.

And the moment I met them.


“What is that···?”

Avalon’s eyes widened.

Creative Economy (4)

Creative Economy (4)

The group that stood in front of the four Avalon.

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