Soon after, there was a silent explosion.


Although the explosion was silent, the surroundings were not.

An explosion of light engulfed the canyon in an instant and spread out in the form of a sphere, causing an uproar in the area.


The moment Merlin created her black tornado, Morgan felt her sinister and teleported several kilometers away.

Morgan, who was watching the situation, covered his eyes in the intense light.

The last thing she saw was Merlin and Mars being swallowed by a burst of light.

And after a while.

Whoo oh-

Tickling her hair, Morgan opened her eyes.

She opened her mouth to the unbelievable sight unfolding before her own eyes.

A sigh flowed from her.

“What is this…”

Merlin and Mars, the terrain changed in just one clash between them.

Where the canyon existed, all that was left was the hollow ground.


Morgan, who was frozen in surprise, noticed something about her and her expression changed.

She hastily teleported her.


Morgan arrives at the place where the canyon existed.

Her gaze turned to the middle of the hollowed-out pit.

Someone was lying there.

She was familiar with Morgan.


Even in the midst of the explosion, Mars survived.

She noticed that Morgan rushed to Mars and she supported him.


Mars vomits a cough mixed with ashes.

His condition was dire.

The flesh of his entire body, which he had built at best, had turned black, and his right arm and left leg had disappeared without a trace.

It’s amazing to be alive.

Mars said looking at Morgan supporting him.

“Say me, save me…”

Those were Mars’ last words.

He lost consciousness.

Morgan took her eyes off the sleeping man and looked around her.

The only thing left in the place where the main church of the church, which had been running for a thousand years, was located, was dust flying around.

Thousands of followers also lost their fame in the battle between Merlin and Mars.

But what Morgan was more concerned with was the life or death of one person.

‘What about Merlin?’

No matter how much he looked around, he couldn’t even feel the reaction of a small creature within a few kilometers.

‘What happened?’

Merlin disappeared after the clash with Mars.

Morgan, holding the dying Mars, prayed.

I hope the winner of this fight is Mars.

And Merlin is dead.


But contrary to Morgan’s prayer, Merlin was alive.

Of course, that wasn’t to say he was unharmed.

‘No, are you okay?’

In fact, Merlin didn’t even know what situation he was in right now.

“Where the hell is this place?”

Just as he was about to run away by sending a blow to Mars and teleporting.

He could witness the iridescent energy rushing towards him.

To be precise, it was the rainbow-colored energy that Mars radiated toward him.

And that was Merlin’s last memory.

The moment he thought he was enveloped in the light of the rainbow, he had arrived at the wrong place.


Merlin first checked his condition.


A sharp pain rose in his chest.

It was a side effect of the sudden draw of mana.

‘Still, there’s nothing wrong with it.’

Merlin was satisfied with the fact that it ended in this much pain despite the intense circles.

Furthermore, Merlin has confirmed the connection with the Life Force Vessel.

He finally checked the other one.

“Hey Siri.”(Read more @

– Yes, yes…

At Merlin’s call, Siri nodded her head.

Merlin asked worriedly.

“Are you okay?”

– I’m sleepy…

It was the same with the Life Force Vessel that used mana violently.

It was only natural that Siri, connected to the Life Force Vessel, complained of extreme fatigue.

As if Merlin had worked hard, she tapped Siri on the head.

“Come on, sleep.”

– Yes…

Her helpless, limp Ciri rustled and dug into her Merlin’s arms.

After confirming that her Siri was safe, Merlin looked around her again.

A pure white space, and a white stone building that occupies the middle of it.

It was a building that looked like an ancient temple.

“So where are you?”

Merlin’s eyelids twitched.

‘What kind of craft is this?’

Her iridescent light that swallowed her apparently self was from Mars.

If so, this must also be a masterpiece of Mars.

Merlin looked around without letting go of the tension.

Then he used his circle to fill the empty mana.

It was to restore his body in any way.

That moment.


Merlin’s expression hardened.

His surprise was simple.

It was because the mana around was not enough.

It’s like having mana.

‘Damn it. Is this what he was aiming for!’

I don’t know how he sent himself to a place like this, but this place was enough to be a threat to Merlin, who ran out of mana.

A cold sweat ran down Merlin’s back.

And that moment.

Tub Tub-

Someone walked out of the temple that was supposed to be empty.

A handsome man with a good appearance wearing dark red armor.

He was walking down the stairs of the temple with an expressionless face.

As a result, Merlin’s tension reached its peak.

‘Come this way?!’

The handsome man who came down from the temple was walking slowly towards Merlin.

At the appearance of his unidentified man, Merlin raised his fist.

Without teeth, with gums.

He would wield his fists without mana and magic.

Because that was the driving force behind Merlin’s survival.

When Merlin was so nervous and looked at the handsome man.

“I’m here!”

A woman’s voice came from behind Merlin.

Merlin, who didn’t feel like her at all, turned around, startled, behind her.

She was with him and she had Merlin’s bizarre experience.


“What, what?!”

The dazzling beauty who is believed to be the master of her voice ran right through her Merlin’s body.

Merlin was so startled that he hardened, and soon something even more startling happened to him.

“Are you here?”

The blunt-looking man smiled the moment he saw her woman.

To this, she responded with a bright smile.

“Huh. I was bored. Mars?”

A title by which a woman calls her man.

Merlin’s lips parted softly, and a burst of astonishment erupted.

“Mars···? Author?!”

In the appearance of Mars, which was very different from the appearance she knew herself.

And he’s in this damn situation he’s currently going through.

Merlin’s confusion grew.

The Continent to Shake (7)

The Continent to Shake (7)

“No, it’s fine. I started training while you were away.”

“…Mars, I don’t like that. It is a law that requires moderate training.”

“There is no word ‘moderate’ in practice. Because there is no end to the path of martial arts. ”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m trying to be awkward.”

Merlin couldn’t do anything as he watched the two of them talk naturally as if they weren’t there.

He had a headache just to grasp the current situation.

‘What the hell is this?’

A world where mana is absurdly scarce.

She is Mars and an unidentified woman with a face she does not know.

And the strange iridescent attack that Mars used at the time of the explosion.

A mutter escaped Merlin’s mouth as he was contemplating intensively.

“Is this… a Mars memory?”

That was Merlin’s conclusion.

And the answer came from Merlin’s chest.

– That’s right.

A loud, familiar voice.

Merlin’s eyebrows twitched at this.


Did you hear Merlin’s call?

Siri, who was sleeping, flew to Pororo.

But the voice she heard was not the voice of a child Merlin had known.

– Long time no see.

“Huh… I haven’t been able to show up even though I’ve been calling her like that, but did she just show up now?”

– Don’t be too resentful. it’s all because of you

“Because of me?”

-Did you think there would be no cost to turn back time?

Kainos, who borrowed Siri’s body, made a serious expression.

At his words, Merlin had to keep her mouth shut.

Because her last comeback has benefited her a lot.

Instead, he asked something else.

“Didn’t you say it was the right answer?”

-It did.

“Then, is this in Mars’ memory? If so… how can I get in here? Do I definitely have a body now?”

That was the fact that confuses her Merlin.

How did she get into someone else’s memory with her body?

It was something that Merlin couldn’t understand.

But for Kainos, it didn’t seem impossible.

– This is Mars’ memory. To be precise, it is a space where Mars’ memories are gathered.

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