

they could see

Tens of thousands of fire arrows embroidered the dark night sky red

Papa Papa!

Thanks to the fire arrows that lit up the night sky, a place that was out of sight in the dark was revealed.

Existing beyond the walls of the fortress was a huge number of troops, and flags were fluttering everywhere.

The divine beast of the Schmatt Empire, the flag with a white horned camel on it.

without him (1)

without him (1)


The table was smashed as if it were about to break.

The dull sound that made my ears fall off was an added bonus.

However, what made the audience cooler than that was the presence of hitting the table.

A man who contorts his face like a demon and exudes a vicious force.

A hoarse voice came out of his mouth.

“What did you say?”

The reporter who reported his question answered with sweat.

“Hey, the Black Vine Fortress has been captured.”


bang! simplicity and honesty-

The slash filled with anger broke the thick wooden tabletop.

“Go, sir, please calm down.”

“Calm? Did you say it’s true now?”

The general under his command, who had spoken in a frosty momentum, stepped back.

He had no choice but to do so.

The one who was called Your Excellency was Marx Marx, Marquis Marx, who was in charge of the western borders of the Kwan Empire.

He was also one of the five sword masters that the Kwan Empire was proud of, not just a martyr.

Even for a trained knight, it was not easy to receive the energy of the Sword Master as it is.

Words erupted from the Marxist Marx, whose eyes were full, and who had a shabby life.

“Only one night! Does it make sense that, in one night, the Black Vine Fortress, which had never been captured in hundreds of years, fell!”

“Hey, that’s… they say they took advantage of the night to make a surprise attack.”

“Even if it’s a surprise, there’s a degree to it!”

“It was a well-planned attack from the start. After defeating our patrol, we crossed the border in just one day and used bows, not guns, for noise protection. And above all… the commander of the enemy army is Rajab Hashir.”


When the name of the enemy chief was mentioned, the spirit of the Marquis softened slightly.

Rajab Hashir.

He was a positional figure who rose from the status of a serf to the rank of General Schmatt Empire.

The fact that a serf ascended to the position of a general in the Schmatt Empire, where the rank and rank were certain, showed how great his abilities were.

Moreover, he was one of the six sword masters in the Schmatt Empire.

Marx Marx muttered, stroking the scar on his left cheek caused by Rajab.

“…the old man who would have entered the coffin ten more times went to war?”

Rajab Hashir is seventy-three years old this year.

Even though he was a sword master, the age of seventy-three was by no means small.

Of course, even so, Rajab was not to be underestimated.

Even though his body is aging, his experience does not go away.

The Marquis asked the knight who had brought the news.

“Where are the Schmarts now?”

“Ah, they say they are still staying in the Black Vine Fortress.”

The marquis’ worries deepened after the knight’s report.

“The old scorpion of the desert has come out of the sand pit…”

It also led an army unprecedented in the past hundreds of years.

‘You came out with a plan.’

If that’s the case, then you should be treated accordingly.

The moment he made that decision, the Marquis’ sharp momentum was captured.

As a result, the eyes of the knights who were watching him became a little more comfortable.

Soon after, the command of the Marquis was issued.

“Send a messenger to the Imperial Palace right now. Recording all the movements of the Schmatt Empire.”

“I will.”

“What are the people who have lived in the Black Vine Fortress doing?”

“I gave you a barracks.”

“Things not worth living are resting? How dare you in my land?”

It was the commander who had fled from the fortress to deliver the news of the invasion of the Schmatt Empire to the territory of the frontier.

Those who ran away from the fortress as soon as the soldiers of the Schmatt Empire invaded.

Due to the character of the Marxist Marx that the knights knew, there was no way we could leave them alone.

“The only moment when a defeated knight can rest is when the enemy’s blade falls on his neck. Get them out of the barracks right now.”

“Haona… The commander of the Black Vine Fortress is the son-in-law of the Marquis Delot.”

“Am I supposed to care about someone who isn’t even Marquis Derrott himself?”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)


“Keep in mind. From the moment they escape from the fortress, they are already corpses.”

“What shall I do with them?”

“The son-in-law of Marquis Derrott?”

A cruel smile hung on Marx’s lips.

“Arm him and put him among the infantry. If you fight five battles, he will forgive you for running away from the fortress.”

Even though he is a military commander, can someone who gets a position in the background can withstand five battles?

None of those gathered in the command room were unaware that the Marquis’ order was in fact a death sentence.

But no one mentioned it.

“I will.”

“If he rebels… take care of it.”

“I will obey your orders.”

take care of yourself

What that meant was simple.

Summary execution for disobedience of orders.

After receiving such an order, the general under his command left his seat, and after seeing the small remaining knights, he opened his mouth.

“From now on, the estate will be converted into an exhibition system. Arm the reserve forces and summon all the Knights of the Brown Bear.”

“Am I the power?”

At the sound of all the Brown Bear Knights, the expression on the left changed.

Brown Bear Knights.

The most elite armed group possessed by Byung-baek Byung-baek.

They were nicknamed shredders because only shredded pieces of meat flew where they passed.

The Knights of the Brown Bear, which exerts the power of a thousand per day, even if they are put into a small number of conflict zones.

The fact that they all went out was proof that the Marquis was taking this war quite seriously.

No one was unaware of the fact that the Marquis’ eyes reading the flow of war were so accurate that it was close to prophecy.

And the following words of the marquis surprised the audience even more.

“Yes. I will be with you.”


Following the Knights of the Brown Bear, the Sword Master Marquis declared its participation in the war.

This forced people to think of the same thing.

‘A great wind of blood will blow.’

‘Peace is over.’

The Schmatt Empire and the Kwan Empire.

After hundreds of years of peace, the end was declared, and the time has come for a great gust of blood to rage between the two empires.


Merlin’s cheeks swelled up.

Then, in the end, there was a whistling sound and a murmur broke out.

“Oh, I’m going crazy. How long do I have to watch this?”

He was full of anger, but there was no one to listen to his murmur.

After waking up for a while, Kainos fell back to sleep, and Siri was wandering around to see what was so exciting.

The only thing Merlin could do in this damn space was to look at Mars’ memories.

Of course, that was for a day or two, and there was nothing more painful than seeing Mars’ love affair on a fictional day.

‘How the hell has it been?’

He could not feel the passage of time in his memory vault.

Only Mars’ memories flowed, and Merlin’s physiology stopped.

appetite, sleep, and urge to defecate.

Since everything had stopped, he did not know how much time had passed.

As Merlin grabbed her head and moaned, the background of his memory changed.

“How about this?”


“Can’t you just look at me and tell me?”

A woman in a dress looking round and round.

And even Mars, who watches over such a woman.

Merlin’s annoyance skyrocketed at the act of the two falling in love.

“Oh, I really want to hit one if I can.”

A conversation about love between lovers.


That’s not bad.

But only once or twice!

What would you do if the background of your memory changed like this every time?

The greasy and greasy conversation that is so creepy doesn’t change!

As he continued to watch such acts of affection, his eyes and ears were going to rot.


Merlin sighed heavily.

As he looked at Mars’ memories for the past hour, Merlin could feel deeply that he really loved the Last Dragon.

“Actually, it must have been a riot to save her lover by doing that shit.”

Merlin’s snout bulged out again.

At the same time, the world began to shake.

It was a signal that another memory was being revived.

‘What else are you going to show me this time?’

Merlin, I hope that this time a different memory will spring up.

With him, the surroundings became dark.

“Huh? Where are you?”

Merlin’s eyes lit up with curiosity.

Most of Mars’ memories were of the pure white temple and what was happening around it.

But this time it was different.


Darkness of red and black engulfed all directions, and thunder that seemed deafening rained down.

Every time a light flashed in the dark, a storm of intense interference raged.

Among them, there was one son and one daughter, and one being.

One son and one daughter were Mars and the last dragon, and they were united to fight against something.



At the last dragon’s call, Mars chanted.

At the same time, a huge pillar of light began to form on the sword Mars lifted.

In the meantime, light also surged from the last dragon, who was dealing with an entity that seemed to have gathered darkness.

And in the blink of an eye, a silver dragon with a body size of well over 100 meters appeared.


Soon, light particles began to condense in front of the silver dragon’s snout.

The condensed light particles grew into spheres with a diameter of 10 m.

A mutter escaped from Merlin’s mouth, who was watching this.

‘Is that… Breath?’

The breath of a dragon that is only handed down as a legend.

An eerie voice came from the black being who saw this.

“It’s petty.”

As soon as the words were finished, the sphere of light made by the dragon glowed and emitted a huge beam of light.

And at the same time, Mars’ Light Pillar took on the form of a perfect sword.

Wielding it, Mars exclaimed.

“Get out of your dimension!”

Attacks with enormous interference from both left and right were directed towards the black being.

Still, the black existence felt a sense of leeway.

In an instantaneous situation, he lightly raised his hands.

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