"Auntie's disease is a herniated lumbar disc caused by compression of the nerves. I will give you an acupuncture later..." Before the word 'relieved' could be finished, a group of people suddenly rushed in from the medical clinic. He was dressed in a yellow brocade robe, and a golden jade pendant was tied around his waistband, with two characters written on it—Prince.

"Come on, take this girl down!"

The prince waved his long arm and gave an order, and the Imperial Forest Army behind him immediately rushed over and surrounded Ling Muer.

At the end of winter, the elderly people occasionally felt unwell. Today, many people gathered in the medical hall. When they saw someone bullying their medical fairy girl, a few strong men rushed forward immediately, "You are not allowed to bully the medical fairy girl!" girl!"

"Oh, you are just a doctor, but you are so loved by the common people. I underestimated you." The prince sneered, waved his hand, and signaled the imperial army to retreat first.

The so-called, the world of the people who win the hearts of the people, if he came here in a mighty way today, if he really captured the fairy doctor girl they supported in front of these people, it would be very detrimental to his enthronement in the future.

"Ling Mu'er? Do you know why I came to arrest you?" The crown prince half-closed his eyes, and slanted his thin lips, looking at her vaguely, as if interested.

Rumor has it that the prince is moderate, but now he looks a little more fierce.

"Minnv really doesn't know what His Highness the Crown Prince is here for." Ling Mu'er's voice was calm and calm, without any fear.

"Hmph, my Highness was assassinated yesterday. My people clearly saw that assassin sneaked into your Ling residence and never left. If you didn't hide the assassin, tell me, where is that man?"

The prince took a few steps forward, drew closer to Ling Mu'er, bent down and stared at her face carefully, as if wanting to frighten her with his powerful oppressive force.

It's a pity that Ling Mu'er had already taken precautions, "I really don't know what His Highness the Crown Prince said. There are no assassins in my Ling residence. If you don't believe me, His Highness the Crown Prince can send someone to investigate."

She stood in front of the prince, with her hands on her waist, neither humble nor overbearing, calm and composed. If an ordinary woman saw the ferocious face of the prince, she would have been frightened. This woman is quite bold.

"You know if there are any hidden assassins, Ling Muer, this prince doesn't have much time to deal with you, you should know that those who oppose this prince will not end well!" The prince scolded, his deep eyes were full of murderous intent, The outstretched hand seemed to break her neck at any time.

Her majestic prince is under one person and above ten thousand people, so it is nothing to kill someone casually. If this woman continues to be arrogant, he will definitely let her know what a toast is and does not eat fine wine.

"Prince, you can't scare our medical fairy girl like this. The girl is the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, and she is a good person with a kind heart." One of the people couldn't see it, and protected Ling Mu'er behind him, like protecting his own daughter. .

"That's right, Your Royal Highness, Miss Yixian is just a weak woman, how could she be so bold as to hide an assassin in her own right? I'm afraid you have found the wrong person and the wrong place." If there is the first supporter, there will naturally be a second one. After that, many people stood up one after another, as if as long as his people rushed over, they would fight for their lives.

"Could it be true that the prince saw it with his own eyes?" The prince was enraged by the crowd, "Come here, pull these stupid people away, and take Ling Mu'er away for me."

"Stop!" No matter how many people there are, they are not as many as the imperial army, and no matter how brute force they are, they are not as strong as the imperial army. Ling Muer was afraid that the innocent people would be hurt, so she opened her mouth and angrily said, "His Royal Highness, you are going to force the girl to confess. I said that if there is no secret possession, then there is nothing, but if you forcefully believe that I have hidden evil intentions, then I have nothing to say!"

Ling Mu'er wanted to use public opinion to suppress the crown prince. If she was so determined at the moment, if the crown prince took her away by force, she would be an indiscriminate and powerless girl.

"What are you still doing in a daze, take him away!" The prince was impatient, not caring about the pressure of public opinion, thinking that as long as he was taken away, this delicate skin and tender flesh would plead guilty if he couldn't stand the criminal law, even if his father blamed him at that time There is nothing to say.

"You can take me away, but I advise everyone to think clearly, I am the fiancée of Shangguan Shaochen, the commander of the imperial guards."

Ling Muer didn't resist, but just showed her identity with an extremely heroic voice,

She clearly remembered that when she said the name Shangguan Shaochen to the Seventh Prince in Yushengju that day, the former was obviously stunned.

If Brother Yi is really just an ordinary commander of the imperial guards, how can the dignified prince be shocked by him, which is enough to prove that Brother Yi is extraordinary.

But what she didn't expect was that His Royal Highness didn't know Shangguan Shaochen's other identity.

"Ha, hahaha, I said little girl, are you out of fright, Your Highness is a dignified prince, yet you suppress me with a small imperial guard?" The prince sneered as if he had heard a big joke.

No wonder everyone said that the prince is moderate, and what he said was true.

The dignified prince doesn't know as much as the seventh prince, what does this mean? It means that he is not reused at all above the court, which is really sad.

"It's ridiculous that His Highness the Crown Prince is right, there are some things that even His Highness the Crown Prince doesn't know about, so let's pretend I didn't say what I just said."

One sentence aroused the prince's curiosity.

The prince took a step forward and grabbed her jaw unceremoniously, gritted his teeth and said, "Bitch, what did you mean by what you said just now? Tell me the prince clearly!"

When Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang hurried over after dealing with the pharmacy, they saw their daughter was threatened by someone, and they both knelt in front of the prince, "Our girl is innocent, please forgive me, Your Highness."

Seeing that Ling Mu'er was beaten to death without saying that she was not afraid of anything, the impatient prince let go of her jaw. Just when everyone thought he was about to leave, he suddenly pulled out the guard's sword behind him and put it on Jiang Xiang's neck. "If you don't go with the prince today, I will kill these two people. You'd better think it through before answering."

Jiang Xiang was timid, and it was the first time in her life that she encountered such a scene, and she cried instantly, "No, girl, the girl is just me."

Ling Mu'er's nervous heart instantly rose to her throat, and she looked around from the corner of her eye, thinking about the chances of winning.

Su Ce arrived in time when the Imperial Forest Army rushed to the Ling Mansion yesterday, but today the prince suddenly came, maybe she would not be so lucky.

There were about fifteen people present, if she threw away the drug and took Shangzhi and Jiangxiang away, what would happen to the people around? Wouldn't it be true that she absconded in fear of crime in disguise?

"The crown prince will give you time to think about three counts, one... two... three."

Just as the last number of the prince fell, and the sword in his hand was about to stab Jiangxiang, a hidden weapon flew towards him in the distance, and the saber was knocked down to the ground with a bang, and His Royal Highness, who was shocked by his internal strength, took a few steps back.

The prince looked back in disbelief, and roared with all his strength, "Who is this prince, get out!"

A gust of strong wind blew by, and a figure spun from far to near, lightly tapped its toes, and landed lightly in front of Ling Muer.

This was the first time she had seen Yibro with such skill.

Seeing this strong and familiar figure from the back, Ling Muer seemed to have grasped the last straw, her heart hanging in her throat finally fell down: "Brother?"

Shangguan Shaochen didn't answer, just nodded slightly to her.

Looking at the prince again, although he clasped his fists and spoke politely, he did not salute. "I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but I don't know what His Royal Highness wants to arrest my fiancée?"

Shangguan Shaochen's voice was cold and his aura was icy, and the air-conditioning around him was enough to make people shy away.

The prince sneered, "Ha, Shangguan Shaochen, you can see clearly that I am the prince." The implication is that you, a small commander of the imperial guards, are against me, and you are not afraid of losing your head.

But Shangguan Shaochen didn't take him seriously, "Humble job eyes are very good, naturally I know that you are His Royal Highness, but His Highness can recognize this."

Not much nonsense, Shangguan Shaochen took out a token from his waist, held it in his palm handsomely and handed it to the prince.

The emperor admires this token, seeing this token is like meeting the emperor in person.

Seeing this, all the imperial guards behind him knelt down and shouted long live the emperor, but the corner of the prince's mouth twitched violently, his facial features were hideous, "You, how could you have this?"

He has always known that his father had a gold medal to avoid death, but he never thought that it was given to Shangguan Shaochen. What kind of ability does this person have to gain his father's trust?

No wonder that bitch Ling Mu'er threatened Shangguan Shaochen just now. Could it be that there is really some secret in it that he doesn't know?

"Shangguan Shaochen, do you know that your woman hides criminals, and this crown prince wants to arrest and bring them to justice. If you are interested, get out of the way!"

Not only did Shangguan Shaochen not give in, but he waved Ling Mu'er into his arms, "My fiancée is powerless, so it is impossible to do what the prince said. I am afraid that the prince has found the wrong person. Please investigate the prince carefully." After finishing the sentence, he made a gesture of please, which means, you have found the wrong person, and you can leave now.

"Do you believe that the prince went to impeach you in front of the emperor, and you didn't know how you died?" The prince has never suffered such humiliation in his life, and he actually lost to a commander of the imperial guards? No, that's impossible!

"The crown prince is one person under ten thousand people. What he wants to do is a lowly position that cannot be governed. But Ling Mu'er is my fiancee. If the emperor finds out that the prince forced a weak woman, the emperor will not easily forgive him. Please think again, the prince. .”

"How dare you press my father against me?" The prince was anxious, and picked up the sword on the ground again and pointed it at his face.

Not only did Shangguan Shaochen not dodge, but he even took a few steps forward, pinched the tip of the sword with two fingers and moved it up and down to his chest, "If your highness wants the life of a lowly official, you can take it away at any time, but your highness knows What is the use of this token in the humble hand?"

The emperor's gold medal for avoiding death has the right to cut first and play later. Anyone and anything.

And the commander of the imperial guards is superb in martial arts, even if the tip of the sword is pointed at his heart, as long as he wants to resist, he will be unscathed, and on the contrary, he can be killed by a single blow.

The crown prince stared fiercely ahead, keeping Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Mu'er in mind, he swung the saber in his hand, and inserted it precisely on the column behind him, "Let this crown prince wait and see!"

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