Who in the palace doesn't know that Shangguan Shaochen is a celebrity in front of the emperor, his words are better than others' words.

I heard that once it was the empress who made him unhappy, Shangguan Shaochen turned around and sued the emperor, and the empress was banned for a month.

At that time, this incident spread to all corners of the palace. Everyone wondered what drug Shangguan Shaochen gave the emperor to make him trust a commander of the imperial guards so much, but the fact is that the emperor trusted and valued him very much. He is more responsive to his requests.

How could the Imperial Forest Army dare to offend such a powerful Shangguan Shaochen, and they didn't find any stolen goods, so they had to leave in despair.

"Trash!" The empress yelled angrily, as if she had exhausted most of her strength in her slap, the slender and sharp fingertips cut his face instantly.

The Imperial Forest Army, who was in charge of going out to arrest people, knelt down and pleaded guilty while covering his face, "It's my subordinates who are incompetent, please forgive me, empress."

"You can't even catch a little girl. Tell me, what's the use of raising you in the palace?" The queen sat back on the phoenix couch, leaned forward with one hand on her knee, and looked at the girl sent forward. The other group said, "But after careful investigation, is it true?"

It turned out that it was a young eunuch who was disguised as a martial artist. His sharp voice was like a duck's tongue, "Returning to the empress, the slaves have investigated several banks in the capital and surrounding areas, but they have not found those bank notes."

"Oh, that's really strange. She doesn't have any on her body, nor does a restaurant, nor does a bank. If she didn't spend it, would it be possible to throw it away?" The queen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Five thousand taels, she didn't believe that a girl from the countryside would be so generous. But if she had spent it, the royal banknote would definitely be discovered by others. Could it be that Ling Muer has some kind of secret base?

"Forget it, send me a few people to keep an eye on her, and tell Ai Jia immediately if there is any extraordinary behavior."

"Yes, ma'am."

In the Ling Mansion, the Imperial Forest Army left, and everyone began to tidy up again. The yard that had been rummaged by those rough men was even more messy than when they moved in. Yang wept while tidying up, "Who did we, Muer, offend? The family was tossed like this by them, hey."

Yang shook her head and sighed, no matter how much Ling Muer comforted her, she felt depressed.

"Mu'er, mother loves you so much, you have been wronged for something you obviously haven't done, and if the news gets out, the neighbors may not know how to treat us."

Ling Mu'er hurriedly hugged her arm, "Mother, I already said it was a misunderstanding, now it's good to explain it clearly, don't you think Mu'er is standing in front of you well?"

"Isn't it because of you Chen boy, if he didn't come here in time today, if you were really caught by those people?" Yang didn't dare to think about it at all. I heard that once you enter the prison, the living will be tortured to death, let alone The girl is still a weak girl.

Yang suddenly thought of something and hurriedly stopped cleaning the room, "Mu'er, why don't we go back, even if we don't go back to Lingjia Village to go to the county seat, the capital is too big, it's really not suitable for an honest family like us, mother really I'm worried about you."

"No, I won't go back." Ling Mu'er was firm, "Although the capital city is complicated, we managed to gain a firm foothold. If we go back now, I won't be reconciled."

"But we are powerless, what should we do if we are bullied again? Boy Chen works for the emperor, and there are always times when he is not in the capital. If something really happens to you, how will you let your parents live?" Yang cried. With tears and snot, a heart was broken into eight petals.

Lin Zixuan, who was about to come to help outside the door, heard the conversation between the two, and his body became stiff when he stood there, and his hand holding the door frame was also clenched into a fist.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly rushed into the room, grabbed Ling Muer's hand and left, "Muer, I have something to tell you,"

She had never seen Ling Zixuan so out of control, his pace was so fast that she had to trot all the way to keep up, his wrist was hurting from his pinch, and his face was even more cold and serious.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Why are you so angry? If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Leaving mother's yard and coming to the wall, there was no one around, Ling Mu'er immediately shook off his hand, "It's not you, brother, if it's because of today's incident, don't worry, I will take care of it. "

"How do you solve it?" Ling Zixuan asked, "The teacher told me that the current queen is a weird person, and today the person questioned that you stole the queen's things. Why did she target you and slander you?" You? Mu'er, I know you are protected by Boy Chen, but that is the queen after all!"

Ling Zixuan closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes filled with anger.

Today, he and his teacher were working hard on possible exam questions for this year's scientific examination, but suddenly a group of people rushed in and detained everyone in the family, even the teacher's family, saying that they would be sent to prison.

The empress is the mother of the dynasty, if she really intends to deal with Mu'er, there will be a second time if she fails this time.

"Mu'er, mother is right. If our family is powerful, we won't be bullied at will. Even if those people want to attack you, they will think twice before doing so." Ling Zixuan's eyes were firm, as if he had made up his mind at this moment What resolves the same.

Ling Muer looked at him with complicated eyes, "Brother, what's wrong with you, and what do you want to do?"

For some reason she was flustered.

"I am your elder brother and the son of the Ling family. The burden of carrying the heavy responsibility of the Ling family belongs to me. Mu'er, I have worked hard for you in the past two years. Leave the rest to me."

Ling Zixuan stroked her hair gently, and when Ling Muer didn't turn around, he turned and left.

Ling Mu'er had never seen Ling Zixuan like this before, he seemed to be carrying a heavy burden, which was about to overwhelm him.

The elder brother wants to protect the younger sister, so it is natural for the younger sister to be happy, but at this time, even if Ling Zixuan is also one of the sons of the capital, so what? Could it be...

Ling Muer thought of something, immediately caught up with Ling Zixuan, grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her, "Brother, what are you doing? If you don't make it clear today, I won't let you go."

"Mu'er, listen to me. I'm an elder brother. You've done enough for the Ling family. Now it's time for me to take up the Ling family. I want to protect you." Ling Zixuan grabbed her by the shoulder and said in a very special way. serious.

Ling Mu'er was very happy in her heart. She has obtained all the warmth that she didn't have in her previous life. She really felt that she was very lucky, but Ling Zixuan is an excellent, and even more talented, man. He shouldn't delay herself because of a little thing.

"How do you want to help? Sacrifice your own future? I'm the first to say no!"

Seeing his sister's resolute attitude, Ling Zixuan's handsome face was really helpless, "Mu'er, don't you understand? Even if you are a famous medical fairy, you are not enough to compete with the rich and powerful. Mother is right, if we are powerful, those people will weigh the consequences even if they want to bully us. I just want you to be safe and my parents to be safe, so I can do whatever I want."

Ling Muer's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little dull and painful.

Just a few days ago, this self-respecting elder brother had rejected that person's kindness, saying that he wanted to prove his ability by himself as the champion in high school, but he changed his mind in just a few days, just to take up the responsibility of his elder brother?

No, there's no need, with Ling Mu'er here, there is no need for her brother to sacrifice.

"Then you listen well brother, I said that you don't need to sacrifice, but you don't need it. You just feel free to do what you want to do, and you should think about why you studied with Mr. Zhu in the first place? Why did you have to take the imperial examination? As for the Ling family, everything is up to me."

Without giving Ling Zixuan any more time to think about it, Ling Muer threatened him very seriously before leaving, "If you dare to do something you don't want to do, I will never have you as my brother again in this life."

After appeasing everyone, Ling Muer went to the Prince's Mansion the next day. Originally thought that the princess would be very angry, but after seeing her this time, she changed her normal attitude and became polite instead.

"I've heard that the Imperial Forest Army's riots in the Ling Mansion should be cleaned up. Anyway, I'm not a day or two away, so I won't be here for a while." Not only was the princess not angry at her being late, but He also smiled and asked the maid to prepare tea for her.

Although she didn't know what was going on in this woman's mind, Ling Mu'er stood up and blessed her, "Minnv thanked the Crown Princess for her understanding, please rest assured, I will take care of your body and not let you down .”

As she said that, she felt her pulse again, and she didn't see the viciousness flashing in the princess' eyes at all.

"The saffron poison in the empress's body has been completely cleaned up, but her body is still partly cold. Next, I will give you acupuncture and moxibustion, and I will prescribe some prescriptions for you. There will be good news within a month."

The princess was overjoyed when she heard this, "Really? Didn't you say it will take half a year?"

This was simply the best news she had heard recently. The Crown Princess was overjoyed and just wanted the servant girl to stop, but unfortunately the other party had already moved in front of Ling Muer.

Ling Mu'er stood up, the maid bent down, the distance between the two was close, a cup of hot tea accidentally fell down.

But even if she dodged and almost didn't burn her skin, the clothes on her chest were all soaked.

Seeing this, the maid immediately knelt on the ground, "I beg the girl to make amends, I, I didn't do it on purpose." She immediately looked at the princess again, and said what she had thought up in advance, "Madam, this servant just wants to give the girl a cup of hot tea to warm you up. Warm up, I didn't expect the girl to get up suddenly, please forgive me."

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to get angry, but seeing that the servant girl was about to cry out of fear, and the words of blame got stuck in her throat, but it was the Crown Princess who slapped her, making the maidservant blushed halfway, "You poor maidservant! But the doctor in charge of this Palace, don’t you have eyes when you send me some tea?”

Looking at Ling Mu'er again, the Crown Princess's face was full of apology, "It's me, this servant who is blind, which made your clothes drenched. It's so cold that you should be careful to cool yourself down. How about this? How many new clothes do you have that you haven't worn, Miss Ling, why don't you dislike them?"

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