After returning to the county palace, Su Ce went straight to his father's study. His whole body was filled with anger, his hands were twitching, and he was looking for something carefully.

Finally, in a vase bestowed by the emperor, I found the scroll that my father used to look at when he was young.

The picture scroll was opened, and on it was a woman with a peach blossom face. This woman is dressed in pale green, holding a white crabapple flower in her hand, and is lowering her head to smell the fragrance. With a clever smile, it can be seen that she is a stunning beauty.

Su Ce's eyes were dark and cautious, and he grasped the scroll with all his strength, wanting to tear it apart.

"What are you doing!" A sudden shout came from the door.

Su Ce looked back, at this moment, his father and mother were standing opposite each other arm in arm, loving as usual.

What Ling Mu'er said, 'The injuries to the body and eyes are all man-made' was still circling in his mind. Thinking of this, Su Ce's eyes were full of hatred.

That's right, the woman in this painting is exactly the same as the Aunt Mo I saw today. If he guessed correctly, she was the woman my mother forced to kill with death back then!


Su Ce didn't answer, but threw the scroll aside indignantly, intending to walk around their bodies and leave.

Su Ce is arrogant and stubborn. He has always encountered unpleasant things since he was a child. It is this picture that he is not afraid of anything, and no one can see the moment.

"Stop." Seeing his son being so rude, the king of the county was displeased, "Since you're back, let's have a good talk with Weifu. , You actually stated to the emperor that you will not marry the prime minister's mansion, do you know what you have done? It is simply ill-considered."

It's fine if you don't come back, but when you come back, you just point your nose and scold, Su Ce's original anger is now even more furious.

"My own marriage is my own decision. What kind of girl I want to marry is also my business. Lan Qianying is not worthy of being my concubine. If I want to refuse, I will refuse. It is useless for you to say anything."

Anyone could see that he was holding back and didn't vent.

The princess of the county rushed forward and grabbed his hand, "Ce'er, why are you talking to your father, we are all for your own good."

"The prime minister's status in the court is now at the height of the sky, and we have always supported the prince because of love. If the two parties marry, the cooperation will be more stable, but you affect such a big thing for your own selfish desires. What about your wisdom in the past? Where has Guojue gone!" The county king was furious.

"Forget it, I'll just pretend that nothing happened before. Tomorrow I will enter the palace and ask the emperor for orders, and I will formally marry you two. Remember that you are in the Hou family, and your lifelong happiness starts from the moment you were born. I can't help you."

The fire in Su Ce's stomach was finally ignited. He shook off his concubine mother's hand, strode up to the county king, raised his head, and sparks flew when his eyes met.

"Why should you take my happiness as the price for your affairs? It is your decision to support the prince. Although I am in the Hou family, do I have to marry the prime minister's mansion? Oh, if you want to marry that Lan Qianying, you can marry me." alright?"

Returning to the previous rebellious playboy appearance, the county king was in a hurry and raised his hand to beat him down, but his wife stopped him immediately. "Master, this is Ce'er, what are you going to do?"

"If I don't teach him a lesson today, it will make him even more lawless, and he will no longer be able to control him in the future." Although he said this, the county king's hand did not really hit him.

The concubine of the county sighed, she knew that it was hard enough to be soft, and she didn't intend to let go of the arm holding the prince, "Okay, why are you so angry with the child, what can't you say well?"

When a woman acts coquettishly, it softens the heart of a man, no matter how hard-hearted he is.

The county king looked at his beautiful wife in his arms for decades, fondled her long hair, and looked at Su Ce again, he became dignified again, "Who said that the marriage of the Hou family is not happy, look at it." Your mother and concubine and I have been loving each other for so many years, is there anything wrong? That Lan Qianying is the number one talented woman in the capital, isn't she worthy of you?"

Su Ce sneered, "Is it true love? Are you really living happily? Have you all forgotten the wrong things you did?"

With a question that was louder than a loud one, Su Ce's face was cold, his eyes were gleam, and every word and every word seemed to poke at a painful spot.

The king of the county was startled, looked at the calligraphy and painting he had just dropped on the desk again, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Look at your attitude? Okay, you are not convinced, right? I was still discussing with you before, so Now I tell you, Lan Qianying, you have to marry!"

The princess of the county realized that the situation was not good, and walked slowly to Su Ce with a trembling body, "Ce'er, don't get angry with your father, we are doing this for your own good. You see, your father and I were political Marriage, although we didn't like each other at first, but the running-in of time has made us cherish each other even more. Lan Qianying is a dignified and virtuous girl who knows the general situation, I believe she will become your best helper."

Su Ce stood still, his anger turned into a sneer, and he looked at his mother mockingly, "Oh, is that so? Then Ce'er dared to ask mother and concubine, do you remember Mo Niang back then, do you really think she really died?" Yet?"

As soon as these words came out, the two people who had remained calm just now were like a bolt from the blue.

The princess of the county is even more staggered for a few days.

"You, what do you mean by that?" She pointed her trembling index finger at Su Ce's face, then shook her head hurriedly. "No, it's impossible. That person has been away for many years. I have personally seen her body. Could it be..."

Not knowing what she was thinking of, the princess of the county immediately looked back at her husband, her eyes were complicated, she wanted to say something but hesitated.

The county king didn't dare to look into his wife's eyes at all. His eyes were evasive when he was brought up to the events of 20 years ago, and finally vented his anger on Su Ce, "You bastard, you're talking nonsense!"

"Yes, just treat me as nonsense, so look at your current appearance, the love you usually have is just pretending, right?" Su Ce's smile became more bleak, and his heart was even more sad. How could he be so hypocritical? parents?

"So when you got married back then, it was just for the sake of power. This kind of forced marriage is not happy, and it is not what I want."

Flicking his sleeves, Su Ce strode away, leaving the two people in the room looking at each other resentfully.

Ling Mu'er came out of the clinic and was about to go to the restaurant. There were not many patients today, so she simply gave Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang a holiday. The capital is so big, so she should go and have a look.

On the way, I always felt that there was someone following behind me all the time. Ling Muer stood there and looked back, but there were only ordinary people. She continued to walk, and that shadow seemed to follow her again. She curled her lips and stopped at a rouge powder shop. In front of the shop, he casually picked up a small bronze mirror as if he was playing with it. It looked like he was looking at the mirror, but he was actually looking at the picture in the mirror.

The other party was a thief, and realized her intentions and immediately hid it, but Ling Muer still caught him turning around.

"Girl, let me tell you whether you want to buy it or not. If you don't buy it, don't delay our business."

The stall boy couldn't get used to this kind of people who just looked at it but didn't sell it, so Ling Muer simply threw down a tael of silver, put the bronze mirror in her arms, and it would be nice to give it to her mother when she went back.

She walked forward swaggeringly, sometimes speeding up her pace, sometimes deliberately slowing down her pace, stopping and stopping until she reached the fork in front of her. When she was walking straight, she suddenly turned right when no one was paying attention. It was a remote alley with few people. .

Ling Mu'er took out a wooden stick from the space when she was unaware, and hid in the corner secretly. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. She took out the bronze mirror and stretched it out. Sure enough, she saw a figure looking for something furtively. Immediately walking behind the man, he was about to hit him with a stick.

"it's me!"

The man realized that the danger was behind him, and at the moment when the stick came down, he turned around and firmly grasped the stick with his wrist.

It seemed to be a familiar voice, and Ling Muer could see clearly that the one standing in front of her was actually Su Ce.

I saw that he changed from his previous white clothes to a black robe with a half mask on his face, "The king of the little county is pretending to be cool."

"Have a drink with me." His voice was deep, and he didn't respond when he was teased. "You owe me."

Ling Muer was about to refuse, but seeing the faint melancholy on his body, she nodded unsteadily.

The two didn't go to the Ling's restaurant, but went to the lake in the western suburbs with two jars of wine.

The western suburbs at night are so beautiful, sometimes there are boats passing by, and sometimes there are men and women on appointments, Ling Muer quietly sits beside Su Ce, watching him take one sip after another, she can't get drunk no matter what.

"Su Ce, are you alright?" Su Ce was gloomy and terrifying today, a look Ling Muer had never seen before.

I still remember the first time I saw him, his face was pale and he was dying, and after waking up, his whole life was alive but like a monster, making people unpredictable.

Now she seems to have experienced so much despair that one can't help but want to give her a hug.

"Have you ever experienced despair?"

Some wine slipped from the corners of her and his mouths, Su Ce wiped it off with the back of his hand indifferently, and finally threw the empty altar he had just drank to the opposite bank.

"When we were in Lingjia Village, our family didn't have a drop of water for three days and three nights. At that time, I didn't even have a pair of shoes that fit my feet. I was about to freeze to death, and I was about to starve to death. Does that count as despair?"

Ling Muer's voice was faint, and her gaze seemed to return to the past.

Heh, if she hadn't been reborn and came to this world, where would there be a fairy doctor girl, and where would she still be Ling Mu'er? This is not despair.

Su Ce looked at her in disbelief. He did investigate her after he became interested in her, but he didn't know it so carefully. He thought that she would be very sad after saying such things, but her eyes turned to The future is full of fantasy.

"But I am not afraid. I know that there is no unparalleled road. If God closes a door for me, he will definitely open a window for me. So I just need to work hard to do what I want to do and have a clear conscience. You Looking at me now, can you imagine that I used to be a skinny, dark and dark ghost who didn't wear warm clothes and was hungry?"

Ling Mu'er succeeded. In Yang's words, her change was a complete change, but Su Ce knew that she was not showing off to him.

With a wave of his big hand, regardless of whether she agrees or not, he insisted on holding her in his arms, "Just for a while, let me hug you for a while, thank you Ling Muer."

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