Just when everyone was chatting, the housekeeper brought in an old nun. The old nanny's sharp eyes looked around, and her gaze stayed on Ling Mu'er.

Ling Muer didn't recognize this person. However, looking at that whole body style, it is not difficult to guess which big family it belongs to. She went to the old woman.

The old mammy took out a black sign from her pocket. The pattern on the brand is particularly complicated, like the family emblem of a certain family.

Ling Muer looked at the token in the old mother's hand, and nodded slightly to her: "My mother, wait a moment, I'll go pick up the medicine box."

Yang's least know how to deal with such a person. Seeing that serious old nanny, Yang really didn't want to say hello. Yet she is the mistress of the house. Even if she couldn't change her cowardly and timid temperament, she still had to deal with all kinds of people for Ling Mu'er.

Seeing Yang's fearful look, Shangguan Shaochen stood up first and walked towards the old woman. Shangguan Shaochen said to the old mama: "Mommy has walked all the way, let's drink some tea first! It will take some time for my little sister to pack the medicine box, so I can't let mammy stand here and wait."

The old mother always looked down on the members of the Ling family. She had heard of it. There is only one girl in the Ling family who is a little capable, and the rest are all mud legs. But look at the man in front of him is very imposing, he doesn't seem to be from a farming family. Could this be the eldest brother of the Ling family who was favored by the little princess?

Thinking of this, the old mammy sat down. Looking at the layout of the Ling family, it is unexpectedly elegant everywhere, not like a nouveau riche. It seems that the outside world's evaluation of the Ling family is still somewhat distorted. This information must be told to the master, so that the master will not be induced by the rumors outside and do things that are not good for him at that time.

Ling Muer didn't keep the old nanny waiting long. Before the old mama finished her cup of tea, she came out with the medicine box.

The old mother looked at Ling Mu'er carrying the medicine box herself, raised her eyebrows and said, "Miss, don't you ask a medicine boy to accompany you? Without a medicine boy, a maid is fine."

Ling Mu'er glanced at the old mama lightly, with unquestionable majesty in her eyes: "I always do things my own way, and I do whatever I decide."

It means that you talk too much.

The old nanny has followed the nobleman since she was a child, and was later left by the nobleman to her granddaughter. Although he is a slave, he is a slave who loses face. He has never been contradicted like this in the mansion! With her status, even an ordinary rich family has to give her face. Ling Mu'er's rudeness made the old mother angry. However, such anger did not dare to show. It's just because the old mama saw a powerful and terrifying aura in Ling Muer's body.

"What the girl said is true. Since the girl is ready, let's go! Don't keep the master waiting too long." The angry old mother held back her breath.

She thought to herself that the master still needs her now. When she is useless, or if she can't cure the master's illness, then we'll see how she dies.

Ling Muer went to the palace in the carriage brought by the old mother. good! It is the palace. The token that the old mother is holding is the family token of the princess's natal family. The princess is doing things outside, so it is impossible to use the badge of the East Palace to show off there. Her natal family is her backer. No one said anything about what she did in the name of her natal family.

East Palace. Sitting on the soft couch, the princess looked like a boneless cat, lazy and confused.

Ling Mu'er knelt there for a long time, but the princess did not wake her up. Ling Muer, who was kneeling there, was a little displeased. Does this woman want to see a doctor, or is she trying to put on airs? If it's the latter, then she is not easy to mess with. At that time, she must not cry and beg her. She has a lot of ways to deal with a woman who is powerless.

The princess yawned and woke up leisurely. Seeing Ling Muer on the ground, she pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah, how can I make Miss Ling kneel? Get up!"

Ling Muer struggled to get up. Now her whole body is stiff, as if she doesn't belong to her. She ignored the pretending Crown Princess, but said to the nanny next to her: "The phoenix body of the Crown Princess is very precious. I am afraid that I cannot pick up the needle in my current state. Even if I try to pick up the needle, I am afraid it is easy to get the wrong needle." Place. It’s not convenient to see a doctor today, when the princess wakes up from her afternoon nap, send someone to call me! Now I’m going back first.”

The Crown Princess looked at Ling Muer in astonishment. Her eyes sank, and she said coldly: "Are you blaming me for making you kneel just now?"

"What did the princess say? Isn't it right for me, a little commoner daughter, to kneel to the current princess? But as a doctor, I can't let my patients take risks. What I said just now is the truth. The princess Look at my hands..." Ling Muer raised her trembling arm. "Are you relieved to let me pierce?"

The crown princess frowned: "Bengong asked a few maids to rub your shoulders for you to relax. You can rest here for a while before treating Bengong."

Ling Muer frowned. Apparently she was pondering the possibility of doing so. In the end, he nodded reluctantly: "That's okay! I'm a little hungry."

"Come here, ask the imperial dining room to bring some snacks." The princess said through gritted teeth.

The old nanny next to her looked at Ling Mu'er with weird eyes. This little girl is going to kill herself? What good does it do her to offend the princess? So what if she was wronged a little? The princess did not do anything to her. But now that he has offended the princess, it will be hard to say in the future.

Ling Mu'er is not an idiot, what the old mama thought in her heart, doesn't she know? Of course she knew there was no benefit in offending the princess. However, if the Crown Princess troubles her, will she be patient? What good was patience to her? Besides, she is the princess now, and she will be a prisoner in the future. What is she afraid of?

The maid of the crown princess moved very quickly. It didn't take long for five or six kinds of dim sum to be served. Ling Mu'er felt the close care of the concubine's maid, ate delicious snacks, and drank strong fragrant tea. She almost thought that she was the master of the East Palace.

"Okay." Just when the princess was about to burst out, she knew how to stop. Just at this time, she was also full of food and drink, and also appreciated the change of the princess's face from cloudy to lightning and thunderous. "His Royal Highness, lie down first! Let me give you a comprehensive examination."

The princess is lying on the bed. Ling Muer asked all the nuns and maids to wait outside. She explained to them that she didn't want anyone to disturb her consultation.

All the nuns and maids withdrew after obtaining the consent of the crown princess. Not long after, a sharp scream came from inside. That voice was very embarrassing.

"Mommy, is the Crown Princess okay? Shall we go in and take a look?" the maid next to the Crown Princess said nervously.

"We can't go in without your mother's permission. Didn't you hear your mother's order just now?" The old mother gritted her teeth and said with a dark face, "Don't worry. If that girl dares to play tricks, she can't even get out of this door. She is smart People know what to do and what not to do."

The ladies of the court looked at each other. In the end, the remaining prestige of the princess made them dare not act rashly. They knew better than anyone else how much the princess valued her body. This time is the last hope of the princess. If something goes wrong in the middle and they are blamed, then their lives will not be spared.

However, the voices were very miserable, each higher than the other, and lasted for a long time. Every time they wanted to rush in, they thought of the words of the Crown Princess that they could not go in without instructions to disturb them, so they had to stop. After going on like this for half an hour, the voice inside finally stopped.

In fact, Ling Muer tormented the princess in the room to the point of her last breath. It wasn't that she didn't want the nuns and maids to come in to save her, but she simply didn't have the opportunity and strength to let them in. Every time she was about to speak, Ling Muer's fingers started to move, and then her body seemed to be about to explode.

At this time, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and she also looked like she was dripping with cold sweat. The eyes she stared at Ling Mu'er became erratic, not as majestic as usual, but as if she was acting like a baby. Cough, if Ling Muer was a man, there might be some kind of misunderstanding. It's a pity that she is not good at this.

"If I let Bengong know that you are playing tricks on Bengong, you and your family's heads won't be needed." The princess threatened weakly.

Ling Mu'er glanced at the Crown Princess indifferently: "If the Crown Princess doesn't believe in my medical skills, then the little girl won't have to treat the Crown Princess anymore. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for the Crown Princess to chop off my head. After all, I But the immortal doctor loved by the people, if I die, my brother-in-law, that is, the commander of the imperial guards next to the emperor, will be the presiding judge for me. The emperor has always been suspicious. If you make a big mistake, the position of the prince is still Can you keep it?"

"You... are really confident." The princess glared at her angrily. "If you didn't deliberately play tricks on Ben Gong, what did you do just now? Could it be that you were really treating Ben Gong? I don't know medical skills, but I also know that there are no healing methods like this."

"I am correcting the shape of the princess. The bone shape of the princess is not suitable for pregnancy. After the correction just now, even if there are ten or eight children, there will be no problem." Ling Muer withdrew her hand lightly. "I have already diagnosed you. After this period of recuperation, the residual poison in your body is almost cleared. The root cause of the disease left by the saffron is also cleared. But if you drink such a cup of saffron again, even a god can't cure it You, the Crown Princess, don't make too many enemies in this palace."

The princess' face turned black. She drank saffron as soon as she entered the palace, which not only made her infertile, but also made her appearance age rapidly. The prince has always liked good colors. Originally, her appearance was only above average, not to mention that her current appearance was not comparable to those of his concubines at all. He hasn't been to Zhonggong for a long time.

"If there is no other order, the daughter of the people will leave the palace." Seeing the gloomy expression on the princess's face, Ling Muer wondered what she was thinking again.

"Wait a minute." The Crown Princess grabbed Ling Muer. Her nails were very sharp, and such a scratch left long bloodstains on her delicate skin. The blood beads flowed out like this, and everyone's heart was caught by the sight.

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