Zeng- Zeng-

Characters that seem to come out of an egg within the barrier.

Those were things Merlin knew well.


The truth that fell into the world with Mars.

As it shattered, its strength weakened, and it had to find a place to hide.

A place to replenish the power that has been damaged for a long time.

What the fragments of truth chose were the high-density mana aggregates.

A lump of mana artificially gathered by humans.

In Mana Heart.


‘That was it. That’s why the mana circle didn’t have the awakening period!’

Magic and Mana Circle are a kind of test that Hersia created and spread to manage the gate of truth.

Knowing this fact, the truth would have filtered the mana circle and recognized only mana hearts as pure mana aggregates in nature.

Fragments of truth built a nest only in Mana Heart, and the wizards were ignored and culled.

It’s been a thousand years since the first awakening period appeared.

The fragment of the truth, which had been accumulating power for a long time, was awakened by the one who knew all the truth and took shape.

oh oh-

In the midst of a storm of great interference, the awakened truth is raging.


Mars slowly raised his sword.

Shipped (2)

Shipped (2)


As soon as Mars finished speaking, lights burst out from all over the Marx Empire’s system.

A device that Mars had been preparing for a thousand years to manipulate the interference force.

Fragments of truth floating around Mars soared into the sky on his body.

The truth soars into the sky like a huge tower.

A whirlwind of truth raged around Mars, and Merlin could not control himself in the storm of interference caused by it.

He was barely able to take a seat after barely protecting his body with interference.

However, he literally only protected himself, and had no means to go through that storm of interference and stop Mars.

If he tried to break through the storm of interference as it is, he was the one who would break down into pieces.


Merlin clenched his teeth and looked at Mars.

In the eyes of the typhoon, Mars looked so calm.

No, she seemed rather overjoyed.

huge amount of interference.

This is clearly the power and power to exert a great influence on the world.


‘You can only resurrect the last dragon like this?’

Whatever it was, it was unreasonable.

Obviously, it is true that the interference that has spread on the earth is great, but I thought that it would be impossible to resurrect the last dragon to this extent.

It is not creating a normal living thing, it is an existence of the past.

It is also about resurrecting the dead completely.


‘Can he really handle this kind of interference?’

Resurrecting the dead will never be easy.

Even Merlin had some sense because he could handle interference.

It is a task that is several times more difficult to reproduce the same life forms from the past than to create life.

Also, what he wants is not to just recreate the last dragon.

What Mars wants is probably Hersia itself.

She will be the perfect girl.

For that to happen, the door of truth was essential.

At that moment, a thought crossed Merlin’s mind.

“The gate of truth…?”

Merlin’s eyes widened.

He came up with a hypothesis.

“Would it be that child?!”

The enormous amount of interference of the truths scattered around them.

However, it is not enough to resurrect Hersia.

In such a situation, Mars has only one choice.

“Are you trying to forcefully open the door of truth?!”

It was not enough to resurrect Hersia, but it was enough interference to forcefully open the door of her truth that could resurrect her.

“That crazy bastard!”

You have to stop the guy.

If Mars forcibly opens the door of truth, Hersia will surely be able to resurrect.

However, there was no guarantee that the gates of truth would remain intact.

“Damn it!”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But the storm of interference was too strong.

There wasn’t much Merlin could do in this situation.

If there is one hope, it is…


Merlin called for Kainos eagerly.

The god of time passed.

If he woke up and put the time back at least a day before, he could solve all the problems at once.

However, Kainos did not wake up despite Merlin’s mourning call.

‘Damn it! By the way, when did this bastard show up calling me!’

Kainos is always asleep because there is no time given.

The moment he appears is only a momentary awakening.

In the end, Merlin, who failed to wake Kainos, had to think of another way.

Meanwhile, starting with Mars, the space began to warp.


The interference force began to break through the dimension.

It was obvious where the destination was.


The sky shattered and fell like glass shattered by the truth that climbed up on Mars.

A space called the sky fell and a black dimension was seen in it.

As the truth continued to break the sky, the black dimension gradually expanded, and a huge door was finally revealed in it.

‘That bastard… Really?!’

Mars managed to penetrate the dimension and reach the truth.

And his journey had just begun.


The interfering force that constantly rushed into the revealed black dimension reached the door of truth.

That play-

between door and door.

It dug into a tightly closed gap.

Because of the tightly closed door, the interference could not easily penetrate.

Nevertheless, the interference continued to attack the door.

As if against this, Moon also seemed to hold on somehow…


The door slowly opened with a strange sound.

The gate of truth that lost a lot of power because of the loss of the truth it had been under attack by Mars in the past.

The door of truth finally opened a gap in the attack that started from the outside.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Mars burst out laughing.

How long he waited for this moment.

“more! more! Open!”

The interference force that shook the atmosphere and Mars’s cry.

Merlin watched this and muttered.


Even from a distance, it could be seen at a glance.

The madness that filled Mars’ eyes.

Was it the power of such madness?


Finally, the door of truth was opened wide.

Forced open door.

I kept trying to close the door to see if the door of truth was still rebelling, but I was caught by the interference controlled by Mars and had no choice.

Mars’s interference penetrating through the open door.

Cheol-kong- jig-gik-

The door of truth trembled with the sound of something framing.

Merlin saw this.

‘Are you by force… operating the door of truth?!’

How is that possible?

Didn’t you need magic to use the gate of truth?

As soon as that thought came to mind, Merlin was able to make an assumption.

‘Is it… Hercia?’

Mars and Hersia have been together for eons.

They were the only ones who could rely on each other.

In such a situation, if it were Hersia, he might have taught Mars how to operate the door just in case.

‘right. That’s all.’

If Mars had not known how to use the door of truth in the first place, he would not have asked to open it from the old days.

because it can be used.

Because there is a way to resurrect Hersia through the gate of truth.

Mars must have longed for the door of truth.

Even while Merlin inferred the situation, Mars’ forced manipulation continued.


As the rebellious door of truth was forcibly manipulated, fragments of truth kept falling from within it.

Even though he knew it would break the door of truth, Mars did not stop his forced manipulation.

And finally.


A heavy sound came from the door of truth.

And something started to happen.


An immense amount of interference that goes beyond the dimension.

It amounted to several times the amount of interference that Mars had gathered in the human world.


Merlin, who had been barely maintaining the new model, was pushed back over and over again.

‘You get caught up in this way!’

If you get caught up in it like this, you won’t even be able to find the bones.

He couldn’t face such an absurd death.

The moment I struggled and endured.


Light has descended on the world.

A great light that will overturn heaven and earth,

If another sun rises, would this kind of light happen?

At this, Merlin’s eyes closed automatically.

after a while.


The storm of interference that had been raging like crazy had disappeared.

At the same time, the light faded, and Merlin opened her eyes.

With his back to the light that still remained in the world, a huge body appeared.

huge dragon.

It was a silver dragon that reached almost 100 meters in size alone.

The dragon, resurrected from the pure white light, slowly descended toward the ground.

After trembling like that, Mars finally achieved his goal.

Merlin stared blankly at the overwhelming presence of the dragon’s roots.

‘That’s… the last dragon, Dragon Lord Hersia.’

He had already seen Hersia in the past in Mars’s memory warehouse, but the appearance of her that she had witnessed in person had a tremendous presence.


Mars wept as she watched Hersia approaching him.

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