It was because he sensed that the manager’s gaze was directed at the boy named Merlin.

When the two didn’t respond, the manager looked at him again and said.

“By the way, it seems that the servants of the Generium imperial family are really well educated. This is the first time in my life that I have been so polite and well-spoken. haha!”


“How faithfully you have been taking care of him for the past few days. Seeing that he faithfully carries out his master’s orders without any complaints, doesn’t that mean that I admired the Generium Empire as well?”

Seeing that the manager’s gaze was on Lucian, they could not open their mouths hastily.

how can i say

“My fishing rod!”

“Here I am!”

“You don’t have a hat?”

“I’ll get it right away!”

“A packed lunch?”

“Of course I prepared it!”

That servant who moves quickly and accurately as soon as a word is spoken…


‘Uh, how….’

That he is the next heir to the throne of the real Generium Empire.

They could hardly speak.

In a strange atmosphere, the manager glanced at him and withdrew.

“Well then, I’ll call you if you need anything.”


Even after the manager disappeared, the two of them just stared at Merlin and Lucian without saying a word for a while.

Lucian, who is rushing around and moving by himself.

“I go fishing and come back!”

“Let’s go take a look!”

Lucian bowed deeply towards Merlin, who jumped out of the window on the 5th floor to go fishing.

Then he met the eyes of the two who entered the room.



“Don’t say anything…”


Seeing the liquid running down Lucian’s face, whether it was sweat or tears, the two kept quiet.

Meanwhile, Merlin leaves Grenok to go fishing.

He arrived at the riverside where the sun was shining.

His brow furrowed as he arrived at his favorite place for the past few days.

“That child…”

Continental Summit (3)

Continental Summit (3)

Merlin sharpened his teeth as he saw the sailor who had come before him and had thrown his fishing rod.

‘OK! Let’s do it!’

Merlin, who burned her will, boldly walked.

Hearing her popularity, her man turned her body.

He found Merlin and greeted him warmly.

“Oh, are you here!”

The person who greeted Merlin was a young man in his twenties.

Green eyes on dark skin.

He was a young man with light blonde hair.

A person who has been sitting next to Merlin since he settled down at the riverside fishing spot.

He heard that he originally said this was the seat where the young man sat every day since a month ago.

Of course, Merlin had no intention of going anywhere else.

It was a good place for him to see the shade and see the surrounding scenery.

So Merlin, with or without a young man, sat down in his seat.

And it started from there.

Merlin’s fight for pride.

“Did you catch a lot?”

“Haha, I just came too.”

“Is that right?”

Merlin glanced at the young man’s barrel of fish.

Whether what the young man had just said was true, his fish tank was empty.

Merlin was angered by this.

‘Good. You must win today!’

That moment when I decided to throw a stick.

“Uh-huh! asked!”

The young man’s fishing rod tightened with a cheerful sound right next to him.

After wrestling for a while, the young man rescued the fish.

“Hey, that’s a big one!”

A young man showing a fish to Merlin as if shouting and boasting.

Merlin’s eyelids twitched at this.(Read more @

He said, trembling the corners of his mouth.

“Chu, congratulations.”

“Thank you. A good start today!”


A young man who smiles and throws the stick again.

And from then on.

“Ouch! Here again!”


“Right! You are here!”




“haha! I asked again!”

Every time he fussed next to him, the young man’s fishing rod wobbled incessantly.

A fish the size of a forearm came up with him.

The young man’s fish tank fills up in an instant.

Merlin looked down at his barrel.

A single blue leaf was floating in his barrel.

Unbearable at this, Merlin growled, glaring at the young man.

“Do you want to turn off a little? I can’t catch you because you dry the seeds of the fish around here!”

“It’s okay! There are a lot of fish anyway!”

“You tell the truth. Are you the only one using another bait?”

“haha. If you think so, I will change the bait.”

As soon as the words were finished, Merlin exchanged the bait with the young man.

Merlin throws the fishing rod again with a slightly hopeful face.


“Come! Bigger this time!”

For some reason, the young man’s fishing rod began to bend more vigorously than before.

The young man groaned.

“Hey, are you using good bait? The fish rush to bite you too!”


Merlin’s snout began to protrude more and more.

It was evidence that irritability was gradually accumulating.

If Avalon had seen the change, he would have been startled.

However, the young man was busy fishing without knowing anything.

‘Are you just… throwing it into the river?’

The corners of Merlin’s eyes, looking at the young man, turned pale.

But soon after, Merlin shook her head.

‘No, no…’

Although she was Merlin, who preferred incitement and hoax over fact, breathing her tricks and fouls over fair fights, she had no intention of giving up her fight with herself that had raged over the past few days.

This was a fight for pride.

‘This time, I will win with my skills!’


“Heh heh! I’m here again! Hey, have you ever seen a fish like this?”

‘What?! This bastard!’

Her Merlin’s sanity evaporated at the sight of her favorite young man, showing a fluttering fish.

He waved his hand lightly.



Something struck the young man’s barrel of fish and dropped it into the river.


The young man hurriedly retrieved the barrel, but all the fish in it had already run away.

Merlin groaned at this.

“Hey, you’re good at catching fish, but you’re not good at managing the barrels?”

This time, the young man’s face hardened at Merlin’s smirk.

He looked at Merlin with a questionable look.

I did just that.

It’s not even the wind blowing, and how many times it’s just your own fish tank that will fall and fall into the river.

‘You? Did you?’

‘What are you talking about?’

The inquisitive eyes and the stray eyes met.

But the young man with no evidence raised the white flag first.


The young man collapsed and threw the fishing rod again.

After that, by the time the young man caught a few more, the sun was already setting.

Of course, by then Merlin’s fish tank had been empty.

asked the young man.

“Are you not good at young fishing?”

“I am not catching fish.”


“You are fishing for time.”

The young man clicked his tongue as he saw Merlin brazenly making the noise he picked up.

He got up and took his luggage.

Then he looked at Merlin, who was still sitting, and asked.

“Aren’t you going?”

“If I can’t catch even one of these fucking fish bastards, get out of here.”

“…were we not told we were fishing for time?”

“When did I?”


At Merlin’s face, which had become thicker than before, the young man looked at a strange creature.

The young man, who had just packed his bags and wanted to leave, sat down again.

And time passed.


The sun is slowly creeping into the ground.

Darkness fell, and Merlin jumped up, throwing the fishing rod away.

“Stop it, blow up all the river water! These bastards only eat the bait and get out?! If you eat the bait, it’s worth getting caught at least once, right?!”

“…and that would catch fish.”

Merlin’s head turned at the sound of the voice next to him.

he asked in a fat voice.

“What are you going to do and not go?”

“What are you doing? I am getting ready to fill my stomach.”

The young man who said he was going had a bonfire on one side.

And around it, the fish entangled in the branches were ripening to a golden color.

The young man asked, lifting the well-cooked fish.

“Would you like a point?”

“Is it free?”

“Haha, it’s free!”

Merlin moved quickly to the young man’s declaration of free tasting.

And he began to eat the flesh wildly.

The young man who saw this happily ate his share of meat.

Then he looked at the stars in the night sky and murmured.

“It’s good… It’s a pity that we don’t have alcohol at a time like this…”

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