Ling Mu'er leaned on the bed, her mind was full of scenes of Shangguan Shaochen being jealous and asking for a kiss. She burst out laughing, patted her hot cheeks, and turned over from the bed.

Such days seem to be the same as before, but also seem to be fundamentally different. She just felt that her heart was filled. No matter how busy or tired I am, my heart is warm when I think of him. It's not like before, when I'm tired, I just fall on the bed, and then I don't think about anything until I'm rested and repeat yesterday.

"Girl..." Shang Zhi saw Ling Muer's face full of peach blossoms, and smiled at Jiang Xiang next to him.

Everyone in the house knew that Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were lovers. Originally, they thought that Shangguan Shaochen was not good enough for their girl, but seeing that the girl was living so happily, they changed their mind. Looking at Shangguan Shaochen now, except for those ugly faces, he is pretty good in other aspects.

They don't like Shangguan Shaochen, not because he is not handsome. In this day and age, the appearance of a man is not important. What really matters is their character. Shangguan Shaochen always had a straight face, and the children on the street would be scared to cry when they saw him. They were worried that Ling Mu'er would be bullied by him!

After this period of observation, Shangguan Shaochen doted on Ling Muer. Although he was still honest with others, it was completely different for Ling Muer. This realization makes them understand that worrying these days is unnecessary. Now people big and small in the mansion respect Shangguan Shaochen.

"I'm on a doctor's visit today, and you can go to the clinic for a consultation later. If you find something that can't be cured, let me see it tomorrow. You can solve those minor ailments and pains by yourself." Ling Mu'er said to the two of them.

"Miss, are you asking the two of us to sit in the clinic? I'm afraid it's inappropriate for us to look like a half bucket of water?" Jiang Xiang hesitated.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Ling Muer said while combing her hair, "You just do what I tell you. I have confidence in your medical skills."

"Then... the girl trusts us, and we can't disappoint the girl's trust." Shang Zhi smiled softly: "Just listen to the girl! We can't be the girl's assistant for the rest of our lives. What the girl needs is never an assistant, but an assistant." Someone who can share the responsibility with her."

"Okay. Let's listen to the girl." Jiang Xiang always obeyed Shang Zhi's orders. She does what Shang Zhi says.

Ling Muer looked at the woman in the mirror. A woman nourished by love is always tender and soft. Did Shangguan Shaochen propose to her yesterday?

snort! She wouldn't believe a drunk man! Unless...he asked again today.

Ling Muer carried the medicine box and got into the carriage. There was no special mark on the carriage of the Ling family, but Ling Muer hung two bells on the front of the carriage. People in the city often saw their carriage, so they could recognize it as hers. As soon as the Ling family's carriage was dispatched, the people around would spread out to both sides.

"Get out of the way!" came a loud voice from the front. "The Seventh Prince is here."

The coachman shouted outside: "Girl, something is wrong with our horse today, and now we can't control it at all."

Ling Muer lifted the curtain. I saw a horse rushing from the front. The man on the horse has a vigorous figure and looks so neat.

She only felt that figure was very familiar, and before she could see it clearly, the immediately person rushed over. But now that the Ling family's horse was frightened, it was even more difficult to control.

" jump out of the car!" the coachman shouted in horror from outside. "There is no other way now."

Ling Muer looked around. Today is market day, and the streets are full of pedestrians. If she jumped out of the car, the horse lost control and would definitely hurt the pedestrians nearby.

"Driver, head to the remote place ahead. Isn't there a dead end there? Drive there, there are few people there." Ling Muer calmly directed.

" this juncture, I'm still thinking of others." The coachman wanted to cry but had no tears. "The old slave admires you, and the old slave will protect the girl even if he dies."

Seeing this chaotic scene, the people on the street ran away in panic. Someone recognized that it was the Ling family's carriage, and also saw Ling Mu'er.

"Isn't that the Immortal Doctor? Her horse is frightened. Everyone hurry up and save her!" Someone exclaimed, "Is there anyone to save our Immortal Doctor girl?"

At this time, the person rushing towards them flew into the air, and then jumped towards the Ling family's carriage not far away.

When the coachman saw the man falling from the sky, his old face was full of doubts. In doubt, he was taken out of the carriage by the big man who descended from the sky, and then another figure appeared, sat in the driver's position just now, and controlled the carriage.

"Don't panic, I won't let anything happen to you." A deep voice came from outside.

Ling Muer heard the voice and opened the curtain again. She only saw a figure from the back, but this figure also reassured her a lot.

The carriage shook violently. Ling Mu'er was dizzy in the carriage. She held on to the pole next to her so tightly that she didn't throw herself out.

boom! The carriage crashed into a nearby dead-end alley. The carriage shattered, the horse screamed miserably, and Ling Mu'er was carried by the man and flew up, landing on the eaves.

Ling Muer's heart was violently frightened. She looked at the fallen horse. The horse's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was extremely painful. Judging by her appearance, she should be sick. She pulled the man next to her and said, "Take me down! Maybe it can be saved."

"It almost hurt you. You can't have such a beast." The man, Zhou Qiyan who met again, said displeasedly. "You always value other people's lives more than anything else. Is the life of a beast more important than yours?"

"I'm sensible. Don't make me look like a fool, okay?" Ling Muer stabbed him instinctively. Seeing him displeased, she sneered: "I know you care about me. Thank you for your concern. It's just that it didn't intend to hurt me, but it was sick and couldn't control itself. Didn't you lose control when you were sick?"

"You..." Zhou Qiyan had a half-smile. "Compare me to a horse?"

Ling Mu'er blinked, looking like I don't know what you're talking about.

Zhou Qiyan didn't really care about her either. He looked at her and saw that she was not injured, so he took her off the ground.

Ling Muer ran up to the horse, first looked at its eyelids, and then checked other places. She frowned when she touched its belly.

"It looks like I'm really sick. I don't know what I ate in my stomach, and it's swollen like this." Ling Muer ordered: "Bring me my medicine box."

The big man who rescued the coachman just now turned ugly when he heard Ling Muer's words. Ling Muer ordered Zhou Qiyan, which was unbelievable in the eyes of that big man. There are women in the world who yell at their master, but the master still doesn't care. Who is this woman?

When the big man was shocked, Zhou Qiyan had already returned with the medicine box. He skillfully opened the medicine box and took out the contents, with a very skilled look. This scene stunned the big man.

"Silver needle." Zhou Qiyan handed the silver needle to Ling Muer.

Seeing Ling Mu'er took it, after she finished the needle, she handed out other tools. The two cooperated tacitly, as if they had known each other for thousands of years.

A noble man in luxurious clothes, and a girl in pink clothes, both of them are very handsome. This scene is like the legendary golden boy and jade girl.

"Isn't this Miss Yixian? Miss Yixian is so kind to her horses. She is the kindest girl in the world." An old lady sighed.

The person next to him said angrily: "Now is not the time to pay attention to this. Don't you wonder who the young master next to you is? It is said that the medical fairy girl has a sweetheart! Didn't it mean that she has a close relationship with the commander of the Imperial Guard? But This young man doesn't look like an ordinary person either. Could it be that he is an admirer of the medical fairy girl?"

Zhou Qiyan's hearing is excellent. Those conversations came to his ears.

He looked at the elegant girl in front of him, a deep look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't ask her who that man was. He had just arrived in the capital and hadn't established a solid foundation yet, so it was inconvenient to know too much. He can always find out later.

"Okay." Ling Muer saw that the horse was breathing steadily. "Just wait for it to rest for a while."

"Where are you going now? I'll see you off." Zhou Qiyan looked at her softly.

"Actually, it's not far away, so you don't need to deliver it. Do you still have something to do? Let's talk when you have time." Ling Muer picked up the medicine box and stood up.

Zhou Qiyan watched Ling Muer's figure disappear. The big man beside him reminded: "Master, your identity should not be known by too many people."

"I know." Zhou Qiyan said indifferently: "Where is the Seventh Prince? He has caused such a big problem, why didn't he even ask a question?"

"The seventh prince should have already entered the palace! These royal relatives have always been like this. In their eyes, human life is worthless at all." The big man sneered.

"Since the seventh prince doesn't care about human life so much, let's give him a big gift! I hope he will always maintain this style." Zhou Qiyan said coldly: "I will let him understand that those things he thinks are A humble life is much more valuable than that prince's life."

The big man dared not say anything more. He could see that his master was really angry, and the consequences were very serious.

All this, someone can see clearly.

The man stood in front of the window of the restaurant, watching Ling Mu'er from the initial distress to the subsequent rescue. At that time, he almost shot several times, but finally held back.

"Your Majesty, this Miss Ling really went out to meet a nobleman. If it wasn't for this person he met, I'm afraid she would have lost her skin if she didn't die." The middle-aged man standing behind the person was dressed as a military adviser. . "The Seventh Prince returns to Beijing. It seems that the court is about to change again. Has the county palace made a decision? Mrs. Su should want the county prince to stand on the side of the East Palace, right? She is also the biological mother of the prince. The prince occupies a word of "di."

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