As soon as the door was opened, the cold wind rushed towards her face, which made Ling Mu'er shiver.

The little Princess Chaoyang huddled herself in a warm fox fur cloak. She clapped her hands and pulled Ling Muer out.

"Although it was a bit cold at the beginning, it will be much better after you get used to it. This princess will not be overwhelmed by this difficulty in the wind and rain!"

Ling Muer looked at the sunny girl in front of her. She is really sunny and looks so charming. If you don't show those fangs and claws, it's actually quite cute. After all, he was just a child spoiled by his family. As long as she doesn't make trouble for her, she is still not so stingy.

"Chaoyang." Ling Muer figured it out, and didn't reject her anymore. "Where are you taking me?"

The little Princess Chaoyang noticed the change in her address, and her smile became more sincere. She looks beautiful, but her usual savage appearance weakens her beauty.

"You'll know right away." Princess Chaoyang led her through one yard after another. Just when Ling Muer was about to freeze into a popsicle, they finally stopped. At this time, there were several men sitting opposite them. They were sitting in the gazebo, grilling meat around a grill.

"Chaoyang." Su Ce didn't sit there, but sat beside him drinking wine. There is no grill in front of him, just the usual dishes. "Why did you bring Mu'er here? This is not a place for female relatives to stay."

"Brother is the most stingy. What does it matter if I take Mu'er out for a walk? Her brother is here! Is it Brother Ling?" The young Princess Chaoyang blushed and looked at Ling Zixuan bewilderedly.

Ling Zixuan frowned when he saw the little Princess Chaoyang, and smiled when he saw Ling Muer.

The little Princess Chaoyang suddenly felt wronged. She knew that Ling Zixuan had no image at all, but he didn't have to hate her so much, did he? Nor did she do anything to harm their family. Why is he unmoved no matter how much she does these days?

"Let's go! Don't disturb them." Ling Muer saw Ling Zixuan, Zhu Qi, and Shangguan Shaochen in the crowd.

Shangguan Shaochen's expression is unpredictable now, he can't tell what he is thinking. But she had a premonition that if she stayed here, Shangguan Shaochen's narrow-mindedness would cause trouble again.

"Since you're here, sit down for a while! I'll let them set up a grill for you alone." Su Ce looked at Ling Mu'er tenderly.

Everyone noticed the change in Su Ce's expression, and looked at Ling Muer's eyes from admiration to respect. After all, not everyone has the courage to compete with Su Ce for women like Shangguan Shaochen. Su Ce's emotional change towards her clearly made everyone understand something. So everyone didn't dare to look around anymore, they only dared to appreciate the scenery in front of them.

"Okay then, let's call Brother Ling over too!" The little Princess Chaoyang looked at Ling Zixuan who was in the crowd.

Su Ce sighed softly. It's really a big girl who doesn't want to stay. What happened today was obviously that Chaoyang took advantage of Ling Muer. Chaoyang likes Ling Zixuan, and he just knew it not too long ago. After all, he had been away for a few months, and he didn't pay attention to his sister's movements. Therefore, when he learned of this incident, he was no less shocked than others.

"Brother Ling, Brother Zhu, Mu'er is your sister and junior sister. You are not outsiders, so let's go together!" Su Ce said to Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi.

Of course Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi had no objections. They didn't want Ling Muer and Su Ce to get too close.

Ling Zixuan looked at Shangguan Shaochen who was not far away, and said to Shangguan Shaochen: "Speaking of which, Mu'er is brother Shangguan's righteous sister, why don't you come along?"

Shangguan Shaochen is also extremely out of gregarious. So many people toasted him just now, he really doesn't drink at all. He is like a lone wolf, no one can get into his eyes except what he cares about. From now until now, he only talked to Ling Zixuan, not even giving Su Ce any face. Now that they heard what Ling Zixuan said, they knew that Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer still had such a relationship. No wonder he was willing to give Ling Zixuan face. However, what special ability does a woman who can live as the righteous sister of Hades have?

Everyone was a little more curious about Ling Muer. Although they dare not look at her blatantly, some people always look at her out of the corner of their eyes.

Shangguan Shaochen was bored at first, when he heard Ling Zixuan say this, although he didn't respond to him, the thighs that came over had already answered his decision.

On the other small table, Ling Zixuan, Zhu Qi, Shangguan Shaochen, Su Ce, and Ling Muer who just joined, and the little Princess Chaoyang were sitting around the table.

The servants tactfully set up the grill, added wine cups, and delivered delicious pastries.

Others only felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle. One of the men dressed as a scholar said to Su Ce: "Little Prince, Brother Wang and the others are composing poems in the front yard. We are curious and want to see them, so we have to leave first."

"Go!" Su Ce said lightly, "If you need anything, you can ask the housekeeper. You're welcome."

"Yes." After the scholar finished speaking, he bowed again.

There were more than a dozen people sitting around the grill just now, and they all disappeared in the blink of an eye. Now there are only a few people left at their table.

The little Princess Chaoyang could only see Ling Zixuan. Seeing Ling Zixuan gently pouring tea for Ling Muer, the little Princess Chaoyang's eyes turned red.

Although Ling Mu'er is Ling Zixuan's younger sister, the little Princess Chaoyang still feels uncomfortable. She looked at Ling Zixuan sadly, as if Ling Zixuan was a heartless man.

Ling Zixuan frowned helplessly as he looked at the appearance of the little Princess Chaoyang. He also poured her a cup of tea.

"Thank you." The little Princess Chaoyang thanked happily.

Ling Muer glanced at Ling Zixuan in surprise.

Could it be that she guessed wrong? In fact, Ling Zixuan also has feelings for Chaoyang? Otherwise, why did he show his favor to her?

"Brother." Ling Muer asked Ling Zixuan silently.

Ling Zixuan blushed and looked away. And his appearance made Ling Muer feel even worse.

broken! This is obviously the appearance of love at the beginning. It turned out that the little Princess Chaoyang was not alone in her unrequited love, her brother had already been taken down by this girl.

But when did this happen? Did she not know what happened between them?

Su Ce also discovered the situation between the two of them. He took a sip of the wine and filled it up for Shangguan Shaochen next to him. As for the others, although he didn't pour the wine, he handed the wine cup to Chaoyang, which obviously meant to let Chaoyang serve him. Chaoyang wished to serve Ling Zixuan, so that he could get closer to him.

The little Princess Chaoyang walked to Ling Zixuan's side and poured him wine carefully. While pouring the wine, she stared at Ling Zixuan in front of her with dazed eyes.

Ling Muer opened her mouth, but finally said nothing. It was because Shangguan Shaochen held her palm from below, and his rough hand rubbed against the back of her hand.

Su Ce noticed the movements of the two, and his eyes sank. He smiled lightly and said: "I heard that Her Royal Highness wants to be a son-in-law. Your Excellency Shangguan is the first choice."

Ling Muer moved her fingers, and grabbed Shangguan Shaochen firmly. Shangguan Shaochen felt that this girl's imprint was left on his palm.

He glanced at Ling Muer, and said to Su Ce: "Master Su is really well informed. Does Master Su know who mentioned me in front of the emperor?"

"How does this county king know?" Su Ce chuckled, "Perhaps it's because Mr. Shangguan is too outstanding, and Her Royal Highness the Princess himself has taken a liking to it!"

"There is such a jade tree-like figure as Mr. Su in the world, and the princess is thinking about it. How could she fall in love with a man from another family? Does Mr. Su not believe in his own charm?" Shangguan Shaochen looked at Su Ce indifferently.

"There are tens of thousands of men in the world, each with their own advantages. No matter how narcissistic Su is, he won't think that all women should admire me. Aren't there a group of women in the capital who want you to marry? Miss Ling should Understand a little bit! After all, you often travel to various mansions and know the thoughts of those ladies." Su Ce looked at her.

The little Princess Chaoyang looked at this and then at that. She decided to roast her own meat and forget about the rest. She really doesn't understand the world of men.

Well, she just needs to understand Ling Zixuan's world alone.

In fact, her brother was right in saying something. There are tens of thousands of men in the world, and each has his own advantages. It is impossible for all women to like a character like brother. Anyway, she didn't like her brother at all. In her opinion, brother is too difficult to control. Or Ling Zixuan. Ling Zixuan is simple and straightforward, if you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it. He will not be hypocritical, let alone deceive her.

It's just that this man has a hurdle in his heart. Every time she felt close to him, he quickly pushed her away again. She really didn't understand what he was trying to do.

If he didn't like her, why did he come forward to beat them away last time when she was bullied by rascals and hurt himself? If you like her, why seeing her is like avoiding the plague. Even if she took the initiative to show her favor, he didn't have any intention of being tempted.

Zhu Qi should be the most embarrassing one. Ling Zixuan is still entangled with a young Princess Chaoyang. Ling Muer was caught between two men again. He seemed to have only the wine and food in front of him to entertain him. So he was the only one who could eat and drink. When he ate all the barbecued meat, Ling Muer became angry.

"Brother Zhu!" Ling Muer glared at Zhu Qi. "You ate it all."

Zhu Qi blinked. Now Zhu Qi has a pair of very bright eyes. Looking at those eyes, even if you are angry again, you have to calm down.

Ling Mu'er knew that Zhu Qi was attacking her with his eyes again. It's like this every time, as long as he shows an innocent expression, she can only surrender.

"Forget it. You guys bring some more barbecue over here. Brother Zhu can't eat venison anymore. You haven't married a wife, so why eat so much venison?" Ling Muer said this in the name of a doctor, completely forgetting Besides, she is still a woman. On the opposite side, the little Princess Chaoyang blushed with shame, but she still looked innocent and pure.

Shangguan Shaochen really wanted to pry the little guy's head open to see what was inside. Why can she say such imaginative things with such pure words? He was sure that all the men present were wrong. Even he was a little dumbfounded.

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